Deutsche Youth Church International

National Network

11. Itabiyi Road, Petedo. Agbara

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

1. Structural Organogram: 3 Tiers.
2. Not Available.
3. Offerings & Tithes.
4. Still under process.
5. Still under process.

Mission and Objectives

1. To make intercession for all youths, teenagers, sucklings et.c
2. To take reconciliatory actions between parents and children.
3. To give enlightenment to prodigies (youths, teens and children) through God's Holy Word.
4. To mentor youths virtually in all fields of profession and vocation.
5. To serve all youths as a model from God to humanity.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Building of a church as a place to assemble every youth.
2. A media house for reaching out to all youths.
3. A University Of Sport & Coachmanship.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

If You choose to be a financier, we would gladly work out your plans all through.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To help young people as much as we can till Christ shall come.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heingram L. Oni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Cardinal Overseer
Contact (2) Full Name
Oni K. Grace
Job Title (2)

Albanian Diaspora Business Chamber

National Network

Ibrahim Rugova, Nr 5, Sky tower, 13.3

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The assemble 7 members, executive director, project expert, and executive assistant. It is created as a project of Albanian Diaspora Fund. It will be supported by the fund up to the end of the Year, and then it will be self sustainable. Promotion activities, for diaspora, networking capacity building.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to be a leading business advocacy organization which works on the regulatory, economic, legislative and civic foundations at the state and international levels to be a force for the long-term sustainability of the Diaspora engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

Our vision is to be the voice of Albania and the business community in terms of promoting strategic development and investment in Albania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange experience, and ideas in the dimension of innovation, economic development and diaspora business engagement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it will be an added value in terms of economic development and business innovation

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Dervishaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Linda Dervishaj

مؤسسة قادرون للتنمية الشاملة

National Network

18 زكى بدوى متفرع من عمرو بن الخطاب -شبرا الخيمة

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

م الإسم الصفة الوظيفة
1 أحمد سرى عبد الباقى محمد رئيس مجلس الأمناء اعمل حرة
2 هانى ابراهيم سكرتير مدير مشروعات
3 رشا سعيد عبد الرؤوف أمين الصندوق حاصلة على ليسانس حقوق
4 ياسمين محمد زوسر الدالى عضو باحثة دكتوراة
يعمل بالمؤسسة 15 فرد من الاناث والذكور ، تقوم المؤسسة على المنح والتبرعات ، ولنا شركاء فى كافة محافظات الجمهورية

Mission and Objectives

مؤسسة اهلية غير ربحية تأسست بهدف تعزيز التمكين الإجتماعى والإقتصادى للأفراد والمجتمعات المحلية، إيماناً بأن جميع أفراد المجتمع قادرين على تحقيق التنمية الشاملة، وقادرين على إعطاء نموذج إيجابى للمواطن الفعال المشارك فى بناء مجتمعه، وقادرين على تغيير الأنماط السلبية فى قيم العمل، وقيم المجتمع، وقيم الحياة.

Main Projects / Activities

اقامة العديد من الندوات والدورات التدربية والحملات الدعائية
المشاركة مع مجموعة من مؤسسات المجتمع المدنى فى الإستعراض الدورى الشامل (UPR) لمصر 22-26 مارس 2019 والخاص بالتنمية المستدامة والحماية الإجتماعية
المشاركة مع الهيئة القبطية الإنجلية للخدمات الإجتماعية بالقاهرة بمنتدى حوار الثقافات (تعزيز لغة الحوار) مشروع قائم
ينتهى فى 1 دسيمبر 2021

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

عن طريق تبادل الخبرات مع الاعضاء بالشبكة لزيادة الخبرة فى المجال التنموى، وحتى يحدث تكامل بين الاعضاء بالشبكة هذا التكامل الذى يحتاجة المجتمع المدنى فى الوقت الحالى

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

العمل ضمن فريق واحد مع باقى الاعضاء فى الشبكة لتحقيق اغراض واهداف الشبكة التى تؤمن بيها مؤسسة قادرون وتعمل على تحقيقها

Contact (1) Full Name
احمد سرى
Job Title
رئيس امناء مؤسسة قادرون
Head of the organisation
احمد سرى عبد الباقى
Contact (2) Full Name
ياسمين الدالى
Job Title (2)
المدير التنفيذى والادارى

Artnova Foundation

National Network

Pszczelna 32
61-658 Poznan

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
5 staff
Budgetary resources available in a year
20000 Euro
Sources of funding
private donations, grants
Modalities of action

Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities

Participation in the program funded by EA Grants and Norway Grants representing the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and managed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Republic of Poland as a Program Operator "Maintenance and revitalization of cultural heritage" available under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund. Available funds were intended to cover the costs of organizing meetings between Polish cultural sector entities and institutions from Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The purpose of the meetings was to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of culture. The ARTnova Foundation has been cooperated with two Norwegian institutions: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter and the National Museum in Oslo.

Mission and Objectives

We believe that spreading the art can inspire people in all aspect of life and social activities.

We are interested in all projects which involve art as a driving force. It could be strictly artistic project but also an interdisciplinary one. We are open to new ideas, and we consider every invitation to cooperation.

Mission Statement
Spreading art

Vision Statement
Inspire people through art.

The Foundation's goal is comprehensive activity in the field of:
• promoting culture, art, protection of cultural goods and national heritage,
• science, higher education, education, education and upbringing,
• social assistance, protection and promotion of health and activities for the disabled, as well as for persons at risk of social exclusion and activities for the elderly and retirement,
• activities supporting economic development, including the development of entrepreneurship,
• activities supporting the development of technology, inventiveness and innovation as well as the dissemination and implementation of new technical solutions in business practice,
• activities supporting the development of communities and local communities,
• developing contacts and cooperation between societies and promoting intercultural dialogue,
• tourism and sightseeing,
• promotion and organization of volunteering,
• environmental protection, ecology and animal protection, and protection of natural environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in the program funded by EA Grants and Norway Grants representing the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and managed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Republic of Poland as a Program Operator "Maintenance and revitalization of cultural heritage" available under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund. Available funds were intended to cover the costs of organizing meetings between Polish cultural sector entities and institutions from Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The purpose of the meetings was to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchange of good practices in the field of culture. The ARTnova Foundation has been cooperated with two Norwegian institutions: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter and the National Museum in Oslo.

In June 2020, the EACEA Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency announced the results of the autumn 2019 call for projects for European cooperation projects under the Creative Europe program ( Among the projects that received funding from the European Commission was also the one that we, as the Artnova Foundation, are part of, ie the project called “MArteLive”.

Considering the fact that only 14 organizations from Poland (Smaller scale European cooperation projects – 3 leaders and 11 partners) received funding in the competition, this should be treated as a great honor ( The implementation of the project will contribute to the promotion of Polish artists and Polish culture on the international stage, as well as Poznan itself, as a city that cares about the sphere of culture. As part of the “Polish” edition of the competition and residency, we plan to involve artists from the following countries (except Poland): the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Moldova. Other European countries will be served by other project partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeremiasz Misiak
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jeremiasz Misiak


National Network

13 Riga Fereos Street
2413 Nicosia

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ACK CREATIVE LTD is a Private Company that supports the arts, social sciences and humanities. Found and established in 2020 by Anna-Christina Kattou, the organization has an online archive and website accessible worldwide. We have a keen interest in international artistic collaboration and in organizing competitions while hosting artists in residency whose projects requires to be enriched by joined support system across the field of humanities. ACK CREATIVE is also interested to create events,cultural conversations, artistic projects, launch courses and collaborate with individual artists, organisation and educational institutes. At the moment the creative director Anna-Christina Kattou is working full time and there is another two people working part- time related with particular projects with the potential to be employed full time in the future based on the needs of the NGO and their increase. Our budget at the moment is as low as 1500 euros per year and we are trying hard to find sources of funding in order to increase our funds and be able to do more projects and activities.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission and our objectives are: 1) Support of the arts, social sciences and humanities in relation with different projects that involved the public. 2) Enrichment of education and change of perception through the arts and social sciences 3) Support of local and international artists in order to offer financial support and employment 4) Support of research related with the arts and social sciences (support of PhD students).

Main Projects / Activities

1) Arts competition with cash prize for the winner. Includes an event for the nomination. 2) Theater and music performances. 3) Networking events with cultural dialogue and projections.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ACK CREATIVE LTD can contribute in my country in relation with the following aspects: 1) Offer opportunities for cultural conversation for young people and people of different ages. 2) Establish a more stable and professional network for independent or group research related with cultural, arts and humanities projects. 3) Create and share a common developed perception for the arts in relation with the needs of our society in my country. 4) Empower young people to create a policy for the arts and humanities in my country. 5) Create a movement for culture in relation with citizens of my country in order to enrich their theoretical knowledge and expand their practical skills.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to join the ALF Network for the following reasons: 1) To have access on a great network as such in order to meet new people and organisations and collaborate with them. 2) I want to learn new things and expand my knowledge and understanding on cultural projects. 3) I am interested to exchange ideas and collaborate under the spirit of team work within a professional spectrum. 4) I want to learn how to be more creative and use my creative ideas in order to produce something important in collaboration with others. 5) I want to have my voice heard as a woman while being a creative director and promote my NGO which is very creative and unique while helping other artists as well.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna-Christina Kattou
Job Title
Creative Director
Head of the organisation
Anna-Christina Kattou

association national d'écoconception, analyse de cycle de vie et développement durable

National Network

Cité Ibn Khadoune, 1200 logement, Bâtiment 75 Cage C N°1, Boumerdès, Algérie
35000 boumerdes

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Membre dans les instances internationales

• Membre Réseau des Clubs UNESCO
L’association est dotée d’une revue internationale et d’une magazine (newsletters)

• Algerian journal of environmental science and technology
..(Revue internationale de comité scientifique international)

• Analyse du Cycle de Vie § Eco-Conception Magazine

Centre virtuel
L’association est doté d’un centre virtuel ‘’ Centre Algérien d’Analyse de cycle de vie et d’éco-conception’‘ CALAE dont le site web
Groupe algérien d’analyse de cycle de vie et d’éco-conception GRALECC dont le site web :
Partenaires nationaux de l’association
• SONATRACH (Société nationale pour la recherche, la production, le transport, la transformation, et la commercialisation des hydrocarbures) à travers La direction centrale de recherche et de développement CRD Lettre N°75/DC R&D/2019
Les axes d’interventions de l’association : Empreinte de Carbone, Changement Climatique

• Centre National des Technologies de Production Plus Propre (CNTPP) Convention 27 janvier 2019
Les axes d’interventions de l’association : élaboration d’un écolabel algérien (méthodologie et audit)

• Etablissement publique de la wilaya de gestion des centres d’enfouissement technique EPWG-CET Boumer dès Convention 08 Décembre 2018
Les axes d’interventions de l’association : analyse de cycle de vie des décharges

• Centre de Recherche en Technologie des Semi-conducteurs pour l’Energétique (CRTSE) Convention 28 janvier 2019
Les axes d’interventions de l’association : Application d’éco-conception dans la Technologie des Semi-conducteurs pour l’Energétique

• HOMER MULTI SIMULATION (HMS) est une société française spécialisée dans le développement de solutions logicielles innovantes relatives aux évaluations environnementales orientées vers les démarches d’Eco Conception.
Convention au cours 2019
Les axes d’interventions de l’association : Développement de bases de données environnementales pour les pays du Maghreb (similaire à la base de donnée Ecoinvent)

• Conservatoire national des formations à l’environnement (CNFE) Convention 20 février 2019
Les axes d’interventions de l’association : intégration du concept éco-innovation , éco-conception et analyse de cycle de vie au milieu scolaire et industriel

Mission and Objectives

1. Informer, sensibiliser et expliquer les normes internationales sur l’analyse de cycle de vie des produits, l’empreinte carbone, l’empreinte eau, l’efficacité énergétique et l’éco-conception dans toutes ses variétés et sa portée sur l’environnement.

2. Orienter, stimuler et accompagner les entreprises à appliquer l’analyse de cycle de vie environnementale l’empreinte carbone, l’empreinte eau, l’efficacité énergétique et l’éco-conception.

3. Accompagner les institutions et les entreprises ayant l’intention d’appliquer les systèmes de management environnementale, et leurs promotions.

4. Permettre et offrir aux compétences spécialisées à la recherche dans le domaine de l’éco-conception et l’analyse de cycle de vie des produits en coordination avec les Universités Algériennes et étrangers.

5. Organiser des congrès, conférences et colloques scientifiques nationaux et internationaux concernant l’analyse de cycle de vie des produits l’empreinte carbone, l’empreinte eau, l’efficacité énergétique et l’éco-conception et tout ce qui concerne le développement durable.
6. La participation dans les émissions et les programmes radio-télévisés qui se concentre sur le thème de l’environnement, l’analyse de cycle de vie des produits, l’éco-conception et le développement durable en générale.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organisation de La 1ère Journée sur les Technologies Innovantes pour l’Accès à l’Eau et l’Electricité en Algérie le 20 Janvier 2019 a niveau de l’Université de Boumerdès en collaboration avec l’université de boumerdes et l’institut algérien de normalisation IANOR

• Organisation de la 1ère Journée sur les le Cancer, Environnement et Alimentation, le 04 Février 2019 a niveau de l’Université de Boumer dès en collaboration avec l’université de boumerdes et le groupe de professeur en médecine de pierre marie curie CPMC d’Alger

• Journée portée sur l’harmonisation et réduction les coûts du déploiement des référentiels environnementaux en collaboration avec HMS France (société française spécialisée dans le développement de solutions logicielles innovantes relatives aux évaluations environnementales orientées vers les démarches d’Eco Conception.

Projet en cours
• Projet 2019/2020 : Mise en place d’une plateforme E-learning pour le rayonnement dans la région MENA (Moyen Orient et Afrique du Nord) pour la promotion des évaluations environnementales en rapport avec l’Eco Conception (en partenariat avec l’université de boumerdes et HMS France)

• Projet 2019/2021 : Développement de bases de données environnementales pour les pays du Maghreb pour la mise en œuvre des évaluations environnementales crédibles au sein des pays du Maghreb ; avec la mise en place d’une démarche intégrée qui se base sur les trois volets suivants qui sont intimement liés :
- Homogénéisation du cadre méthodologique
- Outillage des industriels avec des solutions logicielles et des services d’appui technique adaptés aux contextes locaux
- Développement des bases de données pour améliorer la fiabilité et réduire les coûts de mise en œuvre des évaluations environnementales.

En partenariat avec l’université de boumerdes et HMS France)

• Projet 2019 : Intégration du concept éco innovation et éco-conception au milieu scolaire en collaboration avec le Conservatoire national des formations à l’environnement (CNFE)

• Projet 2019 : Elaboration d’un écolabel algérien (méthodologie et audit) en collaboration avec Centre National des Technologies de Production Plus Propre (CNTPP) et l’université de boumerdes

Contact (1) Full Name
Krim louhab
Job Title
Professeur des universités (université de boumerdes)
Head of the organisation
louhab krim
Contact (2) Full Name
Delleci kamel
Job Title (2)
chercheur de l'université de boumerdes

Social Factory Sustainable Development Association

National Network

Turgut Özal Bulvarı Nuran Karlıdağ Apt. Kat:3 Daire:9 Çukurova/ADANA
01170 Çukurova/Adana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We develop and implement projects focusing on exchanging information and experience, conducting research, developing and collectively implementing projects with corporations, both in Turkey and abroad, that seek solutions for social problems. Budget in a year : 127.465,64 Turkish Lira
Sources of funding:Purpose and service expenses
Projects:Project for Sub-Causes Action Plan for Young Unemployed for a Respected Life
North Adana Development Program Project
Partners:Feke Municipality, Karaisalı Municipality, Saimbeyli Municipality, Pozantı Municipality, Tufanbeyli Municipality, Feke District Governorship, Karaisalı District Governorship, Saimbeyli District Governorship, Pozantı District Governorship, Tufanbeyli District Governorship
Erasmus+ Projects

Mission and Objectives

The members of our association working in individual and different NGOs who are part of our association have been involved in many EU youth program projects and have assumed a practicing role. In addition, the founding members of our association have carried out projects under the SODES and Development agency programs. Our association of experienced individuals in the project has 150 active members. There is a working group of Projects in our Association. This group possesses language competence, knowledge, experience and experience in projects.Project Subject Priority 1: Increasing Employability Our Project; It aims to facilitate the participation of the disadvantaged segments of the society in employment, to reduce unemployment, to develop productive human capital that is translated towards the needs of target districts, and to develop professional knowledge and skills. Definition of Social Problem Another one of the most important of Sustainable Development is the reduction of socio-economies between districts. Public authority researches are carried out to reduce these departments. District studies need to be done to differentiate between regions and districts. These studies can be done by supporting agricultural activities in some districts, revealing the tourism potential of some districts, and increasing the competencies of human capital in some districts. It is included in the “Çukurova District Report” of Çukurova Development Agency. Human must be produced to bring it. The demographic structure of Adana, the implementation districts of our project, which is located in the annex and has an economic structure mainly focused on agricultural activities, is similar.
and Aladağ, Feke, Karaisalı, Saimbeyli, Pozantı, Tufanbeyli districts that can be formed from the tourism line. With our project, production, promotion and marketing processes will be implemented in target cities to increase the employment of women by bringing them to the economy. It is foreseen to improve the socio-economic status of the projects and to activate their potential with the project centers and workshops to be established.

Main Projects / Activities

Our association conducts activities in the field of youth. Our Association conducts activities to develop democracy consciousness at the same time as enabling young people to be active in decision making mechanisms. Besides working with youths, Culture and Art, Environment, Employment and Education Working Groups are established to contribute to urban life. Our Association, which has a multipurpose event hall and all kinds of technical facilities, carries out joint projects with different NGOs in regional and international projects in order to encourage active citizenship of young people in general and to develop solidarity and tolerance among young people. Adana Yüreğir Municipality agrees to work with 6 culture houses in the municipality to provide education, arts, culture oriented projects and projects to disadvantaged youths and children. Our Association Many youth programs are in the position of practitioner and stakeholder in the project. Our Association organized a report on youth unemployment in the 7 regions under the scope of the "Project for Sub-Causes Action Plan for Young Unemployed for a Respected Life" which was carried out under the Youth Programs Action 5.1.2012 and this report was presented to the Youth Commission as a sample report by the parliamentary commission. Our association has carried out studies with thousands of young people who are equivalent to the present day.We develop and implement projects focusing on exchanging information and experience, conducting research, developing and collectively implementing projects with corporations, both in Turkey and abroad, that seek solutions for social problems. Participating in these activities so as to increase the feeling of togetherness, communication, sharing, and interaction and active participation in communal life is one of the most important purposes of our organization.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our activities mainly aim to strengthen international integration of Turkey by improving the life conditions and quality of youngsters, different groups of people who are in need through national and international projects. To do so, we engage in collective activities towards the solution of the social problems with the contemporary and international adjustments in order for Turkey to reach its place in the global development level. Engaging in activities with concerned institutions and organizations that operate internationally, in accordance with the general goals of the organization.
Specifically, we prepare educational projects, and exchange information and experience with different organizations as well as organizing training seminars and provide consultancy for the members of the organizations about grant projects concerning education, social and cultural issues as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Turkey Adana province in terms of population size hosts within 2.8% of the population is the 6th largest province. 11.2% of the population lives in rural districts. Although Adana is at the forefront of our country in terms of population size, it ranks 16th in terms of socioeconomic development. The level of socioeconomic development also varies between districts. This situation was also stated in the Regional Plan prepared by Çukurova Development Agency and priority was given. According to the Regional Plan, there are significant socio-economic development differences between the districts of the TR62 Region in the city center and other sub-regions. It is an important priority area for the TR62 Region to bring resources to the industry by activating the internal potential of the districts in order to reduce these differences and to diversify the rural economy in this way. Special measures should be taken in order to eliminate the development differences between the districts. We want cooparate your partner and get involved for network

Contact (1) Full Name
Hasan Mehmet Divaroğlu
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hasan Mehmet Dİvaroglu
Contact (2) Full Name
Sadettin Dindar

River of Light

National Network

Hagtornsstigen 7
41321 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

River of Light is an NGO set up by 3 founding members in 2018 to provide an inclusive civic arts intervention which culminates on 20 February (UN's World Day of Social Justice), in a large scale event in the heart of Gothenburg city.

The organization was created in the belief that creativity & working with artists can accelerate the process of integration especially amongst unaccompanied minors and their Swedish peers.

There is a part-time coordinator & artists are employed on a project by project basis. The programme is supported by Göteborg Stad and VG Regionen & various trusts & foundations (c. 200,000 sek per year/per project).

ROL works on artistic projects in partnership with institutions including the World Culture Museum , Gothenburg University, the Röhsska Museum, community organisations Blå Stället, Frölunda Kulturhus, Support Group network & with formal and informal education providers, offering inclusive workshop experiences.

Mission and Objectives

River of Light (ROL) is a non-profit association. ROL is an independent, non-political and non religiously affiliated association and its mission is to provide opportunities for innovative, creative and social engagement. The vision is for an inclusive society where there is respect for difference and everyone lives equally and free from discrimination.

The project was created in the belief that creativity and working with artists can accelerate the process of integration especially amongst unaccompanied minors and their Swedish peers. It is home to a diversity of people and ideas, ROL reflects a spirit of inclusiveness, a global perspective, and the cultivation of integrity, compassion, civility and ethical behavior as foundational to living well together.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are workshop based (for example lantern -making) which serve as meeting points in the community for new arrivals and Swedish young people and families, and use art as a tool to break the boundaries of language, geography, cultural divisions and thereby bring people of all kinds of backgrounds together who would not normally meet.

ROL works in partnership with arts institutions, in community settings and in informal and formal educational settings to introduce new and sustainable ways of working. ROL also offers training days for students in higher education and teachers, and training and work opportunities for artists from a range of cultural backgrounds making them more visible to the arts and arts education sectors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Behjat Omer Abdulla
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Behjat Omer Abdulla/Denise L Mellion
Contact (2) Full Name
Denise L Mellion
Job Title (2)

Association Nationale des Sourds d'Algérie (A.N.S.A.)

National Network

BP 70 Cheraga-Algiers
16000 Alger

213 021 63 97 38
Mobile Phone
213 772 598 116
Mobile Phone (other)
213 555 572 125
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Association de défense des droits des personnes sourdes et malentendantes en Algérie, promotion de la langue des signes. Plaidoyer pour l'intégration et l'inclusion au sein de la société.

Mission and Objectives

Les missions principales se regroupent au sein d'un programme de plaidoyer en direction des pouvoirs publics et de la société civile sur l'importance de la socialisation des personnes ayant un handicap auditif.
L'autre mission principale est la reconnaissance, promotion et l'introduction de la langue des signes en tant que langue d'une partie de la société.
Organisation de programmes de formation de la langue des signes.

Main Projects / Activities

Création d'une école algérienne de langue des signes, actions de communication (affiches, flyers), organisation de conférences, de tables rondes au profit de représentants de l'état et ceux de la société civile.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pouvons apporter une longue expérience puisque le président et de le secrétaire général de l'association possèdent une longue expérience du monde associatif et notamment la surdité, puisqu'ils étaient les membres du bureau national de la fédération nationale des sourds d'Algérie (F.N.S.A.) qui n'active plus depuis longtemps. nous avons déjà mené à bien un programme de formation de 80 sourds avec la collaboration de l'ENS Onlus, association italienne des sourds, et grâce surtout au financement de la fondation Anna LINDH.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous souhaitons rejoindre l'ALF Network pour bénéficier de l'expérience des autres membres de la fondation et nouer des liens avec eux pour échanger des informations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahieddine BACHIR
Job Title
General Secretary
Head of the organisation


National Network

Torreta 1
46930 Quart de Poblet Valencia

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

BACKSLASH is a non-governmental youth organization established in 2014 in Valencia, Spain, which aims at empowering youth, promoting social inclusion, tolerance, and solidarity through assisting young people in acquiring knowledge and developing their skills and competencies. It currently has 2 employed staff members. BACKSLASH receives EU-funding for its activities, coming from EU Programmes such as Erasmus+, REC, Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens, among others. Its yearly budgetary resources available are over 50.000 euro. Our projects are related to research in topics such as gender issues, youth participation, social inclusion and entrepreneurship. BACKSLASH actively participates in the local youth council and contributes to the improvement of the youth policies of the city and region, working closely with both administrations and representatives. The organization has its offices in the building of the youth department of the Municipality, where also advises youth about the possibilities that Europe brings them in terms of work, education, training, and volunteering, promoting a wider idea of European citizenship and cross-border mobility. BACKSLASH is a member of CONNECT International, a Brussels based network of organizations formed with a mission to create innovative European projects ensuring mainstreaming of digital rights and digital agenda.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of BACKSLASH is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights, democratic values, and international cooperation. For this, our activities are focused on career orientation, entrepreneurship promotion, youth participation and the inclusion of youth with fewer resources.

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus+ KA2 Youth Vision, helping organizations to promote and communicate their activities SENTYR, developing entrepreneur methodologies to work with youth at risk. VOCCESS ONLINE, career orientation and promotion of entrepreneurship. TRY2, to create a series of documentaries that promote social entrepreneurship attitudes and activities of the non-for-profit organizations. In Touch, sharing best practices and policies to work on inclusion and integration Exchange it – Towards Cooperation and reconciliation, reconciliation and normalization of ordinary citizens’ life in frozen conflict areas. Supporting Youth Development with Tennis and Career Oriented Approach, creating a new learning module using tennis as a tool to develop the social skills as well as support their academic skills of the youngsters. Erasmus+ KA3 Model European Union Athens, promoting knowledge of the decision-making process, representing the way new EU legislation comes to force while fostering mutual understanding and cooperation through debate and dialogue amidst youth within Greece and Europe. Europe for Citizens EUROPEAN LIVING LIBRARY FOR YOUNG GENERATION – Network of Towns Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) ON-OFF, to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children Creative Europe: Culture BITE, Introduction of new business model into European contemporary art operators to generate new young audience

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Gilberto Martínez
Job Title
General Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Gilberto Martínez