The Liberal Theater Association group

National Network

, jabal al luweibdeh, ba'ooniyeh street -Building no44
amman 11183

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

In mid-2000, a group of professional Jordanian artists met to form a collective entity for artistic activity with various fields of theatre, cinema and drama. we firmly believe in the necessity of art in the daily life of humans and in our role as artists committed to the local society, to present artistic performances every year in popular and remote areas, produce community films to help carry the imaginative message to as many individuals as possible. We became well known locally and got our declaration as a theater foundation that is called: "Free Theater Association" and got our official license on the 10th of May 2000. In a few years, we became known in the region and the Arab world, through various theater performances. And that helped gaining the trust of the younger generation in us, we are aware of their importance, that is why we focused on establishment of specialized workshops for both genders to discover and refine the youth imaginative energies, we try our best to be a safe shelter for the young to help them recognize their own creative paths. The Festival itself was established locally, and gradualy Arab participations were included. Then the festival developed into an international festival and that put us under the responsibility of being strict and select the best quality of those who apply. This year we come together to celebrate the 14th cycle of the festival and the 19th anniversary of the establishment of the group. We are also celebrating our recognition by the International Commission for Theater (ITI) emanating from UNESCO.

Mission and Objectives

we firmly believe in the necessity of art in the daily life of humans and in our role as artists committed to the local society, to present artistic performances every year in popular and remote areas, produce community films to help carry the imaginative message to as many individuals as possible.

Main Projects / Activities

the International Festival of Liberal theater : we have been working on establishing a practical interaction with all the foreign cultural centers in Amman, to attract highly professional Arab and International theatre performances to extend bridges of cooperation and partnerships with the European Union Countries and the region, in order to provide their creative productions to the Jordanian audience in all its categories , with the intention of creating a culture of tolerance and humanity and to apprise our audience about the various cultures and its traditions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe in reviving life through art, in creating a cultured and talented theater audience, to raise artistic and aesthetic appeal to all members of the society, to convert negativity to positive and creative energyto eliminate the phenomenon of community violence leading to extremist thoughts, to plant new skills and creative knowledge through access to the world’s experiences ... It is a search for beauty.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join to ALF To expansion the base of the International Free Theater Festival and to make engagements with international arts associations in order to consolidate cultural and artistic relations And to present our artistic projects we offer from theater, cinema and television to the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
ali elayan
Job Title
manager of liberal theatre festival
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Marashdeh
Contact (2) Full Name
eiad marashdeh
Job Title (2)
Executive manager

NGO Nest Berlin e.V.

National Network

c/o TUCHTIG Oudenarder Straße 16
Gebäude D06 - Etage 1
13357 Berlin

+49 222 6908 938
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The NGO Nest Berlin e.V. (NEST), a Hub for Research, Education and Personal Growth, is an umbrella organization for promoting and executing of transnational mobility. The organization assists network partners to support adults/youth and functions as a hub for research and EU project design with a focus on impacting the Berlin community, specifically the Wedding Neighborhood. The NGO co-operates with stakeholding parties throughout Europe with the intent to exchange best practices in education, adult training, and employability, as well as in social inclusion and disadvantaged urban/rural development projects – with the objective to represent a transnational hub for innovation in NGO best-practices & coordination schemes between NGOs and stakeholders in Europe. Today the NGO’s ambitions find NEST involved as a partner in more than 10 Erasmus+ KA2 VET, Adult, and Sports projects, and as coordinator in 3 big projects addressing e.g. migrants, employability, inclusion, gender equality. 1. KA2 Adults DISTRACT 2. KA2 VET Migrant In Fashion 3. Big Sports Collaborative Partnership RINMSASFT Furthermore, more than 15 KA1 youth projects were already implemented with several Training Courses hosted in Berlin. Furthermore, NEST Berlin has deployed research activities in the foregoing fields and in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Bonn Rhein-Sieg through its chapter NGO NEST Bonn which links formal and nonformal education methodologies to add value to the learning of young/adults people. Co-Founded by 4 leading NGO’s in the field of Mine Vaganti NGO (MVNGO), The Comparative Research Network (CRN), InterCultural-Youth-Dialogue-Association (IYDA) and Mitosis Coworking Space, NEST merged expertise into an approach that grounds transnational cooperation between VET providers, NGOs, and businesses, providing a balanced picture of present challenges for inclusion and integration in Europe. NEST is a member organization in MV International (MVI), an international NGO network comprising 37 European member organizations, and 6 associate organizations from Africa, Latin America and Asia, as well a founding member of Alliance For Global Development AGD based in University of Applied Sciences in Bonn. NEST was initiated in 2016 by expert professionals active in the sectors/fields of NGO, Social Innovation, European project management, European mobility, Networking, and Non-Formal Education (NFE) methodologies, and embodies today in its Berlin hub 4 staff members and 4 team members with professional competences/experiences in above-mentioned domains. As a NEST is non-profit oriented, it performs crucial parts of its activity’s also on a voluntary base. At the ‘TUECHTIG room for inclusion’ NEST’s has its office space, amidst other pioneers, freelancers and employees (with and without disabilities) of all ages and backgrounds.

Mission and Objectives

The organization aims at the human, social, and socioeconomic development of people. NEST is actively involved in scientific and field research thanks to the field of expertise of the board members such as community building development, intercultural dialogue, education through Sport, and migration. NEST works internationally in cross-cultural projects by interpreting the local reality in Berlin. Nest is performing education through sport as a holistic tool of research by implementing international projects within the frame of the Erasmus Plus Sport Chapter. NEST pays attention to valorize and spreading of the potential of NFE methods - as a crucial pathway towards a more impacting and inclusive education functional to professional/personal growth, societal impact, and peculiarities of NGO actors. The application of NFE methods delivers and obtains simultaneously joint elaboration and implementation of educational programs, involves different targets, and fosters a pan-European reach in project design, the establishment of thematic networks, and offering of mobility opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

NEST is involved in the design and management of international projects in all the sectors of Erasmus+ (Youth, Adult, VET, Schools, Sport.); H2020; AMIF; EuropeAid and engaged to the European Solidarity Corps and other international youth programs, sending and receiving young people from all over Europe and Africa. The Project Team is well experienced in managing and implementing European projects, currently, NEST is engaged as coordinator or partner in various KA1 Youth, KA2 Adult / VET / Sports projects. In the Erasmus+ KA1 Youth sector various projects such as Sports Activities foster e.g. Entrepreneurship, Peace / Trust building, employability and inclusion of migrants – up to employing high-quality educational support / KA2 project and research - focused in accessing knowledge, skills, and instruments needed for translating entrepreneurial intentions into concrete business initiatives (start-ups). (e.g. KA2 “Migrants in Fashion” that addresses the entrepreneurial development needs of female migrants’ prospective entrepreneurs in the Fashion sector). NEST co-creates and implements also project aimed at intervention on skills and emotional dimensions of the disabled, by exploring educational and creative integration (such as the devised Theater which is an original approach to theatrical production entailing a peer process of cooperation in the achievement of a final artistic product). For the disadvantaged urban and rural communities, NEST is dedicated to offering support to Educators/Trainers interested in providing solutions that services social inclusion, adult education institutions, NGOs, cultural businesses and associations, Arts centers/groups, Organizations for the disabled. (e.g. KA2 project “Dis-Act” which targets disabled adults aged 35-55 coming from disadvantaged urban and rural communities) Nest pursues Erasmus+ collaborative partnership priority’s related to good governance with a specific focus on enhancing gender equality in sport, such as the strengthening managers of semi-professional (female) sports teams through an up-skill process related to marketing, communication, and visibility strategies. (e.g. KA2 project “RINMSASFT”, Re (IN)novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams). Moreover, the organization has a formal link with “MITOSIS”, a co-working space in Berlin functioning as an open collaboration and innovation hub, frequented by a disparate set of local and international professionals working in diverse fields such as Programming, Art and Philosophy.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The NGO Nest Berlin e.V. is a young umbrella organization for promoting transnational youth mobility. Our organization is understanding itself as a hub, helping other network partners to help young people to gain skills such as leadership, project management, NGO work, application writing, and fundraising. As a hub for NGOs, we are specialized in developing skills for young leaders. As a sending organization, we can offer short-term to a long-term stay at NGOs abroad, as a receiving organization we offer work on various projects in the creative capital of Europe. We and our network partner are experienced in hosting, training, and sending young people abroad. Working with us means to gain insights into: - European project management - Delivering training and creating curricula - Fundraising and application writing We work with various approaches and offer training such as: - Intercultural communication - Digital and ICT skills - Civic education - Gender awareness - Development cooperation - Entrepreneurial skills and thinking - Critical design thinking

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being a member of ALF will : - Multiply contacts and create real links with people looking for the same thing as us: creating links and opportunities for new projects and programs, - Make sure to publicize our activity. Beyond the exchange of experiences, belonging to the ALF network presents significant advantages for NEST, as much to find new program ideas in a very favorable context, as partners to develop a project, - Access to offers of goods and services at shared costs. A good way to save money!

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Solinas
Job Title
Board-member - Head of International Projects Unit
Head of the organisation
Roberto Solinas
Contact (2) Full Name
Martin Barthel
Job Title (2)
European Project Designer and Manager at NEST

Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association IYDA e.V

National Network

Von Liebig Str. 20
53359 Rheinbach

+49 222 690 8944
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

"Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association e.V." (IYDA) was established by a group of highly motivated Multicultural Teams, IYDA is recognized as a Migrant organization from their sister NGO IYDA Egypt established 9 years ago, IYDA has risen to a well-established organization, registered as a non-profit, non-governmental organization.

IYDA is a non-profit association that is a member or associated member of 30 international networks (4 of them are EU networks: Mine Veganti, Comparative Research Network, NGO Nest Berlin, Euro NET).IYDAe.V has 8 people making up its team, 6 employees, and 2 volunteers working in his office located in Rheinbach, Germany. The currently budgetary provisions for 2020 is about 250, 000 Euros for staffers and administrative related expenses including specific project-based funding. The sources of funding are from the European Union and association working in the field of youth mobility and strategic partnership project management.

IYDA e.V is one of the founders of Euromedable Youth Network, one of the biggest networks of youth councils in Europe to gather European organizations and youth councils and south Mediterranean organizations and youth councils. We have over 40 partner organizations in 22 different countries in Europe.

IYDAe.V gives to children, young people, and adults these services:

- information and project development center
- organization of training courses, exchanges and cultural, artistic or sport activities
- sector study, research
- counseling, crisis support, and prevention
- e-learning, networking, partnerships, training courses and workshops
- publications, newspapers and web sites

IYDAe.v is working towards many developmental issues, such as integration of refuges, Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, as well as European megatrends and societal challenges, we are achieving our objectives through Youth Exchanges, enforcing Training Courses and local and international workshops, due to our existence as part of University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein Sieg's community for running our operational office, IYDA trying to be a platform for students as well Young people enabling them to understand the intercultural differences and comprehending it as an important tool for self-development.

The Association co-operates with many public Administrations with which it has particular agreements for the diffusion of juvenile and adults’ activities and helps all juvenile organizations and any other type of organization to realize European programs.

Mission and Objectives

IYDAe.v 's mission is to promote peace among fellow nation’s key competencies in terms of intercultural understanding through youth participation and civic education.
We believe in the essential value of “cultural diversity” and are convinced that intercultural understanding is a key condition for a more peaceful world.

Our main objective is to promote peace and mutual understanding through an international exchange program for the youth, and intercultural dialogue in order to strengthen the importance of human rights among the German community and throughout the world.

Main Projects / Activities

IYDA has a wide experience in the youth field and owns permanent and highly qualified facilities for training courses, meetings, apprenticeships, workshops, youth exchanges or initiatives, etc. with different skills: its facilities, together with the staff’s skills, allow to always meet the stated goals.

Partnerships with organizations all over the world regarding any co-operations in different fields of culture exchange, community services, minority, and refugees’ crisis. IYDA applies short time programs either inside or outside Germany for the two different « categories «youth exchanges» or «Training courses» through Key Action one or Two.

We have a focus of helping migrants and refugees through our projects whether it’s local or national or European as we had a very important role through our participation in projects such as project HOME which was held in Luxembourg study visits to showcase how they reintegrate them into society and how they help them with languages.

Moreover, IYDA develops «internships » programs will the co-operations with organizations and companies in most of the European countries, ex (European countries, caucus, and south Mediterranean countries). We aim at reinforcing the dialogue of understanding and inclusion within the sphere of youth, contributing to a more inclusive society.

In the "Journey to Peace" program, and during workshops, We easily managed on how to teach the participants about conflict management and how to organize a debate for a better outcome and knowing more about the intercultural mix and exchange of ideas smoothly and safely.

Its staff comes from different educational backgrounds and fields of study, such as Engineering, youth in action, media, human rights, European citizenship, minority-majority relationship, Marketing, Public Relations, Project Management, etc. All of them, during the year, take part in several training courses, at local and European level, based on non-formal education to improve their skills and competences as mentors and facilitators.

We focus on our activities on a long-lasting experience about European project management, promotion of social inclusion of disadvantaged people and sharing skills, and best practices.

Finally, IYDA gets itself unique by mainly focusing on the « Culture exchange, minorities and youth engagement» concept, and the methodology of applying this aspect at the organization takes place by enhancing the dialogue for any conflict resolution in the cultural differences between nations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IYDAe.V is working towards many developmental issues, such as the integration of refugees, the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as focusing on European megatrends and societal challenges.

We are achieving our objectives through Youth Exchanges, enforcing Training Courses, and local/international workshops.

IYDAe.V regularly organizes events, training, seminars on leadership and communication skills as well as international exchange programs in order to spread its ideas to as many societies and people as possible, and to sustain the concept of equal chances among youth, also to promote women's role and enhancing gender equality.

By doing so, IYDAe.v will contribute to the promotion of the ALF objectives among partners, by offering :
- new opportunities to connect and network with ALF partners,
- area of expertise
- introductions and ideas to improve on the projects they are working on,

IYDAe.V will be acknowledged as a resource, connector, and trusted source.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of a network like ALF will allow us to benefit from various advantages and interests. Joining a structure intended to bring together a large number of NGOs with a global approach to developing the performance and potential of its projects, will also allow us to improve our functioning.

ALF allows exchanges between "the colleagues of development", to benefit from their know-how and experience. In addition, it is an opportunity to expand our network, to develop our skills and our projects. Moreover, whether it is oriented towards exchanges or rather promotes the sharing of skills, the ALF network continues to interest more and more to strengthen the work of NGOs, more and more aware of the need to work on their strategy and their posture.

The ALF network plays a very interesting role, for example, that of bringing together project leaders and partners. Our motivation to join this network is focused on networking and the concept of collaborative work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Hassan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoud Elsayed
Job Title (2)
Board member


National Network

via sarno palma, 236
84087 sarno SA

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

NICOLA is an association of social promotion, the activities and their projects are aimed at young people and their territory. It was founded by a group of young, who have spent part of their childhood and adolescence in the street, who have great enthusiasm for the arts. The organisation is currently small with a turnover of 30-60K per year, it has 20 freelance professionals, who are employed based on projects, those are also volunteers during the all year; it also has about 60 young members, but acts on a fairly large area, located between the provinces of Naples and Salerno. NICOLA promotes a constant and solid policy of protection and promotion of equal opportunities, it operates within the framework of social problems and the promotion of well-being, participation in children and adults who live with hope and shared dreams, making their passions a job. Moreover NICOLA is working with several municipalities in Campania, promoting projects and European programs.

Mission and Objectives

NICOLA undertakes to: - Elaborate frameworks of activities to define a clear path for learning and development - Create flexible environments that adapt to the needs of young people and not the other way around - Provide instructions from competent young professionals with experience to create a clear distinction from school or formal learning - Attract role models, professional artists and celebrities, interacting with young people, as well as inspiring and encouraging them Facilitate learning. - Encourage mixed groups with performances in various disciplines to meet and work on various projects - Provide informal sessions designed to inspire collaborative projects - Encourage different ethnic groups to work together to broaden horizons - Working on international projects that expose young people to new cultures and ideas - Provide a competitive element for execution while educating artists on the reality of the industry by providing a focus to improve quality and stimulate ambition - Create a relaxed and social environment to get the best creativity and ideas - We divide groups into a limited size to ensure an optimal creative environment - We do not give theory lessons. through professional and social experiences we encourage our youth Fighting youth unemployment. - By providing our members with a wide range of skills and experiences we prepare them for work and life - Attract industry experts and record companies - Guide youth,on where and how to apply for full-time positions with art organisations - Obtaining recognised qualifications in their specialisation Monitoring is a crucial part of what we are able to transmit to young people • Provide feedback and recommendations based on performance and evidence • check progress through the quarterly development plan • actively obtain feedback from parents and incorporate this into project changes, personal development plans, where necessary • Conduct project reports highlighting areas for improvement and success.

Main Projects / Activities

NICOLA offers to disadvantaged young people, workshops of: theater, music, dance and other forms of arts, through which they can express their positive messages such as in a song, this gives the possibility of aggregation, they have an alternative to the street life, they have a chance to realize their future, they cooperating and jointly developing ideas and projects that can turn into a job. We participated and organise Training Courses, Cultural Exchange and other EU opportunities, to contributed to the young people personal growth and training, increasing their desire to be more and more protagonists of the time in which they live. During the years thanks to the participation and promotion of different European projects, the young people have become aware that active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, the idea of a democratic Europe is open to all, these are the points on which to build the inherent action, the priority instrument for cohesion towards which European politics tends. NICOLA promotes a constant and solid policy of protection and promotion of equal opportunities, it operates within the framework of social problems and the promotion of wellbeing, participation in youth and adults who live with hope and shared dreams, helping them to make their passions into a job.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

NICOLA Italy has an extensive network with Public Bodies and NGOs in the region of Campania and Sicily, we will bring our contacts to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join because we share the aims and the objectives of ALF, we are also very passionate about the development of the Mediterranean area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Caterina Gagliano
Job Title (2)
Vice President

Institute for Sustainable Education and Development

National Network

von Liebig Str. 20,
Rheinbach, Buro E004, Germany
53359 Rheinbach

0049 2226908941
Telephone (other)
+49 15216148256
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+49 15216148256
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Institute for Sustainable Education and Development has the board of trustees comprising 10 members, six-core staffers and two interns working in the office located at the University of Applied Sciences Rheinbach, Germany. The currently budgetary provisions for 2020 is about 150, 000 Euros for staffers and administrative related expenses excluding specific project-based funding. ISEDE sources of funding are from the European Union and association working in the field of youth mobility and transitional project management. ISEDE has project exchanges with under BMZ sponsorship with Scoutisme Beninoise. Our main project partners are the Alliance for Global Development, European Union, and Jugend fur Europa.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Institute for Sustainable Education and Development (ISEDE) is a non-profit organization and an interdisciplinary platform that aim to promote equal learning.
This methodology will enable the global community particularly practitioners of non-formal learning to comprehend the relativity of those suffering social exclusion either directly or indirectly to understand its causes, how it negatively affects the socioeconomic environment and why we need to mitigate such gaps with today’s solution to contribute to the health, wealth and future productivity of citizens

Our Objectives:
- Promoting Educational Programs for youth and promoting inter-cultural exchange
- Creating awareness of environment protection and energy efficiency
- Addressing the human rights concern of children, women, elderly, impaired, vulnerable, and refugees.

Main Projects / Activities

Our approaches are based on multicultural activity dimension with a focus on:
 Promoting educational program for youth and enhancing inter-cultural exchanges
 Creating awareness of environment protection and energy efficiency
 Encouraging good governance and citizen participation
 Addressing the human rights concern of children, women, elderly, impaired, vulnerable, and refugees.
 Strengthening regional cooperation
Our other activities include enhancing intercultural intelligence, barriers to understanding cultural information, and building a culture of multiculturalism with deliberate programs on improving:
• Knowledge of the multidimensional and complex character of cultures as well as the ability to reflect the own cultural context
• understanding of how cultural differences shape individual perceptions, communication processes and courses of action
• Basic competences in intercultural communication
• The ability to reflect and analyze the behavior of one’s own and of strangers as well as to develop action alternatives
• An understanding of possible emotional dynamics during stays abroad and the ability to better cope with emerging issues
Our organizational experience is anchored on the strength of our membership composition as well as the strength of the NGO Network we are working within Europe. ISEDE focuses on developing teaching programs that enhance youth cooperation, life learning skills for adult migrants, encouraging citizen participation in governance, addressing the human rights concern of children, women, impaired, vulnerable, refugees, and elderly citizens. All our programs are targeted at those experiencing social exclusion and inequality. We believe that aside technological changes, the conception of learning for both educators and adults’ learners has changed from the individual learner and most times the educators have become learning facilitators, so it is imperative to fashion out programs to learn from adults and people of background who are experiencing social exclusion. ISEDE programs aim to highlight the need to redefine projects and programs in education for adult learning into four interdependent factors that are essential in quality VET teaching practice. They include project/program development, project/program planning, project/program delivery, project/program review, and educator’s continuous competence building, which takes accounts of the indicators that have affected the training activities. These indicators may range from; new target groups in VET, changing paradigms in educational theory, diversification of learning environments, and fast changes in education structures and priorities and the labor market.
Finally, ISEDE will pertain her focus on activating capacity building programs within and outside the European Union on the categories of Youth Exchange, Further Training Courses, and Vocational Educational Learning.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Project implemented Content is obviously important, but from ou experience, networking is equally important.With that in mind, building a strong network will be a priority for ISEDE after membership in the ALF Germany.
We will help with getting advice to ALF members from our successful team, giving more links to the member's sites, increasing best practices through social media sharing, opening up new partnership opportunities, helping to promote ALF programs, and so much more.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- We are interested in strengthening our network,
- Providing information about our field,
- Broaden our knowledge: ALF member organizations sometimes offer courses, seminars, and/or lectures to keep themselves and their members up to date on the latest emerging innovations, research, and programs,
- Staying connected in sustainability and development programs,
- Enhance our network: We all know that networking is key for the movers and shakers of the community! Making connections is critical, and joining associations give countless opportunities to connect on a local and sometimes even global level. For most people, creating professional relationships is important, and joining the AFL network will allow us to have a sense of security and trust. From this, we are able to support and help one another in reaching our professional goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ignatius Oli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ignatius Oli
Contact (2) Full Name
Nermin Hassan
Job Title (2)
Human Resource and Financial Manager

Asociatia Se Poate

National Network

Calea Serban Voda nr 28, ap. 1, sector 4
040212 Bucuresti

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Se Poate Association (in English “It’s possible”) was founded in 2014 as a nongovernmental organization that aims to involve youth 16-35 years from our local community as active and responsible citizens. We have a President, an Assistant Manager, 3 youth workers with contract, 5 volunteers and several partners. We have an office in the city centre of Bucharest were our employees come daily. Budgetary resources available in a year depends on the number or the budget of approved projects we have and on the donations that we received. An approximate number will be around 200.000 euro. Sources of funding are Erasmus Plus Programme, Europeans Founds managed by the Government of Romania and private donations. We are hosting and also being partners in youth exchanges, Sports Projects and training courses. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are Medicover Association, Lipanesti City Hall, Leroy Merlin, A&D Pharma and many more.

Mission and Objectives

“Se Poate” Association consider that the youth can produce a change at local and national level. For this reason, we support them in gaining new knowledge and gain new skills. With the development of Se Poate Association and our members, we have developed new strategies. Supporting young people with fewer opportunities remains one of our main priorities, but we look for ways to educate the young people through: involvement in volunteering, international youth exchanges, trainings, extracurricular activities, information events, developing their skills, and informing them about existing opportunities, which will allow them to increase their chances of employment, improve their soft skills and become integrated citizens.

Our aims are:
• support social and professional insertion for young people and adults, especially for those belonging to minorities and those with outstanding educational outcomes;
• develop and promote intercultural exchanges among the youngsters, by helping them get in touch with people from all around the European Union and not only.
• sustainable development by promoting solutions for the protection of natural and cultural heritage villages in Romania;
Our mission:
• To provide intercultural learning experiences for youngsters;
• To promote intercultural understanding, equal opportunities, tolerance and respect among people in the world;
• To help youngsters in their social and personal development through international projects;
• To raise awareness about sustainable development trough recycling and reforesting

Main Projects / Activities

Thinking local, we are very involved in the local community. We have our project "New Trees for New Life" where we are planting a forest (reforestation), here is the link of the project page ( and this event is happening twice a year since 2017. Every year we plant 30.000 trees with the help of a big team of around 500 volunteers. This initiative collects every year around 700.000 euro from private sponsors. New Trees for New Life represents a project of social responsibility and social entrepreneurship which was created in order to increase awareness in the community about the importance of protecting the environment through reforestation. Our final objective is to plant a number of 120,000 trees on 17.59 ha.
In July 2018- October 2019 we were involved in a very big national project that was meant to create and develop a public policy about non-formal education. We wanted to give more power to the non-formal education by this law that we wrote together with a team of experts. ( this was an intense initiative and project as we travelled all country to first discuss the needs of NGOs, Young people and relevant stakeholders in creating the law. After we had another round to present and promote the law written by the experts. Right now, the Law is at the Ministry of Education being studied by their team. As for the future, we are developing now a KA3 project where we will be holding a festival of elections and will simulate the suffrage process of the European parliament with students from all around Romania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing Ideas is powerful and also strong partnerships are always needed. We can bring non-formal methods, ideas and qualifies youth workers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to build a more inclusive, empathic and strong society, and we are confident we will build great partnerships across the Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Enachescu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Enachescu
Contact (2) Full Name
Georgiana Marcu
Job Title (2)
Assistant Manager

جمعية التضامن للتنمية والتواصل

National Network

دوز الغربي ص ب 197
4260 دوز

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Association à but non lucratif cherche à soutenir les personnes vulnérables et surtout les femmes et les enfants victimes de violence, comme elle s'efforce pour promouvoir la culture de créativité et d'initiative chez les jeunes, le renforcement de l'approche participative et celle de l'économie sociale et solidaire, promouvoir le tourisme culturel et écologique et le renforcement de la recherche scientifique surtout sur le développement. Les membres fondateurs de l'association sont au nombre 9 et on a 50 adhérents. Tant que notre association est nouvelle on n'a pas un budget malgré que nous avons fait un nombre important des activités grâce à nos efforts personnels et en partenariat avec d'autres établissements.Nos activités sont multiples et diversifiées: des actes de sensibilisation, des formations et renforcement des capacités, des séminaires scientifiques, des expositions culturels, l'écoute via une cellule d'écoute, des clubs, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Notre objectif c'est soutenir notre société locale et la Tunisie via les échanges, promouvoir la culture d'ouverture sur les autres civilisations, et la résolutions des problèmes sociaux (suicide, extrémisme, radicalisation, violence, viol, décrochage scolaire
en adoptant la sensibilisation, les formations, l'écoute, la création des sources de revenu

Main Projects / Activities

plusieurs activités, juste notre handicap c'est le financement

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre association via the network pourra faciliter ses contributions pour soutenir la société tunisienne et même des sociétés étrangères, en effectuant des multiples activités

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

C'est une opportunité pour renforcer nos capacités, échanger les informations et les expériences et effectuer des missions communes dans le but d'atteindre des objectifs fixés de façon participative

Contact (1) Full Name
نعيمة الفقيه
Job Title
أستاذة باحثة وأخصائية اجتماعية
Head of the organisation
اجتماعية تنموية


National Network

via sarno palma, 236
84087 Sarno SA

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

NICOLA is an association of social promotion, the activities and their projects are aimed at young people and their territory. It was founded by a group of young, who have spent part of their childhood and adolescence in the street, who have great enthusiasm for the arts. The organization is currently small with a turnover of 30-60K per year, it has 20 freelance professionals, who are employed based on projects, those are also volunteers during the all year; it also has about 60 young members, but acts on a fairly large area, located between the provinces of Naples and Salerno. NICOLA promotes a constant and solid policy of protection and promotion of equal opportunities, it operates within the framework of social problems and the promotion of well-being, participation in children and adults who live with hope and shared dreams, making their passions a job. Moreover NICOLA is working with several municipalities in Campania, promoting projects and European programs.

Mission and Objectives

NICOLA undertakes to:
- Elaborate frameworks of activities to define a clear path for learning and development
- Create flexible environments that adapt to the needs of young people and not the other way around
- Provide instructions from competent young professionals with experience to create a clear distinction from school or formal learning
- Attract role models, professional artists and celebrities, interacting with young people, as well as inspiring and encouraging them Facilitate learning.
- Encourage mixed groups with performances in various disciplines to meet and work on various projects
- Provide informal sessions designed to inspire collaborative projects
- Encourage different ethnic groups to work together to broaden horizons
- Working on international projects that expose young people to new cultures and ideas
- Provide a competitive element for execution while educating artists on the reality of the industry by providing a focus to improve quality and stimulate ambition
- Create a relaxed and social environment to get the best creativity and ideas
- We divide groups into a limited size to ensure an optimal creative environment
- We do not give theory lessons. through professional and social experiences we encourage our youth Fighting youth unemployment.
- By providing our members with a wide range of skills and experiences we prepare them for work and life - Attract industry experts and record companies
- Guide youth .;,./,on where and how to apply for full-time positions with art organizations
- Obtaining recognized qualifications in their specialization Monitoring is a crucial part of what we are able to transmit to young people
• Provide feedback and recommendations based on performance and evidence
• check progress through the quarterly development plan
• actively obtain feedback from parents and incorporate this into project changes, personal development plans, where necessary
• Conduct project reports highlighting areas for improvement and success.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Fausto Ferrara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fausto Ferrara
Contact (2) Full Name
Caterina Gagliano
Job Title (2)
Vice President


National Network

Via IV Novembre 98
00187 Roma RM

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Libera is composed of more than 1600 associations, reunited under the same fight against mafias and for legality, justice and human rights ; Don Luigi Ciotti is the President of Libera, coworking with a Bureau and an Executive Board.
In 2018, Libera had at his disposal 4.557.425€, and spent 4.552.398. Libera is financed by private donations (46%) and by the numerous activities carried out (53%).
Libera’s action is built around five main actions : Memory and Commitment department, Education department, Confiscated assets department, International department and the Justice department. In each sector, Libera is in deep contact with actors at different levels, from a national to a local point of view : as an example, it has a seat as observer in the UN office on Drugs and Crime - ECOSOC Special Consultative Status.

Mission and Objectives

Libera was born in 1995 with a clear objective: fighting against any form of mafia, of violence and criminality. But more importantly, it is to strive for : for the search of truths, for transparent politics, for citizenship based on equality.
This is made in three points : focusing on a continuity of action, since the birth of Libera to nowadays ; secondly, by being a positive actor, meaning our goal is not merely to indisgnate ourselves, but to propose, explain, and try to change minds and opinions. Finally, Libera is pride to tackle social perceptions of mafia, sharing responsibility in a holistic approach.

Main Projects / Activities

Libera works around five poles, as mentioned above:
Memory and Commitment department : building an “alive” remembrance of innocent
victims of mafias, together with their families, to maintain a shared and responsible memory of all people who lost their life for criminal violence ;
More specifically, we created a multimedial archive that collects the memory of all of those innocent victims of the mafia ; plus, Libera is at the origin of the definition of a National Day For Memory, on March 21st.
Education department : Libera is invested in the realization of an educative path which would teach democratic legality, starting from the importance of the recognition of environmental and human rights;
In detail, the main actions are interventions in schools of all grades and in the universities ; moreover, the Summer Camps are a direct way to sensibilize the youth to Libera’s actions and objectives.
Confiscated assets department : the promotion of the public and social re-use of confiscated assets is one pillar of our daily action, supporting associations and social cooperatives which would like to manage a confiscated asset and raising awareness on the importance of giving a second life to thousands of different assets for social purposes;
International department : Libera is enforcing transnational strategies for human rights defense and promotion of social justice through the development of 3 international networks: ALAS - América Latina Alternativa Social in Central and South America; CHANCE - Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe at European level and a new-born African network; Libera works with more than 80 organisations around the world to enhance international tools of human rights defense and to promote the exchange of good practices on integral ecology and social justice.
Justice department : the legal office of Libera is giving assistance of all families of innocent victims of mafias during trials and it manages also all civic action proceedings for Libera; finally Libera has developed a new action specifically against corruption, through the promotion of civic monitoring of public administrations and a dedicated telephone line for those who wants to denounce corruption crimes.
In this case, Libera is always willing to be a civil party in legal proceedings, and organizes anti-corruption activities, as well as cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Justice.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Already in contact with many organisations or associations that are engaged in the same field ;
Dialogue with institutional and/or international partners ;
Empowering tools for a social integration in the Mediterranean starting from the promotion of social justice, peace and solidarity values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to strenghten activities on education, justice, dialogue, memory. It would be an opportunity to socialize the internation commitment of Libera and to consider common issues to share and to empowe together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Monica Usai
Job Title
International Officer
Head of the organisation
Luigi Pio Ciotti
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Baruzzo
Job Title (2)
International Officer


National Network

Maison de la Vie Associative et Citoyenne, 8 rue du Général Renault
75011 Paris

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

The human resources invested in the Zemus associative project are mostly volunteers (4). Zemus works with several partners including NGOs, Euro-Meditarranean association and civil society organisations.
The annual budget of the association is around 6 000€.
The main sources of funding are french institutions and foundations. Last year Zemus received the support of the Interministerial Delegation against racism, antiseminitism, anti-LGBT hatred (DILCRAH) as well as the MAIF Foundation. emus organises cyber-citizen workshop in schools, with young volunteers.
Zemus works with several organisations :
- CIEUX (french association)
- tunisian youth and cultural centres (Centre Culturel Ali Belhouane, Tunis, Sidi Alouane, Hammamet)
- La ligue de l'enseignement (french organisation)
- Collège Jean-François Oben (school, Paris).

Mission and Objectives

Zemus association aims to promote inter-cultural dialogue and human development by facilitating the acquisition of digital research skills through a social network called Zemus. This symbolic denomination is formed from the English words "Them" and "Us".

The objective of Zemus is to contribute to the process of reciprocal humanization through interpersonal exchange based on interactive information, a source of education and civilization of each other.

Zemus is a social network consisting of two interfaces:
- a search engine allowing to know the current topics of each country, especially those dedicated to other countries ;
- a platform for translation and information sharing.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities developed by Zemus relate to the experimentation and implementation of innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth. In 2019, Zemus organised around 15 e-workshop, among which :
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on raising awareness among young people on the fight against racism and anti-Semitism. Objective: Education on monitoring racist and anti-Semitic discourse on the Internet and production of counter-discourse.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on the fight against discrimination. Objective: To contribute to the identification, analysis and denunciation of discrimination.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on current news on terrorism. Objective: Prevention and risk management, raising awareness of the concepts of international solidarity.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on raising awareness of radicalization processes. Objective: to promote critical and civic thinking to counter radicalization processes through the production of online counter-discourse.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on combating prejudice. Objective: To strengthen the fight against prejudice and stereotypes through actions aimed at young people.
- Cyber-citizenship workshop on the notions of interculturality, tolerance and pluralism. Objective: To observe and understand local customs, decentralize and accept cultural differences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Zemus is a tool that allows to develop :
- activities that strengthen cooperation and networking between organizations;
- experimentation and/or implementation of innovative practices in the fields of education, training and youth;
- activities which facilitate the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning; cooperation activities between regional authorities in order to promote the development of education, training and youth systems and their integration into local and regional development actions;
In doing so, we believe that Zemus can contribute to bringing the different organisations of the ALF Network closer together.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network reinforce intercultural relations and promote dialogue between organisations from different countries. With Zemus, we would like to contribute to building bridges between cultures and countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexandre Vigne
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alexandre Vigne
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Richer
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire générale