Katarina Balunova

National Network
Slovak Republic

Hroncova 1
04001 Kosice

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

I am Slovak contemporary artist, curator, researcher and cultural activist. The main themes in my work are city, utopia, oscillation between past and future, posthumanism. In my artistic practice I work in the field of painting, installation, photography and video.

Mission and Objectives

I feel I want to know Arab culture and art more deeply as I believe that the diversity of cultures is always the enrichment for both sides.

Main Projects / Activities

During my career I had had the opportunity to visit Middle East several times: Rational vs Intuitive group exhibition at Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Abu Dhabi in 2018, Slovakian Art Month Residency at Art Hub Abu Dhabi in 2017, 1st UAE Art Biennale under the Ministry of Culture, Al Ain in 2016, Creativity Between Compulsion And Mutiny symposium at Museum Of Modern Art Al Minya or Alexandria Symposium For Mediterranean Arts under the Alexandria Film Festival in Egypt in 2014.
The re-visits of the Middle East countries have been extremely enriching for me, giving me an insight into a very interesting culture and art.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I the past I organised some international curatorial projects involving Arab artists and presented them to a European audience. I would like to continue with that activity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I think ALF Network could provide me contacts of the international organizations for possible future cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarina Balunova
Head of the organisation
Katarina Balunova

CPIE du Cotentin-Vivre en Cotentin

National Network

30 rue de l'hippodrome BP42
50430 LESSAY

06 61 72 70 35
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Association d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement nommée Centre Permanent d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement du Cotentin. 14 salariés. Budget annuel: 700 000€/an apportées par nos prestations, collectivités territoriales, services de l'Etat français. Sensibilisation des jeunes et adultes à la préservation de l'environnement, valorisation du patrimoine, expertises naturalistes.

Mission and Objectives

Éduquer jeunes et adultes à la nécessaire préservation de l'environnement Etudier la faune et la flore pour une meilleure protection de l'environnement Accompagner les acteurs territoriaux dans leurs décisions par l'apport de nos connaissances

Main Projects / Activities

Animations pour le jeune public (écoles, centres de loisirs ...) et pour les adultes. Conception d'outils d'information relatifs à l'environnement (posters, panneaux de site...) Expertises écologiques, études environnementales, gestion d'espaces naturels

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous sommes membres de l'ONG "Planèt'ERE", communauté d'acteurs de l'Education relative à l'environnement de la francophonie dont la présidence est actuellement marocaine. Entre autres, nous avons déjà organisé des challenges ayant débouché sur des rencontres de jeunes adultes français avec des jeunes marocains dans un but d'échanges interculturels vers l'idée de "citoyen du monde".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour faire partir d'un Network plus vaste que notre réseau habituel car nous sommes convaincus que les problèmes environnementaux ne pourront trouver solution qu'en dépassant nos propres limites conditionnées par nos éducations culturelles nationales, religieuses... :

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Szembenézés Alapítvány (Facing the Past for the Future Foundation)

National Network

Igmándi utca 33.

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Szembenézés Foundation is a Hungarian non-govenmental organisation existing since 2007. Our staff consists of volunteers (cca. 20 ppl.) and one employee who are all committed to the values, missions and objectives of the foundation. Our yearly budgetary resource is cca. 3.500.000-4.000.000 Forints and our main sources of funding are grants such as the HET Ireland and EU and donations as well as benefits in kind. The foundation has a board of trustees and a supervisory board – their members are all volunteers.
Our partners are renowned institutions such as the Budapest History Museum Castle Museum, the Kiscelli Museum, universities (CEU, ELTE PPK), elementary and high schools as well as with non-governmental organizations including Amnesty International, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the Palantír Film Foundation and the UCCU Roma Informal Educational Foundation. Our projects include the Crocus Holocaust Remembrance Project for students, several trainings for tour guides and thematic walking tours. Besides that we organize several unique history lessons and sensivity and anti-prejudice trainings for a broad audience.

Mission and Objectives

The Szembenézés Foundation has been implementing projects since 2007 in the spirit of our core values of recognition, understanding, acceptance and compassion. Our staff and volunteers, who have a key-role in our foundation, wish to live in a world where everyone can choose their identities freely and everyone is accepting towards themselves and the others as well.
The values arising from cooperation and community learning are also of great importance for us in creating and implementing projects. That is why we are constantly collaborating with professionals from a wide range of disciplines: historians, archaeologists, art historians, anthropologists, lawyers, educators, artists.
Our main goal is simple: we would like to help people to be open to discussions with each other. Our programs provide opportunities for the participants to have inclusive conversations based on the values of democracy and mutual understanding, acceptance and open-mindedness.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Unknown Medieval Buda Castle: trainings, presentations, consultations and fieldwork for tour guides led by the experts of the most current facts
2. Light and Shadow - 1000 years of Budapest: training for tour guides
3. 'Empty Places' - guided thematic historic walks and biking tours ('1956 - Myths and Facts' – a biking tour along the important places of the revolution of 1956 and a walking tour to remember a young martyr of the revolution, 'Medieval Jewish Relics in the Buda Castle' - a walking tour in the Buda Castle, 'Sinful City, Sinful Girls' - biking tour about the underground life of the turn of the century)
4. 'Common Voice' - historical performances, art projects and guided tours
5. Conferences - organized once every year in a current and important topic involving young people and consisting of presentations and debates
6. Crocus Project - an innovative and non-formal Holocaust remembrance project for students to remember the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust. The aim of the project is to tackle prejudices and discrimination.
7. Non-formal History Lessons - history lessons involving contemporaries at universities and in high schools
8. Researchers' Night, Cultural Heritage Days - raising awareness to our historical and cultural heritage involving researchers and scientists

All our programs – be it trainings, city walks, special guided tours, conferences or school lessons – are planned and implemented together with the participants to reflect their needs. Our goal is to educate people to be more curious and open-minded towards each other and the historical facts as well. Our methods are non-formal and interactive, our most important values are expertise, kindness, friendship and humor.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to invite partners to join us in our programs and projects and we would also like to get to know the activities of others to bulid the NGO sector as a community. Joining the network would be a great opportunity to share know-how and to learn from each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we wholeheartedly agree with the aims and objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation and we would like to contribute to them. We would also like to apply to potential fundings if we get the chance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ágnes Pap
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ágnes Pap
Contact (2) Full Name
Zsófia Tillinger
Job Title (2)

UCLan Cyprus

National Network

12-14 University Avenue
7080 Larnaca

00 357 24812121
00 357 24812120
Mobile Phone
00 357 99302730
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

UCLan Cyprus is the Cyprus campus of its parent university, the University of Central Lancashire and simultaneously a fully licensed and accredited private University in the Republic of Cyprus. It employs 50 professional staff & 125 academic staff. Established in 2012, UCLan Cyprus was built on strong academic foundations of 190 years of successful education of UCLan UK. In less than a decade since its establishment, UCLan Cyprus positioned itself firmly at the forefront of higher education and research in Cyprus and abroad, pioneering in multiple aspects. The University’s long-term vision is to be recognised as a world-class, research-led University, competing successfully and sustainably within a national and international market. Although a young campus, UCLan Cyprus has since 2013 successfully participated in various research bids under Horizon2020, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, Erasmus +, European Social Fund, COST and FP7.

Mission and Objectives

The vision of the University of Central Lancashire Cyprus is to be recognised as a world-class, research-led University, competing successfully and sustainably within a national and international market. We are a University that is increasingly recognised for its commitment to outstanding teaching and practical learning, impactful research, innovative thinking and knowledge transfer that adds value to socio-economic and scientific development across frontiers. Our mission is to promote access to excellence enabling all students and professionals to develop their potential. We value and practise equality of opportunity, transparency and tolerance. We aim to be a vital part of the social and corporate community, promoting innovation and development, both on national and international level. We strive for excellence in all we do: locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We work in partnership with businesses, the community and other educators. We encourage and promote research innovation and creativity. Our aim is to accomplish • the advancement of science, knowledge, learning and education, through teaching and research for the benefit of the society as a whole; • the cultivation, transmission, implementation and the exchange of knowledge through sciences; and • the provision of graduate and postgraduate education of high standards that accepts international recognition.  The above aims of UCLan Cyprus are achieved by: • the formation of a self-sufficient administrative and academic entity, that secures free and democratic functioning of academic procedures; • taking responsibility for the contribution of the university to all the competent state authorities and to all related to academic education entities; • the granting of graduate and postgraduate degrees from a wide spectrum of studies; • the provision of means and opportunities of education at a university level to persons having appropriate qualifications; • the advancement of knowledge and of its practical applications, using teaching, research and other means at high levels of quality; • the encouragement of studying and research (at all levels from Bachelor to PhD), and the provision of facilitation thereof; • the provision of courses to support Continuing Professional Development as well as higher educational programmes; • the engagement of education with society and economy; • the active contribution to the fulfilment of general needs of the broader society and economy; • the international presence and promotion of the university’s character and the evolution of the university to an educative pole of attraction to other countries; • the collaboration with researching and educational centres and the promotion of European cooperation and understanding through education; • the provision of advisory services to non-university bearers; • the securement of academic freedom and of free academic search. The vision and the mission of UCLan Cyprus are available on the University’s website: https://www.uclancyprus.ac.cy/discover/the-university/uclan-cyprus/

Main Projects / Activities

UCLan Cyprus is involved in two main activities - teaching and research - with the two being interlinked. Research informs teaching throughout the curriculum delivery in and out of the classroom as well as through the co- and extra-curricular activities taking place in each School and/or programme or at University level. Programme curriculum is frequently reviewed and updated according to the latest research findings in the field. Results of externally funded projects, outputs, publications, events (round tables, conferences, trainings, seminars, workshops, and surveys), CPD and public outreach events are embedded directly and/or indirectly in the course of teaching and learning, as learning activities and/or resources. Research is contextualised and research informed teaching activities are embedded in face-to-face or interactive discussions (e.g. during seminar or workshops, discussions of online materials), role plays (e.g. arguing, debating, mooting), collaborative writing activities (e.g. blog writing, group oral presentations), reflection (e.g. PDP, portfolio, workbook), and high use of technologies (e.g. interactive seminars, computer lab sessions, adobe connect, digital library training, research methodology and methods session).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

UCLan Cyprus is a private university in Cyprus with links to its parent university in the UK. Its researchers are involved in cutting edge research in the fields of Science, Business and Law. The Cyprus Network will be able to tap in the expertise of the University's academics and facilitate their collaboration with the other Network partners. In addition to collaborations, the University could host events of the Network to its premises. Finally, the University could disseminate information about any public events supported or organised by the Network to its student population or partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network provides an opportunity to academics to share views and interact with other institutions within Cypriot civil society. This opens doors for collaboration for research projects and initiatives, while it also expands the potential reach and impact of any projects that are organised by the University and its academics. Finally, the Cyprus Network has organised/will be organising events that could be practically beneficial to our members of staff, that as members to the ALF Network, will be able to participate in.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nasia Hadjigeorgiou
Job Title
Assistant Professor in Transitional Justice and Human Rights
Head of the organisation
Irene Polykarpou


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Alive Architecture

National Network

Avenue Walckierslaan 54
1160 Auderghem
1160 Brussels

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Alive Architecture is a research based practice situated in Brussels. All projects contribute to knowledge within the ongoing discussion about the expanded role of the architect, enlarging the discipline from built space to Lived Space. We consider the process of each project as being essential to its outcome, stimulating urban transformation in a playful and artistic way!

Mission and Objectives

In order to trigger Lived Space we play four different roles: The one of the Observer of the existing spatial, social and economic and cultural situation to trigger the locations unique identity. The one of the Engager to reveal interests and expertise of multiple stakeholders. And the one of the Mediator between top-down & bottom-up actors that allows us to play the role of the Enabler of citizens with the aim to co-produce the city!

Main Projects / Activities

Our key projects are between the urban, the social and the artistic - focussing upon the socio-urban transformation of the public space in region of Brussels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through generating socio-urban transformation in the region of Brussels as well as the top-down and bottop-up network related to it. Through our large portfolio of projects that we developed since our foundation in 2010, we are in contact with key actors from the institutions side (Several institutions as Perspective.Brussels, Brussels Environment, SAU, Bruxelles Mobilité...) as well as with non-profit organizations (Toestand, Communa, Samenlevingsopbouw...) .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to enlarge our European network and to collaborate on EU scale projects of socio-spatial / socio-artistique urban transformation, taking the responsability for this to happen on the perimeter of the region of Brussels.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Pferdmenges
Head of the organisation
Petra Pferdmenges

Karama Foundation for Social and Cultural Development

National Network

80, El Kasr El-einy str. Garden City,
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Karama Foundation for Social and Cultural Development was founded as the development arm of GebRaa social enterprise. The two institutions were established to help marginalized Egyptian artisans find new markets for their threatened crafts, so they would feel economically and socially empowered. We work to promote a series of disappearing crafts by supporting product development to match the needs of socially conscious local and international customers while striving for unique production, as well as offering training to artisans as we aim to inspire pride in their cultural heritage. Karama currently works in Historic Cairo under a project funded by Drosos Foundation to support artisans of inlay handicraft. The project’s main goal is to achieve socio-economic development for our artisans and their families. The organization has one founder and staff of 7 employees consisting of one project manager and 6 staff doing the operational, sales and marketing responsibilities. Sources of funding Karama is mainly grants from donors to achieve approved projects.

Mission and Objectives

Karama Foundation seeks to achieve economic, social and cultural development for the bearers of the intangible Egyptian heritage with all its elements, which include traditional handicrafts. The goals of the foundation can be explained in the following points:
Reviving traditional handicrafts in Egypt.
• Achieving economic and social development for craftsmen.
• Achieving cultural development by investing in the various elements of the intangible Egyptian heritage.
• Development of environmentally friendly handmade products.
• Raise the awareness of Egyptians and foreigners of the historical and cultural values of the intangible Egyptian heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project Karama currently works on is reviving the Egyptian traditional inlay craft, the activities of the project achieve the following goals and objectives:

• Achieving economic development for craftsmen by: Creating new designs that match the modern taste , but preserve the Egyptian identity and the cultural component of the craft, and help craftsmen open new markets inside and outside Egypt to promote and sell these products.
In addition, the Foundation is responsible throughout the project period for making new agreements with clients from different sectors to implement and purchase a large number of products that allow to achieve an increase in the craftsman’s income by 15%. Finally, the Foundation participates in international exhibitions to display artisan products.
• Improving the safety conditions of workshops by providing them with the safety tools necessary to maintain their health condition
• Achieving social development for craftsmen by training them on the necessary skills to improve their own work, such as financial management, marketing and quality standards, introducing them to the direction of global markets and how to implement new products with international standards.
• Training a new generation of young people on the craft of inlay and make them aware of its historical and cultural values and the importance of maintaining high quality for the survival of the craft.
• Giving lectures in universities and schools on Egyptian restrictive crafts that are threatened with disappearing and the importance of preserving them as an essential part of Egyptian identity and history, and the importance of encouraging Egyptian-made products because of their impact on achieving social, economic and cultural development for craftsmen and their families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through opening a dialogue among Karama and other network members in Egypt that work in heritage field. This will be done through networking events, organizing debates with other Egyptian members to discuss the ways in which we can support youth empowerment and boosting cultural dialogues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Karama's main objective is to support Egyptian traditional handicrafts, which is classified as a significant part of the Egyptian intangible cultural heritage. We believe that cultural dialogue is one of the important means of cultural elements to thrive and be safeguarded. By joining the ALF network, we will have the chance to support our artisans to be more open to other cultural, other techniques and skills of doing the same traditional handicrafts they practice in different countries, meanwhile introduce other networks to Egyptian heritage and culture bearers, whom UNESCO named” human treasures”, which will eventually lead to preserving Egyptian cultural heritage and boost cultural diversity

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Salah Mohamed Seddik
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rania Salah Seddik
Contact (2) Full Name
Noura Suam
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

80, El Kasr El-einy str. Garden City,
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
General Information

GebRaa is a social enterprise aims at reviving Egyptian traditional crafts at risk through product innovation in design, function, material and use of green technology. GebRaa markets innovatively to reach out to new markets locally and internationally through using tools such as design thinking, engaging clients in the design, prototyping and testing process as well as storytelling and creating an online blog to raise awareness about Egyptian cultural heritage. GebRaa has a social and cultural responsibility to empower artisans and culture bearers economically and socially. The company has 7 employees, starting from the CEO and founder who is also project supervisor, a project manager, and 5 employees responsible for the operational, sales, and marketing activities. Funding of GebRaa comes from direct sales of products in local and international markets, in addition to grants to accomplish approved projects.

Mission and Objectives

- Become a creative hub for Egyptian artisans and become the intermediary party between artisans and designers
- Introduce modern Egyptian green handcrafted responsible products through product development in design, material, function and use of Green technology
- Promote the Egyptian culture and support cultural diversity of the world.
- Enhance the societal status of artisans and promote succession among community youth;
- Protect disappearing Egyptian traditional crafts using mostly natural resources with low environmental footprint;
- Build capacity of artisans and help them develop the crafts to create sustainable livelihoods

Main Projects / Activities

GebRaa's main activities are to
1- Produce our product lines for local and international customers
2- Serve our regular customers through producing their customized orders in our network of workshops
3- Produce customized orders for businesses such as corporate gifts or hotels, examples of products are; spa products, kitchen ware, table wares and bedding as well as interiors
4- Export Egyptian high quality artisanal products to importers, distributors, studios owners, chain managers
5- The main activity of GebRaa currently is to produce products that matches the modern taste of local and international customers while saving the authenticity and cultural values of the traditional craft. GebRaa is currently running a project to develop a new identity on online platforms and create a new powerful e-commerce website.
6- For the social impact part, we work on activities that empower women, youth and underprivileged people. We participate in pro-girls initiative led by GIZ Egypt each year to teach young female students about social entrepreneurship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through opening a dialogue among GebRaa and other network members in Egypt that work in heritage field. This will be done through networking events, organizing debates with other Egyptian members to discuss the ways in which we can support youth empowerment and boosting cultural dialogues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GebRaa supports diversified Egyptian traditional handicrafts that hold in them the rich cultural heritage. Many crafts were transmitted and shared among different cultures, where craftsmen created their motifs and patterns that express their own culture. Through ALF network, we will be able to provide our craftsmen with cultural exchange opportunities where they can teach other cultures their skills and learn from them, so that they can grow and maintain their skills, leading to crafts preservation and transmission. Furthermore, GebRaa is excited to learn from other ALF members about their experiences of making real improvements in cultural sector’s policies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Salah Mohamed Seddik
Job Title
CEO and Founder
Head of the organisation
Rania Salah Seddik
Contact (2) Full Name
Noura Suam
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Caritas Jordan

National Network

Jabal Amman, 1st Circle, Omar Ben Al-Khatab Street Bld. (10)
Amman 11181

+ 962 (6) 4653464
+962 6 4658015
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+962 777920038
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

General Director; Mr. Wael Suleiman
Board number: 10 members
Staff employed; 400 staff
volunteers; 3000 volunteers
2020 budget allocation; 15,000,000$
Caritas members organizations, UNHCR

Mission and Objectives

Caritas Jordan, a charitable organization within the Catholic Church, is a member of Caritas International that belongs to the Vatican with its head office in Rome. Caritas Jordan was registered in the Ministry of Social Affairs under the number (371) on 15 June 1968, published in the official newsletter and was issued on 15 August 1968 under number (2114). The first Caritas organization in the world was founded in Freiburg, Germany, in 1897. Other national Caritas organizations were established in the following years in Switzerland (1901) and the United States (Catholic Charities, 1910).

Mission; Promote the integral human development of people, bringing emergency, relief aids,
socio-economic empowerment, and socio-voluntary work to refugees and affected host
communities’ families in Jordan.

•Combat the dehumanizing poverty in all its different types.
• Improve health conditions physical and mental, and welfare for the refugees and
vulnerable host communities’ families.
• Promote better education access and develop the quality of education for the refugees
and vulnerable host communities’ students.
• Enhance sustainable development partnerships between Caritas and the state
departments, private sector, civil society, non-governmental organizations, and
community-based organizations.
decent work to the refugees and the vulnerable host communities’ families.
• Promote protection and self-resilience safety, dignity, and avoid harmful actions that
negatively affect people of concerns, as well as, secure complaints mechanism and
• Encourage youth at all ages and involving them actively in civil society and
social-voluntary works and initiatives.
• Provide Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief.

Main Projects / Activities

Help the poor and the needy in society.
Develop the self-potentials of the needy groups to support their right to work and enjoy a decent life.
Provision of primary medical services, maternity and childhood services.
Assistance to refugees and displaced persons and victims of wars and disasters.
Raising Jordanian society's awareness of local humanitarian issues and the need to participate in charity work.
Rehabilitation of local human resources and committees of pastoral volunteers to work in Caritas programs.
Working with government and voluntary institutions and members of the international Caritas organizations to achieve the goals of Caritas Jordan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

seeking for membership at the ALF network will enhance the mutual experiences in different filed s of intervention, looking forward to a sustanible work approach among both organizations,.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Caritas Jordan has an outstanding longterm partnership with the Royal Institute for inter-faith Studies, participating in various events such as refugees, religion, interfaith dialogue, and attended training on interfaith dialogue. Therefore, Caritas would extend its partnerships with the ALE network exchanging experiences and build capacities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Abawi
Job Title
Programs Manager
Head of the organisation
Mr. Wael Suleiman
Contact (2) Full Name
Laith Bsharat
Job Title (2)
Resources Unit Officer

مؤسسة جسور الرقمية

National Network

شارع التلفزيون - شركة تى داتا - أمام مبنى الإذاعة والتلفزيون
Luxor Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

1. Local Communities Development Sector: • Utilize the information technology and communication in training the human resources in different fields of development. This will be accomplished by designing specialized training programs in human sciences and social activities. • Develop and enhances the existing skills of the citizens. • Provide social assistance to the low-income and the needy to elevate them from poverty. • Provide computers and its technology to the low-income citizens in conjunction with the national project to improve their standard of living. • Using the information technology in designing programs to spread awareness about the environment. • Cooperate in the environmental pollution studies and researches in order to face its challenges. • Organize conferences and conventions in collaboration with governmental and none governmental organizations to provide up-to-date information about social development. 2. Culture and Scientific Services Sector: • Establish specialized education and training centers for information technology and communication. • Establish schools, colleges, and universities. • Utilize electronic education programs and establish education centers for distance and online education. • Employ the information technology in the teaching of different foreign languages. • Utilizing and employ the computers and Internet in spread the awareness in education services and scientific research. • Spread the computer and Internet culture to the physicians and health organizations to develop medical records for patients. • Develop websites to document our heritage, culture, history, and humanity. • Organize conferences, conventions, and lecture to spread the awareness and to utilize our culture heritage in a useful way. • Conduct contests for schools, colleges, and universities students in our heritage to preserve our Egyptian nationality. • Prepare electronic programs to assist in documenting our folkloric and civilization to preserve it. • Issue printed and electronic newspaper and magazine. • Organize conferences, conventions, lectures, and festivals of culture and scientific nature. • Design and develop the websites to enrich the electronic substances. • Organize different contests to serve the organization and discover talents. • Cooperate with different organizations to organize Hajj and Omra trips. • Conduct culture, national, and religious festivals. 3. Management and Business Administration Sector: • Organize training programs that translate to employment. • Organize training programs in the field of business administration and project management. • Organize training programs in the field of feasibility studies. • Organize training programs in starting small business and micro projects. • Establish consulting centers to serve college graduates and researchers for job opportunities. • Establish unconventional electronic projects to train and employ the youth in them. • Organize exhibits in all different level. • Working on marketing and Internet marketing by developing newly sophisticated websites. • Establish center for evaluating to purchases and sell trade and services projects and train to employ youth in them. • Provide technical, electronic, and communication services to individuals and businesses. • Establish information technology incubators to adopt new businesses in the information technology. • Organize contests for new investment ideas in information technology to encourage inventions. • Organize exhibits and festivals to promote and market tourism in Luxor. 4. Consumer Protection Sector: • Work with the consumer protection establishments to protect consumers. • Organize special awareness programs to protect technology’s consumers. • Organize awareness program to educate consumers of their rights. • Work on coordinating issues with the governmental and privet organizations in the field of consumer protection. 5. Friendship relations with other nations Sector: • Learning from the experience of others and transfer the experience of different exchange programs of students, teachers, businesses, and visitors exchanges by cooperating with similar organizations. • Taking initiative in forming new sister cities between Luxor city and friendly nations. • Involve in the Luxor existing sister cities program to promote tourism and information technology in Luxor.

Mission and Objectives

DIGITAL BRIDGES ORGANIZATION (DB) The Digital Bridges Organization for Technology and Development is a non-profit located in Luxor, Egypt. - Vision: We seek to prepare the forces of conscious society, able to meet the challenges and crossing gaps and to achieve sustainable development. - Mission: Raising the awareness and use of technology in the development and creation of social renaissance by focusing on social investment and the bombing of the positive social energies. - Philosophy: The D.B is focusing on the industry of People to People to achieve its vision and mission.

Main Projects / Activities

Project ONE: Capacity building of young people. Project area: Education and (capacity building and skills) Place implementation of the project: coefficient rooms institution and some tourist areas in Luxor Date of implementation 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2014 - 2015 - constant Project cost: 150 thousand Egyptian pounds The role of the institution: the preparation and implementation of training programs for young people and young people and parents Supporters: members of the institution The proportion of financial participation: 50% Objectives: To build and develop the capabilities and skills of a number of 200 beneficiaries each year of young people and young people and parents at Luxor) computer and the Internet - the skills and knowledge - English) Results: 1200 beneficiary and on the awareness of large degrees of skills needed to deal and cooperate with others and creative capacity. ======================================================== Project TWO: Hope gates in Education http://www.wadi-elmalekat.com Project Industry: Education Place implementation of the project: coefficient rooms institution and some schools - the company's headquarters partner - Rainbow Groups Technological Development (Production and development of the application) Date of implementation: 2011 - 2012 - 2014 - 2015 - constant Project cost: 200 thousand Egyptian pounds The role of the organization: application deployment and training in schools Supporters: Rainbow Group for Technological Development (Production and development of the application) The proportion of financial participation: 50% Objectives: To link the school to the home and the teacher and the learner to support the development of the educational process and to encourage the Arab e-content and support effective communication. Results: the development of the educational process in schools and enhance communication between the parties to the educational process. ========================================================= Project THREE: Luxor Key for culture and tourism promotion http://www.luxorkey.com The area of the project: culture and creation / Tourism Place implementation of the project: coefficient halls Organization-partner company headquarters - Rainbow Group for technological development by the production and application development Date of implementation: 2012 - Continuous Project cost: 180 thousand Egyptian pounds The role of the organization: application deployment and training for workers in the field of tourism Supporters: Rainbow Group for technological development by the production and application development - Ministry of Communications and Information Technology The proportion of financial participation: 50% Objectives: Linking Finder tourist trips and to visit various services providers shorter trips and services from small businesses and workers and owners of tourist facilities. Results: open new channels for the promotion of Luxor as a tourist destination competition.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can build digital bridges and work with people for the better

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For life and integration by communication, networking and achieving common goals of humanity

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Fathy EL Kady
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Fathy EL Kady