Palestine Association for Development and Justice

National Network

Magdi Younis Street
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Human Resources: For workers in the association, they reached to 23 volunteers: 21 of them whom are working on temporary job opportunities through the “Gaza emergency and graduate employment” project. The workers are distributed as follows: 12 teachers, 2 social workers, 2 activists, 1 case manager, 2 psychologists and 1 cleaner. Others are volunteers distributed as follow: 2 lawyers, 1 project manager. Sources of funding for the association: Annual membership fees, grants through the implementation of activities in partnership with partner institutions, and in-kind relief assistance through partners Modalities of action: workshops, co- activities with partners, seminars... Partners: International Partner: 1. German International Organization for Development and Peace Local: 1. Gaza Community Mental Health Program 2. Working Women Society 3. Research and Legal Consultation Center for Women Protection 4. Culture and Free Thought Association 5. Women's Affairs Center 6. Aisha Association for the Protection of Women and Children 7. The Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution 8. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights

Mission and Objectives

PADJ`s Mission: Palestine Association for Development and Justice PADJ seeks to institutionalize civil concepts as a sustainable methodology by integrating the Palestinian family and empowering them in the process of development through development programs to reach a civilian democratic community prevailing with social justice. Organization`s Strategic Objectives: 1. Contribute to alleviate suffering of the Palestinian society by empowering the Palestinian family socially, economically, culturally and legally. 2. Contribute to meet the needs of marginalized groups within the Palestinian society through charitable and relief assistances 3. Contribute to revive of the Palestinian heritage in order to enhance the Palestinian cultural identity through various cultural programs

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities: 1. Psycho social support and recreational activities 2. Supportive education activities for children 3. Awareness raising workshops in the psychological, social, legal and human rights fields

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Presenting the needs of the target groups by providing them in project proposals that focus on education, cultural exchange and youth rights Participate in network supportive and various activities The inclusion of young people in the cultural and dialogue programs between the neighboring countries of the Network for Cultural Exchange Promote concepts of democracy and human rights by supporting diverse and reciprocal activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is an ancient institution concerned with building a culture based on dialogue and exchange, and it is concerned with promoting concepts of human rights and democracy among youth groups. Hence, there are points of convergence in the interests of the Palestine Association for Development and Justice and the Analind network. Therefore, we would like to integrate in its network in order to ensure the promotion of human dignity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariam Mohamad Abed Kasouha
Job Title
Head of the Board Council
Head of the organisation
Mariam Mohamad Kasouha
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanaa El- Khaldy
Job Title (2)
Founding member


National Network

Kranzmayerstraße 61c
9020 Klagenfurt

+43 650 6348883
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

We created the WoW-Wunderwelten assosiation because we believe that everybody has talents and we want to create a network of people who live their vision and want to inspire people to find out what their talents are and how they can live from it. We are funded by private donations and regional, national and international project funds. Our action is mainly focussed on Carinthia in cooperation with other countries.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create an environment where people can develop themselve to live the best version of themselves. It is to provide role-models to give young people an idea how to live your life at its full potential. We furthermore set the framework of creating interventions between youngsters on their way to live their full potential and other people.

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops with youngsters, other interventions, WoW-interviews for our Radio-broadcast on Radio Agora and WoW-Wunderwelten Youtube channel, Rob-E Project funded by FFG

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can use our knowledge in EU funding application for writing applications together. We can use our contacts here in Carinthia to set up a local agenda.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to create new projects here in Carinthia in cooperation with other wonderful assosiations in Austria or also around the world to have a broader impact. As I have a lot of personal experience as chairperson of gain&sustain I want to contribute to the network now with my new assosiation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabrina Schifrer
Head of the organisation
Sabrina Schifrer

International Youth Ambassadors Foundation

National Network

11 Queen Rania St, 111190 Amman, Jordan
Amman 11190

96265694177 ext.615
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

International Youth Ambassadors Foundation IYAF is a non-Profit Organization based in Amman, that serves as an national and international platform that empowers youth to have technical skills and professional capacity to become ambassadors of change in their communities and professional careers through various models of innovation, research, civic engagement, entrepreneurship and Model United Nations (Model Conferences). Our model is based on utilizing minimal operational costs which means that IYAF operates employment through a project based employment scheme. the organization’ network and partnerships are focused in Jordan and reaches countries in Europe, Asian as well as North America. this network includes over 200 active organization members and over 4000 registered network members. Sources of funding include local and international program partners mostly comprising of NGOs and local companies. our main partners are the Royal Scientific Society, representing the youth

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to provide youth with opportunities to develop their interests, while sharing and advancing their skills and experience. On the other hand, Our Vision is to affirm, support the youth’s value as a resource, and their ability to influence positive change among themselves and their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

IYAF's programs are distributed across four different pillars, they are : entrepreneurship, community development, youth ambassadors and conferences. currently our active programs include IYAFs entrepreneurial consultations and training services, Community Development training partnerships, and the Model Conferences Program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we view our presence in the ALF network locally as an opportunity to share and expand our poll of members and partners and allow them to explore more of the local ecosystem through the different organizations that each of them would fit in. Additionally, I believe that most directly, IYAF can contribute its network of trainers, spaces and operations to relevant local and international programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

the ALF network shares many of IYAF's interests in community involvement as well as cross countries and institutional partnerships, this coupled with the network's vast global reach would allow us to put our resources at better use, sharing them with local and international partners as well as learning from their experiences and work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ameer Mubaslat
Job Title
Vice President
Head of the organisation
Trad AlMasri
Contact (2) Full Name
Trad Almasri
Job Title (2)

جمعية مركز الحريات والحصانات لحقوق الانسان وتنمية المجتمع

National Network

بني مزار - شارع الجمورية بحري
بني مزار

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

جمعية تعمل في مجال حقوق الانسان ودعم الديمقراطية والتنمية الشاملة وعضو سابق في منظمة اناليند

Mission and Objectives

واصل بثبات حماية حقوق الانسان وتنميتها في مصر

Main Projects / Activities

حماية حقوق الإنسان وصون كرامته، وحشد طاقات المجتمع حول فهم وممارسة حقوقه وواجباته، وتطبيق قيم العدالة الاجتماعية والتسامح، وتعزيز المساواة وعدم التمييز.
طوير التشريعات ذات العلاقة بحقوق الإنسان

• تنسيق الجهود مع المؤسسات الحكومية والمجتمعية والإقليمية والدولية من أجل تطوير وتعزيز آليات وتدابير حماية حقوق الإنسان

• مواصلة نشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان لدى الجمهور والمناهج التعليمية

• توفير الدعم والحماية للفئات الأكثر تعرضا للانتهاكات

• رفع الكفاءة التنفيذية للجنة لكي تصبح أكثر فاعلية.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

العمل على نشر ثقافة حقوق الانسان وكذلك التنمية الشامله في مجتمع صعيد مصر بمنهج حقوقي ومن ثم نشر ثقافة تقبل الاخر ونبذ العنف

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

قيمة التشبيك من اهم القيم التي تسعى الجمعية لتفعيلها مع مؤسسات المجتمع المدني داخل وخارج مصر ومن ثم المشاركة في الانشطه المختلفه واكتساب خبرات ونشر الخبرات للمؤسسات في المجتمكع المصري بشكلا عام والمجتمع الجنوبي بشكلا خاص

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد عبد النعيم محمد
Job Title
رئيس المنظمة
Head of the organisation
محمد عبد النعيم محمد

Ministry of Education

National Network

Jordan-Mafraq 25110
Mafraq 25110

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Teacher at Ministry of Education

Mission and Objectives

Prime Minister

Main Projects / Activities

Complete studying

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Saqr Al Khazaleh
Job Title
Head of the organisation

BTUIN cooperativa

National Network

Rua Enfermeiras da Grande Guerra, nº2, 3º dto
1170-119 Lisboa

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Abordamos todas as atividades desde o paradigma da facilitação para a emergência da inteligência coletiva, de soluções técnico-económicas colaborativas, criativas e inovadoras, para o desenvolvimento territorial e societal. Para cumprimentos destas premissas pretendemos, criar, coordenar, avaliar e integrar projetos, programas e ideias a nível nacional e/ou internacional.

Mission and Objectives

Temos como objetivo o desenvolvimento territorial e social, actuando em rede para criar, coordenar, avaliar e/ou integrar projetos, programas e ideias que abordem a Comunidade, Educação, Cidadania e as Artes.

Main Projects / Activities

"GABIP" Local network coordinated by the municipality for urban and social planning / "LETT Labs" EU intercities project to understand the gentrification process / "Lift the siege on the hills" project developed in a network, in the historic center of Lisbon, to find solutions that promote more well-being for vulnerable groups, entrepreneurs and the community as a whole / "Music is Mathematics for my ears" research and action project that combines formal education with informal education through the arts / "iN House" project designed for professional musicians and / or students at an advanced level, which takes place online and proposes the democratization of musical composition processes, sharing knowledge and creativity, generating collaborative processes to find sustainable solutions for the profession / "European Youth music week "project with 50 years of history that brings together young people around music in a week of artistic residency, we act as producers and public relations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Actuar em rede para criar, coordenar, avaliar e/ou integrar projetos, programas e ideias, que abordem a Comunidade, Educação, Cidadania e as Artes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Actuar em rede para criar, coordenar, avaliar e/ou integrar projetos, programas e ideias, que abordem a Comunidade, Educação, Cidadania e as Artes

Contact (1) Full Name
Pedro Manuel Mateus Gonçalves
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Mourad Ghanem

جمعية صناع السلام لتنمية المجتمع

National Network

عمارة 5 خلف مكتب البريد الدور الثاني
نصر النوبة

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

جمعية صناع السلام لتنمية المجتمع
جمعية مشهرة تحت قانون الجمعيات والمؤسسات المصري تعمل علي ترسيخ وتعزيز قيم السلام والتسامح باستخدام اليات الحوار الايجابي الفعال من اجل تحقيق التعايش السلمي لكل شعوب الارض
ماذا نقدم للمجتمع :
-دراسات وابحاث عن السلام والتسامح وقبول الاخر ومناهضة التمييز والعنصرية للوقوف علي الحالة الراهنة في المجتمع تجاه تلك اللقضايا وتقديم حلول لتحسين تلك الاوضاع
- معسكرات للحوار والتعايش لتأهيل النشئ لتبني قضايا السلام واعداد جيل من صناع السلام قادرعلي تبني ونشر افكار السلام وثقافة التسامح والحوار
-اكاديمية صناع السلام احد مشاريع جمعية صناع السلام التي تسعي لتخريج واعداد وتنمية مهارات المهتمني بتحقيق السلام والتسامح في العالم
تمتلك الجمعية مقرا دائما في مدينة نصر النوبة في محاافظة اسوان نظرا لاتجاه الاعضاء المؤ سسين في تحقيق السلام في احد اهم المناطق التي بها صراعات قبلية وعرقية وفي بعض الاحيان طائفية
قامت الجمعية بعمل العديد من الانشطة كمعسكرات الحوار والتعايش وندوات وورش عمل عن كيفية تحقيق السلام في المنظقة
مرفق ملف به كافة المعلومات عن الجمعية حتي عام 2019

Mission and Objectives

جمعية شبابية ترسخ قيم المواطنة والتسامح والتعايش السلمي المشترك بين طوائف الشعوب والثقافات المختلفة، ونشر ثقافة السلام والمواطنة
1- تعزيز قيم التسامح وقبول الآخر ونبذ العنف والتمييز بكافة أشكاله .
2- تحقيق المواطنة والانتماء والولاء الوطني لكل أفراد المجتمع ( وخصوصاً للمرأة والفئات المهمشة ) .
3- تعزيز الشراكة المحلية و الإقليمية و الدولية، و ترسيخ مبدأ التواصل و الحوار بين الثقافات و الحضارات..
4- الدعم المؤسسي للمؤسسات الرسمية والمجتمع المدني من خلال بناء القدرات و تنمية المهارات الشبابية وإمدادهم بالكوادر التطوعية المدربة وبالدراسات والأبحاث .
5- نشر ثقافة حقوق الانسان وتنمية وعي المواطنين بها من أجل تأكيد الانتماء والمواطنة والعمل الجماعي والتسامح والتفاهم .
6- إكساب الأفراد مهارات التفاوض والتفكير العلمي والوساطة لفض المنازعات وإشاعة السلم المجتمعي .
7- تعزيز مفاهيم و سلوكيات التربية المدنية و الممارسات الديمقراطية التي تخدم مفاهيم الشراكة و المواطنة، و نبذ التطرف و الإرهاب. عرض أقل

Main Projects / Activities

- معسكرات حوار وتعايش ( قائمة )
- راديو اشري - صوت السلام من ارض التراث ( متوقف )
- متجبرهاش : مشروع عن اعطاء الحرية للفتيات في الاختيار ( قائم )
- ندوات وورش عمل عن السلام والتسامح ( قائمة )

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

لنا خبرات في مجال الابحاث والدراسات كما اننا نعمل في اماكن بعيدة عن مركزية الدولة فنعمل في النوبة جنوب مصر ولنا خبرات في المشاريع وتصميم الالعاب المتعلقة بالسلام والتسامح والحوار

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

مع ان جمعية صناع السلام جمعية حديثة الاشهار الا ان لنا خبرات سابقة في مجال نشر السلام والتسامح والحوار ونسعي للانضمام الي شبكة حقيقة نتبادل فيها الخبرات ونتعلم من خبرات شباب اخرين

Contact (1) Full Name
محمد شوقي محمد سعد الله
Job Title
رئيس مجلس ادارة الجمعية
Head of the organisation
محمد شوقي محمد سعد الله
Contact (2) Full Name
مروة عبد المقصود محمد عباس
Job Title (2)
أمين صندوق الجمعية

Hope 4 Humanity Association

National Network

str. Mihail Kogalniceanu, nr. 19
720014 Suceava

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Hope 4 Humanity is a youth NGO from Northern Romania co-founded by a youth worker, a primary school teacher and a nurse, aiming to help the local community and promote volunteerism. It has no employees but 70 volunteers- teenagers and young adults, all being united by their willingness to help the other ones. It is a very young organization, therefore it has scarce resources (both financial and non-financial), most of the income coming from a very small membership fee and other small sponsorships. Most of our activities are done in partnership with other organizations (Creativities, Bucovina Institute, County Youth Federation) or local authorities (Police, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava).

Mission and Objectives

Our main mission is empowering the young generation to develop their civil spirit and be active in the society. We aim to be helpful in the educational and health sector, but also be active in philantropy.

Main Projects / Activities

Shoe Box- national philantropic campaign and we are the local representatives, under the guidelines of Bucovina Institute Volunteering activities whenever if have an invitation - national campaigns (Antitrafic, Generatia Vot), feast days, etc. Educational workshops, seminars, webinars (last one Arta sanatatii - Health Art, a series of online and offline events on mental and physical health) Promoting local, national and international opportunities for youth

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Having a community of 70 volunteers, we can hold any kind of international activity at a regional level as part of dissemination in the local community. We have volunteers with different talents and interests, so that no matter the domain, we will for sure find people willing to help and learn.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We heard about the ALF Network from GEYC, one of the greatest partners from the country. We think that being part of this network would be beneficial for both sides, as we could learn a lot from such a big community, and we could also share our knowledge, experience, workforce and enthusiastic spirit within ALF network. We would be very happy to hear the good news :)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioana Tatarciuc
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Youth NGO
Contact (2) Full Name
Mariana Boca
Job Title (2)

محامون بلا حدود "شركة غير ربحية" Lawyers Without Borders

National Network

الشميساني-شارع عبدالله بن مسعود-قرب مسجد الامير حسن-عمارة رقم 7 اسعد سنتر-الطابق الثاني
Amman 11194

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Lawyers Without Borders (LWB) is a civil society organization that is financially, administratively and intellectually independent, and has no political, partisan or religious goals and affiliations. LWB is concerned with human rights and fundamental freedoms, and seeks to protect and promote human rights in accordance with international standards and achieve sustainable development and the pursuit of good governance as a way to enhance the unity and cohesion of society. LWB also aims to establish and strengthen the rule of law, justice, equality, non-discrimination and social justice. Lawyers Without Borders was established in Jordan as a non-profit company since 2014

Mission and Objectives

Protecting and promoting civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights, and taking all legal, administrative and technical measures to deepen the culture of human rights among all groups of society :Goals of Lawyers Without Borders Spreading the concepts and principles of civil, political, social, economic, and cultural human rights and freedoms according to national and international standards. Seeking to promote and protect human rights, ensure its implementation and contribute to addressing abuses and violations. Working on promoting democratic approaches, good governance, and sustainable development in the local community. Monitoring the development of human rights situation locally, regionally and internationally. Promoting, developing, and exercising approaches of defending human rights issues. Develop human rights-sensitive media environment. Developing legal tools to contribute to protecting human rights. Providing legal aid to for those who need it and for groups that are more vulnerable of the risk of abuse.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects that Protecting and promoting civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights, and taking all legal, administrative and technical measures to deepen the culture of human rights among all groups of society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

(LWB) is a civil society organization that is financially, administratively and intellectually independent, and has no political, partisan or religious goals and affiliations. LWB is concerned with human rights and fundamental freedoms, and seeks to protect and promote human rights in accordance with international standards and achieve sustainable development and the pursuit of good governance as a way to enhance the unity and cohesion of society. LWB also aims to establish and strengthen the rule of law, justice, equality, non-discrimination and social justice and to be an active member in ALF network

Contact (1) Full Name
Saddam Abu Azzam
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
The Executive Director :Saddam Abu Azzam
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Litigation lead

African Village Slovenia(Zavod Afriška Vas

National Network

Celovška cesta 69c
1000 Ljubljana

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The African village Institute Slovenia unites Africans living in Slovenia and everyone who is interested in African culture, history and the future.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the African village Slovenia is to spreads knowledge about Africa and helps to get to know its culture,history, present and future. Promotes a positive awareness of Africa and helps in its development. To connect and strengthen relations in the African community in Slovenia. Bridging intercultural differences and thus strengthening social ties between members of the African community and their surroundings.

Main Projects / Activities

The African Village institute Slovenia is currently running an african cultural center (Afriški kulturni center) in Ljubljana the capital of Slovenia. Organizing themed evenings, lectures, presentations, festival, workshops and running the african festival in Slovenia 5th edition of (afriška vasfest).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

African village institute Slovenia has a very good experiences in working with partners on an international and national level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

African village institute Slovenia would like to join ALF in order to enlarge its activities and exchange information and experiences also through cooperation with countries across the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Nzotam
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Nzotam