Les Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier

National Network

91 rue du colonel Fabien
92160 Antony

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Les Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier  s'organise de la manière suivante:Au comité exécutif des «Rendez-Vous de l'Oliver» siègent: Jacques Attali (Président,cofondateur), Hubert Védrine (Vice-Président, cofondateur), Mounir Millès (Directeur Général et cofondateur),Monseigneur Michel Dubost (Trésorier et ancien responsable des relations avec les musulmans au sein de la maison des Évêques de France). Ce comité exécutif encadre et participe avec  le comité scientifique à définir le programme, la thématique et les différentes tables rondes du projet de conférence le Comité Scientifique et composé comme suit: Ghaleb Bencheikh(Président de la Fondation de l'Islam de France et membre d'honneur des Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier(RVO)), Le père Vincent Féroldi, Mohammed Moussaoui, le Rabbin Philippe Haddad, Marwane Ben Yahmed (Directeur de Jeune Afrique et membre d'Honneur des RVO),l'Amiral Jean Dufourcq, Djamila Medjahed (Magistrate) Mohammed Moussaoui (Président de l'Union des Mosqués de France) et .Membre d'Honneur des Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier, Ines Safi...

Mission and Objectives

"Les Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier" est une association qui  oeuvre au rapprochement des peuples en favorisant le dialogue entre la société civile, les «forces vives» des nations et les représentants institutionnels ainsi que les différents organismes gouvernementaux ; oeuvre également au dialogue interculturel, au dialogue interreligieux, à la défense et à la compréhension de la laïcité et à la promotion du «vivre ensemble», quelque soit sa race, sa religion, son absence de religion, ou son sexe Auparavant l'Association portait le nom de l'Association N.O.O.R ( Nous! Œuvrons contre l'Obscurantisme Religieux) dont l'objet était la lutte contre l'obscurantisme et le radicalisme quelles que soient leurs formes et où qu'ils se trouvent ; avec notamment la lutte contre l'idéologie menant au radicalisme et au terrorisme religieux. Cette Association était l'héritière du Collectif N.O.O.R  qui avait publié plusieurs Tribunes à la suite des différents attentats qui se sont déroulés en France et en Europe et dont voici les liens: l'Humanité Décembre 2015 (Attentats d eParis) https://www.humanite.fr/il-faut-inverser-les-poles-591630   L'Express Février 2016 (Agression antisémite) https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/sous-le-nom-de-dieu_1762363.html   le 1 août 2016 dans la revue de l'Amiral Dufourcq après Nice et St-Etienne-de-Rouvray https://www.lettrevigie.com/blog/2016/08/01/lapport-de-la-diversite-a-lu...   l'Express 5 Juin 2017 attentats Londres et Manchester https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/we-shall-never-surrender_1914771.html 

Main Projects / Activities

Notre objectif est d'organiser une grande conférence internationale à l'Unesco traitant de ces questions. La 1ère édition des «Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier» entend contribuer de manière forte au dialogue interculturel et interreligieux sous un jour nouveau à travers un rapprochement encore inédit des sociétés civiles les plus représentatives de la jeunesse et aux autres organisations intéressées pour combattre ceux qui se servent d'arguments mensongers pour prospérer sur les peurs. Nos objectifs sont: - Faire de ce rendez-vous un événement inter-culturel et interreligieux à impact mondial sous l’égidede l’Unesco. - Développer de nouveaux canaux du dialogue inter-cultuel en direction des jeunes en intégrant dans les échanges les Objectifs de Développement Durable 2015-2030 (ODD) (Education pour la Paix); - Un partenariat et une mobilisation médiatique sans précédent incluant les réseaux sociaux pour relayer le message et les résultats concrets de cette rencontre auprès d’un large public. Pour cela, le projet bénéficie de comités de préparation d’un haut niveau scientifique, politique et intellectuel : - Au comité exécutif des «Rendez-Vous de l'Oliver» siègent: Jacques Attali (Président,cofondateur), Hubert Védrine (Vice-Président, cofondateur), Mounir Millès (Directeur Général et cofondateur)  Monseigneur Michel Dubost (Trésorier et ancien responsable des relations avec les musulmans au sein de la maison des Évêques de France). - Le comité scientifique, quant à lui regroupe des personnalités reconnues: Ghaleb Bencheikh(Président de la Fondation de l'Islam de France et membre d'honneur des Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier(RVO)), Le père Vincent Féroldi, Mohammed Moussaoui, le Rabbin Philippe Haddad, Marwane Ben Yahmed (Directeur de Jeune Afrique et membre d'Honneur des RVO),l'Amiral Jean Dufourcq, Djamila Medjahed (Magistrate) Mohammed Moussaoui (Président de l'Union des Mosqués de France) et .Membre d'Honneur des Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier... Au niveau médiatique, un partenariat a été conclu avec les quotidiens: l’Économiste (Maroc),El Watan (Algérie), l’Orient (Liban), Hareetz (Israël). De même, est-il convenu que l'Association dela Presse Etrangère en France (APE) participera aussi au projet. Pour les hebdomadaires, les magazines“Réforme” (Protestant) et «Jeune Afrique» nous ont également confirmé leur disposition à accompagner ce projet. Comme souligné plus haut, la jeunesse, élément fondamental pour l'avenir, est fortement ciblée par ceprojet et des partenariats sont envisagés avec l'Université Paris-Sud 11 (France) ainsiqu’avecl'Université Euro-Méditerranéenne de Fès (Maroc). Nous serions honorés, au sein de notre association, d’intégrer le réseau français de la Fondation Anna Lindh que vous avez la charge d'animer et de représenter. Dans l'attente de votre réponse , veuillez croire Madame à ma très haute considération Très sincèrement Mounir MILLES Cofondateur et Directeur Général «Les Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier»  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Si nous réussissons à construire cette conférence ensemble, cela contribuera de mani-re puissante aux objectifs que s'est assignée la Fondation mais plus encore si comme je l'espère nous atteignons la dimension souhaitée alors ce sera aussi une formidable opération de visibilité pour la Fondation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Il y a plus de 13 ans  quand j'étais étudiant en 5è année de droit des relations internationales option Diplomatie et Négocitions Stratégiques de l'Université Paris-sud 11, en plus d'être Président de l'Association des étudiants j'avais pour mission de monter le projet Tanger 2006 qui s'articulait autour d'une simulation de négociation internationale dont le thème était la "gestion de crise dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen" et qui était faite en relation avec l'Université de Tanger (pour le Maghreb) et l'Université la Sagesse au Liban pour le Mashrek. J'avais réussi pour cette opération à construire plusieurs partenariats (RFI, Ministère de l'éducation, des Affaires Européennes) notamment avec la Fondation Anna Lindh qui nous avait fortement soutenue et pour lasimulation et pour le colloque qui s'en est suivi. L'idée des Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier est du même type en lui apportant, l'expérience et la maturité aidant, une dimension politique encore plus puissante. Nous croyons tous autant que nous sommes au dialogue des cultures et au dialogue entre les hommes seul rempart efficace à la lutte contre tous les obscurantismes et il apparait que la Fondation Anna Lindh est un outil formidable dans cet objectif.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Directeur Général et Cofondateur "Les Rendez-Vous de l'Olivier"
Head of the organisation
Jacques Attali (Président, Cofondateur), Hubert Védrine (Vice-Président,Cofondateur), Mounir Millès (Directeur Général, Cofondateur)

Collateral Repair Project

National Network

13 Salti al-Ibrahimi St
Hashemi Shamali
Amman 11118

+962775-526666 (Mrs. Amanda Lane, Director)
Telephone (other)
+962777872876 (Ms. Ruba Hattar, Grants manager)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Collateral Repair Project (CRP) is a community based organization in Amman, Jordan.  It is a registered non-profit organization in the United States with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, and is registered as an international organization with the Ministry of Social Development in Jordan. CRP runs an Emergency Assistance Program providing basic needs such as food vouchers and medical referrals to refugees and impoverished Jordanians. CRP offers programs to help refugees to rebuild social ties and develop new skills. Educational and skill-building programs build knowledge and practical skills to alleviate conditions of economic insecurity. Trauma sensitivity in all CRP’s programs helps those affected by violence to process their experiences. CRP is funded through private donations and grants. Annual operating budget is around $1 million.  

Mission and Objectives

CRP assists refugees from Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, as well as impoverished Jordanians.  The majority of refugees in Jordan have been displaced for at least 5 years and are likely to remain in Jordan for years to come. More than 80% of these refugees live in poverty and are unable to legally work in Jordan. They face chronic socio-economic vulnerability and remain poorly integrated with the Jordanian host population. CRP seeks to help these vulnerable people by providing basic necessities first and then offering  education and trauma-relief programming on top of that foundation. All of CRP’s activities take place in the city of Amman in two community centers, one in in the Hashemi Shamali neighborhood and a second in the Amman Downtown.

Main Projects / Activities

Basic-Needs Assistance Program provides assistance in the form of food vouchers to the most needy refugee families. Food vouchers gives refugees some independence and a feeling of control. CRP’s Basic-Needs Assistance Program also includes medical referrals and seasonal aid. For example, in the winter CRP distributes winter clothes, blankets, heaters, and heating fuel. Youth Programs include an after-school program for children 6-12, a summer camp, a special after-school program for girls, and a number of programs for teenagers that cultivate a spirit of community service and leadership. Many refugee children have missed years of school and are behind in their learning.  Our youth programs incorporate varied educational methods to empower them to meet challenges and grow as individuals. Educational Programs and Livelihood Programs for adults deliver practical skills that may help to generate income and build confidence.  These include a robust English language program, computer education, and some vocational training such as repairing mobile phones, men’s barbershop, and women’s beauty school.  Many of these programs are led by either foreign volunteers (English classes) or beneficiaries who have risen to leadership positions and want to give back by sharing their skills with the CRP community.   Leadership Programs such as Women’s Empowerment and Men’s Leadership promote awareness of human rights, issues in society, and seek to reduce the incidence of violence within families and against women. Community members are encouraged and enabled to become advocates for their community and to volunteer at the community centers.   Trauma Relief Programs include psycho-social wellness activities such as sports, yoga, music and art therapy, and teaching relaxation techniques and conflict resolution techniques. Trauma sensitivity is integrated in all of CRP’s programs including those for children.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Collateral Repair Project works to build resilience in the refugee communities we serve.  Our beneficiaries represent a diversity of cultures from Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and other countries.  With our programs we seek to enhance the social cohesion between refugees and the host community in Jordan.   CRP and its dynamic community centers in Amman facilitate dialogue between cultures and a respect for human rights.  We can contribute to the Anna Lindh network in many ways. We have a long track record of community engagement in the Hashemi Shamali neighborhood of Amman and deep roots into the refugee communities there, and now we are working from a new community center in the Amman downtown to build a network that incorporates refugees from Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen as well as Jordanians.   CRP has expertise in data collection, analysis, and monitoring, evaluation and learning as we continually seek to improve the results of our community center programs.  We are interested to work with counterpart organizations and individuals in the city of Amman to improve and enhance the social and cultural environment of the city and to create opportunities for fruitful social and economic exchange between all the people living in Amman.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because we believe it will bring more opportunities to our beneficiaries to engage in the Jordanian and regional society.  At our community centers we work hard to offer opportunities for learning and personal development to our beneficiaries of all ages, and we are particularly concerned to encourage refugee families to enroll their children in school and support their studies through the secondary level.  We hope, through the ALF Network, to find more opportunities for our community members and particularly our youth to engage with like-minded others and to be exposed to a diversity of cultural and scientific opportunities for learning. Some of the refugees we serve in Amman will be resettled to third countries, some may choose to return to their country of origin, and some will choose to remain in Jordan.  We want to prepare our beneficiaries for the future by giving them skills, resilience, and hope. We believe that cooperation with the ALF network in Jordan will enrich what CRP can offer at its community centers in Amman, that we can help people to move past mistrust and sectarianism and help both Jordanians and refugees in Jordan to participate constructively in in a larger civil society.  

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ruba Hattar
Job Title
Partnerships & Grants Manager
Head of the organisation
Amanda Lane, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Amanda Lane
Job Title (2)


National Network

11361 ATHENS

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Board of Directors, Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Advisory Committee on Art & Education, Executive & Artistic Director, Communications Section, Research & Development Section, New Events & Volunteers Section. Administration: One full time staff and ten volunteers consultants-collaborators. Sources of funding: In order to finance our activities and self-conducted programmes and maintain an access free policy to all events and services, we strongly rely on funding from European and international cultural and other institutions relevant to our mission as well as from private sponsoring. Modalities of action: Cultural Synergies will endeavor to be an open forum for all those who are concerned about and wish to contribute to a more pluralistic society. Our activities include symposia & conferences, multimedia events, exhibitions, festivals, publications, experiential workshops. Main Partners: Collaboration with European and international Universities and Art Festivals, NGO’S, Art schools and Galleries, Cinematographers and Visual artists.  
Mission and Objectives

Cultural Synergies is an independent, non-profit organization active in the wider area of ​​culture. We address the community, especially young people, through actions in the fields of culture and education, and favor acceptance, respect and harmonious coexistence of diversity.
Our ultimate goal is to raise public awareness through experiential actions of art and discourse, the need to promote and defend social rights. It also encourages synergies between representatives of civil society, governmental bodies and other bodies responsible for cultural, social and political planning.

Main Projects / Activities

In the context of the up-to-date dialogue on multiculturalism and the access of society to inclusive and cultural participation, we propose the organization of a "Festival of Mediterranean Culture" and events with key sources of expression and creation of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue as expressed through a Cinematic tribute, Art Exhibition and Talks. The events with the general title: "Cultures In Between" refer to civilizations in transition and movement in the geographical area and real time, as well as issues of difference and similarity, peculiarities and contradictions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In essence, we are addressing an open call for intercultural dialogue to create a fertile ground for social reflection in order to create a fairer and more sustainable society. Free access to all services and events of the Cultural Collaborations is based on the support of European and international organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cultural Synergies depends on collaborating with national Networks which brings together civil society organizations from across the region for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Centre de recherche pour l'émergence des territoires locaux Association à but non lucratif et apolitique de de droit camerounais
Mission and Objectives

Promouvoir la bonne gouvernance et le développement local

Main Projects / Activities

Recherche action en partenariat

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tagne Troie Thiery
Contact (2) Full Name
Tagne Troie Thiery
Job Title (2)

Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue

National Network

PO Box 53234
10 Yad harutzim
Jerusalem 9153102

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The Rossing Center runs six core program with a focus on education for an inclusive society and peacebuilding. Each program has its own director and/or coordinator and each staff member has her/his specific responsibilities.  We have 16 staff (the equivilent of 11 full time positions). Our annual budget is about 700.000EUR.  Our main funding partners are European faith organizations and private family foundations. We actively cooperate with the Israeli Ministry of Education (and other govermental agencies) and academic and educational institutions and organizations.  You may read more about our activities in the attached annual report.
Mission and Objectives

The Rossing Center is an interreligious organization based in Jerusalem which promotes an inclusive society for all religious, ethnic and national groups. Through education, encounter, research and advocacy, we foster better relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land. We believe that understanding, respect, justice and equality will enable us all to live in peace.

Main Projects / Activities

Dialogue and Identity: This school-twinning program, endorsed by the Ministry of Education, began in 2006 in cooperation with the TALI Jewish school network and the National Office of Catholic schools in Israel. In over 24 primary schools across the country, some 800 Jewish, Christian and Muslim pupils, and more than 70 teachers and principals take part in encounters designed to promote understanding, respect and intercultural tolerance, and to encourage the development of social and interpersonal skills in a multicultural society.
Educating for Change: This 30-hour in-school teacher training program gives teachers practical tools for managing and facilitating conflict-related discussions in the classroom, while providing space and time for individual and group development of the teaching staff. Principals participate in a joint Jewish-Arab forum including educational seminars and a study tour. “Educating for Change” was developed in cooperation with the Center for Civic Education in the Ministry of Education, the Jerusalem Education Administration and the Jerusalem Foundation.
Jerusalem Center for Jewish Christian Relations: JCJCR was established in 2004 to meet the challenges posed by the complex and special encounter between the Jewish majority population and the Christian Arab minority in the Holy Land. JCJCR runs a wide range of courses, conferences, seminars and lectures on the Christian communities in the Holy Land, local Jewish-Christian relations, interfaith and intercultural relations for "multipliers", such as teachers and tour guides, and key stakeholders including government officials and the Israeli army.
Healing Hatred: An innovative model for interreligious dialogue, “Healing Hatred” enables participants to understand core spiritual and moral dilemmas that lie at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Developed over the last five years by the Rossing Center, the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem and the Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem, the course equips professionals with tools and hands-on skills of spiritual counseling for the healing of trauma and fear, in order to change the discourse from victimhood to building a joint future.
Adasha – Jerusalem Center for Interreligious Encounter: ADAShA provides foreign groups which are interreligious in their composition or in their areas of interest with a serious and systematic educational experience in the Holy Land. ADAShA's’s innovative programs encourage personal discovery through firsthand experience. Site visits, text-study, lectures, meetings with local religious leaders and visits to local organizations serve as stimuli for far-ranging theological, historical and contemporary discussions amongst the participants.
Educational Tourism: Tours in Israel are an important educational tool for shaping identity and worldview. We aspire to contribute to a reality of fair tourism - especially the tourism of educational institutions - based on recognition of the human, religious and cultural diversity of the region. We therefore conduct 3-faith tours in Jerusalem and other parts of the country to teach Jewish and Arab children about the different religious groups that make up our multi-faceted society. Check out our Fair Tourism catalogue at www.fairtourism.info.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can serve as a source of information on peace education and interfaith topics. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We recently changed our name - previously we were the Jerusalem Center for Jewish Christian Relations. With this name change, we have greatly expanded and diversified our programming and are currently seeking increased exposure of and interest in our work.  

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Lisa Richlen
Job Title
Resource Development
Head of the organisation
Dr. Sarah Bernstein

MeetShareDance Association (dance and disability)

National Network

Calle Sierra de cuerda larga 29/6a
28038 Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association that supports dance, creativity and art for people with and without disabilities and establishing an international network for professionals and amateurs in Europe and the rest of the world. Small organization, source of funding are grants and subventions.  
Mission and Objectives

- Establish partnership with other organizations to maximize the benefit of the local community
– promote dance, inclusion and disability in Spain and worldwide and generate a public space that propels cultural exchange and artistic development                      
– design and develop educational programs and vocational training /artistic and technical for artists with and without disabilities
– strengthen the existence of integrated artistic spaces of social participation with open dance events, open stages, street performances, etc.
– promote the development of professionals and showing the diversity of dancers

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing regular inclusive dance classes, workshops, international workshop dance festival (every year in different country)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our network, share good practices, train teachers, connect and interact with other sectors and technology

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Požek
Head of the organisation
Monika Požek

Zavod 2030

National Network

Kersnikova 17a
3000 Celje

+386 41 229035
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
We are a local NGO with an aim to spread awareness, connect, cooperate and create a more stable, and sustainable local environment for all. We have recycled a space and are now using it for a coworking, meeting, awareness spreading and event space that is dealing with Agenda 2030 and 17 SGDs as our main topic and activity. We have workshops, lectures, events, round tables and other formats all addressing this subjects.We haven't been around for a long time, but in the last 6 months, we have organized 3 syposiums, 3 workshops, 3 lectures, hosted multiple meetings, networking events and had presentations at local organisations with an aim to connect and do joint projects.  We are a privately funded NGO, applying for local, national and EU grants. Cooperating with local entrepreneurs that support our work. We are 4 cofounders, and have aprox. 20 active members. Every month we host 3-5 events and bring aprox. 200 individuals to our location/space. BUSINESS MODEL: Coworking space Event space Sustainable products store Sustainable kitchen/coffee shop Active memberships - mandatory participation on projects
Mission and Objectives

A local and global community of changemakers that aim to create a sustainable world with lasting peace.
To create social impact inspired by UN SDGs.
To create a Think-Tank that will address sustainable solutions.
To create a platform where local community can work on sustainable projects.
To bridge gaps of different stakeholders in local community - to bring together youth, active citizens, policy makers, entrepreneurs, industry leaders and encourage them to work together.
To build a world-wide network of communities of social innovators and changemakers.
To bring the knowledge and awareness of UN SDGs and Agenda 2030 to our local environment.

Main Projects / Activities

We have cooperated with the local library and high school on a project that encouraged the youth to work on addressing on of the SDGs hand on - so high shoolers created projects with local NGOs and actively participated in helping those less fortunate in our local environment.
We have hosted a workshop with high schoolers that included making items, furniture, art from recycled materials, which are now a part of our coworking space.
All events we hoste and organise we use as a platform to present the Agenda 2030 and 17 SDGs and are very actively also promoting in our local environment.
Lectures and workshops
Supporting and encouraging social entrepreneurship
Online platform of members, stakeholders and active citizens
Handbook on sustainable development practices
Educational summits, symposiums, industry conferences

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Zavod 2030 is our answer to work closely with people, starting locally and use our own city of Celje as a habitat where people and businesses meet to envision and work toward a desired future together. Our ambition is to co-create a local and global community of changemakers through programs and activities that aim to create a sustainable world with lasting peace. We believe in the values of wisdom, self-initiative, innovation, creativeness, lifelong learning and sharing.
As stated above, we expose aprox. 200 ppl monthly to Agenda 2030 and 17 SDGs. This is quite a large number for our environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We found, most people are still unaware of the issues and challenges facing the world. 
Zavod 2030 is an openly shared model of hosted thematic space that encourages innovative solutions for modern day challenges and is a platform for transforming youth into active and responsible citizens.
We believe joining AFL Network is a nother opportunity to spread values that will help create a sustainable and peaceful world. We want to start in our local environment, but also connect local citiens with the world, to provide a wider outlook and stronger positive connections between people(s) of the world.
We all need to feel more connect on a personal level, digital ways are not enough - we wish to promote people to people contact and real relationship building practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tanja Tamše
Job Title
Co-founder and community builder
Head of the organisation
Tanja Tamše
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucija Kolar
Job Title (2)
Project manager

ComeUnaMarea Onlus

National Network

18 Dominici Street
90146 Palermo PA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

ComeUnaMarea ONLUS, founded in Palermo in 2005, is a no profit cultural association  implementing eco-compatible development models and social equity.

It is engaged in the valorisation and promotion of the historical, artistic, environmental and ethno-anthropological heritage of Sicilian territory

The organisation, active in the social and voluntary sector, promotes the safeguarding of human rights, equal opportunities and implementing initiatives to combat gender violence.

ComeUnaMarea ONLUS collaborates with the schools by activating non-formal education paths.

In the multicultural field it acts as an intermediary between different cultures to promote the peaceful coexistence among peoples of the earth.

The organisation carries out projects to protect the environment and education to healthy lifestyles.

It also acts as a human resource incubator, through the "Intercultural Time Bank", an innovative form of social economy.

ComeUnaMarea ONLUS conducts cultural events at national and international level.  


Mission and Objectives

ComeUnaMarea is inspired by the principles of solidarity, subsidiarity, democracy and pluralism.

The Association pursues civic  and socially useful aims by carrying out one or more activities of general interest, mainly through voluntary work.


Fields of activities:

Democracy/Active citizenship


Human rights


Intercultural dialogue

Non-formal learning

Peace and conflict

Sustainable development


Main Projects / Activities

ComeUnaMarea operates at national and European contest.

Its activities are financially supported by financial contributions from the European Union, public institutions and donations.

It has participated in EU Programs in the field of non-formal learning as LLP Programme Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Youth in Action, ERASMUS + and Europe for Citizens Programme.

The projects that received funding from Anna Lindh Foundation are:

- 2008  "Between Culture and Language - a journey of flavours"

- 2010 for the 'IMAP' project

- 2020 for the 'RinF Recycle in Fashion' project

The organisation took part in UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Campaign 2013/14/15 and is involved in actions for:

- European Week for Waste Reduction (SERR)

- Cerealia Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are partner in Cerealia Festival http://www.cerealialudi.org/en/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

RIDE-APS promotes the value of the Euro-Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern national, religious, cultural and social collective identities, encouraging closer interaction and respect for fundamental human rights and equality between genders, while highlighting shared interests.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Concetta Bruno
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Concetta Bruno
Contact (2) Full Name
Musso Marco

"Donne di Mare ETS"

National Network

18 Dominici street
90146 Palermo

+39 0916884070
+39 0916884070
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
"Donne di Mare ETS" was born from the meeting between the sea professionals. They, with different experiences and sensibilities, are marine biologists, researchers, jurists, project managers, teachers, public officer, chefs, journalists and media experts and fisherwoman. They operate on a national and international scale to promote the leadership of women into the world of the sea. Among the objectives of the association there are: the promotion of eco-sustainability, the circular economy and blue tourism, which the association intends to pursue in partnership with Euro-Mediterranean organisations.
Mission and Objectives

The organization operates as incubators of human, instrumental and intellectual resources to be put at the service of actions aimed at improving the knowledge of the Sea, respecting the balances between the society and the environment.
Culture, Environment and Anthropology are the tools implemented through sports, information and training, ethno-anthropological enhancement of sea trades and its biodiversity, support for the creation of companies with low environmental impact , with respect for workers' rights and transparent governance.
Since land and sea are part of a whole, the organization deals with marine environments paying great attention to terrestrial ones.

Main Projects / Activities

The organisation support a fisher company in a project financed by European Maritime and Fisheries about the fishing families involvement in the by catch transformation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Concetta Bruno
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Concetta Bruno

GREAT THE HAGUE (grassroots renewable energy advocate Team The Hague)

National Network

Laurens Reaelstraat 59,
2595 XK The Hague Holland

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
We promote awareness on issues of climate change and environment through screening free movies, documentaries or other educational videos in collaboration with climate activists. Attendance is free to community members.  Snacks and drinks is free based on online registration. Attendees are welcome to engage in dialogue regarding the climate change and environmental topics. Dialogues may be recorded for research purposes.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission - Social Developments
We are facilitating a space in whichcommunities worldwide can make their own informed decisions concerning their environment and social development.
Our Vision
To protect and improve the environment worldwide from the grassroots as a valuable asset for the people.
To protect our people and the environment from harmful effects of pollution and strive for fossil free urban life and renewable energy for  communities.
Our special focus is to the food-energy nexus, as an inter linkages between energy access and other Sustainable Development Goals, and the latest trends and developments in bio energy.
To focus on strategic and programmatic direction to help Ojodu grassroot community accelerate deployment of renewable energy, water and sanitation and in doing so, meet climate goals, boost the local economy, and increase energy access and social security. 
To strengthen economic planning and SDG's implementations and steer grassroot communities across the globe towards sustainable development path.
To run programmes in support of grassroot resident co-ordination.
To connect grassroot communities in the European Union with global movement to solve the root causes of poverty, marginalisation, problematic issues of refugee influx and environmental pollution.
To highlight resources rights in food sovereignty, sustainable livelihood and economic justice.
To bring awareness to popular communication trainees, political education and global solidarity on environmental and climate change awareness.
To create the GREAT (Grassroots Renewable Energy Advocate Team) Global community. 

Main Projects / Activities

Lunch and learn Events
We treat attendees to a vegan high tea while our youth engages them in educational presentations about the climate and environmental issues at the same time.
The aim of this initiative is to foster discussions and increase awareness.
Movie Weekends
We promote awareness on issues of climate change and environment through screening free movies, documentaries or other educational videos in collaboration with climate activists.
Attendance is free to community members. 
Snacks and drinks is free based on online registration.
Attendees are welcome to engage in dialogue regarding the climate change and environmental topics.
Dialogues may be recorded for research purposes.
Buddy programs
Youths of different countries come to share with each other, their knowledge and concerns about their own regions through the medium of video conferencing.
The aim of this program is to bridge the gap between youths of different countries from different social and economic backgrounds to connect and together learn about each other’s environment and climate related issues.
Sustainable Lessons
Conducting workshops and developing curriculums and books on importance of environment, climate, sustainability and renewable energy geared towards promoting an eco-friendly way of living.
The aim of this program is to increase the presence of sustainable living and environment related studies in the regular curriculum of the educational institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By promoting and sharing the awareness of the good work of ALF foundation and Or Hosting ALF awareness dialogue in my community. And contribute to uplifling the Good work ofALFfoundation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I believe in ALF foundation Vissions, Aims, Objectives and Goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olayinka Olajide
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ola Olajide
Contact (2) Full Name
Madhuri Meelee
Job Title (2)
Global project Director