Association Voix de l'Enfant-Monastir

National Network

Stah Jabeur, zone Elghdir
5000 Monastir

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
22 281 003
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Association Voix de l’Enfant Monastir (VEM) was founded on January 11th, 2007. It consists of a • “unit of life” which permanently hosts babies with no family support, aged from 0 to 18 months. Since its establishment, VEM has welcomed and supported about 350 babies, We employ a dozen childminders as well as a manager and a cleaning lady for the unit of life. • “social center” which was established in 2015 with the support of the Swiss foundation "Drosos" (March 2015-March 2020) and has been taking care of mothers in a situation of difficulty, through a professional training combined with a social and psychological support. From its creation to the present day, VEM has been able to help around 380 women in precarious situations. For this service we employ around twenty people between administrative staff and staff for the various workshops. In addition to the main donor Drosos, VEM was able to consolidate its social entrepreneurship project with other organizations such as Unicef and ACT.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to empower mono-parental families and to improve access to professional training and employment for young unmarried mothers and women victims of violence to lead a dignified life.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities planned for women are: • Psychological and medical support, development of self-esteem and personal skills. • Literacy, sex education, social and legal counseling program. • Various professional training in situ and outside. Several training workshops have been set up: horticulture, laundry (for hotels, hospitals and catering), clothing, embroidery and pastry.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Propose new ideas and projects, share our experiences as associations working in the context of gender equality and the field of childhood.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim is to broaden the circle of partners to work with them around common objectives (childhood field, social and economic reconstruction of women in vulnerable situations, psychological support, etc) . We would like also to share our long experience with other associations working in the field of childhood and women .

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Nejib Slama
Job Title
President of the Association
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Nejib SLAMA
Contact (2) Full Name
Leila Ben Abdelghani
Job Title (2)

Initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka

National Network

Stari grad br. 454
85330 Kotor

+382 (0) 69 504 974
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The IYDB is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, which unites all children, youth and adults with all types of disablement, as well as other citizens who are concerned with improving the status of these persons in society. The work of the IYDB is based on a human rights approach to disability.The IYDB operates at local, national and international level.
IYDB employs one person with disability (PWD) and engages five associates.
Last year's budget was 5.800,00 € provided by the Municipality of Kotor, the US Embassy in Podgorica and other NGOs.
The activities of IYDB are concerned with human rights of PWDs, especially those multiply discriminated such as: women, children, Roma with disabilities etc.The main activities include: empowering PWDs, various educational activities for different target groups, awareness raising and media campaigns, publishing the educational and promotional materials, providing free legal aid and support services for PWDs and their families etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the NGO is ’’The initiative of Youth with Disabilities of Boka promotes and contributes to equal status of children, youth and adults with disablement in society, through initiatives and activities for establishment of legal, cultural, political, economic and social framework which enables it.’’.
The vision of the IYDB is “The society where persons with disablement live securely, enjoying the independency, equality and dignity.”.
The objectives of the IYDB are:
-To include children, youth and adults with disablement in all segments of social and economic life, especially in the field of education, employment, health, social and child protection, information, political and public activities, culture, sports, leisure activities, etc.;
- To support and empower children, youth and adults with disablement to fully and on an equal basis with others enjoy their rights and freedoms, utilize their potentials and recognize and meet their needs;
- To create conditions for the independent living of children, youth and adults with disablement;
- To achieve a satisfactory level of public awareness of human rights, equality, needs and potentials of children, youth and adults with disablement;
- To enable the full and effective enjoyment of the rights and freedoms of children, women, Roma and other multi-discriminated persons with disablement on an equal basis with others.

Main Projects / Activities

As newly registered NGO, the IYDB has initiated implementation of two projects and expects the approval of a few other projects.
The first approved project ’’Women and girls with disabilities for their equality’’ has started in August 2019. and will last until September 2020. The overall goal of the project is: “To contribute to decrease of multiple discrimination and violence against women and girls with disabilities (W&GWDs) in Montenegro.”. Specific aim of the project is: “To initiate data based action planning by relevant stakeholders and to empower W&GWDs and members of their families to work on the solutions of issues of W&GWDs.”, through following activities: Data collection about multiple discrimination and violence against W&GWDs and support needed by them and their families; The Research report; Education of W&GWDs and their families; Media and advocacy campaign and The event “March 8th in the light of W&GWDs”. The target groups are W&GWDs, their families, NGOs dealing with human rights, relevant state institutions, media, international subjects and entire society.

The second approved project ’’Independent and active persons with disabilities’’ started in May 2020. and will last until October 2020.The overall goal of the project is: ’’To contribute to increase of social inclusion of PWDs and economic growth in Montenegro, through employment of unemployed persons on jobs related to providing personal assistance and other support to PWDs.’’. The specific goal of this project is: ’’To contribute to the independence of at least 15 PWDs and prevention of their social exclusion through employment of 4 unemployed persons from the evidence of the Labour Agency of Montenegro on temporary jobs related to providing personal assistance and other support to PWDs during the period of 4 months.’’.
The main activities of the IYDB are listed in the Article 10 of the Statute, which we have uploaded here.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The IYDB was founded by three young PWDs who have decided to use their experience, knowledge and skills which they have aquired through many years of activism in the disability field in order to improve the status of PWDs through new, fresh and inovative approach. As one of the pioneers of disability movement in Montenegro we contributed to visibility and inclusion of PWDs in mainstream processes. That way we have influenced and still impact our society to accept and honour PWDs as active citizens of it.
Through membership in the ALF Network, we expect that our impact on national level will be stronger and spread to other members of the Network in Montenegro, as we could exchange our experience and inspire each other for future inovative actions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Founders, associates and members of the IYDB have participated in many international projects and activities dedicated to disability rights or human rights in general. This includes the Summer school in Istanbul in September 2013 organized by ALF. That was a great opportunity to get an insight about the Network’s activities and to develop new partnerships in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
We expect to contribute the status of PWDs in our country and other countries of this region through exchange of our experience, knowledge and skills. On the othe side, the various social contexts and field of work which are targetted by members of ALF can provide us with solutions that could be implemented in the disability area.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Miroslava-Mima Ivanović
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Miroslava-Mima Ivanović


National Network

Maison de la Vie Associative et Citoyenne, 8 rue du général Renault
75011 Paris

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Founded in France in 2005, the interreligious and civic association CIEUX (Comité Interreligieux pour une Éthique Universelle et contre la Xénophobie - Interreligious Committee for Universal Ethics and against Xenophobia), aims to facilitate "living together" links between the inhabitants of a neighbourhood.

The aim is not to draw up a catalogue of good conduct, but to invite everyone to adjust their behaviour to the rules of life in society and to Human Rights, with the help, for some religious beliefs and for others, of texts inspired by philosophy or popular wisdom.

Human Rights forms the basis of a social morality in which each individual can achieve happiness as well as the common good. The interreligious and secular dialogue on human rights, as proposed by CIEUX, thus enables members of religious and civic communities (we understand by "civic community" people, believers or not, who participate in the meetings but who approach the themes from a non-religious angle, in particular with regard to the Declaration of the Human and Citizen Rights) who seek to apply human rights with virtue, to flourish while building social peace.

In short, CIEUX invites all citizens, faithful of places of worship and non-believers to work together for the respect of fundamental freedoms and the promotion of civic behaviours, through an open and trusting pedagogical dialogue.

By organizing these encounters on the ground between inhabitants from all communities, CIEUX aims to foster a better mutual knowledge of each other, in the respect of human rights and in the service of living together.

CIEUX is a true school of secularism, fighting against communitarianism by highlighting the values carried by each person, whether agnostic, atheist, or member of a religious community.

Mission and Objectives

- Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners : our team is made up of 4 board members, 5 coordinators, 2 staff members and few volunteers. We are working together with various partners such as the French Civic Service Agency, associations, local communities and municipalities.

- Budgetary resources available in a year : approx. 120 000 €

- Sources of funding : subventions from municipalities, governments funding, donations...

- Modalities of action : Our association offers intercultural dialogues of proximity. A proximity that takes into account the territory, the local anchorage, the common space. Meetings take place between the inhabitants of a neighbourhood. CIEUX implements dialogues that give a voice to citizens. The action carried out by our association continues the movement launched in the 1960s in favour of a participatory democracy that involves citizens more. CIEUX devotes itself to the three missions of participatory democracy but only in the intercultural field: debates between local actors, the creation of fraternal friendships and the search for the common good. Citizens are thus political, economic, social and cultural actors who build the local community they want to live in.

Main partners : the French Civic Service Agency (ASC), local communities, Kremlin-Bicêtre municipality.

Main Projects / Activities

CIEUX develops two actions:

1) International civic service

The association CIEUX is working with the French Civic Service Agency (ASC) to recruit volunteers aged 18 to 26 for international missions.
These young people can take part in concrete actions abroad supporting all forms of local development. Hosting structures are developing projects in different fields : educational, cultural, health, social or economic.

2) Community Dialogues on Diversity

CIEUX aims to bring together members of civic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim communities, in order to promote living together while observing the principles of secularism.

The association organizes local dialogues on diversity between different religious and civic communities (participatory bodies) and the inhabitants of the same neighbourhood. In each locality, town, city or district, the meetings are prepared by the communities, independently of each other, on a specific theme (for example freedom, fraternity, globalization, education...) without proselytism or syncretism. Afterwards, an inter-community dialogue is established, allowing for a better knowledge and appreciation of each other, while respecting differences.

Our association encourages places of worship in their efforts to guarantee the citizenship of their faithful. Before each interreligious dialogue, the association CIEUX invites the faithful of the places of worship to work for the respect of fundamental liberties and civic behaviour, by organising preparatory civic meetings on human rights.

The CIEUX association aims to reduce negative prejudices and fears, factors of hatred and xenophobia, which arise from a mutual misunderstanding of religions and the values carried by religious and civic communities. The association CIEUX fights against racial and/or ethnic discrimination by inviting the faithful of places of worship in the same locality to dialogue with agnostic and atheist people of good will in their neighbourhood.

Two meetings are organized per year and per local antenna, the reports are put online on the association's website and a space for exchange is set up to continue the debate and prepare the next meetings. Apart from these inter-community meetings, and the preparatory meetings within each community that precede them, we are keen to maintain a strong link with the local partners through joint actions and relationships.

The association CIEUX helps religions to live together harmoniously, by offering the faithful places of worship to experience pluralism.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The purpose of the association is to develop intercultural dialogue and awareness. CIEUX can contribute to the ALF Network in France thanks to its 15 years experience in the field of citizenship education and solidarity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe ALF Network encourages capacity building and networking of various solidarity organizations. We would like to be part of it to empower our action and develop partnership with other french association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexandre Vigne
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Serge Benhaïm
Contact (2) Full Name
Serge Benhaïm
Job Title (2)

PATHWAYS Institute for Negotiation Education

National Network

P.O. Box 8016
Nahalal 17, Bat Galim
Haifa 3501549

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information

PATHWAYS launched in 2015 as an independent nonprofit organization in Israel to bring negotiation education into educational systems and to build bridges between communities. Our interactive negotiation education programs and workshops, based on methodology developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project, blend experiential learning of creative negotiation skills, inter-communal encounter and exchange, and content-based language immersion. PATHWAYS’s series of Game Changers skill-building and exchange workshops bring together high school students from diverse Arab and Jewish communities in partnership with educators and educational networks. Our professional development workshops for active educators and academic college courses for pre-service teachers are recognized by the Ministry of Education. We have two full-time employees, three part-time, and a team of affiliated workshop facilitators. Our funding (~600,000 NIS last year) has come from grants from the U.S. Embassy, Social Venture Fund, Schocken Foundation, and program fees from school networks and other project partners.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to contribute to building problem-solving, cooperative, and shared societies in which people from different backgrounds and communities have the skills and sense of possibility needed to creatively and constructively negotiate challenging issues with one another. We imagine a day when every student, educator, and leader – irrespective of background or social/political outlook – will be equipped to transform their negotiations into joint, creative problem-solving. Our methodology for transforming negotiation from adversarial bargaining/haggling to joint, creative problem-solving is designed to have a radiating ripple effect through the educational system to individuals, schools, and communities.

We aim to create sustainable, institutionalized impact through partnerships with key actors in formal and informal education, including teachers, school systems, and administrators. Our social impact is reaching a tipping point in which enough of our methodology, concepts, and tools have been adopted in the education system that we are seeing systemic shifts beyond our direct programs.

We are achieving this by:

Partnering with professional leadership in the Ministry of Education to deliver MoE-certified professional development courses.

Developing scalable programs with school networks and municipal/regional authorities.
Working with educators to incorporate problem-solving negotiation education into classroom curricula and school cultures.

Creating and activating a diverse national community of practice of educators pioneering the field of negotiation education.

Equipping pre-service teachers at academic colleges to incorporate concepts and model in their future teaching.

Running transformational workshops with a critical mass of high school students.

Main Projects / Activities

Students: Our Game Changers workshops for high school students offer an immersive journey into learning interest-based negotiation, foster connections and exchanges with peers from other backgrounds, and develop vital thinking and communication skills. Last academic year we worked with 800 students from 40 schools (20 Hebrew-speaking schools paired with 20-Arabic speaking) in diverse communities across Israel. We offer in-person, virtual, and blended programs, including virtual exchange.

Educators: Our professional development programs (NET Fellowship, Summer Institute), recognized by the Ministry of Education, enable active educators to bring problem-solving negotiation concepts, experiential pedagogy, and practical tools into their classrooms and teaching practices. Our courses for pre-service teachers - conducted in partnership with academic colleges like Achva, David Yellin, Oranim, Sakhnin, and Al Qassemi - equip the next generation of educators.

Schools: We partner with school networks, municipalities, and regional authorities to incorporate problem-solving negotiation education and inter-communal bridge-building and exchange into their educational systems through network-based programs.

Organizations: We work with educational and aligned social impact organizations to develop problem-solving negotiation, communication, and leadership skills with their program participants, staff, and alumni. We offer a variety of skill-building workshops in-person and online.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be eager to explore opportunities to cooperate and to develop joint projects with other ALF network members. We could also work with the Network to offer members creative negotiation skills workshops or seminars for their participants and alumni, focusing on problem-solving negotiation, intercultural dialogue & exchange, and leadership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we can have the greatest long-term impact by aligning ourselves with and working with other organizations and networks with compatible values and approaches. Anna Lindh Foundation’s mission to build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, and to fight growing mistrust and polarisation, aligns well with our purpose, principles, and approach. We would like to join the ALF network to learn from other network members, find ways to cooperate, develop joint projects, become eligible for grants, and work together to scale and enhance our direct and indirect impact. Thank you for your consideration.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Schnall
Job Title
Regional Director
Head of the organisation
Michael Schnall, Regional Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Avi Goldstein
Job Title (2)
Founder & Executive Director

Foundation Institute of Research and Local Development

National Network

ul. Jana Stanisławskiego 28/4
51-638 Wrocław

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Media
  5. Research
General Information

- The Foundation has a board, a foundation board (supervisory body) and a program board. Currently, our team consists of 12 people. We work with 11 partners constantly.
- Budget: 4500 Euro (2019), 4700 Euro (until May 2020).
- Competitions / Public Programs, Communes, Provinces, National Programs.
- Training, Seminars, Consulting.
- Non-governmental organizations, Wrocław Commune, Western Chamber of Commerce, University of Lower Silesia, University of Wrocław.

Mission and Objectives

The Foundation Institute of Research and Local Development aims to permanently improve the quality of life of local communities.

The Foundation strives to permanently improve the quality of life of local communities by diagnosing social problems, identifying capital, activities related to local identity, socio-cultural animation of the local environment, educational services and consulting.

a) Conducting comprehensive activities for the development of youth and adults, in particular scientific and research, educational, social, information, advocacy, educational, educational and cultural activities.
b) Equalization of opportunities for disadvantaged people, threatened with social exclusion, their independence and improvement of the quality of life through social and professional integration and reintegration.
c) Supporting the development of communities and local communities.
d) Promoting and protecting human freedoms and rights as well as civil liberties, as well as activities supporting the development of democracy.
e) Building a civil society, providing citizens with equal access to information and building and consolidating their self-help and civic activity.
f) Actions to strengthen the position of the NGO sector.

The foundation creates development based on the conscious participation and co-responsibility of the inhabitants of the local community. The Foundation's areas of activity are social research, social / civic participation, local entrepreneurship and education. Lifelong learning is the theme of the Foundation's activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
1. Implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Cooperation of the City of Wrocław with Non-Governmental Organizations for the years 2018-2022 in the area of 5. directions of development of the structure of social dialogue in Wrocław.
2. Tech4NGO Academy - is a series of monthly trainings devoted to the use of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in non-governmental organizations. The project is implemented under the patronage of Koduj dla Polski and the Umbrella Foundation for the Support of Non-Governmental Organizations.
3. Participation Laboratory - the goal is to promote participation, tools of participatory democracy, knowledge and good practices in the area of active participation of residents in activities and decisions, including at the citizen-authority level, as well as socio-cultural animation of local communities.
4. Academy of Good Moderation - is implemented by our Foundation with the Umbrella Foundation for Support of Non-Governmental Organizations in the period 2018-2020. It is addressed to moderators conducting meetings and people interested in professional moderation.
5. Przeglad Miejski - (municipal overview) online social and cultural magazine. Contains articles, interviews, reports, reports on projects implemented by social organizations in cities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to support our experience and commitment of the network in Poland. First of all, we can share our experience with social projects that we implement. These are projects that deal with dialogue, human rights, local communities and local development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join ALF because it shares the same values as our organization. We want to share our experience and commitment, and learn from more experienced organizations in Poland and other countries. We want to build and strengthen international cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Damian Wojciech Dudała
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Damian Wojciech Dudała
Contact (2) Full Name
Martyna Ogrodnik
Job Title (2)
International Project Manager

INFORMO-udruga za poticanje zapošljavanja, stručnog usavršavanja i obrazovanja

National Network

S.Caterina 9
52215 Vodnjan

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Informo is managed by its President, Vice President, Management Board and General assembly. The work is distributed between 5 staff members: project developer, two project managers, one project assistant and a financial manager. Our budget in the past years has been approximately 150.000,00 EUR per year. Our funding sources are European Comission (EASME, Erasmus +), National Foundation for Civil Society Development and other bodies of local and national governance (City of Vodnjan, Region of Istria, etc.). Our projects focus on developing skills and knowledge of young people and other vulnerable groups: volunteers, NEET youngsters, students, entrepreneurs, young mothers, people with disabilities, etc. through different educations, placements, internships, scholarships, etc. Our partners are Universities, NGOs, think-tanks, business associations , local action groups from different EU countries.

Mission and Objectives

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Since its establishment, in 2004, Informo gained a valuable experience in organizing and performing trainings and workshops, as well as in contributing to the development and internationalization of local, regional and national projects, through the participation in European and international partnerships.
Informo’s challenge is to produce an effective contribution to the social development through educational programs that produce visible changes. The association is promoting European values and citizenship by encouraging people to undertake a pro-active role in the society, promoting the values of solidarity and tolerance.
Applying innovative learning and working methodologies we are helping people and organizations to do what they love and love what they do. Finding feasible practical solutions to the emerging needs, our team is daily adapting to different issues and learning from own experiences as well as from the top players and best practices. The engagement of young enthusiasts, volunteers, members and supporters is multiplying the effect of the knowledge transfer activities, while the results of the projects developed to satisfy needs, combined to the innovation emerging from spontaneous but realistic desires, are improving the quality of life of our stakeholders.
Informo has 16 years of experience implementing the Professional Improvement Program as the Croatian National Contact Point of the European Projects Association. Informo also acts as one of 3 Local contact points in Croatia for the Programme Erasmus for Young entrepreneurs, active in 4 cycles of the programme. The Association was as well a pioneer in Croatia as Receiving, Sending and Coordinating Organization of the European Voluntary Service. During 14 years of our work, more than 100 foreign young enthusiasts spent periods, from 2 months to up to 2 years, at the Association’s headquarters in the Business Incubator of the City of Vodnjan - Dignano. Following the work of top national and European experts, this multidisciplinary team composed by heterogeneous individuals, developed several projects. Learning from various examples, deepening theory and turning it into practice helped to create and maintain a reputation based on the quality of the approach and solidity of results. The participation in bilateral and multilateral partnerships brought us a chance to exploit local achievements at global level. At national level, Informo's projects were funded by the cities of Buje-Buie and Vodnjan-Dignano, the Region of Istria, the Croatian Ministries of Science and Education, Social Policies and Youth, Tourism, as well as the National Foundation for the Development of the Civil Society. At international level the projects were supported by the World Bank and the European Commission through different programs as the Instrument for Pre-Accession Cross Border Cooperation programs, Interreg IV, Interreg V-B Adrion, Intelligent Energy Europe, Europe for Citizens, COSME and Erasmus+. Through different projects, a variety of educational and training programs for adults and youth are implemented, involving local, regional, national, European and international stakeholders active in different fields. Particularly addressing to marginalized groups as unemployed youth and mothers, cultural and linguistic minorities, disabled people, elders, as well as social workers from public and private sectors, Informo is boosting the social economy and generating development. The different projects are tightly linked in order to provide sustainability and continuity of the initiative.

Main Projects / Activities

Informo is currently involved in the following projects:
YEIM- Young Entrepreneurs in Motion, a project implemented through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme from 2017. The project focuses on facilitating exchange of skills and knowledge between young and experienced entrepreneurs by providing financial support to the young entrepreneurs and support to the experienced ones. The project partners are: UNINOVA (ES), CCI Paris (FR), Vamos Scotland (UK), CCI Badajoz (ES), ICT Cluster (BG), Project Ahead (IT), Logos (IT), Bohemia EU Planners (CZ).
ECOVINEGOALS- a project implemented through the Interreg Adrion Programme, started in April 2020. The ECOVINEGOALS project promotes the sustainability and resilience of the viticulture and wine sector by encouraging the transition from intensive viticultural systems to agri-environmental management systems that operate on the principle of landscape conservation. The project also aims to encourage all stakeholders to participate more intensively in the development of local planning documentation and decision-making at the local level, and to build and strengthen international cooperation. The leading partner of the project is LAG EASTERN VENICE from Italy. Other partners are: Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry and Research Center of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia), Agency for Rural Development of Istria and Association for Employment Promotion - INFORMO (Croatia), Development Business Center Kragujevac (Serbia) , Municipality of Bar and Business start up center Bar (Montenegro) and Mediterranean Agronomic Institute from Chania (Crete, Greece).
Universities for EU projects- a project implemented through the Erasmus + Programme from 2017. . Informo is the coordinator of a Consortium of 9 Universities from Croatia- PAR, University of Pula, Zagreb Univeristy of Applied Sciences, The Polytechnic o Šibenik, Polytechnic in Požega, Libertas International University, Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechncic, VERN, School of Economy and Management Zagreb. The project is enabling students to realize professional practice in the field of European projects.
INTERNATURAL- an European Solidarity Corpse project implemented from 2019. The project hosts 6 volunteers from all over Europe in Vodnjan in order to work on sustainable development of this rural community while enhancing the knowledge and skills of the volunteers.
Stop Fake-Start thinking-a project implemented under the Media Literacy Programme, started in March 2020. It's aim is to educate general public on how to recognize fake news and navigate through mainstream media. The project partners are European Projects Association (BE), Res Publica (LT), Centre for international relations (PL).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association INFORMO is already working with young people on a daily basis and giving them not only a voice, but also a set of tools, skills and knowledge to help them manage the education system, internships, labour market and everything that comes with young adulthood. We pay special attention to young people coming from fewer opportunities. We can contribute to the network by continuing and improving our work with young people, but also by helping to create a more positive and inclusive discourse between the civil society organisations, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network in order to share and develop ideas, projects and programmes with likeminded individuals, institutions and organizations. Our vision is to be generators of sustainable development and to foster positive changes of great impact. We strongly believe that membership in the ALF network will contribute to our organization getting closer to its vision and vice-versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tamara Gobo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mihaela Jović
Job Title (2)
Project manager

New generation Charity

National Network

Al-irsal street
Ramallah, Palestine
Palestinian Territories

phone : +491776530465
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

New Generation is a non-profit youth organization that has been active since 2011, run by a group of youth workers who believe in the competence of youth. It became registered in June 2016 .our target group is young people between 18-30 years old with or without previous experience in tour field in non-formal education. All of the staff of our association have wide experience in “Erasmus +”. -Anas al Alqaryouti: The vice president of New Generation. -Ihab Sabbah: A volunteer and member -Ayah Ghazawna: A volunteer and member of New Generation, -Maysa Karkar is in charge of all the financial officer. Our methods and competences: -Loesje creative text writing workshops raise awareness of social and political issues to strengthen and improve the communication, analytical, and activism skills of participants. -Regular workshops and training. -EVS (#European Voluntary Service), -informal education (Training) - international seminars. main partners -loesje.V Berlin -Germany -Giosef Torino – Marti Gianello Guida A.P.S. -National YWCA of Palestine -Palestine -Loesje Palestine -palestine -European Union

Mission and Objectives

New Generation is a non-profit youth organization that has been active since 2011, run by a group of youth workers who believe in the competence of youth. It became registered in June 2016. The mission of New Generation is to Support the Palestinian young generation. We want to help them to become self-aware, to take the initiative, and to participate and lead in the Palestinian society. In order to make a positive change in their social behaviour and development we use creative and innovative methods, cultural and sports activities to identify their strengths which can be integrated into the sustainable development process. Our vision is to raise and validate the value of human personality through non-formal educational activities. Our goals:: To provide youth with skills that will empower them, support their sense of initiative, and help them in being active citizens in the community To implement various learning mobility projects under the Erasmus+ programme and gain access to regional and international networks To develop activities which promote democracy To promote tolerance, diversity, and equal chances in society To create community development programs which fight against prejudices To develop professional, social, and cultural activities and civic commitment To promote gender equality as part of our programming and activities To promote political involvement

Main Projects / Activities

We run various activities which are split into fields like education, culture, social work,community development, human rights, and youth work. We also volunteer with schools and youth centres to support the children and youth skills, and to increase their knowledge in different social aspects in order to improve their situations and increase their development opportunities. On the regional level; we work in intercultural activities, human rights education, and youthparticipation. The organization has EVS Accreditation within the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme. In most cases our activities are connected with the other activities of the NGO. We gain experience through work with our local communities in Palestine which we can transfer to our actions all over the world, and the work we do in the rest of the world gives us experience which we can use to help those same communities in Palestine. The organization’s goals for the future are co-learning from other European associations, creating strong networking in order to train our youth workers and share methods. With this program we can bring the youth community in rural areas the opportunity to discover European values through programs of volunteering and mobility in order to empower them to use this knowledge in the future for developing their own communities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We gain experience through work with our local communities in Palestine which we can transfer to our actions all over the world, and the work we do in the rest of the world gives us experience which we can use to help those same communities in Palestine. The organization’s goals for the future are co-learning from other European associations, creating strong networking in order to train our youth workers and share methods. With this program we can bring the youth community in rural areas the opportunity to discover European values through programs of volunteering and mobility in order to empower them to use this knowledge in the future for developing their own communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

New Generation believes that integrating youth in volunteer work in their country or abroad will encourage them to become involved in the political process and give them the ability to amplify their voices to create the change that they want to see in the world. After our organization started working with youth we could feel the difference that we were making. Therefore we decided we had to take part in creating a space for the youth in which they can interact with the world, develop their skills, and learn the power of participation. For example, our Palestinian participants who joined in different Erasmus projects faced many challenges throughout the process of completing the application, travelling to our locations and returning back to their homes. This process for u means a lot because we believe that these situations shaped their personality and thoughts. And it certainly motivated them to return for the next step in their personal development. Young Palestinians represent the largest percent of the Palestinian population, but they are still the most marginalized group and receive few opportunities and limited mobilization because of the occupation. We also believe that breaking stereotypes, critical thinking, and intercultural dialogue goes hand in hand. This increases their cultural awareness which leads them to understand diversity and to be more tolerant of others and respecting without limits and previous judgments. ESC projects also help volunteers to shape their social and self identity, and instead of staying in the same bubble of family and friends which they have always been in they are exposed to new cultures and new friends, which helps them to become more independent. ESC projects have many different learning processes within eight different areas of focus which will lead sustainable change in the Palestinian and international young workers. They promote youth workers to communicate with other youth workers in different languages, and gives them the ability and confidence to express their opinions, ideas, and thoughts in ways which respect other people. They advance universal values, especially human rights, international rights and social responsibility; and promote cooperation and solidarity. We would definitely like to be part of the international change, and provide a strong base for youth and be the support which they need to become the leaders for now and for the future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ihab K. A. Sabbah
Job Title
Project Facilitator
Head of the organisation
Anas al Alqaryouti
Contact (2) Full Name
Anas al Alqaryouti
Job Title (2)
vice president


National Network

Poste centrale
80000 AGADIR

+212 660314421
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ACEA has a Board composed of 3 members (President, Secretary General and Treasurer) elected by the General Assembly.
ACEA is linked to its main Moroccan and foreign partners by conventions signed by the president.
Since 2012, ACEA resources have fluctuated around 2 millions DH, 20%, which is distributed as follows:
- 50% of Moroccan sources, 50% of foreign sources;
- 65% of public money (Moroccan Cinema Center, Agadir City and Souss Massa Region’s councils, Embassies and foreign cultural institutes in Morocco, Foreign Cinema Centers), 20% from foundations and foreign cultural operators, 15% from Moroccan sponsors..
ACEA has no permanent employees. The preparation and implementation of its activities are carried out by freelancers. The hard core of the team is made up of 6 people who is expanding according to our calendar of activities.

Mission and Objectives

The missions of ACEA, excluding any profit, political or religious, are to:
- Initiate and implement any cultural events, festivals, meetings and shows, and more generally all activities related to cinema and audiovisual;
- Curate and organize any public screening;
- Conceive, organize, contribute to training programs, workshops with pedagogical and professional purposes, linked in particular to filmmaking (writing/production) and education in the visual image.

Goals :
- Promote documentary cinema as a vehicle for culture, education and citizenship.
- Offer quality cultural activities throughout the territory of the city of Agadir and the Souss Massa region.
- Identify the Moroccan and African documentary filmmakers of tomorrow, strengthen their capacities, support them in the development and implementation of their projects, contribute to their integration into the international documentary community.
- Contribute to the creation of real documentary film industries in the south of the Mediterranean, by developing South-South cooperation between the various zones of the African continent, the Maghreb and the Mashreq, also work to make North-South cooperation more equitable in film sector.

Main Projects / Activities

THE AGADIR INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL is the first Moroccan cinematographic event exclusively dedicated to creative documentaries.
The FIDADOC holds an international feature film competition, an African & Arab short film competition, thematic programs and special screenings (between 30 and 40 films each year, with around 15,000 non-paying spectators).
THE DOCUMENTARY BEEHICE is a training and artistic support program that takes place in two main stages: educational and professional activities during the Festival intended for sixty students and fifteen apprentice filmmakers, Pan-African writing residency (between 6 and 10 authors depending on the edition).
Organized in partnership with our colleagues from the 3 Continents Film Festival (Nantes), PRODUIRE AU SUD AGADIR is a training workshop designed to familiarize African and / or Arab author / producer pairs of a documentary feature film (5 or 6 pairs per edition) with the techniques and tools of international co-production.
TRIQ CINIMA is the FIDADOC mobile screenings program organized in the suburbs of Agadir which we have gradually extended to the whole Souss-Massa region and then completed with week-long tours organized before the festival (10-12 screenings bringing together each between 100 and 300 spectators).
SISTERS IN FILM - MENA (2019): a personal development and empowerment tool intended for 8 emerging female filmmakers from 7 countries in the MENA region, based on networking and sharing of experience between generations and territories.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share with other members of the network our experience and expertise in film programming, professional training, image education, south-south cooperation as well as our international cultural and professional networks in these fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Benefit from the experience, expertise and networks of the other members of the ALN.
Contribute to strengthening the dynamics of south-south and south-north cooperation around the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
FALAH Hicham
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hicham FALAH, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Toufik AAJMI
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général

Sakhnin College for Teacher Education

National Network

HaGalil St. 100
Sakhnin 30810

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Sakhnin College for Teacher Education is located in Sakhnin, an Arab city in the Galilee region of Israel with a student body comprised of more than 3,000 students. The college trains educators, teachers and kindergarten teachers and grants them a B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees in Education and/or a teaching certificate. Students study within one of the following tracks and areas of specialization: Early Education; Special Education; Junior High School; Elementary Schools; Master's degree in: management and organization of education systems, educational consulting, school-based assessment and special education; Academic Preparatory Program; Professional Development Center, studies toward a diploma and advanced study; Guidance in planning, building and career development of students. The college is funded by the Ministry of Education, student tuition and fees, and project and program grants from organizations.

Having completed seven international projects since 2012, the college is expanding its internationalization efforts while also committing to the educational, social, and economic development of its community. Our partners include dozens of colleges and universities in Israel, as well as institutions of higher learning in Europe and India. A few of our international projects with the European Union are: Curriculum Reform for Promoting Civic Education and Democratic Principles in Israel and in Georgia (CURE), and Social Innovation for Local Indian and Israeli Communities and graduate Entrepreneurs (SILICE), and Developing Modernized Curricula on Immigrants' and Refugees' Lives (DEMO).

Mission and Objectives

Sakhnin College aims to fulfil a range of vital needs in the Arab society in the Galilee. As the sole Arab teacher college in the Galilee, which is home to more than half of Israel's Arabic speakers (Muslims, Christians, Druze and Bedouin), Sakhnin College educates, trains and qualifies teachers, and provides greater and more diverse opportunities for study for Arab students, especially women. Sakhnin College grants Bachelor and Master degrees in Education and/or a teaching certificate, as well as professional development education.

Main Projects / Activities

In addition to teacher education, which relates to all disciplines, Sakhnin College leads and support projects and programs that elevate its community and addresses needs. We are specifically interested in / working on the following areas:

• Virtual / distance education
• Social innovation and support activities, social involvement
• Community-based learning, educational digitalization supporting social justice
• Environment and sustainable development
• Multi-cultural Cooperation
• Internationalization
• At-risk youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sakhnin College seeks to cooperate on local and international projects that advance research, academia and faculty and student mobility, as well as activities that address society's critical challenges. We stand ready to lead and share across disciplines and geographies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sakhnin College prides itself on exemplifying policies and programs that further multi-cultural dialogue and cooperation. As educators of future teachers, we have an important role to play in building a strong society that is equipped with the tools and language for jointly addressing the world's most dynamic and complex challenges. Having completed several programs collaborating with universities in Europe, Asia, and across Israel, we recently launched an International Relations Unit to further our internationalization goals. We are seeking opportunities to cooperate locally and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jennifer Sheffield
Job Title
International Relations Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Prof. Mahmood Khalil
Contact (2) Full Name
Yaser Awad
Job Title (2)
Vice President of Research, Planning and Strategy

APLM(Association de Protection du Littoral à Maâmoura)

National Network

Rue Omar Ibn khattab
8013 Maamoura/Nabeul

+216 20484946
+216 72369834
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Our staff in APLM have been involved and participated in several Youth exchanges in the frame of youth in Action program, and erasmus + projects , we had many projects with AISEC members from many countries and with other Tunisian association and we still have on going projects on the field of sports and environment

Mission and Objectives

Our objectives:
1- To highlight the local natural resources in order to make an excellent touristic region.
2. To make people aware of the importance of coast protection.
3. To highlight the importance of the lagoon and the tremendous benefits it has.
4. To enhance the partnership with civil society and associations active in the Mediterranean in the same field.
5. To protect the local fauna and flora and the ecosystem.
6. To encourage scientific research in this field to activate partnership with Tunisian and foreign colleges and universities in the area in the hope of solving environmental problems

Main Projects / Activities

One of the most intersting projects we had in this field is "the bottle race" a project tackeling sports and recycling at the same time , with participation of more than 6 different nationalities from all over the world To participate in the plastic boat race made of waste.(level1-2017 & level2-2018)
. We are coordinatorsan in Erasmus+ project "Design your waste" for a duration of 2 years(2017-2019) it includes 7 actions exchanges youth workers and youth, realized 4 TC in Tunisia-1 activity in Galicia-spain and 2 activity in naples-Italy.
In September 2019 we participated in "The new path" international training course : The main topics of the training was about the difficulties the refugees are facing and how affective their inclusion in the sociaty is
.A new project with WWF Tunisia between Tunisia and Morocco, including the APLM, is a network of 15 Tunisian and 15 Moroccan associations and more than 3 years to succeed the MS3C "mobilizing civil society to fight against climate change "
-In the framework of the Mediterranean event with Legambiente "Clean Up the Mediterranean" each years, the association organized, with ETE +, an awareness campaign to clean the beach of the globe with competitions for collecting small waste and an incentive share on selective screening with games for children and young people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a motivated and ambitious young Tunisian organisation , trying to evolve and contribute more to the wellbeing of its beloved country, i believe our experience and skills through working with national and international partners can make a great contribution to the ALF network in my country. Our staff in APLM , which have been involved and participated in several projects, Youth exchanges in the frame of youth program and erasmus + projects, is welling to share and support the ALF Network in any way possible, in addition to our creative and fresh ideas to serve and support. I sincerely hope that our mutual vision for a better future will drive us to a mutually beneficial cooperation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are two sayings that I really believe in: the first is: “ what make a difference are not our choices but our commitment to them” and the second is:” “Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” ” And Joining the ALF Network will be a step on the right track for my organisation's growth. Not to mention the opportunities this alliance will provide. We are a talented team with a high sense of adventure, a remarkable stamina to adapt to the changing living conditions, a passion for a better word, and a meticulous sense of details when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness in our work and joining the ALF Network can only boost all those qualities to the right direction.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mouine Meddeb
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Benney
Contact (2) Full Name
mohamed benney