Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
- The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Association for the Care and General Rights of Children "Naša djeca" Zenica

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Maršala Tita 22
72000 Zenica
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Naša djeca” Zenica/Our Children Zenica is an Association for the Care and General Rights of Children, existing and working in Zenica since 1992. It is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-profit organization that works with children and young people. In total, Our Children has 150 active members. Its goal is to offer a platform where children and young people can make their ideas happen. We are supporting youth to give ideas, accomplish personal goals, write and realize their own projects, make music, movies, and similar content and by doing that be active in the local community. Some of our donors are USAID/IOM, EU and WESTERN BALKANS FUND. Three members of our staff are full-time employed and five members are part-time employed.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to offer a platform where children and young people can make their ideas happen. We are supporting youth to give ideas, accomplish personal goals, write and realize their own projects, make music, movies and similar content and by doing that be active in the local community.

Main Projects / Activities

Association is an idea under which name the following activities operate: RadiYo Active Zenica, Children's Parliament, Production studiYo, Agora City Debate Club and Budi muško klub/Young man Initiative. On the international scale we implemented “Youth for Free Media” EU-funded project in 2017. together with partners from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia and Poland. Our RadiYo is also a member of CMFE – Community Media Forum Europe, network of community media for organizations from Council of Europe member states. Besides that, Children's Parliament meets every week in our premises to learn about child rights. Also, we celebrate Children's Day and Children’s Week every year and try to remind our city and state that they are obliged to take care of the children. Our Children is a member of Network of NGOs for children in Bosnia and Herzegovina Stronger Voice for Children. It is a nation-wide network of almost two dozen non-governmental organizations brought together in 2009 by the need to have a systematic, effective, evidence-based impact on the processes affecting children rights in Bosnia. Besides that, we are exclusive partner from Bosnia and Herzegovina for Pestalozzi Foundation. We organize an intercultural exchange with Pestalozzi Children's Village in Switzerland where we take 40 children from Zenica twice a year for the last 3 years. Throughout this, 20-day long exchange, children get totally different perspective about learning and they get to meet 40 kids from other country, since every exchange includes at least two countries. With this, we give them a chance to travel, learn and experience and learn about discrimination, their rights and identity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Having a community radio as a part of Association, we can contribute in promoting the Network and its ideas. Also, we took part in projects that advocate against extremism and radicalism in the past two years. By joining the Network we bring new ideas and a different perspective and with that we can contribute to the future projects and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network would provide us with new experiences, new opportunities and a great number of contacts and cooperation with other members of this network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ernad Bihorac
Job Title
Head of the Association
Head of the organisation
Ernad Bihorac
Contact (2) Full Name
Adna Kepeš
Job Title (2)
Facilitator of the Children's Parliament

Făgăraș Research Institute

National Network

Str. Ghe. Doja, Nr. 23
505200 Făgăraș

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

We were founded in 2017 in order to develop knowledge, science, and research infrastructure in Făgăraș area, Romania. We are a membership based organization, having at the moment more than 70 members in our network, one employee and 9 volunteers. Our budget in 2019 was 35.000 euros coming from the European Commission and private foundations. We focus in our activities on research, conferences, events, courses, summer school, etc. Our main partners are local, national, and global stakeholders.

Mission and Objectives

We envisage a community that is well informed and that understands both – the challenges it confronts and its own potential.

The Făgăraș Research Institute supports the development of innovation, knowledge and science in the Țara Făgărașului area by conducting research, policy analysis and delivering educational programs.

Our objectives include contributing to our understanding of how knowledge impacts development, connecting our region to national and global knowledge networks and building premises for interdisciplinary activities as well as interconnections between researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

We are developing within the Institute an International Center for Global Affairs and Postdevelopment driving our activities on international relations and international development.
We are currently implementing projects focused on youth and research, COVID-19 and its impact on society, human rights and freedom of speech, civil society sector sustainability, and migration, diaspora and development.
We are in process of developing further projects on Turkey-EU relations, Africa - CEE and EU relations, and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are an Institute focused on research and on bringing together different stakeholders that use knowledge in their work. We can, therefore, contribute by generating analysis, doing research, organizing courses, contributing to policy initiatives and other civil-society partnerships.
Furthermore, we see ALF Network in Romania being key in building on the political, business and historical relations Romania has with MENA countries, in order to strengthen links and partnerships between MENA and Romanian civil society and research organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to join ALF Network in order to contribute to strenthening the relations between Romania, EU and MENA countries.
Furthermore, we are interested in meeting organizations with similar interests and building partnerships and joint projects, especially in areas of research, policy, youth and communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefan Cibian
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Stefan Cibian

SOS Rijeka- center for nonviolence and human rights

National Network

Verdijeva 11
51000 Rijeka

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights (SOS Rijeka) is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation which has 4 longterm staff members - two psychologists, legal adviser and coordinator. The Association is represented by the President and Vice-President of the Association’s Coordination Team who are: – responsible for the legality of the Association's operations – manage the Association's tasks – submit a proposal of the annual financial statement to the General Assembly. Budget in 2019.= 820.718,00 kn (108.291,20 EUR) Main partners: The Association for Family Protection – Rijeka U.Z.O.R., Center of tehnical culture Rijeka, Association for civil society development SMART, Creative colective Kombinat, Association PaRiter, Lesbian organization Rijeka - LORI, Social welfare centers etc. SOS Rijeka is a member of Croatian women's network, Platform for reproductive rights, Initiative to improve the functioning of the free legal aid system, Network of anti-discrimination contact points of the Ombudsman, AWID-a (The Association for Woman's Rights in Development).

Mission and Objectives

SOS Rijeka is feminist organisation which helps victims of violence and other people in need by providing psycho-social, legal and other forms of help. We stand for a society of nonviolence in which human rights are protected, respected and lived. Objectives of the Association are to: - promote, develop, improve and provide assistance and support to victims of all types of violence, as well as other persons in crisis situations - prevent violence and promote tolerance and civic awareness of human rights and their protection and promotion - provide free legal aid - promote and encourage volunteering in the community, as well as active participation in the society.

Main Projects / Activities

SOS Rijeka – centar za nenasilje i ljudska prava/SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation situated in Rijeka, Croatia which provides help for victims of violence and other people in need for over 25 years. The organization achieves its goals through three interconnected and intertwined program areas: 1. Direct work with victims of violence and other persons in crisis situations, which includes providing psychosocial assistance, support and free legal aid to victims of violence. Most of our users are victims of gender based violence (women), but we provide help for all victims (regardless of sex, gender, age etc.) of all types of violence. 2. Education and prevention of violence which includes cooperation with educational institutions and educational courses and workshops for young people. We believe that the causes of violence and preventive work should be systematic, especially with young people, so we strive to, through education, prevent victimization and transfer of violent patterns to the next generation. Depending on the project, we also carry out educational programs for other members of the society / public (volunteers, adults, professionals). 3. Public awareness and advocacy The problem of violence cannot be solved without continuously informing the public about its causes, occurrences and consequences, about protecting and supporting victims of violence, about condemning violence and about the (un)effectiveness of the system. Therefore, through activities such as publicly celebrating important dates (for example, National and International Day against Violence against Women), organizing exhibitions and various other events, we strive to contribute to raising awareness of (non) violence SOS Rijeka is also running a volunteering program which is recognized by volunteers and other organisations as of quality and important for our community. In its latest strategic plan, SOS Rijeka has focused its capacities towards education for working with victims of sexual violence and launching a special section within our Counseling Center. In Croatia, there is currently only one center for victims of sexual violence (in Zagreb, the capital), which is not enough. To achieve its objectives, the Association shall engage in the following activities: - organising and providing various social services and providing social, free legal and humanitarian aid and support to victims of all types of violence and persons in crisis situations (counselling and assistance, psychosocial assistance, stay, accommodation, organised housing, prevention of violence, professional assistance and support, primary legal aid, short stay, playrooms, workshops, clubs, psychosocial assistance in crisis situations, improving quality of life and health of socially excluded persons) - organising and holding lectures, gatherings, schools, congresses, workshops, seminars, presentations, public discussions, round tables and other forms of informing and transferring of knowledge and skills - preparing, creating and distributing expert, scientific, educational, informational and promotional materials and publications using information and communication technologies - preventing violence and promoting nonviolence, preventing and protecting against discrimination - promoting and developing volunteering, and organising various volunteering activities and activities related to volunteer management - informing the public, participating in the media, creating media content, following public policies, public lobbying and advocacy for change and encouraging participatory democracy - promoting the development of local community through the development of civil society and good management, and encouraging social solidarity - international and intercultural cooperation and development - education and care of children and youth, and the implementation of extra-institutional activities for children and youth for the purpose of educating them to actively participate in the development of democratic culture, to protect and promote human rights, as well as healthy lifestyles and sustainable development - encouraging, developing, establishing and directing social entrepreneurship - activities including preventive action to improve and protect health and enhance the quality of life. Since 2008, we are continuously conducting the program « Savjetovalište za žrtve nasilja u obitelji« (Counseling Center for Victims of Domestic Violence) funded primarily by the Croatian Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy. Within the program, we provide free psychological assistance, free legal aid (since 2016) as well as others forms of assistance (e.g. assistance with employment search, exercising social rights and other forms of integration activities) to all victims of domestic violence in the wider area of Primorje-Gorski kotar and Lika-Senj county. This program is supported and expanded with several smaller projects which are focusing on other victims of violence (outside of domestic environment, e.g. violence in shorter-lasting relationships that are not considered to be domestic violence, mobbing, bullying). In its latest strategic plan, SOS Rijeka has focused its capacities towards education for working with victims of sexual violence and launching a special section within our Counseling Center. In Croatia, there is currently only one center for victims of sexual violence (in Zagreb, the capital), which is not enough. SOS Rijeka has wide experience in developing and implementing projects and programs combating violence from different angles. Apart from working directly with victims of violence, we are involved in numerous projects that aim to prevent violence and promote non-violence among children and youngsters. In this regard, we would highlight the following projects: „Ljubav voli, a ne boli“ (Love loves, not hurts; funded by the Ministry of Science and Education), the project is focused on education and workshops with young people on the topic of violence in relationships defining and recognising violence and different types of violence, identifying signs of bullying and informing young people about institutions and other places where they can get help and support if faced with violence. „Operacija mladi - #OM“ (Operation Youngsters, funded by the Ministry of Science and Education and the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy) aimed at preventing violence and hate speech as well as raising awareness of human rights among young people. The program provided psychological and legal counselling and support for youth faced with violence. „Humano obrazovanje - odgovornije društvo“ (Human Education – Responsible Society, SOS Rijeka is one of the partners, ESF) Overall objective of this project is to improve the knowledge and skills of the students of the University of Rijeka for active civic participation in the area of gender equality and related human rights in the sense of building a more humane society. „RI CONNECT“ (funded by the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy; SOS Rijeka is one of the partners) is a youth club which has seven programs that give young people from Rijeka the chance to educate, inform, consult, make new friendships, show their creativity as well as develop and discover their interests.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Croatian ALF Network is committed to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. As SOS Rijeka stands for a society of nonviolence in which human rights are protected, respected and lived and as well, we provide psychosocial and legal help for violence survivors, violence prevention, education, public awareness and advocacy, we're sure we can offer our knowledge, experience to other members of the Network. Also, we would be very pleased if we can get the same from them. Widening the network and developing cooperation with different organisations is always a way of strengthening capacities/knowledge of every organisation involved.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have received positive experiences about your Network from associates. According to that, as well as all we have written in the previous answer, we are very willing to spread our own network of associates and strengthening our capacities to be more and more productive when working on our own objectives and developing new ones.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Kovačić
Job Title
Program Coordinator and Office Manager
Head of the organisation
Tina Kovačić- president of the coordinational team
Contact (2) Full Name
Lorena Zec
Job Title (2)
Psychologist and Coordinator of Development Programmes


National Network

Sahabiye Mahallesi Yıldırım Caddesi Sancak Apartmanı No:2/6 Kocasinan
38010 Kocasinan/

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Avrupa Vatandaşlığı ve Kimliği Derneği ( Network for European Citizenship and Identity / NECI-TR ) is a non governmental organisation which established in 2015,Our Organisation works as a non profit organization, encourages young people in activities, where they can express themselves in an independent and self management mode also searches for new, unconventional and attractive activities and solves leisure problems of young people in our City.
Our Team is a voluntary, self-sufficient organization whose purpose is support for youth entrepreneurship and self-expression activities, traditional folk dance and projects for young people. Start projects for young people in personal development activities to encourage the acquisition of new skills, self-expression and creativity; activities to promote international cooperation in the youth and young people's participation in the activities.

Mission and Objectives

Organization is working with young peoples who have fewer opportunities and with young people from child care homes in Kayseri too. We organize with them small theater plays like role play and easy simulations to encourage them being more motivated and happy. We also have some experience as participants in projects for social inclusion but as we are new organization we consider that we need further practice and experience to see how to combine theater through NFL and social inclusion for our society and our members favor.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Working are and Experiences about ,
- To carry out researches on such fields as social, culture, education, environment, outdoor activities, health and sport
- To contribute to the development of policies for youth
- To increase cooperation and solidarity between young people and people of every age groups.
- To encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship
- To help young people to be acquired knowledge, skill and competence
- To provide assistance to the efforts about socialization of young and especially the handicapped young people
- To encourage the mobility of young and adults through developing or involving in projects in order to obtain education of EU standards and raise cultural awareness
- To encourage young and adults for further education through seminars, workshops, international activities, exchange programs and voluntary efforts,
- To establish a network with associations, foundations and non-governmental organizations which founded and active in different EU countries.
- We have implemented training courses with in the context of Erasmus + Programmes. In these projects we aimed;
- To develop basic and transversal skills, such as social entrepreneurship, digital skills and multilingualism in all fields of
education and youth work and training, using innovative and youngsters centred pedagogical and non formal approaches,
- To improve the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society.
- To promote NFL as an social entrepreneurial tool for enhancing employability and social inclusion (in local, national and european society).
- To develop participants social and personal skills for team work, video/film making, team spirit, entrepreneurship and self reflection
- To help young Europeans and youth workers in the planning and implementing of practices for tackling social exclusion.
- To increase awareness about the power of Erasmus+ programmes for supporting entrepreneurship.
- To help participants acquire high-quality Youthpass Certificates with their new learning outcomes and Key Competences.
- To create new future cooperation and increase the visibility of the results of Erasmus+

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

These can provide a great opportunity to target specific people, expertise and skills. All too often, we do not make the most of these opportunities. We go to conferences with people we know, or we navigate toward people we know already, and stick with them rather than meeting new people. We would like to be agent of this fundation in our city and we would like to spread your working area in our society.
People love to be acknowledged. If you know of a paper, publication, or presentation that someone you are talking to has done be sure to mention that you know their work and compliment them on it.
For a start’, we are both involved in something with a common interest, making conversation slightly easier.

Social Media
There are several social media channels that can be used to expand your networks and meet new people. Here I will focus on three channels. Website, Facebook and Instagram

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We will gain new experiences and we will learn new cultures and spreading methods. We will transfer to our youngesters to our experiences when we learnt new things. Moreover our youth workers and youngsters will gain new partnerships, new networks, new friends and moreover we would like to contunie these cooperation in Turkey too. We would like to apply such projects with partner countries about cultural diversity and decision making process of young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mustafa YILDIZ
Job Title
Chairman/ Head of Board
Head of the organisation
Mustafa YILDIZ

BAYA organisation

National Network

3042 SFAX

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Baya organization, wish is a social organization, started in 2018 with a small impact in our little town by helping dozen of families during religious holidays such as Ramadhan. Then this impact started growing little by little and now Baya association has a great impact on different cities of Tunisia. In fact, Baya organisation has been able to gather over 100 people a year around one cause which is social solidarity and ending poverty and provide Good Health and Well-Being for everyone in the country. Those volunteers monthly give physical and financial help to the organization to support our case. This solidarity led to helping 50 families in need a year all over Tunisia. And that’s not all, the organisation has been able to give fianancial and material support to the biggest hospital of south Tunisia. Baya organisattion has also an intellectual impact on the youth of our community by giving free training courses on different sectors and helping underprivileged children get support courses to help them get better in school.

Mission and Objectives

Working with a transparent's administrative and financial system in all its operations.
The Contribution in the global effort to end poverty.
Providing social justice.
Providing financial and moral support to needy families.
The contribution in the national efforts to face natural disasters.

Main Projects / Activities

Monthly we provide help to a needy family by giving financial and moral support, in order to make their life better and to find solutions to their problems.
Sending caravans to the needy cities of the country
Developing the skills of the volunteers in social work.
Delivering social accompaniment to citizens from refugees and immigrants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can represent the organization in our city which is sfax
We can prepare activities and events in order to develop the organization's network in the city
The engagement in the organization's activities by the participation or the preparation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

After two years of hard work in the local community, we think that it is time to be a part of a big organization. Especially that we share the same values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mejda bouzidi
Job Title
the president of the organization
Head of the organisation
Mejda Bouzidi
Contact (2) Full Name
souhail bouker
Job Title (2)
the treasurer

Exemplary Environmental Association

National Network

Bassam Al nuwairan street, Jubaiha-Amman
Amman 11941

+39 3922553986
Telephone (other)
+962 797775306
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The association works in the environmental and social development fields to achieve the vision of “ economically and culturally developed Jordanian society”.By promoting a range of social projects, we aim to create a new common path with institutions and associations to unifying the vast efforts to serve Jordan , especially in the remote governorates.The Association is legally registered at the Ministry of Environment of Jordan since 2017 under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Development. and of HRH Princess Dana Firas, President of the Petra National Trust and UNESCO Ambassador .

Mission and Objectives

-development and review of the urban built spaces in order to adapt the human interaction with the environment in a sustainable way
-Conservation of archeological sites and trying to protect the environmental and civilization heritage in cooperation with the concerned authorities through studies and research.
-Development of the use of alternative and renewable energy to reduce the level of pollution, rationalization of non-renewable energy consumption, increasing the green area to contribute to the reduction of desertification, increasing the green area to contribute to the reduction of desertification
-Establishing partnerships institutions and the international scenario in the environmental management field, in order to facilitate the transfer of expertise,
Improving the relationship between the public and private sectors by holding conferences and workshops
Encouraging volunteering and team spirit through educational methods that stimulate the creativity, the dialogue and respect among communities

Main Projects / Activities

Fields and goals:
- Urban planning:
-safeguarding of cultural heritage:
- promotion of renewable green energy solutions
-youth and social development activities:
We have active a project with the Al Balqa' Applied University that involves the Department of Antiquities called "management and rehabilitation of heritage resources ".
We would like to implement a project that aims to establish a network of collaboration between institutions in the Mediterrean area in the fields of Cultural Heritage and Sustainable development , project name "Mediterrean Exchange Network for Culrural Heritage ".
We would like to implement the project called " Stem Education" in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association is made by staff with experience in the field of safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage and with European Projects. Although we are a young association, we managed to present a project to build a sustainable village in the Karak Governorate, it has been well welcomed and allowed us to obtain the patronage of HRH Dana Firas. We are waiting for the land to be ready to move on with the project. We collaborate with Al balqa Innovation Institute that promotes agrifood and biological cultivation in Jordan. Moreover, we can easily work with Ministries and Universities in Jordan to implement projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because it would be a great opportunity for being in contact with different realities in common work fields. We believe that we can contribute too to the network as Jordanian collaborators, besides it would allow us to participate to project promoted by your organization. We look forward to collaborating with experienced and well established partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
simona gandah
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Inas Al jbour
Contact (2) Full Name
Inas Al jbour
Job Title (2)

Global Youth & News Media

National Network

39 rue Pannecau #12
64100 Bayonne

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Please note: We work in both the fields of youth and education and in media. Global Youth & News Media is a non-profit association based in France. We have had funding from the European Journalism Centre, Google News Initiative, NewsXchange (EBU) and Eurasian Media Forum. We do two kinds of actions: >> organize the Global Youth & News Media Prize to recognize news media that have been outstanding in serving and supporting youth in the areas of environment, journalism and news/media literacy. >> undertake our own international projects to advance this work. A key partner has been News-Decoder, a branch of the French non-profit Nouvelles Découvertes, with whom we have done webinars for students with the winners of the Global Youth & News Media Prize and which served as the main media partner for the World Teenage Reporting Project > COVID-19 Please find further details under Main Projects/Activities

Mission and Objectives

Our mission: Encourage media and educational organizations that innovate as they strengthen engagement between news media and young people while reinforcing the role of journalism in society. Our objectives Honor excellence by awarding news media that excel in this work in ways that can be replicated elsewhere. Conduct other international projects to advance our mission.

Main Projects / Activities

Global Youth & News Media Prize - The prize has had three award categories: The Planet Award for reporting or initiatives that effectively provide young audiences with information and hope for saving the planet. The Journalism Award for reporting that breaks stereotypes or adds important insights about or from young people and/or that successfully targets and involves a young audience with a clear, important impact. The News/Media Literacy Award initiatives that effectively educate about journalism and news media in ways that help young audiences navigate all kinds of content as they develop news habits and knowledge key to developing active citizenship. A key is a clear, important impact. In addition, we conducted our first Global Youth & News Media Project in 2020: The World Teenage Reporting Project > COVID-19. This initiative showcased stories by teenage journalists at 27 organizations in 16 countries* about their peers who were making a difference during the pandemic. * Including these Euromed countries: France, Portugal, Spain, Montenegro, plus Israel. Editions of the project since then have focused on champions of tolerance, climate champions and elders who have witnessed historic events.

In 2022, Global Youth & News Media united youth-serving media in eight countries to create the #KidsDrawPeace4Ukraine project that invited their young audiences to create that wished peace and love for children in Ukraine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We add an international perspective on the relationship between youth and news media in the region. Our I AM A REPORTER has students do journalistic interviews in English to then put into a professional format. See next question for more.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We admire and think we can contribute to your Empowering Young Voices actions. We strongly believe that using the rigorous perspective of professional journalism helps young people develop, as you note, "critical cognitive skills" and the ability to "challenge negative mutual perceptions." We feel we can help further that work through partnerships in projects and with our recognition of news media that actually help young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Aralynn Abare McMane
Job Title
Founding Director
Head of the organisation
Aralynn Abare McMane

Exemplary Environmental Association

National Network

Bassam Al nuwairan street, Jubaiha-Amman
Amman 11941

+39 3922553986
Telephone (other)
+962 797775306
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The association works in the environmental and social development fields to achieve the vision of “ economically and culturally developed Jordanian society”.By promoting a range of social projects, we aim to create a new common path with institutions and associations to unifying the vast efforts to serve Jordan , especially in the remote governorates.The Association is legally registered at the Ministry of Environment of Jordan since 2017 under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Development. and of HRH Princess Dana Firas, President of the Petra National Trust and UNESCO Ambassador .

Mission and Objectives

-development and review of the urban built spaces in order to adapt the human interaction with the environment in a sustainable way
-Conservation of archeological sites and trying to protect the environmental and civilization heritage in cooperation with the concerned authorities through studies and research.
-Development of the use of alternative and renewable energy to reduce the level of pollution, rationalization of non-renewable energy consumption, increasing the green area to contribute to the reduction of desertification, increasing the green area to contribute to the reduction of desertification
-Establishing partnerships institutions and the international scenario in the environmental management field, in order to facilitate the transfer of expertise,
Improving the relationship between the public and private sectors by holding conferences and workshops
Encouraging volunteering and team spirit through educational methods that stimulate the creativity, the dialogue and respect among communities

Main Projects / Activities

Fields and goals:
- Urban planning:
-safeguarding of cultural heritage:
- promotion of renewable green energy solutions
-youth and social development activities:
We have active a project with the Al Balqa' Applied University that involves the Department of Antiquities called "management and rehabilitation of heritage resources ".
We would like to implement a project that aims to establish a network of collaboration between institutions in the Mediterrean area in the fields of Cultural Heritage and Sustainable development , project name "Mediterrean Exchange Network for Culrural Heritage ".
We would like to implement the project called " Stem Education" in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association is made by staff with experience in the field of safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage and with European Projects. Although we are a young association, we managed to present a project to build a sustainable village in the Karak Governorate, it has been well welcomed and allowed us to obtain the patronage of HRH Dana Firas. We are waiting for the land to be ready to move on with the project. We collaborate with Al balqa Innovation Institute that promotes agrifood and biological cultivation in Jordan. Moreover, we can easily work with Ministries and Universities in Jordan to implement projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because it would be a great opportunity for being in contact with different realities in common work fields. We believe that we can contribute too to the network as Jordanian collaborators, besides it would allow us to participate to project promoted by your organization. We look forward to collaborating with experienced and well established partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
simona gandah
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Inas Al jbour
Contact (2) Full Name
Inas Al jbour
Job Title (2)

Simya Arts

National Network

La martin avenue 23-5 Beyoğlu
34421 Istanbul/İstanbul

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Simya Arts is arts and education company and joint stage organizations producer and festival and conference organizer. Meditative dance is registered project of the company. Integral Move Festival is the international festival, company organised in Istanbul in the field of performing arts. Simya Arts realized EU cultural program projects and international conferences in Europe and USA. Simya Arts is Turkish representative of Eon Network and member of Ietm and Anna Lindth Foundation. Partners of the company are across all Europe and Turkey including Universities, theatres, national organisations, film production companies and dance companies.

Mission and Objectives

Simya Arts managers are political scientists and art professionals. Simya Arts prepared academic research and conferences on economic potential of multicultural projects and innovative economy for peacebuilding across Mediterranean region and transatlantic. Simya Arts festivals and conferences host art organisations and academicians from more than 30 countries including Europe, America, South Africa and Mediterranean region. Simya Arts also opens natural health providing facility of arts and dance education to global community a long with online programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Meditative Dance
Integral move Festival (Istanbul)
Communicative World International Conference (Istanbul)
European Citizenship EU project
Heaven on Earth (EU Cultural Program Project)
Duty of Comedy (EU Project)

Adapt Performing Art Festival (USA)
Beyond Borders (Bulgaria)
Third Space (Austrilia)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Simya Arts can make joint stage productions, conferences, seminar and workshop organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an old member of Alf Network participating seminars, projects and conferences of the foundation and we prepared projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilkay Sevgi Temizalp
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Sinan Temizalp
Job Title (2)
Director/Owner of the company