Silwan Cultural and Athletic club

National Network

East Jerusalem Silwan main street
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Silwan Athletic and Cultural Club  – is a Palestinian Association / Establishment – non-governmental, non-profitable, independent from any party, rendering services, voluntary activities, – aiming at enhancing the youth developing potential of the Palestinian Youth in the region of Silwan.   This is achieved through establishing an equilibrium between enhancing and developing their innovative caliber and creative skills (that qualify them to perform an active role in our Palestinian Society) on one hand – and exploring international horizons for cooperation for them to serve this objective and enhance their leadership role in the field of participation in the development activities and programs in this era – aiming at emphasizing the preservation of  their national identity – within the adopted national regulations and laws that direct this activity in Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

Developing the Palestinian Youth in the Jerusalem area, and upgrading their cultural, sportive, social and vocational capacity, and emphasizing the importance of their role in establishing the community civil institutes, and encouraging them to practice this role through research and comprehension, and respecting the cultural and intellectual multiplicity.
2 - Enhancing and clarifying the importance of the role of women in Jerusalem – Silwan, and encouraging her to attain her role – side by side – with the man in Silwan , and achieving the principal of equality of opportunities for her – in cooperation with the Women’s Institutes.
3 - Initiating the Innovation and Contribution spirit in the targeted youth sector in Silwan Athletic and Cultural Club in all the fields leading to its development, adopting the scientific methodology – technique, approach and practice.
4 - To refrain and avoid  discrimination in all forms – being racial, religious or social – and prevailing the concepts of Human Rights between youth, and comply to the International Decrees for Human Rights.
5 - Developing relationships with the maximum number of Youth Organizations, Associations and Centers – locally, in the Arab Countries and worldwide that share the same objectives, to get acquainted with the cultures, habits, traditions and problems of youth in our national districts and in the friendly countries – through the youth exchange programs – aiming at upgrading and developing the Youth Sector in Silwan .
6 - Providing constant financial resources for Silwan Athletic and Cultural Club through implementing small projects conforming to the policy and goals of Silwan Athletic and Cultural Club, and tending to its development.
7 - Contributing in developing and upgrading youngsters whose ages range 12-15 in the region of Silwan, to qualify them communicate with their counterparts in other communities, and to counteract the negative impacts on their characters resulting from the occupation.
8 - Prevailing the Environmental Awareness among the targeted Youth Sector, and designing programs and strategies to preserve the environment – in cooperation with the Centers and Institutes specialized in this field.

Main Projects / Activities

​- Sportive and cultural program - Shams- 
- Summer and winter camp for children and youth - Candles 
- Women Empowermnt project - Tamkeen 
- Spcoial inclusion of omen and youth - Qamat 
- Other seasonal programs 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I believe that the membership at the network will be vital for both club and network because: 
- Designing new training programs in cooperation with the club 
- Developing new joint programs for the mutual benefits of the club and network of ALF 
- Exchanging ideas and good proctices 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

​- To implement joint programs that satidy the needs of the partners in the ALF 
- Developing the roles of partners in the network
- Actuvating inclusion role of the youth and women
- Organizing workshops and seminars that tackle the issue of inclusion for youth and women 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mousa Abasi
Job Title
Youth Program coordinator
Head of the organisation
Marwan Al Ghoul
Contact (2) Full Name
Marwan Bashiti
Job Title (2)
Executive director

Association Minarets Ecologiques pour le Développement et Climat

National Network

Rue 182 N°4441 HAY Elouahda
Dar Chabab
14030 Kenitra

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Association Minarets Ecologiques pour le Développement et Climat, préoccupé pour le développement économique, social, culturel et environnemental grâce à sa stratégie pluridisciplinaire qui met en œuvre le développement des citoyennes/ns surtout les jeunes et la jouissance de leurs droits, garantis par la constitution marocaine, à travers l'exercice de ses devoirs et ses droits. L’intérêt de domaine environnemental vient comme un lieu où il vit l’Homme, d’une part et où il profite sa richesse d’une autre part, dans ce sens, l'Association Minarets Ecologiques pour le Développement et Climat a pris au centre d'intérêt la veille de l'équilibre naturelle entre la façon de l'exploitation et la qualité de la vie de citoyen, selon une perspective globale de développement durable.

Mission and Objectives

Nous, une association citoyenne, mis en œuvre la promotion de développement environnemental, développement ses capacités des jeunes, socio-économique, culturel de la société marocaine selon l'approche territoriale et de genre.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Elaboration et mise en œuvre de projets multidisciplinaires et intégrés de développement, environnement et climat; 2) organiser des cours de formation, des tables rondes et des conférences et conférences locales, régionales, nationales, régionales, africaines et internationales; 3) Participation à des cours de formation, des tables rondes et des forums locaux, régionaux, nationaux, régionaux, africains et internationaux; 4) Préparer, mettre en œuvre et mettre en œuvre des projets de développement et de solidarité qui créent des opportunités économiques, tant pour soi-même que collectivement, pour les jeunes et les femmes des zones urbaines et rurales; 5) Contribuer à soutenir l'école et l'apprentissage par le biais de programmes de soutien scolaire, d'éducation parallèle, d'éducation non formelle, d'alphabétisation et d'universités populaires et publiques; 6) Organiser des campagnes de sensibilisation, des activités sociales et des convois de solidarité, médicaux, environnementaux et climatiques; 7) diffusion et soutien de la tolérance, de la paix et de la diversité culturelle à travers les ateliers de langues mondiales et les forums de coexistence, de tolérance et de dialogue des civilisations; 8) Soutenir la diplomatie parallèle aux niveaux régional, africain et international afin de servir les constantes nationales et le développement et la prospérité de la patrie; 9) organiser des concerts artistiques et des soirées récréatives à l'aide de matériel littéraire, artistique, humoristique, patrimonial et culturel; 10) organiser et participer à des expositions à l'échelle nationale, régionale, africaine et internationale; 11) organiser des voyages d'exploration et des études de développement, environnementales et climatologiques conformément à la perspective de développement de l'écotourisme; 12) l'organisation d'ateliers participatifs pour les jeunes, de camps d'été, de compétitions culturelles, artistiques et sportives et de festivals qui promeuvent la tolérance et le dialogue interculturel; 13) La création de l'Observatoire du développement, de l'environnement et du changement climatique, qui est affilié à la Société pour mener des études socio-économiques, de développement, environnementales et climatiques. 14) La création de l'Observatoire de la jeunesse et des femmes et développer des opportunités personnelles et collectives pour soutenir et réaliser le développement global de la jeunesse au sein de la patrie; 15) Création de l'Observatoire de l'éducation et du développement de l'environnement pour l'enfant et du développement de la jeunesse sur les valeurs de la protection de l'environnement et la consolidation de l'esprit de citoyenneté, de la tolérance et du dialogue des cultures. 16) Création de clubs spécialisés selon les espaces sociaux, de développement, environnementaux et climatiques à approuver par l'assemblée générale ordinaire ou extraordinaire ou la réunion du Bureau de l'Assemblée.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

On pourra contribuer au réseau RFAL par : • L’organisation des formations, des tables rondes, des forums, des conférences, nationales et internationales sur les thématiques des jeunes, de développement, éducation, environnement et climat ; • Elaborer et mettre en œuvre des projets solidaires générateurs de revenus en faveur des jeunes et des femmes en milieu urbain et rural ; • Contribuer aux campagnes de sensibilisation, des activités sociales et des caravanes de solidarité et médicales et renforcement des capacités des jeunes ; • Promouvoir les actions de la tolérance, de la paix et de la diversité culturelle à travers les ateliers de langues universelles, et des forums de cohabitation et de tolérance ; • L’organisation des soirées d’animation artistique, comique, et héritage et d’art populaire; • L’organisation des excursions et des sorties d’étude selon un perspectif éco-tourisme ; • L’organisation des chantiers de solidarité, des camps d'été, des concours et des festivals de natures culturelles, artistiques et sportives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous vaudrions adhérer au réseau Anna Lindh pour renforcer les relation intercontinentale, échange interculturelle sur les actualités des jeunes de développement et environnement.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Consultant indépendant en environnement
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Etudiant chercheur

Siham Bouachrine

National Network

Villa Bouachrine-Rte 109 Km 11.Bouskoura Drabna-Ouled Haddou
20780 Casablanca

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
General Information
Docteur en droit Expérience de plus de dix ans au sein d'une ONG Actuellement à mon compte en tant qu'auto entrepreneur Recherche, veille informationnelle, analyse, synthèse et rédaction de contenu
Mission and Objectives

Contribuer à l'élaboration d'outils de communication de tous types, en particulier à vocation juridique et économique / Domaine international/

Main Projects / Activities

Veile informative et startégique, rédaction de documents et publications.
Publications de nouvelles noires.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par le biais de la rédaction d'outils de communication: publications pour les entreprises privées, les organismes publics, les institutions de recherche et les Organisations internationales intergouvernementales et non gouvernementales.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Du fait de l'intérêt que je porte à l'action des femmes à travers le monde, en particulier en tant que franco-marocaine au sein de la zone méditerranéenne,
ainsi qu'aux activités de votre Institution.

Contact (1) Full Name
Siham Bouachrine
Job Title
Rédactrice de contenu confirmée, indépendante
Head of the organisation
Auto entrepreneur/rédaction de contenu

IRTH for Culture and Arts

National Network

13 Sabil Elkhizindara

002 0224824613
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
IRTH was established in 2017, as a profit-based company located in Al Zaher, founded by four independent partners with background of business development in heritage and cultural field. IRTH is self-funded by its owners, budget available is 250 000 LE. On board is 5 full-timers “Director, Operation, Communication and Administration”, and 2 part-timers “finance and logistics” IRTH main idea is to operate old spaces in Cairo for the public benefit, particularly for art and cultural development. Since inception, IRTH managed to establish its first cultural center located in an old premise of Jewish community in Cairo, which was closed for 40 years. Centre provides workshops, seminars and discussions clubs tackling issues of recent concerns. Besides, IRTH recently founded movie club which is also the first of its kind in the area, club is aiming at highlighting underground cinema worldwide, discussion. Movies library and Children cinema would be the next activity by the end of 2018. IRTH also established co-working in space that provide equipped for young entrepreneurs to launch their own enterprise. Target audience 60% of the activities and events are directed to those who age from 6 years to 18 years 40% of activities and events are directed at the age of 19 and above
Mission and Objectives

Our message:
Providing massive spaces available for communication through inspiration / creativity / inspiration and self-expression
To introduce and teach different types of arts and to nourish minds to discover the creativity behind each and every mind.
Our vision:
Since art has a great ability to change and raise the level of social culture if we’re able to empower  the community through effective participation and developing its artistic talents this will enable us to provide innovative and diverse cultural experiences that reflect the interest of society and broaden its perception through communication in art and culture two languages that are spoken in all tongues.
Our mission:
Providing visual and performance based arts to the entire community to form a creative force that will eventually become a resource only then art will become a profitable investment materially, intellectually and morally.
Preserving the legacy to help us see a brighter future.
Delivering knowledge in a more innovative way.
Sharing our technical and artistic resources with the community to help creativity grow better and stronger.
Our Goals:
Offering different and distinct opportunities in all artistic experiences for all members of this society and inspiring participants to present, understand and appreciate all kinds of arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Workspaces for start-ups / freelancers / studying and projects of all kinds.
Artistic and cultural events
Concerts organizing
Technical-artsy related consultation for students and specialists
A library
Community Initiatives (Accepting Others and Improving Community Behaviors)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Access to significant heritage spots across Cairo such as " Mayer Boateng synagogues in Maadi"
Provision of spaces to implement cultural and social event, as well as access provision of theatre that can host 250 audience.
Access to resources on art crafts training.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 ALF network is successful and reputable in bringing together all organizations that take care of art and cultural scene in Egypt, being part of network will allow us exchange experiences and opportunities with similar organization in the scene.
Moreover, we are also keen to remain up to date of related resources and researches that may help in improving our services for better social engagement and wider outreach.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amir Ezzat
Job Title
Marketing Manager
Head of the organisation
Maroua Abu Dagga

Tariq Ibnou Ziyad Initiative

National Network

Local tizi rez-de-chaussez Residence Yasmine, boulevard Ghandi

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Tariq Ibnou Ziyad initiative is an organization founded in 2011 during the Arab spring, to bring the Moroccan young citizens closer to the citizenship values and to some political elementary knowledge. It is developed on two main pillars: - The first pillar is related to the politics and citizenship awareness, through the creation of events involving young students and/or young professionals and politicians and/or decision makers. It also dedicated to enhance knowledge through publications, community management, press and media communication, and also through issuing opinion polls targeting the youth. - The second pillar is related to the leadership institute, through trainings and events dedicated to promote the leadership skills, and to promote young Moroccan leaders in several domains, ranging from sports to politics or literature. A scholarship is also given to some exceptional leaders to attend to the Harvard Kennedy School of leadership.

Mission and Objectives

The three main objectives of TIZ towards Moroccan youth are: -Federate energies -To stimulate vocations -Refound the policy

Main Projects / Activities

Created in 2011, TIZI is a network of independent young people, nonpartisan, whose vocation is to encourage the emergence of young leaders and to involve them in Moroccan civic life. With nearly 1,200 members, from various backgrounds we are present in several cities: Agadir, Casablanca, Marrakech, Settat and Tangier Our association has to its credit several projects of a citizen and political nature of which: The Political Barometer conducted in collaboration with Averty, an independent opinion polling institute to monitor the evolution of Moroccan confidence in government action. Leadership initiation seminars inspired by Anglo-Saxon courses adapted to Morocco. TIZI Village: a forum dedicated to young people by bringing together the main political parties. Conferences: more than 100 conferences organized for 8 years with the main Moroccan political leaders, including the Head of Government and the general secretaries of the main parties. Several actions on the ground to sensitize young people to the interest of registering on electoral rolls and to participate in elections.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TIZI can bring the young people to commit further, thanks to the Anna Lindh foundation. The network will be our main partners ressources to achieve our goals, and will open other commitments and topics to the young who involve in TIZI and may be interrested by other kind of subjects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

TIZI is a young association. We hence are looking for monitoring and for some skills and knowledge sharing. In additionn we are looking for some findings to achieve our goals, such as the attendance to international events, or the financing of some of our projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Amine Faize
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

ASTI Ivahlal

National Network

10035 Aghbalou

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
ASTIvahlal (Association Socioculturelle "Thadarth Ivahlal" was created in February, 2018. It aims to: 1 - Fight and treat social pests. 2 - Providing assistance to various groups of society. 3 - Organizing cultural activities, seminars and awareness days in addition to the media and training. 4 - Encourage student at all stages and take care of their problems. 5 - Follow-up projects for development and ensure embodiment. 6 - Cooperation with various public institutions and administrative departments in order to achieve these      objectives. Our page facebook: ASTI Ivahlal resumes our activities since 2014
Mission and Objectives

Our organization is constituted from 10 members, several adherents and 01 employee
We work with Lions Club Alger Liberté, Agir Network and several other partners
We have no subventions except cotisations of the member and adherents, but we work with benefactors and our partners to implement our projects.
We realize several concrete projects and actions, make exchanges, seminars and scholarships which are summurized in our facebook: ASTI Ivahlal

Main Projects / Activities

We aim to realize some future projetcs as: 
- Create a playground for children and instill in them the values of a living civil society
- Realize a toxic waste landfill to preserve the environment
- Create solidarity tourism and receive tourists, exchanges and permit to our organization its continuation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Take parts in different seminars organized by the network, expose our experience, work to realize the objectives of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange, experience, learn ...

Contact (1) Full Name
Abbad Hacene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abbad Hacene
Contact (2) Full Name
Oukrid Moussa
Job Title (2)

Orchester der Kulturen

National Network

Nordbahnhofstrasse 140
70191 Stuttgart

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The "Orchester der Kulturen" ( Global Symphony ) was founded in 2010 in Stuttgart / Germany. It is the only ensemble worldwide which combines the instruments of the symphony orchestra with ethnic instruments and singers from all over the world. The orchestra received the "Manfred Rommel Award" in 2013 for furthering the intercultural dialogue. In 2016 its album "The world is Beuatiful" reached the number 1 of the german classical charts for 3 months. The orchestra performs mostly in the german speaking countries of Europe. Among the new works performed were 2 symphonies for the rental car company SIXT in Munich and Davos. Further programs include a musical performed with refugees from Syria and Iraq in the city of Sindelfingen in 2016 with the cooperation of Mercedes and the citizens foundation, a new oratorio with the Stuttgart Solitude Choir and musicians from Iraq; many event for the city of Stuttgart and concerts for classic music festivals all over Germany.

Mission and Objectives

Privately held Company by owner core team: 3 musicians employed on a temporary basis: up tp 40 per concert / 240 musicians on file 250000 revenue p.a. comissions concerts / theater / exchange / tutoring / seminars city of Stuttgart / sponsoring by private companies / record companies

Main Projects / Activities

Concert Series in the State of Baden Württemberg / Germany Monthly Spiritual Music Series in Stuttgart / Germany New Musical in 2019 in Stuttgart and the US New cultural partnerships with twin cities of Stuttgart with a focus on North Africa ( Cairo and Menzel Bourghuiba )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

offer opportunities ( public talks and concerts ) for musicians and spiritual figures from north african countries connect musical ensembles from north africa with appropriate ensembles in Stuttgart and Southern Germany in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Besides our networking services as mentioned above we would like to start similar orchestras like ours in north african countries. A new "Orchester der Kulturen" is planned in Timor Leste and scheduled to give its first concerts on Timor Leste's national independence day in 2019. Our next step woudl be Cairo where we already contacted several choirs and conductors / composers to help us lay the groundwork for a "Orchester der Kulturen Egypt". We hope to jumpstart this exciting new endeavour in 2019 with the celebration of the 40 year twin city anniversary between Cairo and Stuttgart in 2019

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Adrian Sebastian Werner Roland Werum
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Adrian Sebastian Werum

Burgårdens Gymnasium

National Network

Skånegatan 20
412 51 Göteborg

0046 31 35 00 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

General public upper secondary school funded by the community.

Number of students: 1000 employees: 100

Involved in a European project about culture and minorities

Budgetary resources: 30 million SEK

Mission and Objectives

Burgårdens gymnasium is situated in the city centre of Göteborg. It is an upper secondary school with mainly vocational training for young people between the age of 16-19. The school has around 1000 students and 100 employees. The students can choose between for instance programs that educate nursery attendants, security officers, fashion design workers, hairdressers, make-up artists or animal keepers.  There is also a large introduction program for young immigrants in Sweden where they can work with the aim of entering a vocational training program within two years´ time.

There is also the option of combining theoretical studies with internship two days every week as an apprentice. About 60 percent of the students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden. Many students have special difficulties in learning, for example anxiety disorder, attention deficit, autism, dyslexia or dyscalculia. The teachers therefore work in teams where they develop new training methods that better fit this group of students than traditional education.

All students are offered a personal laptop for free at the beginning of the school year and the level of digitalisation is high among the students as well as among the staff.

Main Projects / Activities

The school is situated in the very centre of Göteborg and our students come from all districts of Göteborg. The average student´s socio-economical background is middle class, lower middle class or lower class. The average student also has a relatively low overall final grade from grammar school. Some of the students have special difficulties in learning, for instance dyslexia and dyscalculia. The school therefore has two special teachers dedicated to meet those students´ needs and make them reach course-related goals. In the first year students sometimes have to attend extracurricular lessons three times a week to catch up or improve their skills in different subjects. Our school also has a health care team of our own, including a nurse and a welfare officer and the main object of the school is to make as many students as possible pass their A-levels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have great resources when it comes to music and media presentations, photography and film editing which we think may be useful to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in bringing Europe and other parts of the world mor together so that we can have a feeling of belonging instead of separation. This network seems to fulfil this need and open doors to collaboration with other organisations with the same goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Kallanvaara
Job Title
Primus Magister
Head of the organisation
Jenny Larsson

Fryshuset i Göteborg

National Network

Mårtendalsgatan 2-8
Box 920 22
12006 Stockholm

+46 (0)8 691 72 21
Telephone (other)
+46 (0)8 691 7406
Mobile Phone
+46 (0)739 50 22 21
Mobile Phone (other)
+46 (0)739 502 406
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
• Structure, staff Fryshuset is a foundation headed by the YMCA of Stockholm. Fryshuset is based in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. We have around 500 employees and receive around 40,000 visitors every month. • Sources for funding Public funding from state and municipalities, grants, endowments and fees for services such as educational and social programs. • Modalities of action The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests • Main partners Fryshset has strategic partnership’s in many areas, examples are: international partners, British Council; strategic sponsors, COOP; municipalities, Stockholm stad; non-profit organizations, Rotary; academic institutions, Stockholm University; sport clubs, Human Rights
Mission and Objectives

Our vision We enable youth to change the world through their passions Our value statement We listen to what is going on in society and act immediately. We never fear what is new or unknown. We see opportunities and mobilize where other see problems. We experiment, learn and constantly improve our methods. Our point of departure is the needs of the individual.
Our doors are always open for whoever wants to engage and develop whatever the background. We believe in respectful meetings between people where the passion to do something and common interests bridges differences in opinions and leads to common understanding. Our mission We listen to and build relations with youth. Their passions are our point of departure and create communities where youth are heard, listened to and develop. We strengthen their self esteem.
We strive to make youths opinions ideas heard and respected in society. We work with all youth and focus especially on those who live in or are at risk of living in exclusion or destructive lifestyles. We believe that everyone can succeed and deserves another chance.
We provide youth with tools to empower themselves and take power of their future through their inner strengths and motivation. We listen to what is happening and act fast. We see opportunities where others see obstacles. We are brave enough to create change, time after another.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities at Fryshuset are divided into three main areas; social projects, education and passionate interests Social projects • CIDES – Centre for information about destructive sub-cultures • Exit • The Easy Street Project • Passus • Mission Possible • Single mothers & Children of single mothers • The Bridge Builders • United Sisters • Elektra & Sharaf heroes & Sharaf heroines • Fryshuset Web Coaches • Job coach • Young-in Education • The Entrepreneurial project • Forum for the Caring • The Fryshus spirit • Fryshuset’s elementary school • Fryshuset high school • Fryshuset’s Knowledge Centre Passionate interests • RML - the Rock Music education • Basketball - 08 Stockholm Human Rights • Southern Basket • F.U.S.E • The Gym • Lovely Days • The Music Department • Evening Courses • Stockholm Skate Park • Theatre Fryshuset • The Wave

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadja Aria-Garystone
Job Title
Chief - Gothenburg
Head of the organisation
Johan Oljeqvist
Contact (2) Full Name
Jane Braden
Job Title (2)
PDI - Stockholm

Laona Foundation for the Conservation and Regeneration of the Cypriot Countryside

National Network

P.O. Box 50257
3602 Limassol

00357 25358632
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00357 25352657
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Laona Foundation is a Non-Govermental Organization established in 1992 to implement the Laona Project in western Paphos, a US$1m. rural regeneration and ecotourism project, completed in 1994.  Laona Foundation is registered as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, funded with grants from European programs, Cypriot and other donors. Currently, our organization employs four persons and depending on its workload, it secures contract services.  Our work is multidimensional including different partners (government and private institutions as well as individuals) from Europe and the Mediterranean area, as well as biocommunally in Cyprus. We have implemented several European projects, many of which had included exchanges and seminars. 

Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement The sustainable regeneration of the countryside in Cyprus and beyond, including communities and heritage both natural and cultural. Laona Foundation stands for… - Regenerating the Cypriot countryside sustainably and supporting its communities - Preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the countryside, especially its landscape, architecture and traditions - Highlighting the importance and protecting distinctive areas, such as the Akamas peninsula and the terraced landscapes of Cyprus - Confronting desertification, preserving the soil and its optimum utilisation - Encouraging sustainable tourism as an opportunity, not as a panacea - Sharing and exchanging expertise with NGOs in Cyprus and abroad, co-operation with academic institutions and national and local authorities - Advocating its positions on sustainability at local, national, European and international level

Main Projects / Activities

Some projects/activities carried out: (Actions concerning landscape issues are noted separately)  Implementation of the Laona Project (Phases I to IV) 1989-94, funded by MEDSPA-LIFE Programmes and other donors.  Organisation and implementation of a one-week study visit for an NGO group from Nepal, to study the effects of mass tourism and understand agrotourism, funded by the Sheepdrove Trust, U.K, 1998.  Study visit to Xanthe, in Northern Greece to study the potential for encouraging restoration of the old part of town, funded by the Leventis Foundation, 1998  Preparation and delivery of a seminar on cooperation with local communities as well as a site visit for the Cultural Anthropology Department of Frankfurt University, 1999.  The River Valleys (Kiládes) Project, a sustainable management plan for the Riverine Communities of Eastern Paphos, funded by LIFE ’99 and other donors.  This project aimed to assist the regeneration of seven communities by enhancing their natural and cultural heritage, 1999-2002.  Bipartite cooperation between eastern Paphos and Sitia in Crete, for sustainable development and eco-tourism, funded by the Greek Ministry of Planning and Environment, 2001-2002.  Experimental introduction of training on Quantitative Decision Modelling for rural land uses. A bi- communal project involving Greek and Turkish Cypriots, funded by UNOPS, 2004.  The role of the LEADER programme and Local Action Groups in Rural Development, conference co-organised with the EU Commission, The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment of Cyprus, and the European Landowners’ Organisation (ELO), 2005.  Sustainable Rehabilitation of abandoned Mines and Quarries, bi-communal project funded by UN, 2008-09 involving a Think Tank with experts from both communities.  Mapping of Cultural elements in the Cypriot landscape, funded by Department of Town Planning, 2010-11  Training of Young farmers in biodiversity issues, funded by the Department of Agriculture, 2011,  Promoting Phytiotiko weaving in cooperation with Phyti community.  A series of activities starting in 2011 involving filming of the weaving process, discussions with the community, a seminar in cooperation with Frederick University in 2013, and securing the inclusion of phytiotiko on our National List of Intangible Heritage, in line with UNESCO procedure. Landscape actions:  Production of the first Landscape map of Cyprus, in cooperation with the University of Reading, and presentation to the involved government departments of the Ministry of Interior, 2008.  Workshop on the European Landscape Convention co-organised with the Cyprus Department of Town Planning and Housing to introduce the Convention to technocrats involved in its implementation, 2005.  Round-Table discussion on Landscape identification for technocrats led by Professor Carys Swanwick of Sheffield University, 2006.  Workshop on Landscape Character Assessment led by specialist from Reading University, 2007.  Developing a cultural Landscape map of Cyprus, 2011  Coordination of Medscapes Project (Greece, Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon) to develop a common methodology for mapping landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean. Funding by European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)  Sponsoring Cypriot participation in the 2016 World Conference of ITLA (International Alliance of Terraced Landscapes) which has led to setting up a Think Tank on the potential utilisation of abandoned terraces (2015 on-going)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our 30 years experience in implementing European and/or national projects and in working on the regeneration of the Cypriot Countryside will be an asset to the Cyprus Network and enrich its activities and areas of interest.  Promoting natural and cultural heritate with the Cyprus Network, Laona Foundation is increasing awareness among Cypriot organizations and individuals regarding the protection of our rich heritage.  Our work with our Muslim neighbours in Lebanon and Jordan has made us more aware of the common heritage of the region, regardless of religion. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to enlarge our ability to discuss, exchange ideas and cooporate with other institutions of organizations with similar activities. Being a part of ALF Network will increase our capacity regarding intercultural dialogue, democracy and tolerance.  Joining the Network, Laona Foundation will have the opportunity of cooperating with other partners in various common projects.  Last but not least, our participation to the ALF Network will be beneficial in terms of networking. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Artemis Yiordamli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Artemis Yiordamli