la Jeune Chambre Internationale - JCI- ESSAOUIRA

National Network

Lotissement Arraha Immeuble 93, Appartement 2 Essaouira Al Jadida

06 19 99 64 94
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
La Jeune Chambre Internationale Essaouira est une organisation à but non lucratif affiliée à la JCI Maroc et à la JCI Monde. Elle a vu le jour le 1er Novembre 2017 dans le but d’accomplir des actions à vocation durable et bâtir la réputation d’un premier réseau de jeunes actifs, déterminés à embellir l’avenir de leur propre ville. La philosophie de la JCI se traduit en une action principalement LOCALE ; les jeunes chambres réalisent une performance incontournable en impactant leurs villes et leurs régions. La région d’Essaouira est un chantier propice pour tout jeune désirant impacter le sort de cette ville.
Mission and Objectives

Vision de la JCI
Etre le principal réseau mondial de Jeunes Citoyens Actifs.
Mission de la JCI
Offrir des opportunités de développement aux jeunes qui leur permettront de créer des changements positifs.

Main Projects / Activities

ateliers ;conférences/débats ;formations : communautaire 
dans 4 pôles d'activités : affaires et entrepreneuriat - relations internationales - communautaire - formation

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

organisation OMFOCT

National Network

Boite Postale N° 325 Berrechid

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
L'organisation OMFOCT est une organisation non gouvernementale ,d’intérêt publique au profit des fonctionnaires des collectivites teritorieles,c
Mission and Objectives

Les missions de l'organisation OMFOCT est de promouvoir de la mise à niveau de la fonction communale : à savoir;
l'objectif est de renforcer les capacites des fonctionnaires au developpement locale .

Main Projects / Activities

organiser des activités socio-professionnelle, et des projets de developpement   

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Vu que je suis menbre étant président association Club du livre ( 2012
honneur de vous demander de bien vouloir accepter notre adhesion:omfoct

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelhakim Elfrayji
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdelhakim ELFRAYJI , président

The Organization for Reconnecting Humans e. V.

National Network

Venloer Straße 82
50259 Pulheim

+49 157 71985082
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Mitglieder: 162 Board: 7 member 1500€ of membership fees Seminars with topics of education, health, enviroment as well as intercultural music performances

Mission and Objectives

We are committed to cooperating in a just, worthy, harmonious way, in our town, our country and everywhere in the world because we love this world and life. We would like to bring people together and walk with them on their path to humanity. We would love a world in which all people can and are allowed to be as they are. We would like to reactivate the parts in everyone that have partially been forgotten (e.g. universal values, love, faith,...) . Reminding people of that which they are beyond borders and cultures. In order to reach this goal, we have created an international network of people and institutes for people.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networking; bringing together individuals and organizations;

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join because Anna Lind Foundation perfectly matches our goals of networking and bringing together individuals, groups and societies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Canan Kalac
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yvonne Hayward

youth for change

National Network

hay touhamou alkablani Ait melloul, Bloc 1 , Num 130
80156 Agadir

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A club for young people to practice their communication skills, learn about public speaking and debating.  We don't have any sources for funding project: virtual debate, workshops on public speaking  Partner: faculty of letteres and human sciences
Mission and Objectives

Promote a good understanding of culture, peace and tolerance
 Build a sense of responsibility and critical thinking
 Prepare participants to become effective debaters and future leaders
 Reduce the terrible consequences of violent extremism
 Share my knowledge and expertise with others ‘sharing is caring’
 take part in cultural exchange with young people from many places around the world or at
least on the national level
 understand the potential of intercultural activities in promoting diversity and tackling
 gain new skills and knowledge in the field of world heritage, cultural diversity and global

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops that involve team work building, time management, critical thinking and debate skills
 Icebreakers that will initiate the learners to collaborate and get to know each other in an
atmosphere of sharing the information without attacking each other
 Theatre activities to boost the creative sense of participants and allow them to present local
issues in an artistic way
 Storytelling and interaction: example of the story would be a one that involves many
characteristics , a climax and a resolution
 Learning by doing: introducing them to project management basics and allow them to create
their own by resenting a phenomenon they have to tackle as young citizens who seek change.
 Organize debate activities by picking controversial topics that will permit the participants to be
well engaged and share the necessary information about their cultural backgrounds

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing my experience in different domains. Participating in online meetings . writng report , organizing activities . Mainly, I will contribute by being an active member

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a young lady from a rural area in Morocco, not so many oppportunties are given to us. That's why , this is a valuable opportunity for me to learn and represent girls and their real potentials. I feel reponsible for being a good citizen, this can be achiieved by being involved in different activities like these.

Contact (1) Full Name
khadija amahal
Job Title
founder and leader
Head of the organisation
khadija amahal

International Organization for Justice and Peace

National Network

Langhusvej 18 2 th, 2700 Brønshøj,København
2700 Copenhagen

‭+46 72-849 04 98‬
Telephone (other)
‭+46 97843861‬
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information
Information, (maximum 150 words) including: Structure of the organization: four employees, an administrative director and an executive director Budget resources available per year: $ 18,000 Sources of funding: Member contributions and membership fees Working Methods (the organization: launched Ambassadors of charity Campaign to meet the needs of poor families in Norway, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan and Morocco) Key Partners in Projects / Members, Human Rights Protection Society in Egypt, Goodwill Imprint Team in Kuwait and Voice of Iraq Foundation in Dohuk, Iraq
Mission and Objectives

 1. Development and promotion of respect for human rights and the abolition of sectarian, religious, national, ethnic and racial discrimination, and discrimination of the dialogue language and acceptance of others.
2. Developing the capacities of institutions working in the field of disability rights
3. Support initiatives for the protection of refugee children
4. Supporting cultural initiatives that promote a culture of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

the organization: launched Ambassadors of charity Campaign to meet the needs of poor families in Norway, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan and Morocco
Campaign to receive refugee children in Oslo

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Collaboration with organizations in the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Promoting the principles of cultural and social dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Tarek Ibrahim
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Tarek Ibrahim
Contact (2) Full Name
Reham Al-Sharif
Job Title (2)
Managing Director


National Network


Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ACAS est une association des jeunes camerounais volontaires et engagés dans la lutte contre la pauvreté et la promotion du bien-etre des couches de populations pauvres de notre pays à travers des projets portant dans les domaines de la santé , l'Education , l'Alphabétisation , la culture , l'Agriculture et la promotion des droits de l'Homme
Mission and Objectives

lutter contre la pauvreté et la promotion du bien-etre des couches de populations pauvres

Main Projects / Activities

Centre d'alphabétisation, Centre de lecture et d'animation culturelle, organisation des concours interetablissements scolaires

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

par l'organisation des seminaires de renforcement des capacités et des causeries éducatives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

parce que nous voulons promouvoir les objectifs de la fondation dans notre pays et dans la sous-region de l'Afrique Centrale

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

PlanBe, Plan it Be it

National Network

Kratitirion 4
2660 Nicosia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

“PlanBe, Plan it Be it” is a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus, managed by a team of youth workers, project managers and volunteers. At the moment the number of the staff employed is 4 permanent staff members (project managers, communication officer) and 3 EVS volunteers. Our budget varies from year to year according to the Erasmus+ funding we receive from the projects we submit and according to any other funding received during the year. Our main sources of funding is through Erasmus+ (KA1 & KA2) projects, but also from local funding coming from the National Youth Board of Cyprus. As mentioned earlier we mainly run Erasmus+ projects, either KA1 (training courses, youth exchanges) or we are partner organisations in KA2 projects. So far we have run 21 Erasmus + (KA1) projects in Cyprus and we are partner organisation in two Erasmus+ (KA2) projects, namely You(th) for Cul/Fu(ture), and Social Entrepreneurship Training 4 Youth Power / SET YP”. Also, we were partners in 137 approved Erasmus+ projects. PlanBe has a big network of partners in Cyprus and in Europe. Also, PlanBe is a full member of Cyprus Youth Council since October 2015 and Eurodesk multiplier organisation since April 2018. Furthermore PlanBe is a founding member of the International Association AIM (Amesci International Movement), a network of 17 European Youth NGO’s based in Brussels. Since October 2018 PlanBe is a member of YouthProAktiv , an international organization based in Brussels, that aims to create a generation of proactive individuals ready to invest their talents for the betterment of society by starting their own business and creating jobs for themselves and the others. Since October 2018 PlanBe is an approved candidate as a host ngo for Erasmus for young entrepreneurs. Additionally, three Erasmus+ (KA1) projects that we have implemented were awarded with the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH) label because they contributed to the achievement of one or more of the objectives of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. 

Mission and Objectives

One of the main aims of “PlanBe” is to contribute to the positive societal changes by promoting effective communication between youngsters, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, by facilitating understanding among people.  The mission of our organization is to develop and support the use of non-formal education, to foster entrepreneurship, to boost creativity, to support environmental consciousness, to foster democracy and human rights and to develop solidarity and tolerance among youngsters. Our main focus is to promote the cultural heritage of Cyprus and bring youngsters closer to their tradition, to traditional jobs and the agriculture of our island, and to narrow down the generational gap between the older and the younger generations. Therefore, we mainly design and run workshops and projects related to our cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, and how young people can gain new skills through our traditions and culture but also how youngsters can help in the preservation of these traditions and their transfer to younger generations. “PlanBe” has been established to support young people from all over Cyprus within the framework of non-formal and informal education. Together with volunteers coming from all over Europe, we are creating a fruitful ground for young people to reach their goals, to gain new skills, to get to know their culture and cultural heritage and to promote mobility. We are working for and with the youngsters. We encourage their involvement in the civic space of Cyprus by facilitating innovative free time activities, by stimulating their creativity and by developing their different skills. We support youngsters to use and develop their capacities, and to actively participate in the vision of a united Europe in order to foster European cooperation. Two important priorities for “PlanBe” is to give access to all people, including young people with fewer opportunities, and to fight against discriminations.

Main Projects / Activities

 PlanBe is focusing on personal and professional development of its members and volunteers. With the aim to foster development of our local communities,  as well as internationally, among others we implement the following activities: Organizing seminars, workshops, lectures and trainings on environmental issues, agriculture, career guidance, how to fight unemployment, inspire entrepreneurship, on culture and cultural heritage; arts and crafts, music and dances, traditional jobs. Organizing  events such as: cultural events containing traditional dances and music, charity events through sports,arts and crafts support of non-formal education; participation in European projects, especially in Erasmus+ projects work with the youngsters in trying to overcome the intercultural barriers and stereotypes; organizing and implementing youth exchanges, training courses (mainly Erasmus+) and practice sharing; work with volunteers A list of the projects implemented so far can be found below:  “Career In Action Part II”, Nicosia District December 2018 “TraDe Olive: From TRADition to Employment: olive products” Nicosia District November 2018 “Cultural Heritage in YOUth” Nicosia District August  2018 “Social Y.Art - Inclusion for Youth through the art of theatre”, Nicosia District June 2018 “TraDe Cuisine: From TRADition to Employment: food products” Nicosia District May 2018 “Hugs 4 All”, a training course for program countries on social inclusion, Limassol Cyprus February 2018 “Career In Action”, Nicosia district Cyprus December 2017 “ReImagine our world without waste”, Nicosia district Cyprus October 2017 “Milestone no 28: Volunteering”, Nicosia district Cyprus August 2017 “TradeClay-From TRADition to Employment: Clay Creations”,Limassol district Cyprus May 2017 “Dance your culture”, Nicosia district Cyprus May 2017 “From TRADition to Employment: wood crafts”, a youth exchange focused on fighting unemployment through traditional wood related professions, inspiring entrepreneurship. Kampos village, Cyprus 27th of June until 6th of July 2016 “Take the Stage”, a train the trainer training course-mobility of youth workers Limassol Cyprus May 2016 “Entrepreneurship on your way”a mobility of youth workers project focusing on fighting youth unemployment by investing on entrepreneurship. Nicosia,Cyprus 18th to 24th of April 2016 “Its in your D.N.A. (Development Needs Actions)” a youth exchange on personal development and fighting youth unemployment. Nicosia district 4th to 13th of March 2016 “UpCycling Art” a youth exchange focused on the reuse of old materials and products, transforming them with a creative and entrepreneurship way into new ones. Kampos village, Nicosia district,August 2015 “TradEWine”, a youth exchange on traditional professions relevant with Wine products Nicosia district October 2014 “Re-Action”, a training course on Human Rights and environmental Issues, Larnaca, November 2014 “TradE – from tradition to employment” a youth in action 1.1 youth exchange which aimed to fight unemployment through reviving old professions transforming them in a new entrepreneurship way. Kampos, Cyprus June 2014

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our growing network in Cyprus, through our partners, through our presence and membership in the Cyprus Youth Council and our close cooperation with the National Youth Board of Cyprus we aim to spread the purpose and the aims of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Cyprus. Additionally, through our actions, projects both local and on a European level we aim to provide platforms for young people in Cyprus to build together more open, inclusive and resilient communities. Additionally, we aim to promote the power of dialogue between and within the communities in Cyprus and to inspire young people on the island to become more tolerant and to enlarge their perspectives towards the achievement of more democratic societies. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Netwrork because we share the same values and vision within our societies. We want to bring the change to our country Cyprus and we want to contribute to the establishment of harmonic cooperation and more resilient and inclusive societies in the EU. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Drakou
Head of the organisation
Maria Drakou

Association Douar Dradra of Sustainable Development

National Network

46000 SAFI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
  تاريخ التأسيس   10/10/2010 لموارد المادية والموارد البشرية المتوفرة    عدد المنخرطين :    عدد الذكور   12؛    عدد الإناث  10؛  عدد المتطوعين    7    ؛    عدد المداومين  4 المواردد المالية :  المزانية المالية السنوية  165000.0
Mission and Objectives

أهداف الجمعية :
- تعمل لجمعية على تحقيق التنمية المستددامة لسكان دوارالضراضرة
- تنمية روح المواطنة والوعي الاجتماعي والتضامن بين المواطنين لتحقيق التنمية الشاملة .
- تنمية الفلاح اقتصاديا واجتماعيا .
- تنظيم تظاهرات، ندوات ومهراجانات الخاصة بالجمعية .
- تنمية الانشطة الثقافية والاجتماعية والفنية والرياضية وتنظيم الرحلات الترفيهية.
- المساهمة في تنظيم وتطوير القطاع الفلاحي وقطاع تربية المواشي .
- الاهتمام بتطوير التراث الثقافي والسياحي للمنطقة.
- تعميم النشاط التنموي على المستوى المحلي عن طريق الشراكة والتضامن .
- المساهمة في تربية وتكوين الأطفال والشباب والنساء ومحو الأمية .
- الاهتمام بتشجير المنطقة والحفاظ بيئة سليمة.
- تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة المنخرطين.
- خلق شراكات مع الجمعيات الوطنية والدولية .
- خلق مشاريع اقتصادية مدرة للدخل لتنمية المنطقة

Main Projects / Activities

 بناء مقر  للجمعية وتجهيزه
 بناء روض للاطفال ومحاربة الامية وتجهيزه
أنشطة الدعم الدراسي لفائدة تلاميذ وتلميذات أنكا ( ابتدائي وإعدادي
القيام بمشاريع مدرة للدخل :
مشروع : دعم ومواكبة الفتاة القروية المتمدرسة
مشروع :  دعم ومواكبة المرأة القروية المقاولة 
مشروع : تلفيف وتجفيف التين
خلق دار الدوار وتجهيزها ( نادي نسوي )
أنشطة إدماج الشباب في العمل الجمعوي ومحيطهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي،
المهراجانات الربيعية التي عرفت نجاحا كبيرا بمشاركة عدد كبير من الفعاليات الجمعوية والاقتصادية،
أنشطة تهتم بالأطفال ( بهلوان، تحسيس بأهمية النظافة والحفاظ على البيئة...)
أنشطة بيئية وثقافية ( تثمين التراث المحلي،  تشجير، 
أنشطة رياضية وتربوية ( دوريات في كرة القدم...)

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Barbach Rachid
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

don't exist

National Network

don't exist
don't exist

don't exist
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Anna Lindh Foundation is an international organization that connects the countries of the mediterranean sea to remove the boundaries and to share different cultures and to enhance the international communications. The organization works within different ways to reach its targets. The aim is the life development and the human being. This is a non profit organization and this organization also gives many opportunities to youth in the work field and the personal too. The main office of the organization located in Alexandria, Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

dialogue and communication
sharing and exchanging
accepting and uniting

Main Projects / Activities

empower young people
share different values and principals
influence on cultures

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i want to be the connection between the organization and my country's people
we have here a wonderful youth which should be used
i want to share all these thoughts here in my country
i want to transport all the good that we have here in our country to different cultures 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

i believe in the importance and the influence of the communication between different countries
the world now must speak one language that share good values and diffuse different cultures and remove any evil in between.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hend Mohamed Ellebishy
Job Title
Tour Guide (french-arabic)
Head of the organisation
don't exist

Lota's box

National Network

Mallinova 7
10000 Zagreb

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Lota's box is founded to promote values of democracy, active citizenship and equality. We have 9 members so far, and 4 volunteers working on the projects. Projects are mostly based on activities related to youth in our community promoting lifelong learning, active citizenship, and european values. Lota's box is member of ECAS- European Citizen Action Service
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to create safe space for support of lifelong learning, critical thinking and promotion of human rights an european values.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project were related to quality time spent together for the local children: playing games, exchanging stickers, playing table tenis etc. We established the spot in our community where book can be exchanged.
In order to support lifelong learning  and active citizenship we are looking for free spaces where teenagers can learn together.
We already established coperation with other members of ALF in Croatia and abroad.
We supported with our events Open days of NGOs, European sustainable development week.
We support education of our memebers in anf for informal learning, active citizenship and support for democracy. We are also active in the field of virtual exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote common values if ALF in Croatia and cooperate with other members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wnat to join because we share to same values

Contact (1) Full Name
Iva Gjurić Smrekar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lota's box