Migrant Women Association Malta

National Network

10 Triq il Ward
Santa Venera SVR 1640

+356 99694638
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Established on 15 April 2015, the Migrant Woman Association Malta is an autonomous, independent, voluntary non-profit making organization, having as its main objective the social & community advancement concerning migrant women in the Maltese Islands. The MWAM is committed towards empowering migrant women to enable them to fully integrate within the society of the host country, in this case the Maltese Islands, and to realize their full potential.

Mission and Objectives

To promote equal treatment, equal rights and better integration for migrant women in Malta. To provide regular input on all areas of Malta policy development and implementation that have an impact on migrant women’s lives. To help shape social policies and design action programmes addressing migrant women’s specific needs. To represent member’s organisations and lobby for and with migrant women to have a stronger voice at the Malta and EU level. To support migrant women’s organisations and movements through information and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

COMMUNICATIONS SESSIONS The Migrant Women Association Malta organizes regular communication sessions which serve as a safe and welcoming space for migrant women to raise their concerns and gain information and support. The communication sessions also offer an opportunity for migrant women to get involved in the work of the association. MENTORSHIP PROGRAM MWAM offers the opportunity for women to build relationships throughout the association’s activities and projects. We aim to pave the way for members to support each other and for more established members to pass on their valuable knowledge and experience about life in Malta. This service is open to all members of the association. ADVOCACY MWAM advocates for the integration and empowerment of migrant women living in Malta. MWAM defends migrant women’s rights and voices the concerns raised by our members and clients.

Contact (1) Full Name
Umayma Elamin Amer
Head of the organisation
Umayma Elamin Amer

Albanian Institute for Language and Culture

National Network

Rr.”Qemal Stafa”, N.260

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nepermjet projekteve, kerkojme qe te japim kontributin tone ne drejtim te arsimit, edukimit, rinise dhe trashegimise kulturore.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Deshirojme ti bashkohemi rrjetit  per  projekteve

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Hasani (Hoshafi)
Job Title
Prof. asoc.Dr.
Head of the organisation
Monika Hasani (Hoshafi)


National Network

Rr.Vaso Pasha .Pall.Nr.11. Shk.2. Ap.5, Tiranë
Rr.Ali Demi. Poligrafik. Shkolla Univers, Tiranë

0355 42 358 621
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00355 66 56 04 475
Mobile Phone (other)
00355 69 45 28 180
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Onlus Spes Albania është një shoqatë jofitimprurëse, filial i Shoqatës jofitimprurëse Onlus Spes, Itali. Kjo shoqatë ka filluar veprimtarinë e saj, konform legjislacionit shqiptar në 15.12. 2015. Gjatë kësaj periudhe është punuar për strukturimin e strategjive, partneriteteve dhe veprimtarive vullnetare.  Bashkëpunimet më të dukshme janë shprehur me shkollën Jopublike Univers e cila ka kotribuar me mbështetjen e fondeve financiare për qeranë, telafonatat, burimet njerëzore dhe bazën materiale.  Aktivitete të tjera shoqata ka zhvilluar ,me PNUD-in në Shqipëri dhe me IRCA Romanipe, etj. Struktura organizative e shoqatës përbëhet nga: Asambleja e Anëtarëve, Këshilli Drejtues, Presidenti , Bordi i Quditit, Bordi i Arbitrazhit.  Momentalisht në bashkëpunim me shkolën Univers po punohet për hartimin e një projekti mbi klubet rinore në shkollat e AML dhe fuqizimin e kapaciteteve mbështetëse në shkollë.

Mission and Objectives

Misioni i shoqatës Onlus Spes është të kontribuojë në zhvillimin e shoqërisë me vlera qytetar, të zhvillojë veprimtari në të mirën dhe interesin publik duke siguruar shërbime sociale në interes të jetës dhe të drejtave të njeriut, mbrojtjen e mjedisit, vlerave kulturore, zhvillimit të arsimit, mbrojtjes së shëndetit dhe angazhimit qytetar.

Main Projects / Activities

18.mars2017 Bashkëpunim me shoqatën Fundjavë Ndryshe. Vullnetarizëm për familjet në nevojë 13.shtator 2017 Takim. Tryezë mbi ndarjen e rezultateve të raportit midis shkollave QK

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ide për projekte. Bashkëpunim për projekte të përbashkëta Mbështetje për mundësimin e implementimeve të suksesshme në terren. Sigurimin e përfshirjes së grupeve të interesit në aktivitete. Infrastrukturë për trajnime dhe tryeza të përbashkëta 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mbështetje për lehtësimin e realizimit të aktiviteteve të përbashkëta. Lobim për projekte ambicioze. Shkëmbim përvojash midis partnerëve dhe interaktivitete midis organizatave në këtë rrjet  ALFA Network

Contact (1) Full Name
Arben Sina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Arben Sina
Contact (2) Full Name
Nezmira Polovina
Job Title (2)

EVA International

National Network

Viale di Villa Pamphili

+39 340 3401988
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
General Information
Eva International è imprgnata nella promozione delle donne nelle imprese sociali ed è attiva in progetti di cooperazione internazioanle.
Mission and Objectives

Eva International è imprgnata nella promozione delle donne nelle imprese sociali ed è attiva in progetti di cooperazione internazioanle.

Main Projects / Activities

Eva International è imprgnata nella promozione delle donne nelle imprese sociali ed è attiva in progetti di cooperazione internazioanle.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Parisi
Head of the organisation
Valentina Parisi

Studio Legale Improda

National Network

Via Barberini, 67

+39 06 6780312
+39 06 69941899
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
Lo Studio Legale Improda trova la propria cifra identificativa nell’assistenza alle Imprese, con servizi specialistici in ogni branca del diritto. Lo STUDIO ha iniziato la propria attività nel 1992 e oggi rappresenta, a livello nazionale e internazionale, una importante realtà nel mondo dei servizi legali. Lo STUDIO annovera nella propria clientela sia GRUPPI multinazionali, sia piccole e medie IMPRESE italiane ed estere. La peculiarità dello STUDIO risiede nel coniugare le capacità organizzative delle associazioni professionali di impronta internazionale con l'eccellenza della tradizione giuridica italiana. Lo STUDIO offre alle IMPRESE servizi di elevata qualità, con tempi di reazione particolarmente rapidi e con una forte personalizzazione nei rapporti professionali. I professionisti dello STUDIO approfondiscono ed alimentano il proprio know how mediante collaborazioni con enti universitari, associazioni di categoria ed organizzazioni culturali, sia italiane sia estere. L'organizzazione dello STUDIO si articola in Italia sulle cinque sedi di Roma, Milano, Torino, Treviso e Genova, nonchè su una ampia serie di collegamenti con prestigiosi studi legali collocati in ogni area della Penisola. A livello internazionale lo STUDIO vanta una capillare rete di collaborazioni, che consente ai suoi professionisti di assistere le IMPRESE con successo ovunque in Europa e nel Mondo. Lo Studio Legale Improda: una organizzazione ogni giorno al fianco delle imprese, con competenza e tempestività.
Mission and Objectives

Lo Studio rappresenta un'organizzazione specificamente dedicata all'assistenza alle imprese, per le quali intende rappresentare nel contempo un interlocutore attento, uno strumento operativo ed un affidabile compagno di viaggio.
Nel porsi quotidianamente a fianco delle imprese assistite, lo Studio svolge la sua attività attenendosi costantemente ad alcuni concetti chiave: QUALITA' del lavoro, VICINANZA al cliente, TEMPESTIVITA' delle risposte, DISCREZIONE del professionista.

Main Projects / Activities

La QUALITA' del lavoro rappresenta il concetto chiave dell'attività dei professionisti e la cifra di fondo dello Studio, l'aspetto più caratteristico e caratterizzante della sua vocazione all'eccellenza, nella convinzione che nella professione come nell'impresa i valori autentici siano il più prezioso dei patrimoni.
La VICINANZA al cliente rappresenta una peculiare attitudine dello Studio, che intende proporsi alle Imprese come interlocutore nel quotidiano, coinvolto nei grandi deal così come nella ordinaria attività di routine dell'azienda, con una capacità di ascolto costante, attenta, riservata e particolare.
La TEMPESTIVITA' delle risposte rappresenta una declinazione dei precedenti concetti di qualità del lavoro e di vicinanza alle imprese: l'eccellenza dei servizi resi ai clienti risulterebbe vana, se i tempi di reazione dello Studio non consentissero alle imprese di assumere per tempo le relative decisioni; la vicinanza al cliente porta i professionisti a comprendere e condividere la necessità delle imprese di ottenere una interlocuzione in tempi compatibili con la velocità dei processi decisionali nell'economia moderna.
La DISCREZIONE del professionista, anche se oggi può apparire un concetto desueto, rappresenta un principio cardine nella millenaria tradizione della nostra professione: il ruolo dell'Avvocato che assiste le imprese non è sul palcoscenico, ma al fianco dei propri clienti, che sono coloro che devono riempire la scena; la missione dello Studio è quella di aiutarli a farlo con sempre maggiore successo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Improda
Head of the organisation
Albero Improda

Vardagens civilkurage (Everyday Civil Courage)

National Network

Möllevångsgatan 30b
214 20 Malmö

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation consists of a national board and 5 member chapters with their own local boards. At the moment the organisation have 7 employees. 2 project managers, 3 local coordinators, 1 project coordinator and 1 member coordination. We are an organization conducting practical training in civil/moral courage and conflict transformation. Many organizations are focused on seminars and advocacy work. We are focusing on behavioural training through methods such as role play and dialogue techniques. A practical method in order to create more democratic, equal and just societies. We have open trainings to the public once a week in Malmö in various cities in Sweden; Gothenburg, Malmoe, Växjö, Uppsala and in Dalarna - and have exclusive trainings with groups and networks of youths. The main activity we arrange is practical training in civil courage. Each local chapter have their own place where training is held regularly. Besides from this we have arranged study circles, seminars/lectures and training for trainers. On a national level, the main partners of the organisation are Centralasiengrupperna and ABF. On a local level, we have different partners such as Frilagret in Gothenburg, Ungdomens hus in Uppsala and Orsa, Girl Tech in Växjö, Underverket in Malmö, Undgomstinget och Tamam in Lund.  
Mission and Objectives

Vardagens civilkurage is a youth organization that promotes active citizenship, democracy and equality. The purpose of the association is, through practical training, to promote skills and knowledge of civil courage for children and youths. Through our method children and youths learn to intervene in different life situations characterized by oppression, inequality, exclusionary norms, abuse of power, discrimination, injustice and violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity within the organisation is our practical civil courage training, which we call a Dojo. By using a roleplay method we stage a situation where we see injustice or oppression of any kind. By doing this we create the opportunity to concrete and practical try out different techniques in order to make the situation more democratic or just.
Each training would focus on a different themes, such as racism, sexism or maybe different kinds of suppression techniques(härskartekniker). All of these oppression do exist in differents places, it could be on the street but also around the family dinner. We believe that civil courage training is something everyone could and also should take part in and therefor that is our main activity within the organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frida Ekerlund
Job Title
Malmö group
Head of the organisation
Frida Ekerlund
Contact (2) Full Name
IdaLisa Wiik
Job Title (2)
Gothenburg gourp

Hakikat Adalet Hafiza Merkezi

National Network

Hacimimi Mah. Lüleci Hendek Cad. No:12
Tophane Beyoglu
34425 Istanbul/

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Founded in 2011, by a group of human rights activists, journalists, layers and scholars, Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi (Hafıza Merkezi, engl. Truth Justice Memory Center) has the mission to advocate for an adequate institutional and societal response to unaccounted past grave violations of human rights and crimes against humanity in Turkey. As of September 2017, there are six full time and seven part-time staff and three part-time interns. HM has a regular volunteer program for young activists, interested university and graduate students. HM has an Executive Management Team, a Governing Board and an Advisory Board.The Executive Management Team is comprised of two Co-Directors, two Program Directors, and a Founding Member. The Executive Management Team, which meets every two weeks, is responsible for setting up the direction, strategy and the activities under each program in consultation with the whole team. In the last five years, HM has become one of the key Sources for verified data and legal expertise on enforced Disappearances in Turkey and gained international credibility. It's public database on enforced disappearances www.zorlakaybetmeler.org and the website it manages with updates regarding legal processes on past gross human rights violations www.failibelli.org have become crucial resources for victims' relatives, human rights lawyers, activists, journalists, documentary filmmakers and artists.  Hafiza Merkezi's partners include Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Coalition Against Impunity in Turkey,  HURİDOCS. Hafiza Merkezi's core supportes include OAK Foundation, Charles Strwart Mott Foundation, Chrest Foundation and Sigrid Rausing Trust. Hafiza Merkezi also recieves project support from Embassy Funds in Turkey, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Stiftung and EU. 
Mission and Objectives

Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi (Hafıza Merkezi, engl. Truth Justice Memory Center) is an independent human rights organization set up by a group of lawyers, journalists and human rights activists in November 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. Hafıza Merkezi aims to uncover the truth concerning past violations of human rights, strengthen the collective memory about those violations, and support survivors in their pursuit of justice.
Hafıza Merkezi implements a range of activities, including documentation in accordance with the universally accepted standards, monitoring of precedent cases, as well as dissemination of marginalized truths and narratives on these violations to a large section of society, with a view to support the recognition and rehabilitation of victims of such atrocities. Hafıza Merkezi uses a unique approach, as it gathers and accumulates knowledge and methodology from organizations dealing with similar issues in other post-conflict and post-authoritarian regions, develops them further through its everyday work and adapts the know-how into the Turkish context.
Values: The values of Hafıza Merkezi respond clearly to the types of human rights violations that have been committed in Turkey, especially in the last 30 years. The values that Hafıza Merkezi bases its existence and work upon are: Democracy, Accountability, Truth, Justice, Dignity and Peace.
Vision: Free, inclusive and socially prosperous society with effective civil control over state’s repressive apparatus, based on acknowledgement of past violence, rights of victims and individual freedom.
Mission: Hafıza Merkezi is an organization basing the ideas of sustainable peace and prosperous society in the future on just and sensible approach to rights of victims of human rights violations in the past.
Mandate: Hafıza Merkezi advocates recognition and formal acknowledgement of state violence, accountability for human rights violations and large-scale atrocities, and guarantees that widespread violations will not happen. It develops mechanisms and tools that contribute to building a peaceful and free society, where human rights are its fundamental values.

Main Projects / Activities

Hakikat Adalet Hafıza Merkezi (Hafıza Merkezi, engl. Truth Justice Memory Center) has defined its short and middle term thematic focus as  “enforced disappearances” as part of its efforts to contribute to Turkey’s coming to terms with its past atrocities.
Hafıza Merkezi bases its work on four fundamental pillars of action.
Memory Studies Program: Carries out documentation and reporting in line with internationally recognized standards, with a view to uncover truths about human rights violations committed by the state.
Legal Studies Program: Performs legal action for the ending of impunity and to support victim groups’ struggle for justice. 
Dissemination and Advocacy Program: Coordinates activities for the public dissemination and advocacy of the knowledge produced by the center.
Co-operation and Capacity Building Program:  Works to accumulate and build expertise in the area of organization’s work and share it through collaboration and providing support to other organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Hafiza Merkezi's expertise in documentation, verification, database building, innovative social media communications strategies and international network with other human rights organizations and funders would definetly contribute to the network in Turkey. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since its initial stage Hafiza Merkezi has been valuing international know-how and exchange immenselly, have been working to build its international connections worldwide. And more specifically since 2013 it has been building  Regional Network for Historical Dialogue and Dealing with the Past (RNHDP). The network brings together NGOs working in the MENA and Caucasus region who focus on issues of dealing with the past, transitional justice, historical dialogue, peace building and human rights. Over the years the network has expanded to over 50 institutions. In collaboration with Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights and Columbia Global Center Istanbul and modeled after Columbia University’s Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability (AHDA) program, this is a unique network both in the sense of combining the MENA and the Caucasus regions as well as having very concrete and tangible activities, namely the summer training and the thematic workshops. We have conducted two summer trainings and two thematics workshops. So we believe through ALF Network Hafiza Merkezi will both contribute with its international experience and learn more from the international partners in designing new projects and campaigns. Least but not the last, we would very much like to develop joint projects with partners and apply to grants. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Enis Köstepen
Job Title
Project Development and Fundraising Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Meltem Aslan Celikkan

Pia Società di San Francesco di Sales (46 associations represented)

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
General Information
La congregazione venne fondata da Giovanni Bosco (1815-1888): secondo dei figli di Francesco e Margherita Occhiena, modesti agricoltori, perse giovanissimo il padre e, all'età di sedici anni, iniziò a studiare a Chieri per diventare sacerdote. Venne ordinato prete il 6 luglio 1841 dall'arcivescovo di Torino Luigi Fransoni e per i tre anni successivi soggiornò nel capoluogo piemontese dove perfezionò la sua formazione teologica presso il Collegio ecclesiastico. Grazie all'amicizia con don Giuseppe Cafasso, suo conterraneo, don Bosco conobbe la drammatica realtà delle carceri giovanili. In quegli anni Torino stava conoscendo un periodo di rapida industrializzazione e molti giovani si trasferivano dalle aree rurali in città per cercare lavoro: l'8 dicembre 1841 diede inizio alla sua opera educativa in favore dei giovani iniziando a insegnare il catechismo a un apprendista muratore presso la chiesa di San Francesco. I ragazzi da lui seguiti divennero presto quasi duecento. Inizialmente la marchesa di Barolo mise a disposizione di don Bosco e dei sacerdoti che collaboravano con lui dei locali presso il suo "Rifugio", una casa di accoglienza per ragazze "pericolanti" e "traviate": il 12 aprile 1846 l'opera trovò una sede stabile nella tettoia messa a disposizione da Francesco Pinardi a Valdocco. La tettoia divenne anche un centro per l'assistenza ai senzatetto e per i servizi domestici don Bosco fece giungere da Chieri sua madre, che collaborò all'opera del figlio fino alla sua morte, avvenuta nel 1857. Don Bosco dedicò il suo oratorio a san Francesco di Sales, in onore del quale il 20 giugno 1852 venne eretta la prima chiesa della compagnia: il vescovo di Ginevra venne scelto come patrono dell'opera sia perché era uno dei santi più venerati del Piemonte, sia perché incarnava i principi di amorevolezza, ottimismo e umanesimo cristiano che erano fondamento del sistema pedagogico di don Bosco. Per assicurare una buona formazione e la possibilità di trovare un lavoro ai suoi giovani, don Bosco eresse laboratori per apprendisti, una scuola serale, un ginnasio e una tipografia.
Mission and Objectives

Secondo la versione delle costituzioni del 1984 (art. 2), lo scopo dei salesiani è quello di "essere nella Chiesa segni e portatori dell'amore di Dio ai giovani, specie ai più poveri".
I salesiani svolgono tale missione attraverso oratori, scuole, collegi, centri per la formazione professionale e agraria; gestiscono inoltre centri di orientamento vocazionale e case di spiritualità. Benché le costituzioni della Società sin dal 1923 proibiscano ai salesiani di accettare, in via ordinaria, la cura delle parrocchie, sono numerose quelle curate e amministrate da religiosi della congregazione.
A Roma ha sede la Pontificia Università Salesiana, comprendente le facoltà di diritto canonico, filosofia e teologia. L'ateneo venne fondato a Torino nel 1940 e venne trasferito a Roma nel 1960: venne elevato a università da papa Paolo VI con il motu proprio "Magisterium Vitae" del 24 maggio 1973.
Anche le comunicazioni sociali sono un'area di peculiare intervento per i salesiani: gestiscono case editrici come la SEI di Torino, l'Elledici di Leumann, la LAS di Roma e altre in Spagna, Stati Uniti d'America, India, Europa orientale e Sud America.
Le missioni salesiane sono impiantate nell'America del Sud, in Medio Oriente, nell'estremo Oriente e in Africa, dove sono presenti in una trentina di stati.

Main Projects / Activities

Secondo la versione delle costituzioni del 1984 (art. 2), lo scopo dei salesiani è quello di "essere nella Chiesa segni e portatori dell'amore di Dio ai giovani, specie ai più poveri".
I salesiani svolgono tale missione attraverso oratori, scuole, collegi, centri per la formazione professionale e agraria; gestiscono inoltre centri di orientamento vocazionale e case di spiritualità. Benché le costituzioni della Società sin dal 1923 proibiscano ai salesiani di accettare, in via ordinaria, la cura delle parrocchie, sono numerose quelle curate e amministrate da religiosi della congregazione.
A Roma ha sede la Pontificia Università Salesiana, comprendente le facoltà di diritto canonico, filosofia e teologia. L'ateneo venne fondato a Torino nel 1940 e venne trasferito a Roma nel 1960: venne elevato a università da papa Paolo VI con il motu proprio "Magisterium Vitae" del 24 maggio 1973.
Anche le comunicazioni sociali sono un'area di peculiare intervento per i salesiani: gestiscono case editrici come la SEI di Torino, l'Elledici di Leumann, la LAS di Roma e altre in Spagna, Stati Uniti d'America, India, Europa orientale e Sud America.
Le missioni salesiane sono impiantate nell'America del Sud, in Medio Oriente, nell'estremo Oriente e in Africa, dove sono presenti in una trentina di stati.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mario Maritano
Head of the organisation
Mario Maritano

The Mediterranean Forum For Social Development

National Network

Morocco , Rabat , agdal
10090 rabat

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Mediterranean Forum For Social development (MFD) is  an organization involved in enhancing youth development in Morocco in areas of Youth Exchange Programs, International Workcamps, Democracy and Good Governance, Sustainability, Active Citizenship, Culture, Creativity, Education, Employment, Social Entrepreneurship, Health , environment and Wellbeing Leadership Training, Youth Business, Long and Short term volunteer Placements among other programs .On the other hand, MFD has set out among its key objectives the integration of Immigrants living in Morocco to secure a better life for themselves, in partnership with them and with all those who are committed to building a caring society.

Mission and Objectives

1. Creating workshops and achieving sustainable development from voluntary work 2 - Openness to all segments of society within the urban and rural areas alike and contribute to the field of health awareness 3. Openness to international experiences in the field of development and culture. 4. Participation in international workshops inside and outside Morocco. 5. Exchange visits and missions with national and international associations. 6. Create clubs and schools in coordination with the custodial sector 7- Completion of development projects in the economic fields, Social, cultural and environmental service to the public interest. 8-Creating an environment conducive to the development of the agricultural field and the needs of the rural world 9-Creating a cultural development environment with the Moroccan community.

Main Projects / Activities

10-Consolidation of solidarity among all residents of the city. To organize camps for children and youth 11- Encouraging free initiatives and energy that seek to support the developmental process in its economic, social, environmental and environmental dimensions 12 - Linking the cooperation relations between the Association and all those involved in the development of public institutions, community, and governmental organizations Local, regional, national and international. 13- Organize special activities for the disabled and people with special needs to help them integrate into social life. 14- Participation in national and international forums of culture and development. 15-Advocacy in local affairs and youth issues 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Mediterranean forum for social development can share the experience and knowledge acquired as a  result of the projects that have implemented in the last years, furthermore, MFD using the enthusiasm and creativity of its members in order to make a change in our community and why not in the world as a whole since our activities and projects involving children, young people and professionals working with them can be also offered to support the field of youth work and education through the ALF network. Through this network, we are aiming to bring our own regional, national and international partners so we could work together focusing on same goals 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF is such a huge network been a part of this foundation would help promote dialogue between cultures and reach and create a partnership with various NGO around the world 

Contact (1) Full Name
Marghich Issame
Head of the organisation
Marghich issame

INCIDE (Inclusión, Ciudadanía, Diversidad y Educación)

National Network

Calle Carrión, 8º
29013 Málaga

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
INCIDE es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro con más de 27 años de historia dedicada a la igualdad de oportunidades de todas las personas, para que puedan construir o desarrollar su ciudadanía.  Somos casi 600 profesionales de distintas especialidades trabajando en cuatro líneas de actuación: educación, igualdad, integración laboral e inclusión social.  Durante el pasado año atendimos a más de 13.000 personas de distintas edades, orígenes, culturas y circunstancias económicas y sociales.  Estamos especializados en la atención a personas en situación de vulnerabilidad y, sobre todo, en la sensibilización y formación.   Nuestros ingresos son principalmente subvenciones de carácter público por parte de Ayuntamientos, Junta de Andalucía y Diputación, pero una parte importante de los mismos también vienen de entidades privadas tales como Obra Social la Caixa, Cajasol o Ayuda en Acción.   En cuanto a las colaboraciones, somos miembros de diversas redes y plataformas de organizaciones, y colaboramos activamente con algunas de éstas: participamos en la Plataforma Europea de Derechos Fundamentales, en la Red Europea contra el Racismo, en la Plataforma Estatal de Infancia, en Agrupaciones de desarrollo de infancia, familia, juventud, de prevención de la radicalización violenta, y por supuesto en las mesas de inmigración, de empleo, reinserción.
Mission and Objectives

INCIDE es una organización sin ánimo de lucro y no confesional, cuyo objetivo primordial es conseguir que la Inclusión, la Ciudadanía, la Diversidad y la Educación sean instrumentos para el desarrollo de la ciudadanía, en el seno de una sociedad basada en la tolerancia, la democracia y la solidaridad.
Nuestra Misión es conseguir el desarrollo pleno de la ciudadanía, promoviendo una educación plural, democrática y laica y defendiendo los valores basados en los principios de libertad, justicia, igualdad, solidaridad social y tolerancia, posibilitando así que las personas puedan, en cualquier etapa de su vida, integrarse en la sociedad como sujetos con derechos y obligaciones

Main Projects / Activities

Las cuatro líneas de actuación de la entidad llevan a desarrollar diversas actuaciones financiadas por entidades públicas o privadas:
1.- Educación:  Gestionamos cuatro Escuelas Infantiles (CEI Casita I, CEI Casita II, CEI Elvira Lindo, CEI Villa de Guaro); igualmente, como participantes del Plan de Familias de la Junta de Andalucía, desarrollamos actividades de Aula Matinal, Actividades Extraescolares, Apoyo Lingüístico, Escuelas Deportivas y Apoyo al Estudio en 92 centros educativos de la provincia de Málaga.  Dentro de las actividades propias del Programa CaixaProinfancia, red de la cual hemos sido entidad gestora desde su implantación en la capital, trabajamos también con refuerzo educativo, escuelas de verano en otros 40 centros educativos.  Este programa nos permite también favorecer la igualdad en el acceso a los estudios de menores a través de servicios de logopedia, atención psicológica y social a más de 900 familias.
2.- Igualdad: desarrollamos una importante labor de lucha por la igualdad efectiva entre hombres y mujeres en todos los ámbitos, siendo referentes en distintos foros, espacios de reflexión y de participación en planes de igualdad.  Llevamos a cabo una gran labor de formación a centros educativos, centros de adultos, personal técnico de entidades sociales en materia de género, prevención de la violencia machista y/o coeducación.  Gestionamos un programa innovador en la atención a mujeres víctimas de violencia de género “Agentes de Acompañamiento y Formación para la Autonomía”, que denominamos Cuenta Conmigo y que ha sido galardonado con el Premio a la Innovación Social 2016 de Fundación la Caixa.  Ese programa es el que presentamos a este Premio y cuyos detalles se leerá en los puntos siguientes.
3.- Integración Laboral: En esta línea de actuación desarrollamos los programas dirigidos a favorecer la mejora de la empleabilidad de personas en situación de vulnerabilidad y/o riesgo de exclusión.  Así, programas tales como Andalucía Orienta, SURGE, Apoyo a la Inserción o los Centros de Acceso Público a Internet, financiados por la Junta de Andalucía, nos permiten mejorar la formación, las herramientas y recursos para la búsqueda de empleo, así como las habilidades sociales de dichas personas.  La importancia de la formación y la cualificación o recualificación nos lleva a continuar apostando por los cursos de hostelería y el desarrollo de prácticas en empresas, con una importante labor de prospección del mercado laboral y de sensibilización del tejido empresarial hacia esta población.
4.- Inclusión Social: nuestra presencia en barriadas consideradas como zonas con necesidades de transformación social nos lleva a plantear iniciativas innovadoras en materia de atención a jóvenes, dinamización comunitaria, asesoramiento jurídico a minorías, formación y sensibilización en materia de interculturalidad.  Así, programas tales como Educadores de Calle, el Centro de Asesoramiento a Minorías, Cultura en la Calle o Disfruta y Convive, nos permiten acercarnos a la realidad de las familias y las personas que conviven en estos espacios, mejorando las relaciones vecinales y familiares, fomentando la mediación, la mejora de la capacitación, la ruptura de barreras culturales e intergeneracionales.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Desarrollamos una amplia labor en las diferentes áreas de actuación, con programas específicos que pueden aportar experiencia, conocimiento sobre diversos grupos de personas y territorios en materias de igualdad, inclusión, diversidad, educación, etc.  Queremos participar en espacios de reflexión y debate para la mejora de las herramientas, los recursos y el conocimiento, por lo que entendemos que la Red puede favorecer este encuentro.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nos parece que el trabajo que desarrolla la Red es muy importante de cara a generar espacios de encuentro y convivencia entre culturas.  El aprendizaje de nuevas ideas, nuevos puntos de vista, el intercambio de experiencias y sobre todo contribuir a mantener un espacio de diálogo, son una prioridad para nuestra entidad. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Albertina González Palomeque
Job Title
Head of the organisation
María Dolores Fernández Gutiérrez
Contact (2) Full Name
Francisco Javier Poleo Gutiérrez
Job Title (2)
Responsable de Comunicación