Društvo stezosledcev / Pathfinder Club Slovenia

National Network

Njegoševa 15
1000 Ljubljana

00386 41 476 910
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Društvo stezosledcev / Pathfinder Club Slovenia is a national organisation of pathfinders in Slovenia. It is a part of many networks with aim to futher connect to organisations and individuals in achieving common goals. Društvo stezosledcev / Pathfinder Club Slovenia is a youth organisation, with local clubs in many Slovenian cities that provides activities for children in youth in varios fields with aim to provide opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team and community spirit, involvement of local community (intergenerational cooperation). It was officially registered in 2003, although activities were implemented for decades prior to formal registration.
Mission and Objectives

The Pathfinder Club is centered in the physical-mental-spiritual tripod, which develops activities to meet the needs and interests of children and adolescents. Much of the Pathfinder Club program is built around physical activities. According to the philosophy of the club activities involving action, adventure, challenge and group activities provide opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team and community spirit, which yet according to philosophy of the program, part of the tripod of citizenship and loyalty that preaches respect for God, His creation, and His church.
While the Pathfinder Club exists primarily for the youth, one of its primary purposes is to also meet parents and local community through an active involvement with the club. The purpose of this involvement is correct (or suppress) the gap between generations approaching youth and adults to work and have fun together in a bond of common experience.
The whole philosophy Pathfinder is built on the premise that juveniles and children learn best by example, instead of the precepts. The way they see the leaders and parental values is used as a spiritual and social role model. With this is expected to develop high moral principles, attitudes of love, care and determination, these startling in all the activities. The educational philosophy of the club, also emphasized that youth learn more effectively in a positive, happy and secure atmosphere.

Main Projects / Activities

- regular meetings of local clubs in different cities in Slovenia
- international cooperations
- trainings for youth on national and international level
- at least two summer camps (children and youth) yearly
- regular meetings of youth workers, leaders of local clubs
- community involvement
- organisation and participation in sport, culture, arts, health programmes and activties on local, national and international level
- Non-formal education of youth in local area
- global education / intercultural education workshops for youth workers and children, youth
- awareness raising events
- humanitarian actions
- sustainable developlopment goals - raising awareness, promoting, activities on personal, local and national level

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pathfinder Club Slovenia is keen to be a part of the ALF Network, with aim to find synergies with other members, especially those who work in the field of youth, global education, intercultural citizenship education, arts, culture ...
Being a part of established and renowed network such as ALF will enable us to futher connect with other organisations from the region. As a youth organisation we also want so connect to similar organisations in order to implement joined activites. This way we can work together to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
And lastly, it would show our children and youth a practical way of how we can work and connect with organisations in the region to jointly persue common goals.
Pathfinder Club Slovenia wants to be part of the ALF network with the aim of finding synergies with other members, especially those working in the field of youth, global education, intercultural civic education, arts, culture ...
As part of an established and renamed network, such as the ALF, we can continue to connect with other organizations in the region. As a youth organization, we also want to connect with similar organizations in order to carry out joint activities. In this way we can work together to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
Finally, we would show our children and adolescents a practial way of how we can work and connect with organizations in the region to follow together our common goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nataša Kostanjevec
Head of the organisation
Andrej Zelenko

club tafawouk

National Network


Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
 Democracy and community development  International/Cultural relations Youth and education sport
Mission and Objectives

Youth and education sport

Main Projects / Activities

Youth and education sport

Contact (1) Full Name
benmiloud mustapha
Head of the organisation
benmiloud mustapha


National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Kansainvälinen solidaarisuustyö ry (International Solidarity Work)

National Network

Lintulahdenkatu 10, 2 krs.
00500 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Kansainvälinen solidaarisuustyö (International Solidarity Work) has usually 10 board members and 0-1 paid staff members. Our budget is roughly between 4000e and 40 000e per year. The main source of funding is project funding, we apply to various project funding possibilities every year. The general funding comes from individual donations, the amount being approximately 2000e per year. We are an umbrella NGO with five NGO members, mainly organisations interested in development cooperation, solidarity economy and Western Sahara. We have no annual membership fee nor individual members. Our main actions are focused on development issues, development cooperation, solidarity economy and in the recent years Western Sahara. In the recent years we have had a development communication project focusing on global inequality, and within that organized discussions and seminars and published material. This project was funded by the foundation for consumer cooperative activity, KOT-säätiö. We have also had a development cooperation project in 2015-2016 in Western Sahara, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main partners are similar NGO's in Finland and our contacts in Western Sahara.

Mission and Objectives

Our purpose is to: - Support peace and peaceful development, peoples right for self-governance and societal development. - Promote international solidarity, justice and equality. - Support the development and realisation of a more solidar international economic system. - Promote the knowlegde about solidarity work and global south . - Promote peace education.

Main Projects / Activities

Ongoing activities: - Participating in the discussion about the development movement in Finland. - Monitoring the situation of Western Sahara and organizing activities related to the issue. - Informing our individual donors about our activities four times per year. Annual activities: - Participating in the World Willage Festival in Helsinki. - Participating in the Pax Peace Festival in Helsinki. - Participating in the activiest during the Western Sahara Independence Day. - Participating in the General Assembly of Kepa NGO platform and Finnish Refugee Council. Recent or ongoing projects: - Building the Western Saharan Society of Tomorrow (2015-2016) - Global Inequality (2017-2018) - Hosting cultural activist from Western Sahara during the Finnish Social Forum (2018) - Solidarity Trip to Western Sahara (2018)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

KV-Solid’s main themes are working for Western Sahara, promoting new forms of economy, and changing development politics. One of our upcoming project applications is in global education. We have doors open for co-operation in these fields, and also have an existing co-operation companions in Western Sahara.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look forward to meeting and discussing with other members of the network. Our goal in the network is to have a mutual project with other member(s) of the network. We want to promote its’ goals and values in our way. We look for networking while getting new perspectives and possible support.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valtteri Harakka
Job Title
Member of the Board
Head of the organisation
Valtteri Harakka

EuroMed Youth Federation

National Network

schulstrasse 11 c/o Hlayel
13507 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
It’s a non-profit organization based in Berlin, Germany, seeking to create "network of networks" for cooperation in all Euro-Mediterranean countries. It was established by youth initiatives, NGOs, workers and activists who are working in the field of youth empowerment and sustainable development.
Mission and Objectives

To foster Euro-Mediterranean culture, the sense of belonging, commitment to dialogue and mutual understanding.
To establish a common network of networks by bringing together youth initiatives, NGOs, workers and activists of the Euro-Mediterranean space in order to cooperate and overcome the obstacles that prevent building common understanding, promoting the coexistence and interconnection of Euro-Mediterranean cultures.
1. Providing a helping hand to youth in conflict areas around the Euro-Med space.
2. Facilitating the empowerment and capacity building of youth in partnership with youth workers and NGOs from all over the world.
3. Organizing and managing cultural, artistic and social activities (conferences, exhibitions, festivals, competitions) addressing humanitarian issues.
4. Developing projects which aim to serve and support the development of societies, societal understanding, cooperation -local and international- and intercultural dialogue.
5. Publishing newsletters, magazines, educational media and newspapers.
6. Designing training courses and establishing a university or specialized department in the field of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, peace and dialogue between cultures.
7. Supporting youth’s programs, activities and projects across the world.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The project of "Made in EuroMed", www.madeineuromed.eu
The project strategy is designed to achieve development in the Euro-Mediterranean area, decreasing unemployment, illegal immigration, conflicts, etc., making a better future for people. For this, the focus is both on individuals and institutions (companies and partners). Individuals animated by the desire to build up a career will discover the benefits of voluntary work by being in touch with future employers from different countries, having the possibility to apply for internships or jobs. Companies will be able to access by one click suppliers and potential customers, benefit of social market campaigns and use the social label on their products. Partners like Civil Society organizations, Youth Initiatives and NGOs will find the necessary support (qualified human resources, tools to find new partners) to face social, cultural and economic challenges. The tools used to promote our project are main web portal, social media networks, social campaigns and mobile application.
Moreover, We are active with Erasmus program that promote non-formal education and organizing activities as a coordinator and as a partner as well with our EuroMed partners. And our board members are members of the Cultural Innovators Network, Goethe Institut, July 2012 till now http://culturalinnovatorsnetwork.org/ 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The world is becoming increasingly diverse and includes people of many religions, languages, economic groups, and other cultural groups. It is becoming clear that in order to build communities that are successful at improving conditions, resolving problems and refugees' integration in their new hosting communities as example in Europe, we need to understand and appreciate many cultures to face stereotypes, establish relationships with people from cultures other than our own, and build strong alliances with different cultural groups.
We will bring non-mainstream groups into the center of civic activity. Why? In order to build communities that are powerful enough to attain significant change, we need large numbers of people working together. If cultural groups join forces, they will be more effective in reaching common goals in the EuroMed area, than if each group operates in isolation. And we will bring our experience, efforts, contacts to network with other ALF's members to create common projects and achieve the foundation objects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our organisation’s aims is to equip the leaders of the tomorrow’s world with the basic knowledge and practical skills for being active citizens to make positive changes in their communities.
We have run a series of activities in which we promoted dialogue between cultures, building common understanding and promoting the coexistence. Being a member of Anna Lindh foundation will expand our network of contacts, and broaden our knowledge being exposed to different approaches and initiatives related to international solidarity and create partnerships with other ALF's networks' members.
We are willing to share our practical experience in this field and contribute to promote the philosophy of Anna Lindh foundation in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Ahmed Mahmoud
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Ahmed Mahmoud
Contact (2) Full Name
Martin Schwarz
Job Title (2)

dura municipality

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
حضرة الرئيس دورا هي مدينة فلسطينية تقع جنوب غرب مدينة الخليل. تضم دورا أكثر من 35 قرية ومجتمعات ريفية. في دورا العديد من المنظمات والمؤسسات والجمعيات التي تقدم الخدمات للسكان وتهدف إلى تحسين وضعهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي ... إلخ. بلدية دورا هي إحدى المنظمات التي تسعى إلى مساعدة المواطنين في حياتهم. تغطي بلدية دورا العديد من القرى المحيطة وهذا التوسع يزيد عدد الأشخاص الذين يخدمهم أكثر من 100.000 شخص. أنشئت البلدية عام 1967 ولها طموحات مستمرة تخدم جميع أفراد المجتمع (الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن والشباب والمعوقين) ؛ على سبيل المثال ، فإنه يوفر المياه والكهرباء والطرق المعبدة ، حديقة ، ملعب ... الخ لا يستبعد أيضا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من برنامجه. أنشأ أول مركز في الضفة الغربية لهذه المجموعات المهمشة لخدمة ودمجها في المجتمع. نشكركم على جهودكم تجاه فلسطين وعلى الدعم الذي تقدمه حكومتكم في مجال الخدمات في فلسطين. يسرنا أن نعمل معكم من أجل تعميق التعاون معكم وبلديتكم ونأمل في تلقي ردكم في المستقبل القريب. صديقك الصادق ، عمدة دورا
Mission and Objectives

حضرة الرئيس
دورا هي مدينة فلسطينية تقع جنوب غرب مدينة الخليل. تضم دورا أكثر من 35 قرية ومجتمعات ريفية.
في دورا العديد من المنظمات والمؤسسات والجمعيات التي تقدم الخدمات للسكان وتهدف إلى تحسين وضعهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي ... إلخ.
بلدية دورا هي إحدى المنظمات التي تسعى إلى مساعدة المواطنين في حياتهم. تغطي بلدية دورا العديد من القرى المحيطة وهذا التوسع يزيد عدد الأشخاص الذين يخدمهم أكثر من 100.000 شخص.
أنشئت البلدية عام 1967 ولها طموحات مستمرة تخدم جميع أفراد المجتمع (الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن والشباب والمعوقين) ؛ على سبيل المثال ، فإنه يوفر المياه والكهرباء والطرق المعبدة ، حديقة ، ملعب ... الخ لا يستبعد أيضا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من برنامجه. أنشأ أول مركز في الضفة الغربية لهذه المجموعات المهمشة لخدمة ودمجها في المجتمع.
نشكركم على جهودكم تجاه فلسطين وعلى الدعم الذي تقدمه حكومتكم في مجال الخدمات في فلسطين.
يسرنا أن نعمل معكم من أجل تعميق التعاون معكم وبلديتكم ونأمل في تلقي ردكم في المستقبل القريب.
صديقك الصادق ،
عمدة دورا

Main Projects / Activities

حضرة الرئيس
دورا هي مدينة فلسطينية تقع جنوب غرب مدينة الخليل. تضم دورا أكثر من 35 قرية ومجتمعات ريفية.
في دورا العديد من المنظمات والمؤسسات والجمعيات التي تقدم الخدمات للسكان وتهدف إلى تحسين وضعهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي ... إلخ.
بلدية دورا هي إحدى المنظمات التي تسعى إلى مساعدة المواطنين في حياتهم. تغطي بلدية دورا العديد من القرى المحيطة وهذا التوسع يزيد عدد الأشخاص الذين يخدمهم أكثر من 100.000 شخص.
أنشئت البلدية عام 1967 ولها طموحات مستمرة تخدم جميع أفراد المجتمع (الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن والشباب والمعوقين) ؛ على سبيل المثال ، فإنه يوفر المياه والكهرباء والطرق المعبدة ، حديقة ، ملعب ... الخ لا يستبعد أيضا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من برنامجه. أنشأ أول مركز في الضفة الغربية لهذه المجموعات المهمشة لخدمة ودمجها في المجتمع.
نشكركم على جهودكم تجاه فلسطين وعلى الدعم الذي تقدمه حكومتكم في مجال الخدمات في فلسطين.
يسرنا أن نعمل معكم من أجل تعميق التعاون معكم وبلديتكم ونأمل في تلقي ردكم في المستقبل القريب.
صديقك الصادق ،
عمدة دورا

Contact (1) Full Name
mahir M. GAZAZZ
Job Title
Head of the organisation

The Mediterranean Forum For Social Development

National Network

Rue El Baakili Imm 12 App N°4 Agdal /Rabat
10200 rabat

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information

 The Mediterranean Forum For Social development (MFD) is  an organization involved in enhancing youth development in Morocco in areas of Youth Exchange Programs, International Work camps, Democracy and Good Governance, Sustainability, Active Citizenship, Culture, Creativity, Education, Employment, Social Entrepreneurship, Health , environment and Wellbeing Leadership Training, Youth Business, Long and Short term volunteer Placements among other programs .On the other hand MFD has set out among its key objectives the integration of Immigrants living in Morocco to secure a better life for themselves, in partnership with them and with all those who are committed to building a caring society.

Mission and Objectives

Reinforce the voluntary work concept Reinforce the youth leadership concept in our local society Reinforce the civilized connection with the world youths Increase the youths participation in the civic society organization Empower the youths with skills, personal and organizational abilities in the youth field.

Main Projects / Activities

Since it was founded, our association has always worked with young people and potential leaders. Through various theatrical, personal development and sportive events, the association has succeeded in creating important moments of meeting and socialization, in a constructive and stimulating way. Besides the association is involved in the area of the International Mobility Programs actively participating by now for more than 10 projects in different initiatives all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marghich Issame
Head of the organisation
Marghich Issame

Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy

National Network

Foinikis 64, Lofos Skouze
10443 Athens

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, (H.I.C.D.) is a scientific non-governmental organisation, founded in Athens in March 2017, and is the only proponent of Cultural Diplomacy in Greece. Working closely with private and public governmental bodies, academic and scientific organisations both at home and around the world, the Institute has branches in different Greek cities and abroad. Each branch is responsible for the development and delivery of a range of cultural activities, under the guidance of the Athens headquarters. By engaging in research and developing the different fields of Cultural Diplomacy, the HICD aims to shape foreign perceptions of Greece to highlight the unique cultural characteristics of our country. This contributes to strengthens Greece’s bilateral, regional and multilateral diplomatic bonds, improves relations between nations and communicates universal values and principles that only culture can convey.   Sincerely, The President
Mission and Objectives

The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy was founded in 25th March 2017  in Athens, Greece and is the first and only proposer of that idea in Greece. It aims to develop activities related to certain fields of Cultural Diplomacy such as:
• the creation and promotion of Hellenic culture in Greece and abroad.
• the enhancement of the image and public perception of the Cultural Diplomacy’s role
• the education and training of executives serving Cultural Diplomacy in every way.
• the research, documentation and public disclosure of cultural growth matters.
• the support and global promotion of the Hellenic cultural heritage.
• the organisation of conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions and other events, as well as the publication of theses and research projects.
• the collection and protection of historic documents, artefacts or other traces of Hellenic culture.
• the establishment and financial support of the promotion of creators and their works as well as other academic publications, in harmony with the Institute’s objectives.
• the establishment of prize and scholarships awards to persons and groups distinguished by their work in the fields of the Institute.
Some of the activities of the Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy developing include inter alia:
• The creation of the Cultural Diplomacy Archives.
• The publication of academic papers, essays, researches and journals concerning the field of Cultural Diplomacy.
• The cultural documentation.
• The cultural education.
• The research on the structure and the propagation of the Hellenic cultural heritage, focusing on Diplomacy.
• The formation of research committees, working independently or in co-operation with other individuals or legal persons.
• The organisation of conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions and other events, and development of new ways of contact with the intellectual society and its representatives.
The President

Main Projects / Activities

Symposiums on Cultural Diplomacy
Thessaloniki Forum for Intercultural and interfaith dialogue
Seminars on Cultural Diplomacy
Discussion panels on national identity and cultural Diplomacy
Conference on ''Rebetiko'' in Denmark
Museum Diplomacy in Thessaloniki
Cultural Geopolitics in the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have 11.000 members and we would be pleased to promote the network to our academic society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the ALF Network is a very important cultural network and constitutes and incentive for us to participate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peter Dennis Kapsaskis
Job Title
President and Founder
Head of the organisation
Petros Kapsaskis President and Founder

Comune di Gradara

National Network

Via Mancini 23
61012 Gradara

+ 39 0541 823901
Telephone (other)
+ 39 0541 823924
+ 39 0541 964490
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Gradara Municipality has 4,890 inhabitants, with an employed staff of 20 people. Its annual budget is about 10 milion euro per year. Its main sources of founding came from: National resources and local taxes. Gradara is a Municipality and its main goal is to steer the development of its local community from several point of view: social, culture and tourism, city planning, education, fostering entrepreneurship. Gradara's main partners are its citizen's associations, the Ministry of cultural activity and heritage, the nearby municipality.
Mission and Objectives

The Municipality of Gradara has to develop and improve the quality of its citizen's life through promoting its cultural heritage and social policy, helping people who found themselves in social or economic distress in accordance with the central governement.

Main Projects / Activities

The actual Administration is focused in fostering Gradara international partnership connecting the town with other Institutions and associations with similar cultural objectives.
One of the most important aims is to extend the network in the mediterranean area in order to create links, cooperation and mutual knowledge among different countries with different culture and traditions as we think it crucial for future peacefull development process.

Contact (1) Full Name
Federico Mammarella
Job Title
Municipal Councilor
Head of the organisation
Filippo Gasperi
Contact (2) Full Name
Filippo Gasperi
Job Title (2)

Iva Gjurić Smrekar

National Network

Mallinova 7
10000 Zagreb

*385 1 4646428
Mobile Phone
+385 98 385844
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
I was born in 1971 in Zagreb, Croatia. At the moment I volunteer in Fencing club Musketeers on European and local projects and I am responsable for funding: member of European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), mr in European Studies and mr of economy.  Former president of NGO Alumni of French Studies ALES, former member of Supervisory Board of Zagreb Fencing Federation and Disciplinary Comitee at Croatian Fencing Federation. Foremer member of board of Fencing Club Rapir, responsable for web content and social media, european and state funding Experience in drafting projects related to sports and youth. Publications: 2010, Funding of sport in EU, Women entrepreneurship in Europe
Mission and Objectives

My mission is to create positive environment for young athletes in the fencing club and local community thorugh communitng with european partners and counties form mediterranean basin.
I would like to explore further links between sport and civil society and civil rights.

Main Projects / Activities

I organized several local activities (Open Days of sport clubs, fencing competitions, local Code Club) in order to create constructive free time activities for children and athletes.
In a fencing club where I volunteer at the moment I am rensponsable for local and european fuding. We submitted 2 project proposals uner Erasmus+ Sportthis year . At local level I try to create activities for our memebers and for the local community that point out universal values of sport, support of gender equality and human rights of athletes.
During the Week of Media Literacy in April I organized distribution of brochures for our youngsters, and the club is involved in the European Week of Sustainable Development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I would like to stress  and explore links between civil society and sport. Beside phisicyl dimension sport is a powerful messnager overpassing cultural differences and gender inequality.
Role of civil rights in growth of healty young athletes is very important as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF is a honourable network, where I can find resources, projects and people whith whom I can cooperate and share informations and knowlege.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjurić Smrekar
Head of the organisation
Iva Gjurić Smrekar