Associazione Culturale Amici di Ron Amici della Vita

National Network

Viale Don Giovanni Bosco, 15

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Associazione Culturale che si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo e Umanitario L. Ron Hubbard
Mission and Objectives

Associazione Culturale che si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo e Umanitario L. Ron Hubbard

Main Projects / Activities

Associazione Culturale che si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo e Umanitario L. Ron Hubbard

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo De Lucia
Head of the organisation
Olga Cholbi
Contact (2) Full Name
Renato Ongania

Casa del Maghreb Arabo (13 organizations represented)

National Network

via Agostino Depretis

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza attività che valorizzano le diverse culture  ed i saperi da condividere alimentando tradizioni, usi e costumi per rafforzare la  comprensione tra i Popoli Europei e del Maghreb Arabo. Uno spazio di dialogo nel cuore della città di Napoli, aperto a tutti gli attori della società civile dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo, al fine di agevolare la cooperazione tra le Istituzioni accademiche e i Centri di Ricerca per l’aggiornamento delle conoscenze e la realizzazione di iniziative congiunte volte a contrastare il pregiudizio e a diffondere le innovazioni del pensiero e delle scienze. La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza ogni anno l’ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: un evento di portata mondiale  inerente la regione del “Maghreb Arabo” nel quale, con l’aiuto di istituzioni partners, saranno presentati e pubblicizzati, tra l’altro, i patrimoni culturali, ambientali e le doti dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo: Algeria, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania e Tunisia. Ogni anno vi sarà un Focus su un singolo Paese.
Mission and Objectives

La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza attività che valorizzano le diverse culture  ed i saperi da condividere alimentando tradizioni, usi e costumi per rafforzare la  comprensione tra i Popoli Europei e del Maghreb Arabo.
Uno spazio di dialogo nel cuore della città di Napoli, aperto a tutti gli attori della società civile dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo, al fine di agevolare la cooperazione tra le Istituzioni accademiche e i Centri di Ricerca per l’aggiornamento delle conoscenze e la realizzazione di iniziative congiunte volte a contrastare il pregiudizio e a diffondere le innovazioni del pensiero e delle scienze.
La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza ogni anno l’ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: un evento di portata mondiale  inerente la regione del “Maghreb Arabo” nel quale, con l’aiuto di istituzioni partners, saranno presentati e pubblicizzati, tra l’altro, i patrimoni culturali, ambientali e le doti dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo: Algeria, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania e Tunisia.
Ogni anno vi sarà un Focus su un singolo Paese.

Main Projects / Activities

La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza attività che valorizzano le diverse culture  ed i saperi da condividere alimentando tradizioni, usi e costumi per rafforzare la  comprensione tra i Popoli Europei e del Maghreb Arabo.
Uno spazio di dialogo nel cuore della città di Napoli, aperto a tutti gli attori della società civile dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo, al fine di agevolare la cooperazione tra le Istituzioni accademiche e i Centri di Ricerca per l’aggiornamento delle conoscenze e la realizzazione di iniziative congiunte volte a contrastare il pregiudizio e a diffondere le innovazioni del pensiero e delle scienze.
La Casa del MAGHREB ARABO realizza ogni anno l’ARAB MAGHREB FORUM: un evento di portata mondiale  inerente la regione del “Maghreb Arabo” nel quale, con l’aiuto di istituzioni partners, saranno presentati e pubblicizzati, tra l’altro, i patrimoni culturali, ambientali e le doti dei Paesi del Maghreb Arabo: Algeria, Libia, Marocco, Mauritania e Tunisia.
Ogni anno vi sarà un Focus su un singolo Paese.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ester Pedicini
Head of the organisation
Capasso Michele

Arcoss - Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo Sviluppo in Sardegna

National Network

Piazza Salento, 5

070 485074
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
General Information
L’Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo Sviluppo in Sardegna è lo strumento tecnico operativo di Confcooperative in Sardegna per la ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di servizi altamente specialistici e progetti complessi, con cui vengono date le risposte alle esigenze delle cooperative associate in vista della loro crescita nei mercati economici e finanziari. L’Agenzia mette in campo le migliori professionalità interne al sistema Confcooperative in Sardegna e i migliori professionisti convenzionati: manager di settore, legali, commercialisti, tributaristi, esperti di business & marketing planning, formatori e team builder, coach, esperti di finanza, esperti di processi di informatizzazione.  
Mission and Objectives

A.R.CO.S.S. è stata appositamente istituita per raggiungere alcuni precisi obiettivi, tra i quali in particolare:

la realizzazione e gestione dei progetti finalizzati a supportare lo sviluppo economico e finanziario delle imprese cooperative;

l'ideazione di piani di marketing per la promozione dell'immagine delle imprese cooperative e l'acquisizione di nuovi mercati locali ed esterni (internalizzazione)

la progettazione e realizzazione di servizi formativi e di affinacamento manageriale per aumentare le capacitaà professionali e migliorare l'efficienza organizzativa delle imprese cooperative associate.

Main Projects / Activities

L’Agenzia Regionale Confcooperative per lo Sviluppo in Sardegna è lo strumento tecnico operativo di Confcooperative in Sardegna per la ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione di servizi altamente specialistici e progetti complessi, con cui vengono date le risposte alle esigenze delle cooperative associate in vista della loro crescita nei mercati economici e finanziari.
L’Agenzia mette in campo le migliori professionalità interne al sistema Confcooperative in Sardegna e i migliori professionisti convenzionati: manager di settore, legali, commercialisti, tributaristi, esperti di business & marketing planning, formatori e team builder, coach, esperti di finanza, esperti di processi di informatizzazione.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gavino Soggia
Head of the organisation
Gavino Soggia

Giordano Gioha' Academy

National Network

Eusebio Chini

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Giohà Giordano Academy è una realtà imprenditoriale che nasce dalla volontà comune delle due fondatrici, Giohà Giordano ed Alessia Marchione, di rendere possibile la formazione spirituale a 360° sia per coloro che vogliono seguire un percorso di crescita personale, sia per chi vuole fare della medianità e del coaching spirituale un lavoro servizio. ​Quantic Power, Medianità dei Quanti, Sciamanesimo Nordico Runico, un viaggio nella vita dell'uomo per apprendere l'arte della manifestazione e divenire con-creatori della propria realtà nell'equilibrio tra il mondo materiale e spirituale, tra ordinario e straordinario. Un percorso formativo unico che si avvale delle tecniche elaborate in oltre trentacinque anni di studi e ricerche da parte della Presidente Giohà Giordano.  La formazione è improntata sul metodo innovativo “Quantic Power” che verrà utilizzato in “esclusiva” dalla Giohà Giordano Academy.
Mission and Objectives

Giohà Giordano Academy è una realtà imprenditoriale che nasce dalla volontà comune delle due fondatrici, Giohà Giordano ed Alessia Marchione, di rendere possibile la formazione spirituale a 360° sia per coloro che vogliono seguire un percorso di crescita personale, sia per chi vuole fare della medianità e del coaching spirituale un lavoro servizio.
​Quantic Power, Medianità dei Quanti, Sciamanesimo Nordico Runico, un viaggio nella vita dell'uomo per apprendere l'arte della manifestazione e divenire con-creatori della propria realtà nell'equilibrio tra il mondo materiale e spirituale, tra ordinario e straordinario.
Un percorso formativo unico che si avvale delle tecniche elaborate in oltre trentacinque anni di studi e ricerche da parte della Presidente Giohà Giordano.  La formazione è improntata sul metodo innovativo “Quantic Power” che verrà utilizzato in “esclusiva” dalla Giohà Giordano Academy.

Main Projects / Activities

Giohà Giordano Academy è una realtà imprenditoriale che nasce dalla volontà comune delle due fondatrici, Giohà Giordano ed Alessia Marchione, di rendere possibile la formazione spirituale a 360° sia per coloro che vogliono seguire un percorso di crescita personale, sia per chi vuole fare della medianità e del coaching spirituale un lavoro servizio.
​Quantic Power, Medianità dei Quanti, Sciamanesimo Nordico Runico, un viaggio nella vita dell'uomo per apprendere l'arte della manifestazione e divenire con-creatori della propria realtà nell'equilibrio tra il mondo materiale e spirituale, tra ordinario e straordinario.
Un percorso formativo unico che si avvale delle tecniche elaborate in oltre trentacinque anni di studi e ricerche da parte della Presidente Giohà Giordano.  La formazione è improntata sul metodo innovativo “Quantic Power” che verrà utilizzato in “esclusiva” dalla Giohà Giordano Academy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giordano Gioha'
Head of the organisation
Giordano Gioha'

Somalian Association for Human Rights

National Network

Kaarenjalka 5 E 71
00940 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Tarkoituksensa totuttamiseksi yhdistys järjestää kokoontumisia ja koulutustilaisuuksia, harjoittaa tiedotus ja julkaisutoimintaa sekä toimii yhteistyössä muiden vastaavien yhdistysten kanssa.

Mission and Objectives

On edistää, puolustaa ja suojella ihmisoikeuksia, erityisesti naisten ja lastenoikeuksia.

Main Projects / Activities

Tarkoituksensa totuttamiseksi yhdistys järjestää kokoontumisia ja koulutustilaisuuksia, harjoittaa tiedotus ja julkaisutoimintaa sekä toimii yhteistyössä muiden vastaavien yhdistysten kanssa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salman Sheikh Ahmed
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation

Mental Health Association for All

National Network

Meriç Mahallesi Kemalpaşa Caddesi Bayrak Apartmanı No:43 Daire:3 Çamdibi Bornoca/İZMİR
35090 İzmir/

+90 542 547 54 54
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Mental Health Association for All is the association that was established in August 2017 by mental health professionals and students. The association’s members consist of psychologists, psychological counselors and students who study in these areas.Budgetary resources available in a year: In the beginning, the association’s budget resources will be composed of membership fees; then, fund raising programs and service models will be created in long term.Sources of funding: The association’s current funding sources are members.Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): The association will create actions towards society mental health; in addition to providing members to free seminars, the association will also conduct trainings and seminars towards private corporations and will get income with that.Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: The association will cooperate with every association located in Turkey; also implement sustainable common activities with NGOs and local governments.
Mission and Objectives

Mental Health Association for All was established by mental health professionals and students under following purposes: being an association who has strong impact on improvement process of mental health policies and provide every single person in the society to utilization from mental health services in the frame of equality of opportunity.
• Contributing community mental health with national and international studies, researches and social responsibility activities under community mental health
• Contributing vocational development and enhancing activities towards vocational rights of professionals who work in mental health area
• Enhancing cooperation capacities of professional organizations who are active in mental health
• Being effective in policy process of international mental health area, improving policy, implementing lobbying activities and advocacy of mental health professionals
• Conducting awareness-raising activities for generalization of mental health services among whole society
• Being declared as sample about management, social impact, sustainability and fund-raising in national and international area
• Providing students who are active in mental health to free seminars, meetings and trainings for enhancing their vocational capacities in the frame of equality of opportunity
• Conducting preparation, interference and healing activities towards possible traumas in emergencies and natural disasters and cooperate with NGOs and local government.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association will act in two basic area: firstly, conducting lobbying and advocacy activities which have effective impacts on mental health policies in Turkey; secondly, implementing actions towards society mental health for effective utilization of every single person in the society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mental health professionals in Turkey have not vocational rights yet. Though every professional organization has its own association, cooperation and coordination activities towards acquisition of vocational rights are not enough except emergency and natural disaster process. Current associations do not include students and youth have not got effective role in associations. Our association will promote universities’ faculties as relevant to mental health; also provide students who study mental health area to solutions towards their problems and opportunities of effective participation to NGOs in order to prevent current deficiency. Volunteer therapists’ network will be established for effective access of especially people who have low socio-economic opportunities; with this way, mental health services will be generalized in the frame of equality of opportunity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association resembles ALF’s following purposes ever since it has established: promoting activities that provide cooperation and solidarity among people who have different cultures and religions; contributing development of Europe-Mediterranean Region intercultural strategy; contributing common values as offering proposals with decision makers and entities.
In this context, following statements are important for our association and partners who we will conduct activities with in the future towards observing successful samples: ALF’s concentration on society based and social dialogue themes; existence of education and youth, culture and art, peace and cooperation; conducting main studies such as values, religion and spirituality, media, cities and immigration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeynep AKYÜZ
Job Title (2)

Mental Health Organization for All

National Network

Meriç Mahallesi Kemalpaşa Caddesi Bayrak Apartmanı No:43 Daire:3 Çamdibi Bornoca/İZMİR
35090 İzmir/

+90 542 547 54 54
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Mental Health Association for All is the association that was established in August 2017 by mental health professionals and students. The association’s members consist of psychologists, psychological counselors and students who study in these areas.Budgetary resources available in a year: In the beginning, the association’s budget resources will be composed of membership fees; then, fund raising programs and service models will be created in long term.Sources of funding: The association’s current funding sources are members.Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): The association will create actions towards society mental health; in addition to providing members to free seminars, the association will also conduct trainings and seminars towards private corporations and will get income with that.Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: The association will cooperate with every association located in Turkey; also implement sustainable common activities with NGOs and local governments.
Mission and Objectives

Mental Health Association for All was established by mental health professionals and students under following purposes: being an association who has strong impact on improvement process of mental health policies and provide every single person in the society to utilization from mental health services in the frame of equality of opportunity.
• Contributing community mental health with national and international studies, researches and social responsibility activities under community mental health
• Contributing vocational development and enhancing activities towards vocational rights of professionals who work in mental health area
• Enhancing cooperation capacities of professional organizations who are active in mental health
• Being effective in policy process of international mental health area, improving policy, implementing lobbying activities and advocacy of mental health professionals
• Conducting awareness-raising activities for generalization of mental health services among whole society
• Being declared as sample about management, social impact, sustainability and fund-raising in national and international area
• Providing students who are active in mental health to free seminars, meetings and trainings for enhancing their vocational capacities in the frame of equality of opportunity
• Conducting preparation, interference and healing activities towards possible traumas in emergencies and natural disasters and cooperate with NGOs and local government.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association will act in two basic area: firstly, conducting lobbying and advocacy activities which have effective impacts on mental health policies in Turkey; secondly, implementing actions towards society mental health for effective utilization of every single person in the society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mental health professionals in Turkey have not vocational rights yet. Though every professional organization has its own association, cooperation and coordination activities towards acquisition of vocational rights are not enough except emergency and natural disaster process. Current associations do not include students and youth have not got effective role in associations. Our association will promote universities’ faculties as relevant to mental health; also provide students who study mental health area to solutions towards their problems and opportunities of effective participation to NGOs in order to prevent current deficiency. Volunteer therapists’ network will be established for effective access of especially people who have low socio-economic opportunities; with this way, mental health services will be generalized in the frame of equality of opportunity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association resembles ALF’s following purposes ever since it has established: promoting activities that provide cooperation and solidarity among people who have different cultures and religions; contributing development of Europe-Mediterranean Region intercultural strategy; contributing common values as offering proposals with decision makers and entities.
In this context, following statements are important for our association and partners who we will conduct activities with in the future towards observing successful samples: ALF’s concentration on society based and social dialogue themes; existence of education and youth, culture and art, peace and cooperation; conducting main studies such as values, religion and spirituality, media, cities and immigration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeynep AKYÜZ
Job Title (2)

Acting Up! Early Years Arts

National Network

42 Halldene Drive

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Acting up Arts promotes advocacy for the arts in the early years sector. Acting Up! is an active member of the EU smallsize network and Assitej international.  

Main Projects / Activities

Performances for children aged 0-6 years
Management and programming of international festivals for early years
Regular storytelling and music for early years events
Intercultural learning through early years arts

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Acting Up! is an active networker and can assist with this process in Lithuania

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To network with other organisations with similar experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Cliodhna Noonan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cliodhna Noonan


National Network

Merkaz Ba'alei Ha'melacha 42, apartment 4
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa 6382445

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information
Tohu is a non-profit organization, registered in Israel (RN 580613073). It was founded in August of 2015 by Avi Lubin (curator) and Leah Abir (curator). The organization's primary activity is Tohu Magazine - an independent online art magazine published in three languages: Hebrew, Arabic, and English. The editorial board consists of a mixed group of Jewish and Arab curators, artists, scholars and translators: Nadeem Karkabi, PhD (Jerusalem), Rula Khoury, curator (Haifa & NYC), Alma Mikulinsky, PhD (Toronto), Orit Bulgaro, PhD, and Nir Harel, artist (Tel-Aviv-Jaffa), all of whom volunteer their time to the organization. There are four paid employees: editors and translators to English and to Arabic, a designer, and a marketing person. Also, Tohu pays article contributors per text. Tohu does not receive any government funds, and is supported by private donations and public foundations. Tohu’s annual budget is $73,600.
Mission and Objectives

Tohu is dedicated to the promotion of art and culture in Israel/Palestine and the region. The platform encourages new collaborations between artists and writers worldwide and specifically in the Middle East, presenting a channel for new encounters and discussions on current developments in art practices and theoretical research. We believe that an engaged exchange of thoughts and ideas concerning all aspects of arts could greatly impact the region. We are committed to open and democratic forms of communication. We aim to create a conversation that takes into consideration the various contexts in which artists are working, be they political, social, artistic, historical, or cultural, to name a few. Tohu’s network structure is based on relations and contacts with other institutions and individuals around the world, promoting conversations around the published materials.

Main Projects / Activities

Established in 2015, Tohu Magazine promotes clear and engaged original writing on art and culture (essays, critiques, interviews, columns), as well as visual content created by local and international artists. This is a new and unique platform, whose content is offered free of charge to all readers.  The first of its kind, Tohu magazine brings together a diverse group of writers and artists who are active in various fields of the art world, in order to generate a thriving multicultural dialogue and a meaningful and accessible corpus of art writing from Israel/Palestine and beyond. In addition to the magazine, the group is currently engaged in the organization of several public events (conferences, talks, studio visits). The first conference, held on April 2017 in Herzliya, focused on the concepts of Afro-futurism and Arab-futurism and their implications in a Palestinian/Israeli context.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tohu can contribute to the local ALF network by further engaging in collaborations and in enhancing modes of cooperation between individuals and local organizations within ALF. The magazine’s activities lead to meaningful encounters between different art scenes, and have already become a valuable platform in the local one; we receive many collaboration offers from institutions, based on texts and artwork published in the magazine. As Tohu Magazine is a vehicle for ideas, discussions, and initiatives related local contemporary culture and discourse, we believe that with other ALF organizations it would be easier to expand these disciplines to the areas of education, human rights, and other ALF-connected aspirations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The AFL Network can help Tohu with its mission and goals by opening new opportunities for local and regional cooperation. We share common ground with the regional ufM ideals and course, as the magazine, as are writing and contemporary art in general, are a means to an end, vehicles,  platforms, for the building of bridges between peoples, groups, and identities in the Middle East and within a wider geopolitical context.
Tohu’s existence is at risk due to the lack of funding. Every year, and every day, we need to raise financial resources and contributions to keep going. We believe that by furthering our relationships with other organisations and with individuals who share a common goal we would be able to find those resources, not just for the next moment but also for larger projects that require long-term commitment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hagai Ulrich
Job Title
writer & marketing
Head of the organisation
Leah Abir, Avi Lubin

Organization for Aid to Refugees

National Network
Czech Republic

Kovářská 4
919 00 Prague

00420 730 158 779
(+420) 233 371 258
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
OPU is non-profit and non-state organization and its main activities include providing free legal and social counselling to applicants for international protection and to other foreigners in the Czech Republic, organizing training programmes for both professionals and the general public, and other activities aimed at promoting integration of foreigners. One of the OPU’s goals is to fight against xenophobia and racial and ethnic intolerance.
Mission and Objectives

OPU has been helping refugees and foreigners in the Czech Republic for 25 years.

Main Projects / Activities

OPU’s main activities include providing free legal and social counselling to applicants for international protection and to other foreigners in the Czech Republic, organizing training programmes for both professionals and the general public, and other activities aimed at promoting integration of foreigners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Rozumek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
JUDr. Martin Rozumek