New Horizons

National Network

Via Castello, 13

+39 0921330757
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3286659779
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
NEW HORIZONS is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting social development and cultural preservation for the local territory and bridging the local population to the constantly changing world outside by means of education and training, information service, and international cooperation. It is founded and run by young professionals who are designing, implementing and evaluating local and international youth projects. NEW HORIZONS is dedicated to creating and implementing educational concepts that allow participants to develop a self-defined strategy of learning in the framework of non-formal education. New Horizons is currently member of a pan-European network of 7 organizations from 7 European countries and, at local level, member of CESV Messina (The Italian Volunteer Centres), a large public network providing support services for NGOs. Since its foundation, NEW HORIZONS works with people with migrant background. Shortly, thanks to popular support, the association has managed to establish its stakeholder networks composed of pan-European organizations working in the field, local SMEs and NGOs, as well as local authorities. Staff members skills: - European Projects management competencies; - Youth Work competencies developed over several years in youth work activities; - Knowledge of local historical heritage and cultural traditions, in order to construct a plausible project idea and development; - Entrepreneurial skills; - Intercultural competencies – gained during the past years’ constantly working in international partnerships and training environments.
Mission and Objectives

NEW HORIZONS’ foremost mission is to promote local development providing support for young
people, schools and SMEs.
In essence, the founding members aim to construct “new horizons” in the imminent future of the people and crucially young people in their city of residence.
Based in Tusa, a small ancient town of approximately 3,000 inhabitants in the province of Messina (Italy), New Horizons takes the initiative to rediscover, revitalize, and re-launch a floundering town dealing with depopulation, youth unemployment and the shortage of socio-cultural services for its remaining residents.

We also operate from Palermo, the capital city of Sicily, where there is a vibrant environment of social entrepreneurship, cultural initiatives and international exchanges. We are part of the Innovation Network Palermo, a community aspiring to be a meeting point for professionals of diverse competences to exchange ideas, new technology and best practices for innovation.

Specifically, the OBJECTIVES are:
* to prepare young people with necessary skills and competences, thus increase their employability;
* to make the local territory an attractive place to live, work and thrive;
* to develop and implement programs in non-formal education for young people & adults;
* to support active citizenship and integration of all people regardless of their social and ethnic backgrounds

Main Projects / Activities

New Horizons organizes training courses, workshops and networking occasions on themes such as entrepreneurship, integration, social awareness, and consulting services in national and EU project management.
- Project design and implementation
- Research and data collection
- Education, training and job orientation
- Promotion of arts and culture in the local territory
- International Cooperation

The above activities will take place in different formats such as Training Courses, Info Days, workshops, study visits, youth exchanges, workcamps, symposia, forums, and so forth, with Local/National/European partners working in different fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Trang Dang
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Gregorio Sambataro
Contact (2) Full Name
Gregorio Sambataro
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

New Horizons

National Network

Via Castello, 13
98079 TUSA

+39 0921330757
+39 3286659779
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Trang Dang
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Gregorio Sambataro
Contact (2) Full Name
Gregorio Sambataro
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Birzeit University

National Network

P.O.Box 2115, Ramallah, Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The digital archive at Birzeit University launched in 2010 for the purpose to collect, preserve and conserve the audio-visual documents from being damaged or lost to emake it available for the researchers inside-outside Palestine. Documents which are endangered are the main target to safe as much as we can.
Mission and Objectives

 The digital archive is a unit in the Birzeit university Museum, the archive and the museum consist of 8 employees. Birzeit university is the main source of funding and hope to get fund from other sources to enahnce the konowledge of culture and documentation.

Main Projects / Activities

The main objects are the following:
Collect audio-visaul documents
Conduct field visits   inside-outsied Palestine    
Save endangered documents
Preserve and conserve the documents either by digitize them or restore them to prolong their lives 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking to expanding the awareness of the importance of the archive and our archive as well. we expect to join other networks which are interested in culture and archives . our purpose is to participate in training courses regarding documentation, digitization, archives,culture and heritage as well other purpose is  to visit other archives and museums to share our experience and to learn from them.
we want to become familiar with other culture and vise-versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Roger Heacock
Job Title
Co-Coordinator of The Palestine Digital archive at BZU
Head of the organisation
Birzeit University

I am human

National Network

14000 Kenitra

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Established in 2015, I am Human is a non-profit association, that has not yet any official residence, and its members include young people ; high school students (15 y.o-18 y.o), and university students.  These talented individuals share an interest in helping people in difficult situations (Generally ; poor people, and particularly ;street children,women, and men). Unfortunately, the association does not have enough money to help people in need, so all we can do is some basic activities to help out.

Mission and Objectives

The Association’s Commitments/Goals : + Helping people in the street. + Contribute to the completion of developmental projects and social  workshops or participate with the associations who have the same goals. + Contribute  improving the situation of individuals and families in a difficult situation through the establishment of income-generating projects. + Construction and maintenance of facilities of public benefit. + To promote the various categories of society in various fields through coordination with all governmental and non-governmental institutions inside and outside the country as permitted by law. + Activating the role of women in the development process and taking care of children's rights. + Revival of the spirit of solidarity and solidarity among the groups of society.

Main Projects / Activities

For example, we do a runway every year, in which we celebrate women’s hard work ; it is a promotional event for poor women who do sewing as a craft/job, but they do not have their own store so that they can sell their work and get the money they deserve. We always tend to value women, and to make them proud of their success, and for that, we give them a Success Certificate at the end of the show, so we thank them for their share, and also to encourage them, and show how much we are proud of them, and their work.     From the other activities( collecting clothes for people in need, co-organizing a fun day for orphans..), there was an Iftar (a meal we have after being fasting) in Ramadan for widows and their children. We offered served tables for the Iftar, music and animation for children. But as i mentioned before, we do not have any sponsorings, there is no help from goverments, all we do here is by our own money, which is not really relevant for big projects that we still have, and plan to do whenever we get the financial support.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We already have plans/projects that we will elaborate more about them if you are interested.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for us and i am sure it will be a great opportunity As i have read, the ALF Network is a very important Network, and the activities it does is a great job

Contact (1) Full Name
Meryem BABA
Job Title
International relations committee
Head of the organisation
Zainate Akassoub
Contact (2) Full Name
Zainate Akassoub
Job Title (2)
Head of the organization

Basket Beat: deporte, arte, educación i acción social

National Network

C/ Sant Adrià 20
08030 Barcelona

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Basket Beat es un proyecto que nace el 2009 de la mano de Josep Mª Aragay y se constituye como asociación el 2015. Somos un equipo de 7 personas con perfiles entorno la educación social, la musicoterapia, la pedagogía musical y gestión cultural. Actualmente estamos presentes en muchos territorios realizando cada semana 20 talleres con 350 personas y colaborando con entidades como la Fundación ONCA, el Ayuntamiento de Terrassa, Xamfrà, Artibarri o la Fundación del Futbol Club Barcelona.  También hacemos anualmente 150h de formación en la universidad y 100h para profesionales del campo de la educación, así mismo nos preocupamos por hacer investigación sobre nuestro campo y acabamos de publicar nuestro primer libro. El curso 2016-17 trabajamos con 3.000 personas (1562 en entornos vulnerables) e hicimos 6 conciertos con nuestra orquesta delante de casi 3.000 personas. Principalmente, a diferencia de la mayoría de entidades del tercer sector, por ahora solo un 30% de nuestros ingresos proviene de subvenciones o ayudas, por lo tanto somos capaces de generar el 70% de nuestro presupuesto.
Mission and Objectives

En Basket Beat acompañamos grupos en su crecimiento y desarrollo a través de hacer música en grupo y con pelotas de básquet. Mediante la creación e interpretación musical, la capacidad reflexiva y la gestión de las emociones construimos comunidades más equitativas, participativas, autónomas y críticas.
Nuestro objetivo es, en primer término, facilitar la voz, el pensamiento crítico y el encuentro entre jóvenes y otros colectivos en situación de vulnerabilidad así como, en segundo, incomodar aquellas instituciones del sistema que reproducen los problemas más que solucionarlos.
Nuestras finalidades son:
1. Facilitar el acceso de jóvenes con menos oportunidades a experiencias deportivas y musicales que respondan a criterios colaborativos, horizontales y de emancipación.
2. Promover las inteligencias múltiples y el entrenamiento de habilidades para la vida como el pensamiento crítico y creativo, el “aprender a aprender” y “aprender a convivir”. Es importante entrenar las varias funciones del lenguaje; mejorar la escucha activa, la empatía y la asertividad; favorecer la autoestima; generar vínculos y nuevas relaciones así como reconocer y valorar el trabajo en equipo.
3. Remover las estructuras externas e internas de la institución educativa como agente socializador comunitario. Facilitar la generación de confianza en las personas y capital social; contraponer los modelos tradicionales de la educación a modelos activos y emancipadores.

Main Projects / Activities

Nuestras principales actividades son:
1- Los talleres socioeducativos que realizamos en escuelas, institutos, centros penitenciarios, centros de salud mental y en el espacio público. Los talleres son sesiones done mediante la interpretación, creación y improvisación musical generamos procesos educativos para desarrollar habilidades como el pensamiento crítico, la toma de decisiones, la mirada periférica o la responsabilidad compartida.
Actualmente hacemos 20 talleres regulares cada semana en distintos lugares.

2- Nos preocupamos mucho en pensar, sistematizar y llenar de contenido nuestras acciones y por eso nos dedicamos también a la investigación. Hacemos avaluaciones educativas,  escribimos artículos sobre el sector educativo y el arte comunitario y acabamos de publicar nuestro primer libro: “Las artes des de la educación social. La experiencia Basket Beat”.
También realizamos 150h de formación cada año en grados y masters de varias universidades y 100h de formación para claustros y profesionales del ámbito de la educación.
3- Por último tenemos una orquesta de pelotas de básquet como proyecto artístico donde participan conjuntamente músicos profesionales y jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad que han formado parte de talleres. En este espacio rompemos con los roles del educador-participante y creamos espacios artísticos compartidos con la intención de dar oportunidades profesionales a jóvenes con menos oportunidades. Acabamos de estrenar un nuevo espectáculo en el Mercat de les Flors de Barcelona que rodará próximamente por los teatros y salas de Catalunya.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tenemos mucho interés en crear redes y sinergias con otras instituciones y entidades para poder llegar a más centros educativos, entidades sociales y profesionales del sector. Entendemos que la problemática social no se encuentra solo en las personas denominadas como “vulnerables” sino que también se encuentra en las estructuras, los profesionales o los currículums.
Por lo tanto estamos muy interesados en compartir nuestra experiencia, así como generar formaciones para profesionales para revisar nuestro rol, y es que por mucho que hablemos de nuevas metodologías y maneras de hacer las mentalidades y formas de hacer a menudo todavía siguen siendo tradicionales.
Podríamos contribuir a la red ofreciendo talleres socioeducativos para jóvenes de otras organizaciones y formaciones para los profesionales sobre el ámbito educativo, del tercer sector y del arte comunitario.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sentimos nuestra responsabilidad con nuestro sector y por lo tanto cualquier oportunidad para hacer mejor nuestro trabajo, crecer como proyecto, compartir nuestros saberes y repensar conjuntamente retos educativos y sociales nos parecen interesantes.
Creemos que tenemos el deber de compartir nuestras aportaciones para crear conexiones y redes que ayuden a consolidar este sector y transformar el mundo!

Contact (1) Full Name
Josep Mª Aragay
Job Title
Responsable de Basket Beat
Head of the organisation
Josep Mª Aragay Borràs
Contact (2) Full Name
Marina de la Maza
Job Title (2)
Cordinadora del proyecto educativo

Riyada Consulting and Training

National Network

Khaled Tahhan Building #14, Fourth Floor, Office #10
Palestinian Territories

+970 2 296 4989
+970 2 296 4985
Mobile Phone
+970 599 774 101
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Riyada Consulting and Training is a Palestinian development consultancy firm established in 2006 with the aim of contributing to quality consultancy and advanced training services in Palestine. It is believed that these services would enhance the development process in Palestine by informing the planning and implementation processes of different programs and project initiated by both local and international organizations as well as different donors interested in sustainable development. The domains of our services include:  Program design, monitoring and evaluation, institutional capacity needs assessment and capacity building, strategic planning, community needs assessment, policy-oriented research, gender mainstreaming, program management and grants management.
Mission and Objectives

Riyada Consulting and Training is a Palestinian development consultancy firm established in 2006 with the aim of contributing to quality consultancy and advanced training services in Palestine. It is believed that these services would enhance the development process in Palestine by informing the planning and implementation processes of different programs and project initiated by both local and international organizations as well as different donors interested in sustainable development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking for local implementation collaborations in The West Bank, Jerusalem, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riyada Consulting is particularly interested in the ALF's focus on regional collaboration and mutual understanding, issues that are key to Palestinian diplomacy and international relations. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Shuaa Marrar
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Shuaa Marrar

Association Alternative pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse

National Network

58000 Tiznit

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information

ALTERNATIVE non government association Budgetary resources: membership of members and partner NGO ALTERNATIVE participated in international youth exchanges and national and local seminars.

Mission and Objectives

objective: Facilitate and support the participant of the youth of the region in the development of the local communit * Support active citizenship for the youth of the region through enhancing values ​​of democracy, peace and cohexistance. * Enhancing values ​​of tolerance, cooperation and understanding and between Moroccan youth and other countries of the world. * Training and strengthening the abilities of youth of the region in the field of development. * Develop the culture of voluntary youth of the region. * Activate projects of cooperative and environmental tourism. * Defining the material and non-material heritage of the region and contributing to preserve it. * Create and develop partnerships with different local, national and international members. * local support development projects. * Contribution in cultural, educational and social activities in the province The identity of the ALTERNATIVE Association derives from Moroccan culture and identity in an open cultural framework.

Main Projects / Activities

international youth exchanges volountariat heritage associative training cultural and artistic animation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• The organization of training programs for youths, • The participation in activities that interest youths at both national and international levels, • The organization of cultural debates, • The organization of conferences, seminars, and study days, • The publication of articles and research regarding youths, • The partnership with various collaborators and institutions, • The installation of local and national development projects in the interest of youths.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network of the Anna Lindh in order to benefit from their experiences internationally with the projects they are working on, as we aspire to work through the network to develop joint projects .  

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Association Of Sustanaible Development And Entrepreneurship

National Network

Milli kütüphane CAD. İ.Tepeköylü iş merkezi n:17/5 505/ konak İzmir
35260 İzmir/

+90 536 665 71 09
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association Of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable development was founded in Izmir in 2018. Before foundation, we organized many events such as topics about importance of non-formal education, writing a project. Then, we have become an association from an initiative. 
Mission and Objectives

Our objectives are;
To increase awareness of Entrepreneurship .
To support system of Entrepreneurship on both national and local level
To support and encourage creative ideas
To support projects for the disadvantaged groups
To support competition for entrepreneurship among the youth through educations, programmes in schools.
To support entrepreneuring literacy and culture through projects, symposiums and educationg programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

We organized a workshop to support Social entrepreneurship among the disadvantaged groups.
We gave an education about entrepreneurship literacy for university students.
We organized a workshop about methods of non-formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Batur Kılıç
Job Title
Contact Person
Head of the organisation
Süleyman Gök

Studio Legale Giuliano

National Network

Via Nizza n. 16
96100 Siracusa

+39 0931 22244
+39 0931 60677
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Lo Studio legale Giuliano è stato fondato nel 1940. Fornisce assistenza e consulenza legale ad imprese, costituite in forma societaria o individuale, operanti in Italia e all'estero, in materia di diritto civile (in particolare diritto societario, bancario, industriale, diritto della proprietà intellettuale e diritto di famiglia) commerciale, tributario ed amministrativo. Assiste i propri clienti in ogni grado di giudizio civile, penale (Tribunale, Corte d'Appello e Corte di Cassazione) ed amministrativo (TAR, Consiglio di Stato: CGA per la Regione Siciliana). Garantisce la propria consulenza anche all'estero, in particolare in Lussemburgo, per la giurisdizione della Corte di Giustizia dell'Unione Europea, e a Strasburgo per la giurisdizione della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo. Tra i propri clienti conta alcune tra le più importanti società del settore energetico, della raffinazione e distribuzione degli olii minerali, e del credito presenti in Sicilia. Nel corso degli anni ha sviluppato competenze specifiche sulla tutela dell'ambiente, dei beni culturali, delle risorse naturalistiche e urbanistiche prestando consulenza agli Enti pubblici territoriali anche in materia di pubblico impiego, lavori pubblici e appalti. Assiste organizzazioni sindacali, imprese e persone fisiche nell'ambito del diritto previdenziale, del lavoro e dell'immigrazione. E' sensibile verso le problematiche etico-sociali e ambientali. Sostiene progetti e attività formative nelle scuole e nelle università, a livello locale e nazionale, con l'obiettivo di diffondere una cultura fondata sulla tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico, architettonico, urbanistico e archeologico. Lo studio si avvale della collaborazione di 15 avvocati, operativi nelle tre sedi in Sicilia (Siracusa, Palermo e Catania) e in quella di Roma. Si è dato una struttura organizzativa complessa in grado di offrire ai propri clienti una consulenza tempestiva e completa, basata su un consolidato patrimonio di conoscenze e competenze. Nel 2013 ha conseguito la Certificazione di Qualità ISO 9001:2008, una garanzia di affidabilità e professionalità (Certificato qualità ISO 9001-2015).
Mission and Objectives

Lo Studio legale Giuliano è stato fondato nel 1940 da Pietro Giuliano, avvocato civilista,  sulla strada tracciata dal padre, canc. Corrado I. Giuliano, segretario capo presso la Procura della Repubblica di Siracusa e autore di saggi monografici in materia di gratuito patrocinio, campione penale e stato civile. Il fondatore ha esercitato la professione forense fino al 1982 e sin dagli anni ’50 ha fornito assistenza legale alle numerose società operanti nel settore energetico, della raffinazione e della chimica insediatesi in Sicilia nel dopoguerra.
Lo studio si è avvalso dell’esperienza professionale e del contributo dell’ avv. Antonio Giuliano, già Sindaco della città di Siracusa, prematuramente scomparso nel 1977, della cui attività politica degli anni '50 e '60 si custodisce il prestigioso archivio, e della consulenza scientifica in medicina legale del dr. Leonardo Giuliano, già Presidente del Consiglio dell’Ordine dei medici di Siracusa e primario di medicina legale presso l’Ospedale Umberto I di Siracusa.
Negli anni '70, con l'inizio della pratica forense dell' avv. Corrado V. Giuliano, figlio di Pietro e attuale titolare dello studio, l'attività professionale si estende al contenzioso amministrativo (edilizia, espropriazione, appalti, pubblico impiego), alla tutela dell'ambiente, dei beni culturali, delle risorse naturalistiche ed urbanistiche.
All'inizio degli anni '80 lo Studio assicura alle Organizzazioni sindacali l'assistenza in materia di diritto previdenziale e del lavoro e  sviluppa competenze per rispondere alle nuove esigenze del settore bancario, civile, contrattuale e commerciale.
Negli anni ’90 lo Studio si dà una struttura più organica con l'avvio della collaborazione con l'avv. Luciano Schillaci, cotitolare della sede di Catania, e con l'avv. Nicola Giudice, cotitolare della sede di Palermo. Lo sviluppo dell'attività comporterà, negli anni successivi, l'inserimento di nuovi professionisti e l'incremento delle risorse dedicate alle attività di segreteria e all'amministrazione, coordinate da Velia Aprile, responsabile amministrativa dello studio.
Lo Studio legale Giuliano è stato fondato nel 1940. Fornisce assistenza e consulenza legale ad imprese, costituite in forma societaria o individuale, operanti in Italia e all'estero, in materia di diritto civile (in particolare diritto societario, bancario, industriale, diritto della proprietà intellettuale e diritto di famiglia) commerciale, tributario ed amministrativo.
Assiste i propri clienti in ogni grado di giudizio civile, penale (Tribunale, Corte d'Appello e Corte di Cassazione) ed amministrativo (TAR, Consiglio di Stato: CGA per la Regione Siciliana). Garantisce la propria consulenza anche all'estero, in particolare in Lussemburgo, per la giurisdizione della Corte di Giustizia dell'Unione Europea, e a Strasburgo per la giurisdizione della Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo.
Tra i propri clienti conta alcune tra le più importanti società del settore energetico, della raffinazione e distribuzione degli olii minerali, e del credito presenti in Sicilia.
Nel corso degli anni ha sviluppato competenze specifiche sulla tutela dell'ambiente, dei beni culturali, delle risorse naturalistiche e urbanistiche prestando consulenza agli Enti pubblici territoriali anche in materia di pubblico impiego, lavori pubblici e appalti.
Assiste organizzazioni sindacali, imprese e persone fisiche nell'ambito del diritto previdenziale, del lavoro e dell'immigrazione.
E' sensibile verso le problematiche etico-sociali e ambientali. Sostiene progetti e attività formative nelle scuole e nelle università, a livello locale e nazionale, con l'obiettivo di diffondere una cultura fondata sulla tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico, architettonico, urbanistico e archeologico.
Lo studio si avvale della collaborazione di 15 avvocati, operativi nelle tre sedi in Sicilia (Siracusa, Palermo e Catania) e in quella di Roma. Si è dato una struttura organizzativa complessa in grado di offrire ai propri clienti una consulenza tempestiva e completa, basata su un consolidato patrimonio di conoscenze e competenze.
Nel 2013 ha conseguito la Certificazione di Qualità ISO 9001:2008, una garanzia di affidabilità e professionalità (Certificato qualità ISO 9001-2015).

Main Projects / Activities

Lo Studio Legale Giuliano ha al suo interno la Biblioteca di Informazione Giuridica "Fedro".
La Biblioteca d’Informazione Giuridica Fedro è stata fondata nel 1985 per volontà dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano, che ha inteso, in questo modo, offrire un servizio a tutti gli operatori del settore giuridico, e si trova presso i locali dello Studio legale Giuliano di Siracusa. La Biblioteca “Fedro”, “Biblioteca di Informazione Giuridica dell’Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano” aderisce al Sistema Bibliotecario Regionale e consta di oltre seimila volumi, di circa trenta periodici e di sei banche dati informatiche, quattro generaliste e due di diritto amministrativo. Ha inoltre un costante controllo su tutte le altre banche dati giuridiche istituzionali e private in chiaro. La biblioteca conserva testi di diritto e procedura civile, in minor parte di diritto e procedura penale. Significativa è la consistenza di testi e riviste di diritto ambientale, poiché l’attività dello studio è fortemente mirata alla problematica ambientale.
Il nome attribuito alla Biblioteca deriva dal testo platonico “Fedro” dove Platone difendeva la tradizione orale a discapito della tradizione scritta, che a suo modo di vedere cristallizzava la sapienza.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lo Studio Legale Giuliano si candida sia come interlocutore - sensibile alle tematiche giuridiche e socio -economiche - sia come partner di progetti di promozione del dialogo interculturale nell'ambito euromediterraneo.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Lo Studio Legale Giuliano crede nella pregevole attività profusa dall'ALF Network e intende dare il proprio apporto e contributo scientifico e culturale per sviluppare reti di partenariato che favoriscano il confronto e il dibattito sulle tematiche della tutela dell'ambiente, della salvaguardia dei diritti umani, della protezione del patrimonio culturale e dello sviluppo dei sistemi democratici nell'area euromediterranea.

Contact (1) Full Name
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Avv. Corrado V. Giuliano
Contact (2) Full Name
Daniel Amato
Job Title (2)
Avv. Prof.


National Network

Via Domenico Scina' , 6
96100 Siracusa

+39 0931463897
Mobile Phone
+39 3394016978
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Il Centro di Ricerca e Azione Giuridica "Luigi Basile" è un ente di ricerca privato specializzato nella promozione di una cultura europea ed euromediterranea tra i cittadini, le imprese e le istituzioni pubbliche.   The "Luigi Basile" Research and Action Center is a private research organization specializing in the promotion of a European and Euro-Mediterranean culture among citizens, businesses and public institutions.
Mission and Objectives

Il Centro di Ricerca e Azione Giuridica "Luigi Basile" è diretto dal Prof. Avv. Daniel Amato, Professore universitario di Diritto dell'Unione Europea quale Segretario Generale dell'ente.
I finanziamenti sono privati.
Le modalità di azione sono la realizzazione di incontri di dibattito, convegni, focus groups, master e percorsi di ricerca.
The "Luigi Basile" Research and Action Center is directed by Prof. Avv. Daniel Amato, University Professor of European Union Law as General Secretary of the institution.
The loans are private.
The modalities of action are the realization of debate meetings, conferences, focus groups, masters and research paths.

Main Projects / Activities

Training path about welfare system in Europe

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Centre could organize seminars and focus groups with partners about euromediterranean problems like environmental protection, youth education, intercultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF network is an important occasion to develop international relationships

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Amato
Job Title
Prof. Avv.
Head of the organisation
Prof. Avv. Daniel AMATO