National Network


33/ 0231722607
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
33/ 0680143873
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Chansons sans Frontières, CSF, fonctionne avec une convention entre une société de production sarl et une association ( Studios Accord production et association Fusaca) Nos ressources proviennent de la vente de spectacles, d'actions culturelles, d'ateliers, de disques mais aussi de subventions et d'un club de mécènes. Nous organisons chaque année - un Concours international d'écriture d'un texte de chanson en français autour des libertés d'expression, des droits humains et des Objectifs de Développement Durable, - Une saison culturelle nomade, les Escales en Normandie avec de très nombreuses actions culturelles et citoyennes, - des artistes ambassadeurs qui partent en tournée ou en résidence dans le monde. Nos principaux partenaires sont la région Normandie, le Ministère de la culture, la DGLF, le Calvados.

Mission and Objectives

Chansons sans Frontières (CSF) a une dimension à la fois régionale et internationale forte qui a pour vocation de favoriser les échanges et le dialogue interculturel à travers des créations et des actions artistiques, depuis son ancrage en Normandie. A travers l'art ( principalement l'écriture et la musique ) et la pratique artistique nous souhaitons favoriser la connaissance, la diffusion et la mise en pratique des droits humains, de la libertés d'expression et des 17 objectifs de Développement Durable de l'Onu. Aller vers tous les publics avec une attention toute particulière aux publics défavorisés.

Main Projects / Activities

 Mener des actions culturelles autour de la chanson. Pourquoi la chanson ? La chanson touche toutes les populations, tous les niveaux de langue, toutes les cultures. La chanson est une expression universelle, à la fois nouvelle et très ancienne. Dans toutes ses déclinaisons, traditionnelle ou contemporaine, engagée, drôle, métissée, festive…, elle est un support exceptionnel pour des créations pluriculturelles et pluri disciplinaires.  Développer des tournées à l'international depuis plus de 20ans. Une équipe engagée Forte d'une solide expérience artistique et de médiation culturelle, notre équipe est pluridisciplinaire, constituée d'artistes et intervenants ayant une grande pratique professionnelle et le goût du pluri-culturalisme. Nous travaillons régulièrement avec des artistes de culture et d'origine très diverses pour des propositions pluri-disciplinaires. Artistes 2020 : DébaDuo, Sherazade & LavionRose, Couleur Terre, Mantekya, Lox One.  Développer une dynamique inventive autour des mots. Pour remettre la langue, l'expression au cœur des relations humaines, tout en jouant et se jouant des outils numériques, des textos, twits et autres moyens de communication. CSF invite à redécouvrir le plaisir de manier la langue, la poésie, le charme des mots, … en chanson !  Quelques chiffres 2018 - 12ème édition, 1085 textes de 123 pays. Thème : Raconte-moi ton histoire 2019 - 13ème édition, 935 textes de 128 pays. Thème : Écrire une lettre à la Terre 2020 - 14ème édition, 1056 textes de 103 pays. Thème : L’eau

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous avons développé d'importants réseaux dans le monde en lien avec la diffusion du concours d'écriture, réseau culturel français, universités, médias, participants au concours. Nous sommes implantés en Normandie avec de nombreux partenaires à nos côtés depuis longtemps. Si nous n'avons pas de lieu à nous, nous organisons avec ces partenaires de très nombreuses actions culturelles sur tout le territoire normand, soit 5 départements. Cela ouvre de nombreuses possibilité d'action et d'implication avec des partenaires internationaux. Nous sommes co producteurs de concerts mais nous sommes aussi sollicités pour participer à de nombreuses actions alliant valeur éthique et chanson, musique. Nous participons au Forum pour la Paix, à l'université de la paix en Normandie. Nous travaillons aussi avec des publics très variés, en territoire rural, en milieu médical, carcéral...avec les migrants.... Nous collaborons très souvent avec 2idhp, institut international des droits humains et de la paix. Nous sommes organisateurs des Allumés de la Paix.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous avons pris connaissance d'ALF Network suite à un appel de Co Art pour construire ensemble un projet que nous avons intitulé Ainsi Jam ou le triangle des 4 cercles. En lisant attentivement tout le site de la Fondation Ana Lindh nous avons découvert une organisation très séduisante tant par les objectifs, la qualité des actions que par la qualité de tout le travail proposé. Les actions menées correspondent tout à fait à l'esprit qui anime nos actions depuis le début, les droits des femmes, la défense des droits de enfants, la Paix, les libertés d'expression... Enfin nous nous sommes construits sur des échanges internationaux depuis le début. Nous recevons pour le concours, chaque année, des textes de 110/120 pays. Développer des projets internationaux autour de la musique et de ces valeurs nous correspond car cela est inscrit dans notre ADN !

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
MEURISSE jean claude
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes Méditerranée Moyen-Orient (iReMMO)

National Network

7 rue des Carmes
75005 Paris

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

L’iReMMO est un think tank indépendant sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient, sous la forme d’une association loi 1901, déclarée d’intérêt général. Cet institut contribue à l’analyse critique des grandes questions politiques du bassin méditerranéen. Ces réflexions se veulent à la fois rigoureuses et engagées car on ne peut rester neutre devant des problèmes qui concernent autant nos sociétés ; qu’il s’agisse des conflits au Proche et Moyen-Orient, de l’immigration, de la sécurité en Méditerranée, de l’islamisme, de l’environnement, du développement durable, de l’agriculture, etc. L’iReMMO intervient dans le débat public à travers des conférences, des publications, des formations, des colloques et travaille en partenariat avec des médias nationaux et internationaux. L'iReMMO rassemble un conseil d’administration et un conseil scientifique et emploie six salariés; l'Institut est financé par fonds propres à plus de 55% et bénéficie de subventions publiques pour me reste de son budget.

Mission and Objectives

L'iReMMO contribue à l’analyse critique des grandes questions politiques du bassin méditerranéen. Ces réflexions se veulent à la fois rigoureuses et engagées car on ne peut rester neutre devant des problèmes qui concernent autant nos sociétés ; qu’il s’agisse des conflits au Proche et Moyen-Orient, de l’immigration, de la sécurité en Méditerranée, de l’islamisme, de l’environnement, du développement durable, de l’agriculture, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

L’iReMMO intervient dans le débat public à travers des conférences, des publications, des formations, des colloques et travaille en partenariat avec des médias nationaux et internationaux. L'iReMMO co-organise chaque année depuis 2018 le festival littéraire "Maghreb-Orient des livres"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'iReMMO est un acteur central de la réflexion sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient en France, il rassemble de nombreux chercheurs et spécialistes de la région et fédère un nombre importants d'initiatives avec des partenaires d'horizons variés, français comme étrangers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons inscrire nos activités dans l'action globale du réseau de la Fondation afin de leur donner plus d'écho et de multiplier nos échanges avec des acteurs engagés de la région.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Millet
Job Title
Responsable partenariats et RP
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Joan Deas
Job Title (2)
Coordinatrice générale

President of Hebron University

National Network

University Street
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Hebron University is a not for profit academic institution and employs more than 500 individuals. Sources of funding includes: student fees, donations, and projects. Modes of actions include teaching, research, community services, scholarships, academic exchanges.
Partners include universities in Europe, Turkey, the Middle East such as Akdenis university, Saint Mary university and Canterbury Church university, and Bradford university in the UK.
Projects include: Erasmus plus, Hi Cure, OSRA project for family health, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Hebron University strives to promote excellence by providing quality, academic teaching, training, research and relevant community programs within the context of sustainable development, emphasizing social conscience and democratic values. In addition to providing students with the opportunity to realize their educational ambitions, the University aims to empower students to be productive citizens and active members of their community. It is the policy of the University to promote free expression and interaction among students, teachers, and the surrounding community.
Keeping pace with the natural development in higher education and to offer Palestinians an alternative to travelling abroad for their education.
Firmly establishing the Palestinians in their country so that they portray determination and strength.
Preserving the culture
Providing equal rights and access to higher education

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching students in 12 colleges
Community service
Partnerships and projects to transfer knowledge, culture, and experience
Student exchange

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by providing from the experiences of our faculty which has a diverse and extensive experiences in a variety of disciplines. Their experiences include teaching, training, research, project management, and community service.
We also have facilities, equipment, technology, and spaces that can facilitate implementing the project and networking activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To partner with other institutions to exchange knowledge, culture, and experiences which can benefit us as well as others in the network.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Takruri
Job Title
Grants Associate
Head of the organisation
Salah Al Zaroo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Ghayyada
Job Title (2)
Grants associate

RIWAQ Centre

National Network

7B, al sharafeh street, al Bireh
P.O.Box 212
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

RIWAQ is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of cultural heritage protection and development. Since its establishment in 1991, RIWAQ has restored more than 130 historic buildings into communal spaces in more than 80 different villages and towns in the West Bank and Gaza. Further, Riwaq's 50-village project has enabled the centre to broaden its scope of work towards rehabilitating entire historic centers. Since 2007, Riwaq has intervened in 20 villages and towns out of the 50. This work is carried out by very specialized team of around 16 members (restorers, planners, architects, anthropologists; engineers, artists, and support staff) with diverse academic training and expertise. Riwaq's annual budget is around 2 million USD, mainly donated by Government of Sweden, British Council Protection Fund, Arab Fund for Socio-Economic Development. To implement its projects, Riwaq partners with local communities, municipal and village councils, and civil society organizations in respective areas.

Mission and Objectives

Preserving the cultural and natural heritage in Palestine through restoration, regeneration, and documentation projects. This is done by mobilizing resources, implementing programs and projects, contributing to drafting supportive and responsive policies, and building partnerships that increase knowledge exchange and national awareness.

Main Projects / Activities

- “Life Jacket” the Rehabilitation of rural Jerusalem, including the historic centers of Jaba’, Kafr ‘Aqab, Qalandiya and Al Jib, as part of the 50 villages program.

- Rehabilitation of the historic centers of Betuniya (Ramallah) and ‘Aseera Asha Shamaliya (Nablus), as part of the 50 villages program.

- The restoration of three historic buildings to serve as community centers in Bani Naim, Es Samu’ (Hebron) and Surda (Ramallah). In addition, the renovation of the courtyard space of Al Huqqiyeh Mansion in Qalandiya (Jerusalem) and the restoration of Dalia Association in Kafr ‘Aqab (Jerusalem), as part of and contributing to the Job Creation through Restoration Program.

- Community & Cultural Program: village based activities, national drawing competition, conservation workshops, trainings, Qalandiya International biennale and kids’ activities.

- Publications and knowledge dissemination through RIWAQ’s Monograph Series on Cultural Heritage in Palestine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Riwaq is a leading non-governmental organization in the field of cultural heritage protection and development in Palestine. Through its three decades of persistent work and experimentation, Riwaq has established it self as an address for local community, governmental bodies working in heritage field, private sector, local and regional networks. By being part of the Network, Riwaq will further its role in establishing connections and collaborative initiatives between local communities and organizations and their counter partners from EU countries. Building on Riwaq's long and sustained relations with the Mediterranean basin through EuroMed projects since 1999. Riwaq's access to Palestinian communities and establishments is a great asset/resource that the Network can draw upon in their endeavor to establish bridges between the two banks of the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Riwaq wants to further its role in establishing connections and collaborative initiatives between local communities and organizations and their counter partners from EU countries. Being part of ALF network would facilitate the access to monetary and non-mortary resources that would help Riwaq pursue its goals in relation to the local communities concerns and struggles. One of the strategic goals in Riwaq's Strategy 2020-2030 is "Riwaq Goes Regional" as a platform for capacity building and as a medium for networking and knowledge exchange with our counter partners in the region and beyond. Hence, being part of the network would strengthen this imaginary and practice.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaldun Bshara
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Shatha Safi
Contact (2) Full Name
Shatha Safi
Job Title (2)

المؤسسة المصرية للتوظيف والتنمية (The Egyptian Association for Employment and Development )

National Network

ش ( ترعة الزمر ) نصر الدين من شارع الهرم الجيزة

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

المؤسسة المصرية للتوظيف والتنمية مؤسسة اهلية غير هادفة للربح تعمل فى مجالات التنمية الشاملة مشهرة برقم ( 811 ) بتاريخ 26/7/2017 نطاق العمل : علي مستوي الجمهورية
نعمل فى كل ملفات التنمية الشاملة ونؤمن ان التمكين الاقتصادى المدخل لملفات التنمية فكان خطتنا الاستراتيجية واولوية عملنا التنمية المستدامة من منظور التمكين الاجتماعى والاقتصادى والتوعية المجتمعية ومن خلال العمل مع شريحة الشباب والمراة
برامجنا(تدريب وتأهيل مهارات حياتية/حرفى/مهنى-مشروعات صغيرة-تنمية مجتمعية-طفل-مراءة-تهليم-صحة-بيئة-استشارات خدمات متكاملة-قانونى-توظيفى-سياحة-رياضة يتشكل فريق عمل المؤسسة المصرية من مجموعه نشطاء تنمويين يمارسون العمل التنموي والتدريبي على مدار عشر سنوات متصلة للاستشارات والتدريب وقد تم إشهار الفريق كمؤسسة تم تأسيسها في عام 2015 وأكتسبت الصفة القانونية في مطلع عام 2017 ككيان رسمي قانونياً مسجل وقد عملت المؤسسة وأفرادها خلال الـ10 سنوات متصلة قبل وبعد الإشهار الرسمي حيث تنفرد المؤسسة بفريق عمل لديه خبرة على مدار 10 سنوات في مجال التدريب والتوظيف في كبرى الشركات في مصر والشرق الاوسط حيث تعتمد بشكل كبير هذه الشركات على فريق عملنا المميز في إمدادها بأحتياجاتها من الموارد البشرية المدربة والمؤهلة للعمل في كافة الفرص الشاغرة .
وقد نفذ فريق المؤسسة اكثر من40 ملتقى توظيف خلال عام 2017 فقط توافد خلالها اكثر من 30000 شاب قد تم إلحاق عدد 12000 شاب بوظائف دائمة كما تعتبر من ضمن القوائم المرجعية للمؤسسة
وقد تم التعاون مع العديد من المنظمات الاقليمية والدولية فى تنفيذ انشطة وبرامج
مصدر التمويل للمؤسسة عوائد الانشطة والتمويل الذاتى

Mission and Objectives

رؤية المؤسسة / مؤسسة تنموية رائدة في المجتمع المدني لتحقيق التنمية الشاملة والاولى في تأهيل وتدريب الشباب وتوظيفهم بالهيئات والشركات الخاصة
رسالة المؤسسة / تحقيق التنمية الشاملة بالمجتمع والقضاء على البطالة وصناعة جيل قادر على مواجهة التحديات والمشكلات المجتمعية وتمكين الشباب وفق متطلبات سوق العمل بالقطاع الخاص
الأهداف التي تم اعتمادها عند تأسيس المؤسسة، ويتضمنها نظامها الأساسي، وهي
التواصل مع الجمعيات المشابهة بكافة المجالات والميادين المناسبة.
تقديم افضل الممارسات المحلية والدولية لمتلقى الخدمة على المستويين المهارى والفني.
المساهمة في نشر الوعي اللازم للثقافة المناسبة بالعمل وثقافة العمل .
تأهيل وتدريب وتوظيف شباب الجامعات والمعاهد والمدارس الفنية للالتحاق بشركاء النجاح.
تحقيق متطلبات كل من (الجهات المانحة / الشركات الحاضنة / الشباب) والعمل على استيفائها وتحقيقها اولا باول فى الوقت والجودة المطلوبة.
نقل خبراتنا العلمية والعملية الى المستفيدين من الخدمة من خلال عقد ورش العمل والبرامج التدريبية المختلفة.
مساعدة الدولة فى القضاء على المشكلات والتحديات المجتمعية فى كافة مجالات التنمية .
النهوض بالمستوى الفكرى والثقافى لشباب الخريجين

Main Projects / Activities

وقد نفذ فريق المؤسسة اكثر من40 ملتقى توظيف خلال عام 2017 فقط توافد خلالها اكثر من 30000 شاب قد تم إلحاق عدد 12000 شاب بوظائف دائمة كما تعتبر من ضمن القوائم المرجعية للمؤسسة
وقد تم التعاون مع العديد من المنظمات الاقليمية والدولية فى تنفيذ انشطة وبرامج تخص التمكين والتوعية للشباب والمراة واللاجئين وريادة الاعمال

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

لدينا افكار ومبادرات وقدرة عل ى العمل فى المجتمعات بشكل مباشر وفعال بالاضافة الى شبكة من العلاقات القيمة على المستوى المجتمعى والتنفيذى على مستوى الجمهورية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نتطلع ان نتعاون لتنفيذ مبادرات ونكون جزء من كيان كبير نسفيد من قوتة وشبكة علاقاته ونفيد بتوظيف قدراتنا وخبراتنا ومهارتنا فى نجاح وتوسع الشبكة وتحقيق اهدافها

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد احمد مرسي
Job Title
المدير التنفيذى
Head of the organisation
عمرو حسن حافظ

International Peace and Cooperation Center

National Network

21 Sheikh Jarrah-Issawiya Road, Ard Assamar
Palestinian Territories

+972(0)2 6668588
+972(0)2 5400522
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

IPCC is a Palestinian NGO, policy research think tank, and an expert in urban planning and development that has been established in East Jerusalem. IPCC’s aim is to enhance the capabilities of Palestinians so that they are able to meet the challenges of building a democratic and participatory civil society, and support the development of a highly informed, competent, and active Palestinian civil society capable of defending its social, economic and political rights. Towards achieving this goal, IPCC has developed and employed an integrated approach comprising of research, urbanism, as well as community engagement and training.
In executing projects, IPCC typically partners with other stakeholders in Palestine’s future. They include:
NGOs, civil society and community based organizations in Palestine. Additionally, IPCC link with international organizations that are interested in peace in the Middle East, as well as in other areas of conflict resolution.

Mission and Objectives


IPCC support the development of a highly informed, competent and active Palestinian civil society which energizes an urban participatory democracy and which is capable of defending its social, economic and political rights through an integrated approach of research, urbanism, community engagement and training

The Center’s Objectives
1-Developing self-capabilities of the youth, children, women and labor movements.
2-Implementing programs aimed at fostering democracy, civic society and the culture of peace.
3-Establishing relations with peace forces respecting the Palestinian people as a counterpart in peace building, and an important element without which peace and stability cannot be achieved. The mechanisms of these relations are to be set in accordance with the Palestinian national interests, provided they achieve equality and balance, and contribute positively to the building of a democratic civic society.
4-Establishing twin ships and undertaking joint projects with centers and organizations similar to IPCC.
5-Enhancing regional cooperation in issues of common interest.
Building relations with fellow Palestinian nongovernmental institutions fulfilling IPCC’s priority objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 1998 IPCC has been monitoring the urban, political, economic, geographic, and social developments in Jerusalem and its hinterland. The knowledge data base consists of books, policy and position papers, maps, images and guidelines for sector development. IPCC today has 23 publications 18 of which belong to a series on Jerusalem Strategic Planning. These publications are distributed to a broad array of local, national and international decision-makers within governmental and NGO organizations

Urban Planning
The International Peace and Cooperation Center has created the first multidisciplinary Palestinian planning team to deal with strategic and urban planning in Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank
East Jerusalem
Since 2007, IPCC has been working to sustain and empower the Palestinian livelihood in East Jerusalem through urban planning of Palestinian neighborhoods. Specifically the planning serves to improve living conditions, develop affordable housing solutions, curb Palestinian emigration, empower Palestinian middle class families, develop infrastructure and services, and strengthen the Palestinian economy, save "unlicensed" buildings from demolition, increase building rights and provide expansion areas for new neighborhoods.

Through three projects funded by EU and UK Consulate General and Belgium government, IPCC is engaged in planning intervention in 18 neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. The projects provide planning programs and physical plans at outline and detailed levels. In total, IPCC has frozen the risk of demolition for 5,000 residential units as well as create a potential of development for around 4,500 new residential units in East Jerusalem. IPCC succeeded also in getting approvals from municipality to open files for neighborhoods, where six files are opened till now.

Area C
IPCC provides professional planning assistance to Palestinian communities in Area C of the West Bank. With less than 1% of Area C having authorized plans and a planning system aimed at restricting Palestinian development and offering no Palestinian representation, IPCC has established grassroots planning initiatives, enabling local communities to plan their own development and legally object to the Israeli authority's planning proposals. The work, which began in 2009, has provided 63 localities covering 45,780 residents, with physical plans and planning regulations, which provide suitable development opportunities based on 2030 population projections.

Capacity Building
Design Studio
Last year IPCC established a design studio to provide expert urban design services for planning projects in East Jerusalem focusing on housing and public space.

In addition the studio offers training programs for young Palestinian professionals and students in the fields of architecture, planning and urban design.

Supporting Civil society development
IPCC has a strong civil society department that focuses on two main tracks:
Urban Leadership
IPCC is the first organization to consider and integrate proper and real public participation and Palestinian involvement in neighborhood planning and has thus become a known and respected actor in the Palestinian community. For the past six years, IPCC has been supporting and training civil society, community activists, informal leaders and business people at the local and community level. To date, IPCC has trained over 350 community representatives from over 140 municipal, local and joint services councils.

Women and Youth
IPCC focuses on involving and promoting the participation of women, youth and other indigenous groups through specifically developed and designed projects that fulfill this purpose; youth leadership through which IPCC believes that true transformation is attained through the vision and efforts of vibrant young leaders that look beyond conformities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IPCC is willing to have meetings with network and work on projects together

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF network will allow IPCC to apply for proposals and by this way to have a chance to work in support with well known organization

Contact (1) Full Name
Rawan Naser Eddin
Job Title
Outreach Specialist
Head of the organisation
Dr.Rami Nasrallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Rami Nasrallah
Job Title (2)
IPCC Chairman


National Network

Via Bruno Lanzarini 11/C
40127 Bologna BO

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Scambieuropei is a NGO established in Bologna fostering youth development by promoting active European citizenship, intercultural learning and social inclusion.
The organisation includes 4 board members, 2 staff employed and on average 200 members participating in the activities.

Scambieuropei works mainly with the Programs Erasmus+ (Mobility project for young people and youth workers in KA1 and Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships in KA2) and European Solidarity Corps (volunteering). It sends on average 100 volunteers across EU countries while directly coordinating projects with a focus on the Balkans, Tunisia, Turkey and Russia. The organization has hosted volunteers since 2016 focusing on digital media and the volunteering experience.

Scambieuropei has a well-established network across the EU through which successfully implements its projects. It is a member of the European Youth Press and collaborates with the Youth Department of the Municipality of Bologna and the EuropeDirect of the Marche Region.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Scambieuropei is to support young people in their social, personal and professional development to raise their empowerment, active participation and employment.
The association wants to promote among young people positive values and solidarity by fostering valuable opportunities such as volunteering as a way to increase their potential while contributing positively to community development. At the same time, we want to foster a glocal identity with a special focus on a shared European identity and citizenship by fostering intercultural learning and social inclusion.
As the association also wants to foster employment among young people, especially considering NEETs, we aim at providing young people opportunities to increase their soft skills and empowerment through non-formal education, innovative tools and participation in the reflection acquisition process and long-term objective definition.

Main Projects / Activities

Scambieuropei organises different activities at a local, European and international level.
Local level:
We organise workshops for young people to learn how to develop their own project by providing know-how on fundings and project writing, with a special focus on youth exchanges.
During the last years, in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna, we have been organising and coordinating small projects for young people to increase their aggregation and social inclusion given that our office is located in one of the most multicultural neighbourhoods of the city. For instance, we organised meetings based on the human library method, a living escape room on human rights, or a human football table.
Scambieuropei produces a series of podcasts organised by young people. We have been part of the national network ANG inRadio and now we are focusing on promoting interculturality in Bologna through another project.
We have a strong collaboration with the Youth Department of the Municipality of Bologna through which since 3 years we offer your people face-to-face coaching meetings to support them in finding opportunities abroad for developing their educational and professional path.
The organisation has a collaboration with the EuropeDirect of the Marche Region by managing their social web pages and wordpress given our expertise in digital communication.

European Activities:
Scambieuropei works mainly in the framework of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Program, thus promoting and participating in youth exchanges, training courses for youth workers and volunteering.
We have a special focus on supporting NEET young people as a way to define new long-term objectives and boost their potential.
We send young people abroad, as well as hosting them in our city by directly coordinating projects.
To give some instances on volunteering, we have been coordinating different projects among which:
“EU for Us” (Turkey): sending 5 Italian volunteers in Gaziantep to support integration among Syrian refugees and Turkish community
“GIVE - Gaziantep Integration by Volunteers” (Turkey):sending 40 Italian NEETs volunteers in Gaziantep for short-term activities supporting the local community
“Experience the Change” (Tunisia): sending 3 Italian volunteers in Sousse implementing local community-oriented activities for a cultural exchange
“Youth for EU 2: Network the Community” (Italy): hosting 3 EU volunteers to promote among Bologna community civic engagement and volunteering
We are also sending young people abroad through youth exchanges. Moreover, we have been hosting and coordinating some mobility for youth workers such as “GOAL! - Gaining Opportunities About Leadership” to promote leadership skills among youth workers as a way to support NEET young people.
International activities:
We have collaborations with international organisations organising volunteering camps, such as in India with the local organisation FSL.
We are also partners in different KA2 youth projects (Erasmus+) allowing us to send and participate in international activities focusing on volunteering and training courses (India, Indonesia, Mexico, etc).

In order to raise awareness and knowledge on the European mobility among young people and to promote the projects of the Erasmus+ Program, the founders of Scambieuropei created also a portal (, which is connected to the organization. The platform was created to support young people in finding easily and for free opportunities (youth exchanges, training courses, evs, VET, but also internships and jobs) to develop their personal and professional skills in a European perspective.
Since summer 2011, the portal has also opened an online magazine, with the aim of giving the opportunity to EVS volunteers and young people abroad of sharing their experiences and emotions through travel stories and reflections on multiculturalism. Today has more than 300,000 visits a month and 750,000 page views: these numbers help the organization to achieve a huge amount of young people from all the country and to promote the European mobility in a young-oriented way.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation is eager to share know-how and experience acquired during the years. More in particular, we can surely contribute through:
Experience in virtual trainings + digital competence (website, podcast)
Experience in non-formal education in activities fostering active participation and intercultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to improve our daily work by providing young people new opportunities. Moreover, we would like to expand our horizons by sharing best practices and knowledge with a collaborative and experienced network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefano Campanari
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosalia Marchese
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

Carrer Creueta 119, baixos esq.
08202 Sabadell Barcelona

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We are a team of four professionals which gives impulse to the *estel cooperative. We have been working together since 2014 so to improve people’s lives in their habitat: the villages and cities of the territory. We cooperate with citizens and administrations in the improvement of their municipalities, contributing our knowledge and experience in the design, management, and planning of public spaces. In short, we collaborate in transforming squares, streets, parks, and neighbourhoods into places where everyone can enjoy the city on an equal basis, regardless of age, gender, origin or capacities.

Mission and Objectives

Our approach is based on the principles of urban ecology and social geography. We study human habitat in a holistic and experiential way, observing the daily life and the interrelations that it establishes the urban, rural or natural ecosystem. In the proposals for improvement or transformation, we incorporate the results from transdisciplinary, transparent and participative work processes.

Our approach to the projects always starts with the design of the work process, which is divided into two parts: collective diagnosis and proposals for improvement. At the beginning of each project, we use as orientation tools three maps which unfold the dynamics of the territory: administrative, social and territorial mapping. The work process itself will ultimately optimize and improve the mechanisms of the territory, administration, and social agents on the way they act on the field of study.

Our aim is, on the one hand, to reveal the capabilities of the environment so to respond to the detected needs; and on the other, to incorporate the perspectives and knowledge of the people of the administration and the citizenry, through their respective direct or indirect involvement in the work process.

With all this information, we elaborate a strategic intervention document, which includes executive actions in the short, medium and long term, so that both the study field improvement and the administration and citizenry expectations are produced in a continuous and progressive way.

Main Projects / Activities

-Rescuing the Rambles of Barcelona (
-From an abandoned football field to a new community park (…)
-Restructuring the Plaça Joan Ragué i Camps (
-Transforming the old factory SATI into a community hub (…)
-Confluence in Valencia’s Central Market (
-¡Pónle Guinda! : Redesigning the neighborhood (
-Naves do Metrosidero : Youth Centre (
-Gender-based urban planning handbook (
-Joan Miró square (
-The Pine’s plaza (
-Rethinking public space from a youth perspective ​(…)
-Plaza Maresme (

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantina Chrysostomou
Job Title
Social Architect
Head of the organisation
Alba Domínguez

bridgeworks e.V.

National Network

Düsselthaler Str. 1a
40211 Düsseldorf

+49 (0)151 – 191 58 393
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

bridgeworks e.V. is a transnational organization which initiates art collaboration projects and promotes the network of artists and art organizations around the world. Instead of partition, we are driven towards transnational networking. We focus on dialogue between cultural areas and want to break down stereotypes and prejudices. We believe in open societies. We believe diversity and pluralism are leading to added artistic benefit. We are convinced that the mutual view from outside opens up new perspectives and creates new awareness. With the help of theater, dance and music, we want to develop social visions of the future and to build ever new bridges. bridgeworks has 70 active artist participating in different projects, coordinated by the core team of five employees. bridgeworks has experience in producing multicultural art laboratories and interdisciplinary, transcultural productions, moderating intercultural dialog and multicultural programs. The work of bridgeworks is based on it’s three main columns. • Art laboratory (--> Increasing the international Network of artists) • Professional Collaborations (--> Deepen the encounter through fair cooperation) • Talking Heads (--> Transfer and Discussion) The budgetary resource is funding based. For 2020 we have received 84.000,00€ funds for different projects and formats till now. Our main partners in 2020 are the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Erasmus+, Goethe Institute Ramallah, Al Kasaba Theatre, Theaterfabrik Düsseldorf. In 2020 we are collaborating with our partner culture Palestine. For 2022/2023 we are focusing on collaborations with our partners in Japan.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: promoting people's understanding and developing the future through cultural bridges. Our Objectives: - bridgeworks contributes to improving political-, social- or cultural issues. - bridgeworks promotes, initiates and implements international art and cultural projects. - bridgeworks makes use of the media of theater, dance and music, as these are connecting and mediating in social contexts. - bridgeworks sees itself as a platform to build a sustainable international artist network. - bridgeworks cooperates fair and promotes intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

every year bridgeworks chooses a new partner culture and builds cultural bridges through three project formats: art-lab The art laboratory is a cultural and artistic encounter project, a "crossover" of cultures and art genres. This cultural "two-way street" consists of both respective partner culture visiting each other. Over a period of two times 14 days, cultural "interim-places" are created. copro The collaboration professional promotes cooperation projects that involve professional artists from at least two cultural areas and present the artistic result in the partner culture as well as in Germany. Selected persons or groups are supported by bridgeworks as a partner and co-producer. talking heads The platform talking heads creates dialogue spaces. A digital and real place to share, discuss and ask, argue constructively and seek common answers. Through essays, blogs, lectures and discussion rounds, a visible culture of dialogue is promoted in a sustainable manner.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a network by and for artists, we have contacts to artists from all disciplines and a broad network of venues and partners for artistic implementation. The added value for the network is our partners, which consist of artists and creatives, whose basic way of thinking is shaped by cosmopolitanism, as well as our knowledge of project implementation in the sense of "fair cooperation". We understand art as a key for dialogue and understanding and would like to contribute with our knowledge, our network and our attitude to the network of the Anna Lindh Foundation and create synergies with other committed people who pursue similar goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Considering global issues such as migration, global warming, exclusionary tendencies, distribution- and trade wars, it should be clear that values such as respect, tolerance, equality and freedom of all, have become more important than ever. They are not a question of political taste but a matter of civilized survival. In our opinion, in the current sociopolitical and global developments, we must build on one another with our actions and the will of democratic societies and work synergistically in order to contribute as best as possible to an equal and tolerant society. We always understand the idea of a network and cooperation under the premise of "fair cooperation". In connection with this, we see an equal participation of the cooperation participants in all phases of the cooperation as well as a culture of cooperation that aims at a fair distribution of resources, workload and profit as well as open dialogue and transparency as an essential part of our work, which the chances of success for a successful project increase. The ALF network would support us to do our work better and more networked.

Contact (1) Full Name
Felix Banholzer
Job Title
2nd chairman of the board
Head of the organisation
Simon Eifeler, Felix Banholzer
Contact (2) Full Name
Simon Eifeler
Job Title (2)
1st chairman of the board

Palestinian Al Nakheel Association for Progress and Development

National Network

Gaza Strip- Kan Younis- Near Dar Al -Salam Hospital
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

A brief background on the organization:

The Palestinian Palm Association for Development and Development is a non-governmental charity that is independent of the government and a non-governmental organization that is working with the Palestinian Authority. Agricultural development in general and palm in particular and was founded in the city of Khahan on 1998 and has a share of its license The Ministry of Interior in 2001, followed license number 6023. The association works in several fields, including relief, social, environmental, prayer, education, tit-ane structure, development, development, And the society is blind to the farmers and farmers and the food is the agricultural environment. Awareness, education and education for rural farmers and women and the net of the agricultural projects and their blood Awareness, culture and agriculture, and provide emergency assistance to them at the time of the commitments and the robots and the nature of the kawar, these services are coming from One of the development needs of rural families in the areas of al-Ghaza and the implementation of this program is to carry out these activities. The company, the international and the government working in the air of the magazine, and my association has a special body for women who are working in a way that is development Rural women in particular are employed in professional and professional courtesies based on the importance of the products of the palm neighbor. The association is also working to support the Palestinian farmers in all areas of the country, social and social, and in the country. Rural families are an economy to keep up with the birth of the times, and to shame the good society in the nation of the world of the world of agriculture, and support the association Development and national agricultural production and reinin to produce boredom to avoid the problems of sight and closing of the crossings

 The foundation's message:
We have a Palestinian civil society organization that is not a women's non-governmental organization that is able to make a profit in the agricultural development process.
And the daughter of the community-based community that represents the farmers and women of the nation, the women are a cat and a mother.
And their participation in a lot of activities and various activities in the middle of the year and the development and the tawegering of the sheep cat with all the wrong people touched the country and
You ask them to eat it in the face of the rent and to blind a high face to get in the way of the agricultural cat not their son
The economy of the farms and the development of the wealth of The Luonian and the creation of opportunities for the shabab saman a sense of change and care for the people and the beneficiaries
their role and give them a side of responsibility.


Mission and Objectives

- The foundation's objectives The number of the god.

1. Developing and supporting Palestinian farms and strengthening their resilience on their land through the implementation of programs and projects.

2 Encourage the redevelopment and development of palm cultivation and the introduction of the plant.

3 Introduction of advanced farming methods and ditha and expansion of palm cultivation free to grow and introduce new varieties In the area.

4. Development of services and the structure of the hilly, the parish and other arguments.

5 Work on the manufacture of agricultural and libyan products in international specifications for marketing manda and internationally.

6. The economic situation of rural families by providing small income-generating projects and job opportunities for poor families.

7. Promoting the concepts of civil society,

8. sustainable rural development and public services Promoting the role of women in rural society

9 Vinegar squeals between farmers and civil society organizations

10 Building the capacity of young people, farmers and rural women

11 The establishment of kindergarten children and computer centers and education

12 To restore the destruction of the natural land and resources of agricultural land and greenhouses.

13 Emergency financial and food aid is provided to the citizens at the time of the crisis. Palestinian Palm Society

Main Projects / Activities





Contact (1) Full Name
Abed Allah Mustafa All Fara
Job Title
Direct Manager
Head of the organisation
Abed Allah Mustafa All Fara