
National Network

via don minzoni 10
43019 soragna PR

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

I'm 40 years old, sports coach and psychologist with many years of experience in different contexts all over the world, teaching sport as an educational tool and use it to achieve human develop and personality in children from 6 and 14 years old
I'm working as coach, psychologist and social researcher for an Italian organization named Inter Campus Milan, social part of F.C. Internazionale Milano football team and we lead 30 project worldwide in Asia, Middle East, Africa, America and Europe, giving back to 10.000 children approximately the right to play through an educational methodology that aim to get social values and increasing personal resource in children and their educators

Mission and Objectives

Our main target is to give back the right to play to 10.000 children worldwide helping them to build their personality. The project was founded in 1997. Its social intervention and flexible cooperation is carried out in the world, through 30 programs and with the help of 200 local coaches educators, who use the game of football as an educational tool to help boys and girls from 6 to 14 years old to escape the social scourges they face on a daily basis. Boys and girls benefit from such a project linked to football, which is used as an educational instrument in children training, thus contributing to improve current living conditions and to avoid the disadvantage in the children’s full development.

Main Projects / Activities

Inter Campus is a project which uses football as an educational instrument in favor of children, by providing an adequate space for learning, behavioral standards and habits aimed at achieving the reintegration of the kids into their social environment, working on basic values and always promoting peace between people and giving back to the children the opportunity to exercise their right to play. Currently it benefit approximately ten thousand children in the world and relies on more than two hundred local educators or trainers, who are in charge of providing this support to the children, a task for which they are instructed by Italian trainers.
The countries that currently benefit from the Inter Campus program according to the club’s official website are: Nepal, Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, United States, Venezuela, Columbia, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Tunis, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Bosna, Bulgaria, China, Iran , Lebanon, Morocco, Israel Palestine, Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo, Uganda and Angola

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

besides being a psychologist I'm also a student of Transcultural Psychotherapy School in Milan, working with people with mental disorders from different countries, refugees, migrants and foreigners. Despite the difference of race, culture, religion and ethnicity i love consider human being as a one family behold migrations and travelling to other countries. My efforts will in terms of try to increase personal and group resources with needy people, fighting against prejudices and stereotypes that hinder love for others and peace between people. With my school and teacher as well as in my normal life, we aim to achieve social targets as transcultural process, with acceptance and tolerance towards every human being .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I guess ALF is a perfect picture about what i would like to do in my life and what i'm doing with my organization, that is help people from different areas, cultures, religions to understand each others trying to build together a new society where everyone could be free to bring him self without prejudices . See differences as something that could improve us and use different experiences to get new mindset overcame step by step obstacles and difficulties

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Psychologist and sports coach
Head of the organisation
Worker for Inter Campus Millan

Reka Si, Zavod za trajnostno bivanje / SIDE group / SAMA Community Arts

National Network

Zavrč 8
2283 Zavrč

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information, which means "the river in you" in English, is a research and arts institute that unleashes the arts and its based techniques as innovative tools for participatory research and critical learning. 

The institute brings an innovative methodology that unleashes the potential of performing arts and its based methods into the unlearning and learning process of knowledge that validates existing literature while opening new channels of knowledge and accreditation of information from within.

Under the legal frame of we operate as The SIDE collective, cooking and cleaning politics, cultures, religions, and arts, is a collective that hacks, hijacks, and re-create cultural, artistic, religious, and political scenes from an intersectional feminist lens among its members are professional artists, researchers and activists. We also run a series of interactive art workshops and public performative journeys, "SAMA Community Arts". 

Mission and Objectives

We widen the horizons of intercultural communication and research on sustainability, migration and intercultural cooperation by integrating and using arts and its based techniques as innovative tools to unlearn and learn new means of knowledge generation and intercultural communication that is free of all forms of segregation and profiling. 

Main Projects / Activities

We widen the horizons of intercultural communication and research on sustainability, migration and intercultural cooperation by integrating and using arts and its based techniques as innovative tools to unlearn and learn new means of knowledge generation and intercultural communication that is free of all forms of segregation and profiling. 

Among our good practices are the following:  

1. SAMA Community Arts: an interactive workshop and a public performative journey that generates new means of communication.  The series of workshops has a trailer on YouTube. In the "SAMA Community Arts," the artist co-creates public performative journeys that deconstruct social communication as free of the enforced binarism of "nation-state" and "state-nation" as both tools and products of colonialism along with enforced gender binary profiling. Using dance, movement and performing arts as a communication form widens the horizon of intercultural communication through critical learning to unpack and unlearn stereotypes and profiling in communication. 

2. NOT your Scheherazade, an experimental performance in the series of creating the 1001 nights of NOT your Scheherazade.  The performance is participatory to create new stories of NOT your Scheherazade. after the performance, the audience shares anonymously through a digital tool their feedback of emotions, feelings and thoughts. The artist uses the feedback in their writing of the 1001 Nights of NOT your Scheherazade. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with our wide range of experiences in the field of intercultural dialogue, innovative tools of Arts and its based techniques as techniques of education and research, and networking in the Euro-Med region

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our possibilities to learn and contribute within the Euro-Med region. To share and grow our innovative practices in Arts and research.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samar Zughool
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samar Zughool

University of El Oued

National Network

Cité Echott El Oued
39000 El Oued

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

History and Presentation
Historical Overview of Eloued University

Hamma Lakhdar Eloued University has undergone five phases from the beginning of the year 1995 till 2014.

Phase I 1995-1998: The attached to the National Institute of Trade at Eloued has been established under a joint ministerial decree on the 3rd of June 1995 and the study was launched for the first time during the academic year 1996/1995 based in Teksebt and remained there for two years until it was transferred to the Elchouhada Center in 1998 where the branch of commercial sciences was taught with its two specialties:

-Management from the beginning of the academic year 1998/1997
-International trade from the beginning of the academic year 1999/2000 -

Phase II 1998-2001: In addition to attached to the National Institute of Trade of the National Institute on Trade in Ben Aknoun, Elolued state has gained the opening of the Legal and Administrative Sciences branch in the academic year of 1999/1998 and the Institute of Arab literature in the year of 1999/2000 that belong to the University of Mohamed Khider , Biskra and hence Eloued university Annex has been formed .

Phase III 2001-2012: Eloued University Center was established in 2001 by Executive Decree No. 01/277 dated September 18, 2001, where the university turned to Annex containing five institutes:

1-Institute of Legal and Administrative Sciences

2-Istitute of Arts and Languages

3-Institute of Economic and Trade Sciences and Management

4-Institute of Science and Technology

5-Institute of Social and Human Sciences

Phase IV 2012-2014:

The University was established under the Executive Decree No. 12-243 dated June 4, 2012, corresponding to 14 Rajab 1433 and it includes:
1- Faculty of Science and Technology

2-Faculty of Biology

3- Faculty of Arts and Languages

​​4- Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

5- Faculty of Economics and Trade Sciences and Management

6-Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Stage V from 2014 - today: Eloued University was named the University of Hamma Lakhdar , pursuant to decision No. 01/14 dated 29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1435 corresponding to October 23 2014 containing the consecration of naming university institutions, where the university is still in development and reached in the academic year 2015 / 2016 to the census of more than 20,000 students and 700 professor divided across seven colleges and the Institute of Islamic Sciences:
1- Faculty of Technology
2- Faculty of Mathematics

3- Faculty of Biology

4- Faculty of Arts and Languages

5- ​​Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

6-Faculty of Economic Sciences

7- Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

Mission and Objectives

Vision and Mission
University's Strategic Vision:

To achieve excellence and leadership in teaching, learning, scientific research and community service in order to make the University of El Oued a pioneer in creativity and innovation nationally, regionally and even internationally to attain sustainable development.

2.6. University's Values:

• Quality of university education according to international standards.

• Raising the level of scientific research through the values of competition creativity and excellence.

• Promoting adherence to the ethics of professional practice.

• Building fruitful relationships with the social and economic environment in a mutually beneficial manner

Main Projects / Activities

The higher education system in Algeria
The constitution of Algeria in the article 53 stipulates that the State is the organizer of the education system, the right of free education is guaranteed for all Algerians, and thus basic education is compulsory.

The government minister is the authority who prepares and implements the policies on higher education and the scientific research. The executive decree of 29th of August 2003 modified by the executive decree of 27th of September 2007 regulates the organization and the functioning of the higher education institutions. The Higher Education Orientation Act of 23 February 2008 has established the three higher education degree cycles applied to all disciplines except medicine.

Algeria has quite a large array of university types going from universities to schools, to ‘écoles normales’ and ‘écoles supérieures’. The Algerian university consists of universities defined as social, cultural and professional public establishments. The university sector comes right after compulsory education that takes place until the age of 16 offering different types of training to all baccalaureate-holders. From 3 university establishments in 1962, year of Independence, with only 2000 students and less than 200 teachers, the sector grew in 2015 to 107 HE establishments, and one and a half million students, of which 60% are female, and 54,000 teachers.

There have been two main reforms of the sector: the 1971 Reform that changed the structure of the universities from institutes to faculties, and recently the LMD reform that started in 2004 and was finalized in 2010. The introduction of the reform meant the change of the degree system into a ‘licence’ degree (the Algerian equivalent of B.A in 2004, reduced from 4 to 3 years of study), the master’s degree (launched in 2007, replacing the Magister degree) and the doctorate (2009). The training curricula were also adapted in order to teach and learn differently. In addition to universities, higher education includes also university centres (composed of institutes) and out-of-university schools, namely institutes of sciences and applied technology (providing 40% of academic training and 60% of professional training within the industrial environment), higher national schools (comprising 6 preparatory classes, preparing entry to Ecoles Nationale Supérieures) and the higher educational schools (11 écoles normales supérieures, ENS, that train teachers for primary, middle and secondary school, specializing in languages, history/geography, sciences, philosophy, music and natural sciences). As far as the curricula are concerned they are designed along 13 domains, namely law, sciences and technology, social sciences, foreign letters and languages, Arabic language and literature, material sciences, mathematics and informatics, natural and life sciences, sciences of earth and the universe, sciences of economics, management and commerce, arts, Amazigh (Berber) language and culture. All these domains are divided into branches. Medical (postgraduate studies in 50 specialities in medicine, 8 in pharmacy and 7 in dentistry) and veterinary sciences are offered by a good number of faculties and institutes on the whole Algerian territory. In addition, the University of continuing education (Université de la Formation Continue UFC) created in 1990 is a unique as such in the Maghreb dedicated to lifelong learning enabling the non-holders of Baccalaureate to reach university and get their diploma.

Recent policy updates, major reforms and related news
The most recent policy update is the so-called LMD launched in 2004. The need for change has come from a high number of dysfunctions that have prevented the university from providing more adequate learning conditions. The idea was to provide the university with the proper pedagogical and didactic means in order to meet the society’s expectations while integrating the international system of higher education. The Algerian university needed a global and thorough reform the LMD aimed at bringing. What was also aimed at was quality education, the satisfaction of the needs of the socioeconomic environment and the adaptation to professions that are continuing to evolve in a world of expanding technological solutions to societal problems.

The LMD reform has come to help universities face globalization and the internationalisation of higher education. Furthermore, the other concern was to offer better training in order to satisfy the societal demand for quality education. The recurrent problem has always been that of the employability of degree-holders who very often ended up unemployed. Another aim was to insure the best governance possible in order to relieve universities from too strong bureaucracies. Hence the work of the CIAQES (Committee in charge of the implementation of Quality Assurance in HEIs) aimed at providing the educational institutions with a clear guide in order to better meet the needs of students (in their studies and future jobs).

The update was done with a view to bring all stakeholders closer together (the socioeconomic environment, the employers, the parents…). One of the key issues was that the labour market has not always considered that universities help students get jobs after completion of their studies. Job descriptions have always been missing in the traditional degrees, something the new system has tried to remedy by rendering the training of students more flexible, competency-based and relying on national as well as international cooperation. The result of such a policy is the professionalization of curricula giving more room to subjects that are directly linked to a given profession or job. This has allowed all university establishments to offer academic and professional degrees.

The idea behind such an enterprise is to make the training more visible to potential employers, and degrees that are better valued socially and in workplaces.

Pedagogically speaking, the implementation of such a reform meant that training is highly student-centred (their learning needs, profiles and even wishes). This change has even brought in the notion of ‘andragogy’ to mean that teachers have to change their vision of their students as adolescents rather than adults. The change concerns also the introduction of the credit system that provides more flexibility and which has to be translated into new ways of teaching and new ways of learning expressed in terms of performances realized by the student. This new approach to teaching has brought to the fore the notion of learning outcomes (translated in terms of knowledge, competences, skills and attitudes). The change follows the competency-based approach to teaching/learning already introduced in national education.

The implementation of the LMD system in the Algerian universities meant also a change in the evaluation techniques. The main shift is the change from the summative to the formative assessment. Formative assessment corresponds more to the learner-centredness that is at the heart of the reform. The learner is then less of a spectator. The consecrated term is autonomy, of action, thought and practice.

Erasmus+ projects in Algeria
Tempus Program (2002- 2013):

Algerian Higher Education Institutions has submitted projects proposals through the different call for proposals and have benefited of a total of 56 projects in the calls of proposals: 24 projects in Tempus III and 32 in Tempus IV. Tempus III records 16 Joint Projects and 8 Structural Measures projects. As for Tempus IV it consisted of 26 Joint Projects and 6 Structural Measures projects.

Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects under Erasmus+ program:

Capacity Building projects focus on building capacities and modernizing Higher Education Institutions in Partner Countries to establish structural and a long-lasting impact. Algerian HEIs partake as partners.

In 2015, Algerian HEIs have participated in 4 Capacity Building projects:

MAGIC: Regional Phd School Based on Innovative Hydroplatform in Water an Environment to Enhance Maghreb Inter-research Centres. This project revolved around the Curriculum Development
SMWELD: South Mediterranean Welding Center for education, Training and Quality Control. This project aims at strengthening relations of HEIs with society.
RISE: Modernizing Human Resource Management in South Mediterranean Higher Education. This project aims at the modernization of HEIs governance.
COFFEE : Construction d’une Offre de Formation à Finalité d’Employabilité Elevée. This Project focusses on strengthening relations of HE system.
In 2016, Algerian HEIs have participated in:

PROEMED: boosting Environment Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings in Mediterranean Region.
AFREQEN : Qualité en enseignement supérieur pour les énergies renouvelables en Afrique du Nord et de l’Ouest.
MERIC-Net: Mediterranean Network of National Information Centres on the Recognition of Qualifications.
INSTART: Euro-African Network of excellence for entrepreneurship and innovation.
SATELIT : Solutions Académiques pour le Territoire Euro- méditerranéen Leader d’Innovation et transferts technologiques d’excellence.
DIRE-MED : Dialogue Interculturel, Réseaux et mobilité en Méditerranée.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can contribute by informing our students to join your organisation , and by the exchange of activites between parties .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The foreign organisations have a big opportunities to establish effective academic cooperation
with the University of El-Oued through cooperation programs and conventions, which would
enable them to take advantage of all potential available in the region in terms of the factors and
characteristics stated above.

Contact (1) Full Name
zakaria Kerchou
Job Title
Translator / coordinator
Head of the organisation
Pro.Dr. Omar Ferhati
Contact (2) Full Name
Guedda Elhabib
Job Title (2)
Vice rector for external relations and cooperations

Atlantis Culture

National Network

14 Naxos street
Flat 402
1070 Nicosia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

it is a not for profit organisation active in all the forms of the arts

Mission and Objectives

to promote the arts and the artists in Cyprus and abroad to be open and inclusive of all artists and audience irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion, political affiliations, etc

Main Projects / Activities

the organisation works on project to project basis. Currently we are partners in a RACEA project (with another 5 countries / literary organisations) aiming to submit an application in early 2021

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

through the arts to bring marginalised groups into the mainstream life of the island through the arts help dispense feelings of hostility and anxiety of the unknown / other

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to be part of a bigger family

Contact (1) Full Name
Nora Hadjisotiriou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nora Hadjisotiriou
Contact (2) Full Name
Annetta Benzar

Udruženje "Dječije pozorište Eko Art"

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nugle II bb
70230 Bugojno
Bosnia & Herzegovina

061 340 876
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Since founding, volunteers are in charge and lead all the activities and we have no employees. Annual budget vary from 1.000 to 5.000 BAM, mainly acquired by projects, donations, and ticket and participation fees. Our main activities evolve around theatre and drama education; using of drama in education and life and organization/participation in various youth exchange projects, that strive to provide safe and all-inclusive environment for youth from different backgrounds to get to learn and create together. We are well established and collaborate with numerous theatres and NGOs (such as DIS Banjaluka, MtM Mostar, GKM Vitez, NGO „Leptir“ Bugojno etc)

Mission and Objectives

Inspire children and youth to think, imagine and actively participate in creation of communities open for all differences and specificities, using drama education and performing arts. To ignite transforming of children and youth of BH from passive viewers to successful, creative, curious and compassionate persons able to cope with challenges of the modern world. To encourage children and youth to question, explore, search and efficiently communicate their needs. Create innovative, engaging and critical plays/performances, thus empowering emotional intelligence, inter-group dialogue, compromise, collaboration and creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

- Creation of at least three plays/performances per year (puppets, for children and for youth)
- Participate/collaborate in at least four projects in local community (local art festivals, collaboration with NGO „Leptir“ with children and youth with special needs;
- Initiate at least two collaboration projects (youth camps, training, theatre workshops, art classes, puppetry/scene/prop creating workshops, etc) with theatre groups and NGOs from B&H
- Participate in at least three BH festivals of children/youth theatre

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

DP Eko Art is well-established children and youth theatre that use drama education as the main tool. We (individually and as a group) have significant experience in process drama, theatre-in-education (TiE), forum and physical theatre, etc. Our leader is drama pedagogue (certified by Centre for Drama Education BH) and a social justice/gender equality trainer (certified by Step by Step), with significant experience in both fields. We have significant administrative and managerial experience in creating, initiating, organizing or co-organizing in large youth events, such as theatre camps (BuJaMo 2017 and 2018, as a part of BH youth support to students from Jajce who stood up to further segregation; SolidArt – project of 3 BH communities using performing arts as awareness raising tool on marginalized groups; PriT – applied theatre as community awareness; numerous exchange camps, training and worskhops, etc).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that one of very few sustainable and long-term guarantees for peace is opening of horizons of children and youth, thus counter existing segregation and narrow-minded narratives of three ethnic/religious groups. We believe that our determination to address and dismantle stereotypes which generate prejudices, gender inequality and all forms of violence in society is shared by numerous NGOs in B&H and region. Unfortunately, without networking and building strong civil society i.e. strong, opinionated and vocal children and youth, changes in the discriminatory and segregational practices and policies of BH society will not change (segregation in education and society; discrimination of minority groups and rights; etc). To this, we can certainly contribute with our experience and resources.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Krnjajic
Job Title
Creative leader
Head of the organisation
Viktor Maros

Astràgali Teatro-Eufonia

National Network

Via Giuseppe Candido 23
73100 Lecce LE

0039 0832 306194
Telephone (other)
0039 3209168440
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
0039 3209168440
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3276909662
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Eufonia manages Astràgali Teatro, a theatre company founded in 1982. A main aim is the promotion of international projects on multicultural, site-specific performing arts productions and collaborations, favouring artists exchange and mobility. It has carried out numerous projects supported by EU and other institutions that brought its company to work in more than 30 countries in Europe and all over the world, collaborating with cultural operators and social agents, enhancing the heritage of communities, working with communities for social inclusion, carrying out projects of research-action on performing arts and interculturalism also in conflict zones. It was recently Leader of EU projects: WALLS, Theatrum Mundi, Legends on circular ruins, GENIUS LOCI-performing arts between heritage and future, of Anna Lindh Foundation project 'Women!'. It realized many projects in the field of Social and Community Theatre with innovative cross-sectoral actions with international artists and communities.

Mission and Objectives

The challenge of a theatre as a practise of knowledge and relationship. Perfecting a practise of vision, in which the actor’s body and gesture, the sound of the spoken word take place poetically, bringing the viewers’ gaze into themselves. The constant quest for “other” places to set the scene, in the certainty that never so much as in this case has the theatre been a way of both investigating and of revealing the genius loci, by incessantly establishing and re-establishing communities. A theatre company formed in Lecce in 1981, Astràgali Teatro has, since its birth, combined production, training, and theatrical experimentation, while broadening its sphere of action over time with a segment specifically oriented towards designing and producing services for the theatre and culture. In a constant relationship with a network of international bodies in the area of the performing arts, cooperation, and intercultural dialogue, Astràgali Teatro has for years been a presence in the Mediterranean and the Near East, with theatre production and cultural cooperation projects. In this path, the relationship with the “language of others” has become an essential, bedrock part of its artistic experimentation – an element that has been the mark of its productions in recent years. From Ali- questo corpo questo fuoco a La Betissa, Nos-l’architettura degli amanti, Q Il cantico dei cantici per lingua madre, Le vie dei canti, Antigone- anatomia delle resistenza dell’amore, Doni di guerra, Persae, and Lysistrata- Primo studio sull’oscenità del potere, to the more recent Divenire animale, Veli, and Metamorfosi, the work on the shows has been both a constant investigation of the present and a search for the origins of theatre, considered a bottomless reservoir of images and suggestions. Through its investigation of tragedy and ancient comedy, Astràgali Teatro has brought to centre stage crucial questions connected with conflicts, violence, migrations, and the political boundaries that forcibly divide peoples and cultures. It is a philosophy that has at the same time been the mark of Astràgali Teatro’s artistic residence in Lecce’s Teatro Paisiello, with a project embarked on in 2010 and still in progress. Albania, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Cyprus, Turkey, Tunisia, Brazil. Doing theatre in places of conflict has been characteristic of most of the international projects and productions in recent years – efforts that have brought Astràgali to about 30 countries around the world. Supported by the European Union, these efforts have been marked by the need to comprehend – in aesthetic practise – the relationship between tradition and contemporaneity: Il corpo dell’arte; Teatri di guerra – pratiche di pace; War gifts; Persae; Le rotte di Ulisse – per una critica della violenza; Front/frontier- dynamics of inclusion of the other; Roads and desires-theatre overcomes conflict; H.O.S.T. – Hospitality, Otherness, Society, Theatre; Stories of stars and acrobats; Walls- Separate Worlds; Theatrum Mundi. Astràgali's official objectives: - to produce, co-produce, play, organize theatre performances in Apulia, in the other Italian regions and abroad, and to produce and make audio-visual and cinema products - to promote theatre activities through performances, festivals, meetings, exhibitions, schools and in general with any means also in the neighbourhoods, in schools of every order and grade, in work places, with the aim of cultural, civil, social and political growth of citizens in accordance to the democratic principles and in the respect of the constitutional laws; - to make an activity of research, documentation, training in the cultural and social field, in favour of the associated or on behalf of a third party, public or private, and activity of publishing production; - to organize groups of research and study, meetings, seminars, to promote a monitoring and a catalogue of cultural heritage directly or indirectly connected with performing arts, to disseminate the materials of the research, either cinematographic, radio, audiovisual or press materials, providing also their production (preparation, publication, press); to make editorial and information activities, putting a particolar attention on cultural issues, with tipographical techniques and with any other means of communication and anyhow connected to the social purpose; - to promote and manage recreational, free time activities with a high cultural value; - to make any other similar activity or connected to those mentioned in order to create possibilities of work for the members for assistence purposes, also through the fulfillment of the programs and directions provided for by the laws concerning vocational training. - creation and management of archives, with a particular attention to the multimedia creation of them; - creation, organization and management of press-offices; - dissemination of publishing, video and record materials; -to operate in the field of cultural tourism.

Main Projects / Activities

Astràgali Teatro-Eufonia is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Culture as an innovation theatre company. It is member of the Creative District of Apulia Region, active in the cultural and creative sector, since the establishment of Astràgali Teatro in 1981. It produces theatre performances and multidisciplinary performances. It organises theatre programmes and festivals. It is active in the field of theatre training, publishing, audiovisual, multimedia production. It produces and disseminates goods and services on performing arts. In 1985 it receives the support of the Ministry of Culture and enters the regional and national theatrical circuits. In the last years it promotes and takes part in many cultural projects supported by European Union, Italian Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Region Apulia, Province of Lecce, University of Salento, Municipalities and many other institutions at national and international level. It develops projects related to multilingual and multicultural theatre production, with its theatre company made up of international performers. It realised international projects on cultural cooperation,community involvement,site-specific performances and with marginalised people (in about 30 countries all over the world). It develops projects on theatre and intangible cultural heritage in Italy and abroad and fosters international collaborations aiming at intercultural dialogue. It fosters artistic experimentation with site-specific performances in special sites, to rediscover the value of fascinating and forgotten cultural and naturalistic sites, with an important study of the places, connecting the performances with the communities. With its projects Eufonia investigates through the perfoming arts crucial questions of conflicts, gender,violence,migrations,the political boundaries that forcibly divide peoples and cultures.I t develops educational projects for children, young people and adults.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our mission is perfectly consistent with the objectives and priorities of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Our organization has been working for thirty years to build a more just, supportive and respectful society. The work in the theater, in art, in the enhancement of cultural heritage in the world and mainly in the countries of the shores of the Mediterranean has constantly characterized all the intercultural activities of Astràgali. In addition, the organization has benefited from the support of the Foundation for the "Women!" project, a beautiful project that has seen many intercultural activities for the exchange of knowledge and practices in the performing arts sector between Italy and Tunisia. We are convinced that our work can best contribute to the intercultural dialogue activities of the Anna Lindh network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization has been part of the Anna Lindh network for years. This request is to be able to continue contributing to the mission of the network today, to have the opportunity to know, collaborate, cooperate, co-design interventions of the highest level with many other organizations in the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberta Quarta
Job Title
International projects coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ivano Gorgoni
Contact (2) Full Name
Pierluigi Greco
Job Title (2)
International projects

Trans Europe Halles - International Resource Office (IRO)

National Network

c/o Mejeriet, Stora Södergatan 64
222 23 Lund

(+46) 0730-556683
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The International Resource Office (IRO) is a regional initiative aiming to assist Skåne’s cultural actors with support, tips and tailor-made advice on international cultural cooperation and EU support. The office is run by Trans Europe Halles with financial support from Region Skåne.

Starting in October 2015, Region Skåne has allocated SEK 500,000 to a regional resource that will encourage cultural actors to participate more widely in EU-funded cooperation projects.

Trans Europe Halles was awarded the contribution for efforts such as skills development, project development, international networking and support in the writing of applications for EU-funding.

Trans Europe Halles is a Europe based network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists that has been at the forefront of re-purposing Europe’s industrial buildings for arts, culture and activism since 1983. Today the Trans Europe Halles network consists of 129 members and associated members from 36 countries around Europe.

Our members are key drivers of democratic development, active citizenship and participation in the arts. They also bring together artists, cultural and creative industries, social and educational organisations in open and creative spaces that spur innovation and development. With an entrepreneurial mindset they explore new business- and governance models and develop partnership with both the private and public sector.

Twice a year we meet to exchange knowledge, to start conversations and to connect with other cultural changemakers. Our meetings are a hotbed of new ideas and collaborations. They are always hosted by a different member – allowing us to get to know some of the challenges facing different regions. Our meetings reflect our diversity and explore topics that matter to us all.

We also collaborate regionally and thematically through our Hubs. We launch projects together and form partnerships based on common interests, goals and ideas. Throughout the year, we organise training workshops and seminars. We are specifically interested in business innovation and the organisational development of our member centres.


Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to facilitate the sustainable development of civil-society initiated cultural and creative organisations based in repurposed spaces, by connecting and supporting them. Our vision is that everyone thrives in an equal, free and inclusive society where culture, arts and creativity have a transformative power.

Our key objectives are:

1. To build a strong supporting structure of exchange and collaboration for member insitutions.

2. To advocate and promote the importance and value of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists as open spaces for creation.

3. To establish Trans Europe Halles as a leading organisation for providing professional development and international exchange in the cultural sector.

4. To establish Trans Europe Halles as a vital reference for non-governmental cultural centres in the international cultural sector.


Main Projects / Activities

IRO was established to build the capacities of the arts & culture operators to grow and work internationally: we are committed to provide methodologies, guidance and advice to help you develop your projects. We organize training, one-to-one consultation and info sessions to equip you with tools and knowledge. 

Creative Lenses (CL) 2015-2019

Creative Lenses was a project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Implemented from 2015 to 2019, it explored the issue of sustainability of European arts and cultural organisations. In particular, it aimed to address the question of how cultural organisations might become more financially sustainable without compromising their missions and values.

The project’s vision was condensed in the tagline “stronger arts and cultural organisations for a greater social impact”. Also, its mission was to empower cultural organisations with knowledge, methods and tools to become more resilient so they can better create value for society. Some of the main tasks of Creative Lenses were, therefore, to research and explore business models in the cultural sector and whether the concept of the business model was a useful tool to drive organisational change and reflection.

Factories of Imagination (FOI) 2017-2021

The project, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, aims to build internationally connected and resilient cultural centres and professionals that can meet both prevailing and future challenges together with their communities. The project is to contribute to a more competitive, skilled and strong cultural sector that can take on the challenge of re-building an open, creative and inclusive Europe.

Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) 2018-2021

This is a policy project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. The project is managed by a consortium of ten non-profit and public organisations led by Trans Europe Halles, the European network of non-governmental cultural centres. At the core of this project, there are 7 Urban Labs based in seven European cities. Each one of them groups together non-governmental cultural organisations and local/regional authorities, as well as other relevant stakeholders. Their goal is to address local challenges together and find participatory and commoning solutions to them.

Shared Initiatives for Training (SHIFT) 2019-2021

Trans Europe Halles is part of a consortium of nine European organizations in the SHIFT project. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and the project leader is the European Music Council in Bonn (DE). The aim is to equip leaders in the cultural sector, primarily leaders of transnational cultural networks, in development work linked to the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies (DISCE) 2018-2021

DISCE is a three-year project bringing together researchers from Finland, Italy, Latvia and the UK. Funded by the European Commission, via the Horizon 2020 programme, this research will make a major contribution to understanding creative economies across the EU. Combining ten regional case studies with EU-wide quantitative mapping, the project draws on the team’s highly interdisciplinary expertise. It will investigate the relationships between higher education, skills development and creative work; emerging business models; possibilities for improved quantitative mapping; new ways to understand what the ‘growth’ of creative economies consists of – and why such growth is valuable. At the heart of the project is the question of how the creative economies of the future can be both inclusive and sustainable.

Spaces of Transformation in Arts Education (SPOTing) 2020-2023

SPOTing is led by TEH and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project consists of a consortium with 8 TEH members from Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Slovakia, France and Austria + TEH. Many of TEH's members conduct cultural educational activities of various kinds, and the purpose of the project is to stimulate professional development and knowledge transfer between the cultural educators. The goal is to strengthen the participating of cultural educators in their profession and to critically reflect on methods and working methods for developing and strengthening cultural pedagogy as a field internationally.

European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance/ (EUREKA) 2021-2023

Together with 10 other partners, TEH is part of EUREKA, a three-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project is led by the University of Venice (IUAV) and is based on the challenges that exist in cities around Europe to regenerate abandoned and dilapidated buildings. One profession that has a particularly significant role here is Urban Innovator (UI). There is a high demand for UIs in the labor market, but there is a lack of recognition at EU level in the form of a clear professional role and the opportunity for (further) education. During the project, a multidisciplinary curriculum will be developed to formalize and market the UI role for the private and public sector. TEH will conduct case studies with 10 of our members with experience of social innovation as a tool for urban regeneration and have a leading role for external and internal communication in the project and for the project's advocacy work.

International Resource Office (IRO) 2016-ongoing

The International Resource Office (IRO) is a regional initiative created to support cultural operators in the region of Skåne (SE) with practical support and counselling connected to international collaboration, including projects funded by the EU’s various support programmes. IRO offers a variety of services, such as strategic planning, networking and partnership creation, advice on administrative procedures and practical tools for successful EU applications and project management. The International Resource Office is funded by the Region of Skåne.

Cultural Accelerator 2020-2021

‘Cultural Accelerator’, funded by the Creative Force programme of the Swedish Institute, is a bottom-up democracy project initiated by TEH and Ta(r)dino 6 Art Platform (TAP) to mobilize and build capacity of artists and cultural workers in Azerbaijan in order to better advocate their needs to local governing bodies in the cultural field. Organised in two steps - online trainings and workshops and an actual three-day event in Baku by TEH network experts - ‘Cultural Accelerator’ aims at co-developing grassroots recommendations on cultural policies and strategies in Azerbaijan.


Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Olsson (on maternity leave) - Marcus Lampe
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Tiffany Fukuma, Managing Director

Cross Culture International Foundation Cyprus- CCIF Cyprus

National Network

2, Kissavou street
8021 Paphos

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

CCIF Cyprus established in 2016, by young professionals and volunteers, highly passionate about the education for adult and youth, changing lives makes us happy! We believe in the transformative power of non-formal education and its ability to simplify the way we teach, learn, perform and elevate experiences.

Mission and Objectives

Our MISSION is to support education for social inclusion of all citizens including people with disabilities, TCNs, refugees, immigrants and with fewer opportunities through youth exchanges, networking, transnational initiatives, innovative gamification and cultural dialogues.

Our VISION is to empower all citizens, irrespective of gender, social, cultural, or educational background for active citizenship, volunteering, tolerance, respect, mutual understanding, sustainable growth and life development.

Our PURPOSE is to equip citizens from local and surrounding communities with artistic, digital, life and employability skills to access todays labor market and increase their chances of progressing into the world of work.

Main Projects / Activities

We build cultural harmony and well-being through educational, cultural and artistic expressions.
We work for giving access to education and culture which are human rights and we ensure that are in place for all citizens and especially youth.

Our mandate is to support education, by conducting researches, developing learning and training tools, which are applicable in non-formal educational settings. This enable us to guide and support youth and adults to find their path through empowerment, capacity building, social innovation, and initiatives & outreach. Thus, we provide the opportunities to participate and engage with the society and freely access our educational tools and programs in the fields of peace-building, human rights, humanitarian aid, gender education, and environmental protection.
Some of our activities:
- Understanding Diversity Coaching Inclusion
- Integration solutions for educators and youth workers working with immigrants
- Empowerment of women
- Fast learning courses to immigrant mothers and their children
- Social enterprenship
- Digital communication and digital marketing
- Sustainable Ecosystem and recycling
- Theatrical plays, music and dance ateliers for inclusion
- Drama therapy workshop
- workshops for Europass CV and language portfolio
- video production and scenography, overcoming the past and imagine the future
- Art workshop for youngsters from different social backgrounds to come closer in painting a common artwork.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aim to engage, positively influence and equip youth with digital, soft and entrepreneurial skills. We hold meetings with unemployed and disadvantaged local youth to help in their emotional, social and employability development in an informal setting but through educational processes. We develop supportive relationships for sustainable new experiences to foster increased confidence, ambition and empathy. This prepares them to make a positive contribution to society in adult life.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand networking for intercultural dialogue between nations. To promote inclusive societies and fight inequalities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Aristodemou
Job Title
Volunteer Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Konstantina Sokratous
Contact (2) Full Name
Katerina Vladimirou
Job Title (2)
Financial Administrator

Udruženje "Dječije pozorište Eko Art"

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nugle II bb
70230 Bugojno
Bosnia & Herzegovina

061 340 876
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

DP Eko Art base its work on voluntarism of youth and adults, community activism and has no employees. We aim to entice children and youth to adopt 21st century skills such as emotional intelligence, independent and critical thinking, communication, team building, principles of social justice and empathy as basic skills for life, using drama education. Modalities of work vary from drama education in groups, through documentary and community theater as activism forms and inspirational campaigning/lobbying methods. Careful design of each activity ensures it corresponds to group’s needs and interests. DP Eko Art create at least three socially engaging plays/performances annually and participate in various youth/children theater camps/projects aiming to bring youth from various communities together through creative arts. Strong cooperation formed with various NGOs and theater groups Bugojno, Banjaluka, Vitez, Mostar and other. Annual budget vary 1.000-5.000 BAM, gained through projects, membership fees and tickets.

Mission and Objectives

We inspire children and youth to think, imagine and actively participate in creating a creative communities, welcoming for differences and individual specificity. Our programs inspire children and youth to question and explore 21st century world and grow into healthier, smarter and better people. We use and contribute to drama education and enable children and youth from diverse background with skills needed for development of critical thinking, individual stance, self-esteem and civic courage. We create innovative and socially engaging and relevant plays and performances, thus strengthening emotional intelligence, inter-generational dialogue, teach compromise, cooperation, collaboration and creativity.

Main Projects / Activities

- using process drama (Theater in Education) to create at least one play for children, one puppet play and one play for youth annually;
- participation in theater camps, exchanges, workshops and seminars;
- participation in BH theater festivals and youth exchanges in creative arts, youth activism, social justice, youth and civil society networking
- initiating and organizing activities to mark International Tolerance Day and promote 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

DP Eko Art is well established in the community and wider bh creative arts/youth theater networks. One of our volunteers is drama pedagogue (certified by Center for Drama Education BiH) and a social justice trainer (certified by Step by Step). We are very experienced in drama education, process drama, theater in education (TiE), social justice and gender equality training for children and youth, etc. We have a significant experience in organization of creative and performing arts for youth (BuJaMo – youth camp 2017 and 2018 as support for Jajce students protests against segregation; PriT – applied theater youth camp; SolidArt – using performing arts for promotion of marginalized groups; etc). We are experienced in collaboration and joint projects with other NGOs (NGO Leptir Bugojno, DIS Banjaluka, GKM Vitez, MtM Mostar, FEDRA Bugojno, schools, etc)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We aim to expand collaboration and cooperation and develop/participate in projects based on exchange of youth from diverse backgrounds, thus confronting prejudices in long term by providing opportunities for youth to meet, get to know each other, collaborate in creative arts or activism. In addition to our grassroots work, our hope is that by expanding the youth horizons outside of box-like ethnically colored narratives in communities and schools, we will contribute in development of inclusive multicultural communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Krnjajic
Job Title
Creative leader
Head of the organisation
Viktor Maros

Udruga UZOR Busovača

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Branitelja domovine b.b.
72260 Busovaca
Bosnia & Herzegovina

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are creating 21st century young leaders. We support young people in development and teach them to take the initiative. UZOR Busovača creates and implements programs aimed at developing the skills of young people and discovering their talents, teaching them how to become active citizens and learn to take responsibility. We want to give young people useful tools that will motivate them to become intellectually and physically more active, thus developing them into 21st century leaders. Our activities are still in the start-up phase, and we are currently implementing several programs and projects, including Podcast UZOR, UZOR School of Foreign Languages, Busovača City Youth Theater, entrepreneurial workshops for primary and secondary school students and others.
The goal of a holistic approach to the development of our programs and organizations is to include children and youth in the community using non-formal education methods. We strive to guide young people in activities that present them with a personal challenge and through which they can gain new experiences. We feel responsible to take a role in the sustainable development of the world around us. We are focused on working with young people who will be strong and competent enough to bring about the desired changes and achieve the set goals for the sustainable development of the world. With each activity we strive to be consistent with our Strategy and values ​​in order to overcome the challenges that await us. Although created spontaneously, in response to the needs of the citizens of the city of Busovača, the association UZOR is a reflection of complex and organized processes that take place within the organization intentionally or as a cause of activities arising from continuous adaptation to the environment. One of them is certainly the Strategy of the UZOR association, which was adopted in 2018 after the successful completion of the phases of strategic planning and strategic thinking.

Currently UZOR consists of 50 young people and several organizational sections. We are successfully conducting and organizing a theater section in partnership with the City Youth Theater Vitez. We have our own School of Foreign Languages. We produce shows through the podcast UZOR and organize and implement various projects in the field of entrepreneurship, culture, sports, education, environment and the like.

We are financed through donations, public tenders of competent state and foreign institutions. Our annual budget of all projects is 40,000 KM.

Mission and Objectives

1. Creating young leaders
2. Education
3. Establishment of the city youth theater
4. Encouraging entrepreneurship
5. Entrepreneurship for young people and for women
6. Environmental protection
7. Sustainable development
8. Digital society
9. Modern democracy
10. Additional training
11. Other

Main Projects / Activities

1. Building modern classrooms for our needs
2. Establishment of the city youth theater
3. Establishment of the School of Foreign Languages UZOR
4. Production of the UZOR podcast
5. Realization of projects of the Summer School of Acting
6. Realization of theater festival projects in Busovača
7. Organization of Christmas and New Year's concerts
8. Organization of round tables on the position of young people
9. Realization of the project for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in primary schools
10. Realization of projects for prevention of addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to become active participants and contribute to the work of your foundation. In addition, we will strive to connect with other civil society organizations and jointly implement projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our friends are members of this foundation and they have very nice words for it. Therefore, we decided to accept the invitation and send an application for participation and membership in the foundation. We sincerely hope you will gladly accept us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dario Plavcic
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dario Plavčić, predsjednik