Mediterranean Forum For Social Development

National Network

Angle 56 Avenue de France، 37 Avenue Ibn Sina، Rabat 10000
10200 RABAT

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Mediterranean Forum For Social development (MFD) is an organization involved in enhancing youth de-velopment in the areas of Democracy and Good Governance, Sustainability, Active Citizenship, Culture, Art, theatre ,Music, Creativity, Education, Employment, advocacy,democracy,Social Entrepreneurship, policy-making Health , environment and Wellbeing Leadership Training, sports, Youth Business, Long and Short term volunteer Placements among other programs .

Mission and Objectives

Mediterranean Forum For Social development (MFD) is an organization dedicated to offering a platform for emerging, liberal and independent voices committed to resisting the culture of fear and intolerance. Our aim is to restore hope and opportunity to those currently underrepresented in Moroccan society through broadening networks, developing grassroots advocacy programs and building coalitions of diverse activists. Taking advantage of the initial optimism to participate in political life on the basis of civic values rather than sectarian belonging.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities are presentations of performing arts in music, theatre, dance, and storytelling as well as providing a rehearsal space for young artists and groups. The theatre also organizes a storytelling festival on an annual basis, a music festival in the summer, and a film festival in the fall. To promote young artists from Morocco by presenting their works, providing rehearsal space, and contributing to strengthening the cultural movement in Morocco through interaction and cooperation with all performing art groups, NGOs, and individuals, public and private in Morocco and the whole world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help promote ALF network throughout the opportunities that the platform offers

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The network has many organizations and other entities that are working at the same topics, issues by joining ALF network we want to widen our partnerships with other organiziations around the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Marghich Issame
Contact (2) Full Name
Baaji Soufiane
Job Title (2)
Vice President

La Periférica - Cultura Contemporánea

National Network

Calle Jazmín 11, El Mamí
04120 Almería Almería

(0034) 637133499
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

We are a group of Cultural Managers from Almería that seeks to value cultural life from an innovative vision.

La Periférica is a launch pad for projects that foster and promote talent and creativity, the exchange of experiences and cultural cooperation.

Through artistic and cultural projects, our own and in collaboration with others, we intend to activate citizen involvement and participation, as well as reflection and action on contemporary challenges and issues. We comprise the different aspects of contemporary art and culture (audiovisuals, music, performing arts, anthropology, ecology, feminism, queer movement ...) as tools for social transformation and as vehicles for citizen mutual understanding and cohesion. Thanks to the fact that we are a multidisciplinary and specialized team in different areas of the cultural and creative sector, and with extensive experience in cooperation and the third sector, both nationally and internationally, we have managed to take different actions such as the conceptualization of our own programs and projects, cultural management and production, as well as the promotion of contemporary creation.

As "cultural agitators", from La Periférica, we conceive each project as a new seed to create, from horizontality and collaboration, a better world for everyone. Promoting environmental and social sustainability we want to contribute to greater solidarity, at the glocal level. All these values are transversal to the projects we carry out, from the contents to the management itself.

La Periférica always works as a team, in a democratic way, exercising listening as the main work tool. We team up, whenever possible, with other networks of professionals and institutions, associations, groups, initiatives and projects with which we share visions, values and ways of doing to achieve objectives. Furthermore, we work with numerous public institutions with which our interests come together.

Mission and Objectives

The aims of the Association are:
- Carry out volunteer work to achieve a better society.
- Contribute to creating multiculturality and international solidarity.
- Promote mutual understanding, cultural exchange and cooperation between people of different nationalities, beliefs,
sexual condition, etc.
- Sensitize people about their important role as agents of change in society.
- Support local initiatives that promote the development and benefit of the community.
- Promote arts to raise the level of awareness about music and culture in the city and the province
- Promote the arts for children and young people by carrying out a continuous program of performances.
- Collaborate with different organizations in the field of art to help fuse different visual and plastic arts with other disciplines.
- Collaborate with cultural associations that promote independent culture at local and international levels
- Promote the arts such as painting, sculpture, poetry, photography etc, as long as the works have a connection with
contemporary culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The usual activities of our organization include:
- Management of international volunteering projects: support from the first stages of election, conducting and evaluating a
volunteer field; and after it, accompanying the volunteer to become an agent of change.
- International formations and assemblies where the strategic planning and the fields of volunteering.
- Trainings, seminars and meetings of international volunteers where intercultural issues are discussed, respect,
commitment, conflict resolution, logistics, etc. At the arrival of their fields a meeting with the objective of evaluating and
sharing experiences and learning.
- Holding concerts, workshops, exhibitions, stage performances, conferences.
- Elaboration of publications and texts of contemporary culture of the town of Almería in collaborations with different cultural
- Organize musical events and performances by different local and international performers to enrich the cultural offer of
our city
- Preparation of books and publications within the field of arts and contemporary culture
- Holding photography and plastic art exhibitions, poetry recitals, and different types of cultural events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a group of Cultural Managers from Almería that seeks to value cultural life from an innovative vision. La Periférica is a launch pad for projects that foster and promote talent and creativity, the exchange of experiences and cultural cooperation.
Through artistic and cultural projects, our own and in collaboration with others, we seek to activate citizen involvement and participation, as well as reflection and action on contemporary challenges and issues. We understand the different facets of contemporary art and culture (audiovisuals, music, performing arts, anthropology, ecology, feminism, queer movement, etc.), as tools for social transformation and as vehicles for citizen understanding and cohesion. Thanks to the fact that we are a multidisciplinary and specialized team in different fields of the cultural and creative sector, and with extensive experience in cooperation and the third sector, both nationally and internationally, we have managed to make La Periférica cover different lines of action, from the conceptualization of own programs and projects, cultural management and production, as well as the dissemination and promotion of contemporary creation.
As cultural agitators, from La Periférica we conceive each project as a new seed to create, from horizontality and collaboration, a better world for everyone, promoting environmental and social sustainability we want to contribute to greater solidarity, at the glocal level. All these values cross and are transversal to the projects we carry out, from the contents to the management itself.
At La Periférica we always work as a team, in a democratic way, exercising listening as the main work tool. We partner, whenever possible, with other networks of professionals and institutions, associations, collectives, initiatives and projects with which we share visions, values and ways of doing to achieve objectives. Furthermore, we work with numerous public institutions with which our interests converge. From the creation in 2018 La Periférica -. Cultura Contermporánea Association works with the objective of contributing to the dissemination of art and culture, facilitating a wide offer to different types of publics and we think we can become a great asset to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The network, gives us the possibility to spread our values and mision and to get to work within a network, which is a key factor for us to get to a larger impact in a wider audience. It is really enriching for us to get to know other people working in other projects that share our values and try to find conexions to collaborate. This will allow us to grow in a sustainble way hand by hand. He would like to be able to apply to the opportunities that this network supplies, in order to create projects with a bigger impact in society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Sánchez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alberto Sánchez López
Contact (2) Full Name
Mimar Pérez
Job Title (2)

Ass. Cult. The International Theatre

National Network

Via Gaetano Donizetti 4
00198 Rome RM

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

We operate in the field of theatre, education, we organize and produce an international festival, we host artists for residencies. Our organization has a base of three members who represent the board of directors. Depending on the projects we are working on, we call different professionals to collaborate with us. The Association finances projects if calls won or on direct external commission, it does not have its own personal budget to manage.

Mission and Objectives

We have collaborated with several European partners with whom we have developed Creative Europe projects or Erasmus plus projects. Our mission is to continue to work in collaboration with international partners to share culture and experiences maintaining cultural diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

We are managing in this last two years Onstage Festival, an American theatre festival born in Rome but in the second edition speed in Milan and Naples.
We have a strong collaboration with the Music Theatre International Association (already member of ALF) on different project as Cerealia festival.
We produce theatre shows

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The International Theatre born in 1994 has a strong network of national and international contact and expertise. We organize cultural event in the field of: performing art, education, urban values through culture, empowering suburbs, artistic residencies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that our vision and mission have many goals in common with ALF network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Tomaso Thellung de Courtelary
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Tomaso Thellung de Courtelary

Arabisch Deutsches Center für Dialog - WASLA e. V.

National Network

Atzpodienstrasse 3
10365 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

WASLA is a non-profit organization based in Berlin, Germany, seeking to promote dialogue and peace via cooperation between Arab and German civil society organizations; established by Arab-German youth initiatives, NGOs, workers and activists who are working in the field of youth empowerment and sustainable development. Through our activities we promote gender equality, women's rights, empowerment and security. At the level of the organization we are encouraging women to get actively involved in local, national and international activities. For all trainings, we take into account to ensure gender balance of participants. We have run workshops and roundtables focused on empowering women to enhance women and girls leadership and participation. We organize weekly sessions for women, led by Nora Amin She is also the coordinator of a non-formal activity that encourages women's creativity, supports team spirit and life skills. In terms of women's depression, the MENA region is ranked higher than any other region in the world. Depression is the leading cause of illness for women in MENA. Another problem that these women face is early marriage. Parents have the power to decide who they marry to and inform them about the arrangements without considering their opinion. We have a group of women volunteers who come from the MENA regions. This is why is very important for us to organize activities that can increase physical confidence, improve general and psychological wellbeing, boost women's self-confidence and self-esteem and develop social skills. Number of paid staff 5; unpaid staff 9; learners 5; members 55; volunteers +40 Our organization organized Berlin Days for Arabian Culture in Alexander Platz for 3 days, in April 2019. The event was organized in partnership with local organizations, German stakeholders and Arab communities in Germany. There were music concerts, music workshops, book fair, handicrafts workshops, traditional dances, poetry sessions, movies presentations, children art activities and round table. The diversity of the activities aimed to address to a wide audience and to reunite people of different ages. The competencies of our permanent members helped in running the activities in such a way that the communication between generations was encouraged. Some of the issues on which we focused were related to Arab women, social justice and women rights. Targeting parents we presented the suffering of Arab women; the first movie is about early marriage in Yemen "I'm Najoud 10 years old and divorced". Furthermore, people were encouraged to share their personal experience related to the topic. We launched a campaign to raise awareness of parents about the negative aspects of early marriages. We used the storytelling technique to encourage our audience, especially older people, to share their life stories which contributed to develop empathy and a closer connection among people. The Festival's program included several activities translated into Arabic, German and English languages. Participants and audience were people of both genders aged between 6 and 65 We organized Erasmus+ projects getting fund from the EU Commission, we had bilateral projects with German-Turkish youth bridge and a series of local activities (Berlin Integration Club; Dance and Music workshop; Cinema workshops).

Mission and Objectives

Our philosophy encourages the achievement of a balanced flow of cultural goods and services, increasing the international exchanges, integrating culture into sustainable development, promoting freedom and human rights. We strongly consider that supporting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue will open up new perspecties for sustainable growth and innovation. The key factors that act as the internal motor for sustainable development are creativity and culture. Bringing together people with different educational and cultural backgrounds, encouraging them to communicate and share visions will increase understanding different points of view and practices, strengthening active citizenship, peace and the feeling of belonging to the same community. Objectives: 1. Foster international understanding, non-formal education and youth empowerment. 2. Promote dialogue between cultures. 3. Faceing racism within societies. 4. Spread the culture of tolerance and acceptance others. Fields of work: -Non-formal education -Dialogue between cultures -Arts -Culture and Heritage -Youth Empowerment -Independent media/ Social media -Civil participation, Democracy, Gender Equality and Human Rights -Culture of Peace WASLA is the head of the German National Network of the Euro-Med Youth Federation, each National Network is coordinated by focal point institution called Head of Network that works to: 1. Facilitate consultation and mobilization inside the National Network 2. Contribute to the development and implementation of Common Actions among member organizations and across Networks 3. Involve its members in the Federation’s programs and projects 4. Ensure coordination 5. Strengthen the cooperation between the Heads of Network and the EMYF secretariat The German National Network offers a wide range of benefits, from broadening knowledge, to be inspired from others experience, to attain new achievements and to share success with others. Also, WASLA is a member of other several networks as following: • Network of Arab Societies in Europe (NAS) Arab Diaspora Young People in Europe (ADYPE)

Main Projects / Activities

REFUGEES WELCOME: A PLATFORM FOR SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATION, project number 2018-3-PT02-KA205-005513 gathers basic and preliminar information about the situation of refugees within the partner countries. It facilitates access to information (online and offline), up-to-date and reliable contacts of the services and advantages available to refugees in the following areas: education, health, housing, employment, leisure and others. Within this project we organized orientative sessions and workshops to offer information about renting houses, enrolling children in schools, finding jobs, legal advices and integration. - Activities in partnership with Jerusalem Cultural Forum: Reading Club. The aim of this club is to promote culture and literature. People came together to read books, exchange opinions on several topics and share their views on different topics. This initiative promotes social inclusion and encourages cross cultural communication. The club is open to any person who likes reading and the members are aged between 15 and 65 years old. - Activities coordinated by our trainers. Art and Crafts Club - reunites women and children to work together, creating handmade products (i.e. Christmas cards, jewellery, souvenirs). We strongly encourage and offer the necessary support to our members and volunteers in implementing their project ideas. The idea of this club was started by Mostafa Abbas who suggested to ask to our young volunteers to invite their grandparents to our center and create handmade products by working together. It helped in decreasing the gap generation and in developing social empathy. - Cinema workshops run by Fares Mohamed, former director at the Public Cinema Center in Damascus, Syria; - Dance and Music workshop runs by former musician Abeer Ali and former dancer and director Nora Amin, of the Ministry of Culture in Egypt. "Infiltration" A dance performance “The body is touched, the body is being looked at, the body is insulted [...] it is an infiltration of the self.” (Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch, Nora Amin, MSB Matthes&Seitz) Farina and Nora are creating a duo dealing with the diverse aspects of infiltration. Both artists are interested in the themes of personal space, autonomy, freedom, intimacy and the potential revolt against abusive practices and authoritarian powers. INfiltration examines what it means for each of us to be transgressed, infiltrated, and dislocated from one’s own ownership of oneself. The spectators form an active part of the experience, they are scattered in the performance space, witnessing, participating by their energies, and moving around and among the two dancers. - Berlin Integration Club: Persons who wish to teach German language in Germany – or who wish to teach Arabic language to German speakers in Berlin – can choose to specialize in teaching the language to non native speakers. - In the framework of the CIN Innovation Days, we launched a music album – Music for Peace - created by underground musical bands, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office as one of the programmes of Goethe Institute. For more information please check SinCRoMinD project 2019-1-EL01-KA204-062518, The target group of this project, people 55+, increase in all European countries. Due to this project citizens from different countries, cultures and traditions through cultural activities (dances, arts, theatre, photography, cooking, etc), ICT and foreign languages intend to develop intercultural consciousness, limit the prejudices and highlight the commons. This is of high relevance, because the engagement with Arts, ICT, Language and Culture is for many elder people the opening for new opportunities in participation and higher quality of life. Fostering Youth Initiatives through Social Enterprise Education project 2019-1-UK01-KA205-061356, The main objective of the project is to equip youth workers from the participating organisations with the tools and knowledge to be able to train other youth workers and support young people in the development of new and innovative social entrepreneurial activities. WASLA hosted KA105 training course 2018-2-DE04-KA105-016811 CONFLICT: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LEARNING!. Also, WASLA participated in different KA105 training courses as co-benficary such as Innovators' coaching training course 2018-1-IT03-KA105-013361 in Rome, training course 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016285 Creativators! In Paris. Moreover, WASLA organized non-formal education activities in the framework of other youth programmes, such as the German-Turkish youth bridge; the project "Korfball for Social inclusion" AA-0018-III.8_1. - CONFLICT: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR LEARNING! In various parts of Europe and neighbouring countries young people face challenges related to globalisation, multicultural societies, social exclusion and transition to adulthood. These challenges often result in tension, misunderstanding, conflict and even violence. At the same time, many live in regions or communities going through or recovering from conflict. In youth work conflict is an inevitable topic, both as a transversal theme and as a specific area of work. Youth workers have to adapt to changing realities, issues and concerns faced by young people. What kind of activities should we offer in volatile communities? What are the basic principles of non-formal learning in such contexts? - Innovators' coaching project The project helped participants to reflect on issues which are common to all countries coming from the EU and Mediterranean regions and in particular it focused on the issues of inclusion and give tools to the participants to increase the level of participation of young people through a more inclusive approach in their work. Innovators' coaching used hands on approach and non-formal methods of education to assist the participants to understand the different types of inclusion and methods of how to deal with them. This helped the participants to understand what the role of a coach within the area of inclusion should be and give them tools to work with when working with young people. - Regarding our activity in dialouge between cultures field, The project "Civilization Ambassadors Winter Camp", - Mobile App: In the near future we are going to develop a mobile application targeting high schools. The central idea is to offer to the teenagers hands on experience on how news are produced. To be more precise, this application will connect media, schools and students. Students, are the main target group, they will be given the possibility to make the difference between real and fake news as due to the social media they are exposed to a wide pool of information. Teenagers represent a vulnerable group easy to be manipulated via social media, this is why we consider necessary to make them aware of power of media. We are also going to organize workshops to encourage discussions between reporters and high school students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation can help to promote the values and aims of Anna Lindh Foundation, increase the number of people involved in local activities, promote intercultural and civil society dialogue in the Euro-Mediterannea Area and to share our practical knowledge related to promoting social empathy and social inclusion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested to join the ALF Network to expand our network of contacts, to organize local and international activities , to better integrate intercultural resource centre for civil society, education institutions in our activities, to learn from experts how to empower young people for acting as active citizens and get actively involved in the life of their communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mostafa Abbas
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mostafa Abbas
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Mansour

INFORMO-udruga za poticanje zapošljavanja, stručnog usavršavanja i obrazovanja

National Network

S.Caterina 9
52215 Vodnjan

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Informo is managed by its President, Vice President, Management Board and General assembly. The work is distributed between 5 staff members: project developer, two project managers, one project assistant and a financial manager. Our budget in the past years has been approximately 150.000,00 EUR per year. Our funding sources are European Comission (EASME, Erasmus +), National Foundation for Civil Society Development and other bodies of local and national governance (City of Vodnjan, Region of Istria, etc.). Our projects focus on developing skills and knowledge of young people and other vulnerable groups: volunteers, NEET youngsters, students, entrepreneurs, young mothers, people with disabilities, etc. through different educations, placements, internships, scholarships, etc. Our partners are Universities, NGOs, think-tanks, business associations , local action groups from different EU countries.

Mission and Objectives

INFORMO is a civil society non-profit organization particularly focusing on education. The main activities are addressed to impact territorial, business, professional and personal development. Since its establishment, in 2004, Informo gained a valuable experience in organizing and performing trainings and workshops, as well as in contributing to the development and internationalization of local, regional and national projects, through the participation in European and international partnerships. Informo’s challenge is to produce an effective contribution to the social development through educational programs that produce visible changes. The association is promoting European values and citizenship by encouraging people to undertake a pro-active role in the society, promoting the values of solidarity and tolerance. Applying innovative learning and working methodologies we are helping people and organizations to do what they love and love what they do. Finding feasible practical solutions to the emerging needs, our team is daily adapting to different issues and learning from own experiences as well as from the top players and best practices. The engagement of young enthusiasts, volunteers, members and supporters is multiplying the effect of the knowledge transfer activities, while the results of the projects developed to satisfy needs, combined to the innovation emerging from spontaneous but realistic desires, are improving the quality of life of our stakeholders. Informo has 16 years of experience implementing the Professional Improvement Program as the Croatian National Contact Point of the European Projects Association. Informo also acts as one of 3 Local contact points in Croatia for the Programme Erasmus for Young entrepreneurs, active in 4 cycles of the programme. The Association was as well a pioneer in Croatia as Receiving, Sending and Coordinating Organization of the European Voluntary Service. During 14 years of our work, more than 100 foreign young enthusiasts spent periods, from 2 months to up to 2 years, at the Association’s headquarters in the Business Incubator of the City of Vodnjan - Dignano. Following the work of top national and European experts, this multidisciplinary team composed by heterogeneous individuals, developed several projects. Learning from various examples, deepening theory and turning it into practice helped to create and maintain a reputation based on the quality of the approach and solidity of results. The participation in bilateral and multilateral partnerships brought us a chance to exploit local achievements at global level. At national level, Informo's projects were funded by the cities of Buje-Buie and Vodnjan-Dignano, the Region of Istria, the Croatian Ministries of Science and Education, Social Policies and Youth, Tourism, as well as the National Foundation for the Development of the Civil Society. At international level the projects were supported by the World Bank and the European Commission through different programs as the Instrument for Pre-Accession Cross Border Cooperation programs, Interreg IV, Interreg V-B Adrion, Intelligent Energy Europe, Europe for Citizens, COSME and Erasmus+. Through different projects, a variety of educational and training programs for adults and youth are implemented, involving local, regional, national, European and international stakeholders active in different fields. Particularly addressing to marginalized groups as unemployed youth and mothers, cultural and linguistic minorities, disabled people, elders, as well as social workers from public and private sectors, Informo is boosting the social economy and generating development. The different projects are tightly linked in order to provide sustainability and continuity of the initiative.

Main Projects / Activities

Informo is currently involved in the following projects: YEIM- Young Entrepreneurs in Motion, a project implemented through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme from 2017. The project focuses on facilitating exchange of skills and knowledge between young and experienced entrepreneurs by providing financial support to the young entrepreneurs and support to the experienced ones. The project partners are: UNINOVA (ES), CCI Paris (FR), Vamos Scotland (UK), CCI Badajoz (ES), ICT Cluster (BG), Project Ahead (IT), Logos (IT), Bohemia EU Planners (CZ). ECOVINEGOALS- a project implemented through the Interreg Adrion Programme, started in April 2020. The ECOVINEGOALS project promotes the sustainability and resilience of the viticulture and wine sector by encouraging the transition from intensive viticultural systems to agri-environmental management systems that operate on the principle of landscape conservation. The project also aims to encourage all stakeholders to participate more intensively in the development of local planning documentation and decision-making at the local level, and to build and strengthen international cooperation. The leading partner of the project is LAG EASTERN VENICE from Italy. Other partners are: Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry and Research Center of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (Slovenia), Agency for Rural Development of Istria and Association for Employment Promotion - INFORMO (Croatia), Development Business Center Kragujevac (Serbia) , Municipality of Bar and Business start up center Bar (Montenegro) and Mediterranean Agronomic Institute from Chania (Crete, Greece). Universities for EU projects- a project implemented through the Erasmus + Programme from 2017. . Informo is the coordinator of a Consortium of 9 Universities from Croatia- PAR, University of Pula, Zagreb Univeristy of Applied Sciences, The Polytechnic o Šibenik, Polytechnic in Požega, Libertas International University, Baltazar Zaprešić Polytechncic, VERN, School of Economy and Management Zagreb. The project is enabling students to realize professional practice in the field of European projects. INTERNATURAL- an European Solidarity Corpse project implemented from 2019. The project hosts 6 volunteers from all over Europe in Vodnjan in order to work on sustainable development of this rural community while enhancing the knowledge and skills of the volunteers. Stop Fake-Start thinking-a project implemented under the Media Literacy Programme, started in March 2020. It's aim is to educate general public on how to recognize fake news and navigate through mainstream media. The project partners are European Projects Association (BE), Res Publica (LT), Centre for international relations (PL).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association INFORMO is already working with young people on a daily basis and giving them not only a voice, but also a set of tools, skills and knowledge to help them manage the education system, internships, labour market and everything that comes with young adulthood. We pay special attention to young people coming from fewer opportunities. We can contribute to the network by continuing and improving our work with young people, but also by helping to create a more positive and inclusive discourse between the civil society organisations, policy makers and other stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network in order to share and develop ideas, projects and programmes with likeminded individuals, institutions and organizations. Our vision is to be generators of sustainable development and to foster positive changes of great impact. We strongly believe that membership in the ALF network will contribute to our organization getting closer to its vision and vice-versa.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tamara GObo
Contact (2) Full Name
Mihaela Jović
Job Title (2)
Project manager


National Network

Dimitriou Soutsou 10
11521 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

4C is a Non Governmental Organization based in Athens Greece. 4C employs 5 part time workers and around 15 volunteers. The budgetary resources come from different educational local projects, seminars, teams and lessons of foreign languages.

Mission and Objectives

4C (based in Athens, Greece) stands for intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, mutual understanding and solidarity.
The main aim of the organization is to promote life-long learning through non-formal education and experiential learning. We train different age groups (teenagers, young adults, facilitators,) in order to inspire and stimulate self-directed and peer learning. We also wish to motivate them to become involved and to raise awareness about current values like equal opportunities, social inclusion and cultural diversity. Through our projects we aim at the promotion of non-formal differentiated learning and the importance of personal development. 4C is active on a local and national level.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization stands for the values of human rights, democracy and active participation as they are promoted in the European Union, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe
We implement the initiatives through non-formal differentiated learning this is why we work with them in 3 different target groups:
*Teenagers (13-17 years old): where we implement the project “Get to know EU institutions and procedures”, a project about awareness on the European Union, European identity and values. Also, we implement different kind of activities focusing on the topic of the human rights, no hate speech campaign using the manual of We Can: Taking action against hate speech through counter and alternative narratives and Compass by the Council of Europe
* Young Adults (18-30 years old) where we implement activities regarding the importance of active citizenship and fighting against democratic deficit.
* Educators (Facilitators, Educators, Trainers, Coaches) where we implement workshops on topics of empowering young people, human rights and fighting against hate speech.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have experience in the field of active citizenship and democracy and we would like to share our expertise in this field. Moreover, we have a network of local partners that we could engage them in different projects in order to achieve a big impact in our local community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of this network in order to cooperate with different organization that share same principles and values. Also, we would like to co-organize different european and international events and projects and exchange good practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariadni Matraka
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ariadni Matraka

Hellenic Youth Participation

National Network

Dimitriou Soutsou 10
11521 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Hellenic Youth Participation is a social cooperative based in Athens, Greece. There are 5 workers, 3 full time and 2 part time. The budgetary resources come from different educational local projects, seminars, teams, funding from european projects like Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps programmes.
The active local groups are 10 and the total young people who participate in them are 200:
1) Teenagers (13-17 years old) who form part of the “Teen Team of Empowerment” (Supporting teenagers through the transition to adulthood).
2) Young Adults (18-30 years old) who form part of the “Young Adults Team of Empowerment” (Empowering young people to live as active members of the local and national community).
3) Leaders Academy (18+ years old) (Training youth leaders on the non-formal education framework).
4) Educators (Teachers, Educators, Trainers, Coaches) who form part of the Non-formal Education Academy (Training teachers to use non-formal methodology to formal teaching).
5) Mnemosine Art Group: adults (20-35 years old) who focus on self-awareness and personal development through art.
6) HYP International Relations: adults (22-35 years old) who use non-formal education methodology to approach the global political events.
7) People, Places, Partnerships: young adults (18-30 years old) who attempt to support social change social change based on the community needs of Athens.
8) Young Entrepreneurship in Greece: young adults (18-25 years old) who conduct research on young entrepreneurs and create a report of youth employability in Greece.
9) Mind your Mind: adults (25-40 years old) meet in open spaces in Athens and attempt to connect to nature through mindfulness.
10) Mentors: adults (22-35 years old) who support our local volunteers and EVS with their local projects and activities.
Erasmus+ funded projects: Sexual Health for Youth, Youth Votes for Europe
European Solidarity Corps funded Projects: Connecting the Community, Non Formal Action

Mission and Objectives

Hellenic Youth Participation (based in Athens, Greece) stands for intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, mutual understanding and solidarity.
The main aim of the group is to promote life-long learning through non-formal education and experiential learning. We train different age groups (teenagers, young adults, parents, youthworkers, facilitators, teachers) in order to inspire and stimulate self-directed and peer learning. We also wish to motivate them to become involved and to raise awareness about current values like equal opportunities, social inclusion and cultural diversity. Through our projects we aim at the promotion of non-formal differentiated learning and the importance of personal development. HYP is active on a local, national and European level.

Main Projects / Activities

HYP has focused in the creation of networks of young people who want to contribute to the social change of citizens of Athens. Through the promotion of non-formal differentiated learning, we create teams that work for 8 months (October to May). Each team meets twice per month for 8 hours and focus on their common goal. In May they all collaborate in one common event that is created by the young people for young people.
HYP is creating a non-formal education library to give the opportunity to people (leaders, youthworkers, volunteers and educators) to have access in quality activities of different topics in English, Spanish and Greek.
The active local groups are 10 and the total young people who participate in them are 200:
1) Teenagers (13-17 years old) who form part of the “Teen Team of Empowerment” (Supporting teenagers through the transition to adulthood).
2) Young Adults (18-30 years old) who form part of the “Young Adults Team of Empowerment” (Empowering young people to live as active members of the local and national community).
3) Leaders Academy (18+ years old) (Training youth leaders on the non-formal education framework).
4) Educators (Teachers, Educators, Trainers, Coaches) who form part of the Non-formal Education Academy (Training teachers to use non-formal methodology to formal teaching).
5) Mnemosine Art Group: adults (20-35 years old) who focus on self-awareness and personal development through art.
6) HYP International Relations: adults (22-35 years old) who use non-formal education methodology to approach the global political events.
7) People, Places, Partnerships: young adults (18-30 years old) who attempt to support social change social change based on the community needs of Athens.
8) Young Entrepreneurship in Greece: young adults (18-25 years old) who conduct research on young entrepreneurs and create a report of youth employability in Greece.
9) Mind your Mind: adults (25-40 years old) meet in open spaces in Athens and attempt to connect to nature through mindfulness.
10) Mentors: adults (22-35 years old) who support our local volunteers and EVS with their local projects and activities.
We also implement a great variety of seminars and workshops about self-awareness, emotional intelligence, personal development, finding your passion, conflict management, mindfulness and teaching techniques.
2019: “Escape Room of Human Rights”: our youth team organized 2 escape rooms of human rights in order to raise awareness on the history of human rights and the refugee crisis. More than 150 young people participated in the event and spread the importance of human rights today.
2018: “The universe and I”: our youth team in collaboration with the Athens Observatory organized an afternoon with interactive activities where young people could come closer to the science, understand the universe and connect to their peers. More than 200 young people participated in the event and spread the importance of life long learning.
2017: “Playing under the Athenian sun”: our youth team organized a small fair to celebrate the European Youth Week and spread the European mobility in the centre of Athens. More than 200 young people participated in the event and learned in an experiential way more about the European opportunities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a big network of young people in local level so we believe that we can create new opportunities for them. Also, we would like to create common new initiatives based on the needs and problems of our reality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of this network in order to cooperate with different organization that share same principles and values. Also the 3 pillars of the organization, empowering young voices, influencing policy makers and building a movement for dialogue are some of the main ideas that our local and european activities based on them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariadni Matraka
Job Title
Senior Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Eleni Kardamitsi

Social Innovation Center Foundation/ Társadalmi Innovációs Központ Alapítvány

National Network

Bokréta utca 28.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
General Information

Our foundation is a public benefit non-governmental organization. We do not have employed staff, our activists carry out the projects of the Association. Last year, our budget was around €28 000, which we spent on our projects and on the development of the organization. Our organization was founded in 2018, but the key members have decades long experience relating to research,  project generation and project realization. Last year, we started to build an international partnership. We have partner organizations from Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and we are looking for to expand our partnerships. In cooperation with these organizations, we planned several international projects, which focus on social innovation and research.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of the Foundation is to support social innovations in the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation in the social sciences, technology and natural sciences. Social innovation is an approach that helps to find answers to complex and urgent societal challenges. It simultaneously relies on new scientific findings and the experience and local knowledge of local actors, so that well-founded, new responses to social problems and challenges are best suited to local specificities. In the case of social innovation, the newly established domestic and international co-operations and partnerships play a particularly important role. The goal of social innovation is to create new services, change and reorganize the content of existing services.

Main Projects / Activities

Social innovation projects and activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking for partnerships along the common values and aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Péter Berczeli
Job Title
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Head of the organisation
Péter Berczeli

Innoratio Kutatóműhely Közép-Európai Gazdaság- és Társadalomfejlesztő Közhasznú Egyesület / Innoratio Research Center Central European Economic and Social Development Public Benefit Association

National Network

Attila utca 11. fszt. 1.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
General Information

Our organisation is a public benefit non-governmental organization which has a decade-long experience in scientific as well as more popular forms of researches and counseling, the high-standard realisation of counseling activities. Furthermore, our organisation is an expert of crossnational projects, having several EU-funded projects achieved in various crossnational settings. Members of the organisation are highly-skilled professionals with experiences in research and analysis as well as the promotion and distribution of research results, the communication of findings. We do not have employed staff, our activists carry out the projects of the Association. Last year, our budget was around €120 000, which we spent on our projects and on the development of the organization. We have partner organizations from Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and we are looking for to expand our partnerships. In cooperation with these organizations, we planned several international projects, which focus on research social innovation and democracy

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to increase the economic competitiveness of the disadvantaged regions and settlements of the Central European region, to promote their social and cultural development, to reduce territorial inequalities, and to catch up with the disadvantaged regions. We want to contribute to this goal with research activities, social innovation, dissemination of knowledge, preparing educational materials etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Condominiums as the smallest field of democracy. With our other interests.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking for partnerships along the common values and aims.

Contact (1) Full Name
Péter Berczeli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Péter Berczeli

National Youth Council of Luxembourg / Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse du Luxembourg asbl

National Network

87, route de Thionville
2611 Luxembourg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The CGJL is the National Youth Council of Luxembourg and represents nearly 30 national youth organizations (unions, political parties, scout movements, youth clubs, etc.) in and outside of Luxembourg. The volunteers of CGJL's board and members of the professional staff are in charge of implementing the organization's triennial strategic plan/concept. While the volunteers are quite experienced in taking part and organizing international events or exchanges, the professional staff (4 full-time, 3 part-time) completes CGJL's expertise with their qualification and experience as policy officers and project leaders. Altogether, they have been taking part in many projects and activities targeting the quality of formal education and the social valuation of non formal education hence the work of the many volunteers in our society. The CGJL is a youth-led organization and it makes use of a national annual grant coming from the Ministry for Education, Children and Youth, additional to this we implement projects which are funded by the European Erasmus+ programme, where the CGJL is also active as the coordinator of the National Working Group in the context of the EU Youth Dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

As a representative of young people, the CGJL has always been a proven partner on the national level, giving young people the opportunity to interact with policy makers and to shape the policies touching the interests of youth in general. The persons taking part in this project are mainly involved in the CGJL’s activities throughout the year.

The CGJL is active in two fields: One is the promotion of youth participation by offering activities, projects and initiatives
to give all young individuals with different backgrounds the opportunity to gather knowledge about citizenship, society
itself and intercultural exchanges as well. Education is one of the pillars our NYC is built on, in this case the non formal
education. As the quality of education in and around school, formal and non formal education, play an important role in
the development of young people and their skills related to their future daily and professional life, we promote
implementation measures to shape an impactful education policy in Luxembourg and Europe.

On the other side, CGJL is promoting the interests of young people and its member organizations, by advocating on the national and international
levels, as a privileged partner of policy makers. The CGJL assumes its role as representative for youth by attending
international exchanges to gather valuable knowledge and best and good practices about youth participation on the
European level. Furthermore the CGJL engages in talks about the ongoing activities and advocacy work for youth of the
European Youth Forum, who gives a voice to millions of youngsters. The exchange platform planned for this project also
gives young people from Luxembourg and Europe the opportunity to get actively involved in the formulation and the
defense of their interests.

CGJL is also in charge of coordinating the EU Youth Dialogue in Luxembourg and its National Working Group, bringing
together youth from the multicultural context of Luxembourg, a country gathering people from more than 170 countries,
who live and work there.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects like the Citizen Rallye, the Youth Convention and the supervision of the National Youth Parliament, the National School Students Council and the United Nations Youth Delegates for Luxembourg programme are main activities implemented throughout the year on a regular basis.

Feel free to consult our activity report for further information >

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By becoming a member, the CGJL could contribute to the network's membership outreach by promoting projects, activities and opportunities for young people in and around Luxembourg and Europe. The network could profit of the CGJL's expertise in the fields of youth engagement, volunteering and non-formal education, and join its projects and activities in order to promote intercultural values and awareness. Additional to this, the network's outreach to the organized and non-organized young people could benefit from the many organizations which gather under the umbrella of the National Youth Council.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the CGJL is quite active in and also aware of the many opportunities in the field of youth and youth engagement, we also see a need to broaden and enrich our activities, to learn from others in order to increase the outreach and the intercultural approach, especially to young people which are not in the typical focus of most of the activities in the field of youth. Luxembourg is a rich country, by which we mean rich in cultures, in knowledge and experience, often coming from different social and cultural backgrounds, a melting pot of human beings from all over the world.

Social cohesion and its promotion and defense in order to maintain it are key for our society's future developments. We are ready to take this opportunity and to accept the challenge, to learn as an organization, to prevent us from slowing down or even standing still when it comes to intercultural work in an with communities. A membership at FAL would also contribute to our own development, to create synergies with other civil organizations and public actors, in order to broaden the perspectives, especially when it comes to young people, who found their new home in Luxembourg and the youngsters with fewer opportunities. In the end, the field of non-formal education also includes intercultural education and learning, to which we want to learn from and contribute our part.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mathis Godefroid
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Chrystelle Brassinne, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Inês Batista
Job Title (2)
Secretariat CGJL