Fundació ACSAR

National Network

Via Laietana, 16
08003 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Fundació ACSAR is an NGO dedicated to constructing a plural and diverse society through the study of migrations and the promotion of social cohesion. The structure of the organization consists of a president (Carles Campuzano, former MP), a secretary, a board (composed by members of the trade unions CCOO and UGT) and two employees. The available budgetary resources vary every year, as do the sources of funding (i.e. from Fundació La Caixa to the European Union), depending on the implemented activities. Considering the last two economic exercises, the organization has held an approximate annual budget of 50.000 €. The modalities of action include a large variety of activities, such as the annual seminars on asylum and LGTB refugees, the 2018 project in support of refugees in Greece, or the conferences in Palau Macaya (Barcelona) with politicians, political scientists and members of the civil society.

Mission and Objectives

Fundació ACSAR aims to construct a plural and diverse society, through the achievement of equal rights and emphasizing the relevance of equal opportunities as a tool to accomplish basic needs and strategical social interests. Moreover, it seeks to simultaneously reinforce duties and responsibilities for a democratic convivence. With these purposes in mind, public policy analysis, as a facilitator of human mobility and of social cohesion processes, becomes more necessary than never.

Main Projects / Activities

Fundació ACSAR develops its task through the implementation of several projects in different fields of work. Its main actions are framed in the next types of activities: applied research in collaboration with university research groups and think tanks; organization of formative seminars for NGOs, professionals and public administrations; technic support for the public administration in the elaboration, design and evaluation of policies, programs and projects; creation of debate and reflection spaces, as well as publication of both academic and non-academic materials.

Some examples of the main activities mentioned above have been: the research carried jointly with GRITIM-UPF on “The paths of young people of diverse origins in Barcelona”, the annual seminars on asylum and international protection (with the collaboration of Generalitat de Catalunya and the Barcelona City Council); the current design of an unprecedented observatory of immigration in Catalonia; or the 2013-2018 conferences with Fundació La Caixa on migration, interculturalism, and diversity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a promoter of the future Catalan Observatory of Immigration (which is expected to be ready by the end of 2020), it is Fundació ACSAR’s aim to be in constant contact and coordination with all the organizations that are already taking part in ALF’s network (not only in Catalonia and Spain but also in the Euro-Med region). Fundació ACSAR can provide a wide range of greately useful data, as well as collaborate in the implementation of projects and the elaboration of seminars and conferences related to interculturalism, diversity and asylum (as it has been already doing with CIDOB, GRITIM-UPF, La Caixa, Fundació Catalunya-Europa, the United Nations or the Catalan Secretary of Immigration, among others).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are living in a modern era, where the concept of citizenship is more important than ever, it is essential for Fundació ACSAR to be in close contact with entities, organizations and members of civil society whose pursuit is to establish an intercultural global society. Moreover, Fundació ACSAR deems as crucial the design, elaboration and implementation of projects aimed to seek social equality and cohesion, as well as the advocacy and promotion of a trend of thought based on the defense of human rights. Therefore, becoming part of Anna Lindh Foundation’s network would be a major boost in the achievement of these goals, in order to contribute to a more equal society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Saliba
Job Title
Technical project manager
Head of the organisation
Carles Campuzano

Sustainable Negev

National Network

Omer 8496500

+972 8 6469247
+972 8 6467528
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 52 8483600
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

An NGO under the Association Law. The association has an executive committee, an audit committee, an accountant and an accountant (both salaried). Usually between 5-10 employees. The budget is based on calling votes, projects and sometimes donations from supported bodies. The association conducts trainings, lectures, seminars, curricula, environmental planning, etc. The main partners are local authorities, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, universities and public bodies.

Mission and Objectives

Negev Bar-Kayma - called “Sustainable Development for the Negev” (SDN) in English, strives to increase environmental awareness and protection of the Negev region (the southern part of Israel), encourage public participation in decisions affecting development in the region, and be a catalyst for sustainable development. SDN is partners with the public to change the outlook of the government regarding future development of the Negev. The challenge is to integrate intelligent use and preservation of natural resources with development of a suitable quality of life. SDN, an Israeli non-governmental organization (NGO) is uniquely suited to achieve these goals. Its director Bilha Givon has a reputation for successful environmental activism after almost 30 years in the field and was awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award for Environmental Protection". SDN's small, but effective staff has established an admirable track record and network of contacts among a broad spectrum of professionals both within Israel and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

• Sustainable Cities
• Community Action Panels for Industrial Environmental Responsibility
• Environmental Responsibility within the Bedouin Communities

Major Results of SDN Activities

• Less Polluting Industrial Area
• Mutual Trust Between Community and Industry
• Environmental Awareness
• Sustainable Planning and Development
• Environmental Topics Integrated into ALL Aspects of Education in Dimona
• Increased Recycling/Reuse of Materials
• Cleaner Communities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association is a refreshing breeze among environmental organizations for its different perception of the way to achieve an adequate environment, the change that the association is causing today in many localities in the Negev and includes a real revolution in the environmental conduct of local authorities, environmental values ​​in education systems and local communities. The association conducts a wide range of environmental and long-term activities while collaborating with all relevant parties to the success of the projects it promotes, while maintaining the principle of transparency and transparency is of key value.
Initiated and founded by the organization, Bilha Givon, close to 50 years of experience in education, conservation and environmental protection.For its activities, the association and Bilha Givon received certificates of recognition and recognition, including the Lifetime Achievement Award for Environmental Protection awarded to it by the Minister of Environmental Protection and the President of the State in 2008. The association received the President's award for volunteering for its activities for the environment.
Bilha personally received the graduate award from Ben Gurion University of the Negev for her contribution to society in the same year 2016 the association got also the President's volunteer awerd . The association also won the Israel Transparency Award in 2006 and more Prizes and commendations.
The association has great experience and success in educational and community projects in the authorities. In Dimona, the association led the city to become a sustainable city. This is reflected in the authority's management, in the areas of infrastructure (planning and construction of neighborhoods according to the principles of green building), in the community and in the education system, activities include courses and seminars for PA employees, community empowerment and comprehensive activities in the education system. Environmental, the association operates in the same way in Kiryat Gat, Kiryat Malachi in Ofakim and since 2007 operates in the Bedouin localities: Rahat, Hura, Kuseife, Segev Shalom, Arara, Lakia and in the Diaspora. The association has international connections with environmental organizations in the Mediterranean Basin and the Balkans, the association is a member of the UN Convention on the Prevention of Speech, the Sustainable Development Convention and more.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Lind Foundation deals with issues in which the association has been active for many years. the national and international activities of the Mediterranean countries can be strengthened and leveraged. After all, the environment is our future and must be protected. The association has 20 years of experience and a personal experience of at least 45 years on environmental issues that must be passed on to future generations.We will be glad to collaborate with every organization and group operating in the environmental field in the region, to initiate and carry out activities that can preserve natural resources, the landscape and the environment especiallye on the climate change issues.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Bilha Givon
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bilha Givon

Elhak Foundation for Freedom of Opinion and Expression and Human Rights

National Network

5668 alhadbat alwustaa
mokattm .Third district

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
General Information

The number of employees in the center is 5.
Funding sources.
Funding sources from international organizations such as.
Freedom House. MEPI . NED
Annual reports are issued on the state of freedom of opinion and expression in Egypt.
Specific reports on freedom of the media and the press are issued.
Preparing studies on draft laws related to freedom of the press and media and freedom of expression
Open in Google Translate

Mission and Objectives

For a free and strong culture in a democratic society.

Work to develop the local press.
Work to raise the efficiency of journalists.
Prepare a new generation of journalists who believe in human rights principles.
Prepare a new generation of human rights defenders.

Main Projects / Activities

capacity Building FOR young journalists.
Development of the local media
Publishing reports and studies on human rights.
Preparing proposals for laws related to public rights and freedoms.
observation THE Election

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networking and exchange of experiences and knowledge.
Participation with members of the network in Egypt

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to gain new experiences and skills.
Working across networks increases the effectiveness of organizations

Contact (1) Full Name
shady amin
Job Title
executive director
Head of the organisation
Shady Abd El-kareem Mohammed Amin
Contact (2) Full Name
Emad abuo bakr
Job Title (2)
Managing Director

Institut Popotnik

National Network

Celovska cesta 181
1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Institut Popotnik was founded with the aim to promote sport as a tool for development in Slovenia. We are a group of young and energetic people that all have experience in the field of sport-for-development. In our team are between 5 and 10 people, depending on the size of the projects in which we participate. Our funds are obtained from public financiers - Sports Foundation of the Republic of Slovenia, Sokol Association of Slovenia, Sports Union of Slovenia and other public tenders.

Mission and Objectives

Institut Popotnik was founded with the aim to promote sport as a tool for development in Slovenia. We are a group of young and energetic people that all have experience in the field of sport-for-development. By founding the NGO we aimed to build a platform to fully exert and bunch our potentials and engagement. Our mission is to use sport and sport tourism as an instrument for positive societal and personal change. With co-operating with other organization and federations, we are implementing projects in the field of sport on the local and international level. Zavod Popotnik also co-operate with companies. Our co-workers are sports managers and project managers who may provide experience from the business sector as well. For companies we are organizing sports events, team buildings, conferences and promotion campaigns.

Main Projects / Activities

We have runned few national projects and several local projects. Main of them were in sport for all. In the last two years, we have been more actively involved in international cooperation and project management. Our members have been also part of several international projects through ouother organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can participate in new projects and share good practise from other contries to Slovenia

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate in new projects and share good knowledge and good practise from other ngo from other countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Damjan Kuzma
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Damjan Kuzma

Project Net

National Network

Veca Bikernieku 9-16
Riga, LV-1079

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Project Net (PN) is a non-governmental organisation established in 2013. The main aim of PN is EDUCATION for adults, entrepreneurs and senior learners and SOCIAL INCLUSION through educational activities. There are 10 volunteers - professionals co-working to facilitate positive educational change at national level, core Expert team are 5 persons. PN is dedicated to solve social and educational challenges, raise knowledge and social - welfare in Latvia as well as facilitate and promote the best practices, knowledge and gained experience at the international level. The specific areas of key personnel: open innovation, third age university, entrepreneurship education, business incubation, healthy lifestyles, sports, creative thinking, idea management, research on best education practices, creative and cultural industries. Sources of funding - 1) EU projects and 2) training services delivered. Main partners - national partners - municipalities where Senior University branches are located - Riga City, Malpils, Jelgava city; 2) start-up ecosystem: University incubators and Riga city council; 3) international - all finished and on-going project partners: Cyprus- Emphasys Centre, Portugal - RUTIS Third age university network, Italy - social cooperative AURIVE, Bulgaria - Ruse regional Chamber of Commerce, Lithuania - Active Youth, Slovenia - Institute Popotnik and SOKOL sport federation, Turkey- System and Generations, Greece - PRAXIS, Romani - Centrul pentru Strategii de Dezvoltare a Tineretului (Center of Strategies for Youth Development).

Mission and Objectives

TURN IDEAS INTO ACTION is slogan of Project Net. Objectives - sustainable development of society through various educational initiatives.

Main Projects / Activities

1. ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND INTEGRATION FOR THIRD PARTIES CITIZENS IN LATVIA, Latvian Language State Agency, Coordinator, 2015-2016, Nr IF/2013/1.a/2, European Social Fund COORDINATOR PROJECT NET main aim – social inclusion of third parties citizens through entrepreneurship 2. AGRO-EUROPEAN TOURISM - HOW TO REINVIGORATE RURAL AREAS No 2016-1-LV01-KA104-022525 Coordinator, Erasmus Plus, 01/06/2016-30/05/2017 COORDINATOR PROJECT NET main aim – sustainable development of rural areas and employment opportunities 3. TRAIN WITH BRAIN NR 579874-EPP-1-2016-1-LT-SPO-SSCP, Beneficiary, Erasmus Sport, 01/01/2017-31/12/-2017 COORDINATOR NGO VSI INTEGRACIJOS CENTRAS main aim – social inclusion through sports 4. EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT FOR THE ADULT LONGLIFE EDUCATION No 2017-1-LV01-KA104-035279, Erasmus Plus Adult training, 12 months, 01.09.2017-30.08.2018, COORDINATOR PROJECT NET main aim – emotional management methodology for adult learners 5. DIGITAL ACQUISITION THROUGH INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING No 2017-1-LV01-KA204-035455, Erasmus Plus Strategic partnership, 24 months, 01.09.2017- 30.08.2019, COORDINATOR PROJECT NET main aim – senior adult learners 55+ digital upskilling 6. EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SPORTS (ETS) No. 602681-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA, Erasmus Sport, 01/01/2019-31/12/2021, Coordinator Asociacija “Aktyvus jaunimas” Lithuania main aim – social inclusion through sport activities 7. THIRD AGE UNIVERSITY FOR ADULT LIFE-LONG LEARNING, No 2019-1-LV01-KA104-060259, COORDINATOR PROJECT NET 01.06.2019-30.05.2020 main aim – the best practice learning from Third Age University Associaion RUTIS in Portugal in order to pilot the Senior University model in Latvia 8. PROMOTING FINANCIAL, DIGITAL AND ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCES FOR VULNERABLE ADULTS (WOMEN) WITH RESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE DIGITALISED MARKET (HOME BASED) FINE2WORK, No 2019-1-LV01-KA204-060337, Coordinator Project Net 01.10.2019-30.09.2021 main aim - to provide adults with a three-stage upskilling pathway programme to acquire, develop, assess and validate a set of essential competences (financial, digital and entrepreneurial) to be able to meet the needs of working remotely. Target group: home-based adults, particularly women

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1) by inspiring network members about Open Innovation approach; 2) promoting entrepreneurial and project management skills of network members; 3) delivering training (online) for metwork members free of charge at least twice a year about topics of expertise (innovation management, design thinking, open innovation, circular economy, business incubation, idea management).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand international network and create new partnerships in field of education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Iveta Cirule
Job Title
Board Member, Senior Researcher
Head of the organisation Iveta Cirule
Contact (2) Full Name
Katrina Cirule
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Charisma Arts developing the community foundation

National Network

115 road 9

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Charisma arts is a nonprofit organization with the vision of using arts and entrepreneurship to empower the community.

Mission and Objectives

-Financial sustainability through handmade incubator
-using performing arts to promote social values
- promoting and training on entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching entrepreneurship, women equality, sustaibale development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With more than 18 years of experience as a social entrepreneur, mentor, consultant, trainer and motivation speaker I hope I can always add and be part of the team of the Egyptian network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I believe there is a lot I can learn and add to the network, besides I believe so much in all its principals

Contact (1) Full Name
Vivian labib noeur
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eng. Vivian labib


National Network

Gromadzka 26
61-655 Poznan

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

At the moment, LOGOS is actively operating in 3 European countries. We have created a powerful network, an international family, that shares the same values and strives to make a positive change. Each member brings a valuable impact of uniqueness and experience that we always are eager to share and spread.

Mission and Objectives

We Provide
Opportunities for learning, active participation and self development

We Make
Positive impact to the society we live in

We Act
Consciously and meaningfully

We love to learn and educate to travel and gain new experience.


Main Projects / Activities

Within the movement we organize such online and offline activities as youth exchanges and training courses, local workshops and run a Facebook page. At this page you can find many different, interesting and fun information and data about Critical Thinking.

This past year we have grown a lot. From a small yet ambitious movement that boosted February 2018 to a thousand supporters all over the world. Within the movement there were organized 10 Erasmus+ projects and planned more, a lot of workshops and local events regarding the topic for more than 250 people. At every project Logos organizes there is a session about Critical Thinking. Also we have a coordinator, working for the movement.

And countless amount of people we influenced so far and will in the future. Switch on your brain!

“Dinner 4 Foreigner” (Kolacja Ponad Granicami) is a project started by volunteers of Logos in Poznan (Poland) with the main moto “Stop Fear- Start curiosity”. We aim to break prejudices and to strength European values by involving people from different backgrounds (migrants/emigrants) into Polish society. We want to raise awareness and curiosity among Polish community towards other cultures which would, in return, help to provide integration of foreigners, to avoid misunderstandings or fear based on stereotypes and to increase the general level of multicultural knowledge by using a fantastic tool – food.

Since 2017 Logos has been developing and actively sharing the idea of using escape rooms for educational purposes. Escape rooms are usually used for fun and entertainment, but we decided that they can be an interesting tool when speaking about important and serious topics such as human rights. We implemented several training courses since then and taught around 200 youth workers on how to build their own escape rooms for education.

What is the escape room?
Escape rooms are live-action, team-based games where players discover clues, solve puzzles, and accomplish tasks in one or more rooms in order to accomplish a specific goal (usually escaping from the room) in a limited amount of time. Escape rooms develop creativity, communication, logic, problem-solving skills, analytical skills and are great for team-building.

Escape rooms for education
It is possible to include important educational messages into the room’s story, environment, puzzles, everything! When creating escape rooms for education we speak about human rights education and other important issues. We have a goal of educating youth workers around the Europe on how to build escape rooms and use them for educational purposes.

In each of the project description, one can find toolboxes, that were made at various projects. Each toolbox contains scenario of escape room, plan of the room, description of puzzles as well as pictures of the room. If needed anyone can use these toolboxes to build similar rooms anywhere. And if you need help, we are ready to support you. Just write us at

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Intellectual support
- Partnering in projects
- Promotion
- With our experience of participation and implementation of various international projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the same values with ALF. Already to contribute within our Local and international activities, so far we already joined Erasmus virtually debates nd prepare 7 group leaders and more than 20 participants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of Organization
Head of the organisation
Marko Boyko

Center for International Encounters

National Network

22 Ein Rogel , Abu Tor

+972 (0)2 6732171
+972 (0)26735639
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 (0)523760195
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Center for International Encounters (CIE) is a hub for progressive NGO’s in Jerusalem working on the issue of Peace in the Middle East and promoting social change. The CIE commits to creating and maintaining a local center and safer space where people and groups can overcome barriers and oppression that creates division.
Number of Employees: 4
Total Annual Budget (USD): 110,100
Main Sources of Funding : Support Association Willy Brandt Center Jerusalem
Main activities:
1. Community Center for local community of Abu Tor, neighborhood with Israelis and Palestinians
2. Networking hub for organizations focused on shared society and social equality
3. Safe space for women and LGBTQ communities to learn and thrive
4. Creative space where local and international artists can share and showcase their work
5. Educational center for local and international community

Partnerships (selection) Achvat Amim, Barenboim-Said Academy, Democratic Workers Organization, Domari Society of Gypsies in Jerusalem, Good Neighbors Initiative Abu To, Hanns Böckler Stiftung Deutschland, Holot Theatre group of asylum seekers, Musrara School of Art, Lissan, Combatants for Peace a.o.

Mission and Objectives

The Center for International Encounters’ mission is to operate a center for international encounters and education, for the promotion of culture, arts and community activities, as well as for fostering the cultural and artistic diversity of the people of the Middle East, including without limitation Jews, Druze, Bedouin, Palestinians, Arab, Christians and Muslims.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Solidarity and Neighborhood : cultural programs to the community: we initiate and facilitate numerous social projects, working on self-organization and empowerment.
2. Intercultural Encounter:
The CIE a stage for art and culture mirrors the diversity of Jerusalem – from exhibitions to hip-hop productions, from movie nights to poetry slams.
3. Dual Narrative Visitor programs: For an international audience we offer dual narrative programs, developed by Israelis and Palestinians together, that give an insight into the complexity of the conflict beyond stereotypes. Those programs are open for controversy, but also encourage critical solidarity.
4. Co- working community: here projects are developed through the sharing knowledge, ideas and inspiration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The location of our center reflects our vision of a peaceful living together and diversity. Here, across borders and lines of conflict, people from Israel, Palestine and the whole world come together.
The radicalization in the political sphere and the fragmentation of the civil society makes our approach even more necessary. Despite all challenges posed by the rapidly changing political situation in Jerusalem, we succeed to develop and implement successful projects, reach out to new groups in civil society and broaden our field of activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Today we are one of the only spaces in Jerusalem to bring Israeli and Palestinian Millennial together. We work with young politicians, educational volunteers and artists as influence for sustainable peace and a shared but not divided city of Jerusalem that will inspires coexistence in diversity for present & future generations. We are interested in expanding our existing activities and collaborations with academic institutions, research institutes and organizations.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Moran Chen Spitzer
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
Moran Chen Spitzer

Cineastes non alignées

National Network

6 rue du Liban
75020 Paris

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Cinéastes non alignées compte jusqu'à présent une dizaine de membres, au départ le collectif était libre, puis rapidement un désir de se structuré est né et le collectif s'est constitué en association. Le collectif vit de son adhésion et fonctionne grâce aux membres actifs. Nous comptons demander des subventions à la mairie de Paris pour former à l'image les jeunes filles des quartiers difficiles (pendant les vacances dans un premier temps). Nous programmons nos films dans des lieux parisiens et festivals avec des rencontres professionnelles (exemple le festival Fespaco à Ouagadougou, le FIFAM à Amiens...) nous développons un partenariat avec l'association Espoir basée à Tiznit au Maroc pour un programme d'éducation à l'image destiné aux jeunes filles. Nous travaillons sur la transmission avec le FIFAM pour 2021, et sur les stéréotypes avec EWA (European Women Audiovisual).

Mission and Objectives

CINÉASTES NON ALIGNÉES est un réseau de femmes cinéastes qui se rencontrent régulièrement pour se conseiller, partager des ressources, collaborer sur des projets et construire une communauté solidaire pour faire leurs films. Tous les mois, NOUS femmes cinéastes, nous nous réunissons pour nous parler de nos projets en cours, organiser des évènements pour la réalisation et la promotion de nos films et débattre de thèmes autour du cinéma. Dans une industrie où moins de 5% des films au sommet du box office sont réalisés par des femmes, CINÉASTES NON ALIGNÉES offre aux femmes cinéastes une structure qui leur permet de se soutenir entre elles, de partager des ressources, et d’aider à ce que leurs films soit faits et vus. En plus des réunions mensuelles, cinéastes non alignées soutient beaucoup d’autres initiatives collaboratives telles que des tables rondes, des rencontres avec d’autres professionnels du cinéma, des workshops. CINÉASTES NON ALIGNÉES offre à ses membres un espace pour se conseiller, s’échanger leur réseau et s’aider directement, CINÉASTES NON ALIGNÉES continue à promouvoir la création de films par et sur les femmes. C’est Rahma Benhamou El Madani qui est à l’initiative de la création du collectif en février 2016. Ce groupe a déjà à son actif plusieurs collaborations et projets !

Main Projects / Activities

- Rencontre internationale au festival de Cannes mai 2017 des membres de l'organisation Film Fatales (notre ancien nom) - Conférence au Fespaco sur la place des femmes dans l'industrie du cinéma africain et de sa diaspora. - Projections- rencontres à la colonie - Participation au SouthMed Wia en 2019 - Rencontre professionnelle au FIFAM 2019 - Tribune pour une diversité cinématographique à France Télévision - Programmation de films prévue après le confinement en septembre 2020 - Appel à projet pour jeunes femmes algériennes et marocaines et encadrement lors du FIFAM 2021

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes un collectif basé à Paris, et nos membres actives sont reconnues dans leur domaine à l'international. Nous pouvons en tant que membre du FAL permettre une plus grande visibilité lors de nos rencontres professionnelles avec nos partenaires. Nous solliciterons la FAL pour une plus grande communication de nos actions, et de même nous communiquerons que nous sommes membres de la FAL. Dans nos partenariat avec la ville de Paris mais aussi avec nos partenaires lors de nos projections nous publierons le logo de la FAL. Nous pourrons travailler avec les différents membres de la FAL pour nos rencontres professionnelles, formations et actions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je suis présidente de ce collectif, que j'ai créé en 2016. Je suis également membre de la FAL avec ma structure PLEIN CADRES. Je pense que c'est une bonne chose, de par mon expérience au sein de la FAL avec Plein Cadres, que le collectif Cinéastes non Alignées soit membres pour la problématique de lutte contre les stéréotypes liés au genre dans la culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rahma El Madani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rahma El Madani
Contact (2) Full Name
Rahmatou Keita
Job Title (2)
Vice présidente

theSquare – Mediterranean Centre for Revolutionary Studies

National Network

via Sant'Eufemia, 4
20122 Milan MI

+39 340 9288831
Telephone (other)
+39 345 4256844
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

theSquare is a boutique think tank currently composed by a volunteer staff of 9 members and a prominent scientific advisory board of experts. So far the centre has benefited financially from donations and free contributions from private individuals. The centre organizes conferences, seminars, book presentations, art exhibitions, online and scientific publications and digital/visual initiatives. In its first year of activity, theSquare has organized one conference (University of Messina, May 25, 2019), one book presentation (February 21, 2020), a photo exhibition (September 19-20, 2019) and an online visual map project tracking all the contested monuments across Europe and Mediterranean (June 2020). The main partners are private and public research centers such as the University of Messina, the Casa della Cultura in Milan, Occhialì – Laboratory on Mediterranean Studies of the University of Calabria, OIKOS – Research centre on the political "We", the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Centre for sociological studies "Universi teatrali e degli immaginari sociali".

Mission and Objectives

theSquare – Mediterranean Centre for Revolutionary Studies is a boutique think tank devoted to the study of revolutions in the Mediterranean region. It’s an independent, non-partisan and non-profit centre. theSquare is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary centre. It combines policy-oriented research with an equally significant theoretical approach. We adopt geopolitics, economics, philosophy, history, and other methodologies. Therefore, contrary to the majority of think tanks, theSquare studies both the theoretical and practical side of the topic. theSquare’s work focuses on ideologies, practices, causes and consequences of all kinds of revolutions. The centre analyses the evolution of disruptive groups and cultural, social and political breaking phenomena. theSquare seeks to connect experts, academics, policymakers, civil society actors, practitioners and institutions from different fields by providing a platform for productive collaborations. On its website, theSquare publishes Commentaries, Insights, Newsletters, Op-eds & Columns, acting as a publishing hub on information related to the various topics. The publications aim at bringing knowledge on topical revolutionary issues both to selected audiences of scholars and policymakers and to the wider audience. Moreover, theSquare is devoted to the promotion of dialogue between students across the Mediterranean and to improve the youth awareness on social, cultural, political environmental issues concerning both shores of the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

theSquare has organized one important conference at the University of Messina (May 25, 2019) entitled "A Sea of Revolution: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Mediterranean Sea", an event that saw the participation of many young students and professors of history, philosophy, sociology and political studies. On February 21, 2020, theSquare, in partnership with Casa della Cultura in Milan, set up a book presentation of Dr. Gianfranco Bria's essay on late evolutions of Sufism in Albania. theSquare also participated as a proud partner in an event entitled "Mémoires intimes d'une révolution", a vernissage at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (September 19-20, 2019) on the Tunisian revolution (December 2010-January 2011). In June 2020, following the death of George Floyd in the US, theSquare has created a visual and interactive map tracking all the contested monuments across Europe and the Mediterranean. In June 2020, theSquare has also organized a book presentation of Milan's City Council member Sumaya Abdel Qader's novel on interreligious dialogue and women issues – an event postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic. Also, theSquare is setting up a scientific journal entitled "Diversity & Innovation – Journal on the Mediterranean Region", with its own Editorial Board and Scientific Committee. Eventually, theSquare is developing a project for a Turkish-Italian Dialogues among graduate students from Turkey and Italy on the most hot topics concerning Ankara and Rome in the Mediterranean scenario.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

theSquare is an organization that can boast a wide international network of experts and scholars in multiple disciplines ranging from geopolitics, philosophy, art, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, religious studies and democratization processes. Thanks to our team of young researchers and Mediterranean enthusiasts backed by a professional network, we can strengthen the Italian ALF platform and forge new relationships between the most rooted academic reality and the new generations. theSquare is a young project that wants to stay young, and therefore privileges activities with young university students and enthusiastic researchers, organizing engaging initiatives, in-depth seminars and collaborations between the new Italian generations and those of other states bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

theSquare is a project born in 2019 which is interested in establishing relationships with national and supranational institutions. The vocation of the Centre is its Mediterranean projection, thus joining the prestigious ALF network would be a unique opportunity to take a step towards full organizational and scientific maturity. In fact, ALF allows for cultural and scientific exchanges of great importance. Since its very beginning theSquare has placed great importance on the study of extremism and radicalisation. It is our opinion that we can contribute to enrich the ALF network on this specific topic. Moreover, the dialogue between religions, as well as the relationship between cultures, is at the centre of theSquare's theoretical commitment: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, but also the new cultural, political and social instances born outside of a purely religious framework, and their constant interconnections, are studied from several perspectives by theSquare — which can boast an interdisciplinarity that is not only proclaimed but actually experienced.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Giacomo Maria Arrigo
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Giacomo Maria Arrigo / Jacopo Franceschini
Contact (2) Full Name
Jacopo Franceschini
Job Title (2)
Research Coordinator