Lappeenranta Pride ry

National Network

Sammonkatu 3-5 B 18
53100 Lappeenranta

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are a local NGO working in Lappeenranta, Finland. We host events and do social media content for LGBTQIA+ rights. We are a small Intersectional Feminist and Anti-racist organisation. We are three people, all volunteers. Our funding is mostly from private persons, some from city of Lappeenranta. We had Pride march and picnic and a Pride week last year. This year we have had a protest for Trans rights and a virtual Pride week on Instagram, including Instagram - Lives with Sinuiksi, Trasek and other organisations working on the same field. Theme was Rainbow youth. Our partners have been city of Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Nicehearts in Lappeenranta and many more.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is more equal Lappeenranta. Our objectives are to make our city more safe and happy for LGBTQIA+people.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects at the moment: World Aids Day-activities, a Campaign for Rainbow Rights on Municipal elections.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are working on a local level but we have been managed to co-operate with many organisations around Finland through social media. We have a great social media precence and we do a lot of activism. We would love to share our ideas and to hear others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are working towards more equal society and we believe it is only possible if we work together. We would love to have dialogue and have some joined projects with people from Finland and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Nenonen
Head of the organisation
Christina Nenonen

White Flower Association for Empowerment

National Network

Balqa Valley
Deir Ula Brigade
Deir Ula Brigade 00962

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The number of members of the association is 35 members, including 7 members of an administrative body. The organization depends on self-financing and support for some programs. We have a temporary headquarters. Currently we are working on establishing a permanent headquarters soon. We are currently working in the field of community support and empowering youth and women We currently have partnerships with some government institutions Jordanian Ministry of Youth Ministry Of Agriculture The Independent Election Commission

Mission and Objectives

We seek to work in the field of community support and empowerment of youth and women now and try to improve society and empower youth politically and economically and empower working women

Main Projects / Activities

Local observation of the parliamentary elections The Independent Election Commission Afforestation of streets and remote areas in villages

Contact (1) Full Name
raed suleeman alsalah
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
raed alsalah

Opinions without Borders for sustainable development

National Network

Jarash, second Abdullah II street
Near Jarash Mall
Jarash 00962

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

OWB is a non-profit organization that wasin the established in 2016 with the aim of engaging youth in the decision making process and political life 4 employees are included in OWB a

Mission and Objectives

تأسس مركز آراء بلا حدود التنمية المستدامة في أكتوبر 2016 برؤية واضحة وهي تعزيز مشاركة الشباب الأردني في عملية صنع القرار

Main Projects / Activities

Countering Cyber bullying on Covid 19 infected persons in Jordan

Contact (1) Full Name
Moutasem Mohammad Yousef Abu Hamdan
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Moutasem Abu Hamdan
Contact (2) Full Name
Yasmine Hamdi Alatoom
Job Title (2)
Co founddr

Al-Farouq Charity Association

National Network

Hettin Street
Irbid 11181

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Under the direct affiliation of the Ministry of Social Development, Al-Farouq Charity Association (ACA) was founded in 1991 as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization in Irbid Palestinian Refugees Camp, Jordan. The mission was simple and direct “to provide social and developmental services and solutions for free or/and at reasonable costs for orphans, widows, and other deprived and marginalized people in the society”. ACA carries a range of interventions in the areas of education, health & hygiene, orphans & widows’ empowerment, free/low-cost legal aid, human rights, etc.

Mission and Objectives

The mission is “to provide social and developmental services and solutions for free or/and at reasonable costs for orphans, widows, and other deprived and marginalized people in the society”. The overall development objective of (AFO) is enhanced ability in the target communities to tackle their own economic, social, and environmental problems for sustainable community development

Main Projects / Activities

Embassy of Japan Renovation of the medical center ( Two Bone Densitometers DXA + a 4-D Ultrasound ) with the Embassy of Japan Noor Project for Child Protection with World Vision NRC Project ( Awareness Raising sessions for families ) with Norwegian Refugee Council Promote Child Education ( Child Labor aged 12-18 ) with Quest Scope Early Childhood Education with Plan Organization Awareness raising sessions for Children and their families with Terre de Hommes TDH Women and Microfinance with The Royal Hashemite Court in Jordan School furniture with UMR ( Washington USA + Amman )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

providing on-ground experience, beneficiaries, and success stories

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expand, share knowledge and experience to better understanding the humanitarian world and therefore, contribute to save disadvantaged people from poverty and exploitation

Contact (1) Full Name
Rawan Nayfeh
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hussein Al-Hawwari
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Al Hawwari
Job Title (2)

Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization

National Network

Main Street
Azmi Mufti Camp (Huson Camp)

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization, based at Azmi Mufti Camp also known as Huson Camp within Bani Obaid District, was established in 2008, is registered with Ministry of Social Development under No. 1718.
Al-Zuhour is committed to provide in-kind, awareness raising campaigns to the local community.
Our mandate, as stated in The Articles of Association, includes towns in Bani Obeid District, i.e. Huson, Sareeh, Eidon, N'eimeh, Kitem, Shatana and Azmi Mufti Camp.
Out of this commitment we implemented in Azmi Mufti Camp in 2016 a 10-month environmental awareness project with collaboration of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Camp Services Committee.
In 2018, we carried out a 10-month project backed by UNDP to combat drug addiction and trafficking with collaboration of Anti-Narcotics Police and Ministry of Health's Addiction Treatment Center.
We used to hold workshops around the year, to promote political involvement, human rights, combating AIDS, breast cancer..etc.

Mission and Objectives

Al-Zuhour Social Development Organization is run by a 7-member administrative committee made up of chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, accountant and 3 members.
Our mission is to step up the quality of life and services provided to citizens in environmental, social, political and health spheres. To this end we are trying to approach donor organizations to carry out relevant initiative to achieve this goal.

Main Projects / Activities

1-Environmental awareness project.
2-Encourage political involvement among young men and women.
3-Combating drug addiction and trafficking.
4-Helping young men and women enter the labor market.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have the experience to collaborate with ALF members to carry out intercultural dialog so to close the gap between various civilizations.
Accordingly we can help bring about social harmony, international peace and stability.
This can help fight extremist and violent trends on both banks of the mediteranian banks/

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It would open for us new scopes of collaboration and networking with sister organizations in Europe and Arab word to achieve mutual goals for a prosperous and nourishing humanity in general.

Contact (1) Full Name
Awad S Al-Sakr
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Awad Saud Al-Sakr
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Hmeid
Job Title (2)

CK Group

National Network

Naugarduko g. 3
01141 Vilnius Vilnius

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Starting an NGO in the Homeless sector.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Gain knowledge

Contact (1) Full Name
Chrsitopher E. Jakubes
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Christopher Jakubens

مؤسسة صلاح الدين احمد للتنمية

National Network

1 محمد فهمي المحضر من ش الطيران مدينة نصر
Cairo Governorate

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

مؤسسة شبابية تنموية تأسست في سبتمبر 2013 على يد مجموعة من القيادات الشابة التي تنتمي لحركة الكشافة المصرية بهدف تخليد ذكرى قائدهم الذي تتلمذوا على يديه عرفاناً بالجميل ووفاء لما تعلموه على يديه، وتعمل المؤسسة ضمن إطار منظمات المجتمع المدني وفق قانون الجمعيات والمؤسسات الأهلية، وتسعى إلى خلق مساحات إبداعية لدي الفئات المختلفة من خلال تنمية القدرات والمهارات من أجل بناء مجتمع متكامل
تتكون المؤسسة من 3 افراد مؤسسين ومجلس امناء مكون من 3 افراد وتسعى المؤسسة الى زيادة اعضاء مجلس الامناء في الفترة القادمة
وتعتمد المؤسسة في مواردها على بعض الانشطة التي تقيمها سواء داخل المقر او خارجه بالاضافة الى مساهمات الاعضاء

Mission and Objectives

رؤية المؤسسة
مجتمع متكامل أساسه الإنسان.

رسالة المؤسسة
تطوير وتوفير الخدمات والدعم من أجل بناء القدرات والمهارات الفردية والجماعية لكي تسهم في بناء المجتمع.

أهداف المؤسسة
1 ـ تشجيع إبداعات الأطفال والشباب من الجنسين واكتشاف وبناء قدراتهم.
2 ـ نشر ثقافة العمل التنموي والإنساني وإتاحة فرص التطوع للراغبين في المشاركة في العمل التطوعي.
3ـ تكريم الرواد والقدامى الذين قدموا إسهامات جليلة في مجالات عملهم.
4 ـ. تفعيل دور المجتمع في حماية الأطفال من كافة أشكال الأذى.
5 ـ المساهمة في سد الاحتياجات للمحتاجين وغير القادرين.
6 ـ تمكين المرأة وتعزيز دورها في المجتمع.
7ـ التنسيق والتشبيك مع مؤسسات ومبادرات.

Main Projects / Activities

اقامة العديد من الندوات وورش العمل للأطفال والشباب في مجالات مختلفة بمركز شباب سراي القبة ـ مركز شباب حلمية الزيتون ـ نادي الطيران الرياضي ـ أكاديمية المدينة العليا بالجيزة ـ مقر .المؤسسة
.تنظيم العديد من ورش العمل والندوات للآباء والأمهات حديثي الزواج في مجالات التربية السليمة للأبناء والتوعية الصحية السليمة – النوع الاجتماعي ومكافحة العنف ضد المرأة
.المشاركة بورش عمل في تجمعات الكشافة المصرية المحلية والعربية بالإسماعيلية ـ الإسكندرية ـ القاهرة ـ الجيزة ـ كفر الشيخ
الشراكة مع مؤسسة نبض الحياة والجمعية المصرية لتنمية النشء والشباب في أكبر حملة تبرع بالدم تحت رعاية شركة المصرية للاتصالات وبناء قدرات مسئولي الفرق التطوعية المشاركة في تنظيم فعاليات حملة التبرع بالدم (فبراير 2016).
استشاري مشروع حماية وتحسين صحة الفتيات ـ مؤسسة مصر للصحة والتنمية المستدامة وهيئة بلان إنترناشيونال ـ مصر
(يوليو 2019).
شريك في تنفيذ مبادرة ألعاب من أجل أهداف التنمية المستدامة برعاية مركز خدمات التنمية وهيئة كريسب الألمانية وتنفيذ نادي العاب المحاكاة المصري وتم تنفيذه في محافظات القاهرة - الجيزة – البحيرة – القليوبية يناير 2020
- دعم العديد من المبادرات الشبابية والطلابية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق المساعدة في الوصول الى فئات مختلفة من الشباب خصوصا داخل الكشافة

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
احمد محي الدين إبراهيم
Job Title
رئيس مجلس الامناء
Head of the organisation
احمد محي الدين إبراهيم
Contact (2) Full Name
مهاب محمد عبدالمنعم العجرودي
Job Title (2)
السكرتير العام


National Network

Tuna Caddesi No:31
16130 Nilüfer/Bursa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

"Aykırı Sinema Derneği" is a non-governmental organization that has been active since 2015 in the field of culture and arts in Bursa. We work to make culture and art and its education accessible to every segment of society. Our main target group is public people who want to have progress in the field of cinema included especially disadvantaged people who couldn't access to artistic activities.

Mission and Objectives

W believe in the power of civil societypower. For this reason, we support the dissemination of human rights-based non-governmental organizations through
cinema. Bursa where our association resides is 4th biggest city of Turkey and 1,5 hour distance to the most crowded city Istanbul, consists of 3 central districts (Nilufer district is one of them which our association resides) and is a metropolis with its 4 million population. The city can be said is undeveloped in cultur and art area, which we are working in, comparative as other metropolitan cities. Therefore our essential target group from 7 to 70 everybody who has any interest about cinema, ut more specifically our main aim is make cultur and art can be reached for all segments of society. In this sense, people who doen’t have chance to reach cultur-art, especially cinema are is target groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the festivals we organized during the four years;
-Worker Rights Film Festival,
-Sustainable Life Film Festival,
-Bursa International Film Days,
-Filmmor Women Rights Film Festival,
-International Short Movies Festival
Regular continuing education courses:
-Stop Motion Animation,
-World Cinema History

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The processes used to plan and carry out these events are at least as important as the events themselves. Annual or
seasonal events such as festivals and interviews can be especially effective in communities with great social and ethnic
diversity. We designed ways to connect a wide range of people for the first time through our community-based cultural
organization. This process crossed ethnic boundaries and helped people celebrate together in a rapidly growing area of
cinema in Bursa. There are numerous arts and cultural organizations in our local community that offer exhibitions,
performances, and classes and an equal number of historic groups and sites. The our spectator follower collection of
doors symbolized the people and events that helped open the doors of diversity and opportunity for individuals and the
community. In order to specialise our way to make connections with our local community our activities in following:
-Film presentations and director interviews
-Film read activities
-Thematic subjects’ conections with cinema interviews
-Film, short film, animation making courses
-Special days awareness activities
-Old people rights, women rights, lgbti+ rights, children rights awareness activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to describe coomon values of our and ALF's and ALF Network members by explain how we see give labor to our functionalism.

We are summarizing our encourage based on 3 aspects: Reach to Disadvantageds, Creativity and Culture, Intercultural Learning.
1.Reach Disadvantageds
Our association is functioning in culture and art area and we describe one of our main aim as; make cultural and artistic activities can be reached for all segments of society. In this sense, our organisation efforts to be reached for less income individuals, youngs and children, who lives in rurals and doesn’t have chance to reach art-culture and cinema, disabled persons.

2.Creativity and Culture
One of the Aykırı Sinema’s biggest missions is become basis for individuals (especially youngs) who effort to accomplish their creations. To equip them with trainings and educations. Then helping them about participating in production by awareness of both indigenous and international heritage.

3.Intercultural Learning
As our functioning fields cinema and surely art are universal, by setting out from this point we are seeing intercultural learning as an important element that make creation enriched. Therefore in our all culture-art works, film screenings, interviews, we are doing our best for keeping our perspective on the internatioal eye. We believe the differences are wealth. Furthermore by cinema what is the most effective art field in todays’s world, we see as a debt to transfer universal values.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mustafa Balcı
Job Title
Contact Person
Head of the organisation
Ümit Özmen


National Network

Rue de la loyauté 21
1090 Brussels

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

PILOT4DEV is an independent initiative that connects global stakeholders active in Pilot development initiatives in the areas of Climate, Culture, Governance, Conflicts/Stability, Dialogue with civil society and women’s rights.
It gathers enthusiastic personalities, active organizations and pioneering initiatives.

PILOT4DEV activities aim at connecting civil society, academic, and pioneering initiatives with decision-makers.

Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the organization:
- To promote stability, peace, governance, culture, fight against climate change and SDGs
- To combine research and action, and exchanges across countries.
- To propose a diversity of narratives and promote exemplary low carbon initiatives
- To strengthen existing actions and propose cooperation projects
- To connect multi-level stakeholders for knowledge exchange
- To work on advocacy and decision-making

Main Projects / Activities

We organize:

• Events, workshops and conferences
• Interactive panels of experts, task forces for dialogue
• Knowledge Exchange among stakeholders
• Field and study visits to cities
• Training, capacity building

We draft:
• Reports, Analysis, Publications,Dossiers, Collective Books
We support:
• Local projects in different countries
• Visibility of pioneering initiatives

Pilot4Dev is currently involved in 3 international EU funded projects:
- CRIC: Climate Resilient and Inclusive cities
- Pilot 4 Research and Dialogue
- LIFE Adapt Island

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope that our organization can contribute with small but concrete actions to the objective of the Anna Lindh foundation which is the enhancement of intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Region . We promote the intercultural dialogue, and the implementation of S.D.Gs to enable a more sustainable future. We also contribute to knowledge exchange, and try to develop local projects with several steps including research and dialogue.

Our projects try to contribute to build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation.

We could contribute with our experts and actions to the network in our country, and could share the information of the network to our international members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been indirectly involved in the ALF network, by receiving several newsletters and invitation to different events. We hope to join a platform for dialogue, to identify opportunities to work with our Southern Mediterranean partners (eg. in Jordan).

Finally, we have several partners in Jordan and Lebanon, and we find the Anna Lindh foundation the right exchange platform to develop more contacts and partnerships.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pascaline GABORIT
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pascaline Gaborit
Contact (2) Full Name
Youssef Diab
Job Title (2)
Board member

Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi - KaLMIREC Migration Research Center

National Network

Havalimanı Yolu Üzeri, 8. km, Şahinbey Belediyesi
27410 Oğuzeli/Gaziantep/Gaziantep

+90 342 211 80 80
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+90 5068274391
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Hasan Kalyoncu University (HKU) was established as a foundation university in 2008 and started education in the 2011-2012 academic year in Gaziantep. HKU is one of the leading universities in the South-East Region of Turkey on the border of Syria and Irak, with 8 research Centres. HKU counts with 292 teaching staff, from which 51 are instructors, 18 associate professor, 70 research assistant, 69 professor, 9 foreign academician and 75 Doctor Faculty members. HKU has 16 associate degree programs, 66 undergraduate programs, 45 Master´s Degree, 13 PhD programm. Number of students over 7000, of which 538 belong to associate degree, 5963 undergraduate program, 2362 Master´s Degree and 177 within our PhD programm. The university annual budget is approximately 54M dollars. HKU has 7 faculties, 5 colleges and three research institutes and main sources of income is provided by the foundation. The University is an environmentally friendly university that produces its own energy. HKU has the Erasmus+ agreement which allows it to co-lead educational and research projects with universities in europe, such as: Humboldt University, University of Tampere, Universidade da Coruna, Universita degli Studi di Sassari, Radom Academy of Economics, University of Alba Iulia, Interior, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, University of Ostrava. There are also joint working agreements with many universites around the World, e.g. Notre Dame University - Louaize, A.B.M.S Switzerland, Samara State University of Economics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Rudgerts, The State University of New Jersey, Purdue University, Paneuropean University Apeiron. Erasmus+ projects, TUBITAK projects, and projects supported by some other international organizations are carried out by various research centers at the university.
Kalyoncu Migration Research Centre (KALMIREC) is part of Hasan Kalyoncu University. The University has periodical scientific publications and training programmes focused on strenghthening Syrian and Turkish migration strategy within the NGO sector together with international organizations, such as International Organization for Migration. The KaLMIREC migration research
center provides projects for Syrian refugees. These projects are mostly integration projects. The
Center, which also conducts research projects, has published a book on migration and education
from the eyes of Syrian children in 2019. KaLMIREC produced five migration videos within the framework of the EU project Cross-Borders Intercultural and Societal Entrepreneurs, and provides migration entrepreneur trainings for young people. Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives. These trainings also serve as a networking platform for Syrian and Turkish women NGO members. HKU and KALMIREC apply the main part of its budget on the research topics which are important and priorities for our country, dedicated to effectively using social and science-technological research funds provided by the national (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) (TUBİTAK, other public institutions and private sectors) and international bodies, fostering and encouraging its academic staff and students to carry out national/international scientific projects. It delivers post-graduate studies which relates to research projects. It promotes its post-graduate students to take part in research projects in the university, forms the content of the diploma programs and research projects with the contribution of not only its own academic staff but also the academic staff of other universities in Turkey and abroad. It plans its post-graduate programs and research projects with a multi-disciplinary approach bringing the different areas of social sciences (sociology, political science, economics, psychology, etc.) together. It is a university that highlights the importance of international cooperation which establishes dual/joint diploma programs with the prominent international universities in their respective fields, collaborates with international and regional university networks (EUA, IUA, AAU, etc.), provides grounds for academic staff of foreign universities to lecture and supervise students online, promotes foreign academic staff to lecture in diploma programs as much as possible, provides active contribution and participation in social science research carried out in multi-national entities such as European Union (EU), Council of Europe (CoE), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Organization Islamic Countries (OIC), World Bank (WB), United Nations and UNESCO.

Mission and Objectives

Hasan Kalyoncu University of different religions, languages, races, cultures, and civilizations are blended in Gaziantep, a major crossroads of the historic Silk Road, started a new life as a college-oriented in terms of “education, research and innovation”.
The first training year Engineering and Architecture Faculty and Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences in the Faculty of three section started at our university; 2011-2012 academic year, two new faculty departments were added to those faculties, and started to receive students for the Faculty of Law and Health Sciences School.
It aims to give its graduates accepting differences as richness, investigating, questioning, due to the law and democratic values in the world that takes place in the competitive market. It sacrifices all possible opportunities to produce scientific knowledge to be shared with the public, discussed and find a solution for the national and global issues we face.
HKU – KaLMERIC Vision: To be an internationally referenced center for migration by conducting research on migration nationally and internationally, producing, sharing, organizing activities that will benefit humanity, and contribute to social peace.
HKU – KaLMERIC Mission: Following migration movements in Turkey and around the world; to conduct research, prepare projects, carry out and prepare reports, share the results obtained with seminars, conferences, etc. with policy makers and those involved.

Main Projects / Activities

KaLMERIC studies migration using action learning and action research methods (participatory observation) in particular and application using training programmes for the trainers as the seminars, workshops, exhibition and conferences. At the moment, the center works mainly with the Syrian refugee issues especially using participatory observation methods and towards building a self , social and resiliententrepreneurship culture and mind-set among Syrian refugees. Besides observation, we supply training to our partner organisations, such as SPARK in participation and social entrepreneurship training modules and who are also working with refugees. This training mainly consists of ‘train the trainer’ programmes. We also have established a voluntary group helping Syrian refugees by providing them shelter, food, goods and supporting them for education, health services and finding jobs. At the same time, we provide the train the trainer programme for the volunteers in our group and the training programmes to empower Syrians to rebuild their country when they return after the war. We set our education programmes with a dialogical approach and intercultural methodology. Additionally, we use the participant-centered training method. We are very keen on to apply equal learning system from classroom design to the using of the learning materials, in every phase of our work. Besides, our own training programmes in the university, we also provide education to our partner organisations. Our activities comprise producing educational materials on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE) for pilot schools, increasing the basic skills and knowledge of Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE) personnel and concerned groups through awareness-raising and training activities, to developing and revising legislation and curricula on EDC/HRE in primary and secondary education and promoting a democratic school culture, the project aims to foster a more democratic society by strengthening democratic citizenship and human rights education. HKU -Kalmirec was a partner from 2016 to 2019 of the EU GOOD PRACTICE Erasmus+ project “Cross-border intercultural and societal entrepreneurs”, which codesigned with parnters from Spain, Sweden and the UK Adult Educators’ social inclusion curriculum, intercultural competences and social micro indicators as educational resources, accompanied by 5 videos related to Five Life Skills Training Areas of the Curriculum:
Participants who have received a certificate of migration entrepreneurs training go to schools and deliver training to the students about social cohesion. KaLMIREC provides trainings to Syrian and Turkish women NGO representatives and initiated.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HKU - KaLMERIC commitment towards intercultural, social entrepreneurial mind-set will attract young people who are interested in making a real change to their community daily lives through action research, as social entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for a common good. KaLMERIC staff, researchers, mentors and associates will be offering their experience to scale up and scale out the outreach and impact of the Network activities enriched by our research approach focused on dialogical and participatory action-research. Our current comitment towards the migration community with the International Organization of Migration and Ministry of Youth gives us an international and national platform to make visible and place key public and private organizations of the region of Gaziantep working steadily and hard to bring the migration agenda within high level policy arena. KaLMIREC would bring experience working also with Syrian migrants with physical and mental disabled people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested to exchange experiences, learn and enrich our programs on youth empowerment, advocacy, business design, participatory budgeting, legal structures, planning , report design, mentorship, pitching strategies with the richness of the intercultural competences of the ALF network. We would like to make visible and bring to the center of policy making what happens locally and peripherically, as we are placed at the border with Syria. ALF network offers a broad and rich field for action research with potential co publishing efforts.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Emel Topcu
Job Title
Professor Director and Researcher KaLMIREC
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Türkay DERELİ
Contact (2) Full Name
Tuba Buyukbese
Job Title (2)
Researcher and Associate Professor