جمعيـة تواصـل للصـم بمريـرت Tawassol Association for the Deaf of Mrirt

National Network

Num 83 Rue ATLAS QRT Al masjid Al jadid
54450 Mrirt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

TAWASSOL association of the Deaf is a Not for Profit and Non-Governmental Organization. We were founded in September 2007. We started the association with fifty members in the first year and have been growing ever since. Our mission is to gather and educate the local Deaf community of the city of Mrirt and outlying rural area. Our goal is to integrate and involve members of the association with the local community. We try to share our experiences with other countries and hope to gain international support with other NGOs. Our targeted groups and beneficiaries are Deaf youth, adult,  Deaf families and the local community. our focus is in The association aims to integrate Deaf people into the society by sign language education/ social services/ legislative and administrative assistance/ educational and economic reintegration/awareness and advocacy for Deaf right/awareness to the local, national and international community about Deaf culture, language and rights. Facebook  page and group :https://www.facebook.com/groups/associationtawassol/

Mission and Objectives

Since 2012 until present, we have been working in collaboration with our partner the Ministry of Solidarity of Women and Family and Social Development, to improve the education of our Deaf students by providing school supplies and primary scholar programs. Also, with help from donated materials, we have been teaching our students various handcrafts and other skills that could aid them in finding jobs and integrating in the community in the future.       With assistance from the National initiative for Human Development, we have been able to outfit or association with equipment such as desks, cameras, and Means for the visual teaching as the smart board. With these donations, we have been able to prepare our students for the rapidly changing community of Mrirt and Morocco in general.      I have worked in collaboration with Peace Corps Volunteers to promote a better understanding of the current situation of the Deaf population in Morocco to the international community and fellow Moroccans. Our association is currently working to improve or support and relationship with The Peace Corps. the headquarter of our association ,also used as Deaf schol is donated buy the president of the association,who is a Deaf person we recieve an annual grant from the mayor office about  400 euros,for other ressources depends on project we apply for,now we have one ongoing project  about condcuting trainings on sign language and Deaf psycology to the community in several provinces in Morocco.  

Main Projects / Activities

Our first achievement has certainly been the creation of our association. Our association has been revolutionary in gathering the Deaf in the Community and giving them a safe and accepting institution from which they can come to and learn from. Prior to the creation of our association, the concept of a local Deaf community was quite literally nonexistent.  Our association has been serving as a stepping stone from which the Deaf can improve many aspects of their lives. Thinking to send a message to Humanity to make the world a better place for the Deaf, with a group of local volunteer artist we have make the song ,”A Picture with 1000 Sound”, which members and student of the association sing in sign language:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKcEpuZBV9c The issue of the non-existence of a Moroccan official sign language and the absence of institution and place to learn sign language-culture. i represented the association the in the” Youth for change program” by “the Bibliotheca of Alexandria” along with “TakingATglobal”, which is an Arabic countries youth ideas competition on ICT making change project, we won the 1st position between hundreds of application and 30 project winner, and this led to the birth of the 1st Moroccan sign language online dictionary.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The mission of Tawassol association is directly connected to all parts of the community, and so all initiatives are addressed this way. from educating Deaf ,creating deaf school, awareness ,networking with other NGOs. the fondamentale low of our association aim in networking on national and international level in topics related to : -Youth developement  -Rights of people in special needs and vulnerable people -Education 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Been part of teh ALF Network will help to exchange ideas,to work on national level in the same topics,and to collaborate with other NGOs and people,and to benefit of Annah lindh programs and intiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mounir Naili
Job Title
Advisor in charge of relations and publicity
Head of the organisation
said adel
Contact (2) Full Name
Issam laamiri
Job Title (2)
Vice tresorer of the association/sign langauge teacher