CeSPI - Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale

National Network

Piazza Venezia, 11
00187 Roma

+39 06 6990630
+39 06 6784104
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
CeSPI is a private non profit think tank which conducts policy-oriented studies, carrying out research, consultancy, training and communication activities within its research areas: Migrants’ Social Integration and Economic Citizenship, Financial Inclusion, Remittances, Co-development; Monitoring and evaluation of Italian, European and international development cooperation strategies and policies; Decentralised cooperation and Local development. CeSPI implements research projects and programs, addressing to public and private institutions in Italy and abroad, and presenting their results in seminars and public events. It collaborates with the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, of the Interior and of Labour; it supports the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committees, and is engaged in a partnership with the Associazione Bancaria Italiana (ABI). CeSPI is part of several international networks, among which EADI, and is partner of the OECD Development Centre. CeSPI has 4 full time and 2 part time employees; 20 researchers and an average of 9-10 temporary employees. Its budget was € 1.373.498,41 in 2017.
Mission and Objectives

CeSPI’s mission and purposes are: promoting and developing studies and researchers on various issues of international relations; carrying our consultancy and training initiatives; organizing conferences, seminars and public debates, also in cooperation with similari institutions both Italian and non Italian; publishing books and periodicals.

Main Projects / Activities

Over the years CeSPI developed an internationally-acknowledged expertise on International Migrations, centred on five main dimensions: migrations’ root causes; migration and development nexus; migration policies (at the EU, Italian and sub-national level of government); financial inclusion, social and economic integration of migrants; monitoring of the reception and integration process. This allowed CeSPI to establish positive relations with diaspora organizations of various migrant communities all over Italy and with interested stakeholders participating in the projects. Recent projects include:
The website www.mandasoldiacasa.it, managed by CeSPI since 2009, compares the costs for migrants living in Italy of sending remittances to their origin countries. It is the first national website on remittance costs comparison certified by the World Bank and it represents a best practice at international level. CeSPI is also part of the Italian component of the G8 Global Remittance Working Group, coordinated by the World Bank, aimed at achieving the 5x5 Objective (reduction of 5% in 5 years of the costs of sending remittances) endorsed by the L’Aquila G8 Summit of 2009 and the Cannes G20 Summit of 2011. Within the G8 CeSPi launched mandasoldiacasa.it, online since 2009, which is visited by a yearly average of 26.500 persons/migrants. 
The National Observatory for the Financial Inclusion of Third-Party Nationals. Analysis and Monitoring of the Relationships between Migrants and Financial Institutions. Carried out by CeSPI since 2012 in partnership with the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Italian Banking Association (ABI), the Observatory is the first of its kind in Italy and Europe and it became a hub for the ongoing structured analysis – thanks to data directly fed by financial operators - and monitoring of the financial inclusion process of immigrants in Italy, a key aspect for their full integration. It provides institutions (at national and local/territorial level) and financial operators with different tools aimed at identifying and defining integrated strategies for strengthening and furthering the financial and economic inclusion of migrants. A key research line focuses on migrants business/entrepreneurial models. One of the Observatory’s main component is education and training: it promotes nationwide financial education campaigns (for instance in collaboration with ILO – International Labour Organization) and an ongoing dialogue with migrant communities. Two Territorial Labs have been established in Rome and Milan gathering all main stakeholders dealing with economic/financial inclusion of migrants. The output is a yearly Report (now at its sixth edition), reports on specific issues and financial education tools.
EMN - European Migration Network (2017-2018): CeSPI currently produces studies on Migrants’ financial inclusion, remittances and co-development for the Italian Contact Point.
Another key focus is Capitalization and Capacity Building. CeSPI cooperates with migrants’ associations and public administrations and institutions in different projects aimed at strengthening the former’s capacities for integration and the latter’s competences and facilitate positive synergies towards co-development.
Since its inception CeSPI has been developing a fruitful dialogue with CSOs and NGOs with which it has implemented a number of projects centred on sustainable development, migrants integration and support to capacity building, local development, cross-border cooperation.
The Centre is also engaged in training, as Convener of the International Doctoral School on Sustainable Development: a consortium of +40 academic and doctoral schools from 25 countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Italian partners (CeSPI, the Universities of Roma 3, Salerno, Florence and Pisa) propose three PhD programs and research themes on Economics and Statistics, International relations and Political sciences, and Engineering, Energetics and Sustainability, offering research scholarships and individual mentoring. In addition, activities of migrants’ training and capacity building include such aspects as: institutional empowerment for migrant associations (vision, mission, governance etc); Project Cycle Management; budgeting and communication. A key focus is dedicated to capacity building in the financial and economic sphere for migrants (financial literacy; financial products and services; family budgeting and business planning for entrepreneurs, ect). CeSPI started a collaboration with ILO (International Labour Organization) to promote ToT (Training of Trainers) programs among migrant communities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CeSPI can bring to the Network its unique and acknowledged expertise in a number of fields which are becoming more and more relevant: international migrations in their various dimensions; co-development; development strategies and fight to poverty; regional dynamics centred on the Mediterranean, Africa and Latin America.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we think that it would be a very good opportunity of extending and enriching a web of relations with analogous institutions, engaging into an exchange of ideas and practices which can give rise to important projects more focused on local realities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vittoria Antonelli
Job Title
Assistant to the Direction
Head of the organisation
Piero Fassino, President; Daniele Frigeri, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara De Benedictis
Job Title (2)
Assistant to the Direction

Istituto per la Competitività

National Network

Piazza SS. Apostoli 66
00187 Rome

+39 06 4740176
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
I-Com is an officially recognized non-profit association (as for D.P.R. n. 361 10/02/2000). According to I-Com Statute, the governing bodies are: - The Assembly of Members(Assemblea dei Soci), where a representative of each supporting Member, as well as founding members have a seat - The President - The Director of Area - The Board of Directors(Consiglio Direttivo), whose member are the President (acting as Chair of the Board) and the Director of Area  - The External Auditor(Revisore Unico) - The Scientific Committee  The Assembly of Members approves the annual budget and activity plan, presented by the Board of Directors. The Scientific Committee has an advisory function and supports I-Com in elaborating strategic decisions. The External Auditor verifies the compliance of financial management to appropriate standards and national laws.  The President, the Vice President and the Directors of Area are the managing persons of the Association, directing scientific, communication and administrative activities. Yearly budgetary resources: 1.4 M€ Funding resources: private memberships and sponsorships, consultancies Concrete projects, cooperarion projects, roundtables
Mission and Objectives

I-Comis a non-profit organization established in 2005 with the ambition to promote policy debates on the competitiveness of the Italian economic system within the European and international framework through the setting-up a multi-stakeholder platform to connect policy makers, private decision makers, experts, civil society organizations and opinion leaders. 
In its +10 years’ of activities I-Com has realized:
more than 400 publications (books - policy papers - working papers - studies - analysis - comments), and 
more than 300 events (conferences – seminars - roundtables – policy breakfasts). 
Since 2006, thanks to I-Com activities, there has been a strong interaction of different private and public stakeholders.
I-Com main area of interest are Energy and Environment, ICT and Media, Healthcare and Welfare. In 2016 I-Com opened a branch office in Brussels to extend its activities at EU level and started to organize events and initiatives also in the heart of the European policy and decision making hub. In 2017 I-Com joined the Global Trade and Innovation Policy Alliance (GTIPA), a global network of independent think tanks supporting global trade liberalization, integration and innovation. is active in the development of different projects in its key competence fields (energy, ICT, healthcare & welfare, infrastructure and finance. economic development) involving key stakeholders in the public and the private sector and has accrued specific EU project work experience, such as in the MENA and the Balkan Region. 

Main Projects / Activities

Consulting Services for Technical assistance subcontract on energy efficiency and distributed solar energies - ENPI Strategic Project MED-Desire
Evaluation of the impact of energy efficiency investments on the competitiveness of medium energy intensive manufacturing industry in Italy - Research project
CEI Central European Initiative – Strengthening Energy Regulatory Authorities in the Western Balkans - The project focuses on transferring to the National Regulatory Authorities of Albania, Montenegro and Serbia the know-how on market coupling initiatives among EU members, with the aim to promote the creation of a Balkan regional electricity market integrated in the European one.
Worl Bank Group - Tunisia: impact of energy reform subsidies on enterprises and mitigation strategies

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Franco D'Amore
Job Title
Vice President and Director of Energy Area
Head of the organisation
Stefano da Empoli

Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone

National Network

Via Serradifalco n. 250
90145 Palermo

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
La Fondazione Falcone è stata costituita a Palermo il 10 dicembre 1992 con lo scopo di promuovere la cultura della legalità nella società e nei giovani in particolare, favorendo attività culturali, di studio e di ricerca che favoriscano lo sviluppo di una coscienza antimafiosa. Particolarmente attenta alla problematica pedagogico-educativa dei ragazzi in età scolare, la Fondazione si impegna a realizzare una vera educazione permanente alla legalità attraverso iniziative di carattere sociale e culturale che coinvolgano i giovani. Scopo della Fondazione è anche promuovere il perfezionamento della professionalità degli apparati investigativi e giudiziari impegnati nell’azione di prevenzione e di contrasto della criminalità organizzata. A livello internazionale essa favorisce l’integrazione e la cooperazione tra i sistemi giudiziari europei ed internazionali per un più efficace coordinamento dell’azione di tutti gli Stati e delle Agenzie deputate alla prevenzione e repressione dei delitti di criminalità organizzata.
Mission and Objectives

 Obiettivo ultimo della Fondazione è di coalizzare tutte le energie positive che in qualsiasi parte del mondo siano disponibili per sradicare dalla società il fenomeno mafioso. Dal 1996 la Fondazione ha ottenuto dall’ONU il riconoscimento dello status consultivo in qualità di Organizzazione non Governativa presso l’ECOSOC (Consiglio Economico e Sociale delle Nazioni Unite). Ciò significa che la Fondazione Falcone svolge funzioni consultive nell’ambito delle materie ricadenti all’interno della competenza del Consiglio Economico e Sociale (ECOSOC) con riferimento ai campi dell’economia internazionale, delle problematiche sociali, culturali, educative, di salute, scientifiche, tecnologiche ed alle questioni dei diritti umani.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Falcone
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maria Falcone
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Falcone
Job Title (2)

Centro Culturale San Martino - Regione Puglia

National Network

Vincenzo Scategni

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
At this moment the association has 5 members and many volunteers and partners. Budgetary resources available, Sources of funding: public funds, membership fees, municipal contributions. Modalities of action: projects,  seminars and concert concerning PEACE AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Migrants, Refugees, and asylum seekers Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Apulia Region, Municipality of Taviano, Istituto Compensivo Statale di Racale, GAL Capo di Leuca, Comunità Emmanuel, Progetto Agapolis in Gallipoli, Caritas, Azione Cattolica
Mission and Objectives

The association "Cultural Center Saint Martin –  Apulia Region" promotes the humanities and integral human development through education and training activities. In particular, the Association promotes
1) European cultural route of Saint. Martin of Tours, recognized by Council of Europe, and his cultural tradition (music, religion, art);
2) humanities:  philosophy, considered  as pedagogy of the human spirit and expression of charity and peace; the history  and the shared European memory, the history of the Salento and Puglia in order to contribute for a new awareness of European cultural identity; literature and art (painting, sculpture, music, photography, etc.), as an expression of creativity, and as evidence of a common tradition to preserve; Bioethics and Medical Humanities as expression of solidarity, love and unconditional respect for human life; human and social sciences to spread the culture of inclusion;
3) the cultural heritage (tangible and intangible);
4) European and global citizenship, the democratic participation of citizens, education for peace, education for sustainable human development, mutual acceptance of differences, intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
5) cooperation between cultural institutions, Italian and foreign organizations to share strategies, best practices andcultural projects;
6) communion between the intelligence and the sharing of knowledge

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars projects,  seminars concerning CULTURE OF SOLIDARITY 
PEACE AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Migrants, Refugees, and asylum seekers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I could promote new partnerships throughout a permanent FORUM for peace and human rights in the Mediterranean sea.
We are a member of  RIDE-APS/ALF Italian network 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would contribute to build peace and promote human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean area throughout international cooperation and cultural diplomacy.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
PhD in philosophy and teacher
Head of the organisation
Centro Culturale San Martino - Regione Puglia

National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms

National Network

22 Bassam El Sherif St. - Ahmed Kamel - Haram St. 2nd Floor Apartment 3

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
General Information
The National Association for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms began work in 2005 to monitor the first presidential elections after the famous constitutional amendments and began to study the Egyptian society and its need to work in the positive participation and develop the participation of women in a basic way and to keep working on the file of torture and other human rights fThe association consists of a board of directors and a number of five employees from the accountant, secretary, international relations, administrative director and budget of the association each year between 70.000 Egyptian pounds and 250.000 Egyptian pounds according to the support provided to the association which comes from a number of projects with organizations such as the Endowment for American Democracy, Euromed, MEPI, US Embassy, European Union The National Society for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms also establishes companies with other Arab organizations under the name of the Arab Association for Civil Society Organizations and the Association has coordinators in all governorates of the Republic
Mission and Objectives

The Society seeks to spread the concepts of human rights, instilling the values of democracy and respect for women, and that every citizen enjoy his rights and duties without discrimination Objectives - To spread the culture of human rights and respect women's rights as an integral part of rights and duties - instilling the values of democracy to build a state that respects pluralism and the circulation of power - Raising the awareness of marginalized groups of their rights and duties - Defending victims of human rights violations - Empower women and young people politically, economically and socially

Main Projects / Activities

- Political participation of women and raising their awareness of their political rights - Democratic Development and Legislative Observatory - Civic education for women and youth in all human rights and democracy issues - Follow-up to the electoral process - Economic empowerment of women and youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share knowledge and ideas with colleagues Implement joint projects and contribute with colleagues in achieving network goals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joint work and assembly in an entity that allows creativity and increased knowledge

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
waleed farouk aly
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
waleed farouk aly
Contact (2) Full Name
habeba hassan mazen
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

MISS CHEF Association

National Network

Nedo Nadi street, n.2
via Nicola Vaccaro, n.134
85100 Potenza

0039 0971 51339
0039 0971 594037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 333-4532314
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 331-5934925
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
MISS CHEF® (www.misschef.net) is a no-profit cultural association aiming at the promotion of the growth of the female talent. With the collaboration of public institutions and other cultural associations, it contributes to the diffusion of the Italian Culture and food and wine tradition, in different forms and expressions, promoting the “Made in Italy” culinary excellences, known and appreciated all over the world. In fact, the MISS CHEF® Association is a multicultural container in which it is possible to meet ideas, insights, knowledge, planning, entrepreneurial, artisan and artistic realities from different sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy", but always focusing on the value of the Italian woman. MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. MISS CHEF have a eight ten persons in its staff and over twenty partners in Italy and abroad. In a year MISS CHEF can reach a budget of about 20000 euros in resources coming from public entities ad private sponsors. MISS CHEF realizes seminars and concrete projects. Main partnes are some public Region, Universities and other no profit Associations.
Mission and Objectives

The Award consists in a competition in show cooking born in 2012 and become, in 2014, itinerant in several Italian regions and has made competitions even in the USA. With its innovative and dynamic formula on tour, it wants to contribute to exalt the socio-cultural value-ness, of the Italianness. The protagonists of the competition are some Chef Women for each competition, selected for curriculum and professional merits. The chefs on competition are engaged in the realization of a dish according to their repertoire in the kitchen following the strict Regulation of the Award. The competition consists in a show cooking with the subsequent tasting of the dishes realized and offered to two Juries, a technical one and an institutional one; the jurors may ask the chefs for questions or explanations and, soon after the tasting, will give an overall judgment according to some pre-fixed criteria. The Award Juries are always made up of personalities from the political, economic, entertainment and socio-cultural national and international world, journalists and food and wine experts. While they are at work in the kitchen or in front of the juries, the competitors describe their dishes underlining the interpretation of the classic recipe, the use of certain ingredients, the recovery of certain flavors and products that make the excellence of the different territories; illustrating their own recipe in the competition, each Chef tells her family and professional history. The competition takes place in some prestigious locations that host the tour stops in the various Italian regions and abroad. Each competition has a MISS CHEF® Winner . The format is further enhanced by an innovative formula complementing the experience MISS CHEF®, moments of culture, entertainment and discussions, cooking demonstrations and conferences may be planned and implemented from time to time for the promotion of excellence and typical manufacturing or territorial peculiarities and, of course, the highlight of the competition which is the MISS CHEF® Award.

Main Projects / Activities

MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. Conceived by the journalist MARIANGELA PETRUZZELLI, president, author and artistic director of the Award, which is the first competition among some of the best Italian Chef Women with the proposition, all in pink, of the most renowned menu of the traditional Italian cuisine, between yesterday and today.MISS CHEF realizes also MISS CHEF Academy to teach high quality cusine. MISS CHEF promotes and realizes cultural and socio- economical meetings, events and debates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing common internazional meetings, events and debates. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF Network have an international mission and view and because the multicultural relationship with all the ALF entities  create a plus value for MISS CHEF. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariangela Petruzzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mariangela Petruzzelli-president
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Di Girolamo
Job Title (2)

MISS CHEF Association

National Network

via Nedo Nadi, n.2
via Nicola Vaccaro, n.134
85100 Potenza

0039 0971 51339
0039 0971 594037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 333-4532314
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 331-5934925
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
MISS CHEF® (www.misschef.net) is a no-profit cultural association aiming at the promotion of the growth of the female talent. With the collaboration of public institutions and other cultural associations, it contributes to the diffusion of the Italian Culture and food and wine tradition, in different forms and expressions, promoting the “Made in Italy” culinary excellences, known and appreciated all over the world. In fact, the MISS CHEF® Association is a multicultural container in which it is possible to meet ideas, insights, knowledge, planning, entrepreneurial, artisan and artistic realities from different sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy", but always focusing on the value of the Italian woman. MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. MISS CHEF have a eight ten persons in its staff and over twenty partners in Italy and abroad. In a year MISS CHEF can reach a budget of about 20000 euros in resources coming from public entities ad private sponsors. MISS CHEF realizes seminars and concrete projects. Main partnes are some public Region, Universities and other no profit Associations.
Mission and Objectives

The Award consists in a competition in show cooking born in 2012 and become, in 2014, itinerant in several Italian regions and has made competitions even in the USA. With its innovative and dynamic formula on tour, it wants to contribute to exalt the socio-cultural value-ness, of the Italianness. The protagonists of the competition are some Chef Women for each competition, selected for curriculum and professional merits. The chefs on competition are engaged in the realization of a dish according to their repertoire in the kitchen following the strict Regulation of the Award. The competition consists in a show cooking with the subsequent tasting of the dishes realized and offered to two Juries, a technical one and an institutional one; the jurors may ask the chefs for questions or explanations and, soon after the tasting, will give an overall judgment according to some pre-fixed criteria. The Award Juries are always made up of personalities from the political, economic, entertainment and socio-cultural national and international world, journalists and food and wine experts. While they are at work in the kitchen or in front of the juries, the competitors describe their dishes underlining the interpretation of the classic recipe, the use of certain ingredients, the recovery of certain flavors and products that make the excellence of the different territories; illustrating their own recipe in the competition, each Chef tells her family and professional history. The competition takes place in some prestigious locations that host the tour stops in the various Italian regions and abroad. Each competition has a MISS CHEF® Winner . The format is further enhanced by an innovative formula complementing the experience MISS CHEF®, moments of culture, entertainment and discussions, cooking demonstrations and conferences may be planned and implemented from time to time for the promotion of excellence and typical manufacturing or territorial peculiarities and, of course, the highlight of the competition which is the MISS CHEF® Award.

Main Projects / Activities

MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. Conceived by the journalist MARIANGELA PETRUZZELLI, president, author and artistic director of the Award, which is the first competition among some of the best Italian Chef Women with the proposition, all in pink, of the most renowned menu of the traditional Italian cuisine, between yesterday and today.MISS CHEF realizes also MISS CHEF Academy to teach high quality cusine. MISS CHEF promotes and realizes cultural and socio- economical meetings, events and debates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing international meetings, events and debates.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF Network have an international mission and view and because the multicultural relationship with all the ALF entities  create a plus value for MISS CHEF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariangela Petruzzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mariangela Petruzzelli-president
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Di Girolamo
Job Title (2)

MISS CHEF Association

National Network

via Nedo Nadi, n.2
via Nicola Vaccaro, n.134
85100 Potenza

0039 0971 51339
0039 0971 594037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 333-4532314
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 331-5934925
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
MISS CHEF® (www.misschef.net) is a no-profit cultural association aiming at the promotion of the growth of the female talent. With the collaboration of public institutions and other cultural associations, it contributes to the diffusion of the Italian Culture and food and wine tradition, in different forms and expressions, promoting the “Made in Italy” culinary excellences, known and appreciated all over the world. In fact, the MISS CHEF® Association is a multicultural container in which it is possible to meet ideas, insights, knowledge, planning, entrepreneurial, artisan and artistic realities from different sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy", but always focusing on the value of the Italian woman. MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. MISS CHEF have a eight ten persons in its staff and over twenty partners in Italy and abroad. In a year MISS CHEF can reach a budget of about 20000 euros in resources coming from public entities ad private sponsors. MISS CHEF realizes seminars and concrete projects. Main partnes are some public Region, Universities and other no profit Associations.
Mission and Objectives

The Award consists in a competition in show cooking born in 2012 and become, in 2014, itinerant in several Italian regions and has made competitions even in the USA. With its innovative and dynamic formula on tour, it wants to contribute to exalt the socio-cultural value-ness, of the Italianness. The protagonists of the competition are some Chef Women for each competition, selected for curriculum and professional merits. The chefs on competition are engaged in the realization of a dish according to their repertoire in the kitchen following the strict Regulation of the Award. The competition consists in a show cooking with the subsequent tasting of the dishes realized and offered to two Juries, a technical one and an institutional one; the jurors may ask the chefs for questions or explanations and, soon after the tasting, will give an overall judgment according to some pre-fixed criteria. The Award Juries are always made up of personalities from the political, economic, entertainment and socio-cultural national and international world, journalists and food and wine experts. While they are at work in the kitchen or in front of the juries, the competitors describe their dishes underlining the interpretation of the classic recipe, the use of certain ingredients, the recovery of certain flavors and products that make the excellence of the different territories; illustrating their own recipe in the competition, each Chef tells her family and professional history. The competition takes place in some prestigious locations that host the tour stops in the various Italian regions and abroad. Each competition has a MISS CHEF® Winner . The format is further enhanced by an innovative formula complementing the experience MISS CHEF®, moments of culture, entertainment and discussions, cooking demonstrations and conferences may be planned and implemented from time to time for the promotion of excellence and typical manufacturing or territorial peculiarities and, of course, the highlight of the competition which is the MISS CHEF® Award.

Main Projects / Activities

MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. Conceived by the journalist MARIANGELA PETRUZZELLI, president, author and artistic director of the Award, which is the first competition among some of the best Italian Chef Women with the proposition, all in pink, of the most renowned menu of the traditional Italian cuisine, between yesterday and today.MISS CHEF realizes also MISS CHEF Academy to teach high quality cusine. MISS CHEF promotes and realizes cultural and socio- economical meetings, events and debates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing international meetings, events and debates.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF Network have an international mission and view and because the multicultural relationship with all the ALF entities  create a plus value for MISS CHEF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariangela Petruzzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mariangela Petruzzelli-president
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Di Girolamo
Job Title (2)

MISS CHEF Association

National Network

via Nedo Nadi, n.2
via Nicola Vaccaro, n.134
85100 Potenza

0039 0971 594037
0039 0971 594037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 333-4532314
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 331-5934925
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
MISS CHEF® (www.misschef.net) is a no-profit cultural association aiming at the promotion of the growth of the female talent. With the collaboration of public institutions and other cultural associations, it contributes to the diffusion of the Italian Culture and food and wine tradition, in different forms and expressions, promoting the “Made in Italy” culinary excellences, known and appreciated all over the world. In fact, the MISS CHEF® Association is a multicultural container in which it is possible to meet ideas, insights, knowledge, planning, entrepreneurial, artisan and artistic realities from different sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy", but always focusing on the value of the Italian woman. MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. MISS CHEF have a eight ten persons in its staff and over twenty partners in Italy and abroad. In a year MISS CHEF can reach a budget of about 20000 euros in resources coming from public entities ad private sponsors. MISS CHEF realizes seminars and concrete projects. Main partnes are some public Region, Universities and other no profit Associations.
Mission and Objectives

The Award consists in a competition in show cooking born in 2012 and become, in 2014, itinerant in several Italian regions and has made competitions even in the USA. With its innovative and dynamic formula on tour, it wants to contribute to exalt the socio-cultural value-ness, of the Italianness. The protagonists of the competition are some Chef Women for each competition, selected for curriculum and professional merits. The chefs on competition are engaged in the realization of a dish according to their repertoire in the kitchen following the strict Regulation of the Award. The competition consists in a show cooking with the subsequent tasting of the dishes realized and offered to two Juries, a technical one and an institutional one; the jurors may ask the chefs for questions or explanations and, soon after the tasting, will give an overall judgment according to some pre-fixed criteria. The Award Juries are always made up of personalities from the political, economic, entertainment and socio-cultural national and international world, journalists and food and wine experts. While they are at work in the kitchen or in front of the juries, the competitors describe their dishes underlining the interpretation of the classic recipe, the use of certain ingredients, the recovery of certain flavors and products that make the excellence of the different territories; illustrating their own recipe in the competition, each Chef tells her family and professional history. The competition takes place in some prestigious locations that host the tour stops in the various Italian regions and abroad. Each competition has a MISS CHEF® Winner . The format is further enhanced by an innovative formula complementing the experience MISS CHEF®, moments of culture, entertainment and discussions, cooking demonstrations and conferences may be planned and implemented from time to time for the promotion of excellence and typical manufacturing or territorial peculiarities and, of course, the highlight of the competition which is the MISS CHEF® Award.

Main Projects / Activities

MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. Conceived by the journalist MARIANGELA PETRUZZELLI, president, author and artistic director of the Award, which is the first competition among some of the best Italian Chef Women with the proposition, all in pink, of the most renowned menu of the traditional Italian cuisine, between yesterday and today.MISS CHEF realizes also MISS CHEF Academy to teach high quality cusine. MISS CHEF promotes and realizes cultural and socio- economical meetings, events and debates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing common internazional meetings, events and debates. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF Network have an international mission and view and because the multicultural relationship with all the ALF entities  create a plus value for MISS CHEF. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariangela Petruzzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mariangela Petruzzelli-president
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Di Girolamo
Job Title (2)

MISS CHEF Association

National Network

via Nedo Nadi, n.2
via Nicola Vaccaro, n.134
85100 Potenza

0039 0971 594037
0039 0971 594037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 333-4532314
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 331-5934925
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
MISS CHEF® (www.misschef.net) is a no-profit cultural association aiming at the promotion of the growth of the female talent. With the collaboration of public institutions and other cultural associations, it contributes to the diffusion of the Italian Culture and food and wine tradition, in different forms and expressions, promoting the “Made in Italy” culinary excellences, known and appreciated all over the world. In fact, the MISS CHEF® Association is a multicultural container in which it is possible to meet ideas, insights, knowledge, planning, entrepreneurial, artisan and artistic realities from different sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy", but always focusing on the value of the Italian woman. MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. MISS CHEF have a eight ten persons in its staff and over twenty partners in Italy and abroad. In a year MISS CHEF can reach a budget of about 20000 euros in resources coming from public entities ad private sponsors. MISS CHEF realizes seminars and concrete projects. Main partnes are some public Region, Universities and other no profit Associations.
Mission and Objectives

The Award consists in a competition in show cooking born in 2012 and become, in 2014, itinerant in several Italian regions and has made competitions even in the USA.
With its innovative and dynamic formula on tour, it wants to contribute to exalt the socio-cultural value-ness, of the Italianness.
The protagonists of the competition are some Chef Women for each competition, selected for curriculum and professional merits. The chefs on competition are engaged in the realization of a dish according to their repertoire in the kitchen following the strict Regulation of the Award. The competition consists in a show cooking with the subsequent tasting of the dishes realized and offered to two Juries, a technical one and an institutional one; the jurors may ask the chefs for questions or explanations and, soon after the tasting, will give an overall judgment according to some pre-fixed criteria.
The Award Juries are always made up of personalities from the political, economic, entertainment and socio-cultural national and international world, journalists and food and wine experts.
While they are at work in the kitchen or in front of the juries, the competitors describe their dishes underlining the interpretation of the classic recipe, the use of certain ingredients, the recovery of certain flavors and products that make the excellence of the different territories; illustrating their own recipe in the competition, each Chef tells her family and professional history.
The competition takes place in some prestigious locations that host the tour stops in the various Italian regions and abroad. Each competition has a MISS CHEF® Winner .
The format is further enhanced by an innovative formula complementing the experience MISS CHEF®, moments of culture, entertainment and discussions, cooking demonstrations and conferences may be planned and implemented from time to time for the promotion of excellence and typical manufacturing or territorial peculiarities and, of course, the highlight of the competition which is the MISS CHEF® Award.

Main Projects / Activities

MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. Conceived by the journalist MARIANGELA PETRUZZELLI, president, author and artistic director of the Award, which is the first competition among some of the best Italian Chef Women with the proposition, all in pink, of the most renowned menu of the traditional Italian cuisine, between yesterday and today.MISS CHEF realizes also MISS CHEF Academy to teach high quality cusine. MISS CHEF promotes and realizes cultural and socio- economical meetings, events and debates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing common internazional meetings, events and debates. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF Network have an international mission and view and because the multicultural relationship with all the ALF entities  create a plus value for MISS CHEF. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariangela Petruzzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mariangela Petruzzelli-president
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Di Girolamo
Job Title (2)