Associazione Culturale amici di Ron - Amici della Vita

National Network

Viale Don Bosco 15

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'Associazione Amici di Ron Amici della Vita si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo Umanitario L.Ron Hubbard e organizza eventi.
Mission and Objectives

L'Associazione Amici di Ron Amici della Vita si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo Umanitario L.Ron Hubbard e organizza eventi

Main Projects / Activities

L'Associazione Amici di Ron Amici della Vita si occupa di promuovere le opere del Filosofo Umanitario L.Ron Hubbard e organizza eventi

Contact (1) Full Name
Vincenzo De Lucia
Head of the organisation
Olga Cholbi

The University of Bialystok Foundation UNIVERSITAS BIALOSTOCENSIS

National Network

Konstantego Ciołkowskiego 1K

85 745 70 00
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Bialystok Foundation was chartered in 2004 as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation with the aim of complementing and supporting the development of the University of Bialystok and its actions to promote exchanges with the local community as well as openness in international relations. In 2004 – 2017, Foundation carried out many projects on its own or in cooperation. Foundation is involved in publishing activity. Foundation operates on the involvement of volunteers: staff and students of the University of Bialystok. Foundation receives external funding from the Stefan Batory Foundation, the Leopold Kronenberg Foundation, the City of Bialystok, the Ministry of the Interior, “Youth” and “Youth in Action” programmes, the Podlasie Province Local Government among others.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation’s main objective is to provide organisational, material and financial support for the development of the University. To realize its statutory duty, Foundation extensively organizes lectures, seminars, conferences, courses, trainings, workshops, open discussions and the like. It also initiates local and international forms of cooperation, as well as social, educational and cultural projects.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation carried out a lot of projects for example: Jewish Heritage Trail in Bialystok; Commonality and Difference. Bialystok and its Dwellers in the Eyes of Foreigners; Prettier? The PRL in the City; Kot(d) dla tolerancji; Audiobus of Bialystok; 35 Years Later; Immortalize Atlantis; Adventures of the Other; Develop the PRL; Culture of Many Voices; Południce/Elektronice; Found Stories of Music; ‘We Were Here’ Educational Workshop; The Modernist Architecture of Bialystok.
Foundation is involved in publishing activity. It has published History, Memory, Tolerance; Kot(d) dla tolerancji; Adventures of the Other and other publications addressed to teachers and educators. Foundation also organizes exhibitions, original workshops about intercultural education and local history, or alternative walks around the city (e.g. the ones following the trail of the PRL architecture). What is more, it initiates open meetings with artists or community workers as part of series The City Is for People. Talks about Architecture, Art and Social Space and Culture of Many Voices.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network in Poland by sharing our experiences in many ways e.g. by participation in common conferences, trainings, projects and crating common initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because it could be good opportunity to get to know organizations which work in similar field and share our good practices, learn in international space, crating common projects etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
dr Katarzyna Niziołek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
dr Katarzyna Niziołek
Contact (2) Full Name
dr Anna Młynarczuk-Sokołowska
Job Title (2)

فرجة للجميع / Spectacle Pour Tous

National Network

المديرية الجهوية لوزارة الثقافة والاتصال بطنجة, زنقة انجلترا, مصلى, طنجة
قاعة رياض السلطان التابعة لمديرية الجهوية لثقافة والاتصال, القصبة, طنجة
90000 طنجة

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
فرجة للجميع مؤسسة مسرحية تعمل على :  ـ انتاج عروض مسرحية متعددة التخصصات ولجميع الفئات العمرية وتعمل على توزيعها داخل المغرب وخارجه,  ـ تربية ذوق الفني لشباب والتشجيع على استهلاك وممارسة فنون العرض الحي عن طريق مشروع (أجي تفرج),  فرجة للجميع يعمل داخلها عشرة فنانين دائمين, وأكثر من خمسون فنان بين الفينة والأخرى (عقود تقديم خدمة قصية المدى) :  فرجة للجميع شركائها هم:  - وزارة الثقافة والاتصال المغربية, وزارة التربية الوطنية والتكوين المهني والتعليم العالي, مؤسسة دروزس, حدائق الماجوريل, Sundance...  ـ 2m, hit radio, MED1 TV ... ـ تأمينات اليزيدي, أفراد... ميزانية سنة 2016 :  2.739.142,85 درهم   
Mission and Objectives

ـ الصناعة المسرحية (بردواي المغربي)
ـ تشجيع الشباب على استهلاك الثقافة وممارستها 
ـ توزيع العروض الفنية المنتجة وطنيا ودوليا 
ـ صناعة فنان قادر على انتاج عروض مسرحية عالية المستوى فنيا, وفي نفس الوقت قادر على تكوين الشباب والجماهير في مجال المسرح وفنون العرض الحي 

Main Projects / Activities

الفرقة المسرحية : 
ـ انتاج مسرحي أو أكثر كل سنة, وعرضه داخل وخارج المملكة المغربية
ـ برمجة فنية داخل أول مسرح متنقل تملكه فرقة فرجة للجميع 
ـ تطوير تقنيات (اخراج, سينوغرافيا, أداء ...) عن طريق اقامات فنية وتداريب في كبريات المسارح والاقامات الفنية عالميا
مشروع أجي تفرج :
ـ ورشات تكوينية في مجال المسرح لأزيد من 360 تلميذ يستفيذ منها أسبوعيا 
ـ تكوين 24 أستاذ سلك التعليم الثانوي في مجال تأطيير ورشات المسرح أسبوعيا 
ـ 6 مهرجانات بمدينة طنجة يقدم من خلالها نتاج الورشات التكوينية  مع مجموع التلاميذ 
ـ تجهيز قاعات مسرحية داخل المؤسسات التعليمية 
الفرقة المسرحية ومشروع أجي تفرج  : 
ـ تطوير شراكات التعاون محليا, وطنيا ودوليا بهذف خلق مشاريع جديدة ... 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- التواصل مع شركاء جدد والعمل معا مستقبلا معا 
ـ تبادل الخبرات 
ـ خلق شراكات جديدة 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

أنا ليندا واحدة من اكبر المؤسسات الدولية العاملة مع الحكومات الأورومتوسطي تضم هيئات المجتمع المدني والمواطنين في جميع أنحاء البحر الأبيض المتوسط بهذف بناء الثقة وتحسين التفاهم المتبادل.  
فرجة للجميع في حاجة ماسة اليوم لتطوير عملها أكثر مع المؤسسات الحكومية والمجتمع المدني والمواطنين لخلق حركة ثقافية مواطنة حرة, أساسها بناء الثقة وتحسين التفاهم المتبادل.
سنة ٢٠١٩ هي سنة سوف يتوسع مشروعنا (أجي تفرج) على أزيد من ٣ مدن داخل المملكة المغربية, أنا ليندا مؤسسة لها شركاء, وفي نفس الوقت حسب علمنا هي شريكة مجموعة من المشاريع الثقافية نود من خلال انضمامنا لهذا التشبيك : 
ـ تعلم تقنيات جديدة
ـ ايجاد شركاء جدد 
ـ تطوير عملنا مع الجماهير 

Contact (1) Full Name
حمزة بولعيز
Job Title
مدير فني - مخرج
Head of the organisation
Hamza Boulaiz
Contact (2) Full Name
يسرى بداوي
Job Title (2)
مديرة ادارية

Cultural Heritage without Borders–Albania

National Network

Rr. Ismail Qemali, P. 34/1
Kt. 5, Zr. 22

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Cultural Heritage without Borders-Albania (CHwB-Albania) is dedicated to rescuing and preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage affected by conflict, neglect or human and natural disasters. We see our work as a vital contribution to building democracy and supporting human rights.  

Mission and Objectives

CHwB-Albania works with cultural heritage as an active force in reconciliation, peace building and social and economic development. Many political conflicts have cultural and/or ethnic dimensions, and reconciliation efforts are urgently needed for preventing further hostilities and preparing for a life where peoples and communities can live and work side by side again. There is considerable evidence that working with reconstruction, conservation and the development of historic environments can help promote peacebuilding processes, strengthen self-esteem, and contribute towards socio-economic development. Our vision is that everyone has the right to enjoy, have access to, and participate in cultural heritage. Our mission is to promote cultural heritage as both a right in itself and a resource. CHwB-Albania works with civil society and institutions at all levels to strengthen peace building, sustainable socio-economic and democratic development and the realisation of human rights. We want to improve conditions and opportunities to enjoy cultural freedom and cultural diversity, and we are working towards cultural heritage to be increasingly used as a tool to promote human rights, peacebuilding and democratic development. In order to reach these goals, we have three strategic key objectives for the period from 2016 – 2020: The cooperation between the State and the civil society is strengthened Cultural heritage is valued and utilized as a social, economic, cultural and environmental resource for local communities Regional cooperation serves as the platform for building peaceful relations for responsible preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage in the Western Balkans, with effects felt beyond the region

Main Projects / Activities

Please see portfolio document and for more information:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an organization, we have more than 20 years of experience in the Balkans and 10 years of experience working in Albania. (CHwB-Albania was founded as an independent, local NGO in 2015, but CHwB has been conducting projects in Albania since 2007.) This gives us an institutional knowledge and long-term perspective that can be useful in supporting the fundraising and project activities of other CSOs in Albania. We also strongly support a human rights based approach to our work and will stand in solidarity and support of other actors that support and uphold human rights and democratic principles in Albania. In addition, CHwB has founded of two regional networks in the Balkans: the Southeast European (SEE) Heritag Network and the Balkan Museum Network, both of which are operating today. This experience has been helpful in terms of understanding the kind of engagement and cooperation required to make a network thrive.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network for the same reasons that we are proud supporters of SEE Heritage Network and the Balkan Museum Network. We feel that the work of non-profit organizations is strengthened by exchange and mutual support. And we feel that participating in dialogue around a shared set of values helps to strengthen the impact that we can have in society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Mamani
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Elena Mamani

Asociatia Initiativa Cetatenilor Seniori

National Network

Mioritei 8B ap 2
Unirii 136

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The association has got 7 founder members and works with a pool of 20-25 volunteers. It is chaired by a president and lead by a 3 member board.They work on a voluntary basis and are paid when they have a specific task in a funded project. .   We employ staff on a project to project basis. Budgetary resources vary from year to year depending on projects approved for funding. Since 2013 it has grown from 10000Eur/yr to 30000Eur/yr in 2017 . Funding sources are : membership fee, contributions of members and fans, European projects and voluntary work as necessary. We do: european projects, train the trainers, seminars and workshops for volunteers and produce educational resources . We work in partnership with 7 colleges and 10 schools from urban and rural areas, the public library network and county museum as well as the Municipality, county council  and public services according to project requirements
Mission and Objectives

To use seniors' life experience and expertise to community benefit.
To support youth involvement in community development
To empower teachers, trainers, youth workers with knowledge and  skills to change the  attitude of the  community on environment  and intercultural communication.
To support school education with joint informal/non-formal e-learning  inputs.   

Main Projects / Activities

2010- 2011Primus inter Pares - a support program for college teachers on shaping workshops on life related topics : from barter to banks, from smoke to smart phones, Hair style past and present, evolution of clothing, memory and memoriesm, etc.  
2010-2012 - Memories for the Future - story telling by elederly about post war times and publishing Danube Tales.
​2013-2015 - Grundtvig Parthership - Senior Citizens Empowerment for Actuve Aging - create resources for senior volunteers working with youth, children, disadvantaged to enable them deal with advantages and disadvantages of stray dogs in community. Coordinator and project writing
2015-2017 -  Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership -Innovation- Useful Usability Disposability - a plastics free world- creating a e-learning plaform for NGO staff, youth workers, teachers, activists - self learning on how to create civic events enforced by art installations to support fight against plastic pollution.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with :
- e-learning experience
- environment volunteer support
- civic events devepolment and implementation
- intercultural learning
- dosadvantaged involvement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a group of seniors with  a variety 15-30 years  expertise in fields such as : european information service provision, project writing and management,  intercultural teacher training, e-learning, family learning,  IT capabilities, adult education, volunteer attitude development to mention just the most visible one.
We feel we can contribute and valorize  the above mentioned expertise in the ALF Network to the benefit of the national and international members in joint projects .
We also feel we can find much inspiration and empowerment in the ALF network to expand our intercultural dimension for some of our future projects  which approach interculturality in terms of believs and intercultural  communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viorica Alexandru
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Viorica Alexandru
Contact (2) Full Name
Ioan Bob
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Individual Member: Heidi Lehtovaara

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information
Speciality areas: gender equality and human rights
Mission and Objectives

M.A., studying at the Masters Program at the University of Helsinki (Gender Studies, Management). My mission is to work in the international organization with the the themes of gender equality and human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently working at the City of Helsinki, Educational Department. Developing methods for refugees, so that they would more easily get to the Vocational Education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heidi Lehtovaara
Job Title
Specialist, Development programme / Ministry of Education and Culture
Head of the organisation
Heidi Lehtovaara

GIESD Global Inter-node for Education and Sustainable Development

National Network

bloc 13 No 20 Ait tislit jamila Beni Mellal
23000 Beni Mellal

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Vinod Budhankar from India , Lynn Rosen from USA  and Mbarek Akaddar, Arbi Mchich, El Hassan El Atmani from Morocco created an NGO and registered it in Beni Mellal ,  Morocco for the purpose of developing education  and sustainable development in Morocco and the world through educational community service projects and voluntary work.
Mission and Objectives

GIESD Mission Statement
To interconnect individuals & institutions within and between nations for the purpose of raising multidisciplinary synergies to create community resilience by designing and implementing effective team-action towards regionally appropriate sustainable development.
Through o projects we aim to develop in our participants the following 21 st century skills:
communication , collaboration , critical thinking, creativity , ICT skills in addition to global citizenship values.

Main Projects / Activities

Educational ommunity service projects we worked on: :
Assistance to orphanages
Visits to senior houses
Assistance to rural populations
workshops in schools

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GIESD main objectives is to help youth mainly from high schools and universities to develop local and global citizenship values anas 21 st century skills through carrying out  community service projects and aligning their outcomes with their school syllabus.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the president of GIEST, my duty is to look for partners locally, regionally and globally. Netyworking is the most effective way to develop our NGO. We can not carry on GIESD by ourselves, we need to collaborate, communicate and share experiences in order to succeed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mbarek Akaddar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mbarek Akaddar

Preparatory classes

National Network

Postal box 178 dakhla.morocco
Hay Elqussam,Nb3 dakhla
73000 Dakhla

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
It Is a center aiming at teaching students English and other science subjects to prepare them for a national common exam.
Mission and Objectives

Preparing students for two academic years to sit for a national common exam

Main Projects / Activities

- training students to:
1- write comments and summaries On various types of texts.
2- deliver oral presentations
3- react orally On different issues
4-defend their own point Of view ...............

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I would love to attend as many meetings as possible to enrich my experience and share what i will learn back home with my colleagues and Students

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF is a school that i really seek to learn from.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamdi srissar
Job Title
Teacher of English
Head of the organisation
Ministry of education

Moroccan Ministry of National Education

National Network

El Ghazali street No:57, Tiallaline
54000 Khénifra

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
I am working in public school which means that we government supported and I have no idea of how much money spent on each school
Mission and Objectives

Educate students to human rights and development

Main Projects / Activities

Setting up Human Rights Club in my school
Setting up Human Rights Club Network at local level then at nregional and national levels

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By being a member I can supply information to other colleagues in how to build human rights clubs and the late effects of these club on their students and the benefits of getting one's students knowing about their rights and duties

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to work with other members of this Network and benefit from their experiences to transform the successful experiences into work in my home country

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Zouli
Job Title
English Teacher
Head of the organisation
Miniter of National Education
Job Title (2)
EFL teacher

The Christian Help Center Horní Počernice /family shelter

National Network
Czech Republic

Křovinovo nám.11/16
19300 Praha 9

+ 420 281 091 713
Mobile Phone
+420 776 282 427
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The shelter opened in 1999 and provides accommodation and social support to struggling single mothers and families. Families do not need to be Christians to receive help. We accept families from throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia and other countries. Many Roma families in need are accepted to our centre although residents are not limited to only Roma. Our shelter is unique by accepting the whole families not only single mothers or fathers. Our aim is to stabilize  family life from problems such as family violence, money management, psychological problems, and to contribute to their social integration. The maximum length of stay for each family is one year. Each family meets with a professional social worker at the start of their stay. We are happy to provide weekly counselling with a therapist.
Mission and Objectives

- to help socially and economically marginalised Czech and foreign families, including – but not limited to – Roma families, offering them shelter, counceling and other social work services
- to contribute to reduction of xenophobia and racism in the Czech society through awareness raising and public events
- to nurture the social life of the Prague suburb Horni Pocernice community through public activities bringing together local residents, elderly people, marginalised families and representatives of covil society

Main Projects / Activities

The shelter egages in a number of activities, eg. the reading project involving a group of volunteers: the project’s purpose is to encourage both parents and children to read together regularly, thus enhancing children’s knowledge, vocabulary and imagination. We invite parents, senior citizens, celebrities and other volunteers to participate and read to children. We also provide the opportunity and space for senior citizens from Prague quarter Horni Pocernice to meet regularly in the shelter to engage in various creative activities.
We cooperate with colunteers, such as Carol, a US volunteer, who regularly visits children in the shelter, teaching them English, drawing and painting with them or making cookies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- offering experience and knowledge in the area of awareness raising about „the other“, in the Czech society especially Roma people, to effectively combat racism and discrimination
- bring a new perspective into the intercultural dialogue, focusing on the intercultural dialogue both within and outside the Czech society, with „the other“ among us and around us

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Exchange of experience and good practices with other similarly focused organizations throughout Europe and Eastern and Southern Mediterranean, providing social support for the marginalised families in their societies, combating xenophobia and discrimination in local societies and raising awareness about the human rights and social issues affecting the marginalised.
Engagement in common projects, meetings and other networking and learning opportunities in the area of support of the minorities and the marginalised people and groups within societies.
Benefiting from ALF awareness raising and educational materials, tools and training opportunities in the area of intercultural education and awareness raising.
Provision of volunteer opportunities in our shelter for both Czech and non-Czech people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriela Selinger
Job Title
PR expert, fundraiser
Head of the organisation
PhDr. Roman Čepelák