Lota's box

National Network

Mallinova 7
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Lota's box is founded to promote values of democracy, active citizenship and equality. We have 6 members so far, and 2 volunteers working on the projects. Projects are mostly based on activities related to youth in our community promoting lifelong learning, active citizenship, and european values.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote active citizenship, role of democracy, gender euqality and lifelong learning at local and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project were related to quality time spent together for the local children: playing games, exchanging stickers, playing table tenis etc. We established the spot in our community where book can be exchanged. In order to support lifelong learning  and active citizenship we are looking for free spaces where teenagers can learn together. We already established coperation with other members of ALF in Croatia and abroad. We supported with our events Open days of NGOs, European sustainable development week. We support education of our memebers in anf for informal learning, active citizenship and support for democracy. We are also active in the field of virtual exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We try to contribute by local and international actions supporting the values of ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our president is a private memeber and she finds ALF a great source of positive values and  individuals and organizations shating the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjuric Smrekar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Drazana Halar
Job Title (2)

Mediterranean forum for social development

National Network

Morocco rabat takadoum
10200 rabat

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Mediterranean Forum For Social development (MFD) is  an organization involved in enhancing youth development in the areas of Democracy and Good Governance, Sustainability, Active Citizenship, Culture, Creativity, Education, Employment, Social Entrepreneurship, Health , environment and Wellbeing Leadership Training, sports, Youth Business, Long and Short term volunteer Placements among other programs . MFD works to Increase the youth active participation in the development process, through ensuring the chances of participation in the local and international meetings, and emphasize the youth initiative to develop the society and integrate in it.

Mission and Objectives

MFD has been working with disadvantage youths or youngsters with fewer opportunities since 2014 helping many of them to achieve high goals. We use arts to involve the youths and through the arts we looking at social issues, how to tackle and we help them to start their own Initiative and or Solo Trader. We have many contacts with likeminded charities across Morocco that engage with disadvantaged young people from different social and cultural backgrounds. We have hosted and participate to a number of Youth Exchanges, Youth Initiatives and Training Courses. All the projects we deliver aim to create an international dimension in order to increase the intercultural  tolerance and harmony   On the other hand to spread the cooperation and peace spirit between the Moroccan youths and the rest of the world youths for a better future. We want to enrich the educational, social and cultural life of young people living in our country, mainly young people with fewer opportunities

Main Projects / Activities

 -To create a common strategy to influence migration policies through a Rights-Based approach, while promoting the concept of “Youth Rights”. -To share good practices in welcoming policies for migrants and refugees, specially attending to their impact on the target population (youth) of the platforms in each country. -To promote the personal, social and work development of the young people in risk of social exclusion. -To increase the employability, autonomy and independence of the young people. -To Provides work orientation to young people belonging to vulnerable groups to get social inclusion and labour insertion. -To promote the Vocational training as alternative to the traditional formation. -To promote the entrepreneurship and to encourage the young people towards the self-employment as alternative to find a job.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF is a network that  gather various organizations  working on same goals and objectives , it would be a great opportunity to find partners so we can work together and develop our ngos tools and methods dealing with Mediterraean youngsters 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Wichah El Andalous

National Network

Maison de la culture Kaki Abd El Rahman, Les 400 Lgts. Mostaganem
27000 Mostaganem

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Wichah El Andalous, is a musical association composed of 30 musicians, divided in two categories that are: superior and initial classes. It has been active for the past ten years, and represents one of the province's symbols, because the Andalous music is one of the algerian's most important heritage.  The association gain its funds from its participations in festivals, soirées, parties, and sometimes from sponsorship.
Mission and Objectives

The association has two main objectives :
The first one is to preserve the Algerian culture, because the Andalous music is somehow being forgotten given that modern music is trying to rule over.
The second one is to introduce this culture to the world. The association aims to give louder echo to its voices and instruments.
Therefore, to realize these objectives the association has for mission to:
- Teach participants the Andalous Music history before getting to practice;
- provide a good working atmosphere (workshops, instruments, tools...)
- Include classes in the program about the importance of preserving their culture, and motivate them to be part of it;
- Take part in national festivals, events, and competitions;
- Search for opportunities for participations in international  events;

Main Projects / Activities

 The main activity of the association is singing and playing Andalous music
But the association seeks to be part of something bigger,and itroduce this culture to the world, therefore, international partnership is highly welcomed.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanding its network is really important in terms of introducing the association and its music to the world!

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Blå Stället Culture Center

National Network

Angereds Torg 13
424 65 Gothenburg

+46 (0)31 365 17 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Culture Center Blå Stället opened in 1979 as Sweden’s first Culture Center located in a suburb, Angered in Gothenburg. It is operated on behalf of the City of Gothenburg and open to all visitors. Over the years the layout of the building has changed, at present there is an art gallery, a studio for craft and art activities, a media lab, a stage for performances, a dance studio, a cinema, and conference rooms. There is also open space for activities in the foyer and in the surrounding park.

Indoors, Blå Stället co-exists with a branch of the City library, a civic information office, the independent theatre Angereds teater, the high school Angereds Gymnasium, the independent cinema Folkets bio and a café/restaurant Kultur på Burk.

A large part of the Blå Stället program is set in collaboration with local organisations, schools and institutions, artists' organizations, museums and educational associations. In addition to the set program, space can be hired for meetings, conferences and parties. Facebook page: facebook.com/bla.stallet and facebook.com/konstblastallet

Mission and Objectives

Blå Stället shall act as a creative and democratic meeting place where citizens, cultural actors, cultural entrepreneurs, artists, associations and social companies can meet to contribute to cultural, social and economic development and education. In Angered over 100 languages are spoken; and Blå Stället’s perspective is intercultural. “Inclusion” is a key word. Blå Stället follows the general objectives of the Angered municipality: to improve public health, security and the school results, and mirrors the Gothenburg Cultural Program for democracy, freedom of speech and human rights. Though located in Angered, Blå Stället’s aim is to be relevant for the whole city.

Main Projects / Activities

Blå Stället’s programme is for people of all ages, The wide variety in activities provide “something for everyone”, both to explore one’s own creativity and to take part of the ideas of professional artists, cultural actors, researchers and activists.  The programme includes exhibitions by professional and non-professional artists, music, theatre, film and media, craft, debates, philosophy, literature and more. A large number of activities are for children activities, with additional program over the school breaks.

Contact (1) Full Name
Madelen Lundin
Job Title
Program coordinator
Head of the organisation
Elisabeth George
Contact (2) Full Name
Emma Corkhill
Job Title (2)
Exhibitions Curator

Udruga Val kulture

National Network

Jurisiceva 19, Zagreb
10000 Zagreb

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
About our association “Wave of Culture” (Val kulture) Association Wave of Culture has been active for 15 years as a promoter of the Croatian cultural scene. As such, our activities include organization of cultural and artistic events and activities, lectures, seminars and forums to valorize Croatian tangible and intagible heritage in new and creative ways. Our main objective is to recognize Croatian heritage yet unpresented, and to create new cultural and tourism products, all the while encouraging general public to actively participate in the process. These activities are accompanied by the publishing of books, magazines, video and audio records from the area of activity of the Association, and cooperation with related organizations in Croatia and abroad. One of our most successful products is the first and largest festival of legends, myths and narratives in Croatia - LegendFest. This year was the 12th year that the festival took place in the picturesque Istrian town of Pićan and the third year in the Krka national park. We are also currently participating as responsible partners for Croatia in the Interreg Slovenia-Croatia project, with a goal of creating a cross-border tourism product based on the itineraries that summarize the intangible cultural heritage of Istria. Through our projects we hope to offer platforms for cultural and artistic production, create cultural and social sustainability in local communities, encourage entreprenuership in their inhabitants and to evoke a feeling of pride for their heritage
Mission and Objectives

Val Kulture (Non Profit – HR) – Partner Aims and Objectives (1000 c max) Wave of Culture was founded as a non-profit organization in 2001 with its center in Zagreb. It contributes to the revitalization of intangible and tangible culture, and deals with the promotion of culture and arts. The organization has brought out three publications on the intangible culture of Croatia, as well as videos, artistic programs, tourist routes, lectures, workshops and fairs. Wave of Culture is proud to have continuously and very successfully worked on the LegendFest - a festival of legends, myths and storytelling. The first LegendFest was launched by the association in 2005 in Pićan, a small Istrian town, which is on the list of Croatian protected cultural goods. In the past two years the festival expanded into Zagreb, Šibenik-Knin Counties, as well as into the Slavonia region, continuing to bring an abundance of Croatian tangible and intangible culture into focus, and thus greatly contributing to its cultural preservation for many generations to come. Role in the project (1000 c max) We at Wave of Culture see the role of our organization in the partnership as a contributor by organizing and managing the overall event in Pićan, Croatia. Wave of Culture will work closely together with its local supporters, the Ethnographic museum in Pićan, the Municipality of Pićan, schools and tourism agencies in order to purport the goals of our European program specificities in Croatia. By putting the emphasis on crafts in the view of historical development, we will be able to show the development and the influence of different cultures onto Istrian crafts such as kažun arhitecture, the manufacture of barrels and combs as well as stone mining. During visits to these institutions we will involve young students in the translation process for the storytellers, so that each international storyteller has a student translator by their side to explain to

Main Projects / Activities

Wave of Culture has vastly contributed to the revitalization of traditional culture via the organization of the LegendFest - a festival of local legends, myths and storytelling. The first LegendFest was launched by the association's president Ivor Zidarić in 2005 in Pićan, a small Istrian town of his ancestors, which is on the list of Croatian protected cultural goods. In the past two years the festival expanded into Zagreb, Šibenik-Knin Counties, as well as into the Slavonia region. With the organization of LegendFests throughout the country, the Wave of Culture undoubtedly continues to bring an abundance of Croatian tangible and intangible culture into focus, and thus greatly contributes to its cultural preservation for many generations to come. The mission of Wave of Culture is to provide innovative festivals, which connect traditional culture in terms of storytelling, hand crafted goods, and traditional dance and song to be shared with the local communities and visitors. The aim hereby is to introduce domestic and foreign visitors to a wealth of Croatian tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Through interactive events, the visitors learn about the myths, legends and historical details of a particular place. Participants are famous local artists, theater companies, recognized ethnologists, historians, illustrators and others. In addition, visitors are offered food, drinks and souvenirs at the so-called LegendFair known for its locally homemade products. LegendFest has become a part of the international festival platform called ‘Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe’ (EFFE) and has been awarded an EFFE quality mark 2015 – 2016, thus being recognized as one of the best European festivals dedicated to art and community. In 2013 the festival was awarded with 'Simply the Best' award by the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies. The festival has provided means for excellent collaboration between the local community, residents and institutions in the host cities. Museums, tourist offices, media organizations and various private companies have all provided great assistance in organizing the festival.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking for partners so we can apply on EU fionds together and work on projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to be part of your network and share the info about us and our work, so we can find partners from the World and maybe join in some project and funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivor Zidaric
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ivor Zidaric

Organisation of renaissance girls

National Network

Rue ibn toumert num,04 bab hed rabat
Rue ibn toumert num,04 bab hed Rabat
12000 Rabat

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information

The organisation of renaissance girls is a non-profit organization that promotes the involvement of Moroccan young girls in society, and their participation in the decision making, and it provides the necessary training and education for those young girls in order to help them become Young leaders and to help them contribute in local and national public policies, as a safeguard for democracy and for sustainable development.

Mission and Objectives

- Work on the social integration of young girls, especially in the context of economical, social, and political transformations that Morocco faces, and to help the moving toward democracy; - Promote the culture of equality, fairness, tolerance, and parity among Moroccan girls; - improve young women’s skills and provide them with the necessary tools to participate and to put into practice the developmental programs; -Develop partnerships, national and international initiatives, in order to integrate girls into the challenges of sustainable development; - Revive the discussion about the ways and mechanisms required to put girls at the center of public policy. - Defend the national values and get stronger women participation in parallel diplomacy.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to realize our goals we: Conduct studies and researches on critical issues faced by girls and young women. Establish publications concerning the participation of young girls in local and national decision-making ; Organize regional and international forums , and local networks to mobilize young girls and educate them about human rights and citizenship; Develop strong partnerships with national and international actors who share our goals; Organize and participate in forums, seminars, national and international festivals dealing with the issues of girls; Create branches of our association in all over morocco to reach a large number of girls, from the city and the rural areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Insaf charrat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Insaf charrat
Contact (2) Full Name
Insaf charrat
Job Title (2)

cats2cats z.s.

National Network
Czech Republic

Bořivojova 35
13000 Praha 3

+420 777287405
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
General Information
cats2cats is a non-governmental organization which initiates dialogues among,  about, and for women and promote networking and contacts.  We bring together interesting women who have a wealth of experience and knowledge in equal gender opportunities.  Our aim is to strengthen the position of women in the  Czech  Republic.    Our network of women represents a variety of areas and companies including NGOs,  businesses, and freelancers.  cats2cats was founded with the sole purpose of promoting the need, importance, and advantages to our society of women empowerment in the Czech  Republic.  
Mission and Objectives

Structure of the organization, including the number of staff employed and/or partners:
Board - 3 persons, 12 volunteering persons, partners: 1 company
Budgetary resources available in a year:
Budget 3 000 EUR/per year
Sources of funding:
70%  private donors, 20 % company donors, 5 % government, 5 % services
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
Mentoring program, a networking program, seminars, and training, watchdog, lobbying
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
It depends at activities and projects

Main Projects / Activities

Mentoring program - every month we provide 1 event with some inspiring and interesting women. The goal of the events is to share experience, knowledge, information, contacts and to support audience in their projects and dreams.
We also help women with their new projects trough connection and references. We are giving them contacts, support their brand building and offers some basic services to start with the business. (Projekt WomenUP).
Our members are also a part of the government´s working groups (not paid members) for the cooperation of a creating a new law supporting human rights (labor market, work-life balance, anti-discrimination, gender pay gap. etc.). 
We moderate and participate in a public discussion at social media in the area of humans right, gender equality and non-discrimination.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have already strong voice position with several contacts to media. We use our contact information, social media, and public speaking opportunities.
We organize networking events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking for some new partners abroad to bring some inspiration and build more diverse discussion here in the Czech Republic.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Kubálková
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Petra Kubalkova

Association féminin d'art traditionnel

National Network

Qr ABS centre ville safi
42000 SAFI

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
association feminin d'art artisanals crée l'année 2008 a but non lucratif ouverte à tous, faites pour les femmes. l'association a pour objet sensibiliser un large public aux metier d'art, et l'artisanat rare ou ancien. son but et l'aide aux professions d'art
Mission and Objectives

en tant que association feminin, notre mission est de favoriser le niveau de femme et developée le domaine artisanals.
notre association des femmes posséde agalement un espace de formation et d'insertion socio-economie a destination des demendeurs d'emplois.

Main Projects / Activities

des exposition regionals,  et des formation du couture et decors de la maison

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Oumnia sahtouti
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Bussma association for development and improvement

National Network

Orapy Street, Al Hawatka, Manfalout, Assiut, Egypt

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The association has 5 members works Full-time and there are 3 partners Budgetary resources available are Girls Training Center and membership fee Sources of funding are the socitey and donars  The Association held a series of workshops in the fields of In addition to the girls' education initiative Main partners are the association in our city and Institute of International Education
Mission and Objectives

Association's Mission
" We are Bussma association for development and improvement aim to community development for individuals and society especially the less fortunate by combating poverty and empower individuals in different areas to participate in the development of themselves and their communities to achieve sustainable development
Working Fields:
1- Developing local communities.
2- Cultural, scientific and religious services.
3 -Caring for the family, the child and the maternal welfare.
4- Caring for people with special needs.
5- Economic services.
6- Environmental, educational, health and social services

Main Projects / Activities

Poultry breeding and fattening
The Association held an awareness seminar on "raising and fattening poultry" through one of the professors of the Faculty of Agriculture- Assiut University The symposium dealt with the proper methods of raising poultry, the types of fodder and the importance of each, and ways of caring for poultry
2- Conference on the role of community responsibility
The Association participated in the Conference of the Role of Social Responsibility in Achieving Sustainable Development in Egypt which was carried out by the Association of Sanad al-Faqir in cooperation with the Arab House and in the presence of some international and regional organizations (the United Nations Development Fund, the International Labor Organization, the regional network of social responsibility)

3- Soil fertilization
The Association carried out (3) workshops for 68 individuals on soil fertilization and follow-up of harvest for small farmers in the village of Hawatka through one of the agricultural teachers in the technical schools in Manfalut

4- Economic role of women
In cooperation with the Directorate of Social Solidarity and the preaching and counseling committee in Assiut and one of the professors of psychology at Assiut University. In the presence of one of the priests, Bussma association for development and improvement  held a seminar on the role of women economic and social from the religious, social and psychological perspectives

5- Girls' education is a must
The Association participated in the implementation of the "Girls' Education must " initiative, in cooperation with the Institute of International Education and the American Embassy in Cairo, which aimed to reduce the dropout rate of girls from education. Increasing the effectiveness of girls in schools. During the initiative, a series of workshops on planning for the future were held, During the workshop, the girls were trained in painting and how to work handicrafts. At the end of the initiative a group trip was organized for children in Assiut to distribute certificates of appreciation for their active participation in the initiative.
6- Girls Training Center
The Association has established a training center for girls where girls are trained in sewing and handicrafts as well as a permanent exhibition of their products

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong desire to attend the training courses organized by the institution, in which the association will actively participate and deliver the messages that will be issued from any meeting or workshop for the surrounding society where the society has a popular base

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

he Association would like to increase its expertise in the subjects of education, culture and media, to get acquainted with the different means and activities that are being implemented in other regions and to exchange experiences among other organizations of the Foundation to create a space for dialogue.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Azza Saad Elewa Ali
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Azza Saad Elewa Ali
Contact (2) Full Name
Amer Abd El Ghany Amer
Job Title (2)

IMOVE Foundation

National Network

Kinderdijkstraat 60 HS
1079GM Amsterdam

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The IMOVE Foundation focuses on the mental, emotional and psychical health of disadvantaged and displaced women and youth. Through offering dance sessions in combination with body awareness and mindfulness sessions, IMOVE aims to heal children and women from their traumas, to provide them with tools to take charge of their emotional reactions, to improve their concentration to learn and to enhance their mental resilience. Improving the mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing of children are fundamental to their education, social relations, major health outcomes as well as growth and academic achievements.   Beneficiaries: - Displaced and disadvantaged children and women who suffer from stressful events, traumas, are victims of war and conflicts. - NGO staff, animators, staff working at education and cultural centers who work with the target group.
Mission and Objectives

IMOVE helps children and women to recover from their traumas, to provide them with tools to regulate their emotional reactions, to improve their concentration and to enhance their mental resilience and enable them to grow.
Improving the mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing of children are fundamental to their education, social relations, major health outcomes as well as growth and academic achievements.
IMOVE envisions a society in which children and women are safe, free of any harm caused by conflicts and violence and are empowered to realize their full potential and desired academic achievements in a sustainable way in harmony within the community.
- Boardmembers 3, operating voluntary 
- Two dancers and yoga teachers in the Netherlands

Main Projects / Activities

Key activities:
- Providing dance and yoga sessions in combination with mindfulness techniques in education centers as well as cultural centers.
- Organizing workshops and trainings in which social workers can get an introductory knowledge on yoga, mindfulness and movement sessions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Highlighting the necessity to address the mental health needs of displaced people that has often been neglected in response plans.
Providing advice and informing decision makers and donors to address the needs of children and women in need.
Giving capacity building training sessions to ngo staff, teachers, people working with refugees.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute to empowering the youth and mainly female youth.
To improve the future prospects of children and women through non-violent communication and expressing their emotions, needs and decires. 
To promote dialouge and cultural exchange at the local as well as global level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nina Shahbazi
Job Title
Founder, managing director
Head of the organisation