DYPALL Network – Developing Youth Participation at Local Level

National Network

Urbanização Jardins de Bemposta. Lote 80 1B
8500-371 Portimão

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
DYPALL is a European network composed by over 30 municipalities and civil society organisations from more than 20 countries that aims to involve young people in decision-making processes at local level. In terms of activities, we organize Study Sessions and Study Visits to explore local practices with regards to youth participation and we hold training courses on the participation of young people, in general, and/or of specific themes (e.g. development of local youth councils, or participation of migrant youth, etc.). Around 3 times per year we apply for funding for new projects at the Erasmus + Programme of the EU (mainly KA1 – trainings and study visits, and KA2 capacity building and dissemination of good practices),at the Europe for Citizens Programme of the EU, and at the European Youth Foundation (e.g. long term training courses and research).
Mission and Objectives

DYPALL Network stands for the creation of effective and sustainable involvement of Youth in decision-making, in cooperation with local authorities, through the development of strategies and the building of structures and relations of mutual trust. We believe that, by creating an effective and sustainable Youth involvement in decision-making and by improving the relationship between Local Authorities and Youth Organisations, we can contribute to implement more sustainable youth policies at local level.
In this sense, DYPALL Network aims at the creation of partnerships and at building a network composed by local municipalities and civil society organisations active in the youth field, to jointly achieve the following main objectives:
(1) Developing youth participation structures and mechanisms in decision-making at local level;
(2) Identify best practices and introduce innovative approaches to public governance;
(3) Foster youth engagement and inclusiveness in representative and participatory democracy processes;
(4) Build capacity and provide technical assistance on various areas and processes like policy making, advocacy, structured dialogue, co-management and more;
(5) Mainstream youth policies at local and regional levels (e.g. youth guarantee schemes) to develop cohesive and engaged societies.

Main Projects / Activities

We have developed expertise on the field of capacity building where we have a team of international trainers, working on several international pools of trainers, such as SALTO (Support Advance learning and Training Opportunities), Council of Europe among others, supporting our educational programme development and implementation. Research is also one of our pillars.
During the last years we have also organized many international conferences, for academics, practitioners, policy makers and youth workers. Main activities implemented so far include: International Conference “Youth Policy at Local and Regional Level:
(1) “Developing our Territories through Youth Participation in Decision-Making” 12-15 April 2016, Portimão (Portugal) - This Conference brought together 22 partners from local youth councils and other organizations, from 17 European countries, to share best practices that may contribute for better local youth policies on youth participation, employment and inclusion. It was an exercise grounded in group-learning, sharing of different practices around Europe that inspired action, critical and liberating dialogue;
(2) Study Session “Transferring positive practices of Democratic Youth Participation Models from the European to the Local Level”, 9-15 October 2016, Strasbourg (France) - This study session offered the space for 35 youth workers, representatives of institutions and decision makers to gather and research the positive practices of meaningful participation implemented on European Level. The main idea was to go into depth discussion of these processes, and have practitioners sharing their experiences, including difficulties and obstacles faced, as well as effective methods and systems of democratic youth participation models on European and local level;
(3) Training Course “Young Migrants Voices: a training course for boosting participation of young migrants in decision-making processes at local level”, 15-21 November 2016, Odiliapeel (the Netherlands) and 3-9 December 2017, Lisbon (Portugal). This 6-day training courses were the space for development of competences, dialogue and sharing of experiences among 26 youth workers, local authorities/municipal officers and youth leaders working with young migrants and youth with migrant background, to see together how local institutions can better respond to the need of young migrants and concretely encourage their participation;
(4) Training Course “Youth actors in decision-making”, 7-13 January 2017, Rezekne (Latvia). Sharing of experiences among the 30 youth workers, local authorities/municipal officers on the areas of youth participation, with specific focus given to the structures and mechanism for participation in decision-making.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

DYPALL Network, being an international network based in Portugal that counts on the membership of 10 Portuguese Municipalities, can contribute to involve these Local Authorities in the EuroMed cooperation. The Municipalities that are Members of DYPALL Network are particularly interested in establishing contacts and in creating partnerships with South-Mediterranean countries and DYPALL Network is the ideal platform to create these bridges and allow these first contacts.
Within the strategic priorities for 2018-2020, DYPALL Network has identified the cooperation with the South-Mediterranean Countries, particularly on the topic of youth participation in policy decision-making, has a major priority. The reason has to do with the democratic context in the post-Arab Spring, and the current process of decentralization of competences in favor of local authorities, that many countries in this region are going through. DYPALL Network can play here a valuable role in enhancing democracy and building capacity of Local Authorities in involving youth in democratic decision-making processes.
Therefore, DYPALL Network will bring to the Anna Lindh Network an undeniable value in enhancing democracy in the South-Mediterranean region by creating opportunities for the exchange of good practices and knowledge between the Portuguese Muncipalities that are Members of DYPALL Network (e.g. Municipality of Cascais, Municipality of Portimão, Municipality of Lagos, Municipality of Fundão, etc.) and the Local Authorities from the South-Mediterranean Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the Anna Lindh Foundation’s Network, we aim at bringing our knowledge and practical experience on the topic of youth participation in decision making and, by this means, we aim also at contributing to enhance quality to democracy as the ideal of system of governance.
As members of the Anna Lindh Network, we will look to enlarge our scope of partners for future projects to be developed in the concerned topics.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno António Miguel Cavaco
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bruno António Miguel Cavaco

City of Bologna

National Network

Piazza Maggiore, 6
40124 Bologna

+39 0512194355
Telephone (other)
+39 0512194042
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Bologna is among the most important and well-known municipality in Europe. The municipality is divided into Areas, Departments and Sectors and has around 4.300 employees. The municipality is member of several Eu and Council of Europe networks of cities, among which Eurocities, ICLEI, ECCAR, UNESCO Creative Cities, and has a longstanding experience in participating to EU projects, both in the role of coordinator and partner. Main source of finance is the national government, then local taxes, provision of services and grants from regional, national and international specific projects. The participation to EU projects is facilitated by the support provided to all municipal departments by the International Relations and Projects Office which is composed of a staff of 15 experienced projects and financial managers. Development cooperation projects are followed by the new citizenships, cooperation and human rights office, dealing specifically with decentralised cooperation and cooperation with third countries.
Mission and Objectives

The municipality guarantees and enhances the rights of citizens, social groups and those interested, users and associations, as expression of the community at the local level. It implements the right to political and administrative participation by guaranteeing complete and accessible information on the activity carried up. It inspires its actions to the principle of horizontal subsidiarity and collaboration with social and economic factors, fostering sustainable growth and promoting the initiative of the citizens, single and associated, for the carrying out of activitiy of general interest and care of the common assets. It directs its action to prevent and remove all forms of discrimination without distinction of sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, political opinions, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and psycho-physical condition. It recognizes water as a heritage of humanity and the status of water as public common good. It ensures conditions of equal opportunities between women and men and acts to ensure the right of accessibility to the city with particular regard to the disabled. It promotes the most extensive initiatives in the field of assistance, social integration and rights for persons with disabilities. The municipality contributes to the reduction of pollution

Main Projects / Activities

AMITIE _ Awareness on Migration, development and human rights through

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Lombardo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Virginio Merola, Mayor
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucia Fresa
Job Title (2)
Project Specialist

Al Sununu for Arts and Culture Association

National Network

Gaza Strip
Gaza, Rimal, Diana Street, near Shifa Hospital
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information
Al Sunonu Orchestra has been established in 2008 by Russian musician Elena Rostropovich as a regional musical initiative for Palestinian Children aiming to group Palestinian adolescent in Syria, Lebanon, Joran, West Bank and Gaza Strip under the umbrella of one educational and musical Programme.  This initiative was the cornerstone of establishing Al Snouno for Arts and Culture Foundation that has been formally registered as a Palestinian charity on February, 2016 to include, in addition to the music learning, other activities of plastic and expressional arts Al Snono is using the power of music for peace-building, connecting people, empowering musicians as social activists, and training children and adolescents as change-makers. Our long-term commitment allows our participants the time to develop skills and talents, process grief and loss, and build bridges of reconciliation in societies divided by recent or ongoing conflict.
Mission and Objectives

Al Sonono envisions to be a lighthouse of different arts for kids and young people both females and males that contribute to enhance Arts as a bridge to peace where it will be promoted locally and globally.
Al Snouno will work with the people to create an active and inspiring cultural scene through developing a creative, sustainable, diverse activities that focus on Palestinian talents in line with the Palestinian Fakelore to have a positive generation that able to develop a peaceful community.   
1. Providing holistic formation of Gaza children and youth through music education, with special consideration for those from under-served communities.
2. Dissemination of the Culture and Arts and focus on its role in enhancing the Palestinian Identity and educating people to achieve civilized vision.
3. Revival of Palestinian Folklore and protecting its values.
4. Provision of psychosocial support for children and adolescents.  
5. Enhance the cultural scene and increase the care of culture and arts. 
6. Support the Palestinian talents, encourage their educational skills as well as build the capacities of young leaders able to understand diversity and practice innovation.
7. Represent Palestinian in local, regional and international events 
8. Establish an audio-visual library

Main Projects / Activities

Al Snouno Programms:
• Psychosocial Support Programme:
Many studies have evidenced the beneficial effects of music therapy in patients with psychological disorders. The use of music as a form of therapy has shown beneficial effects in patients with psychological problems such trauma. It has been demonstrated that patients with mental disorders perceive the expressiveness of the music the same way than without mental illness. The results support that the music is a good therapeutic modality for individuals with mental illness.
In the context of Gaza Strip and the different wars and crises, People specially children and adolescents faced serious disorders. Al Snouno’s programs reaching out people with such problems and managed to decrease such problems. 
• Al Snouno chorale (choir):
It’s a chorale that gathers Palestinian Children within an educational – musical programme to preserve and highlight Palestinian and Classical Arabic folklore. Besides,  it enhances children’s energy, build self-confidence and encourage spirit of teamwork through group activities. It helps children to be ambassadors to Culture in their community. 
• Instrumental Music training Programme:
This programme is a place for all talented in music to develop their cacapaties though a systematic and organized academic programme through different level within individual and group lessons.
Children and adolescents are trained in more than 15 musical instruments (western and Arabic) as well as musicianship for young people to develop their interest and potential in music. Trainees would attend a one to two hours’ group lesson at Al Snouno center every week.
In addation, Al Snoun manages the Plastic Arts Programme, Dabke and Palestinian Folklore, Library and Arts Forum

Contact (1) Full Name
Fariza Beseiao
Head of the organisation
Arab Mohammed

Riga Technical University

National Network

Kipsalas street 6A
Riga, LV-1048

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Riga Technical University (RTU) is internationally recognized European university that consists of 9 faculties and 35 institutes. RTU is leading Latvian technical university - active in knowledge society technologies. RTU has a strong vision to transform the large set of multi-disciplinary expertise into a reusable knowledge of networked society. RTU has installed the HPC facility and serving it to RTU institutes, and international research community as well. Distance Education Study Centre  www.vu.lv (DESC) of Riga Technical University www.rtu.lv , the partner in FuturICT2.0 ERA-NET project, has a long term experience in twelve cutting edge EU FP5/FP6/FP7/CIP-PSP-ICT /H2020 projects and more than 30 international R&D projects related to eLearning, learning analytics, data mining, creativity development,   knowledge management, interactive television, intelligent street lighting research. DESC has got Riga City Council Innovation Award 2010 for contribution in eLearning and National research strategy, and Baltic Sea region BOLDIC 2013 award for the best e-learning innovation in Scandinavia and Baltics - multi-screen e-learning technology eBig3 (www.eBig3.eu).   DESC has long term experience working with MOODLE, EdX, MOOCs, and other eLearning technologies. DESC team has introduced concept and technology of multi-screen eLearning eBig3. DESC has modern video/audio studio for MOOCs recording and editing. RTU DESC team is co-operating with many Latvian Higher education establishments in framework of national eLearning development/delivery projects.  

Mission and Objectives

Mission of Riga Technical University is to ensure internationally competitive high quality scientific research, tertiary education, technology transfer and innovation for Latvian national economy and the society. The strategy is based on the three key objectives of the University while the following five main priorities of the University cut across the strategy – internationalization, interdisciplinarity, organisational efficiency, financial efficiency and infrastructure efficiency. RTU uses these five horizontal priorities as a prism to see implementation of its objectives and ensure internationally competitive high quality scientific research, tertiary education, technology transfer, commercialization and innovation activities for Latvian national economy and the society. RTU is a modern internationally recognized university. It is the only polytechnic university in Latvia and the largest university in the country – it educates and trains almost 15 thousand students. RTU is focused on becoming a third generation university that not only provides high quality education, but also conducts advanced research and ensures innovation and technology transfer, practically implementing scientific discoveries. In the nine faculties of RTU it is possible to obtain high quality education not only in engineering, but also in social sciences and humanities.

Main Projects / Activities

EU programme Horizon 2020 projects:  - MORE-CONNECT: Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for MOdular REtrofitting and CONNECTions  - SUNShINE: Save your bUildiNg by SavINg Energy – towards 202 020m2 of deeply renovated multifamily residential buildings  - RealValue: REALising VALUE from electricity markets with local smart electric thermal storage technology  - INPATH-TES PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES amongst other projects. RTU has probably the largest number of international students in Latvia in undergradute, postpgradute and doctoral studies, including students from Mediterranean countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

RTU can contribute towards supporting the network members providing up-to-date knowledge in several fields, but in particular, in e-studies technologies, language studies and by engaging international and national students in the network's activities and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to expand cooperation with parties in EU Neighbourhood policy target countries and strenghten cooperation with universities there.

Contact (1) Full Name
Assoc. prof. Atis Kapenieks
Job Title
Director, Distance Education Study Centre
Head of the organisation
Prof. Talis Juhna, Rector

UN Youth of Finland

National Network

PL 93
00100 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
UN Youth of Finland is a national and politically unaffiliated youth organization which was founded in 1967.  UN Youth of Finland is the only national UN youth association in Finland and represents the country in the international United Nations Youth Associations Network (UNYANET). In addition, UN Youth of Finland serves as an umbrella organization for the UN associations of Helsinki, Tampere, South-East Finland, Turku, Jyväskylä and Oulu region as well as for the Finnish Model United Nations, FinMUN Society.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the organization is to raise awareness and promote the values of the United Nations among Finnish students and youth. In recent years the organization has mainly focused on raising awareness about UN's Agenda 2030 and the UN Security Council resolution Youth, Peace and Security.

Main Projects / Activities

-School visits related to sustainable development
-Advocacy around Agenda 2030 in Finland and internationally
-Arranging of events
-Raising awareness on social media and blog

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are strongly tied to the 2250 work done in Finland and would like to share our experiences and here what is done in other countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To create more networks around the Mediterranean Sea especially between different youth led organizations or organizations that are working with youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mirna Aho
Job Title
Member of the board
Head of the organisation
Jenni Ruotsalainen

international Norwegian Bord

National Network

SImensbråtveien13A. 1182. Oslo. Norway.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
International Organization authorized by the Norwegian Kingdom number 920292232 We adopt all the training centers and coaches accredited under one umbrella in order to manage the board to keep pace with the variables of the training sector and the labor market, and based on its belief in the importance of providing support programs for all individuals and centers, the board was established as a specialized establishment, Of training and development portfolios suitable for each category and established in accordance with the quality, credibility and professional contribution to the effective advancement of social status of trainers who work in difficult circumstances and their full support.
Mission and Objectives

Upgrading the training process ..
Our goals and vision
Equality of all members of the Norwegian Board.
Solidarity and solidarity among us.
Credibility and transparency.
Working team spirit and activating the spirit of cooperation.
Professionalism and responsibility at work.
Volunteerism and sacrifice in order to enhance the collective spirit of the board.
Building a collaborative team of advisors and a network of trainers.
To contribute effectively to the social status of the trainers who work in difficult circumstances and to their full support.
To strengthen the bonds of cooperation and solidarity among board members.
Organizing and sponsoring grants of a social, cultural and sporting nature
Holding partnership and cooperation agreements with the departments, institutions and governmental and private centers.
Non - bias or belonging to any team or sect or doctrine or idea or group and impose this on our members and board members.

Main Projects / Activities

We make many training and educational grants in many countries, including voluntary work, individual development, community development, assistance to displaced families, support for refugee families in Norway
We have conducted a number of training grants in Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq and Syria. This is illustrated in pictures and dates in our website

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Communicate with development institutions, network members and board members in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and conduct training activities and free grants to poor and displaced people and support them in all forms of training.
And connect with members of the network and link them to our sites in all countries of the world through our members who belong to us in all countries now
Raise the efficiency of the members of the network and identify them and join us in collecting our meeting in norway 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Start spreading the idea of the Norwegian Board in the world and through your partners
Link our organization with all your members to the free
Participate in raising your training staff for free
Advertising on our homepage is free of charge as a kind of support for connecting all members of the network with us and with you, expanding your database and trying to process a large deployment of your ideas

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Initiative For you Student Association ( IFSA )

National Network

Cultural Educational Elmers Center
85000 Tiznit

+212 655 24 65 68
Telephone (other)
+212 601 41 34 26
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Initiative For you Student founded as a club on November 2013 under the banner of Artistic Movement Association for Creativity and Sport (AMACS). Initiative For you Student aims on: • Developing the educational and linguistic capacities of beneficiaries. • Taking care of creative youth and emerging talents and helping them. • Contribute to the promotion and advancement in English locally, regionally, nationally, internationally. • Service of English and foreign culture and work on their support and development. • Creativity in the fields of education and culture. • Building bridges of communication and dialogue with all actors and interested. On September, 9th 2017 our club turned to an association under the name of Initiative For you Student Association (IFSA), carrying on achieving the same goals.  

Mission and Objectives

• Developing the educational and linguistic capacities of beneficiaries. • Taking care of creative youth and emerging talents and helping them. • Contribute to the promotion and advancement in English locally, regionally, nationally, internationally. • Service of English and foreign culture and work on their support and development. • Creativity in the fields of education and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Regional Convoy of Leadership and Effective communication skills. Target group: 120 students Project Implementation Location: ( Tiznit Region ) Mahdi Ben Barka high school - Maader - Ibn Khaldun high school - Bunnaman -  Sidi wagag -Aglou - Salam high school - oulad Jarrar - The overall objective: The project aims mainly at helping students to integrate with their colleagues, and to open up to their surroundings by encouraging them to work in groups, allowing the sharing of information and experiences among students.          2. Annual Educational Meetings           3. Pecha kucha Competition.          4. Spelling Bee Competition

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Work to form relationships with other institutions and organizations and the pursuit of a unified goals and the search for supporters and supporters of the Association in order to progress forward and make positive changes in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Associació NOVACT

National Network

Pça Catalunya 9, 5o 2a
08002 Barcelona

(34) 93 5514714
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners - Structure: 5 departments (and adminsitration) 33 employees and 10 volunteers. 6 Offices: Barcelona, Madrid, Badajoz, Amman, Tunis and Ramallah - Budget: 1,8 Milion of Euro - Sources: UN, EU, local administration -Action: projects, participatory action-research  
Mission and Objectives

Through the use of nonviolent action, NOVACT struggles to achieve a society based on human security and nonviolence, as well as a society free of armed conflicts and violence in all its dimensions. Understanding nonviolence as a strategy for transformation, NOVACT aims to contribute to a peaceful, just, and dignified world.
To achieve its aim, NOVACT pursues the following objectives:
To support nonviolent or peaceful civil resistance movements, which work for conflict transformation and/or in situations of injustice, ensuring human security and provision of basic needs, developing rights and freedoms, and promoting societies that can live without fear of violation of their values and rights.
To develop Nonviolent and Civil Operations of Peacekeeping in order to protect vulnerable populations in situations of armed conflict, through the creation of systems for peace-building and conflict prevention, reconciliation and political transition, where local civil society and/or representative institutions demand it.
To observe, to investigate, to facilitate and to support processes of peace building, mediation, peacekeeping and conflict prevention, with special attention to the promotion of the rule of law and improvement of human security.
To use advocacy in order to ensure that governmental, local and international actors work in favor of human security, peace building and democracy in all its dimensions, ensuring equality of treatment and respect for everybody.

Main Projects / Activities

To provide support, training and counseling to nonviolent or peaceful civil resistance movements which work for conflict transformation and human security.

To develop Nonviolent Civil Operations of Peacekeeping, which protect vulnerable populations in conflict situations, where local civil society and/or representative institutions demand it.

To promote mechanisms of defense and protection of Human Rights, with special attention to strengthening the rule of law as well as the establishment of civil peace services and early warning systems.

To promote support and research on nonviolent and civil resistance movements as well as its impact and international effectiveness.

To promote knowledge, research and training specialized in nonviolence, peace building and peacekeeping as well as nonviolent civil resistance.

To implement advocacy actions which contribute to the objective that government actors will work for human security, peace and democracy.

To promote campaigns aiming at raising awareness and critical thinking towards changes necessary to achieve a more peaceful, just and dignified world.

To coordinate fundraising, both from citizens and from public institutions, to achieve and implement activities mentioned.

To coordinate trainings and strengthening of networks as well as platforms aiming at achieving the related objectives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Provide a Euro-mediterranean network with expertise on nonviolent, social transformative education and advocacy

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Increase our knowledge on the used topics, as well as increase and consolidate synergies among the diferent partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Luca Gervasoni Vila
Head of the organisation
Luca Gervasoni /Felipe Daza

Kulturverein wegather

National Network

Mühlhäufelweg 1/24
1220 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Established in 2017, 3 board members and a varying number of members work mostly voluntarily. Funding sources are mainly member contributions and donations.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to bring together people of different cultures, promote dialogue in all its different forms of communication and thereby aid understanding and acceptance among people.

Main Projects / Activities
  • organize events to provide a ground to meet and exchange.
  • introduce music groups on our website and through our social media channels and organize mixed concerts varying in music-style, language and heritage.
  • offer trips to discover the cultural life in Vienna and its vicinity, spanning from museums and theaters to exhibitions and castles.
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During the current decreasing public support for the cultural agenda in Austria, private initiatives working on these topics are becoming increasingly important. Working under the assumption that every drop counts we have the will, ideas and experience to produce results. Moreover, we already established a wide network to cultural institutions in Austria which has the potential of being of benefit to the ALF network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is in line with our beliefs and actions. Therefore, it is the logical next step to join the network in order to profit from intellectual input, getting to know new organizations and their projects, learn about best practices and keep updated with general developments. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Nowak
Head of the organisation
Petra Nowak


National Network

48018 FAENZA

+39 0546 622999
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 377 277
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
TEATRO DUE MONDI is an independent theatre group from Faenza (Italy) inspired by the principles of democracy and equality of all members. It’s a non-profit Cultural Associations registered as association of Social Promotion, subsidized by the Region Emilia Romagna. It counts 29 associated, 7 employees, 6 collaborators, 12 volunteers. Its organization structure includes: legal representative/artistic director; Board of Directors; Assembly of Associated. Decision are taken according to a collective principle. Average annual turnover: 160.000€ ÷ 200.000€ Funding bodies and main partners: Emilia Romagna Region; Municipality of Faenza. It relies also on a wide network of organisations collaborating (see. attachments) on specific projects. Other funding sources: European Union: since 2010 financed on various project as partner or lead partner. Ministry of Culture support for the tour abroad Fondazione Cassa Risparmio Ravenna and Banks for local projects. TDM's work includes theatre training, production of shows, promotion (theater, music and dance reviews) and dissemination (conferences and meetings). It acts on the regional, national and foreign territory.
Mission and Objectives

The association aims to carry out socially useful activities of associates in the cultural field. The main purpose is: promotion, enhancement, development and dissemination on the national and international territory of theater techniques, art and culture in general, or activities of theater, music, dance and theater performance, as well as related educational initiatives; of studies and cultural exchanges between theater and other artistic disciplines.
Since its foundation, Teatro Due Mondi runs a stable theatre research focusing in particular on street theatre being its mission is to bring theatre where it is especially needed: suburbs, orphanages, socially disadvantaged areas, streets and squares.
In particular, it aims to promote human growth and the development of a fairer society in respect of rights and according to principles of tolerance through artistic work addressed to different types of audience: young people, adults, but also subjects in social difficulty.
During over 35 years of activity, TDM has brought his own shows and workshops all over Italy and the world, from Northern Europe to South America, from Taiwan to Eastern Europe and Africa.
Its ethical motivations start from the need to build a human society founded on respect for the other.
It aims to create a theatre form, particularly street theatre, that speaks a universal language accessible to all, and that acts as a communication tool of social issues.  Recently, its work is even more engaged in the social sphere, using theatre pedagogy for the social inclusion of underrepresented groups (migrants, unemployed people).

Main Projects / Activities

The group’s work comprehends both theatre teaching and theatre production (street theatre performances and workshops, social committed theatre, theatre for children and creation of final essays), organization of events (theatre, music and dance), information, dissemination and net-working (conferences and meetings about artistic and social issues).  It is operating internationally, touring all over the world with performances and pedagogical activities.
The groups’ activities has two basic strands: the STREET THEATER and its SOCIAL COMMITMENT ACTIVITY mostly related to pedagogical projects. In the street, the TDM has met cultural and social realities far from commercial theater, and has developed a theatrical technique based on the use of the body and on non-verbal communication that facilitates the encounter of a very heterogeneous public: adults, young people, elderly people, children, of different countries, race and social background.
Today the Teatro Due Mondi counts: 50 productions, 25 special projects, 5 European Projects, 3 of which as lead partner, several dozens of workshops and seminars, over 3,000 performances in international festivals, theaters and streets of 33 countries on 4 continents.
THEATRE PEDAGOGY is conceived as an opportunity of exchange and dialogue with the community: various pedagogical projects in Italy and abroad: courses and workshops for YOUNG generations, PARTICIPATED and MULTICULTURAL workshops. The staff of the Association has developed its own capacity to MEDIATE BETWEEN DIFFERENT CULTURES, to develop processes of integration between the participants and RECREATE A SOLIDARITY COMMUNITY.
Recent projects with "non-actors" want to "give voice" to the weakest or marginalized social groups (“OMSA project” with the dismissed unemployed workers and the “Refugee project” with the refugees hosted in the Faenza territory): for those social groups the theater becomes a means of social communication as well as an effective empowerment tool.
The European Projects conducted in recent years develop the theater activity on an international level as a vehicle for "social inclusion", sharing it with other cultural and social realities of the European Union and other countries.
For over 10 years the TDM has been in contact with foreign communities in the Faenza area. After the first workshops with the refugees arriving from Africa, a “permanent theatre workshop” is born to involve the immigrant communities of Faenza, Italians and refugees hosted in the area. It has carried out awareness and promotion projects with conferences, meetings, shows and concerts (Lo Straniero, 2011, realized with the network of associations for the promotion of integration in Faenza), bringing street shows and theatrical actions realized together with foreign citizens in public spaces.
From 2011 he began a theatrical research investigating more closely the issue of female discrimination: starting from the issue of work (workshops and theatre actions with the female workers fired from the OMSA factory), to the issue of equality by producing performances on the theme of gender violence (VEDRAI, VEDRAI) and on the social role of women (conference-show THOSE REBEL GIRLS).
In Faenza, the Association has carried out numerous cultural and theatrical projects through the “Casa del Teatro”, a theatrical culture center that offers a specialized library, a video library, an audiophile and a theater.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Teatro Due Mondi promotes a theatre activity aimed at creating a supporting and inclusive society through the artistic language.
During the last decade it has developed a specific methodology of theatre pedagogy for the social inclusion of minorities (Inclusive Theatre Pedagogy) and a specific community theatre (Participated Street Theatre) that can be shared in the frame of the Anna Lind Foundation Network binging further knowledge and competences as regard of multicultural dialogue and social inclusion best practices.
Morovere, the stable cooperation of Teatro Due Mondi with a wide network of organizations in the cultural, social and multicultural sectors at local, regional and international level can contribute to widen the impact of the Anna Lindh Foundation Italian Network.
Over the years, TDM has developed a wide network of organizations in the cultural, social and multicultural sectors, collaborating at local, regional and international level international level. Here only a short list of the main or most recent partners.  See attachments to see a main list of the network of Teatro Due Mondi.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that exchange of good practices and knowledge as well as an increasingly extensive network are key elements for the development of an inclusive and tolerant society and to promote the mutual understanding of communities with different cultures.

Our recent collaborations in the Mediterranean area (Palestine, Tunisia) encourage us to expand our contacts in this area in order to enhance the positive impact of our association's activity, the acquire a better knowledge in of the issues of this area that also reflect on our community.

Being part of the ALF Network will increase our understanding of the social and cultural issues of this area and will help to better respond to civil society issues with our cultural activity.

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