union national des chantiers et du volontariat

National Network

22 rue ain touba hay inbiat
11080 salé

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

C'est une organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) qui a été créée pour répondre aux besoins de la société qui s'occupe des domaines associatif, culturel et social.. Il n'a aucune affiliation politique ou religieuse et a un caractère national. Il a été créé pour unifier les efforts de plusieurs association et mettre en réseau le travail afin d'ajouter un type unifié de travail déterminé et distingué au service des choses sacrées nationales et de l'image du Maroc à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur.

Mission and Objectives

Travail de réseautage des missions et renforcement des capacités Objectifs Mise en réseau des activités de bénévolat des associations affiliées au sein du syndicat Renforcer les capacités et le soutien des associations affiliées au syndicat Renforcer les capacités des femmes et des jeunes et les motiver à participer à la société civile et à participer à la gouvernance et à la démocratie participative. - Mener des travaux bénévoles tout au long de l'année dans tous les domaines Attention au domaine forestier et environnemental Prêter attention à la préservation des monuments historiques et patrimoniaux Contribuer à l'évaluation du domaine de la diplomatie parallèle au service des enjeux nationaux et des intérêts suprêmes du pays. Promouvoir et activer le principe de la médiation sociale. Contribuer à élever le niveau social en collectant et en coordonnant les efforts volontaires des associations et en les dirigeant collectivement dans divers domaines. • Aider les associations et se prendre la main dans différents domaines autant que possible. • Parvenir à une coopération entre la Fédération et d'autres organismes sociaux gouvernementaux et privés qui s'occupent des questions de développement et de protection sociale. • Travailler pour diffuser l'éducation et améliorer la scolarisation dans le domaine rural de la région. Mener des campagnes médicales et sensibiliser à l'importance de l'hygiène et de la santé. • Organiser des formations et des ateliers au profit des membres des associations locales et les encadrer. Contribuer à l'intégration des détenus dans la société Contribuer à l'intégration des immigrants et des réfugiés dans la société - Etablir des jumeaux avec des institutions, associations et organisations nationales et internationales Publication de documents et de livres, et réalisation d'études et de recherches sur le terrain dans des domaines qui relèvent des objectifs de l'Union

Main Projects / Activities

Rabat est un patrimoine mondial en partenariat avec l'UNESCO Le festival afro-marocain, en partenariat avec le ministère de l'Immigration Festival des bénévoles en partenariat avec GIZ Échange de volontaires en partenariat avec des organisations internationales

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Notre mission et nos activités sont liées aux tendances du réseau ainsi qu'à notre volonté de développer des partenariats et de bénéficier d'expériences

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contribuer aux niveaux local et national en participant et en proposant des idées liées aux objectifs et orientations généraux du réseau, ainsi qu'en montrant une image positive de toutes les actions qui pourraient contribuer au développement des travaux du réseau

Contact (1) Full Name
Achouak chalkha
Job Title
chargée de partenariat
Head of the organisation
Abdelouahad Bensaid
Contact (2) Full Name
Diaa Habraoui
Job Title (2)
chargée de communication

Makad Social Cultural Association

National Network

Makad District / Oued Lau
Oued Lau

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Cultural, socio-environmental association

Mission and Objectives

Cultural, artistic, social and environmental development

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing an annual cultural and artistic festival.
Organizing campaigns to protect the urban and environmental environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abd Essalam Hayoun
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abd Essalam Hayoun

Makad District / Oued Lau

National Network

Makad District / Oued Lau
Oued Lau

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Cultural, socio-environmental association

Mission and Objectives

Cultural, artistic, social and environmental development

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing an annual cultural and artistic festival.
Organizing campaigns to protect the urban and environmental environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abd Essalam Hayoun
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abd Essalam Hayoun

Islamic Charitable Association / Ouedlau

National Network

The social complex Oued Lau / Children's House
Oued Lau

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Islamic Charitable Association is a social charitable association and it provides many charitable services as well as housing children, as it has a space dedicated to housing for males and females trained in rural areas

Mission and Objectives

Providing social services, and assistance to children of poor families, and school children from remote areas

Main Projects / Activities

Providing shelter, providing support lessons, organizing cultural, artistic and creative activities for the benefit of children, and providing assistance to children of needy families

Contact (1) Full Name
Abd Essalam Hayoun
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abd Essalam Hayoun

(. Fondation Maroc Start Up volontareat( F.M.S.UP V.(

National Network

G.85 bloc 7 N 3
CYM. Rabat
10000 Rabat

Mobile Phone
+212 668-592222
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

It is multi

Mission and Objectives

volantareat and sustainabale Dev. And networking in sMediterranean part with all cultures and nation

Main Projects / Activities

Volontareat and sustainable dev. Cultures and heritage + education

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In first our presence participation effective of votes conference and involving young oblitérés in al process of education and sustainabale deV.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Is famous very and we want with our members of association to be part of the fondation ,To participat positively in all activities of ALM

Contact (1) Full Name
Son El Abidine Barkllil
Job Title
Vice President
Head of the organisation
El Assali Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
El Assali Ahmed
Job Title (2)

Observatoire Marocain pour l Afrique et l Prient

National Network

G 85 bloc 7 n 3 c.y.m.
10000 Rabat

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
General Information

Observatoire Marocain pour l Afrique et l Orient
A former 113 jeunes
Organize 64 tables rondes et séminaire et journées de travail.
Participe à des congrès dans plusieurs villes au maroc et à participe aux plusieurs conférences parties.

Mission and Objectives

Dev.durables formation et ateliers pour gestion et gouvernance territoriale

Main Projects / Activities

Sustainability dev.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In all possibilités formation et ateliers de formation et activités des dev durables

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour networking and to present in all activités ok sustainabale Dev . In méditer Anne and third world

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
El Assali Ahmed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
El Assali Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
Belaaliya Mohamed
Job Title (2)

Inter Futura s.r.l. a socio unico

National Network

Viale della Liberazione 16/18
20124 Milano MI

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Inter Futura s.r.l. - Inter Campus - was founded in 1997 with the aim to express the FC Internazionale Milano’s ethical spirit, and today it has become an effective Programme of Corporate Social Responsibility. Inter Campus staff has 12 employees and 8 collaborators. Inter Campus is committed and funded by the controlling company FC Internazionale Milano S.p.A.
Inter Campus project is also funded by private companies and foundations.
Inter Campus formalizes long term cooperation agreements with carefully selected reliable partners in 30 Countries in world supporting their educational programs, sanitary protection initiatives and social inclusion aims in favor of children by adding the sport activity as an educational tool. Through its activity, Inter Campus provides adults technical formation, devolves children their Right to Play and fosters the development of communities.

Mission and Objectives

Since 1997, Inter Campus has been realizing flexible and long-term social and cooperation projects in 30 Countries around the World. Owing to the support of local operators, it uses the game of football as an educational tool in order to restore the right to play to needy children aged 6 to 13.
The main objective of Inter Campus is devolving the Right to Play to thousands of needy children, boys and girls, aged from 6 to 13. Using the values of sport and the game of football as an educational instrument, it also contributes to the development of the local communities, promoting social integration, respect and gender equality. Acting as a catalyst, Inter Campus aims to create a network of local partners and institutions, able to improve and to empower the overall conditions of the local communities, to promote peace and intercultural dialogue and to reduce inequalities.

Main Projects / Activities

Starting from the game of soccer as an educational tool, Inter Campus developed a methodology by phases defined as follow:
- Warm up game (educational target will be collaboration)
- Analytical phase (educational target will be problem solving and team building)
- Situational phase (educational target will be empathy and build relationships)
- Final match (educational target will be playing together to overcome differences)
Each training session phase always involves the 4 areas of the children's personality which are the real pillars of the structure and has the objective to develop child’s personality:
- Motor area (basic motor schemes and coordination capability)
- Cognitive area (problem solving, creativity, critical thinking)
- Social area (solution conflicts, play together, communication, build positive relationships
- Emotional/affective area (self-esteem, empathy, self-awareness, positive thinking, frustration tolerance)
The activities are built on 5 fundamental pillars:
1) training on the pitch (and also out of the pitch) where children with different vulnerabilities will play together.
2) the training of local educators from different backgrounds toward a common educational path according with the children's needs
3) meetings with children’s families built on a focus group strategy with the aim to support and empower children's education
4) in each Country Inter Campus organizes two annual field visits (1 project manager and 2 coaches) in which local educators are trained according to a theoretical and practical path of acquisition of values, through focus groups and peer education strategies.
5) evaluation of acquisitions through questionnaires and personal experience diaries, aims to achieve the basic issues managed and developed during the project and activities (Inter Campus Official Social Targets Survey Evaluation, 2020).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Inter Campus will bring its experience and knowledge built during the last 24 years of activity around the World working with different societies, cultures and religions.
Inter Campus is pursuing different social and cultural targets managing prejudices, cultural conflicts and polarizations leading to a common point of view using football.
Sharing these experiences with ALF Network Inter Campus can contribute to give new strategies and educational paths.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Inter Campus would be interested to join ALF Network to take advantage from the experience and competences of all the Organizations involved, specially to improve our knowledge in intercultural trends and to share practical experiences with our local partners, our educators and finally to empower young local leaders from the communities in which Inter Campus implements its projects.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Omar El Sayed
Job Title
Project Manager Inter Campus
Head of the organisation
Carlotta Moratti
Contact (2) Full Name
Silvio Guareschi
Job Title (2)
Transcultural Psychologist - Inter Campus

Passerelles Info

National Network

Passerelles Info
3, rue Jean Varenne
75018 Paris

00 33 1 42 58 01 58
00 33 1 42 58 01 97
Mobile Phone
+33 (0)6 03 06 6000
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Passerelles Info develops environmental, health and citizenship education programs in France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Canada. It is managed by a board of directors of 10 members from the world of education and a 4 members team. Its annual resources are around 200 to 400 k€ per year, 3 to 4 equivalent FTJ...

We mobilize tens of thousands of teachers and their pupils around three programs: “Living with the Sun” (prevention of risks related to sun exposure), “Eating Well for My Health” (nutrition education) and “Reducing My Waste, Feeding the Earth” (promotion of waste sorting, biowaste composting). On a voluntary basis, teachers and trainers benefit from free and turnkey educational resources and training.

Our methodology places the student at the heart of the learning process. Several scientific studies demonstrated the development of the beneficiaries' knowledge and skills and even behavioral improvements.

Our partners are institutional (Ministries of Education, regional directorates, regional health agencies, public institutes...) or from civil society (professional associations, WHO collaborating centers…).

Mission and Objectives

- Educating for sustainable development :

Passerelles.info contributes to ESD in the field of environmental, health and citizenship education.

- Linking knowledge and skills :
Passerelles's programs are transdisciplinary. They reinforce the acquisition and combination of knowledge and skills. This contribute to the emergence of an alternative model of education, where the student builds his/her knowledge with the teacher, is involved in an active role, and is made aware of the scientific approach from an early age.

- Fostering Intersectorality :
Our programs promote intersectoral cooperation between experts, actors from institutions, local authorities and associations, the world of education, etc.

- Strengthening social ties :
The Bridges program approach helps reduce educational inequalities, strengthen the links between generations, populations, etc. In order to reach as many children as possible, we favor projects with state schools in the countries where we are present.

Main Projects / Activities

To date, 75,000 teachers around the world, mainly in France and in the Euro-Mediterranean countries, are enrolled in one or more of our three programs:
- "Reduce my waste, feed the Earth", which focuses on sorting and reduction and composting at source of biowaste, allowing students to study soils and some of their inhabitants such as earthworms.
- "Living with the sun": this program is devoted to solar prevention, which is crucial during childhood. By explaining the effects of the sun on health and the environment, its benefits and harms, it shows how to prevent diseases related to sun exposure (cancers, cataracts) and how to protect oneself in daily life and in risk situations.
- "Eating and moving for my health": this program aims to strengthen children's nutritional education. They discover, session after session, how to prevent obesity and overweight through physical activity, and how to maintain good body and oral hygiene.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a member of the Clubs for UNESCO, we will contribute to promoting the humanistic values of the Anna Lindh Foundation in our field of intervention, school education, where we occupy a prominent place forged by our experience and the excellent feedback from teachers and educational authorities on our programs. Since 2007, we have forged strong links with the different actors in health education in France, particularly with the Ministry of Education, but also with regional health agencies, local authorities... In this way, Passerelles Info will strengthen the national network in the educational and health field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through its name and activities, Passerelles ("Gateway" in French) fully embodies the idea of building bridges between cultures and countries. We do this in our field, the educational sector, through the projects we develop with French public schools (metropolitan France and overseas departments), but also those in many countries where we have teachers enrolled. We also do it through the values that we help to transmit to thousands of pupils: health education, sustainable development and citizenship, which are issues that transcend borders and are capable of fostering solidarity and unity. By joining the Network, we will be able to multiply the impact of our action in favor of these ideals.
Indeed, Passerelles Info is currently studying the possibility of transferring its programs to countries in the southern Mediterranean, North Africa and Egypt. Health education is more than necessary, and it is even more effective if it is done early; but we cannot forget that health concerns all countries of the world, as the coronavirus pandemic has shown us. We believe that, due to the historical, cultural and human ties that bind us to these countries, North Africa and Egypt are the most appropriate countries to add our stone to the edifice. And as a member of the Clubs for UNESCO, joining the Anna Lindh Foundation Networks allows us an additional opening, while strengthening the national and global networks, especially in the educational sector.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marc Douay
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marc Douay
Contact (2) Full Name
Pierre Cesarini
Job Title (2)
Managing director

Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity (CROSOL)

National Network

Selska cesta 112a
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 91 529 1375
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+385 1 91 529 1375
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 98 765 667
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

CROSOL is a platform of Croatian NGOs active in the field of international development cooperation with over 30 member organizations. Our operative staff consists of 2 full time employees, but a lot of our capacity and activities comes from our member's participation and cooperation. Official governing bodies of CROSOL are the Assembly and the Steering Board. The Assembly consists of all member organizations of the Platform. The Steering Board consists of 3 individuals (from member organizations) who are elected at the Assembly for 2-year terms. Platform Coordinator reports to the Board and Assembly, and is also a legal representative of CROSOL. The President of the Board is a legal representative, as well. Day-to-day work is handled by the operational team managed by the Platform Co-ordinator. The majority of our funding comes from EU sources (EACEA, Europe for Citizens, DG DEVCO etc.). During the past 2 years our budget was as follows: 2019: ~214.167 EUR 2020: ~216.000 EUR We are members of CONCORD Europe and we also cooperate with other EU NGO networks such as European Civic Forum, Civil Society Europe, EURODAD etc. Our main partners are NGOs active in area of development cooperation from other EU member states (Slovenia, Latvia, Hungary, Portugal, Germany, Romania, Finland...), as well as Croatian NGOs in this area and areas such as human rights, rule of law, democratic transition, women's rights and sustainable development.

Mission and Objectives

Objectives of the Platform are: – building and strenghtening the capacities of civil society organizations (hereinafter: OCD) for providing international development cooperation and humanitarian aid; – if necessary, to be the link between the ministry that is responsible for international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and the projects of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid of the OCD; – to participate and influence on the improvement, shaping, implementation and evaluation policies of the Republic of Croatia, the European Union and other international bodies like the United Nations and others, from the area of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid; – to deliberate and improve international development cooperation of the OCD inside and outside of Croatia about values, principles, methods, and standards of actions; – to articulate and affirm activist initiatives and organizations of civil society from southeast Europe toward the EU in the area of development cooperation and humanitarian aid; – to promote education for development and international solidarity; – to promote international development cooperation and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our main activities are monitoring the official development assistance (ODA) implementation in Croatia, advocating for policies in area of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, as well as advocating for the fundamental values of the EU. In the past 2 years we have been working on several projects, of which the most important is ‘Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the world – EU Presidency Project 2019-2021’, implemented by the Finnish NGO platform for development Fingo, the Romanian platform FOND, the Croatian Platform CROSOL and CONCORD, the European NGO Confederation for relief and development. The goal of the project was to increase public support for a European Union which puts the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, development cooperation, human rights, and civil society space at the centre of its work. During this project, we also implemented a subgranting programme in Croatia for 1) NGOs and 2) youth organizations and schools. During the project we also founded an informal platform of NGOs called "Forum 2020" During the past few years we implemented several other projects such as "More Democracy for More Europe (MoDeM)", and "Snapshots from the Borders" (both funded by EU). MoDeM project was focused on combatting the trend of illiberal democracies in EU, by promoting common values such as freedom of speech, tolerance, rule of law and citizen participation. We are currently cooperating with EURODAD on the project of strengthening networks of development NGOs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CROSOL as a platform of over 30 members, and also as a coordinator of an informal NGO network called Forum 2020, is very well connected with other civil society organizations in Croatia. We have a strong cooperation and partnership with many NGOs in the country which will allow for dissemination of ALF activities and inclusion of a large number of new organizations/partners. Our existing partnerships could help ALF to expand its scope of work in Croatia by tapping into the potential of organizations who previously weren't familiar with its work. Furthermore, both CROSOL and many of our partner and member organizations are active in fields relevant for ALF values and objectives, such as human rights, democratization, civic space, rule of law, peacebuilding and non-violence, and equality. CROSOL also has a strong relationship with many artists and artistic groups in Croatia with whom we cooperate in advocating for topics such as human rights, opennes, dialogue and civic participation. Finally, CROSOL has a wide array of media contacts and partners who are able to promote our work towards the public, thus promoting the common values and objectives of the Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF network to further strengthen our capacities and to attain new allies and partners both nationally and internationally. ALF network gathers a large number of organizations who share the same values as CROSOL and many of them work on similar topics such as ourselves. For a relatively young organization such as ours, it is always important to broaden your scope of knowledge, capacities and activities, and being pooled with like-minded organizations within the framework of an international network will help us in this. From our previous experience of joining international networks (CONCORD Europe, EURODAD, European Civic Forum...), this process is likely to strengthen our position as an organization by finding allies, but will also allow ALF to strengthen its activities in Croatia due to our contacts and partnerships. We have learned that civil society is only strong when it is united and numerous, so it is always in our interest to support initiatives which share our values and to have their support in turn.

Contact (1) Full Name
Branka Juran
Job Title
Platform Co-ordinator
Head of the organisation
Branka Juran, Platform Co-ordinator
Contact (2) Full Name
Kristijan Kovačić
Job Title (2)
Advocacy Officer

Mashallah News

National Network

99 clos des airelles
74930 Reignier

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Mashallah News is a collaborative online platform with a cross-cultural outlook on the Middle East and beyond. Since our foundation in 2010, we have featured over 600 original stories from more than 200 contributors about daily life, urban issues, culture and society in the region. Our platform has been awarded several times, including with a 2012 Anna Lindh Mediterranean Journalism Award given to our former editor Sophie Chamas. During the past two years we have received funding through a joint project in Lebanon run by the Lebanese NGO Jibal. One of the people behind it is Jenny Gustafsson, one of Mashallah News’ co-founders and editors. This funding comes from the Lebanese office of GIZ, the German development agency. Within the scope of that project, Mashallah News has produced and published one journalistic series on migration in Lebanon (and will produce another one this fall) with contributions from former participants to our trainings on journalism and migration. In the past years, we have received funding through the workshop project organised with bapob and Tabadol. These were funded by the Erasmus+ program and the French-German youth program OFAJ. We also received funding for our editorial collaboration with Orient XXI, which comes mostly from the French development agency AFD.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that our region is dynamic and diverse, and rich with stories that rarely make it into conventional media. Our aim is to showcase such stories and, thereby, diversify the media image of the region and imagine alternative futures and realities.

Main Projects / Activities

During our ten years of existence, besides publishing stories on our platform, we have organised conferences and workshops on journalism, storytelling and culture, and authored a book about Beirut. We are also in our third year of hosting week-long trainings for young journalists about migration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute in many different ways, our expertise in the media sector for example and our experience with intercultural projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In fact we are already part of the ALF network in Lebanon, but since our administrative registration is under French law, we want to be part of the French network in order to be able to apply to upcoming calls.

Contact (1) Full Name
Clément Girardot
Job Title
Editor and co-founder
Head of the organisation
Clément Girardot
Contact (2) Full Name
Ismaël Abdallah
Job Title (2)
Co-founder and president