Construisons pour Madagascar

National Network

13 rue de Toul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Présentation de la commission: Créée en 2002, Construisons pour Madagascar, développe année après année des projets de construction  de salles de classes et de puits dans différents villages de Madagascar. Chaque année un groupe de 10 personnes fait le voyage aux mois de juillet et août, pour mener à bien le projet qui a été monté durant l'année.   L'équipe 2017-2018: L’année scolaire 2017/2018 a vu une équipe motivée voir le jour. Ainsi, celle-ci est composée d’un bureau de sept responsables et de vingt-cinq bénévoles. En outre, Construisons pour Madagascar continue dans sa lancée grâce à trente-deux membres qui s’investissent à part égale dans les nombreux événements et moyens mis en place tout au long de ces douze mois. Hormis les responsables, certains bénévoles sont chargés de tâches bien précises.   Budget prévisionnel : Devis du chantier : 21 037€Frais de déplacement : 23 700€Frais de restitution : 50€Total dépenses : 44 787€ Fonds propres : 3000€Subvention publiques : 500€Subventions privées : 500€Recettes totales : 4000€
Mission and Objectives

Contexte de la réalisation du projet:
Cette année, c'est à Antatinamarina que nous partirons dans le but de construire une école constituée de trois salles de classe et un bureau pour le directeur, ainsi qu'un puits. Afin de réaliser ce projet, nous allons travailler avec le peuple local et aider à faciliter l'accès à l'éducation dans le village en question.
Nous pouvons nous appuyer sur l'aide de notre partenaire local : Fanilo.

Dates de l'événement:
Durant les vacances scolaires cet été (2018).
Autrement dit du 10 juillet au 15 août

Main Projects / Activities

Construction de salles de classes et de puits dans les villages de Madagascar.

Contact (1) Full Name
Claire PARIS
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Claire PARIS
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Vis Président

Min Ort (My Hood)

National Network

Arvid Lindmans gatan 28 A
417 26 Gothenburg

‭076-244 04 46‬
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
"Min Ort" was founded in late December 2016 by project manager and producer Said William Legue. He has starred in; ("Bron", "Ettor & Nollor", "Kniven I hjärtat") Said grew up in one of the less fortunate suburbs of Gothenburg and know firsthand what it meant to him to be given a chance. His breakthrough as a young actor was "Kniven i hjärtat" aired on the prestigious channel Swedish Television. When Said worked on the world premiere of "The young Zlatan" the idea of bringing and doing something to integrate the youth of the suburbs was born. In collaboration with Gothenburg’s film festival, Bergsjöskolan, Zentropa Sweden, Gothenburg Film Studios and Familjebostäder it all came to life. Said contacted director and screenplay writer Johan Melin known from; ("Preludium", "Child 44", "Utvandrarna" and "Profetia") and he shared Said´s vision of letting the younger generation tell their story thru the eyes of a camera. Together with a handpicked team of both professional film makers and volunteers and after school programs managers they casted 40 youths from all over the city ranging ages 13-20 and together they created "Min Ort- A Love story". Though out the process it grew beyond just making of a film, it also lead to a big soccer tournament and performances with Swedish rapper Erik Lundin at a Radio Event against violence. A documentary of behind the scene of "Min Ort" created by the group became a big success and was shown at Gothenburg Film Festival and later in theater’s. The process is innovative - when through deep interviews we take the starting point of the youth stories, and develop characters and manuscripts in collaboration with the young. We want to integrate youth and improve their self-esteem. The aim is to try and strengthen the young people's own stories, and give them inspiration and drive to tell stories themselves. We believe in a participant culture, where the participants are co-workers. We have already been able to see the positive effects of the film, how the project bounces hope and courage to follow their dream. Many of the young have themselves started making movies and pursuing with their own acting career and film interests.
Mission and Objectives

We are working to break the barriers. We work with integration. Two of our most important goals now. Is to lift up the woman’s, and integrate new arrivals.
We also have profesional dance teacher, profesional musican, profesional director, profesional actor, and recreation leaders from different areas in Gothenburg.
So the youths can work with the things they like. Learn how to write script. Learn how to make a movie, and study and being with the director under the moviemaking. Dance, music and other creative and culture things.
We want to build bridges, by using culture and creative things as tools.
We are working against the thing that have exploited in Sweden - We against them. And that youths don’t travel to others areas. They just stay at their own “territory’s”. So we want them to come out. And let them be creative, as they can’t in their “home base”. Also that they will se that it’s so much culture to see and learn of, all over the town, and the world!
We are all the same, is the most important thing!

Main Projects / Activities

We use film as an tool. Our concept is by using the film making. We can build bridges between youngsters all over the city and the different suburbs. It doesn’t matter of class, gender, ethnicity or religion. We are all the same! We are all human people. We invite youngsters from every suburb and different areas in Gothenburg, on a casting. They are cast by our director Johan Melin, who is a professional. And after that process, we start shooting the movie. This process builds bridges for the youths. Remember they are from different areas. And is this processing. They learn to work with each other. It doesn’t matter wich area you’re from, or ethnicity, class, gender etc. They work together.
"Min Ort" is all about unite the young from different suburbs, and the success made it possible for the next movie. The actors and talents from East Gothenburg followed and met with the young from Hisingen in the feature film "Min Ort - This is Sweden". This snowball effect continues from movie to movie. The film was premiered at the "Hising´s Festival" and was a feature film, where once again youths from all walks of life gathered under great creativity, joy and love. "Min Ort" also performed a full-featured performance on the big stage at Gothenburg amusement park Liseberg with the artist Lani Mo, under the theme Stop the violence. Now, the "My Ort" project continues with two new films in 2018. A TV series is under development and the constant focus on uniting the resorts and releasing the creativity of the young.
Our first film documentary - Min Ort (My Hood) (2017)


Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Production Manager / First assistant director
Head of the organisation
Said William Legue
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Holmros
Job Title (2)
Marketing Manager

association des chantiers pour le sport et le défit d'handicape

National Network

hay salam
11080 salé

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
General Information

Notre raison d’être est avant tout, être acteur de terrain de faciliter la vie socio -   socio-professionnelle de tout rendre accessible si c'est possible, de proposer et développer la pratique du sport des personnes en situation de handicap.

Mission and Objectives

Soutien moral et matériel des handicapés. Défense des droits des handicapés éducation et enseignement des personnes en situation d'handicap aides sociaux

Main Projects / Activities

Création d'un centre d'appareillage. Création d'un centre de formation , En pratiquant différentes activités sportives, en « jouant », dans le cadre du loisir ou de la compétition, ces personnes trouvent plaisir et mieux-être. Les qualités déployées grâce au sport - rigueur, abnégation, respect des autres et de soi-même, sens de l'effort - permettent d’occuper dans le tissu social et professionnel la place à laquelle elles aspirent.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Plaidoyer pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées dans les programmes culturels au niveau méditerranéen

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Plaidoyer pour l'intégration des personnes handicapées dans les programmes culturels au niveau méditerranéen

Contact (1) Full Name
Mbarek blmir
Job Title
Head of the organisation

union national de secteur de presse et média indépendant

National Network

sidi abdelah
11080 salé

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

fondée en 2001, est le point d'ancrage les journalistes aux srvice Les constantes et les saintetés de la patrie. ses membres préconisent les valeurs suivantes : - La créativité et l'innovation - La coopération et le partage - L'efficacité - Le leadership engagé

Mission and Objectives

a pour mission de rassembler, appuyer et représenter sesmembres afin d’assurer leur vitalité et leur pérennité,

Main Projects / Activities

Tables rondes pour les journalistes Configurations dans la culture du journalisme numérique Articles Histoires culturellement diverses

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Contribuer à la formation d'une véritable image médiatique sur le Maroc et la diversité culturelle qui l'a caractérisé à travers des formations et des rencontres

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour Contribuer à la formation d'une véritable image médiatique sur le Maroc et la diversité culturelle qui l'a caractérisé à travers des formations et des rencontres

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
vice president
Head of the organisation


National Network

Marni 56 & Karolou
10437 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

EKO is a newly founded non-governmental organization based in Athens, Greece. EKO’s team consists of a board of four members, among which the President, who  is the European Ambassador of Female Entrepreneurship, one youth worker and, depending on the period,  one or two volunteers through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program.  EKO’s financial sources include occasional funds of the Erasmus+ program and donations of members and friends of the organization, which are used to implement intercultural dialogue and KA1 youth mobility projects. Despite being a small organization, EKO has an extended network of partners across the Euromediterranean basin. Our organization is a member of the International Alliance for Peace and Development (IAPD), launched in September 2017 with members in 23 European and MENA countries, as well as a Euromediterranean Network of 11 civil society Youth Organizations (Y-NEMO).

Mission and Objectives

We believe that if one had to chose the top-two most serious challenges faced by the Greek society nowadays, answers would be unanimous: Firstly, youth unemployment  and economic obstacles as a result of the economic crisis and, secondly,  the xenophobic sentiments, cultural intolerance and exclusion created by the refugee-crisis. Our organization’s mission is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, free from prejudice and discrimination, which will be in the position develop and grow sustainably. To achieve this mission we focus on the following specific objectives: Empowering youth through non-formal education, training opportunities, life-long learning and fostering youth’s active participation and civic engagement Facilitating intercultural and interreligious awareness and solidarity, especially between Europe and MENA regions as well as within Europe, by providing dialogue platforms, and organizing cultural exchanges and tolerance trainings Strengthening cross-border civil society, by providing support, knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices, as well as by developing collaborative initiatives with our broad network of international partners  

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus+ Youth Mobility Projects. As of yet, EKO has participated in 7 Youth Mobility projects, designed and coordinated 6 Youth Exchanges, and is currently working with the preparation of 4 more projects (more information in the attached file) Design, planning and organization of educative sessions and trainings for enhancing work-related skills and employability Providing communication platforms and mediation for intercultural dialogue and exchange International NGO networking, Initiation and strengthening of organizations’ networks for the development of collaborative initiatives to achieve shared visions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EKO is fully committed to support the achievement of ALF’s vision and objectives, as our goals are perfectly aligned. This support may take the form of: Dissemination and publicity of ALF’s activities Promoting its objectives and initiatives for human rights protection and regional development Becoming a local implementation partner of non-formal education initiatives and trainings for youth and intercultural solidarity projects Contribution to development and implementation of common operations/actions in collaboration with HoN Member organizations Knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices Strengthening within-border, as well as cross-border civil society networks

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ΕΚΟ aspires to facilitate social progress through empowerment of youth, protection of vulnerable groups and fostering intercultural understanding and cooperation.  We are highly sensitized with regards to the creation and enforcement of communication channels and cooperation ties across the Euro-Med basin, as the most concerning issues these countries face (economic, refugee and humanitarian crisis) are highly interconnected, and call for collaborative solutions. Our ethic emphasizes the principles of inclusion, active citizenship and unity in diversity. Thus, we firmly believe that our vision, values and territorial scope fully comply with those of Anna Lindh foundation. EKO’s intent to join ALF Network  is based on our wish to: Become part of the, currently, largest-scale effort to bring together people and civil society actors across Euro-Med region, which ALF represents Develop a network of local partners and leverage our international level, to broaden the sphere of our influence and number of beneficiaries Facilitate our efforts to achieve intercultural solidarity, by utilizing ALF as a dialogue and cooperation  platform

Contact (1) Full Name
Kitty Panourgia
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kyriaki Panourgia
Contact (2) Full Name
Eliana Vasileiou
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Eradh for comprehensive development

National Network

12 youssif elgindy st. babellouk, tahrir, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
founded in 2014 with registration No. 5241, at the Egyptian social solidarity Ministry  with 3 Board Members Controlling a Structure of Technical, Adminstrative and Legislative Divisions, with only 5 Current paid Employees. Budgetory Resources includes Self-Finance and Donations from Board Members and Profit Coming from paid Human-Development Courses. The Main Modalities are  worshops , confrences and training programs, , trips inside and outside Egypt, micro projects for young people, single mothers and former female prisoners, family consulting and supporting fleeting kids, Future medical center , educational schools and centers, Greenery and awareness session on environment.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation Mission:
Effictive Human Interaction
Foundation Targets:
1. Training diffrent clusters of society to reach following targets:
a. Create well-educated clusters that can effectively and positively communicate in streets
b. Create empowered clusters that can increase their income and use it in a manner that would maintain sustainable development.
c. Active interaction from elite clusters (individuals or oranizations) culturely and socially
d. Creating a humanly interactive community that chariches its Egytian identity 
2. Helping women to overcome following obsticles:
a. All sort of discrimination at work
b. Lack of education
c. Lack of privacy
d. Discriminating social habits
e. Sexual abuse
f. Lack of wellbing opertunities for single mothers and women in need.

Main Projects / Activities

1. From June 1, 2016 till present: Provide Support for Independent Egyptian Theater groups by providing a location to hold rehearsals with minimal prices in order to decrease production costs. So far, 24 groups on average has received such support
2. From June 1, 2016 till present: hold different art and culture seminars covering different topics in order to exchange opinions between highly educated people and common people. So far average no. of attendees for all seminars is 200 persons.
3. From August 1, 2016 till present: Establish development library covering different fields and is offered for people for free. So far an average of 50 people has received such service.
4. From November 1, 2016 till present: Hold training courses on different specializations with decreased fees to enhance education level of people. So far 15 persons have received such service.
5. From October 1, 2016 till February 1, 2017: Hold “French Coffee” training session on developing self-image using acting training techniques that would benefit all people whether interested on acting or not. So far and average of 30 people has received such training.
6. From March 1, 2017 till present: Hold poetry symposiums on folk poetry and singing under the name of “Madyafet Ibn Arous” in order to develop folk poets and to enlarge their audiences. So far and average of 50 poets has been hosted in such events in addition to holding 10 public symposiums and 6 concerts.
7. From March 1, 2017 till present: cooperate with Studio Khana Art Group to provide free full course on criticism and art philosophies for fine arts university students. So far an average of 20 students has received such training.
8.  From March 1, 2017 till present: cooperate with Saad Zaghloul Cultural Center, Ministry of Culture, to hold and organize a second season of Beit Alommah Theater Contest for Duo-drama acts that will take place on November 1, 2017 to support armature theater groups. Currently, the project is in the phase of organization and preparation.
9. From August 1, 2016 till December 1, 2016: Cooperate with Angelic Authority in training foundation employees on risk management and peace culture in order to develop employees capabilities and enlarge work scope of the foundation. So far 5 employees have received such training.
10- From March 2017 till now, Organizing a Permenant Forum for Enterpreneurship to encourage and educate People in the field of establishment and management of Small & Medium Projects. we've held 6 Sessions uptil now. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can unite our efforts in the fields of Women Empowering, Enterpreneurs Support and  Learning Systems of Civilizations, specially that we have an enlightening Model and a comprehansive System for beauty Awareness enhancement, and we are ready to exchange such Models with your Network to unite our efforts in the mentionedField 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Beacause it's one of the Major Networks in the field of Cultural Projects that enhance the Dialogue between the Euro-Mediterranean nations , which accomodates our mission. Moreover , Several Organizations in your Network work upon the Cultural Values which suites our enlightenment Model and beauty Awareness enhancing 

Contact (1) Full Name
Anwar Ahmed Abdelmogith
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Anwar Ahmed Abdelmogith
Contact (2) Full Name
Hassan Aboelwafa Fawaz
Job Title (2)
chief executive officer


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
claire rassinoux
Head of the organisation

Mediterranean Youth Associatio

National Network

Saray mahallesi huriler sokak kardeşler apartmanın
07000 Antalya/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
'' Akdeniz Gençlik Derneği '', Türkiye'de toplumda aktif olmak isteyen gençlere yeni yetenekler ve yetkinlikler öğrenmek isteyen gençlere yönelik fırsatlar yaratma amacı doğrultusunda 2017 yılında yerel bir gençlik inisiyatifi olarak kurulan bir gençlik örgütüdür.
Mission and Objectives

AGDER özellikle yerel ve bölgesel düzeylerde, okullarda, üniversitelerde, mesleki ve diğer eğitim kurumlarında, kamu ve özel katılım kuruluşlarında ve diğer STK'larda kamu kurumları ile işbirliği yapmaktadır.
Gençler için daha gönüllü fırsatlar geliştirerek, gençlerin gönüllülüğü için destek sağlama yoluyla, AB Stratejisi 'Gençlik - Yatırım ve Güçlendirme' hedeflerine katkıda bulunarak, engelleri kaldırarak gönüllülüğü kolaylaştırarak, Gönüllülüğün değeri, gönüllülüğü yaygın eğitimin önemli bir biçimi olarak kabul etmek.
Yaygın öğrenim yöntemlerini uygulayan tüm faaliyetlerimiz, resmi olmayan ve gayri resmi öğrenmenin onaylanması için 2012 yılında AB Konseyi'nin önerisiyle uyumludur.
Girişimlerimiz, akıllı, sürdürülebilir ve kapsayıcı büyüme stratejisi hedeflerini desteklemektedir, Avrupa 2020, yaygın eğitimin tanınmasını teşvik etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gençlerin işgücü piyasasında daha ileri eğitim ve başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi için gereken yeterliliklerin edinilmesi ve tanınmasına öncülük etmek.

Main Projects / Activities

• Çalıştaylar
• Eğitim kursları
• Çalışma / alan ziyareti
• Konferanslar
• Dil kursları
• Kariyer ve eğitim ile ilgili bilgi olayları • Bilgi
ve deneyim paylaşımı için açık alan
• Gönüllülük
• Sağlıklı yaşam, ekoloji, sürdürülebilir kalkınma

Hedef kitle:
• Çocuklar (8

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yerel ve uluslararası çalıştaylarımıza katılarak.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that all non-governmental organizations are strong together.We think it will have more impact by doing collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
muhittin alp
Job Title
Chairmen of the Board
Head of the organisation
Muhittin ALP
Contact (2) Full Name
Ozan Uslu
Job Title (2)


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Algerian social and cultural association
Mission and Objectives

aimed at promoting citizenship, social integration, and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

promoting citizenship, social integration, and sustainable development. and encouraging youth in the civil services

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

as part of the civil society we have a great experience in this field we can aid you in any project 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to make an addition to the sustainable development of our country 

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

raum AU

National Network

Meškova 3
2380 Slovenj Gradec

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

- društvo v javnem interese (association with status "of public interest", 2 persons regular working, the others project-wise, 6 regular volounteers; Long-term partners in Germany, Austria and Italy as well as Croatia. - cca. 30.000 Euro/year - Erasmus+, national public funds, donations, sponsorships - regular discussions, youth exchanges, publications, media productions (European Creative Camp 016, 017; Voices 2015 - 2017, Int. Graffitti and Street-Art Festival STYRIA 2014 - 2017;; etc.) - European Union, Future Icons e.V., Koermend Kulturalis Kozpont, European Center for the Study of War and Peace, Kai e.V., etc)

Mission and Objectives

Our overall mission could be descibed as educating people of any age to critically follow and assess everyday live situation. We try to work as much as possible with persons of different cultures, the last years more and more with young people from central Europe. All our porjects have one common denominator, intercultural dialogue and propagation of different points of views on matters of everyday life. There is not instrument of method we would not feel comfortable to use, if it is within our red line. We operate with social and political engaged arts and artists, we furthermore do represent the art movement Arte Utile and hold a approx. 60 years of Arte Utile archive, that we will start using within the next years to actively involve the public in confronting themselves with the concerns of our times in a multi-layered form. The objective of our associations work is a responsible, aware citizen.

Main Projects / Activities

Constant discussions within a group, we call "Zainteresirani" (engl the interested ones); with this group we work on local themes, we prepare policies for the city council, we coordinate the major part of the indipendent cultural scene of our region. Due to our national activities we cooperate with humanitarian and cultural associations all around Slovenia; Our major project focus during the last years are youth exchanges for the Erasmus+ Programm of the EU, which we conceive and execute in different countries of Europe. Locally we hold workshops, mainly for adults but lately also for pupils and students as well as we exhibit social an political engaged arts and artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Probably we could contribute with project ideas, with our national contacts within the school system as well as supporting the ALF to follow their interests, which goes hand in hand with our mission. Concretely we will have to see, where synergies are found, the projects that were years ago founded in Slovenia are, from a conceptional point of vies, very similar to the projects the ALF founded.  At the moment we try to find funds for the digitalisation of 60 years of archive of ARTE UTILE, their structuring as well as their publishing on internet to make it accessable to all intersted persons. Arte Utile is an art, that sees ist focus on contemporary social and political problems and tries to push it into a creative process of public dialogue, working on it, supporting to solve it. Arte Utile, as soon as the problem it worked on is solved, is merely a document and no more a work or art. In short, to propagade the perception of these possibilities within the field of contemporary art practices is an endeavour, I believe is or at least, should be also in the interest of the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For being able to work within a wider network of similar organisations around Europe, to support our regional environment with perspectives and possibilities only networks like the ALF can produce.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rado Carlo Poggi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rado Carlo Poggi
Contact (2) Full Name
Urška Čerče
Job Title (2)
deputy chairwoman