youth for change

National Network

hay touhamou alkablani Ait melloul, Bloc 1 , Num 130
80156 Agadir

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A club for young people to practice their communication skills, learn about public speaking and debating.  We don't have any sources for funding project: virtual debate, workshops on public speaking  Partner: faculty of letteres and human sciences
Mission and Objectives

Promote a good understanding of culture, peace and tolerance
 Build a sense of responsibility and critical thinking
 Prepare participants to become effective debaters and future leaders
 Reduce the terrible consequences of violent extremism
 Share my knowledge and expertise with others ‘sharing is caring’
 take part in cultural exchange with young people from many places around the world or at
least on the national level
 understand the potential of intercultural activities in promoting diversity and tackling
 gain new skills and knowledge in the field of world heritage, cultural diversity and global

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops that involve team work building, time management, critical thinking and debate skills
 Icebreakers that will initiate the learners to collaborate and get to know each other in an
atmosphere of sharing the information without attacking each other
 Theatre activities to boost the creative sense of participants and allow them to present local
issues in an artistic way
 Storytelling and interaction: example of the story would be a one that involves many
characteristics , a climax and a resolution
 Learning by doing: introducing them to project management basics and allow them to create
their own by resenting a phenomenon they have to tackle as young citizens who seek change.
 Organize debate activities by picking controversial topics that will permit the participants to be
well engaged and share the necessary information about their cultural backgrounds

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing my experience in different domains. Participating in online meetings . writng report , organizing activities . Mainly, I will contribute by being an active member

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a young lady from a rural area in Morocco, not so many oppportunties are given to us. That's why , this is a valuable opportunity for me to learn and represent girls and their real potentials. I feel reponsible for being a good citizen, this can be achiieved by being involved in different activities like these.

Contact (1) Full Name
khadija amahal
Job Title
founder and leader
Head of the organisation
khadija amahal