Phaneromenis 70

National Network

Phaneromenis 70, Stoa Papadopoulou
1011 Nicosia

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Cultural and Research foundation Phaneromenis 70 was founded by artist Kyriaki Costa. It is an art center housed in the historic center of Nicosia. The main goals of the institution are aligned with the research field of social studies of ‘place’ and tourism. The role of “memory”, “identity”, who we are and how we project it, are some of the main objectives of our centre, into which we are trying to incorporate the general Nicosian crowd, offering a new dimension in the cultural spectrum of Nicosia and Cyprus.

Mission and Objectives

Our main goals involve: encouraging artistic expression, supporting new artists, production of contemporary quality cultural work in the island in a horizontal alignment of arts, science and modern technology through various forms of expression, research, and broad embrace of Cypriot history and the town’s memories, as well as the showcasing of different folds of Cypriot society and Cypriot culture.

Main Projects / Activities

We have organised actions of cultural character that promote the folk artistic tradition and heritage, workshops, exhibitions, and we have published 25 chapters of our own cultural programme “Delivering Views”. We work with a series of local craftsmen and all our handmade products are delivered through collaborations with the entire community. All of our art products (art works, ceramics, jewelery) bare the handmade seal. We host a broad selection of original art pieces, paintings, sketches, poetry collections and conference books, and, through our events, we try to project all different viewpoints for the island. We wholeheartedly and unfairly support our projects through minimum governmental and private fundings as well as personal effort to highlight the cultural treasure of Cyprus to the locals and tourists.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kyriaki Costa
Job Title
Manager, artistic coordinator of the NGO
Head of the organisation
Kyriaki Costa

Generazione Zero

National Network

SP 60 km 3,5
97100 Ragusa RG

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Generazione Zero (GZ) is an Italian association founded in Ragusa (2011) from the idea of a group of students involved in a YiA programme, with an Executive Board of six memebers, including a Treasurer and two advisors.
The association's two main working areas are 1) antimafia – drafting and publishing articles concerning mafia issues on, and promoting projects/activities to educate youth about legality; 2) human rights development - editing the website with a deep focus on human rights issues, promoting partenership with Festival del Diritto (Piacenza, 2014) and working on the "Europe in Translation" project with the ECHR aiming at translating Information Notes for Italian jurisprudence.
The association works in Ragusa, Rome, Turin. Main partners include Libera, Fuci, CGIL, Siciliani giovani, Radio Impegno, Red-Tree (Spain), Youthfull-Yours Slovakia, Attiva-Mente, FERSO (Poland), Az-emberseg-erejevel-CVHA (Hungary) , Teatro-Metaphora (Portugal), Rujienas novada pașvaldiba (Latvia), Get-On-Board (Bulgary), Udruga-better-me (Croatia), Mediterrean forum for social development-MFFSD (Morocco).

Mission and Objectives

The association main aim is that of promoting and spreading general culture. We take care of social and economic integration of vulnerable groups and outsiders.
Generazione Zero also promotes a feeling of european belonging, fostering the empowerment of citizens through democratic tools; and educates the public on the respect of institutions and law, on the fulfilment of the Italian Constitution and the value of transnational justice.
Furthermore, we recognize and defend the brotherhood between Mediterranean people, the respect for the environment and the territory as well as the participation of local communities to our country’s development. We promote and defend interculturality, gender equality and youth rights.
The association fight against all kinds of mafia, in every form and meaning, as a criminal, economic, political, social and cultural phenomenon. We reject any form of racism, discrimination, prejudice, fanatism, illegality and corruption. We base our activities on freedom of information, development of knowledge, educational tools as well as cultural and cognitive individual growth. Generazione Zero fights and deconstructs every dogma, enhancing tolerance in all its meanings.

Main Projects / Activities

The association developed the following projects:
- “Generazione Zero Sicilia”, 2011, Youth in Action programme: journalism and active citizenship in Sicily (province of Siracusa, Ragusa, Enna, Catania) for adolescents and young people;
- "Human dignity as fundamental value for european justice", 2013, Youth in Action programme: journalism focused on human rights and ECHR, events and informal training on these topics (Piacenza);
- "Gutenberg 2.0", 2014, course for promoters of social comunication in collaboration with the journal "Insieme" and Libera Ragusa;
- "Walls and Borders", 2015, Torino "Biennale Democrazia" programme, project focused on analysis of migration problems using three paths: journalistic, semiological and case-law;
- "Agromafie",Ragusa (2013/14): a series of events called 'Agromafie', about mafia and its strict links with rural activities;
- "Who we are - Who you are", 2015, Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa), on migrants’ exploitation and education against mafia, contributing to a SPRAR project of the social coop 'Nostra Signora di Gulfi’;
- “Radio Impegno” project, Rome, 2016, together with other 50 local and national associations, a live streaming late-night radio project, focused on antimafia, education on legality, social integration
- "Europe in Translation", Catania, Rome and Turin, 2016-2019, in partnership with the Head of the Case-Law Information and Publications Division of ECHR, which aims to translate the Information Notes drafted by the ECHR from English and French in Italian language;
- “L’Europa dei Diritti”, Alessandria and Verona, 2017, project in partnership with the local Eurodirect offices, aimed to prepare and inform both University students and the civil society about the topic of Human Rights in Europe, European justice and the value of human dignity;
- “AOS – Agitarsi, Organizzarsi, Studiare”, Ragusa, 2018, project developed thanks to the refunds of the MPs of the political party Sinistra Italiana, journalistic and educational project for high school students;
- "WeRadio Greece", Serres, 2019, partner in a project funded by Erasmus+ programme, for european young workers to improve their webradio skills.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Generazione Zero can contribute to the network in Italy with its digital skills both in the training of young and in the media. For such reason, our added value is not only professional/technical, but also in terms of helping improve a critical thinking in young people. We founded our activities on social inclusion and gender equality. This can be an opportunity for youth groups to try out their skills in an equal, friendly environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Generazione Zero decided to join ALF Network because we would like to broaden the reach of our activities in the Mediterranean area, engaging with more organisations to foster international cooperation, in new ways and fashions. Furthermore, given our active participation within the European civil society, we could also be beneficial to the network, bringing experience, knowledge and contacts.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Giulio Pitroso
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Giulio Pitroso
Contact (2) Full Name
Simone Lo Presti

Alliance for Global Development

National Network

40 Bvd Pierre Dupong
1430 Luxembourg

00352 621 828 939
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00352 621 399 583
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Alliance for Global Development is a network of four organizations working in the area of
global development. The Alliance seeks to harmonize the working of each of the organization
embedded in the system in a manner that enables each unit's values offering to actualize the United
Nations' sustainable goals and thereby contribute meaningfully to reducing the plight of the most
vulnerable, impact social inclusion especially the difficulty of illegal migration and displacement of
people from third world countries. The Alliance uses the multicultural teaching approach to
educate leaders of non-governmental organizations and engages stakeholders in a multi-level dialogue
to bridge the gap of economic and social development through learning and sharing of best practices
with each other. A group of 9 energetic volunteers team manages AGD learned and dedicated mid-aged professionals comprising governance and human rights expert, engineers, architects, social inclusion experts, and international relations experts who design and manage projects in several areas including Technical and Vocation Education Training, Leadership and Entrepreneurship development. The team syncs every minor detail mandatory to achieve the desired objective in the life cycle of our programs – thereby advancing the concept of
social behavior value of life for all participating in our events as we drill to bridge the widening gap
of social inequality. Our member's organization is NGO Nest Berlin, Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association, Institute for Sustainable Education and Development (ISEDE e.V), Association IMPRESS, Croatia , HELLENIC YOUTH PARTICIPATION, ASSOCIAZIONE MULTIETNICA DEI MEDIATOR INTERCULTURAL,

The currently budgetary provisions for 2020 are about 375, 000 Euros for staffers and administrative related expenses including specific project-based funding. The sources of funding come from the European Union and partnership in youth mobility and strategic partnership project management.

Mission and Objectives

Our overall vision is to create a new generation with the concept of global citizenship promoting the elements of economic democracy which we are sure will enhance the promotion of world peace, limit hate speech, discrimination, and racism amongst people of the world.

Our Objectives:

- Establish, promote and support social awareness of the importance of sustainable action and contribute to the implementation of international sustainability strategies,
- Promote a better understanding of different nations and cultures,
-Promote peace among the key competencies of other countries in terms of intercultural understanding through the participation of young people and civic education,
- Seek to affirm the value of each human being with their own origins and cultures,
- Seek to enhance its fundamental principles in each of its programs: dignity, respect for differences, understanding, and tolerance.

Main Projects / Activities

AGD's objectives are notably achieved by the following activities:
• International education, youth and cultural exchanges on sustainability issues, in particular in the field of environmental protection and development cooperation,
• Institutional support to organizations working on the SDGs (sustainable development goals), namely sustainable/global development,
•Promotion of science and research as well as art and culture by supporting the art-science dialogue as a means and expression of a sustainable transfer of knowledge,
•Reinforcement of positive discourses on sustainability issues, in particular education and environmental protection, through the participation and organization of events and conferences.

Main Projects in 2020:
1-AGD participated this year in a TRAINING OF TRAINERS project: Facilitating "hot potato" topics with multicultural groups as part of Erasmus + KA1 - Learning mobility of individuals Mobility of Youth Workers. The aim of this project is to support the capacity building of partner organizations through the professional development of youth workers, youth leaders, and trainers in the field of dialogue facilitation with multicultural groups.
2- Entrepreneurship to Empower project: This project started in February 2020. The aim of this project is to address the identification of existing best practices and the development of support schemes for the
transmission of attitudes, skills, and competences of Social Entrepreneurship to disadvantaged young people (NEETs) in partner countries and at the European level.

Project in 2021:

"Erasmus Me" project: this project aims to answer and satisfy identified needs of our partner organizations and colleagues youth workers, leaders and trainers and support them in development of competencies needed for the development of high-quality inclusive projects under the Erasmus+ program, first of all, activities within Key Action 1 (training and youth exchanges). the purpose of this project is to support capacity building of partner organizations and provide needed knowledge and support the development of competences of youth workers/leaders/trainers related to project management within theErasmus+ program, with the accent of development of inclusive projects and providing more mobility and learning opportunities for young people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The filed experience of our team can be mainly used as a co-ordination channel between the ALF's NGO members. Our aim is to build up and exchange our local and international expertise, improving the developing activities service, and being more competitive.
As a new umbrella organization, we aim to work with other network partners to help young people to gain skills such as leadership, project management, NGO work, application writing, and fundraising. As a hub for 4 NGOs working in different domains, we are specialized in developing skills for young and future leaders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1- Networks provide environments conducive to innovation,
2-Network realize Participative Communication for Development,
3-Use and exchange the knowledge accumulated by each ALF member,
4-ALF will allow us to reach out as closely as possible to the actors (individuals and organizations) likely to join our Alliance and participate/collaborate in our projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hend Hussein
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hend Hussein

Cyprus Gender Research Centre (EKIF)

National Network

17 Ithakis street
2400 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The structure of the organization consists of a seven-member board. We set up committees consisting of members of the board and other partners (e.g. researchers) for drafting up project proposals, collecting and analysing data, and writing up reports.
Our budgetary resource ranges from 5000 to 10000 euro per year. Our main sources of funding are membership fees and project grants mainly from governmental sources, such as ministries and departments. We have also received funding from the Commissioner of Public Administration, the University of Cyprus, the National Machinery for Women’s Rights, the National Youth Organization, the Head of the European Parliament Representation in Cyprus, the Unesco chair for Gender Equality of the University of Cyprus, the Union of primary and secondary school teachers.
Modalities of action: seminars, research projects, networking activities, press releases, dissemination of findings through publications and the website, interventions, participation in conferences and seminars.

Mission and Objectives

The Cyprus Gender Research Centre (EKIF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) committed to developing and providing activities mainly through research which enhance the ability of men and women to live in a world of equal opportunity. The activities of EKIF aim to promote equal opportunities and policies that will allow reconciliation of work and family life for all members of society. EKIF's main concerns are women's under-representation in decision-making bodies, exploitation of female immigrants, trafficking and violence against women and children. It also promotes human rights on a national and European level for the elimination of all forms of gender discrimination. Through advocacy and intervention, EKIF aims at developing critical thinking regarding equality and the deconstruction of gender stereotypes ingrained in the Cyprus society.

Main Projects / Activities

We carried out the following seven research projects on a national level:
1. Parliamentary elections 2006: The gender preferences of Cypriot voters (2006)
2. The representation of male and female teaching personnel in primary and secondary education and its implications on educational and social outcomes (2008)
3. Female immigrants - Profile, obstacles, needs, aspirations (2010)
4. Mapping the research landscape in Cyprus through the gender perspective (2012)
5. The gender perspective of unemployment: views and attitudes of youth, employers and trade union officials (2016)
6. Parliamentary elections 2006 and 2016: The gender preferences of Cypriot voters (2016)
7. Gender in Entrepreneurship: views, attitudes and intentions of university studnets (2018)

Our current research project: 'Views of students and teachers as regards the successful integration of students with migrant biography in the school environment from the gender perspective'.

For all projects, a public seminar was organised in order to disseminate the main findings of each project. The findings of the projects are published electronically and in print in order to influence policy makers and other interested parties.

All our projects and activities are uploaded on our website (

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience in designing and implementing research projects on a national level and disseminating findings. We have completed successfully projects that touch on youth issues, gender, human rights and immigrants. Hence, our expertise and knowledge gained could be of use to the network in our country. We would support the efforts of the network for promoting a society free of discrimination that encourages inclusiveness, empathy and dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network in order to
- Share the ALF network vision
- Join forces with other Euro-Mediterranean organizations that focus on intercultural action around the three pillars: Empowering young voices; Influencing policymakers; Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.
- Enrich our expertise regarding the promotion of human rights, intercultural cooperation and fighting discrimination

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Dr Despina Solomi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr Despina Solomi
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Eleni Demosthenous
Job Title (2)

مركز نحن نشارك لتنمية المجتمع المدني We Participate

National Network

الزرقاء -الزرقاء الجديدة -دوار البترواي -شارع جوهرالصقلي -عمارة رقم 14

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

مركز نحن نشارك هو مؤسسة مجتمع مدني أردنية، غير حكومية٬ وغير ربحية٬ أنشأت في عام 2014 بجهود مجموعة من الشباب والنشطاء المدنيين الأردنيين في محافظة الزرقاء. يهدف مركز نحن نشارك إلى تعزيز مفاهيم المسائلة والمشاركة الشعبية في عملية صنع القرار في الأردن، ضمن مبادئ الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان، حيث يعمل المركز على تعزيز الوعي المجتمعي حول قيم المدنية؛ كالحرية والمساواة والعدالة والمشاركة الفضلى، كما يهدف الى تعزيز التماسك المجتمعي بين افراد المجتمع الأردني، وترسيخ مفاهيم وممارسات النوع الاجتماعي لتصبح جزء من الثقافة المجتمعية في الأردن. يؤمن مركز نحن نشارك في أهمية الاستثمار الصحيح في طاقة الشباب والمرأة، ويؤمن بأن دور الشباب والمرأة هو الأساس في عملية التغيير نحو مجتمع ديمقراطي، ومتماسك، وفاعل، ويؤمن بأن الشباب والمرأة هما المحرك الأساسي لتطور المجتمعات، ولذلك يقوم المركز ومن خلال نشاطاته المستمرة باستهداف الشباب والمرأة، ودأب على أن يكون دورهم واقعي وحقيقي في رسم استراتيجيات وخطط المركز من خلال عقد جلسات نقاشية مع الفئتين لمناقشة التحديات المجتمعية ووضع خطط وتصورات للطرق المثلى لحل هذه التحديات من وجهة نظر الشباب والمرأة. بنى مركز نحن نشارك شبكة واسعة من منظمات المجتمع المدني من خلال تشكيل تحالف المشاركة والذي يتكون من 34 مؤسسة من مختلف محافظات ومناطق الأردن، بما في ذلك المناطق الريفية٬ والنائية، والبادية (الصحراء)، ومخيمات اللاجئين٬ لضمان التنفيذ الفعال والمشاركة الشاملة للمجتمعات المحلية في مختلف التوزيعات الجغرافية والطبقات الاقتصادية.

Mission and Objectives

أهداف المؤسسة: بناء قدرات أصحاب المصلحة للمشاركة الفاعلة في عملية صنع القرار كوسيلة لترسيخ الديمقراطية دعم تمكين النساء والرجال للوصول للمساواة بين النوع الاجتماعي التمكين في قضايا الأمن الإنساني لضمان استدامة التماسك المجتمعي تعزيز المبادئ والقيم المحفزة للمشاركة المجتمعية على مختلف المستويات

Main Projects / Activities

1- مشروع شركاء في التغير "وضع قضايا المرأة على سلم اولويات مجلس المحافظة" وبتمويل من USAID . حيث يهدف المشروع الى وضع قضايا المراة على سلم أولويات مجلس المحافظة وتمكين المرأة . مشروع "العائلات في العصر الرقمي " يهدف المشروع الى تمكين المرأة والقيادات الشبابية من خلال تعزيز الحوار الايجابي عبر دور الانترنت في مجتمعاتنا وتوعية في مجال التربية الاعلامية والرقمية . تم عمل جلسات حوار مجتمعي وعصف ذهني للخروج بمبادرة شبابية بعنوان "مساحة شباب فضاء" وهي عبارة عن توعية وتثقيف الشباب واعطاء ورشات تدريبية بمجالات مختلفة (محو الامية الرقمية والتربية الاعلامية والرقمية, تكنولوجيا المعلومات . - مشروع تمكين مؤسسات المجتمع المدني المحلية لتعزيز الترابط المجتمعي حيث يهدف الى تمكين قدرات منظمات المجتمع المدني المحلية على مواجهة التحديات وتحسين القدرات المؤسسية لتنفيذ مشاريع في مجال الترابط المجتمعي . ونبثق منه مشروع "المسرح من أجل الحوار" وهو ضمن مشروع"تمكين مؤسسات المجتمع المدني المحلية لتعزيز الترابط المجتمعي"وتدريب 10 شباب يافعين على تقنيات المسرح التفاعلي لحل مشكلتين مجتمعيتين والخروج بمسرحية بعنوان" الحياة افتراض " بتعاون مع مركز الحياة وبتمويل من الوزارة الخارجية لمملكة النروج. 4 مشروع تمكين السيدات من أجل الحوار يهدف الى تعزيز قدرات السيدات على مهارات تثقيف الاقران والحوار الايجابي لتعزيز التماسك المجتمعي. 5 مشروع تعزيز قدرات مؤسسات المجتمع المدني لتحسين الاداء البرلماني يهدف الى تحسين الاداء البرلماني من خلال تعزيز ممارسات المسائلة المجتمعية وزيادة التواصل بين البرلمانين والقواعد الانتخابية لعكس تطلعات الناخبين داخل البرلمان وتعزيز مشاركة المواطنين في التشريع البرلماني والرقابة البرلمانية

Contact (1) Full Name
محمود رياض احمد الصبيحات
Job Title
مدير مركز نحن نشارك
Head of the organisation
محمود رياض الصبيحات
Contact (2) Full Name
دعاء الدراوشه
Job Title (2)
منسق مشروع

Seif Mostafa

National Network

Tayraan ST
Nasr City
Cairo Governorate

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

I am Software engineer love education field, work in Etisalat Misr and love volunteering.

Mission and Objectives

I would prefer to let you determine

Main Projects / Activities

Researching or computer staff

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Seif Mostafa
Job Title
Software Engineer
Head of the organisation
Seif Mostafa

Global Eagles United e.V

National Network

Von Liebig Str. 20
53359 Rheinbach

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Global Eagles United (GEU) is a Non for Profit organization founded in 2019 to promote international sporting activities starting from Germany and across Europe. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purpose and has a primary aim to use sport as a medium to contribute to the understanding of the uniqueness of our human nature irrespective of our multiallelism to ignite a concerted spirit of solidarity in the pursuit of peaceful coexistence in our world. The Sporting activities organized by the work team made up of 7 volunteer people are vital in the efforts to give young people purpose and a sense of community and to discourage them from criminal activities and gang affiliations.
Since research shows that many professional athletes use their social and financial status to help others, therefore GEU e.V serves as a medium through which sports professionals can see community needs and challenges in the pursuit of their social and civic responsibility.
Our programs and projects are designed and implemented focusing on the intrinsic and alienable dignity of the human person therefore, religion and politics are neutral at the core of our activities and organization. Finally, our experience from the field shows the need to improve the process of sports professionalization, that is the internal process in which sports volunteering activities and sports organization operates, GEU e.V will champion the demand for quality in sports competition because formalizing sports activities and procedures leads to achieving the expected results of participating athletes and also that of sports managers and organizations. Since our office is located in the heart of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn Rheine Siege, we will draw a pool of volunteers from the Sports Science department and pediatric social work to help with many of community engagements. We intend to create activities jointly with the students to guarantee easy access to the majority of the sporting facilities in the university for our programs.

Mission and Objectives

GEUS e.V's mission is to use sport as art to speak to the world and refine the skills of those who are committed or willing to start joining efforts to ensure the achievement of the objectives of sustainable development through community mobilization.

The purpose of the association is to :
- improve the health and wellbeing of individuals to contribute to their empowerment,
- promote the development of inclusive European communities through sporting activities and programs,
- contribute to international understanding by promoting sporting activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The goal of the association is realized in particular by the following actions:
• International education, youth and cultural exchange on topics related to sport
• Promotion of international sports exercises, performances, games, and competitions
• Offering sports opportunities in an international context to improve integration in Germany.

Furthermore, as GEU e.V grows, we will conduct a national and international competition as well as develop amateur athletes for domestic and international sports competition. Our complimentary activities to increase the promotion of sports, in general, would include open door and special days, sport talks, masterclasses, sports exhibitions, mentoring and coaching sessions, and nutrition workshops.

The experiences of the founders of GEU e.V and vision is to use the project of sport as a tool for social inclusion and personal development. Therefore, our programs and project will be designed to encourage capacity building and networking of various sporting institutions within the EU Zone, the provision of adapted sports equipment for impaired athletes and the organization of an inclusive sports events mainly for the disabled.
Having set our expectations, our staff had participated in a lot of training concerning the area of physical education and physiology exercises.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Two of the GEU Board members are participating in many training organized by the UNODC in Brussels as part of the Doha Declaration Global Program sports initiative which looks to build vital life skills among 13 - 18-year-olds to keep them safe from violence, crime, and drugs.
The president of the association organized more than 20 Sports camps in Egypt and Europe for different sports. She has a huge network in the sports industry especially in football, Handball, Cross-fit & squash. As well as having very good presentation skills and leadership skills. She has so many connections in Europe with sports universities, academies, and professors who can provide very good content and that will help to develop the quality of sport's activities.
Our team experience can be mainly used as a co-ordination channel between the ALF's NGO members. Our aim is to build up and exchange our local and international expertise, improving the sports activities service, and being more competitive.
GEU can support both the expansion of sports activities implemented by the ALF members and the increase in local resources in various fields of sport.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Networking: the importance of collaboration and cooperation with ALF members also take ownership of our own work,
- Results-oriented focus: to be the best with the help of other experiences ( ALF members) and exceed expectations,
- Willingness to learn and adapt: we expect to learn how the other organizations function. we want to use our skills and knowledge to help and be helped by the ALF organization members to achieve goals. We aim to use constructive criticism and evaluations to better ourselves as a professional and individual.

Contact (1) Full Name
Doaa Mansour
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Doaa Mansour
Contact (2) Full Name
Ewa Pazdzierny
Job Title (2)
Operation Manager

Libanaises pour l’Egalité (LPE)

National Network

Rue Principale
Joun - chouf

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

We are an NGO non - profit - Organization , consists of 7 Women who have the same vision to empower women and save their rights. Funded by IEMED , we have completed the second phase of the project prostitution and women' trafficking project in 2018-2019 the fund was 10,000 Euro, we introducing during a several meeting with community in multiple regions in Lebanon, the Palermo Protocol. The partners involved in the project was LWRC, Wardeh Botros - Moussawat, Finassol and the gender committee in the ministry of Education.

Mission and Objectives

The Lebanese Women's Equality Group aims to educate women and empower them economically as well as make them productive in society by meeting their needs, especially in terms of training, empowerment and self-realization.

Main Projects / Activities

A Study of the Prostitution A Study of Women Trafficking in Lebanon

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We often seek to contribute, to help others, to make a difference in the world. Trying to make a difference to women in our society and help them to be productive. Helping Women succeed.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I was a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Network against of the trafficking of Women therefore I participated in many conferences With AL F in Marroco, Belgium & Marseille about Women empowerment . Today, as a president of the Lebaneses Association for Equality, I would like to contribute to spreading the culture and the principles of ALF especially in the field of empowerment.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Hiba Chreim
Job Title
Directrice de l'association
Head of the organisation
Hiba Chreim
Contact (2) Full Name
Lama Ghosn
Job Title (2)

The Change Foundation

National Network

3, Hristo Belchev str.
1000 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The Change Foundation is part of the Reach for Change Group that is an international non-profit founded in Sweden in 2010 operating in 12 countries on three continents.
Full-time employees are 4 people – management, administration, program and communication. Temporary we work with 14 peoples – design and delivery of workshops, pro-bono trainers, mentors, interns.
Budgetary resources available in 2021 are 100 000 EUR fund-raised from Nova Broadcasting Group and ING Bank.
Our projects are PROMYANATA, Innovation for Inclusion, Social Innovation Fund, Project “Transfer of Innovative Practices for Enhancing the Social Impact from the Activity of Social Entrepreneurs”.
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are Reach for Change, Nova Broadcasting Group, ING Bank, The Business Institute.
A special focus for the partnership between ING Bank and The Change Foundation is on providing support to social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria to better serve the underprivileged groups of the society through Sofia Innovation Fund.

Mission and Objectives

The vision of The Change Foundation is a world where all children and youth reach their full potential. Since 2015 we’re working towards this vision by finding social entrepreneurs and empowering them to develop and scale innovative solutions that help children have better lives.
We find social entrepreneurs through our search and selection, and support them in becoming investment ready to qualify for intensive support in our incubator programs. We run development programs for social entrepreneurs, tailored to their specific development stage. The social entrepreneurs are supported to scale their innovation through capacity-building, network connections and funding, all in partnership with multiple sectors.
Our medium-term objective is that our social ventures develop effective solutions for children and youth and become ready to scale. More specifically our objectives are that, by the end of their third year in the incubator, our social ventures:
- Have proven an effective solution for children and youth
- Are ready to financially sustain their operations at scale
- Have strong leadership and a team ready for scale
- Have initiated impact scaling
- Have begun carrying out systems change activities (if applicable)
Our long-term objective is that our alumni (the social ventures that have graduated from the incubator) scale their impact to a significant share of their target group, contributing to the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals for children and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

The Change Foundation's projects:
PROMYANATA Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (2015 – 2020) - to support early stage social entrepreneurs to develop and scale their innovations, solving pressing social issues for children and youth. Within 3 to 5 years in the Incubator SEs to have proven their impact, become financially sustainable, established a strong leadership and team, and to have initiated scale of their impact. To develop a community of social entrepreneurs.
PROMYANATA Pre-Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (2015 – 2020) - to support early stage SE to get investment ready for the Incubator of The Change Foundation . To support the development of the SEs in terms of: effective solution, financial sustainability, pitching . To create a community of SE.
Innovation for Inclusion (2020 - ....) - to empower innovators to develop their sustainable solutions for social inclusion.
Social Innovation Fund (2015 – 2020) - to support, through social-entrepreneur initiatives that have a sustainable business model and that create social change in Bulgaria, especially for underprivileged people.
Project “Transfer of Innovative Practices for Enhancing the Social Impact from the Activity of Social Entrepreneurs” (2017-2018) - to research, pilot and transfer in Bulgaria innovative practices for support of social entrepreneurs in regard to: impact management, organisational growth and impact scaling, system change.
Accelerator and Incubator for early stage SE in the field of Education (2018- 2019) - to help teachers and alumni of Teach for Bulgaria further develop their knowledge, skills, and capacity in order to start successful businesses dedicated to various social causes

The Change Foundation's programs:
Pre-incubator and Incubator program – our pre-incubator and incubator are designed to support social enterprises in the proof-of-concept and early-growth stages. We help social entrepreneurs maximize and effectively measure their social impact, strengthen internal capacities and increase revenues and typically lasts up to three years. The incubator supports includes:
- Capacity-building. We offer advisory, technical training, mentoring, coaching and peer-to-peer exchange across five key development areas: effective solution, financial sustainability, leadership and team, impact scaling and system change.
- Network connections. We connect our social entrepreneurs to our local and international network of experts and funders, with the aim of creating new learning opportunities, partnerships and sources of revenue.
- Stamp of approval. In addition to assistance with capacity building and access to network and grant funding, a place in our incubator represents a stamp of approval because of our highly competitive selection process.
- Grant funding. Selected social entrepreneurs are offered unrestricted support for developing and delivering their solution and for strengthening the capacity and capabilities of their team.
In addition to the direct support to social entrepreneurs, The Change Foundation also works to create a sustainable supportive environment that enables social entrepreneurs to develop and scale. This includes increasing awareness of social entrepreneurship, facilitating cross-sector exchange and establishing support networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution to the Network will be the network of social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria that The Change Foundation have been built since 2015. We can contribute with our strong methodology. The methodology of the incubator program centers around the Development Tracker, a tool consisting of development milestones that like a map or curriculum sets out what is to be achieved during the program. In addition to our direct support to help our incubator participants achieve these milestones, we offer support through different resources (lectures, tools, quizzes, articles and homeworks).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our core principles on how we design our program is co-creation, partnering for change. We work with local and international partners who are brave enough to innovate together and to invest in new ideas and people. Participating in the ALF Network we would be grate to make more partnerships.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Contact (2) Full Name
Yordanka Saparevska
Job Title (2)
Administrative Ofiicer

The Change Foundation

National Network

3, Hristo Belchev str.
1000 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The Change Foundation is part of the Reach for Change Group that is an international non-profit founded in Sweden in 2010 operating in 12 countries on three continents.
Full-time employees are 4 people – management, administration, program and communication. Temporary we work with 14 peoples – design and delivery of workshops, pro-bono trainers, mentors, interns.
Budgetary resources available in 2021 are 100 000 EUR fund-raised from Nova Broadcasting Group and ING Bank.
Our projects are PROMYANATA, Innovation for Inclusion, Social Innovation Fund, Project “Transfer of Innovative Practices for Enhancing the Social Impact from the Activity of Social Entrepreneurs”.
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are Reach for Change, Nova Broadcasting Group, ING Bank, The Business Institute.
A special focus for the partnership between ING Bank and The Change Foundation is on providing support to social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria to better serve the underprivileged groups of the society through Sofia Innovation Fund.

Mission and Objectives

The vision of The Change Foundation is a world where all children and youth reach their full potential. Since 2015 we’re working towards this vision by finding social entrepreneurs and empowering them to develop and scale innovative solutions that help children have better lives.
We find social entrepreneurs through our search and selection, and support them in becoming investment ready to qualify for intensive support in our incubator programs. We run development programs for social entrepreneurs, tailored to their specific development stage. The social entrepreneurs are supported to scale their innovation through capacity-building, network connections and funding, all in partnership with multiple sectors.
Our medium-term objective is that our social ventures develop effective solutions for children and youth and become ready to scale. More specifically our objectives are that, by the end of their third year in the incubator, our social ventures:
- Have proven an effective solution for children and youth
- Are ready to financially sustain their operations at scale
- Have strong leadership and a team ready for scale
- Have initiated impact scaling
- Have begun carrying out systems change activities (if applicable)
Our long-term objective is that our alumni (the social ventures that have graduated from the incubator) scale their impact to a significant share of their target group, contributing to the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals for children and youth.

Main Projects / Activities

The Change Foundation's projects:
PROMYANATA Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (2015 – 2020) - to support early stage social entrepreneurs to develop and scale their innovations, solving pressing social issues for children and youth. Within 3 to 5 years in the Incubator SEs to have proven their impact, become financially sustainable, established a strong leadership and team, and to have initiated scale of their impact. To develop a community of social entrepreneurs.
PROMYANATA Pre-Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (2015 – 2020) - to support early stage SE to get investment ready for the Incubator of The Change Foundation . To support the development of the SEs in terms of: effective solution, financial sustainability, pitching . To create a community of SE.
Innovation for Inclusion (2020 - ....) - to empower innovators to develop their sustainable solutions for social inclusion.
Social Innovation Fund (2015 – 2020) - to support, through social-entrepreneur initiatives that have a sustainable business model and that create social change in Bulgaria, especially for underprivileged people.
Project “Transfer of Innovative Practices for Enhancing the Social Impact from the Activity of Social Entrepreneurs” (2017-2018) - to research, pilot and transfer in Bulgaria innovative practices for support of social entrepreneurs in regard to: impact management, organisational growth and impact scaling, system change.
Accelerator and Incubator for early stage SE in the field of Education (2018- 2019) - to help teachers and alumni of Teach for Bulgaria further develop their knowledge, skills, and capacity in order to start successful businesses dedicated to various social causes

The Change Foundation's programs:
Pre-incubator and Incubator program – our pre-incubator and incubator are designed to support social enterprises in the proof-of-concept and early-growth stages. We help social entrepreneurs maximize and effectively measure their social impact, strengthen internal capacities and increase revenues and typically lasts up to three years. The incubator supports includes:
- Capacity-building. We offer advisory, technical training, mentoring, coaching and peer-to-peer exchange across five key development areas: effective solution, financial sustainability, leadership and team, impact scaling and system change.
- Network connections. We connect our social entrepreneurs to our local and international network of experts and funders, with the aim of creating new learning opportunities, partnerships and sources of revenue.
- Stamp of approval. In addition to assistance with capacity building and access to network and grant funding, a place in our incubator represents a stamp of approval because of our highly competitive selection process.
- Grant funding. Selected social entrepreneurs are offered unrestricted support for developing and delivering their solution and for strengthening the capacity and capabilities of their team.
In addition to the direct support to social entrepreneurs, The Change Foundation also works to create a sustainable supportive environment that enables social entrepreneurs to develop and scale. This includes increasing awareness of social entrepreneurship, facilitating cross-sector exchange and establishing support networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution to the Network will be the network of social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria that The Change Foundation have been built since 2015. We can contribute with our strong methodology. The methodology of the incubator program centers around the Development Tracker, a tool consisting of development milestones that like a map or curriculum sets out what is to be achieved during the program. In addition to our direct support to help our incubator participants achieve these milestones, we offer support through different resources (lectures, tools, quizzes, articles and homeworks).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our core principles on how we design our program is co-creation, partnering for change. We work with local and international partners who are brave enough to innovate together and to invest in new ideas and people. Participating in the ALF Network we would be grate to make more partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yuriy Vulkovsky
Contact (2) Full Name
Yordanka Saparevska
Job Title (2)
Administrative Ofiicer