Basket Beat: deporte, arte, educación i acción social

National Network

C/ Sant Adrià 20
08030 Barcelona

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
 Basket Beat es un proyecto que nace el 2009 de la mano de Josep Mª Aragay y se constituye como asociación el 2015. Somos un equipo de 7 personas con perfiles entorno la educación social, la musicoterapia, la pedagogía musical y gestión cultural. Actualmente estamos presentes en muchos territorios realizando cada semana 20 talleres con 350 personas y colaborando con entidades como la Fundación ONCA, el Ayuntamiento de Terrassa, Xamfrà, Artibarri o la Fundación del Futbol Club Barcelona.  También hacemos anualmente 150h de formación en la universidad y 100h para profesionales del campo de la educación, así mismo nos preocupamos por hacer investigación sobre nuestro campo y acabamos de publicar nuestro primer libro. El curso 2016-17 trabajamos con 3.000 personas (1562 en entornos vulnerables) e hicimos 6 conciertos con nuestra orquesta delante de casi 3.000 personas. Principalmente, a diferencia de la mayoría de entidades del tercer sector, por ahora solo un 30% de nuestros ingresos proviene de subvenciones o ayudas, por lo tanto somos capaces de generar el 70% de nuestro presupuesto.
Mission and Objectives

En Basket Beat acompañamos grupos en su crecimiento y desarrollo a través de hacer música en grupo y con pelotas de básquet. Mediante la creación e interpretación musical, la capacidad reflexiva y la gestión de las emociones construimos comunidades más equitativas, participativas, autónomas y críticas.
Nuestro objetivo es, en primer término, facilitar la voz, el pensamiento crítico y el encuentro entre jóvenes y otros colectivos en situación de vulnerabilidad así como, en segundo, incomodar aquellas instituciones del sistema que reproducen los problemas más que solucionarlos.
Nuestras finalidades son:
1. Facilitar el acceso de jóvenes con menos oportunidades a experiencias deportivas y musicales que respondan a criterios colaborativos, horizontales y de emancipación.
2. Promover las inteligencias múltiples y el entrenamiento de habilidades para la vida como el pensamiento crítico y creativo, el “aprender a aprender” y “aprender a convivir”. Es importante entrenar las varias funciones del lenguaje; mejorar la escucha activa, la empatía y la asertividad; favorecer la autoestima; generar vínculos y nuevas relaciones así como reconocer y valorar el trabajo en equipo.
3. Remover las estructuras externas e internas de la institución educativa como agente socializador comunitario. Facilitar la generación de confianza en las personas y capital social; contraponer los modelos tradicionales de la educación a modelos activos y emancipadores.

Main Projects / Activities

Nuestras principales actividades son:
1- Los talleres socioeducativos que realizamos en escuelas, institutos, centros penitenciarios, centros de salud mental y en el espacio público. Los talleres son sesiones done mediante la interpretación, creación y improvisación musical generamos procesos educativos para desarrollar habilidades como el pensamiento crítico, la toma de decisiones, la mirada periférica o la responsabilidad compartida.
Actualmente hacemos 20 talleres regulares cada semana en distintos lugares.

2- Nos preocupamos mucho en pensar, sistematizar y llenar de contenido nuestras acciones y por eso nos dedicamos también a la investigación. Hacemos avaluaciones educativas,  escribimos artículos sobre el sector educativo y el arte comunitario y acabamos de publicar nuestro primer libro: “Las artes des de la educación social. La experiencia Basket Beat”.
También realizamos 150h de formación cada año en grados y masters de varias universidades y 100h de formación para claustros y profesionales del ámbito de la educación.
3- Por último tenemos una orquesta de pelotas de básquet como proyecto artístico donde participan conjuntamente músicos profesionales y jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad que han formado parte de talleres. En este espacio rompemos con los roles del educador-participante y creamos espacios artísticos compartidos con la intención de dar oportunidades profesionales a jóvenes con menos oportunidades. Acabamos de estrenar un nuevo espectáculo en el Mercat de les Flors de Barcelona que rodará próximamente por los teatros y salas de Catalunya.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 Tenemos mucho interés en crear redes y sinergias con otras instituciones y entidades para poder llegar a más centros educativos, entidades sociales y profesionales del sector. Entendemos que la problemática social no se encuentra solo en las personas denominadas como “vulnerables” sino que también se encuentra en las estructuras, los profesionales o los currículums.
Por lo tanto estamos muy interesados en compartir nuestra experiencia, así como generar formaciones para profesionales para revisar nuestro rol, y es que por mucho que hablemos de nuevas metodologías y maneras de hacer las mentalidades y formas de hacer a menudo todavía siguen siendo tradicionales.
Podríamos contribuir a la red ofreciendo talleres socioeducativos para jóvenes de otras organizaciones y formaciones para los profesionales sobre el ámbito educativo, del tercer sector y del arte comunitario.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sentimos nuestra responsabilidad con nuestro sector y por lo tanto cualquier oportunidad para hacer mejor nuestro trabajo, crecer como proyecto, compartir nuestros saberes y repensar conjuntamente retos educativos y sociales nos parecen interesantes.
Creemos que tenemos el deber de compartir nuestras aportaciones para crear conexiones y redes que ayuden a consolidar este sector y transformar el mundo!

Contact (1) Full Name
Josep Mª Aragay
Head of the organisation
Josep Mª Aragay Borràs
Contact (2) Full Name
Marina de la Maza

Gil Zablodovsky

National Network

40 Ana frank st.
Bat Yam 59652

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
'You don't need eyes to see,You need vision' (Faithless)     ​ Since 2011, I have been working on multidisciplinary projects which the main medium is the video and moving image who are being created in a several ways. My projects are a site-specific or time & image based. i mostly work with a sound medium who leads me through journey of exploring reactions, senses, vibration and more leading me to collecting and combining them to a one piece.  
Mission and Objectives

my wish is to deal with sound & image & movement as it combines together a new dimension of experience and creates a project reacting to real life.

Main Projects / Activities

- Culture Leaders by Sadnaot HaBama (Participation & Lecture)
- IMAGINE - UN-Conference 'MICROSOFT' Haifa
- 7 Minutes of fame - 'Loving Art, Making Art' Tel Aviv weekend events
- Hackaton / Raanana / Education & Technology
- Creative Mornings Tel Aviv / Pionner / Creative Evolving
- Design Museum Holon / Sound Exhibition / Sound Projects
- Holon Institute Of Technology / Road Conference / Bright Group Ptoject
- Seminar Kibuttzim College / Guest Lecture / Final Projects
- MuzaPlus / Voice Over / Sound & Visual Projects
- Urbanic Responsibility - Tel Aviv City Hall
- Hackaton / Raanana / Education & Technology
- Hackaton / Arad / Education & Technology
- Personal Mentoring For Young Artists & Designers
- Edmond The Rothschild Centre  / Official Facebook Page / Artist of the Month NOV.17
- Mako / Rena's House / LOVE Project
- 106fm / Radio / Art & Education
- I24NEWS - Trending / TV / Sketches of tel aviv project
- Magazine 43 / Magazine / Interview on several Projects
- Flesh & Bone / Magazine / Interview on several Projects
- Not Random Art / Magazine / Interview on several Projects
- HIT Kulzitziv / Magazine /  Voice Over Project
- Skitza / Blog / Magazine /  Voice Over Project
- HIT / Official website / Voice Over Project
- Creative Paper / Voice Over Project
- Art Reveal / Magazine / Interview on several Projects
- Articulation Art Review / Magazine / Interview on several Projects
- At  / Magazine / 25th Hour Project
- ZOOZ  / Magazine / 25th Hour Project

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I beleive art has the power to connect and make a change of perception for and from pepole

Contact (1) Full Name
Gil Zablodovsky
Job Title
Visual Communication Artist
Head of the organisation
Gil Zablodovsky


National Network

Ben Gurion BLVD

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I am a project leader who is interested in the intersection of technology, public policy, and entrepreneurship.I have previously worked for Habima National Theatre, IDF Disabled Veterans Organization, The Israeli Film Fund and WZO. Experienced in management, production, content initiation and cooperation in the social Business sector. Experienced in coorporarion with international organizations, government and NGO's, professional ability in promoting systems, development, and representation, while ensuring that the project interfaces are managed in a controlled and proper manner.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

The Ministry of Regional Cooperation -Head of bureau & Project Manager -2018- To Date
Promoting and implementing the decisions of managers and policy makers.
World Zionist Organization - Project Manager - Education Dep . 2 0 1 6 - 2017
initiating partnerships and content in a variety of projects .
Producing and in charge of logistics of departments events . Conducting work with the public
relations. Incharge on coordinatoring the timetable and life cycle of the projects.
Public Knowledge Workshop - Assistant to the CEO 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Strong interpersonal , entreprenurship and manangement skills.
Open minded and tech savyy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be a part in a social justice change.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sharona Zablodovsky
Head of the organisation

alkhebrat Co for accounting services & Tax consulting

National Network

Amman - khalda

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Al Khebrat Accounting was established back in 2013 to be a leading firm in providing the highest levels of audit, accounting, taxation and business development services in Jordan for SMEs
Founded and led by Miss Mona Estanbouly, Al Khebrat quickly rose to be one of the most distinguished accounting/audit firms in Jordan by virtue of its offerings, corporate social responsibility, and being a small woman owned business.
Al Khebrat has been addressing the needs for providing focused training services across multiple sectors and company sizes
Al Kahberat has been outgoing in its outreach initiatives to strengthen the support and awareness of key financial and business concept.

Mission and Objectives

Al Khebrat will establish a close working relationship with its clients to ensure their peace of mind when it comes to addressing the complex demands of accounting and taxation. Clients will focus on their core business, growth and success while we take care of the backbone of their accounts, efficiently, seamlessly and safely (?). Additioanly, Al Khebrat is the reliable partner that will assist clients in their strategic direction through providing coaching, mentoring, and business planning services.
We are best equipped to work with startups, small and medium businesses, as we specifically understand their needs and working environment.

Main Projects / Activities

We focus on startups, small and medium services providing the following:
1. Full periodic accounting and bookkeeing services (daily, monthly, and yearly) that covers records entries and financial statements preparation
2. Thorough follow up on requirements as well as actual deductions for social security, sales taxes, and income taxes
3. Advising on optimal accounting and taxation practices in accordance with latest laws and regulations
4. Continuous guidance and awareness on the latest releases of concerned laws such as labor law, income tax law, sales and other laws of interest
5. Offering business planning, marketing and financing studies to companies at the growth stage
6. Preparation of feasibility studies to ensure proper funding and advice on potential sources and forms of finance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by giving training in awareness about the entrepreneur & new start buesnes for youth & women

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i would like to join ANF to help my community specially women's & youth about how to start there own business & to provide them with my experience in training & to make  accnections with Inspirational  peoples in jordan

Contact (1) Full Name
Mona Estanbouly
Job Title
owner & General Manager
Head of the organisation
Mona Estanbouly

رواه - rowaah

National Network

Office of Dokki: 5 square mesahha, Dokki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ROWAAH: A platform for Arabic vocal creativity, poetry, literature, articles, and quotations. Check language proficiency, good sound, and accuracy of performance. It seeks to raise the ears, improve the tongues, enrich the Arabic vocal content, swim through heritage and contemporary, and blend the eyes of ancient Arab creativity with the glamor of the eloquent reality that reflects the interests of the Arab public in general.
Mission and Objectives

Enrich Arabic audio content on the Internet and social networks.
Raising Arabic taste through texts written in high-quality language.
Help young people and children to receive their Arabic language in a fun and useful way.
Enrich Arabic drama content from short stories and novels.
Recording selected texts from the ancient Arab heritage and presenting them to the Arab listener.

Main Projects / Activities

In view of the growing demand for Arabic audio content, with the increase of the Arab Internet users, which is accelerating the 200 million Internet users in the Arab world, such as Mentaqa  IQRAALY, which added reading articles with audio books in addition to a number of audio sites and audio books.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can share our experience in business model generation, growth hacking and MVP (Minimal Viable Product).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

looking for: Networking, Mentorship, Funding Opportunities, Exposure to new markets

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed abokhalil
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Ahmed aboukhalil
Contact (2) Full Name
Nourhan Ashraf
Job Title (2)
Fundraising specialist

kotobna - كتبنا

National Network

المكتب الرئيسي: مركز الإبداع, القرية الذكية, الجيزة
مكتب الدقي: 5 ميدان المساحة, الدقي

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
An electronic personal publishing platform Works through the web and application for phones Smart and Tablet PCs. Help writers to publish their work in a way Not to steal the business »Safe» Help the book to reach readers, and sell Their work.  The platform is integrated with the means of communication Social development.  Mainly targeting the Arab reader.
Mission and Objectives

To facilitate the process of publishing and printing for beginners in the field of writing and printing and the high costs borne by the author and connect to all over the world in a short time.

Main Projects / Activities

»Personal publication« Customized printing is a service within services
Provided by our book platform, and allow authors and creators to publish their work
Without having to resort to traditional publishing houses.

 By digital printing technology, the author's book is printed when
The reader will order it through our website, and then connect
Book reader anywhere in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can share our experience in business model generation, growth hacking and MVP (Minimal Viable Product.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

looking for: Networking, Mentorship, Funding Opportunities, Exposure to new markets

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Gamal salama
Job Title
CEO kotobna
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Gamal Salama
Contact (2) Full Name
Nourhan Ashraf
Job Title (2)
Fundraising specialist


National Network


Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Fundación Civil Hogar Luceros del Amanecer

National Network

De donde fue la gasolinera ESSO, 1 cuadra al oeste.
Camoapa, Nicaragua.
52100 Camoapa

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Somos una organización que gozamos de un liderazgo  en esta comunidad, el liderazgo se a construido a base de trabajo, dedicación, transparencia, comunicación y confianza comunitaria a lo largo de mas de 14 años de trabajo ininterrumpido, trabajando por la restitución y promoción de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes del municipio de Camoapa. El impactos social generado es el producto de la cantidad de programas y servicios que ofrecemos a los niños, familias y la comunidad en general, desarrollamos doce programas de asistencia integral que hacen de este proyecto la mejor opción de vida para la niñez, un mundo de oportunidades, de cambios, trasformaciones, acompañados de bienestar y prosperidad, de educación y salud, con atención nutricional y control de crecimiento y desarrollo de cada niño. No solamente ofrecemos una gama de programas de atención integral a la niñez, nuestros servicios llegan en gran medida a toda la comunidad de Camoapa, los centros de educación publico y privado, el sistema de salud publico, las organizaciones que trabajan por la defensa de los derechos de las Mujeres, la casa materno infantil, la Policía Nacional, el Gobierno Municipal, el Ministerio de Familia y otras instituciones con las cuales trabajamos en diferentes enfoques y actividades.este proyecto Por medio de los programas de radio y televisión que nacen de las entrañas de proyecto y de la genialidad de nuestros niños y niñas para convertirse en pequeñitos periodistas en proceso de formación y aprendizaje, haciendo de camarografos, fotógrafos, editores, presentadoras, entrevistadores y locutores llevan hasta la vista y escucha de cada Ciudadano cada detalle del trabajo y las actividades que este proyecto realiza durante cada semana de trabajo.   Mas informacion en:         #s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini { display: none !important; }
Mission and Objectives

Visión, misión y valores El hogar Luceros del Amanecer es un centro que promueve servicios integrales de atención a la niñez con un enfoque de desarrollo comunitario a través de la educación y otros servicios de atención especial, beneficiando a niños y niñas en condiciones de alto riesgo social, fomentamos la participación comunitaria, las instituciones públicas y privadas y la colaboración de las familias.
En el Hogar creemos firmemente en el poder y la incidencia de la educación en la trasformación de la vida de las personas, por esta razón en coordinación con nuestros donantes y la participación activa de la comunidad ofrecemos una mano amiga donde los niños y niñas tengan más y mejores oportunidades para integrarse en la educación y otras actividades de desarrollo y crecimiento personal.

Main Projects / Activities

Desarollmos 13 programas para la comunidad, estamos ubicados en Nicaragua.
Programa de Educación
    Programa de Salud.
    Programa de Alimentación.
    Actividades Deportivas y Recreativas.
    Fortalecimiento Familiar
    Formación Técnica y Vocacional.
    Comunicación (Programa de Radio y TV).
    Programa de Voluntariado Nacional e Internacional.
    Servicios Sociales a la Comunidad.
    Programa LitWorld (Club de lecturas)
    Finca Bosque Verde.
    Programa "Una Vida ala vez" (Atención a adolescentes niñas embarazadas).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nuestro  objetivo es la busqueda de la cooperacion internacional, nuestro objetivo realizar un cambio en la comunidad, a traves de la educacion y ayuda de las personas del mundo.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Por que consideremos que el compartir nuestro proyecto es la mejor forma de tener más posibilidades de recibir cooperacion internacional, "Mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, pueden cambiar el mundo!.
nuestro sitio web:

Contact (1) Full Name
Marcos Duván Hernández García
Job Title
Ingeniero en Sistemas Informáticos | Gestor de Cooperación Internacional
Head of the organisation
Fabián Sebastián Laguna Rodríguez
Contact (2) Full Name
Fabián Sebastián Laguna Rodríguez
Job Title (2)
Lic. en Cooperación Internacional

New Horizons

National Network

Via Castello, 13
98079 TUSA

+39 0921330757
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3286659779
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3396686371
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
NEW HORIZONS is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting social development and cultural preservation for the local territory and bridging the local population to the constantly changing world outside by means of education and training, information service, and international cooperation. New Horizons is currently member of a pan-European network of 7 European countries and, at local level, member of CESV Messina (The Italian Volunteer Centres), a large public network providing support services for NGOs. Currently New Horizons has four key STAFF members who possess a variety of skills: - European Projects management competencies; - Youth Work competencies developed over several years in youth work activities; - Knowledge of local historical heritage and cultural traditions, in order to construct a plausible project idea and development; - Entrepreneurial skills; - Intercultural competencies – gained during the past years’ constantly working in international partnerships and training environments The organization has established a firm local network of keen stakeholders composed of pan-European organizations working in the field, local SMEs and NGOs, as well as local authorities and local volunteers. 
Mission and Objectives

In essence, the founding members aim to construct “new horizons” in the imminent future of the
people and crucially young people in their city of residence.
Based in Tusa, a small ancient town of approximately 3,000 inhabitants in the province of Messina
(Italy), New Horizons takes the initiative to rediscover, revitalize, and re-launch a floundering
town dealing with depopulation, youth unemployment and the shortage of socio-cultural services
for its remaining residents.
We also operate from Palermo, the capital city of Sicily, where there is a vibrant environment of
social entrepreneurship, cultural initiatives and international exchanges. We are part of the
Innovation Network Palermo, a community aspiring to be a meeting point for professionals of
diverse competences to exchange ideas, new technology and best practices for innovation.
Specifically, the OBJECTIVES are:
* to prepare young people with necessary skills and competences, thus increase their employability;
* to make the local territory an attractive place to live, work and thrive;
* to develop and implement programs in non-formal education for young people & adults;
* to support active citizenship and integration of all people regardless of their social and ethnic backgrounds

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities include: 
- Project design and implementation
- Research and data collection
- Education, training and job orientation
- Promotion of arts and culture in the local territory
- International Cooperation
for local youth in particular and adults of disadvantaged background.
New Horizons organizes training courses,  exchanges, workshops and networking occasions on either local or international scale on themes such as entrepreneurship, integration, social awareness, and consulting services in national and EU project management. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Become Anna Lindh network member, we aspire to strengthen the national network by reaching further to remote, isolated areas such as Tusa, where we are based. We deem the international and national cooperation vital to change perspectives and enrich the worldviews of local people who are still quite limited in their small living realities.
We will be glad to offer our motivation, expertise and start-up experiences in particular context of small communities, as well as our local network contacts in the Nebrodi area that we have managed to build up. 
Being experienced project managers and motivated initiative-takers, we will be active members who shall propose new ideas, consultation, practical contribution, and set up new partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider it an honor and a must to join the ALF network that represents a large pool of effective and dynamic civil society organizations, which is vital and coherent to our working mission to bridge the local communities to the outside society. 
In fact, as individual professionals, our staff have had positive experiences working with ALF network and  thus, we would like to continue with our organization.
With granted membership, we aim to put into practice our ideas with other national and international network members, together with learning from their best practices. 
On the last note, we are convinced that, with ALF's reputation, our initiatives and actions will receive aumented support from local communities and authorities, as well as more international attention for a better, sustainable impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Trang Dang
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Gregorio Sambataro
Contact (2) Full Name
Gregorio Sambataro
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Ayoub hdidou

National Network

Tétouan -tamouda
93000 Tétouan

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
I am a young man from the north of Africa specially from Morocco i wish I can help you all to do that honourable service in a environment of brotherhood and friendship
Mission and Objectives

Help in what Ever i can

Main Projects / Activities

Being a value added to your organisation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Iin order to give some help to people around the world starting with giving help to introduce Moroccan traditions and so on

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to help people with what ever I can help

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayoub hdidou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ayoub hdidou