Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

National Network

28, route de Diekirch
Bâtiment 1 (3e étage)
7220 Walferdange

(+352) 24 77 52 15
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent foundation consisting of 10 full-time staff members and 5 associated project managers. The Foundation's revenues consist of financial contributions from the State, subsidies, as well as income arising from the management of the Foundation's assets and activities. The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics.
The ZpB also supports formal, non-formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent foundation promoting active citizenship of all members of the society by offering them opportunities to engage in democratic processes and enhance their understanding of these processes. The participation of young people is a priority for the foundation which cooperates with educational institutions, political bodies such as the National Parliament, political parties, NGOs and CSOs. As a centre of reference on the national level for active citizenship, the foundation supports initiatives in both the formal and informal educational sectors, developing a variety of platforms and participatory concepts while offering training to relevant stakeholders. Finally, the centre also develops national information campaigns on important social issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics. The ZpB also supports formal, non- formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- active participation in the events organised by the regional network;
- promoting the topic of citizenship education within the network and assisting other members in related events;
- examining the topic of citizenship education from an intercultural perspective;
- helping to raise awareness on topics related to intercultural communication;
- suggesting trans-national activities involving all networks of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The 'Zentrum fir politesch Bilding' (Centre for Citizenship Education) would like to become a member of the ALF; in order to:
- exchange best practice and experiences with people from all regions of the Mediterranean;
- initiate joint actions and trainings on citizenship and intercultural education with partners from around the Mediterranean;
- leverage the potential of local projects by teaming up with cities transnationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michèle Schilt
Job Title
Deputy Director
Head of the organisation
Nico Meisch, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Marc Schoentgen
Job Title (2)

Réseau national pour le développement culturel et social

National Network

17 El Nasr cité- Nouakchott, Mauritanie

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Organisation non gouvernementale de 90 membres, elle est gérée par un bureau exécutif élu composé de dix membres et compte 12
employés. .
Son budget en 2020 a atteint 900.000 euros, ses partenaires les plus importants sont le Fonds africain pour la culture, le Fonds arabe pour la culture et les arts / le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement, l'Organisation arabe pour le développement social.
L'organisation travaille sur des projets visant à renforcer la responsabilité et la participation communautaires, en soulignant le rôle que la culture et les arts peuvent jouer en tant qu'outil efficace pour encourager la participation communautaire, renforcer la cohésion sociale et l'identité culturelle, et ainsi approfondir la liberté d'expression et la responsabilité communautaire.


Mission and Objectives

renforcer la responsabilité et la participation communautaires
promovaire le rôle que la culture et les arts en tant qu'outil efficace pour encourager la participation communautaire, renforcer la cohésion sociale et l'identité culturelle, et ainsi approfondir la liberté d'expression et la responsabilité sociétale.

Main Projects / Activities

Le projet «Culture, arts et participation communautaire», lancé par l'ONG en 2019 avec cofinancement de la Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En rejoignant le réseau, nous travaillerons à renforcer la responsabilité et la participation communautaire, en soulignant le rôle que la culture et les arts peuvent jouer en tant qu'outil efficace pour encourager la participation communautaire, renforcer la cohésion sociale et l'identité culturelle, approfondissant ainsi la liberté d'expression et encourageant le dialogue interculturel et les valeurs de la diversité culturelle.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En rejoignant le réseau, nous travaillerons à renforcer la responsabilité et la participation communautaire, en soulignant le rôle que la culture et les arts peuvent jouer en tant qu'outil efficace pour encourager la participation communautaire, renforcer la cohésion sociale et l'identité culturelle, approfondissant ainsi la liberté d'expression et encourageant le dialogue interculturel et les valeurs de la diversité culturelle.

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmedou habiby
Job Title
Expert en développement culturel
Head of the organisation
Dr . Ahmed Habiby
Contact (2) Full Name
Brahim aicha
Job Title (2)
Responsable de l'organisation

mine action

National Network

شارع محطة الزلازل
حي العجارمة
مرسي مطروح

Telephone (other)
لا يوجد
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Protection of the environment and vulnerable populations of children, women, the handicapped, isolation and the elderly from the effects of wars and armed conflicts regardless of religion, language, gender or gender

Mission and Objectives

- The Objective
- Providing health, psychological and social care for mine survivors and their families, including the provision of compensatory devices, their follow-up and maintenance for survivors free of charge.
- Providing and supporting mine risk awareness programs and conducting activities to draw the attention of the world, locally and internationally, to the extent of the damage caused by the presence of mines in Egypt.
- Providing all services, technical assistance and financing necessary to cultivate lands owned by mine survivors.
- Helping mine survivors to obtain the necessary funding, technical advice and technological support to implement small and medium productive and development projects.
- Provide adequate job opportunities in the public and private sectors and investment companies for mine survivors and their families.
- Participating in the development work and activities in Matrouh with all parties for the benefit of mine survivors and their families.
- Participating with all concerned authorities in preparing studies related to the effects resulting from the presence of explosive waste
- Cooperating with all civil society organizations and concerned authorities and ministries for the benefit, service and assistance of mine survivors and their families
- Claiming the rights of victims and injured persons from local and international bodies

Main Projects / Activities

Projects sustainable development in areas of conflict and armed conflict
Mine risk education programs
Mine survivor assistance programs
Helping the families of mine victims
Identifying areas contaminated with mines and war remnants
Technical and non-technical survey in conflict areas
Master's degree in mine action management
PhD in international standards quality management in mine action for humanity
Environmental management activities to protect and preserve it
Modify the behavior of individuals and groups in line with environmental standards

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Human development consultant
Head of the organisation
ahmed amer

Suomi-Israel Yhdistysten Liitto ry (The Federation of Finland-Israel Associations)

National Network

co/ Polttolinja 17 B 10
40520 Jyväskylä

+358 400 755 661
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+358 400 755 661
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Federation of Finland-Israel Associations with its 12 chapters around Finland is the largest traditional Israel-friendship association in Finland.

The Federation is politically non-partisan and non-religious.

Sources of funding: membership fees, in addition occasionally donations for projects

Mission and Objectives

Since its inception in 1954, the Federation has dedicated to promoting Israel and her society including culture, education, tourism, science & technology, business, religion etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The federation publishes a quarterly magazine ”Jedidut” (friendship). Ex: https://suomi-israel.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/jedidut-2020-03.pdf

K.-A. Fagerholm Award: In 2018 the Federation founded the K.-A. Fagerholm Award, according to the founder and first chairman (1954-1976) of the Finland-Israel Association, Karl-August Fagerholm. Mr. Fagerholm was one of the leading social-democratic politicians in 1930-1966, and served three times as Finland’s prime minister and as the Speaker of the Parliament for 16 years.

Our 12 chapters are organizing local events, lectures etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have regular contacts to organisations and individuals in Israel so our network can be useful also for ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested about support for our own projects and events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Risto Huvila
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Risto Huvila, Chairman of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Ariel Rusila
Job Title (2)
Member of board

Finnish Multicultural Sport Federation - Suomen Monikulttuurinen Liikuntaliitto ry (FIMU)

National Network

Valimotie 10
00380 Helsinki

+358 50 5511197
Telephone (other)
+358 45 1111 970
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+358 50 5511197
Mobile Phone (other)
+358 45 1111 970
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Finnish Multicultural Sports Federation FIMU was founded by immigrants and Finns in 1999. The aim of the organization is to promote sports opportunities for immigrants and people of an immigrant background, and to safeguard the interests of all immigrant associations. Fimu comprises 64 sports clubs and multicultural associations throughout Finland, many of these realizing local projects for promoting equality, solidarity and anti-racism.
Sources of funding: Ministry of Education, EU, Foundations
Modalities of action: anti-racism media campaigns, sports events, seminars and projects promoting inclusion in sports
Main partners: Suomen Olympiakomitea, Boards of Sports of the metropolitan cities, Oikeusministeriö (ETNO), SETA, Allianssi, Ihmisoikeusliitto, Vammaisfoorumi, Jalkapallon pelaajayhdistys, PLAN Suomi, Monaliiku ry, Jyväskylän Yliopisto, TUL ry, Opetushallitus

Mission and Objectives

The Finnish Multicultural Sports Federation's aims are:
- To increase general awareness of multicultural sports and exercise in Finland.
- To ensure equal opportunities for sports and exercise for all immigrant people.
- To provide immigrant people with information and with the opportunity to learn from
one another.
- To support the FIMU´s multicultural member associations.
- To use sports as a tool to promote immigrants' integration and inclusion into the
Finnish society

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: Red Card for Racism, Discrimination Free Zone, Mamanet Sports for Immigrant women, Sports for Sustainability, P.L.A.Y! Peer Education, Leadership, Action, Youth - Promoting grassroots sport for educational success and social inclusion

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

FIMU has 64 associations - either founded by immigrants or multicultural associations as members. One of the main goals of the federation is to promote integration and good ethnic relations in the Finnish society through sports. FIMU has long-standing projects, such as Red Card for Racism and Discrimination Free Zone, with which to work towards those goals. With its member assocations, FIMU will be able to contribute to dialogue between cultures and other activities of the Anna Lindh Foundation and bring its experience and knowledge of being a civil society actor in the sports field to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

FIMU wants to strengthen its networks and its co-operation channels for working on democratic, pluralistic, and multilateral values. FIMU is also interested in Euro-Mediterranean exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Riitta Latvio
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Daud Mohamed, chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanna Sarkeala
Job Title (2)
Liason Manager

Intangible World Heritage Organization

National Network

6A Avenue des hauts-fourneaux
4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information

There is no doubt that industrialization, alongside globalization and standardization have enhanced our quality of life, eased communication, and facilitated exchange. However, there is always two sides of a coin. The industrial revolution kick-started global warming, and globalization, together with colonialism and cultural imperialism, depleted our global cultural diversity and indigenous knowledge of sustainable practices.

At Intangible World Heritage Organization ASBL, we work on balancing this coin. We preserve the diversity of our global cultural legacy and technological heritage of sustainable practices, adapt them to bridge with modernity demands, promote cross-cultural communication, and remove barriers of exchange.

- Structure of the organization
3 board members (president, secretary, & treasurer)

- Budgetary resources available in a year
Project based (variable)

- Sources of funding:
Project based: University of Luxembourg, ESCH22

- Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
We work on two main pillars, those are arts and culture, as well as science and technology. We are currently involved in three main projects, those are ANASEA, BELONG, and MusAIc. Please see below for details.

- Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
National partners: University of Luxembourg, Esch22, CCSA ASBL, AACE ASBL, AEL ASBL
International partners: Egyptian Center for Culture and Arts, Egycom, Stockholm Sangeet, Sharda music Sweden

Mission and Objectives

We preserve the diversity of our global cultural legacy and technological heritage of sustainable practices, adapt them to bridge with modernity demands, promote cross-cultural communication, and remove barriers of exchange.

We aim to enrich accumulative knowledge by:
- Preserving and promoting the endangered intangible heritage
- Strengthening the development of marginalized communities and removing barriers of exchange
- Promoting cultural diversity and environmental protection

Main Projects / Activities

ANASEA: Launched in 2017 in collaboration with espace cultures of the University of Luxembourg, ANASEA project aims at preserving global cultural heritage, while promoting cross-cultural understanding and exchange, by utilizing folkloric arts and creating synergies between multicultural artistic forms. ANASEA engages musicians and artists in a series of masterclasses, bootcamps, and workshops, whereby artists teach one another arts and music from their countries and cultures and work on mixing their styles in a unique artistic creation. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/Anasea.uni.lu

BELONG: Hosted by ANASEA in the framework of ESCH22, BELONG utilizes worldwide traditional music & folkloric arts to create synergies between multinational and multidisciplinary artists towards a unique artistic product.

MusAIc: In collaboration with AI & Art pavilion of the University of Luxembourg, Project MusAIc aims to utilize AI to generate folkloric themed music based on the input of traditional tunes from all around the world. In addition to AI generating folk compositions native to a certain culture, MusAIc aims at generating a fusion style of traditional tunes from all around the globe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are interested in establishing partnerships and collaborations with a broad sector of industries. Being a member of Anna Lindh Foundation in Luxembourg will expand our network, facilitate communication and exchange. We are eager to provide all the support we can to members of the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expand our network for partnerships and collaborations

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Adham Al-Sayyad
Job Title
Board chair | PhD candidate
Head of the organisation
Adham Al-Sayyad

Border Crossings

National Network

The Factory Performance Space
Lower Quay Street
Co. Sligo
F91 FX45

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Border Crossings creates new intercultural, multi-media theatre in response to the contemporary globalised world. The company works across the borders between cultures and art forms, and between nations and peoples. It is led by two staff. Established in 2019, Border Crossings is a new organisation in the Republic of Ireland. It is a Company Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status. Its early projects are funded by the EU's Erasmus + schemes, partnering with theatre and education organisations across Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Vision Border Crossings will be a leader in intercultural dialogue between artists, audiences and communities, working through theatre and the arts to facilitate mutual understanding, creative collaboration and positive development. Mission In response to the contemporary globalised world, Border Crossings creates a theatrical and cultural space in which peoples come together as equals for creativity and dialogue. In order to do this we: • Create high-quality international performances • Curate festivals of Indigenous arts and culture • Collaborate with leading artists from a range of different countries and backgrounds and with the diverse communities that make up contemporary Irish society • Communicate artistic work and cultural debates through educational and media channels

Main Projects / Activities

In line with the Irish Government’s Policy Framework Document “Culture 2025 - Éire Ildánach”, Border Crossings advocates for a universally accessible approach to cultural work, with particular stress on: • Social Integration. Border Crossings will work with artists and international cultural partners to make theatre and other cultural outputs that reflect the increasingly multicultural and international nature of Irish society. The company’s approach will embrace the international dimension of Irish life occasioned by the arrival of new citizens, and will offer a space where people of different backgrounds can encounter one another’s cultures on an equal footing. • International Collaboration. Border Crossings will work with partners across the European Union and beyond to develop innovative new approaches to theatrical and cultural creation, participation and learning. By collaborating with international artists and cultural operators of high professional standing, Border Crossings will enhance the cultural offer in the Irish Republic, and generate international opportunities for Irish artists. • Participation and Education. Border Crossings will work closely with the diverse communities of contemporary Ireland, both within the education system and at a grassroots community level, to enable wide and varied participation in cultural activities, regardless of ethnic and cultural identity, religious beliefs, and socio-economic background. Border Crossings’ education and community work will relate directly to the company’s professional projects, ensuring an ongoing dialogue between artistic production and the development of community participation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our staff have extensive experience of collaboration with the MENA region through our sister company in the UK, including an ALF-funded project in 2014. We have contributed to European discussions on the role of arts and culture in relation to migration and refugees, and to interculturalism in Europe.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our UK-based sister company has had positive experiences with the ALF Network there, and we are anxious to establish similar connections in Ireland.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Walling
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Michael Walling
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucy Dunkerley
Job Title (2)
Associate Director

Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

National Network

28, route de Diekirch
Bâtiment 1 (3e étage)
7220 Walferdange

(+352) 24 77 52 15
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent foundation consisting of 10 full-time staff members and 5 associated project managers. The Foundation's revenues consist of financial contributions from the State, subsidies, as well as income arising from the management of the Foundation's assets and activities. The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics. The ZpB also supports formal, non-formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent and neutral foundation promoting active citizenship of all members of the society by offering them opportunities to engage in democratic processes and enhance their understanding of these processes. The participation of young people is a priority for the foundation which cooperates with educational institutions, political bodies such as the National Parliament, political parties, NGOs and CSOs. As a centre of reference on the national level for active citizenship, the foundation supports initiatives in both the formal and informal educational sectors, developing a variety of platforms and participatory concepts while offering training to relevant stakeholders. Finally, the centre also develops national information campaigns on important social issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics. The ZpB also supports formal, non-formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- active participation in the events organised by the regional network; - promoting the topic of citizenship education within the network and assisting other members in related events; - examining the topic of citizenship education from an intercultural perspective; - helping to raise awareness on topics related to intercultural communication; - suggesting trans-national activities involving all networks of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The 'Zentrum fir politesch Bilding' (Centre for Citizenship Education) would like to become a member of the ALF; in order to: - exchange best practice and experiences with people from all regions of the Mediterranean; - initiate joint actions and trainings on citizenship and intercultural education with partners from around the Mediterranean; - leverage the potential of local projects by teaming up with cities transnationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marc Schoentgen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nico Meisch, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Michèle Schilt
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director

Director of security and Sustainability

National Network

KM 17, Taghazout, Agadir
142, Assais, bloc 8 , Ait melloul , Agadir
80000 Agadir

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Hotels and Resorts services

Mission and Objectives

Mainly assist in the environment

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking and share experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelaziz Lbouir (AJM)
Job Title
Director - Security and Sustainability
Head of the organisation
Accor Hotels and Resorts

Al-Balqa Applied University

National Network

Salt 19117

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) is a public Jordanian technical university ranked number two in Jordan and the times ranked 601-800. It has the largest in campus size and student numbers, established in 1997, and it is the most widely spread university in Jordan. It has colleges and branches distributed almost in every city in the country. BAU has 22 colleges distributed on 13 campus sites, with 26 postgraduate programs, 124 bachelor programs, and 78 diploma programs. The number of enrolled students is around 40,000, with about 1449 staff members. Moreover, BAU the only university that awards the diploma degree in Jordan, since it fosters and quality controls all the community colleges in Jordan. BAU aims to establish an innovative university which can convey knowledge, values, and traditions, making a progress toward building the knowledge-based economy through investing in the innovation and creativity of our staff and students.

Mission and Objectives

BAU provides the Jordan Market with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with experts and professional employment accordingly of high standards responds to the exchangeable market’s needs technically and systematically. BAU emphasizes excel value in education through conforming to keep on the process of upgrading the type of management and teaching, providing new equipment facilities, services, academic standards, and proceeding in upgrading the quality of graduates and trainees. BAU is heading towards the applied education strongly, sustain its attitudes towards application heading the advancement and modern changes and coping with era and technology prerequisites, the economic and social life fields relevant to constant implementation in Education, Vocational and Technical Training process in a wide-scale guaranteeing effective participation of the stakeholders and the Industrials in developing management, programs, and the educational progress. BAU’s academic programs are flexible enough to permit pioneer students to admit for Bridging Process from Associate level to Bachelor level.

Main Projects / Activities

Upgrading the level of graduates academically, professionally, and practically and linking the educational outcomes and the various university programs with the requirements of the labor market in a harmonious manner. Spreading and consolidating the institutional culture among workers and consolidating the concepts of development and modernization Assisting the university in developing appropriate work mechanisms and systems by adopting planning, development, and quality procedures and policies Exposing obstacles to the educational-learning process and trying to solve them and addressing the obstacles facing change, development, and modernization, with the aim of improving the university and its services Building and rehabilitating human capabilities in line with different business needs Disseminating good applications that are applied internally and internationally and applying them to different academic management levels Preparing the university and its colleges to meet the requirements of public and private accreditation

Contact (1) Full Name
omar arabeyyat
Head of the organisation
Porf. Abdallah Al-Zoubi