Makhzoumi Foundation

National Network

Bechara El Khoury Branch Ras El Nabeh, Bechara El Khoury Str. Adonis Bldg. 2nd Fl.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Makhzoumi Foundation is a National, Not-for-Profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that works through 4 programs and 1 unit to empower the community. It was established by Dr. Fouad Makhzoumi, and chaired by Mrs. May Naamani Makhzoumi, out of a strong desire to help empower fellow citizens to achieve self-dependence and improved career prospects.  Today, the foundation employs around 150 individual. Please find attached more detailed information regarding the organization's structure, funding, modalities of action and partner.
Mission and Objectives

To mobilize resources, build partnerships and develop the capacities of our community in Lebanon while promoting targeted education, affordable healthcare, workable startups, sustainable development and secured livelihoods.
Our objective is to ensure ultimate living conditions for every person in Lebanon.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the Development Program's main projects:

On going projects:
- Agro-Forestry Development Project of Degraded Lands of Lebanon:
This project aims at encouraging reforestation and includes a main nursery in Akkar/ Northern Lebanon, which produces trees and plants that are offered to municipalities, local NGOs, and communities countrywide.
- Civic Engagement
This Project aims at developing the combination of skills, knowledge and values in order to promote a quality of life in our communities.
- Craft Workshops
This project includes holding craft workshops that often aim at conveying the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) message to minimize household wastes.
- Environmental Education for Children
This project aims at increasing students’ knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, and at developing necessary skills and expertise to address those challenges.
- Yalla Nofroz – Let’s Sort Initiative
Makhzoumi Foundation launched an environmental initiative entitled “Let’s Sort…Let’s Start the First Step Together”, in collaboration with CEDAR-Environmental, on March 11, 2016, aiming at stimulating the neighborhoods of its centers to begin sorting solid wastes (the non-organic).
Previous projects:
- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT to foster Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth in the Municipality of Irkay:
The action proposed to foster sustainable development and inclusive growth through the environmental improvement with the following three specific objectives:
To provide innovative services of renewable energy for environmental protection, to develop a basic disposition of children of care towards nature and to provide them with a green space, and to strengthen the role of environmental awareness in achieving sustainable development and empowering people.
The Project included activities such as installation of solar energy poles in the main places of the Municipality, establishment of a green area for children, holding training workshop on environmental education including climate change and sustainable development addressing teachers of primary and intermediate school, organization of environmental craft workshops for women among others. Students were also introduced to the GHG calculations and reduction initiatives.
- Regreen Lebanon and Preserve the Climate- 2007:
Celebrating the Mediterranean Action Day 2007 dedicated to Climate Change and the Mediterranean and also on the occasion of the National Tree Day in Lebanon, Makhzoumi Foundation supported by the Mediterranean Information Office (MIO) organized a project entitled Re-green Lebanon and Preserve the Climate of Our Planet in Sarafand, South Lebanon. The event was carried out in cooperation with the Greek NGO, Society for the Environment and Sustainability on Earth (SENSE), the Ministry of Education in Lebanon and the Lebanese NGO in Sarafand, Shoaa al Beeaa.
70 volunteer students who came from several schools in Beirut and Sarafand attended a presentation dealing with the topic of climate change and the importance of trees in reversing the present day worldwide danger of climatic changes. The presentation was followed by a tree planting event whereby all the participants cooperated in planting 400 saplings (poplar, mimosa, oleander, leucena and others) offered by Makhzoumi Foundation from its nursery in Akkar. Brochures about the importance of trees and the methods of planting them were distributed to all participants to spread awareness.
- Awareness Training on Solar Energy Application- 2008-2009:
The project aimed at raising awareness on the importance of renewable energy by spreading the principle of solar energy and emphasizing its role as an efficient and renewable source that could easily replace traditional ones.
174 science teachers of the 6th grade from both public and private schools in all the regions of the country were trained on new technical skills of solar energy. A training manual was designed and simple educational kits were developed to be used as teaching material that would support the official science curriculum. Each teacher received an educational kit in addition to a transcript of attendance. During the workshops, a Best Poster contest was announced to all the students of the schools that participated in this project and a prize distribution ceremony was held on June 17th 2009 for the winners.
- Climate Change and Biodiversity in Qannoubine- 2010:
Celebrating the Mediterranean Action Day 2010, which was dedicated to Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Mediterranean, Makhzoumi Foundation supported by the Mediterranean Information Office (MIO) organized a project entitled Climate Change and Biodiversity in Qannoubine Valley in North Lebanon. The project included a field visit 2010 to Quanoubine valley in Northern Lebanon with 45 participants.
The day started by an informative power point presentation where the natural reserves of Lebanon, the native plant and animal species, the importance of biodiversity and the effects of climate change were explained. The presentation was followed by a discussion about the topic then the specialist accompanied the group on a walk in the valley whereby she demonstrated the existing native plants to the participants and explained to them how climate change could affect the ecosystem balance. A manual about Climate Change and Biodiversity was prepared, translated and printed in English and Arabic; it was distributed to all participants during the visit.
Photos and video-tapes of the site and several plants were taken by a photographer and were used along with other educational data for preparing a short documentary video by an expert that was uploaded on the websites of Makhzoumi Foundation and MIO-ECSDE as well as the manual.

- Youth Exchange in the Mediterranean- 2010:
The Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) and 6 partners from the Mediterranean, took the initiative to address youth and introduce the YOUTH X CHANGE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN initiative and kit, as part of a global campaign on sustainable consumption. As a partner, Makhzoumi Foundation prepared and provided MIO-ECSDE with four case studies for the kit. The event was launched in Lebanon on November 2010, organized by Makhzoumi Foundation and MIO-ECSDE including a press conference and an experiential train-the-trainer seminar for youth associations and teachers.
Press Conference at the Press Syndicate on November 26th, 2010:
This event was the official launching of the YXC in Lebanon; it was addressed, primarily, to the relevant ministries of Education and Environment, local authorities, CSOs, NGOs and the media with 63 participants from those sectors.
Training event Saturday on November 27th, 2010:
This event was addressed to those involved with education and youth issues in the public and private schools such as teachers of primary and secondary level, youth leaders, university students, and NGOs carrying out educational projects with 72 participants.
- Youth in Sustainable Production and Consumption 2011:
The project “Youth…The Ultimate Player in Sustainable production and consumption” was implemented in cooperation with MIO-ECSDE within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Day 2011. The activity was a follow-up of the Youth X Change (YXC) in the Mediterranean initiative that addresses the youth community all over the world and that was launched in Lebanon in November 2010, jointly organized by MIO-ECSDE and Makhzoumi Foundation as the Lebanese partner.
The activity included the following: A survey targeting 406 young adults in different regions of the country reflecting their consumption behaviors; A documentary prepared including the results of the above survey as an introduction and portraying in photos and video films the conclusions and recommendations of each chapter of the YXC kit. A discussion session targeting several stakeholders from ministries, schools, universities, scouts and clubs was held on December 19th whereby the results of the survey and the documentary were presented. Brainstorming on the different uses of the video documentary was done and recommendations were provided.

- Youth Education on Sustainable Development- 2011:
This project included a workshop whereby the opening was attended by the Minister of  Education who gave a speech followed by a plenary session where Dr. Sulieman elaborated on the ESD package.
33 participants mostly school teachers and directors as well as NGO members attended the workshop. The participants were divided into 3 groups based on 3 dimensions: social, economic and environmental. On the second day, the sessions focused on the YXC kit and participants were divided into two rotating groups, From my habits to my values … and back and Breaking the Barriers.
The workshop aimed at introducing the UNESCO package Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future which includes training modules on the economical, social and environmental dimensions of education for sustainable development and applications in the educational systems, introducing the Package The Youth…Together towards Sustainable development which focuses on consumer behavioral patterns that limit the environmental degradation in the society, Involving students and youngsters in a number of activities associated with the development  goals  of  the  United  Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), such as tree planting. After the workshop, a tree planting activity was held in Deir Mkhalles where students planted 250 saplings offered by the nursery of Makhzoumi Foundation in Akkar.
-Marine Litter in the Mediterranean- 2012:
As part of the MIO-ECSDE’s annual activity entitled the Mediterranean Action Day (a joint, small/medium-scale action conducted in many Mediterranean countries during a three-month period each year), Makhzoumi Foundation submitted a project that included holding a shore cleansing event whereby a group of 15 young adult volunteers collected the marine debris on the shore of Antelias, then sorted and measured them. The event was preceded by an awareness lecture on the topic and its importance; the project was held in partnership with Mer Terre Liban, a Lebanese NGO concerned with environmental issues.
-Green Demonstration Room- 2013:
A memorandum of understanding was signed on September 23rd 2013 among the three partners: the Center of Research and Development (CERD), The Lebanon Green Building Council (LGBC) and Makhzoumi Foundation (MF) for the implementation of a project that includes the establishment of a “Green Demonstration Room” at the premises of the Center of Research and Development in Jounieh.
The main objectives of the Project are: to demonstrate the concept and principles of Green Buildings, to raise public awareness on the importance of energy efficiency, water conservation, pollution-reduction and other environmental issue to as many learners as possible of all ages and backgrounds, to encourage the use of renewable energy technologies, to train trainers of the Center and science teachers, to support the integration of Energy Efficiency in the official school curricula, to have an educational unit on green buildings for the young generations to come.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working on implementing activities and/or projects that promote human rights, citizenship, leadership, and democracy in the hope of improving the quality of life in this country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have the chance to meet other organizations with similar goals and share experiences and knowledge with the aim of widening our outreach, forming partnerships and enhancing intercultural cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sallama Namani
Job Title
Development Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Mrs. May Makhzoumi
Contact (2) Full Name
Cyma Naamani
Job Title (2)
School Project Coordinator

Associazione Interculturale Griot

National Network

viale Vasco de Gama 84
00121 roma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non profit association with about 30 members About 10.000 euro Membership fees; small donations; European and national projects Concrete projects, exchanges at the Eu level; seminars, cultural conferences, foreign communities meetings IOM, Ospedale San Camillo, Roma, Regione Lazio, COESO of Grosseto, Speha Fresia Coop. 
Mission and Objectives

The Intercultural Association Griot (A.I.G.) is a non-profit organization founded in Rome in 1999 by foreign and Italian nationals from different continents. Griot works with the world of immigration. The Association is also involved in the areas of cooperation and development with some sub-Saharan African countries, in particular by helping women organize self-employment and self-employment projects.
The Griot Intercultural Association is in the Register of Associations that carry out activities in favor of the immigrants of the Ministry of Labor and in the Register of Immigrants Associations of the Region of Lazio.

Main Projects / Activities

“Ospedale culturalmente competente” led by with San Camillo Hospital in Rome (2013-2014)
“SAFE, better information, better health”,  led by the International Organization for Migrants (2015)
“REALIZE- Transcultural learning techniques” together with other European organizations in the context of the European project Grundtvig II ( 2010-12)
PRILS, Italian language for migrants , Regione Lazio
FAMI, ESCAPES, Educatori Salute di comunità

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Network builing on projects
Involvement of foreign mgrant communites
DIssemination of information of activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be part of an international networks of association that share the same objectives
Exchange of methodologies and orientations in common projects
To Build together a stronger body to promote human rights and social values

Contact (1) Full Name
paolo raimondi
Head of the organisation
Welly Marguerite LOTTIN

Genç Girişimciler Platformu

National Network

7302 sk No:22 Ümit Mah Pınarbaşı Bornova
35060 İzmir/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Turkey's producing and creating value established with the vision to accelerate entrepreneurial way with the virus that countries Young Entrepreneurs Association (SSE) to create a culture of entrepreneurship and to promote different levels of education in Turkey is working with the mission. Entrepreneurship as a unifying element of the entrepreneurship ecosystem locally is driven by the spread of children, young people, women in every part of everyday society.
Mission and Objectives

- Contributing to the ecosystem of entrepreneurship locally and nationally,
- To contribute to the increase of the capacities of new generation entrepreneur candidates in İzmir,
- To create appropriate projecting processes according to innovative ideas,
- To increase the competition levels of young entrepreneurs and entrepreneur candidates in İzmir,
- To carry out workshops in the field of entrepreneurship for the disadvantaged groups (women, young, disabled, LGBT individuals), to determine strategies,
- to prepare policy recommendations within the context of gender equality for groups with different disadvantages within working life,
- The association contributes to public policy at the local, national and global level in relation to the field of study and expertise.
- Developing capacity building projects in areas such as governance, entrepreneurship, project literacy,
- To cooperate with entrepreneurial clubs established in universities and high schools, to form a mentor network composed of people who will contribute to the development of entrepreneurs, to establish an angel investor network or boards to support new entrepreneurs,

Main Projects / Activities

-To educate trainers who will be able to make education contents in the scope of entrepreneurship literacy,
- Development of entrepreneurship literacy awareness and to develop projects to reach all segments of the society in this area, to develop strategies,
-To develop different practices for the development of entrepreneurship and consciousness in children,
- Entrepreneurship Corporate Social Responsibility Establishing partnerships and networks with organizations and non-governmental organizations wishing to carry out projects,
-To establish an international international network of entrepreneurship by establishing solidarity with the public, private and civil society sectors that are active in entrepreneurship literacy and operating in the international arena,
-To facilitate young people to develop themselves in the career field in the framework of a rights-based decision for the mostly disadvantaged young people, to make it easier for them to be thrown into a fully equipped business and social life,

Contact (1) Full Name
Süleyman GÖK
Head of the organisation
Süleyman GÖK

Rene Motlak

National Network
Czech Republic

bratří Křičků 16
62100 Brno

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Interpretation and translation from Arabic to Czech and likewise, teaching Arabic for Czech people and Czech for Arabic people.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My beneficial profit is the language.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To spread my contacts.

Contact (1) Full Name
René Motlak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rene Motlak

جمعيـة تواصـل للصـم بمريـرت Tawassol Association for the Deaf of Mrirt

National Network

Num 83 Rue ATLAS QRT Al masjid Al jadid
54450 Mrirt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

TAWASSOL association of the Deaf is a Not for Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. We were founded in September 2007. We started the association with fifty members in the first year and have been growing ever since. Our mission is to gather and educate the local Deaf community of the city of Mrirt and outlying rural area. Our goal is to integrate and involve members of the association with the local community. We try to share our experiences with other countries and hope to gain international support with other NGOs. Our targeted groups and beneficiaries are Deaf youth, adult,  Deaf families and the local community. our focus is in The association aims to integrate Deaf people into the society by sign language education/ social services/ legislative and administrative assistance/ educational and economic reintegration/awareness and advocacy for Deaf right/awareness to the local, national and international community about Deaf culture, language and rights. Facebook  page and group :

Mission and Objectives

Since 2012 until present, we have been working in collaboration with our partner the Ministry of Solidarity of Women and Family and Social Development, to improve the education of our Deaf students by providing school supplies and primary scholar programs. Also, with help from donated materials, we have been teaching our students various handcrafts and other skills that could aid them in finding jobs and integrating in the community in the future.       With assistance from the National initiative for Human Development, we have been able to outfit or association with equipment such as desks, cameras, and Means for the visual teaching as the smart board. With these donations, we have been able to prepare our students for the rapidly changing community of Mrirt and Morocco in general.      I have worked in collaboration with Peace Corps Volunteers to promote a better understanding of the current situation of the Deaf population in Morocco to the international community and fellow Moroccans. Our association is currently working to improve or support and relationship with The Peace Corps. the headquarter of our association ,also used as Deaf schol is donated buy the president of the association,who is a Deaf person we recieve an annual grant from the mayor office about  400 euros,for other ressources depends on project we apply for,now we have one ongoing project  about condcuting trainings on sign language and Deaf psycology to the community in several provinces in Morocco.  

Main Projects / Activities

Our first achievement has certainly been the creation of our association. Our association has been revolutionary in gathering the Deaf in the Community and giving them a safe and accepting institution from which they can come to and learn from. Prior to the creation of our association, the concept of a local Deaf community was quite literally nonexistent.  Our association has been serving as a stepping stone from which the Deaf can improve many aspects of their lives. Thinking to send a message to Humanity to make the world a better place for the Deaf, with a group of local volunteer artist we have make the song ,”A Picture with 1000 Sound”, which members and student of the association sing in sign language: The issue of the non-existence of a Moroccan official sign language and the absence of institution and place to learn sign language-culture. i represented the association the in the” Youth for change program” by “the Bibliotheca of Alexandria” along with “TakingATglobal”, which is an Arabic countries youth ideas competition on ICT making change project, we won the 1st position between hundreds of application and 30 project winner, and this led to the birth of the 1st Moroccan sign language online dictionary.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The mission of Tawassol association is directly connected to all parts of the community, and so all initiatives are addressed this way. from educating Deaf ,creating deaf school, awareness ,networking with other NGOs. the fondamentale low of our association aim in networking on national and international level in topics related to : -Youth developement  -Rights of people in special needs and vulnerable people -Education 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Been part of teh ALF Network will help to exchange ideas,to work on national level in the same topics,and to collaborate with other NGOs and people,and to benefit of Annah lindh programs and intiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mounir Naili
Job Title
Advisor in charge of relations and publicity
Head of the organisation
said adel
Contact (2) Full Name
Issam laamiri
Job Title (2)
Vice tresorer of the association/sign langauge teacher

Le Ragunanze Associazione di Promozione Sociale

National Network

via Fabiola 1
00152 Roma

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association promotes cultural activities and meetings between writers, poets and artists, with the aim to share their own creativity with particular attention on the four main natural elements: water, air, fire, hearth.
Mission and Objectives

The mission is to recall the ancient cultural meetings of Christina, the Queen of Sweden, named "Ragunanze". The main objectives is to create a safe environnement for contemporary artists and writers, where they can share their thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year the Association organizes a literary award devoted to Christina, the Queen of Sweden and bestowed to the most important worthy artists.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association wish to contribute to the italian network by organising initiatives and events based on the cooperation between people interested in cultural activities. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Association shares the ALF values and mission, devoted to promotes and sustaines the intercultural dialogue between the different mediterranean countries. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Michela Zanarella

Association nationale de la justice sociale, du développement et de la culture

National Network

cite elwaha nefta
cite elwaha nefta2240

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information
association national a but non lucratif  au sud ouest de la tunisie 
Mission and Objectives

association  générale nationale signifie les affaires publiques
L'un de ses projets les plus importants est une émission de radio locale
Travailler sur plusieurs projets caritatifs volontaires

Main Projects / Activities

cree un radio associative local 

Contact (1) Full Name
mongi snoussi
Head of the organisation
mongi snoussi
Contact (2) Full Name
louay ben abdsmade

A.p.s Le Ragunanze

National Network

via Fabiola 1

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association of Social Promotion "Le Ragunanze" is made up of people who want to promote and engage in the dissemination of culture and art in all its expressions. The Association is inspired by the principles of free associationism, is non-political and does not pursue profit-making
Mission and Objectives

The association has the fundamental task of promoting and managing activities of social and territorial utility in favor of associates or third parties in full respect of the freedom and dignity of the members themselves, encouraging above all initiatives aimed at Culture. "Ragunanza" was a daily word from the Baroque era and meant "meeting", gathering more people, mainly individuals of any artistic expression.

Main Projects / Activities

Every year the association organizes the literary contest "Le Ragunanze", which involves writers from every region of Italy. Among the activities there are poetry readings, cultural meetings in collaboration with other associations, all with the aim of encouraging the meeting and enhancement of creativity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Head of the organisation
Michela Zanarella

Estonian Human Rights Centre

National Network

Parda 4
10151 Tallinn Estonia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Estonian Human Rights Centre is an independent non-governmental human rights advocacy organisation. EHRC was founded in December 2009. EHRC has quickly developed to be the most well-known human rights NGO in Estonia.  EHRC is governed by an independent Council, representing a range of views and societal groups. The Council sets a long term strategy for the EHRC and fulfils other statutory duties such as confirmation of the yearly financial statements. The daily work of the EHRC is managed by Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer. There are 6 full-time employees and a number of volunteers at EHRC.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of EHRC is to work together for Estonia that respects the human rights of each person. By 2020, Estonian Human Rights Centre is the influential and competent leader of Estonian non-governmental human rights movement.

Main Projects / Activities

EHRC develops its activities according to the needs of the society. Our focus is currently on the advancement of equal treatment of minority groups and diversity & inclusion and the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees. EHRC coordinates the Estonian Diversity Charter. We also monitor the overall human rights situation in Estonia and publish yearly independent human rights reports about the situation in Estonia. We are NGO partner for UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) in Estonia.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our expertise in human rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It was recommended to us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egert Rünne
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Egert Rünne

The Arabic Association for Cultural Exchange (AACE)

National Network

18, Rue Gritt, L-6185 Gonderane, Luxembourg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
The Arabic Association for Cultural Exchange (AACE) has an inspiring program that it called ‘101 Arabian Nights’ that offers musical, film, literary and artistic exhibitions and concerts for the promotion of culture and arts as a language of dialogue between nations and people. The program celebrates original art creations of the most celebrated ambassadors of Arabic art and culture. The founders of the Association have strong aspirations to expand the program to include this diverse, multi-cultural mosaic of Luxembourg. The Association grants its Ambassadors a certificate to honour their significant and outstanding role in the enrichment and enhancement of Arab culture across the world.
Mission and Objectives

The main mission of the Association is to create an archive of Arabic audio-visual creations that constitute an important share of human heritage. The Association aims to offer a platform for independent artists to share their creations in an environment free from market demands, and economic pressures. AACE wishes to reinforce the message of peace that has been extended over the years through the Arabic culture. The Association has been founded by a group of artists who believe that art is the tool to achieve harmony and growth within this mélange of linguistic and artistic backgrounds. The Arabic Association invites pioneers to perform and offer their original creations through its program ‘101 Arabian Nights’. The program is sponsored by the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (mateneen call for projects). The Association has been endowed a per annum sum estimated to be € 160,000
Renee Aakrann (economic advisor)
Pina Delvaux (artist)
Nizar Al Rawi (President, art critic, and film producer)
Bob Krieps (First government advisor)
Paul Thiltges (audio-visual producer)
Fari Khabirpur (psychologist-psychotherapist)
Team members:
Tarek Al Nabhan – project coordinator
Nisreen Basmaji – Certificate of English literature, and English teacher
Samah Abdel-Geleel – Media and PR Officer

Main Projects / Activities

The Association is an organization dedicated to creating positive and inclusive cultural collaborations among citizens of Luxembourg. AACE propagates coexistence, tolerance and inclusion through art and culture.  The Association, through its program ‘101 Arabian Nights’, offers concerts, exhibitions, music shows, and film screenings to showcase the grandeur of Arabic art. and how it can bring people together. These artistic and cultural creations show the world that our strength comes from our uniqueness and individuality. The Association offers its cultural nights to create a fertile base that brings Arab communities in Europe closer to members of other cultures, and art enthusiasts. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Luxembourg is a migrant population with, foreigners coming from 170 nationalities. The multitude of cultures is exhilarating and overwhelming. It is the role of the Arabic Association to open up doors to the uniqueness and richness of Arab cultures to this uniquely diverse population. Culture defines each society, and if put to adequate use, culture can help us improve how we interact, make decisions and plan for a future that binds us further together. Culture in Luxembourg brings people to play different parts in the same event, they can be artists, audience, volunteers, or investors. Art and culture in Luxembourg can help people overcome barriers, and create bonds that are beneficial both on the personal, as well as on the societal levels. Culture is a catalyst for celebrating and self-esteem, and preserving one’s identity, thus enhancing the unique diversity of the social composition of Luxembourg.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

When creating the Arabic Association for Cultural Exchange, founding members shared the ambition of expanding its activities beyond the borders of Luxembourg. They wished to develop partnerships with well-established cultural and artistic networks in, and out of Europe. Pairing with like-minded organizations globally allows us a chance to confirm, through cultural and artistic events, that the love of art transcends all linguistic, cultural, and political barriers. Adding an international dimension to the Association through partnership with the Anna Lindh Foundation, will help us spread the uniqueness of Arabic art, and embrace other cultures as our own. It is our aim to exchange our world-class quality of art, in a well-established global artistic environment. Exchange of artists, and a multitude of art creations is a dream come true. It will help the Arabic Association, as well as the Foundation to mainstream the consciousness and the diversity of the public everywhere. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Nizar Al Rawi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nizar Al Rawi
Contact (2) Full Name
Renée Aakrann-Fezzo
Job Title (2)
Secretary General