National Network

90000 TANGER

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

نحن مجموعة من شباب مدينة طنجة (جمعويون، حقوقيون، فاعلون اجتماعيون ..) نشترك جميعا في رؤيتنا المستقبلية للمدينة خصوصا و الجهة عموما، اخترنا العمل معا من أجل مواكبة و تتبع مختلف الأوراش و القرارات و تقديم الإقتراحات و الإستشارات بمنظور شبابي في أفق جعل القرار تمثيليا و التأثير فيه تشاركيا... في هذا السياق قررنا العمل معا في هذا الإطار المدني ليكون فضاء شبابيا و مدرسة للديمقراطية و التشاركية ، كما حرصنا على أن يكون مستقلا عن السلطات الحكومية والهيئات السياسية والنقابية وكل التيارات والتوجهات الإيديولوجية.

Mission and Objectives

تعمل المؤسسة للمساهمة في: - تقوية وتطوير آليات المشاركة المواطنة للشباب في تدبير الشؤون المحلية و إرساء مبادئ الحكامة المحلية ، وجعل قضايا الشباب في صلب السياسات العمومية المحلية . - تأطير الشباب للمساهمة بشكل فعال في مواكبة و تتبع و تقييم السياسات العامة  لمدينة طنجة خصوصا و الجهة عموما في أفق تنميتها بشكل شمولي . -  مأسسة مشاركة الشباب ووضع سياسة جماعية للشباب و تفعيل الديمقراطية التشاركية المحلية. - الإدماج الإجتماعي للشباب و المرأة و الطفل و الاهتمام بالفئات في وضعية هشاشة. و إبراز مؤهلات الشباب في مختلف الميادين. - نشر وتعميم وإعمال الحقوق السياسية والمدنية، والاقتصادية و الاجتماعية والثقافية والبيئية للشباب بجهة طنجة تطوان الحسيمة . -  مواكبة القرار الجماعي و دعم دور الهيئات المدنية  العاملة مع الشباب في مجال الديمقراطية التشاركية و الحكامة الجيدة و تفعيل المساءلة المدنية في تدبير الشأن العام المحلي. -  تقوية موقع الشباب بالمدينة و الجهة و إدماجهم وإشراكهم في تسيير الشأن المحلي و جعل اتخاذ القرار تمثيليا والتأثير فيه تشاركيا - تكريس الهوية و المواطنة و  تحقيق الشفافية و جعل المعلومة متاحة أمام المواطنين - تحفيز الاهتمام بالعمل التطوعي في تنمية المجتمع. - تفعيل قدرات الشباب في خدمة البيئة والصحة وفي شتى الميادين الجمعوية والتعريف بها. - تأهيل المرأة والفتاة لمواجهة التحديات المجتمعية وتمكينها من آليات الإنتاج. - ترسيخ مبادئ المواطنة والديمقراطية والعمل التطوعي والمسؤولية الجماعية وتقبل الآخر والموضوعية وحق اتخاذ القرار والتقييم الذاتي والشعور بالانتماء للوطن وللمجموعة والمشاركة في التنمية الاجتماعية والمساواة  . - الدفع بالثقافة الشبابية الجديدة ، وربطها بالأصول والتراث المحلي و  الوطني. - تحفيز التلاميذ والطلبة ومساعدتهم ومصاحبتهم و تشييعهم بروح المواطنة. - تنظيم مخيمات لفائدة الأطفال والشباب والفتاة. - الدفاع عن حقوق الأطفال والشباب في التعليم والعيش الكريم والصحة والتغذية والترفيه والعمل على حمايتهم من كافة أشكال الاستغلال والحيف والإهمال والحرمان والتشرد. - العمل على محاربة الأمية والاهتمام بالتربية غير النظامية والمساهمة في تشجيع وتنمية التمدرس بالعالم القروي. - العمل على تفعيل الأنشطة المدرة للدخل - العمل على خلق مشاريع سكنية لفائدة الشباب و دعم المشاريع التنموية وتشجيع المبادرات الشبابية. - تنشيط المرافق  العمومية وفضاءات الأطفال والشباب والمؤسسات العمومية . - المادة 5:  الوسـائــــــل

Main Projects / Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
haddad adil
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Promising voices foundation for human rights and participatory development

National Network

Cairo, Hadayek Helwan
Khatam Al morsaleen street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Promising voices foundation is an Egyptian NGO established in 2015 according to the Low 84/2002 as an Egyptian feminist NGO established in 2015 according to the Law 84/2002. Promising Voices Foundation works in the area of promoting democracy, gender equality, justice, human rights respect, women and child rights as a part of human rights.Promising Voices also works in the area of spread integrity, transparency rules fighting corruption, accountability approach, Care of marginalised groups, legal empowerment, constitutional and legal awareness. Promising Voices also works in the area of economic empowerment and development basis on human rights approach. Promising Voices Foundation believe in the equality and discrimination, justice, rules of Law and promote democracy can achieve development, stability and better lives for people. Our vision: A Woman conscious of her rights are able to achieve her goals in a society in which justice and full equality without discrimination
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
We work together to achieve full democracy, justice and equality without discrimination according to integrity, transparency and accountability standards.
Our Objectives:
1- Strengthen democracy, equality, justice and human rights respect.
2- Establish rules of integrity, transparency, accountability and fighting corruption.
3- Strengthen women and child rights.
4- Care of mothering and child and family development.
5- Care of marginalised groups.
6- Raising awareness of the legal and constitutional rights.
7- Legal and economic empowerment basis on human rights approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Our programs:
1- Political participation and strengthen democracy
2- Fighting violence.
- Fighting human trafficking.
- Fighting sexual harassment.
3- Legal empowerment for women and girls.

4- Development and economic empowerment.
5- Accountability and Establish values of integrity and fighting corruption.
6- Advocacy.
Some of our activities:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by implementation activities could strengthen its orientation and support the  and affirms the culture of dialogue particularly this is a part of our orientation to end violence and mainstreaming and spreading the peace and tolerance

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To be able to contribute the reason that makes us want to join the network

Contact (1) Full Name
Omima Ahmed Ali
Job Title
Chair woman of the board of trustees
Head of the organisation
Omima Elsherief
Contact (2) Full Name
Elham Ahmed
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

EMUI_ EuroMed University

National Network

EMUI_ Monastero degli Olivetani - Via Stampacchia, 45 - Palazzo Parlangeli

+39 340 198 1250
Telephone (other)
+39 0832 29 4828
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 331 571 7674
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 629 230 408
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Interuniversity Platform for Innovation (Research, Higher Teacher and Training - LLP), by adapting existing (or new design) projects and programs to the Priority Linges of the EU Framework Program "Horizon 2020". Joint management and open offer, especially for students from Southern Mediterranean countries. The EMUI_ EuroMed Univrsity (Euro-Mediterranean University Institute) was founded in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid host to our Spain Campus, and an EU, Maghreb and Middle East University Consortium. Officially launched in Malta on October 16th 2007, the events were hosted at the Mediterranean Conference Centre (Valletta), with institutional support from the Government of the Republic and the Embassy of Spain. Background and Rationale | Contexte et Finalité
Mission and Objectives

EMUI_ Foundational Goals
1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

· Graduate Studies
· Postgraduate Studies
· Research Projects
· Pre- & Postdfoctoral Fellowship
· LLP | Standing Seminars
· Publications_Materials
EQUALITY_ HUMAN RIGHTS | Sustainable DevelopmentEMUI_Contibution to Human Development in the Mediterranean Region

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Zanarella
Job Title
International & Institutional Relations (Head)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Román Reyes, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Paloma Criado
Job Title (2)
Cabinet of the President (Head)

Department of Development and Environmental Studies, Palacky University in Olomouc

National Network
Czech Republic

17.listopadu 12
77900 Olomouc

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
General Information
Palacky University in Olomouc is one of the oldest universities in Central Europe, established in 1573. With eight faculties and about 25 000 students it is one of the leading centres of teaching and research in the Czech Republic. The university is located in Olomouc, a small historical city with a pleasant university atmosphere. The Department of Development and Environmental Studies ( has 10 years of experience in the field of development studies. It is one of the first programmes in development studies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The Department offers wide range of development and environment-related programs (on bachelor, master and doctoral level): Programs taught in English: • International Development Studies Master’s Program • GLODEP International Development Studies Joint Master Program (together with University Clermont Auvergne in France and University of Pavia in Italy) ( • Foresight for Environment and Development Master’s Program • International Development Studies PhD Program Programs taught in Czech: • International Development Studies Bachelor’s Program • Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development Bachelor’s Program • International Development Studies Master’s Program • International Development Studies PhD Program The programme emphasizes practical hands-on experience and international outreach. Students have an opportunity to participate in the Erasmus programme and spend a semester or two at one of our more than 25 partner universities worldwide. Students also have a possibility to apply for Josef Vavrousek scholarship funded by the Department of Development Studies, which enables them to conduct research, implement projects and undertake internships abroad. Annually students can participate in different field trips which aim to introduce various international organizations important in the area of international development. The interdisciplinary team of the Department comprises of 12 academic staff members and 3 non-academic staff members. The Department strongly encourages the participation of experts from the field of development policy and practice (government, NGOs, development agency, private companies implementing the development cooperation etc.) as well as the visiting lecturers from the partner universities.  In 2015 the department began the publication of the journal Development, Environment and Foresight (
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
We are an open, progressive and dynamically growing academic department within the Faculty of Science. We provide education opportunities and conduct research in the areas of development studies, environmental studies and foresight.
We strive to inspire our students, professionals and the public and thus contribute to the sustainable development of civil society. We support the personal growth and future employability of our students by focusing on their individuality and strengths as well as on international cooperation opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

-  teaching - development and environmental studies
-  research in the area of development and environmental studies, esp.
• Pro-poor growth and inequality
• Aid effectivness
• Development and environmental indicators
• Land use and ecosystem services
• Applying Landscape Ecology in Biological Conservation, especially in the frame of Forest Ecosystems
For the research orientation of individual researchers, please see the profiles of department members (participatory mapping in community development; sport and development; evaluation of development and peace-building interventions etc.)
- publishing of Encyclopaedia of Development Studies
- 20 years history of organisation of the Summer School on Development Cooperation (
- organisation of conferences (e.g. „Searching for Sustainable Living – Different Approaches, Shared Vision“ in October 2015 in cooperation with EADI)
- field-trips for students to development related institutions and to the target regions of the development cooperation
- "Missing Maps" - organisation of "mapatons" (creation of maps in developing regions in cooperation with Médecins Sans Frontières)
-simulations for students on negotiation and conflict resolution (in cooperation with Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia); on conflict sensitive development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- provide academic expertise in the areas of our research and teaching focus
- help to host events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- creating partnerships for common research projects
- exchange of best practices in education
- create partnerships and new opportunities for knowledge exchange
- create partnerships and new opportunities for students to enhance their interpersonal and intercultural capacities and gain new hand on experience together with their counterparts from different areas of the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Lenka Dušková
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pavel Nováček

InBáze z.s.

National Network
Czech Republic

Legerova 357/50
120 00 Prague 2

(+420) 739 037 353
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Since 2005, InBáze has been helping migrants & their families live better lives in the CR. In our community center, we offer social, legal & psychological consulting. We contribute to reciprocal cognition and the understanding between people of different nationalities & cultures. In addition, we help provide opportunities to migrants who are otherwise at a disadvantage in the labour market. Our organization InBáze has almost 40 employees viz (who has different kinds of contract - from full to half and smaller loads). Budgetary information, sources of funding and main partners (their logos) are listed in Výroční zpráva 2016 (enclosed).

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of InBaze is to help immigrants and their families to integrate in the Czech Republic. We create a safe open space for Czech public abd migrants to meet, collaborate and enhancing their mutual understanding of each other.


Main Projects / Activities

Consulting & Assistance
Social, psychological and lawyer services and legal counseling
Psychotherapy for adults
Consulting for Families
Assistance with schools and preschools admission
Assistance with social benefits applications
Assistance with finding after-school program for children
Assistance with parent-school communication
Career and working consultation for migrants-women
Social and work related counseling
Legal counseling
Counseling, assistance and interpreting at the immigration offices of the Ministry of the Interior in Prague (languages we offer: English, Russian, Arabic, Mongolian, Spanish, Italian)
and assisting clients with local authorities
Multicultural festival RefuFest -
Ethnocatering - catering made by migrants-women -
Community Activities
Celebrations and events for families (trips, cooking courses, art workshops
Informal meetings of women
informal meetings of seniors
Group for parents and their children (up to age 6) full of games, creative activities and informal discussion
We offer regular tutoring for children. Tutoring takes place in InBaze offices.
Activities for children (ages 5 – 10)
Cultural events visits ( exhibitions, cinema, museums)
Holiday celebrations (Carnival, Easter, Advent)
Excursions in Prague and its surroundings
Weekend trips
Summer camps
Creative studio for children (ages 5 – 11)
Creative workshop for immigrant children and their friends (blue and red group, intercultural clubs ...)
ClubIn (ages 12 – 18)
Cultural events visits ( exhibitions, cinema, museums)
Workshops (photography, animation, video camera etc.)
Excursions in Prague and it’s surroundings
Weekend trips
Summer camps

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- share information how we help and work with migrants and their families in InBáze and Ethnocatering
- share information how we grow czech community surrounding
- share information how we are connect with other organization which work with migrants in Czech republic


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Yes, we would like to.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Mgr. Petra Fronková
Job Title
PR manager
Head of the organisation
Ing. Alexandr Zpěvák
Contact (2) Full Name
Ing. Alexandr Zpěvák
Job Title (2)
Head of organization

Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica

National Network

Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr.6
800508 Galati

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Asociația Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica (Association of Youth with Civic Initiative) is a youth organization, apolitical, NGO that aims to drive the development of the Romanian society attracting young people towards active citizenship and promoting the local and national cultural values.   A.T.I.C. was established in 2016 in Galați by a group of young people in order to contribute to the social and personal development of local youth.   We are active in our community - working with children and youth from placement homes, poor families, unemployed and facing other social problems.  One of our main objectives is the inclusion of local disadvantaged youth through different methods, such as sport, music, theatre, dance and painting. In order to realize our objectives, we cooperate with families, local authorities, primary schools, high schools and universities and we develop projects with them. Despite the fact we are a young organization, the key staff is very experienced in the NGO zone and Erasmus+ program, working in the field for more than 4 years, with very good results, in different positions and departments, among the local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

A.T.I.C. has 2 eployee and 20 volunteers, also we have partnerships with 6 local highschools, including the ART school and the local University.
The budgetary resources are the contribution of the members and partners, also fund raisings, international projects and donations.
Last year we implemented more than 30 local projects with our partners, local schools and local authorities.
ome of our activities include:  - Do it for community, do it for your family, do it for yourself - local seminar with the participation of the local community, students and teachers regarding volunteering and active citizenship;- Human Rights with no exceptions - Seminar on Human Rights education, especially on gender and LGBTQ issue.- Play with your hearth - charity show meant to help with funds the kids from the orphanage in Galati;- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;- Be cool, clean your neighbourhood - ecological event, meant to make young students and volunteers be more aware of having a cleaner environment;- Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability - seminar aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills- First Aid knowledge is life-saving knowledge - first Aid course for organization’s volunteers with the support of local Ambulance staff- Students Agora - seminar meant to make volunteers more confident in their speech, accommodate them with the idea of public debate;- Sporty life is a healthier life - event that encourage youngsters to add more sport into their daily livesRegarding our International work, despite the fact we are a young organization, the staff compensate with their reach experience and connections.Beteween July 2016 and July 2017, we were partners in more than 35 Erasmus+ projects, youth exchanges, training courses and seminars mentioning:
- Forli, Italy - KEEPinMIND - Youth exchange aiming to develop several key competences so as to encourage the critical thinking of young participants, helping them to objectively analyse information, evaluate and interpret experiences and make objective thinking, not influenced by prejudices and stereotypes.
- Krakow, Poland - EuroTube - Youth exchange aiming to raise awareness about European Union, its institutions and the ways of running the European politicsthrough a series of documentary movies made by participants;
- Terceira Island, Portugal - Active Jobs - Youth exchange to capacitate the youngsters to become more active and to be able to face a job interview at any level.
- Mersin, Turkey - Change minds - Change future - Training course seeking to strengthen local organizations through building networks for future partnerships for social projects and increasing the competences of youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers from those organizations in social campaign management by using innovative and creative media tools ; thus to fight against hate and discrimination especially on minorities, immigrants and asylum-seekers, through increasing the awareness on the notions as peace, faith, tolerance, empathy, inclusion and the respect to human rights and freedoms in the scope of European values
- Berlin, Germany - Youth Academy 2017 - Training course aiming to support the quality development of non-formal education activities in the youth work, through the development of competences of youth workers for preparing and implementing workshops, trainings, seminars and similar activities,  organized for youth on local and international level with special focus on human rights and minority issues;
-  Bremen, Germany - Unite in diversity - Multilateral project that focuses on European values in context of the European crisis and should give youth workers, NGO representatives and young people the chance to learn and express their ideas about united Europe. The main aim of the project is to foster the idea of European citizenship in order to overcome the European crisis, including refugee crisis and Brexit.
- Breznik, Bulgaria - Present Yourself, Be Successful - Youth exchange aiming to propose ways to fight the youth unemployment and to build tolerance to and integrate disadvantaged  youths into the social and economic life of the society;
- Pirdop, Bulgaria - Memory for the future - Youth exchange having as main goal to set mutual knowledge of history, culture, lifestyle and traditions of the Balkans, the recovery of forgotten folk values, preservation and promotion of  folk songs and dances, improving interethnic and intercultural dialogue, the formation of skills in certain problems in multiethnic team;
- Szklarska Poreba Gorna, Poland - Youth Employability Stimulators of Tomorrow - the training course objectives where to discuss the need and explore the possibility of youth organisations to address this vital European issue of youth unemployment by providing youth with knowledge, skills and attitudes through their work that can stimulate their employability or entrepreneurial spirit;
- Trezza, Italy - Let’s shout our rights - Youth exchange tackling the issues related to human rights and immigration in order to develop in young people a sense of tolerance and acceptance that needs to be enriched with elements from the experiences of other young people from other countries;
- Krakow, Poland - EuropeLIVE - Youth exchange having as aim to discuss about the most significant events in European history with the help of LARP scenarios, to define what does the European identity mean for us and to understand the process of its development;
- Sofia, Bulgaria - FOLLOW ME - Find opportunities in life by learning and observing with motivation and empowerment - Training course for youth workers, youth leaders, EVS mentors on how to use the coaching methodology, tools, techniques and best practices to develop competences and qualities of people to realize their full potential and personal values and to find their personal motivation to set and achieve their goals;
- Durres, Albania - EYE CAN - Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship through Capacity-building Activities and Networking  - Strategic partnership focussed on empowering youth with skills and competences, need it to start their own bussines;
- Poronin, Poland - One culture, Hip-Hop - Youth exchange having as aim to encourage people to be active and through cooperation, integration and activation of others in their communities, such as youngsters coming from backgrounds with limited access to education, due to economic and geographical barriers, to jointly develop their skills related to Hip-Hope culture: breakdance, graffiti and music production;
- Poronin, Poland - Street Stuff - Training course having as main goal the acquisition by the participants of new skills in street dance, rap music, graffiti art etc. that they can later implement in youth work in their environment, in order to hit a wider audience with the so-called difficult environments;
- Bata, Bulgaria - The best plan where ever you work yourself ! - Youth exchange having as main abjective as participants to acquire specific knowledge and skills on healthy eating, sport and prevention of various dependencies through the methods of non-formal education;

Main Projects / Activities

Local projects:
- Do it for community, do it for your family, do it for yourself - local seminar with the participation of the local community, students and teachers regarding volunteering and active citizenship;
- Human Rights with no exceptions - Seminar on Human Rights education, especially on gender and LGBTQ issue.
- Play with your hearth - charity show meant to help with funds the kids from the orphanage in Galati;
- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;
- Be cool, clean your neighbourhood - ecological event, meant to make young students and volunteers be more aware of having a cleaner environment;
- Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability - seminar aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills
- First Aid knowledge is life-saving knowledge - first Aid course for organization’s volunteers with the support of local Ambulance staff;
-  Students Agora - seminar meant to make volunteers more confident in their speech, accommodate them with the idea of public debate;
- Sporty life is a healthier life - event that encourage youngsters to add more sport into their daily lives
International activities:

- Forli, Italy - KEEPinMIND - Youth exchange aiming to develop several key competences so as to encourage the critical thinking of young participants, helping them to objectively analyse information, evaluate and interpret experiences and make objective thinking, not influenced by prejudices and stereotypes.
- Krakow, Poland - EuroTube - Youth exchange aiming to raise awareness about European Union, its institutions and the ways of running the European politicsthrough a series of documentary movies made by participants;
- Terceira Island, Portugal - Active Jobs - Youth exchange to capacitate the youngsters to become more active and to be able to face a job interview at any level.
- Mersin, Turkey - Change minds - Change future - Training course seeking to strengthen local organizations through building networks for future partnerships for social projects and increasing the competences of youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers from those organizations in social campaign management by using innovative and creative media tools ; thus to fight against hate and discrimination especially on minorities, immigrants and asylum-seekers, through increasing the awareness on the notions as peace, faith, tolerance, empathy, inclusion and the respect to human rights and freedoms in the scope of European values
- Berlin, Germany - Youth Academy 2017 - Training course aiming to support the quality development of non-formal education activities in the youth work, through the development of competences of youth workers for preparing and implementing workshops, trainings, seminars and similar activities,  organized for youth on local and international level with special focus on human rights and minority issues;
-  Bremen, Germany - Unite in diversity - Multilateral project that focuses on European values in context of the European crisis and should give youth workers, NGO representatives and young people the chance to learn and express their ideas about united Europe. The main aim of the project is to foster the idea of European citizenship in order to overcome the European crisis, including refugee crisis and Brexit.
- Breznik, Bulgaria - Present Yourself, Be Successful - Youth exchange aiming to propose ways to fight the youth unemployment and to build tolerance to and integrate disadvantaged  youths into the social and economic life of the society;
- Pirdop, Bulgaria - Memory for the future - Youth exchange having as main goal to set mutual knowledge of history, culture, lifestyle and traditions of the Balkans, the recovery of forgotten folk values, preservation and promotion of  folk songs and dances, improving interethnic and intercultural dialogue, the formation of skills in certain problems in multiethnic team;
- Szklarska Poreba Gorna, Poland - Youth Employability Stimulators of Tomorrow - the training course objectives where to discuss the need and explore the possibility of youth organisations to address this vital European issue of youth unemployment by providing youth with knowledge, skills and attitudes through their work that can stimulate their employability or entrepreneurial spirit;
- Trezza, Italy - Let’s shout our rights - Youth exchange tackling the issues related to human rights and immigration in order to develop in young people a sense of tolerance and acceptance that needs to be enriched with elements from the experiences of other young people from other countries;
- Krakow, Poland - EuropeLIVE - Youth exchange having as aim to discuss about the most significant events in European history with the help of LARP scenarios, to define what does the European identity mean for us and to understand the process of its development;
- Sofia, Bulgaria - FOLLOW ME - Find opportunities in life by learning and observing with motivation and empowerment - Training course for youth workers, youth leaders, EVS mentors on how to use the coaching methodology, tools, techniques and best practices to develop competences and qualities of people to realize their full potential and personal values and to find their personal motivation to set and achieve their goals;
- Durres, Albania - EYE CAN - Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship through Capacity-building Activities and Networking  - Strategic partnership focussed on empowering youth with skills and competences, need it to start their own bussines;
- Poronin, Poland - One culture, Hip-Hop - Youth exchange having as aim to encourage people to be active and through cooperation, integration and activation of others in their communities, such as youngsters coming from backgrounds with limited access to education, due to economic and geographical barriers, to jointly develop their skills related to Hip-Hope culture: breakdance, graffiti and music production;
- Poronin, Poland - Street Stuff - Training course having as main goal the acquisition by the participants of new skills in street dance, rap music, graffiti art etc. that they can later implement in youth work in their environment, in order to hit a wider audience with the so-called difficult environments;
- Bata, Bulgaria - The best plan where ever you work yourself ! - Youth exchange having as main abjective as participants to acquire specific knowledge and skills on healthy eating, sport and prevention of various dependencies through the methods of non-formal education;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A.T.I.C., despite of the fact it's a young organzation, has an experienced staff that worked for 5 years in local NGO's, in different positions, with different tasks.
Our association can be an added value for the network in our country, sharing from our experience and good practices and also developing projects that can be very useful in the topic of inclusion of disadvantaged youth through arts and sport..
We keep good collaboration with our international partners and we are open for new contacts.
We pay special attention involving youngsters with less opportunities and newcomers into international projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As we mentioned above, we think that beside Erasmus+ program, Anna Lindth Foundation can help our organization grow and with the founds and help given, we can develop and implement more projects useful in our comunity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurentiu Petrea
Job Title
president of A.T.I.C.
Head of the organisation
Laurentiu Petrea
Contact (2) Full Name
Alice Nina Petrea
Job Title (2)
International Project Manager

the higher population council

National Network

almadinah almunoura street
jordan 11181

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
I'm manal al-ghazawi have 32 years of experience in executive management. I have professional knowledge in project management, mathematics and programming, I have a unique experience for project management tools, and I’m familiar with the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), I have a strong experience working with foreign-funded projects.  Four years of my experience were with the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA), Jordan; 1 year with Severn Trent Water International – UK, and four years worked as Group leader With (GTZ) Modernization Project, I am very familiar with the nature of work at diplomatic missions. I worked closely with a multinational technical experts, I have worked as Project coordinator for e-government program in department of lands and survey in addition to my basic job the head of e-government section; through my work I gained excellent experience in the field of business process reengineering, I gained an excellent knowledge and experience in the Jordanian market through managing a personal business. I am currently employed as coordinator of Reproductive Health Program, in the higher population council. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to prepare the Reproductive Health/Family Planning national Strategy for 2013–2017, and prepare the operational plan for the year 2013 and 2014 which prepared through joint national effort with all relevant partners, including ministries, institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, and donor agencies. I am fluent in both Arabic and English; I have Strong negotiation, communication, facilitation and influencing skills. I worked in the development of a comprehensive organizational, institutional, and technical standards framework when I worked at the Jordanian Department of Lands and Survey (DLS). I also participated on optimizing the use and integration of geospatial technology, information, and place-based problem solving and decision support within the DLS modernization framework. I have good experience in Monitoring and Evaluation technic working to ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the project maintains its strategic vision and that its activities result in the achievement of its intended outputs in a cost effective and timely manner. I have good experience in human resource management, and I conduct training course in E-secretary in Al-Sudan, also I conduct ICDL training course, in my work as change manager I was responsible for conducting serial of training course in customer service orientation subject. im working now as  Coordinator of the National Reproductive Health/ Family Planning Plan,  in the Higher Population Council, Amman, Jordan. As Program Coordinator of the Reproductive Health / Family Planning Plan,  in the Higher Population council, My main duties & responsibilities were: Working with the high level  management to improve the chances of success of national plans coordinated by the Higher Population  Council to achieve its goals, and improve the level of monitoring and evaluation control over the programs emanating from the national plans in terms of achievement, with high level Involvement  with government, civil bodies and volunteer in the planning, management and implementation of population projects in accordance with national Agenda plans, and Contribute to strengthening cooperation and coordination with regional and international Agencies  concerned with population issues, I'm responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the national reproductive health family planning strategy for the years (2013-2017) to ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the project maintains its strategic vision and that its activities result in the achievement of its intended outputs in a cost effective and timely manner also responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the Project; and preparing Quarterly/Annual reports on project progress and monitor the project activities on a regular basis, and developing and maintaining the MIS of the Project and responsible for the collection & analysis of different data in relation to the project activities, I’m responsible for the monitoring and ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the Plan maintains its strategic vision and that its activities result in the achievement of its intended outputs in a cost effective and timely manner, also I’m responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the plan; preparing Quarterly/Annual reports on project progress and monitor the Plan activities on a regular basis, developing and maintaining the MIS of the Plan and responsible for the collection & analysis of different data in relation to the plan activities.I'm working in close collaboration with all relevant partners, including ministries, institutions, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) ,civil society organizations, private sector, and donor agencies General Background about the Higher Population Council Near the end of the 1980s, the concept of social work in Jordan had begun to expand, growing from its initial form of merely providing charitable donations to the less fortunate to encompass the more comprehensive goal of empowering families in need to depend on themselves and to achieve self-sufficiency. During this conceptual shift, the need for a specialized committee, capable of providing population data and addressing population issues from a developmental perspective, became apparent.   Based on the close relationship between population issues and national development concerns, in 1973, Her Royal Highness Princess Basma Bint Talal (The  Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), submitted a proposal to the government of Jordan to establish the Jordanian National Population Commission (JNPC). HRH Princess Basma’s proposal was adopted immediately, with its General Secretariat to be hosted by JOHUD. In 1988, the Jordanian government developed a General Secretariat for the Jordanian National Population Commission, acting as the Commission’s executive arm. In December 2002, in recognition of its expanded role and responsibilities, the JNPC was renamed the Higher Population Council (HPC) and was presided over by the Prime Minister. In 2012, the HPC was reconstituted under the chairmanship of the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation. The HPC is empowered with the authority to direct national efforts in the pursuit of sustainable development, striving to create a balance between population growth and social and economic resources. HRH Princess Basma remains an integral figure within the HPC, as she continues to oversee HPC activities as well as to monitor its progress. HRH continuously underlines the important role that youth play in bringing about sustainable development, she is a strong proponent of supporting young people in the achievement of and investment in the ‘Demographic Opportunity,’ which represents a core component of HPC policies. The Princess has emphasized that understanding and preparing for the ‘Demographic Opportunity’ is key in reaching a smaller dependency ratio (i.e. ratio of dependents to working-age population); this would create a demographic potential for higher economic growth, as favorable dependency ratios tend to boost the progress of economic and social development. In December 2002, in recognition of its expanded role and responsibilities, the JNPC was renamed the Higher Population Council (HPC) and was presided over by the Prime Minister. In 2012, the HPC was reconstituted under the chairmanship of the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation. The HPC is empowered with the authority to direct national efforts in the pursuit of sustainable development, striving to create a balance between population growth and social and economic resources. HRH Princess Basma remains an integral figure within the HPC, as she continues to oversee HPC activities as well as to monitor its progress. HRH continuously underlines the important role that youth play in bringing about sustainable development, she is a strong proponent of supporting young people in the achievement of and investment in the ‘Demographic Opportunity,’ which represents a core component of HPC policies. The Princess has emphasized that understanding and preparing for the ‘Demographic Opportunity’ is key in reaching a smaller dependency ratio (i.e. ratio of dependents to working-age population); this would create a demographic potential for higher economic growth, as favorable dependency ratios tend to boost the progress of economic and social development.    
Mission and Objectives

A Reference for all Population matters and for information related to development to facilitate setting policies, strategies and action plans and monitor and evaluate their execution in addition to lobbying and deploying awareness about them and reinforcing national capabilities in this area in coordination with partners and concerned entities.
An Influential presence in policy formulation and supporting decisions affect population to reach Jordanian citizen prosperity.

Accountability and Transperency: We work transparently with all private and public entities as well as the people & continually dissminate the results of our performed studies and conducted activties committing to our faith that we are responsibile to perform our tasks properly with high quality infornt of all parties.
Leadership: We believe that we are pioneers in our field, and this requires initiative.
Participatory: We believe that the success of the council in performing its mandate and achieving the goals related to pouplation and development cannot be reached without active cooperation and mutual support from all partners, service providers, decision makers, beneficieraies and any other party involved in population and development matters.
Quality And Excellence: We work according to standards and specifications of excellence, to ensure quality results, and we seek to improve our performance and results of our work constantly.
Creativity: We beleive that every issue of population and development cases is unique to their requirements and needs to be addressed creatively. Therefore we seek to find innovative solutions for each case.
Perseverance: We beleive that in order to reach our aimed goals related to population and development issues, hard working, persistence and following up with various parties is required.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Proposing population policies to the Government, steering efforts spent in the efficient and effective implementation of said policies to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the comprehensive socio-economic development plans, and submitting them to the Cabinet for verification.
2. Endorsing HPC as a coordination body in the field of population activities, and demographic information, as well as between public, private and voluntary entities and enhancing their participation in planning, management and implementation of population programs and projects in line with the National Population Strategy.

3. Proposing policies related to raising public awareness on population and development issues and providing advocacy through well-thought out programs s for media, education and communication and dedicating the various media instruments for this endeavor.
4. Accepting aid and grants/donations, provided by international and national donor institutions, to population programs and activities with the approval of the Cabinet.
5. Endorsing the mechanisms and procedures aimed at facing population challenges in line with the objectives of the Population Policy in Jordan and submitting then for the approval of the Cabinet.
6. Enhancing the cooperation and coordination with regional and international organizations concerned with population issues.
7. Proposing the training, education and national capacity building programs for workers in the population areas in the different institutions in coordination with the concerned ministries and submitting them to the Cabinet.

8. Participating in conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings related to the population issues.
9. Responsible for the provision of demographic information, conducting demographic surveys, studies and research, and their follow up for the purposes of updating the National Population Strategy and planning for the relevant action programs. 

10. Approving the publications of scientific research papers and printed materials specialized in the field of population according to the applicable laws.

Contact (1) Full Name
manal "muhammd said" fares al-ghzawi
Job Title
Prpgram coordinator
Head of the organisation
Eng Maysoon al-zubi

Association Lotus pour la Culture et la Créativité

National Network

Dar Shabab Deroua

Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organization has a team of 5 offcial members, alongside volunteers who work to implement projects. We fund most of our activities by ourselves. Out biggest project for this year is a creative writing camp (with a budget 2000 dollars), we got funding from the American cultural Association, The US Embassy in Rabat anf Morocco Library Project.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to introduce youth in our community and in our country to culture and creativity through non-formal education, extra-curriculat activities..
Our projects tackle reading, creative writing, cinema, social entrepreurship..

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities are workshops introducing youth to reading, and to creative writing..we also haave a program called 'Book Your Career' where participants donate a book to attend a trainer about career management and the realzation of dreams. Our biggest project is 'The Olive Writers' creative writing camp. a camp where young aspiring writers will learn about the art of creative writing by pioneers in the field

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My projects are in line with what the Network i  my country is doing, i hope to join that community, and network with the fellow members, and work on joint projects together

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main reason for me to join the ALF Network is to enhance my skills through taking part in more meaningful experience, and belong to an international community working to make the world a better place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hasna Jabir
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hasna Jabir
Contact (2) Full Name
Milouda Zegui
Job Title (2)

Organisation of youth and sports entertainment

National Network

Maison jeunes Monastir - rue Libye 5000 Monastir- Tunisia
Frina N0 29 - Monastir - Tunisia
5000 Monastir

00216 95415636
Telephone (other)
00216 28568560
00216 73461216
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00216 95415636
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
It is an organisation for youth .encourage Youngers to bé opened for thé cultures. WE work for Peace.
Mission and Objectives

Spread peace.. Encourage Youngers for opening for other cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

WE organisé many youth culture exanges.
WE organisé international festival of volunteerers/ 3 sessions
WE organisé international festival of folklorique dance( 5 sessions )
WE organisé international meeting for talent of youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WE collaborateurs with international NGO
Thé network Will bé dpreaded to all my partners

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is important for our Youngers in our country and in our NGO

Contact (1) Full Name
Béchir SALMI
Job Title
Educator of youth
Head of the organisation
Béchir SALMI
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Recomate AB - Action Research Centre for a Resilient Society

National Network

Thorild Wulffsgatan 14
41319 Göteborg

+46 70-628 62 00
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information
Recomate AB is a company dedicated to the creation of social innovation with a special focus on well-being, human rights, integration and sustainability- locally and internationally using action research as main driver. Recomate is based in Gothenburg, Sweden and has over 30 years of experience in driving change, development and innovation programs around the world. It recently launched the creation of an Action Research Centre for a Resilient Society as well as the Energy Lab and Program for Well-Being.
Mission and Objectives

We aim at enhancing awareness, relations, and creating conscious ways of working, learning and innovating to improve the resilience and cooperation of individuals, cross- generation relations, communities, organizations and eco/innovation systems. 
We use action research methodology with a diversity-sensitive and participative approach. 
Our work is interdisciplinary and builds on competence in gestalt and organizational psychology; well-being, human rights and integration; quality, change and technology management; teaching, leadership and policy for sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

Recomate and its Action Research Centre for A Resilient Society have special competence in development of diversity-sensitive change and development tools, models, methods and instruments needed for assessing and developing: well-being at individual level, conscious ways of working, relationship building and social contracting, culture and platforms for collaboration.
Past and ongoing projects linked to Anna Lind Foundation’s mission are:
-       Inner to Outer integration program for long-term unemployed and long-term sick leave migrants in Sweden
-       EI WISH- Well-being, Human-Rights & Integration workshops and stakeholder collaboration in Sweden
-       EI WISH - Action research re: Aging as a migrant from a cross-cultural, generational, sectoral and religious perspective; collaboration with migrant, minority and religious associations from Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, Iran, Somalia, Roma, Syria, Armenia, Woman Center in Sweden
-       'Roma Inclusion' program in Sweden, UK and Hungary
- Innovative Universities program in Central America, South America, Vietnam, India, Brazil, China, South Africa

Contact (1) Full Name
Sari Scheinberg
Job Title
Action researcher, innovator and activist
Head of the organisation
Sari Scheinberg