Asociación EuropeYou

National Network

Calle Pez dorado numero 30
29620 Torremolinos

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We have a staff of three people and more than 20 partners at EU level because we are an organisation working with Erasmus Plus project and EU programmes. We have 20,000 euro available per year and our main source of fundings are donations and grants. Our main projects are the KA1 Training course in the field of Youth in the frame of Erasmus Plus Programme of EU commission. We realize training courses, workshops and seminar in the field of youth entrepreneurship, youth employment and EU active citizenship.
Mission and Objectives

EuropeYou is a non-governmental organization which aims at the promotion of education, training, culture and sport as a means of social inclusion and equal opportunities.
a) Promotion of lifelong learning, linking formal and non-formal learning, the development of social, civic and intercultural skills and combating discrimination;
b) Promotion of education and work to prevent violent radicalization, fostering social integration, improving intercultural understanding and the sense of belonging to a community.
c) Contribution to the development of a local community based on knowledge, with sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion;
d) Promotion of employment, social justice and inclusion in order to prevent social marginalization and crime.
e) Develop efforts for a more inclusive and cohesive society that enables citizens to play an active role in democratic life.
f) Promoting language learning and linguistic diversity through innovative teaching methods and links to language skills required by the labour market.
g) The promotion of equality and inclusion of disabled people, young people with educational difficulties, people facing economic obstacles, immigrants or refugees who face cultural differences, people with health problems, people who suffer from social or geographical obstacles.
h) Improving the level of skills of young people, including the disadvantaged and promoting participation in democratic life and in the labour market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity.
i) Promotion of sport as a means of social inclusion, equal opportunities, and health benefit.
j) Promotion of culture through the promotion of artistic and pedagogical practice and development of new technologies of communication and information.
l) Promotion of the environmental education, campaigning and awareness raising, and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

We deliver training courses based on experiential learning and non-formal education. In our trainings in Malaga we promote the idea of collaborative (instead of competitive) debating. In all our activities participants are expected to create their own collaborative debating event, material or tool which they must use in the local community and organize as a follow-up activity with real audience which participant will share online with other participants as well as to the general public as widely as possible.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute to the network in a very constructive way, namely, disseminating Anna lindh initiatives in our local communities and spreading the values of the network among all our youngsters. We will invite all partner of our national network to all our projects, campaign and seminars with the aim to reach a higher impact and satisfy the needs of our community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of this network will constitute a big chance of growth and development for us. We would like to start always more projects at Spanish and EU mediterranean level. In addition, we would like to thanks to the partnership to the network to get new knowledge, competence, best practices and learn from the other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Debora Dimova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Debora Dimova

Intellectual gym for women

National Network

Rr. Mihal Grameno, pall Vjero, kati2

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information

Very well estambleshed ngo in Tirana, Albania. We are focused in generating a well educated network of intellectual women's who can think and act in global projects and bring life changeing apportunities for young women's in Albania. We are 3 full time persons working in the office. We produce seminars , cofference, texts, mentoring, and also breakfast meeting. We have a budgetary need for a year up to 20.000$.  We are working on making partners and donors.

Mission and Objectives

Enhance women's intellectual ability to think and act in the today's  globally world.

Main Projects / Activities

Cofference and seminars, mentoring.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our initiatives we can make big progress in our communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To obtain grants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anila Qinami
Head of the organisation
Anila Qinami

Association rouad elgharb de développement social et culture et l environnement

National Network

Rue 163 N° 5077 Hay Al-jadid
14030 kenitra

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Association rouad elgharb de développement social et culture et l environnement a des objestifs bien définits dans les domaines suivant: Développement par intégration de la dimension de l’éducation à la citoyenneté, la promotion des droits de l'Homme et de la diffusion sa culture; Développement par intégration de la dimension de la responsabilité économique et sociale; Développement par intégration de la dimension de l'éducation environnementale et de l'éco-tourisme; Développement par intégration de la dimension artistique, culturel et le patrimoine monumental.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs stratégiques.

Intégration de la dimension de l'éducation civique, la promotion des droits d'Homme et la diffusion sa culture dans tous les domaines;

Intégration de la dimension de la responsabilité économique, sociale et sanitaire pour réduire la vulnérabilité et améliorer les Indicateurs de développements;

Intégration de la dimension de l'éducation environnementale et l'éco-tourisme pour atteindre un environnement équilibré;

Intégration de la dimension artistique, culturelle et le patrimoine monumental dans les programmes et projets de développement, conformément à l'approche d’économie circulaire;

Promouvoir Les liens de la culture de tolérance et de la cohabitation entre tous les peuples du monde.

Main Projects / Activities

Les moyens des actions.
• Organiser et participer des/aux formations, des tables rondes, des forums, des conférences, nationales et internationales;
• Elaborer et mettre en œuvre des projets solidaires générateurs de revenus en faveur des jeunes et des femmes en milieu urbain et rural;
• Contribuer aux programmes de soutien scolaire, d'apprentissage, d'alphabétisation et l’éducation non formelle;
• Organiser des campagnes de sensibilisation, des activités sociales et des caravanes de solidarité et médicales;
• Promouvoir les actions de la tolérance, de la paix et de la diversité culturelle à travers les ateliers de langues universelles, et des forums de cohabitation et de tolérance;
• Organiser des soirées d’animation artistique, comique, et héritage et d’art populaire;
• Organiser et participer aux expositions national, régional et international;
• Organiser des excursions et des sorties d’étude selon un perspectif éco-tourisme;
• Organiser des chantiers de solidarité, des camps d'été, des concours et des festivals de natures culturelles, artistiques et sportives.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

on peut partager nos activités avec l'ensemble des associations du réseaux du maroc et d'autres réseux d'Anna Lindh. On a acquis des compétences et des capacités qui peuvent aider les autres associations à améliorer la qulité de ses activités.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

pour le partage des activités et les projet avec d'autres membres et d'améliorer  nos compétences en domaine d'échange interculturelle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Education, Développement et Environnement
Head of the organisation
fatiha ragab
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Femme d'affaire

جمعية المرسى للتنمية المستدامة

National Network

المكتبة الوسائطية لجماعة المرسى

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية المرسى للتنمية المستدامة  الاعضاء : 15 عضو  10 ذكور 5 اناث  تاريخ التاسيس : 09/2017  
Mission and Objectives

تنزيل مخطط التنمية البشرية 

Main Projects / Activities

التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية و الثقافية و الفنية والرياضية 

Contact (1) Full Name
lwali lebbaihi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
lwali lebbaihi
Contact (2) Full Name
ayoub amanna
Job Title (2)
printer technician

جمعية المرسى للتنمية المستدامة

National Network

المكتبة الوسائطية لجماعة المرسى
70010 العيون

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية المرسى للتنمية تاسست في شتنبر 2017  عدد الاعضاء الدائمين : 7 اعضاء  عددالمنخرطين :  6 منخرطين  البرنامج : 20 برنامج يهم تكوينات للبحارة و انشاء فريق كرة القدم و نشاطات خيرية تهم الفقراء و النساء في وضعية صعبة و نشاطات مسرحية وحرفية للاطفال .......... 
Mission and Objectives

جمعية المرسى هي جمعية غير حكومية هدفها الاساسي تنزيل تفعيل مخطط التنمية البشرية و النهوض بالعمل الجمعوي وتوعية وتكوين الشباب و دعم القدرات المعنوية والمادية و محاربة الفقر والهشاشة و العناية بالتراث المحلي و مراقبة المحافظة على البيئة و توعية الجمهور و الناشئة .

Main Projects / Activities

محاربة الفقر 
دعم المشاريع للنساء والعاطلين عن العمل 
دعم النشاط الرياضي 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

التعاون مع الشبكة محليا و تقوية القدرات المحلية وخلق اشعاع وطني و دولي للعمل الجمعوي 

Contact (1) Full Name
lwali lebbaihi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
الوالي لبيهي
Contact (2) Full Name
ayoub amanna
Job Title (2)
printer technician

Kulturverein wegather

National Network

Mühlhäufelweg 1/24
1220 Vienna

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Kulturverein wegather was established in summer 2017. The directors are Petra Nowak and Abdelnaby Snosy. General work for the organization is done on a voluntary basis by the two directors and additional volunteers (7-10 people). Staff is employed on a contract basis for the different projects. For 2018 we are planning with a budget of 70,000 EURO. As the organization is new there is no history of budgetary resources. Two concrete projects are planned for 2018: ZAM Days and WG-Kult. Most project costs will be covered through partnership deals, use of free resources (eg. Museum tickets for youth up to 19 years are free in many Austrian museums), and the income of the projects themselves (eg. Ticket sales). Additionally, we are counting on crowdfunding and sponsoring. Our Partners are working in the fields of arts, culture, education and integration. Modalities of action include musical concerts, seminars and cultural transfer.

Mission and Objectives

Kulturverein wegather is seeking to bring together people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. We strive to establish mutual understanding, acceptance and peace using arts and culture as tools.

Main Projects / Activities

1. ZAM Days (germ. Zeitgenössische Arabische Musik) Contemporary Arabic Music ZAM days is a music project in which a concert series of contemporary musicians from the MENA region takes place in Vienna, Austria and from there bursts into all directions to many other cities and countries in Europe. Target groups are Europeans interested in new cultures and young migrants who oftentimes face isolation both from their new and old homes. 2. WG-Kult brings together youth groups to self-organize cultural trips. Through the guidance of a peer members, supported by wegather, the groups will visit cultural institutions of all sizes and types, traditional trips into nature and Austrian companies offering insights into their production. An extra line of WG-Kult will offer the same possibility to senior citizens as currently many face isolations. This project aims to bring them back to society, make new experiences and build new social networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During the current decreasing public support for the intercultural agenda in Austria, private initiatives working on those topics are becoming increasingly important. Working under the assumption that every drop counts we have the will, ideas and experience to produce results. Moreover, we already established a wide network to cultural institutions in Austria which has the potential of being of benefit for the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is in line with our beliefs and actions. Therefore, it is the logical next step to join the network in order to profit from intellectual input, getting to know new organizations and their projects, learn about best practices and keep updated with general developments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Petra Nowak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Petra Nowak

Cambridge International School of Tunis

National Network

Rue des Usines 8607
Charguia 1 (Z.I.)

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Cambridge International School of Tunis (CIST) was founded by parents from various international backgrounds to provide a world-class English-based education for their children in Tunis. Preparing them for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (IGCSEs), CIST aspires to help its students acquire the necessary skills and capabilities to shape the world’s future, which starts today, thus inspire them how to become internationally minded, global citizens. Central to our educational philosophy is the ‘whole child’ approach, guided by the core principles of Integrity, Leadership and Excellence. CIST provides an outstanding educational environment where students are taught not only to achieve academic excellence but, even more importantly, to discover and develop their multiple skills through extra-curricular activities, competitions, cultural exchanges, field-based and hands-on experiences. We motivate our students to strike a balance between academic distinction, inspirational leadership, character building, self-reflection and excellent social-communication skills. We not only motivate our students to be intellectually curious and proficient in several languages, but also to pro-actively look for solutions where others might see problems. Our school is project-oriented, thus stimulating students to be flexible, creative and able to combine the strengths of a wide variety of persons from different backgrounds through constructive teamwork. Our students are motivated to be, at the same time, purpose driven and act responsibly, based on shared humanitarian principles. In and outside the classroom, be it in extra-curricular or sports activities, our school prepares its students to be both excellent communicators and inventive team players as these are skills that are critical to success in the world of tomorrow, which still only exists in our – and their - imagination. We see it as our mission not only to make them dream that future, but to participate actively in construing it. We aspire our students to become all-rounded critical and creative thinkers who have the necessary skills to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. The staff members, coming from different backgrounds and cultures, reflect and promote the international mindedness of the school’s educational philosophy. The school expects its staff to be not only capable teachers and motivational leaders but also role models who lead by example. They are not only selected to instil students with knowledge but also to inspire them through their behaviour and interactions with the values and principles fostered by our school community. We strive to create a vibrant community where students, parents and staff are active participants in enriching the learning environment and enhancing student wellbeing. Through personal and small group activities, we advance the social and emotional intelligence of our students and enable them to build self-confidence, independence and interdependence. We aim to create a school community where everyone respects each other’s differences and takes care of their shared natural and cultural environments.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Cambridge International School of Tunis is to shape the leaders of tomorrow through a world class education using an English based curriculum.
Our core values are:
1) Integrity: Honesty, fairness and truthfulness are at the core of our values and are the reason why CIST was founded. We not only believe in but expect without any compromise ethical behavior. We strive to create a transparent environment where morals and principles are the beating heart of people’s interactions. 
2) Leadership: Our objective is to grow the leaders of tomorrow. Well rounded individuals who lead by example and are able to identify and take the steps to achieve great results through influencing, collaboration and interacting with others.   We strive and we and our student exhibit both their values and their ethics in their leadership style and actions
3) Excellence: Excellence is our way of life. We permanently seek it and guide our students to achieve it in whatever they do. We strive for the highest standards and you should always expect it from us.

Main Projects / Activities

Cambridge International School of Tunis aspires to educate global citizens. To prepare our learners for an ever-changing world, we align our academic curriculum with Cambridge Primary and Secondary curriculum, tailor lesson plans and instructions according to the individual needs of our students and implement 21st century model to help them develop vital skills and values that are necessary to become global citizen and leader of the community. In addition, we organise extra-curricular activities in after-school clubs to promote holistic learning. We organise field trips to reach out to the wider national and international community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have teamed up with the American Embassy to host in our school four workshops, one every month, starting in January. We would like to host students council conferences, MUN--conferences and the like, to provide students from our and other schools with a wider national and international platform.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would lie to team up with the ALF network to find fruitful ways of cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan W. Bok
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jan W. Bok
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Bourouha
Job Title (2)

قصص وحكايات

National Network

شارع مكة الحي الحسني
رقم 55 العيون
70000 العيون

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
موقع يعمل من أجل تقييم القصص والحكايات ويسعى لإحیاء التراث العربي المحكي حيث يقدم قصة تراثیة شیقة أو حكایة من البیئة العربیة أو من تراث الشعبي،  ويسعى أيضا لتطوير متعة القراءة بين الأطفال من خلال سرد القصص والقراءة.
Mission and Objectives

- تنظيم مسابقات لاكتشاف الأطفال الموهوبين والشباب في القص.
- تنظيم دورات تدريبية وورش عمل في نهاية لإدخال رواة القصص الشباب وتأهيل مهنة الصراف في المؤسسات والجمعيات الثقافية والتعليمية والطفل.
- إنشاء نوادي رواية القصص في المؤسسات الثقافية والتعليمية والطفولة لإحياء القص وتشجيع الأطفال الموهوبين في القص.
- تنظيم ورش عمل تمهيدية ودورات تدريبية للآباء والأمهات لرفع مستوى الوعي بأهمية رواية القصص لأطفالهم منذ سن مبكرة.
- تنظيم مهرجان سنوي لرواية القصص في المؤسسات الثقافية والتعليمية والطفولة في صفاقس والمناطق الريفية والأحياء الشعبية.
- تشجيع وسائط الإعلام على لعب دور مهم في رفع مستوى رواية القصص ورواة القصص في المجتمع وتوعيتهم للتعاون مع الجمعية في هذا المجال

Main Projects / Activities

إنشاء هيئة من رواة القصص الشباب
هذا المشروع على المراقبة عن وجود ضعف الكتاب والقصة في بيئة الطفل في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة.
هو لخلق مجموعة من رواة القصص المهنية الشباب، الذي تم اختياره من شباب الخريجين دوافع، معظمهم يبحثون عن عمل، ومن خلال الدورات التدريبية النظرية والعملية من أجل تنشيط والقص القراءة بصوت عال لدور الحضانة ورياض الأطفال والمكتبات وأسر الأطفال والهياكل الطفولة أخرى ....
ويشمل المشروع إعادة تأهيل التقليد الشفهي، مع الحكاية التي تفيد الأطفال مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ابحث عن شركاء  ​​في مجال القص والقراءة

Contact (1) Full Name
mhand bouzid
Head of the organisation
Mhand bouzid

Association chamss pour le développement de la famille et l'enfant

National Network

wjah arousse
rue 42
50010 Mknes

06 13 23 63 39
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 13 23 63 39
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

L'association compte une centaine de membres adhérents. Elle est gérée par un comité composé de 6 personnes (la Présidente, la Vice Présidente, le Trésorier, Le Secrétaire Général, le Trésorier Adjoint et un Conseiller). Les projets concrets entrepris par l'association se focalisent sur l'éducation et l'encadrement des enfants et jeunes en situation sociale précaire à travers des cours de soutien, la distributions de cartables et fournitures scolaires, la distribution de vêtements d'hiver, des bourses pour étudiants méritants, des prises en charge médicales (lunettes optiques, soins dentaires...).  

Mission and Objectives

Conscients de l’importance de l’éducation dans tout processus de développement social, les membres de l’Association Ichraka œuvrent depuis sa création dans l’accompagnement des enfants et jeunes en situation sociale précaire.

Main Projects / Activities

Le projet principal sur lequel nous focalisons nos efforts reste les cours de soutien, une nécessité devenue primordiale pour combler les lacunes accumulées durant des années, faute de moyens et par manque de motivation. Des actions ponctuelles sont cependant entreprises chaque année pour accompagner cette démarche,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-Former ces jeunes pour créer des activités génératrices de revenu pour garantir un avenir décent et stable -Contribuer au développement socio-économique durable du pays

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-Partage d'expériences avec d'autres associations ;

Contact (1) Full Name
fatima zouhir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
hamada zouhair
Job Title (2)

Dafa Puppet Theater s.r.o.

National Network
Czech Republic

​Simackova 908/17
17000 Prague 7

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Dafa Puppet Theater s.r.o. is registered in 2015 in Czech Republic as a limited company. Dafa has 1 employee and 2 part time workers. The staff is always hired for particular projects. The budget and financing sources are covered mostly from grants, participating in festivals, training and artistic services. Our projects: cultural and social projects: theatre productions, co-productions, workshops, art residencies and networking.  Our partners: Qattan Foundation (Palestine), Academy of Performing Arts (CR), Babu Association (RO), UNIMA Kanguru (France), CDC Zarqa camp (JO), OWA Baqaá camp (JO), School of Speech and Dramatic Arts (Bahrain), Grenland Friteater (Norway), Wels Puppet Festival (Austria), Arabic Oasis (Germany), Flying Freedom Festival (CR), Indifinte Articles (UK), Bruno Leone Academy (Italy),  Radio b138 (Austria)
Mission and Objectives

To reach, inspire communities, provide safe platforms for self-expression and communication, use puppet theatre to implement solutions to the effects of war and poverty.
Theatre as a public practice, an invitation to dream, hope and act for the betterment of the communities. As a program, Dafa derives its philosophy from theatre as a public practice and a tool for self-expression and communication to reach the communities. Dafa invites members of the community, after giving them the techniques and tools to address authentically issues and concerns facing their community. Theatre then becomes not about entertainment only, but a way of self-expression and the glue that binds the community together.
To spread puppet art and promote theatre in education and awareness through:
1- Initiating artistic projects in multidisciplinary fields.
2- Developing interactive methods to reach the communities.
3- Networking with local and international organizations.
To bridge the gap between theatre and public in Jordan:
1- Realizing high quality artistic productions and emphasizing on touring theatre.
2- Supporting the cultural and professional development of amateur artists.
3- Networking between local and international artists from different cultures.
4- Establishing theatre festival.
To challenge stereotypes, communicate to public worldwide:
1- Creating visual productions without language barrier.
2- Supporting international artistic collaborations.
3- Initiating projects and methods to reach the communities.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Artistic/Performing Arts:
- Create puppet and theatre productions for children and adults.
- Co-produce theatre performances for children and adults.
- Collaborate with artists and professionals from a multidisciplinary fields to explore new possibilities in the 
  art and craft of object/puppet theatre.
- Explore new methods in the field and support the professional development of artists and amateur
  puppeteers connected to puppetry.
2- Art for Social change:
- Design and deliver specialized workshops and art residencies.
- Establish puppet theatre groups of children, youth and adults.
- Provide skills and specialized programs for social activists and educators and assist the educational
- Produce publications and material on the subject of puppetry in the Arab world and Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Husam Abed
Job Title
Art Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Husam Abed
Contact (2) Full Name
Marek Turosik
Job Title (2)