A Woman in Power

National Network

Rr. Lidhja e Prizrenit, ap 7, shk3

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
General Information

Our Mission A Woman in Power Organisation mission consists on empowering, improving and influencing the social and economic situation of women and youth in order to ensure sustainable and good function of general democratic rights. Our Vision Sustainable Environment, Economic, Political and Social development of both target groups of women and youth engagement in civil society through capacity building process.

Mission and Objectives

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES -WOMEN & YOUTH ENGAGEMENT Improving woman and youth approach in any sector, especially Business Area. -LOBBYING & ADVOCACY Supporting women and youth in a particular area, such as human rights, democracy, social inclusion etc. -BUILDING CAPACITIES Providing Assistance for developing new generation of youngsters through capacity building process. Providing support to Women and youth by raising their engagement and participation in society. Develop advocacy knowledge and skills among women and youth as a base for greater impact and strengthen communication.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Albanian Communication Forum The FORUM has as its prime aim the identification and demonstration of successful communication strategies between three Important Influencers: Young people, Professionals, Brand Companies in Albania. The ACF intends to improve the ability of successfully transferring information, thoughts and ideas, initially by starting with small audiences and then moving up to larger ones. The issues discussed during the Forum were focused on incentive’s the understanding of the core elements that comprise effective communication as a mechanism of growth. 2. Breaking Stereotypes Breaking Stereotypes Balkans is a three-day Training Course, which aims to bring together young leaders coming from Balkans (Kosovo, Monte Negro, Serbia, Greece, and Macedonia) to solve the crucial issues of the young generation. This project is created by the official members of AWP, most of them trained in the field and with an international experience. During our interaction with young people and not only, we have identified the urgent need for a re-connection with history, good traditions and our roots for the preservation of the so-called “national character” which differs a lot from the impact that Albanians have in the international arena. The participants need to understand that the fight is not about the creation of a positive stereotype, but about awareness and understanding the reality.  We intend to raise awareness and not raise national feelings! 3. Albania’s Next leader Albania’s Next leader is an EntreLeadership Program designed to identify potential individuals in Albania and abroad. The program also aims to prepare future business leaders by using effective methods and Technics to identify the potential individuals in Albania. The entire Program of Albania’s Next Leader is designed as a package of some other Activities. ANL’s first condition is the Collaboration with an Organisation, Institution or a University, as an important part of the Program

Contact (1) Full Name
Vjola Thoma
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Vjola Thoma

Kalejdoskop Kultur

National Network

ul. Ruska 46 a
50-079 Wrocław

+48 726 37 94 38
Telephone (other)
+48 603 318 213
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Kaleidoscope of Cultures foundation is a platform for intercultural dialogue. We have emerged as an initiative of individuals and organizations representing different nations and ethnic groups. Our mission is to promote social and civic activation of immigrants, foreigners and national and ethnic minorities. By establishing direct relationships between immigrants and citizens of Poland representing other nationalities traditionally living in Poland, we are seeking to facilitate the process of integration in new cultural, social and economic conditions for those who for various reasons have left their homeland. We advocate tolerance and promote values such as human rights, civil society, freedom, democracy.   As experts for Eastern Europe we engage in international activities for the development of cooperation across the borders of Schengen. In that respect, Ukraine plays a key role in our international initiatives. We are helping the victims of armed conflict, support humanitarian actions and specialize in development aid.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion of social and civic activation of immigrants, foreigners and national and ethnic minorities.
Advocating tolerance, freedom, human rights, democracy.
Supporting humanitarian actions, development aid and helping the victims of armed conflict

Main Projects / Activities

Training psycologysts for refugees and victims of the armed conflict in Ukraine
Building a bottom up coalition to help refugees in vocational education and training.
Organisation of yearly festival to present to cultural richness of Lower Silesian region and of numerous smaller cultural festivals and events.
Organisation of workshops on anti-discrimination

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As experts for the intercultural dialogue, Kaleidoscope of Cultures represents a cultural hub that brings together numerous ethnic and national minorities of Lower Silesia and from Poland in general.
We have establish very tight contacts with national and ethnic minorities in Lower Silesia and Poland and we possess theretical and practical of their activities and of the way they work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Serving as a platform for intercultural dialoge the Kaleidoscope of Cultures is strongly dedicated to the promotion of tolerance, human rights, civic society, democracy and freedom. Now that the democratic values and rights are threathened by certain decisions and activities of the current Polish government we feel the need to intensify our efforts to safeguard those very values and rights.
Moreover, given the political challenges on the eastern borders of Europe, we are committed to promote peace, humanitarian actions and strenghten the cdevelopment aid
It is therefore our desire to be become even more present internationally and to be part of a vaster network of organisation that will strenghten our efforts in building a peaceful, democratic and tolerant society

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Chrebor
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Olga Chrebor
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Zaremba
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Birzeit University

National Network

P.O.Box 2115, Ramallah, Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Birzriet University launched the Archive project in 2010 in Ibrahim Abu-Loughod Institute of International Studies at Birzeit Univertsity to collect documents, photos, vidoes and oral records and stories to preserve them and restore them from being lost or damaged.

Mission and Objectives

The main mission is to preserve and restore the Palestinians history and to enable researchers and Palestinians to use these documents . Furtheremore, to provide researchers with primary sources for their studies. Moreover, the Archive digitize documents at the website of its own and make it free and enable access for all documents freely.

Main Projects / Activities

Major activities are the following: -Conduct field visits -Collect oral, audio and visual documents. -Analyze content of materilas, clasify them and then upload them onto the website. -Build network with external and internal partners -Conduct field visits to individuals and NGO's for coordination and coordination -Held meetings, workshops and conferences related to Archiving and digitization of materials.  - Arrange public media to raise awareness about the importance of archives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Birzeit University is the center of diversity and the academic center for all Palestinians. The BZU has a great connection iside and outside Palestine and very well know institution so it has the ability to enhance the konowledge about archive through its departments, academics and centers. BZU has BZU museum and Palestine Museum and our archive which focus on heritage, history and documents. They launch exhibitions about certain subjects with cooperation with others centers. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate in order to share our experience and to learn from others experience in the field of culture, heritage and documentation. In addition, we want to allow others to become familiar with the idea of archiving and its importance, and to have their feedback and recommendation in this field. Furthermore, we want to raise knowledge and awareness for individauls about archiving. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Roger Heacock
Job Title
Co-Coordinator of The Palestine Digital archive at BZU
Head of the organisation
Birzeit University


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía is a non-profit Social Cooperation Organization created in 1996 with the aim of working towards the eradication of poverty. From that same year until today, SIA has gone through multiple situations and carried out many different types of actions. A large number of International Cooperation projects have been carried out, together with our local organizations from the countries where we are working, projects that have benefited thousands of men, women, and children from different contexts. In this sense, since our birth, we have been working in different societies in the South since we started, such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti, Senegal or Mali; as well as two emblematic areas as the Saharawi Refugee Camps and Palestine. In all of them, our priorities have been the fight against injustice, the defense of human rights, the search for gender equality, the defense of the environment and the fight against climate change, all through cooperative work and jointly with our partner organizations in each of the regions mentioned. Apart from our specific projects in International Cooperation, we also participate in rapid emergency response to catastrophes and Humanitarian Action projects, focusing on prevention and post-disaster recovery. The creation of a critical citizenry, capable of mobilizing against the causes that cause poverty, is another of the pillars of our work. For this, Education for Development plays a fundamental role in achieving this goal, becoming an instrument of struggle, with interventions in education regulated as non-regulated, and that along with social mobilization is one of our most recognized signs . Training, as an instrument for social change, has been in all these years the source in which all our activity is reflected. The acquisition of knowledge makes us stronger, more supportive and more combative. In short, Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía is a social organization that works together and in networks with other organizations in the search for and attainment of a fairer and more solidary world.
Mission and Objectives

The fight against all causes that cause poverty, solidarity work with all social and civil organizations that want to participate in this enormous task, the search for equality, respect for human rights and social justice; putting nature and the right to enjoy it for all citizens at the center of our lives and contribute to a more livable world, where the interests of the vast majority deprive the interest of a few.
Being an organization with solid Andalusian foundations and, therefore, with deep multicultural commitments, with a clear desire to be, along with our sister organizations of International Solidarity, a referent at the level of the whole Spanish State for the achievement of equality, respect for nature and be an effective instrument to end all the causes that make this world, an unequal, unjust and deeply unsupportive world.
SIA is a secular and non-partisan organization whose origin is based on and is influenced by the social struggles of the people against all kinds of oppression and inequality.
The formation and the promotion of critical awareness among the citizens remains a fundamental pillar in our work.
Our actions start from the identification of the great inequality and the imbalance between countries, people and sectors, advocating the total elimination of the causes that cause these inequalities.
We conceive of democracy as a permanent and continuous act of participation by the population in all activities that concern it.
We define and apply resilience as the engine of change of local and global realities.
We feel completely committed to the defense of the environment and to the struggles against the causes that are causing climate change.
We define ourselves as an organization with a high level of feminist awareness and we bet on the equal participation of women in all the processes that we carry out.

Main Projects / Activities

Cooperation and Aid Action
Education for Development: mainly focusing in intercultural projects
Training and Research about Local Resilience
Local service to inmigrants

Contact (1) Full Name
Luisa López
Job Title
Coordinator Education, Voluntery and Communication areas
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuel Martínez Ocón
Job Title (2)

Sun and Shadow

National Network

Kisavou 13
62100 Serres

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
My studies are: Bachelor in Business Administration, MBA Hospitality and Tourism, graduate of Higher School of Pedagogical Technological Adequacy of Thessaloniki, graduate of Private Security Academy and Chef's Academy of Army’s General Headquarters, Supply – Transfers Managemen. During my professional experience, I was given the power to develop organizational and administrative skills alongside improving my personal distinctive characteristics (patience, decency, respect to colleagues and costumers, initiative developing, logical judgment, leadership goals and team management, adaptability, diplomacy). I fill my free time with freehand drawing, music, working out and reading books. Also, I have been awarded with poetry commendations by Municipality of Kalavrita, Municipality of Salamina, Municipality of Petroupolis (Athens), Municipality of Fthiotis, by UNESCO of Zakynthos and Ionian Islands and by UNESCO of Piraeus and Islands.
Mission and Objectives

Local development of cultural tourism and other sustainable tourism forms.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Via management of cultural tourism and other sustainable tourism forms.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I like to find allies and friends in a society that reduces unnecessarily the art of war to art of life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Emmanouilidou
Job Title
Serres Club for UNESCO
Head of the organisation
Stavros K. Teneketzis
Contact (2) Full Name
Dimitrios Pashaloudis
Job Title (2)
President of TEI Central Macedonia

EMUI_ EuroMed University

National Network

EuroMed University · Monastero degli Olivetani · 73100 LECCE (Italia)
Lo Scrittoio_ EMUI · Federico Ozanam 134 · 00152 ROMA (IT)
00152 ROMA

+39 331 571 7674
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 198 1250
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
International Academic and Research Center (Union for the Mediterranean), Tax Number: CIF G87905626, the EMUI_ EuroMed University, www.emui.eu, is a Interuniversity Platform for Innovation (Research, Higher Teacher and Training - LLP), by adapting existing (or new design) projects and programs to the Priorities of the Horizon EU Framework Program 2020. Joint management and open offer, especially for students from Southern Mediterranean countries. With foundational character are represented, under agreements, the following centers: 1. Morocco: Mohammed V University of Rabat; 2. Egypt: University of Cairo; 3. Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 4. Italy: University of Salento, University of Foggia; and 5. Spain: Complutense University of Madrid. The Secretary General assumes the Secretary of AC. The Presidency of the AC corresponds to the Academic Coordinator. The AC may propose the addition thereto of other universities in the geographical, political and cultural space of the Mediterranean, it proposed to be adopted, if necessary, by the Direction Council, prior nonbinding Social Council report. Is the function of AC do Academic and Research annual Planning of the EMUI_ EuroMed Universiy. This offer consists of postgraduate degrees, specific or joint ventures with other universities represented in the AC, a proposal will be approved, where appropriate, by the Direction Council, after binding report Social Council. These postgraduate degrees will be officially recognized by academic and political authorities stipulated by the State of the proposing institution.   STATUTES & REGULATIONS: http://www.emui.eu/OBEMUI/20.2017.1.pdf ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK: http://www.emui.eu/bodies/index.html
Mission and Objectives

1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

· Graduate Studies
· Postgraduate Studies
· Research Projects
· Pre- & Postdfoctoral Fellowship
· LLP | Standing Seminars
· Publications_Materials
Actions Programme_ 2017: http://www.emui.eu/ActionsProgramme_2017.pdf
EQUALITY_ HUMAN RIGHTS | Sustainable Development: http://www.emui.eu/human_rights.html
Lifelong  Learning Programme: http://www.emui.eu/LLP.html

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
International and Institutional Relations
Head of the organisation
Prof. Román Reyes, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Paloma Criado
Job Title (2)
Head of the Cabinet

EMUI_ EuroMed University

National Network

EuroMed University · Monastero degli Olivetani · 73100 LECCE (Italia)
Lo Scrittoio_ EMUI · Federico Ozanam 134 · 00152 ROMA (IT)
00152 ROMA

+39 331 571 7674
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+39 340 198 1250
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
International Academic and Research Center (Union for the Mediterranean), Tax Number: CIF G87905626, the EMUI_ EuroMed University, www.emui.eu, is a Interuniversity Platform for Innovation (Research, Higher Teacher and Training - LLP), by adapting existing (or new design) projects and programs to the Priorities of the Horizon EU Framework Program 2020. Joint management and open offer, especially for students from Southern Mediterranean countries. With foundational character are represented, under agreements, the following centers: 1. Morocco: Mohammed V University of Rabat; 2. Egypt: University of Cairo; 3. Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem; 4. Italy: University of Salento, University of Foggia; and 5. Spain: Complutense University of Madrid. The Secretary General assumes the Secretary of AC. The Presidency of the AC corresponds to the Academic Coordinator. The AC may propose the addition thereto of other universities in the geographical, political and cultural space of the Mediterranean, it proposed to be adopted, if necessary, by the Direction Council, prior nonbinding Social Council report. Is the function of AC do Academic and Research annual Planning of the EMUI_ EuroMed Universiy. This offer consists of postgraduate degrees, specific or joint ventures with other universities represented in the AC, a proposal will be approved, where appropriate, by the Direction Council, after binding report Social Council. These postgraduate degrees will be officially recognized by academic and political authorities stipulated by the State of the proposing institution.   STATUTES & REGULATIONS: http://www.emui.eu/OBEMUI/20.2017.1.pdf ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK: http://www.emui.eu/bodies/index.html
Mission and Objectives

1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

· Graduate Studies
· Postgraduate Studies
· Research Projects
· Pre- & Postdfoctoral Fellowship
· LLP | Standing Seminars
· Publications_Materials
Actions Programme_ 2017: http://www.emui.eu/ActionsProgramme_2017.pdf
EQUALITY_ HUMAN RIGHTS | Sustainable Development: http://www.emui.eu/human_rights.html
Lifelong  Learning Programme: http://www.emui.eu/LLP.html

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
International and Institutional Relations
Head of the organisation
Prof. Román Reyes, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Paloma Criado
Job Title (2)
Head of the Cabinet

Friends of the Middle East

National Network

21, rue Pierre Semard

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Friends of the Middle East is an apolitical and areligious french association (loi 1901), also based in Lebanon through its implementing partner Arc en Ciel. It was co-founded by four people, three French and one Syrian, now surrounded by 9 active members and a community of 30 connectors in 16 countries. From social media videos to documentary films, we create, produce and broadcast audiovisual contents supporting our mission to share anticlichés and inspiring insights about the region’s people. We build communities and organize meetups to share knowledge and engage citizens in concrete actions.
Mission and Objectives

Develop the knowledge on the Middle East, Maghreb & foster the understanding of real people's life experiences.
- Reduce the fear of the Other by providing knowledge, facts and life experiences insights.
- Increase the understanding of Maghreb & Middle East’s cultures
- Build intercultural bridges & experiences to show how we can live together with our differences
- Build a community of worldwide citizens supporting this mission
- Build a broasdcasting network to optimize audiovisual contents’ potential of impact

Main Projects / Activities


Our Social Enterprise :
We create high-quality videos & documentaries telling the stories of real people from the region. We design distribution impact plans & we work with all kinds of actors.

Our first length-documentary project (video teaser here):
We are developing a documentary project about arab social entrepreneurs & changemakers. It is telling the inspirational quest

We are building engaged communities all over the world to support our mission, the documentary distribution and to create a wider impact. Our own community is made of 30 connectors in 16 countries, they can connect us to key potential actors in their country and organize activities with our programs.

We design and organize meetups to gahter people and deal with key thematics of the region through Middle Eastern people's life experiences. 8 meetups already took place in Paris, Lyon & Beirut (800 Meetup members).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can connect actors to the regional social entrepreneurship ecosystem in sub-mediterranean countries.
We can connect actors to film technicians and producers in different countries of the region (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, UAE...)
We can facilitate conferences / events on social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship in the region and intercultural dialogue.
We can recommend artists and documentaries about several topics related to the region.
We are open to co-create activities with any organization sharing a common vision with us in order to support our respective missions and create a bigger impact.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to collaborate with actors involved in intercultural to co-create our events in different cities (Paris, Lyon, Beirut, + other cities in sub-mediterranean countries or France).
We believe in collaboration, impact scaling up through partnerships and in opportunities generation through regional networking.
We are convinced that we can make a greater change by working with existing actors, knowing about their missions and activities, to not engage our activities on the same sectors.
We also think we can add value to the other actors' activities by telling their stories, the stories of their beneficiaries etc. Being part of ALF Network will make it possible for them to collaborate with a production house sharing the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Vailleux
Job Title
Co-founder - External Relations
Head of the organisation
Roman Olivier-Foy
Contact (2) Full Name
Roman-Olivier Foy
Job Title (2)
Co-founder - President

Support Youth Leaders

National Network

Talaa Al Ali

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Support Youth Leaders is an organization created to support and development of activities on the local, national and international level in area of non-formal education, using free time, cultural-social and volunteering practice for community of youth people. Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission are to support and to raise the education level of young people from different social groups, help youth to achieve their goals, unite active youth together and create better conditions for their experience and knowledge exchange.
Our Objective:
1. Building Institutional and individual capacity through development and change by way of peaceful and creative tools.
2. Building local and international networks in support of women, youth and world peace issues.
3. Empower youth gender to improve their social, economic, health and political status.
4. Enhance dialogue within society and with other societies.
5. Organize and coordinate firm voluntary works, which serve human society
6. Create a network with leaders and decision-makers of the future
7. Prepare students, recent graduates and young professionals to maximize their capabilities in their personal and professional lives.
8. To offer Arab youth ways to freely express and have constructive conversations with each other and their communities about contentious topics.
9. Increase the quality of youth active participation in the society through local action and international exchange; and to focus on youth initiatives as a base for development; and to promote our visions of coexistence, diversity and pluralism

Main Projects / Activities

Local level: Our NGO organizes different social and educational events, provide the information about the up-coming volunteering events abroad, collaborate with other NGOs.

International level: We act as a sending and hosting organization for training courses and youth exchanges.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Working on the common actions.
Improving the situation of the current network.
We have extensive experience in Mediterranean countries so we can bring partnerships to the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Support Youth Leaders believes in networking and we can add to the network. Also, we have rich expereince and network in the Euromed region and we want to capitalize on that.
We also support the mission and the objectives of ALF Network and the reasons behind founding it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ayat Qteshat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ayat Qteshat

Centre for Civil Initiatives Poreč

National Network

Partizanska 2 d
52440 Poreč

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Centre for Civil Initiatives Poreč is a non-governmental, non-profit civil society organization established in 1992. Currently 4 people are employed in the organization. In the last few years, the average annual budget is about 120,000 euros. The work of the organization is financed through local, national and international grants. The Centre focuses on three programme areas: Protection and promotion of human rights, protection and promotion of women's and LGBT human rights; democratization and active citizenship. It operates in the territory of the Istrian County and in cooperation with partner organizations on national and international level. We also place special emphasis on inter-sectoral and participatory development of the local community. We are members of several national networks: Croatian Women's Network, PETRA Network, Platform 112, and we work closely with many organizations from Croatia and abroad such as the Center for Peace Studies, GONG, Cesi, Sarajevo Open Center, ...
Mission and Objectives

Mission The Center for Civic Initiatives Poreč is a human rights, feminist, peaceful and non-profit civil society organization that, respecting the principles of freedom and equality since 1992, protects and promotes human rights and active citizenship, provides direct protection, publicly advocates and lobby representatives public authorities, raising and educating citizens and citizens, supporting the work and development of civil society organizations and civic initiatives that contribute to the general good and the strengthening of civil society. The objectives: - Protection and promotion of human rights, in particular women's human rights on feminist principles - helping the development of the democratic process by promoting pluralism as the principle of a state and society organization that legitimizes citizens to freely exercise their interests; - encourage the development of local self-government, civil society organizations and the community as a framework for improving the quality of life and meeting the everyday needs and interests of citizens; - training of the organisation for quality and efficient provision of services, operation and realization of financial, professional and other necessary capacities for development of new initiatives

Main Projects / Activities

The specificity of our association is that we unite the following dimensions: human, peacekeeping, feminist and civile. In recent years, we mostly work on gender inequality and struggle against violence against women, increasing the visibility of LGBT people, reducing discrimination, working with youth on human rights, focusing on women's and LGBT human rights and women's reproductive rights. The program against violence against women formally started in 2005, although many years before that we worked actively to advocate for addressing the problems of lack of quality support for women and provide them with direct assistance. Within the program, we have established and built capacities of The safe house of Istria and have built inter-sectoral cooperation among the competent services, institutions and CSOs, and now we are focusing our activities on advocacy for creation support for re-socialization and reintegration of women after leaving violence (housing care, employment and childcare support), education of youth and the public on all types of violence against women and advocating for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention. In the program area of promotion and protection of human rights, we focus on providing free legal aid services and direct protection to citizens. CGI volunteers provide direct protection as well as free legal aid and we are the contact point of the Office of the Ombudsman. We work with users regardless of funding, because we believe that the level of human rights protection in the community / society is directly related to the most vulnerable individuals. The program area of democratization and active citizenship is aimed at strengthening the capacities of various institutional advisory bodies, with executive and representative bodies meeting the interests of civil society organizations and other civic initiatives or informal groups. This program area includes working with civil society organizations on public action training, CSOs and local self-government units through charter / advice or other forms of institutionalized co-operation, education for representatives of institutional authorities, monitoring of institutional mechanisms in the county of Istria, advocacy for good governance and participatory democracy, increased transparency, elimination of corruption and nepotism, educating citizens (with particular emphasis on young people) for taking an active role in society. We are working here independently and through the Civil Platform of Istria, which brings together civil society organizations and civil society initiatives in the field of human rights protection, democratization, the suppression of corruption and the protection of public resources, especially the environment, civil society development, child and youth care, culture and art and other areas of organized activity. A common vision is life in a county and a country where the rule of law under the principles of good governance (accountability, participation, predictability and transparency) is the basis of the work of individuals, institutions and politicians in which there is an empowered, active and responsible civil society and prevails participative political culture of responsible, solidarity and interested citizens. Within this area, the fourth year we are carrying out the project of Empowered Civil Society Organizations - CSOs and Active Citizens in the City of Poreč and through the project we want to strengthen civil society organizations for greater influence on political processes and decision-making, greater interest and public support, greater visibility and the credibility of CSOs, greater autonomy of CSOs, greater influence of the public on decision-making, continuous monitoring of the work of the institutions, increasing the transparency of the work of public institutions. When we talk about promotion and protection of women's human rights, we have set the focus in our work to combat violence against women, gender-based violence and the prevention of violence in work with youth, or violence in adolescent relationships. We work with high school students to teach them to recognize violent patterns of behavior in order to teach them how to react and what do to if they are in a violent relationship. Also, we have been doing a lot of work with them on human rights, discrimination and human rights of LGBT people. We are working to increase the visibility of LGBT people in Porec and Istria through fun-cultural events and organization of public actions. We are actively combating gender inequality and sexism, discrimination, advocating the right of women to decide themselves about their own body, we work on the advocacy capacities of the association people with disabilities, we are working on strengthening the Civil Platform of Istria, ...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our knowledge and experience we can contribute to improving the quality of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange of knowledge and experience, increasing the ability to respond to identified problems and needs in the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Silvia Žufić Dujmović
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Silvia Žufić Dujmović
Contact (2) Full Name
Nataša Vajagić
Job Title (2)
Program coordinator