Association Espoir Tiznit

National Network

59 bloc E amicales des fonctionnaires
85000 Tiznit

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

L’association Espoir pour le développement. C’est l’une des associations prometteuses et pionnières dans le domaine de la formation professionnelle et dans le domaine artistique et culturel depuis sa création en 2014 à Tiznit. Sa force réside dans l’ensemble des expertises et des compétences de ses membres, cumulées au fil des années de travail dans le domaine. Quelques membres de l'association: Jamal IDOUMJOUD : Réalisateur, lauréat du Conservatoire libre du cinéma Français. Hasna DAKOUK : cinéaste, Master métiers et pratiques des médias. Saida EGHCHI : lauréat de l’école national du commerce et de la gestion.

Mission and Objectives

Garantir un spectacle intégral de films Focaliser l’intérêt sur la catégorie des jeunes par l’organisation d’évènements cinématographiques tout au long de l’année. Le complexe valorisera la ville et lui permettra de confirmer sa place de pôle culturel au niveau national. Promouvoir et stimuler les activités culturelles et générer des débordements économiques contribuant à la dynamiser les activités commerciales de la ville. Encourager l’investissement étranger dans le domaine de la culture et du cinéma. Encadrer une nouvelle génération de créateurs de films et des professionnels et les qualifier pour s’adapter avec le marché par le biais de l’acquisition d’un savoir-faire et des compétences professionnelles. Créer un espace équipé pour la créativité, le partage et l’échange. Offrir l’opportunité aux jeunes issus de toutes les conditions sociales de participer à des stages académiques dans les métiers du cinéma Faciliter l’accès aux équipements et outils pour les jeunes professionnels pour la création dans un cadre d’autonomie et de liberté d’expression.

Main Projects / Activities

Des formations professionels Des ateliers d'échanque internationaux Des programmes de sencibilisation à l'image.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par les moyens de l'association Espoir Tiznit dans le domaine audiovisuel et cinématographique.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour bénéficier des projets lancé par la fondation et le réseau marocain, et pour avoir des partenariats avec d'autres associations memebres.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Réalisateur cinéma
Head of the organisation
Président: Jamal IDOUMJOUD
Contact (2) Full Name
Said Eghchi
Job Title (2)

women and child development association

National Network

khan yonis
Gaza strip 00970

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Vision: "A development society aspiring to empower women and children in  life for a decent life for them"mission The Women and Child Development Association in Khan Younis Governorate seek to develop Palestinian women and children by providing developmental and rehabilitation services through the cultural and psychological program our projects: • House lighting project "Warm and secure houses" financed by the Gaza Mantaza Malaysia • Project Cinta Gaza Malaysia • Restoration of houses from the Sinta Foundation - Gaza • The Human Rights of Women Project of the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights Media: • Facebook Page Facebook account Women and Child Development Forum • Twitter Twitter: wcda_kh • website Membership: 1. The Women's Leadership Incubator of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights monitor  on 10 June 2017. 2. Member of the Children for Peace Foundation - Britain for Children for Peace - Britain, on the 23rd of October 2017 to work to establish a culture of peaceful coexistence among children in the Middle East. 3. Member within the network of the Association of Culture and Free Thought. 4. Ana Linda Foundation  
Mission and Objectives

Strategic objectives :  
Strategic Objective 1: Contribute to improving the quality of women's lives and creating a secure environment for empowering vulnerable women in the southern Gaza Strip
Strategic Objective II :
Strategic Objective 2: Contribute to the provision of a safe and supportive environment that contributes to the psychological and educational development of marginalized children in the southern Gaza Strip.
Third Strategic Objective: To contribute to building and developing the capacities of society and enhancing its social role.

Main Projects / Activities

Previous Projects:
• House lighting project "Warm and Secure Homes" funded by Cinta Gaza Malaysia
• Project Cinta Gaza Malaysia
• Restoration of houses from an institution
• Cinta Gaza malyzya Turkish
• The Human Rights of Women Project of the Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights
• project to be replaced by the Palestinian Cultural Fund.
• Rehabilitation of houses for battered women from the Red Crescent

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

 ,   we take in our consideration the " SOP" of the strategic plan of our country and networking with the civil society organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

  To enhance  the ability of our organization  and our  goals very similar to ana Linda foundation goals which  contextualize and resolve cultural
.misunderstanding between youth   

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
fatma magdy abed raoof shaat
Job Title
projects manager
Head of the organisation
ahmad soliman al qopity
Contact (2) Full Name
ahmad soliman selmi al qibity
Job Title (2)
head of the board of directors

Composers For Peace

National Network

Rue Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz, près de l'école privée I School, Cité Bouhsina.
4000 Bouhsina Sousse

+216 55 333 581
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

           Composers For Peace est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale Culturelle. Englobant une ligue de Compositeurs, de Poètes, d'Ecrivains, d'Artistes et de Penseurs, cette association intervient dans la vie culturelle à échelle locale, nationale et internationale.              Composers For Peace développe également un dialogue de civilisations plus humaniste à travers des projets artistiques; renfermant des textes et des poésies écrits dans plusieurs langues vivantes et antiques de la baie méditerranéenne, uniformisés tous dans un langage musical universel et compréhensible.              Cette Association participe, à son tour, dans les activités charitables et humanitaires soit à l'échelle locale, nationale ou internationale en réalisant des spectacles dont la grande part des revenus est destinée à la charité et aux aides humanitaires.

Mission and Objectives

- Promouvoir les actions et les projets interculturels. - Renforcer les échanges interculturels et établir des relations de coopérations et de partenariats nationaux et internationaux. - Instaurer un dialogue des civilisations, susceptible de favoriser l’ouverture des projets artistiques multinationaux vers de nouveaux horizons, en vue d’une expression artistique plus cohérente, plus diversifiée et plus déterminée. - Organiser et conduire des spectacles interculturels, des compétitions de composition musicale, littéraire, intellectuelle ou artistique. - Piloter des ateliers et des forums dans le domaine de l’éducation, de l'interculturalité et des inter-arts. - Intégrer et faire participer les jeunes créateurs et artistes dans des projets de grande production.

Main Projects / Activities

- Les Journées de la Polyphonie, action charitable en partenariat avec l'OPUS, l'Association des vétérans de L'ISM Sousse et le Relais Culturel Français de Sousse. - Production de Plusieurs Albums musicaux dans les styles polyphoniques Arabe et Occidental en partenariat avec Radio Zina. - Réalisation de plusieurs spectacles et projets artistiques dont l'interculturalité représente l'essence même de ces travaux. - Travailler sur les poèmes d'Ibn Hamdis en langue sicilienne, catalane et arabe. -Production d'une séries d'Opéras Lyriques composés à partir des textes des Mou'allaqate.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- S'adhérer dans la dynamique de la coopération du réseau tunisien de la FAL, à travers des partenariats et projets interculturels,  ce qui permet de participer dans plusieurs activités à l’échelle nationale et internationale. - Elargir et renforcer le réseau tunisien de la FAL en créant de nouvelles ouvertures. - Enrichir la perspective interculturelle du domaine artistique actuel par des projets de grande production.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Travailler des projets impliquant des membres du réseau et bénéficier des actions de formation de la FAL. - Promouvoir l'interéchange  interculturel et inter arts.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aymen Saïd
Job Title
Directeur Exécutif
Head of the organisation
Houda Ben Jbeli
Contact (2) Full Name
Mme Houda Jebali

OPUS / الأثر

National Network

Rue Omar Ibn Abdel Aziz, près de l'école privée I School, Cité Bouhsina.
4000 Bouhsina Sousse

+216 55 333 407
Mobile Phone
+216 55 333 581
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
           L'OPUS est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale Culturelle et scientifique; elle intervient dans la vie culturelle à échelle locale, nationale et internationale. L'opus est également le siège de plusieurs orchestres: un Orchestre Symphonique, L'Orchestre Polyphonique des Ûds , un Choeur Lyrique , et plusieurs d'autres formations musicales de musique classique, tels que le Trio, le Quartet, le Quintet, le Sixtet et l'Orchestre de Chambre.              L'OPUS développe également la recherche scientifique dans plusieurs domaines tels que les Sciences Humaines, les Mathématiques, la Musicologie, la Sociologie de la Culture et des Pratiques Culturelles, et l'Anthropologie , elle organise (elle même ou en partenariat avec d'autres organisations) des Forums, des Séminaires et des Colloques dans les domaines mentionnés de façon cyclique.              L'OPUS participe, à son tour, dans les activités et les actions bénévoles, charitables et humanitaires soit à l'échelle locale, nationale ou internationale.
Mission and Objectives

- Instaurer La tradition de La Musique Classique Occidentale dans les régions et les collectivités territoriales décentralisées.
- Promouvoir les actions et les projets culturels et scientifiques.
- Promouvoir les échanges interculturels, Et établir des relations de coopérations et de partenariats nationaux et internationaux.
- Optimiser la pratique culturelle de la société civile.
- Instaurer un dialogue des civilisations susceptible de favoriser l’ouverture vers de nouveaux horizons en vue d’une TUNISIE Plurielle, diversifiée, égalitaire et ouverte positivement sur l’environnement national, régional et international.
- Organiser et conduire des conférences, séminaires et ateliers dans le domaine de l’éducation, de la science, de la culture et de l’information.

Main Projects / Activities

- Les Journées de la Polyphonie, action charitable en partenariat avec Composers For Peace, l'Association des vétérans de L'ISM Sousse et le Relais Culturel Français de Sousse.
- Installation d'un Studio spécialisé et destiné aux grands Orchestres Symphoniques, Philharmoniques et Polyphoniques.
- Production de Plusieurs Albums musicaux dans les styles polyphoniques Arabe et Occidental en partenariat avec Radio Zina.
- Colloque Scientifique sur la nouvelle syntaxe polyphonique arbo-occidentale; avec impression d'un ouvrage collectif indexé contenant les actes du colloque et les conférences présentées.
- Forum sur les qualités curatives de La musique chez les autistes, au delà des confins de la musicothérapie; avec impression d'un ouvrage collectif indexé contenant les actes du colloque et les conférences présentées.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- S'adhérer dans la dynamique de la coopération du réseau tunisien de la FAL, à travers des partenariats et projets interculturels,  ce qui permet de participer dans plusieurs activités à l’échelle nationale et internationale.
- Elargir et renforcer le réseau tunisien de la FAL en créant de nouvelles ouvertures.
- Faire une série de formations continues dans tous les domaines de la jeunesse et la société civile dont la perspective est interculturelle.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Travailler des projets impliquant des membres du réseau et bénéficier des actions de formation de la FAL.
- Promouvoir l'interéchange scientifique et l'interculturalité.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aymen Saïd
Job Title
Directeur Exécutif
Head of the organisation
Anouer el Jaiem

Fondazione Hallgarten Faanchetti

National Network

Villa Montesca
06012 Città di Castello

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The foundation, also called “Fondazione Villa Montesca” and “Fondazione Centro Studi Villa Montesca” carries on the tradition of the Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca founded in 2001 at Villa Montesca where in 1909 Maria Montessori organized a seminar that gave birth to the first publication of the scientific pedagogic method universally known as the ‘Montessori Method’. Continuing the tradition of Alice Hallgarten and Leopoldo Franchetti in the fields of innovative teaching methods and social work the Foundation aims at developing and enhancing the activities of Villa Montesca, also by promoting the cultural heritage and scientific legacy of Baron and Baroness Franchetti particularly in science education and other cultural experiences carried out in Europe, given the importance of the legacy of the rural schools of Montesca and Rovigliano. The Foundation is nowadays internationally renowned for top quality research and training in teacher training, information technology and communication, education for European integration and regional cooperation in the field of education and culture at local, regional and European level. The Foundation has a vast experience in managing interdisciplinary project teams composed of researchers from universities and other educational organisations. It has an important role at regional, national and European level in the development and promotion of lifelong learning as a tool for improving and strengthening social and work opportunities following the main recommendations of the EU Commission  “It is never too late to learn” and “It is always a good time to learn“. The aim of our activities is to help establish an efficient educational system which can help to overcome the barriers to education/training, speed up the recognition of learning outcomes achieved in formal, informal and non-formal approaches in order to encourage active participation in the learning process also by those people who, owing to marginalization, may be excluded from it.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation has gained a prestigious position and is internationally renowned for its activities in the field of research and for the experimentation of new teaching methods for schools, training centres, companies and the labour market.
FCSVM has coordinated more than 20 national post graduating training projects addressed to young adults and adults. It is also coordinator of numerous EU educational projects within various sectors (school, adults, civil protection, etc.) at EU level. It counts about 20 coordinated projects and 30 FCSVM participated in as partner.
FCSVM develops teacher training courses in cooperation with the SchoolNet, a protocol of permanent cooperation amongst secondary schools of the Upper Tiber Valley for designing and developing new activities in the field of education. It is also promoter of the Educating Community Altotevere that has the purpose to promote a prosocial educational system to prevent social violence, through a stable system of educational relations, enshrined in a protocol (40 organizations that have a formal, but also informal educational role belong to the network, also with the aim to foster the social inclusion of migrants and refugees.)
In the spirit of its founders, the FCSVM, supported by the Municipality of Città di Castello, the Umbria Region and by the Perugia District, today realizes and experiments new didactical methods and pedagogic perspectives in order to support students throughout their education and teachers in their updating towards new educational and job scenarios. 
The work of FCSVM focuses on establishing European and national networks aimed to support the educational environment in all its forms.
- promote new and inclusive pedagogic and didactic approaches,
- promote social inclusion and support educational inclusion of students with special, personal and social needs,
- promote a democratic space of education,
- develop European and international relationships and networks,
- promote European cooperation in the fields of education, audiovisuals and culture,
- promote the valorisation of diversity in educational and cultural relationships.
The main source of funding are EU project and otehr private donors. The annual budgetary resources are aroung 1.000.000 Euros  

Main Projects / Activities

The FCSVM promotes new teaching and learning methodologies adapted to the learners’ needs and expectations. The educational environment can be physical - as a place where the educational activities are carried out - and also “virtual” and social - made up by the system of social exchanges learners activate in their specific contexts. In such a perspective education has to be inclusive and cooperative, being inspired by a constructivist idea of knowledge.
Departments and Activities:
Pedagogy and Didactic Innovation- creates research and experimentation activities in the field of education at all levels.
European Cooperation- promotes educational and cultural research and experimentation in European countries involving a wide range of municipalities, schools and stakeholders.
Teacher Training- organises training courses for teachers with new teaching approaches and methodologies.
FCSVM has been coordinating various initiatives (European co-funded projects or local initiatives co-funded by the EU Social Fund) having as main focus the application of the new digital knowledge in the learning and training systems, addressing in particular schools students and teachers from different levels. Some that can be mentioned are:
‘EUCLIDES - Enhancing the Use of Cooperative Learning to Increase Development of Science studies’. It experimented an innovative teaching and training methodology, based on the Constructivism approach and on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL), through the use of ICT instruments. This methodology was thought and developed for the study of scientific subjects and experimented in some European secondary schools, involving in the project: teachers, trainers, students, facilitators and tutors.
‘Bridging INSULA EUROPAE - Enhancing Pupils’ Motivation by Developing European Dimension of Learning and the Use of ICT’. An e-learning platform was developed as a supporting tool to education, and applied by teachers with their students in different EU Countries to help them understand how ICTs could become relevant instruments integrated with usual education paths.
‘EiYoU! Educational Innovation facing Youth Unemployment’: Motivate students to learning and prevent the drop-out. Create connections with the work world and create motivation despite the economical crisis and the risk to drop-out from learning due to the lack of opportunities in the work sectors.
‘LETHE-Learning Through Emotions’: provides teachers and student new tools and instruments to teach and learn emotional intelligence in the curricula

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Foundation can contribute with an  educative and pedagogic support for enahncing the social dimension and multicaltural approach of the school and all the other informal educative agencies 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because in the History of the Foundation, since the Montessori presence and contribution, the international dimension has been strategic 

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrizio Boldrini
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Prof. Angelo Capecci
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Rita Bracchini
Job Title (2)
Chief of the European Department

Voice of the Voiceless International

National Network

via vicolo dell adige 5 trento italy, sa
38122 Trento

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

to work for the deprived and depressed minorities on globe and especially pakistani minorities 

Main Projects / Activities

human rights
food and security

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

just to work more better for these minority communities 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Shabaz Bhatti
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Shazad Bhatti
Job Title (2)

Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association (LIDOSK)

National Network

Varlık Mahallesi Hızır Reis Caddesi 179. Sokak No:7/3M.
Esat Oğuz Apt.
07100 Muratpasa/

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Lykia Scouting and Nature Sports Club Association ( LIDOSK) was established as an youth NGO that promotes intercultural learning, understanding, active citizenship, volunteerism, sports for a healthy lifestyle, environmental protection. LİDOSK aims to develop and support the cooperation in the field of youth in Europe. We encourage young people, especially the most disadvantaged and the disabled, to actively participate in public life and to promote their sense of initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity, to contribute towards acceptance of cultural diversity, social cohesion, sustainable development and combat against all forms of discrimination fostering their mobility in Europe.
Mission and Objectives

LIDOSK provides awareness activities for migrants which can encourage and provide support for migrants as they design their own solutions for the issue. The aim of LIDOSK  is to inform young people and youth workers to encourage and reinforce them to design required support activities and mechanisms for refugees and migrants. The main activities are to present deeper information on the basic concepts and existing context related to migration and refugees in Europe.  We want to increase knowledge and awareness of contemporary problems and challenges related to migration, migrants and refugees. In our daily work we equip our members and youth workers with effective tools and methods for trainings and activities on young refugees and migrants so that we can improve our organizations’ capacity to work for/with migrants and refugees.

Main Projects / Activities

- Volunteering
- Erasmus+ Projects
- Sport and local activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

LIDOSK has vast experience on international projects. We have implemented a lot of youth exchanges, training courses, summer camps, etc. We are hosting, sending and coordinating EVS organisation. We want to contribute this network with our local and international experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we want to create new projects and activities, trought this network. We believe that, this network will open-up new horizonts to our NGO and widen the networks in Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Melinda Meszaros
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Yunus Emre Dağli
Job Title (2)

Nevo Parudimos

National Network

Piata Traian Vuia, nr. 1-4
320085 Resita

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Nevo Parudimos Association it’s a nonprofit apolitical organization which was founded by a group of teachers, Roma activists and Roma students from Caras-Severin county, in the south-west of Romania in 2008. The aim of the Nevo Parudimos association is to decrease the economic, social, educational and cultural differences in the society. Our permanent staff is composed by 6 payed people and 10 local volunteers. Beside that we have a number of collaborators relating to a large number of volunteers which will join our projects when needed (always expressing their desire to help). All the 7 staff members have experience in applying, coordinating and facilitating Erasmus+projects and other European Commission, local and national founds. They have a long history of non-formal work and education and are fully capable of managing difficult situations individually, and especially so when together. Our activities are split in more fields like: education, culture, social work, community development, human rights, youth work and volunteering, as well as specialized internships for students of Social Work department in Eftimie Murgu University. In the youth work field our activities are in most cases connected with the other activities of the NGO. Until now we have implemented 16 Youth in Action/Erasmus + projects as coordinators and we have on going other 6 from which 3 are strategic partnerships one on youth and two on adult education and one it’s an EVS project. All our youth projects have as beneficiary disadvantaged young people: Roma young people, youth from foster care, youngsters from rural area and youth coming from very poor communities. We were involved as partners until now in more than 70 youth projects, where we sent participants with fewer opportunities coming from very poor and disadvantage communities from small groups up to 35 people groups. Nevo Parudimos is a member of more national and international youth networks: - Youth Express Network – member since 2011 - YES Forum – member since 2010 - Roma Civic Alliance from Romania - ternYpe European Roma Youth Network – funding member since 2015 - Phiren Amenca – member since 2014 - European Roma Grassroots Organization Network – associated member since 2015 Our expertise is well known and recognized in disadvantaged and Roma people’s inclusion projects. We are the first NGO promoting in Romania the CLLD principles and the bottom up approach in planning and developing local development programs and since 4 years we make lobby and support local people to have a voice in order to be equal partners in the decision making process at local level. Also we have a great expertise in educational projects, a big part of the members and staff of Nevo Parudimos being also teachers which work with Roma kids or in very disadvantaged communities. Another important area of expertise of our NGO is the civic involvement and voluntary work which was extended from the youth department also to the social and community development departments, one of our project being nominated as finalist to Erste Stiftung Social Inclusion Projects Award (For a kid smile- rehabilitation of the child section of the municipal Hospital from Caransebes).    
Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the Nevo Parudimos association are:
- To develop activities which promote democracy;
- To promote tolerance, diversity and equal chances in the society;
- To create community development programs to fight against prejudices towards Roma people;
- To increase the organizational capacity of Roma people;
- To help Roma communities to develop their own competences and abilities to solve problems;
- To develop professional, social, cultural, economic activities and civic commitment.

Main Projects / Activities

Nevo Parudimos association has a big expertise in the flowing fields:
- Education – promoting education in the rural areas, poor communities and in Roma communities, work with the parents, training for teachers and development of afterschool activities for the kids in order to increase the interest of the kids for the school. In this field, we are working very close to schools, with school mediators and teachers but also with the parents of those kids. We have developed a website which promotes education and gives information for the youngsters about scholarships and educational programs of the institutions, Universities and NGO’s – This website was developed in the project “Education, a chance for the future” founded by the youth in action program. Also in the project “Second chance a new chance” we have developed two manuals with best practices for teachers that develop activities  after school, summer kindergarten, second chance education, extra scholastic activities. . In this field since 3 years we are running a day center were the kids from a ghetto community from Resita (Mociur) are making homework’s for school and having each day a meal.
- Working with adults: the work with adults of Nevo Parudimos have two dimensions: we offer training’s and capacity building activities for the Roma adults from the local communities from Caras Severin county( Nevo Parudimos it’s accredited to train adults by the Ministry of Labor and Education on more fields), we offer support and assist Roma communities in the mobilization and representation process at local level in our Region( we created together with the representatives of the Roma communities more initiative groups which later were transformed in NGO’s and also we created in Resita a structure named Inclusion Hub where beside the Roma communities also NGO’s and institutions are part). At the same time Nevo Parudimos since 4 years deliver trainings for Roma community members and NGO’s to capacitate them to understand better the Leader program and the CLLD approach and to be part of the planning and implementation of this process.
- Youth work with Roma youth and inclusion: starting from 2010 we have implemented until now 4 youth in action projects “Roma Youth European Youth”, “Roma Youth European Youth 2”, “Roma Youth European Youth 3 - Evaluation” and “Roma youth – European Youth 4”, projects in which together with our international partners (18 partners) we developed a guide “9 steps in working whit Roma youngsters” which offer information’s and present different working methods to be used during the work with Roma youngsters in different projects. Also during all our youth projects until now we have built two play grounds for the kids from the Roma neighborhood, we offered the possibility to take part to youth exchanges for 428 youngsters in the last two years majority of them coming from a disadvantage background and Roma youngsters and 36 youth workers and volunteers took part to international trainings from our partners. In the last two years we have implemented 7 Erasmus + 4 exchanges, two multi-measure projects and one EVS, all related to inclusion and Roma youngsters. Also we have a very developed youth department which involves more than 100 youngsters from all the Caras-Severin area. In this field, we assisted different youth groups to organize and develop activities and we supported the funding of 6 youth NGO’s in our area.
- Voluntary work (local and EVS)  in the past years, we have developed more projects which promotes volunteering. The most important ones are “For a kid smile - rehabilitation of the child section of the municipal Hospital from Caransebes” nominated as finalist to Erste Stiftung Social Inclusion Projects Award; Rehabilitation of the child section of the County hospital from Resita were two projects that promoted social inclusion of the Roma people using as a method the voluntary work. Another important project that promoted voluntary work and inclusion is “Volunteering for all” project which was founded by the youth in action program and which has as result founding a youth voluntary NGO called Volunteering for all.
Regarding EVS, we hosted 14 EVS volunteers between 204 – 2016  in 2 projects: Volunteers for Education and Be responsible, be green!, nowadays having in implementation 3 EVS projects, each for 2 years long, where we host 10 volunteers per project (5 per year), in total 30 volunteers. The projects are:
Volunteering and Education for Civic Involvement 20173-RO01-KA105-046973 (2017 – 2019) – 10 volunteers -
Volunteering for a smile 2018 – 1 – RO01 – KA125 – 048993 (2018 – 2020) – 10 volunteers
V for Volunteering 2018 – 2 RO01 – KA125-049941 (January 2019 – December 2020)
Additional, we are partners in the Strategic EVS Yes to volunteering 2017 - 3 - DE04 - KA135 – 015832 (2018 – 2020) – where we host 2 volunteers from Germany
As a sending organization, in the past 4 years we sent over 15 volunteers in different European countries.
We also started hosting volunteers coming with the French Civic Service – in the past 4 years we host 5 volunteers from France.
- Remembrance of the Roma Holocaust: since 4 years ago we started in organizing together with ternYpe and Phiren Amenca, two Roma international youth networks commemoration events for Roma and non Roma youngsters were we promote the recognition of the Roma holocaust and the education for remembrance. The most important result of this partnerships is the fact that in 2014 we brought together 1000 youngsters (200 from Romania) Roma and non Roma from 25 countries which took part in the event “Dikh he na bister” ( and learn about Roma holocaust. This activity is now part of our yearly working plan. The event repeat itself in 2016, when we brought together more than 80 young participants from Romania, Roma and non roma (in total there were 380 participants) and in 2017 when we brought together 12 Romanian Roma in an international group of 200 participants.
- Fight agaist discrimination exclusion and marginalization – our NGO since the funding had as main aim to reduce the bariers between people. Until now we have implmented more projects in which we promote participation to education to youth work to community life of the Roma communities empowering, training and sharing with them experience about how to do that. Also we were part of the Wall free Europe campaign – a campaign which fight for the removal of walls and raising awareness of increasing antigypsyist and racist sentiments in Europe, especially the ones surrounding the Roma communities.
- Refugee and migrants – starting October 2016, Nevo Parudimos is partner in 2 KA2, Understanding Europe and Network of refugees, projects which aim to offer a better welcoming of the migrants in Romania, all participating countries and in Europe, by creating curricula especially for them to understand the country and the continent they came and how to live here, in the same time they learn the language of the country they are living. On the other hand, through this projects we are tackling the issues concerning the situation of migrants and refugees in our countries, identifying and sharing best practice examples of inclusion and integration at European level.  The outputs and more information can be found on the official webistes of the projects: and
- Nevo Parudimos Youth Center – opened since november 2018, the youth center is coordinated together with EVS volunteers, having as main goal the development of social, cultural and artistic activities with and for the disadvantaged youth in Resita Municipality ( a city with 80.000 inhabitants). The youth center offer the oppotunity to self-development to the young people one one hand, on another hand it creates a safe space for EVS volunteers to learn and practice non – ofrmal education methods for their proffesional development.
- Marabu Camp – in partnership with a private company we developed a youth camp that hosts educational activities in Milcoveni, Romania. The camp can host 50 people, offering full board, and in the last two years hosted 26 events all related with Erasmus plus program, trainings or exchanges that promotes inclusion, environmental protection, citizenship and human rights education.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Grebeldinger
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Florica Jurj
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexandra Jurca
Job Title (2)
PR specialist

المغربية للتنمية القروية والمحافظة على البيئة والمواطنة (La Marocaine Pour le Développement Rural, Et de Protection de L’environnement et la Citoyenneté (MDRPEC

National Network

Rue 601 n° 28 Lot Agharass Bouargane Agadir
دوار تزروالين مركز الجماعة الترابية أزيار التابعة لقيادة إيموزار عمالة أكادير إداوتنان
80040 Agadir

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

  يوجد المقر الرئيسي للجمعية بمركز الجماعة الترابية أزيار التابعة لقيادة إيموزار عمالة أكادير إداوتنان و يمكن للجمعية تغيير و تحويل مقرها إلى أي مكان أخر بقرار من المكتب المسير مع إخبار السلطة بالأمر وكذا الشركاء   الجمعية ليست لها أية صبغة سياسية، تقنية، دينية أو عرقية  

Mission and Objectives

تسعى الجمعية إلى تحقيق الأهداف التالية        تأطير الساكنة وتوعيتهم للمساهمة في التنمية السوسيومجالية والاقتصادية والثقافية   المساهمة إلى جانب الجهات المعنية في محاربة الأمية والفقر والهشاشة والإقصاء الاجتماعي   انجاز مشاريع تنموية في المجالات المختلفة بتعاون مع مختلف الهيئات والمنظمات الوطنية والدولية المهتمة   التوعية بالمخاطر الايكولوجية والتحسيس بأهمية البيئة والمحيط الحيوي   المساهمة بالتعاون مع الجهات المختصة بالحفاظ على شجر الأركان وتشجير الغابة  والسهر على ديمومتها   العمل والتنسيق مع المؤسسات المعنية من أجل إرساء قيم ومبادئ وأدوات التعاون بالقطاع الفلاحي عبر الإسهام في إنشاء تعاونيات فلاحية مواطنة تساهم في الاقتصاد الاجتماعي التضامني    تأطير النساء والشباب والعمل على تقوية مكانته في التنمية القروية من خلال العمل التعاوني   النهوض بفكر المحافظة على البيئة و المواطنة والمقاولة  والتقاول في المجال الفلاحي وتكريس ثقافة الفلاحة التضامنية    المساهمة في فك العزلة عن المناطق النائية  بالتعاون مع الجماعات الترابية والمانحين الدوليين   الاهتمام بمصادر المياه والتعاون مع الجماعات المحلية ومختلف الفاعلين والهيئات المختصة لتزويد الساكنة بالماء الصالح للشرب   الاهتمام بالجانب الصحي للساكنة وخلق مراكز الاستقبال بالمناطق القروية وتنظيم حملات طبية والوقوف إلى جانب المرضى في العلاج   تشجيع التمدرس بالمجالات القروية الهشة والمساهمة بالارتقاء بجودة التعليم. وتنظيم أيام ثقافية و مخيمات لفائدة الأطفال   تنظيم دورات تكوينية لفائدة التعاونيات والجمعيات في مجال التنمية والمواطنة وحقوق الانسان، والانضمام إلى الشبكات والبرامج الوطنية والدولية ذات الأهداف المشتركة         تعمل الجمعية على بلورة تصور بيئي شامل يأخد بعين الاعتبار الطبيعة والإنسان و يلائم مختلف التصورات الوطنية والدولية والهادفة إلى إنقاذ كوكب الأرض، بالانخراط في برامج الأمم المتحدة، وكذا برامج المنظمات الحكومية والغير الحكومية التي تشتغل في مجال التنمية المستدامة     المساهمة في التنمية الاجتماعية المستدامة الموجهة للمرأة والطفل والمسن ودوي الاحتياجات الخاصة   إذكاء الروح الوطنية والتربية على المواطنة الحقة والديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان للأطفال والشباب، وترسيخ قيم التسامح ومبادئ السلوك المدني   مرافقة الجماعات الترابية في إعداد برنامج عمل وبرامج التنمية المجالية اقتصاديا واجتماعيا ورياضيا وسياحيا و ترسيخ و دعم ثقافة المواطنة و حقوق الإنسان   الاهتمام وتشجيع وتطوير الموروث الثقافي واللغوي   تنظيم الأنشطة الرياضية والاجتماعية والثقافية والفنية والتحفيز على المنافسة الشريفة   المساهمة في إعداد أرضية لانطلاقة سياحية بالمناطق القروية بما فيها السياحة الثقافية والجبلية والتضامنية                                            

Main Projects / Activities

  هذا وتنوي الجمعية تنفيذ هذه الأهداف من خلال مجموعة من الأدوات، من بينها      تنظيم وتنسيق وتأطير ورشات ودورات تكوينية لفائدة المهتمين والفاعلين في ميدان تنمية العالم القروي بشراكة مع جمعية الجامعية للتنمية القروية بكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية التابعة لجامعة ابن زهر بأكادير .   إصدار الأبحاث والدراسات والنشرات ذات الطابع العلمي والتكويني وإخباري في مجال الفلاحة التضامنية.  انجاز وتنفيذ مشاريع تنموية عن طريق الشراكات مع الجمعيات والمؤسسات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والعلمية والمؤسسات الحكومية وغير الحكومية.  تنظيم لقاءات تواصلية ومعرفية في المؤسسات الجامعية وخارجها لنشر وترسيخ المبادئ الأساسية التي تعمل الجمعية على نشرها وبلورتها. وذلك بالمشاركة والتفاعل وتقاسم الخبرات والتجارب مع الشبكة    

Contact (1) Full Name
ابراهيم الشاهد Brahim Echahid
Job Title
الرئيس Président
Head of the organisation
ابراهيم الشاهد Brahim Echahid
Job Title (2)
الرئيس Président

ministère des affaire générales et de la gouvernance

National Network

avenue cherkaoui
10000 RABAT

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

yes of course

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

exchange collaborate with other shereholders

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of local governance
Head of the organisation
MR lahcen daoudi
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)