Artistes Sans Frontières Tunisie / Artists Without Borders Tunisia

National Network

Imm saida , Etage 1 , App 2, Ceinture Bourguiba , Route Ain Km 3
Sfax , Tunisia
3041 Sfax

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Artistes Sans Frontières – Tunisie is a cultural association that consists of an executive board of four members and an employee, as well as volunteers. We are sustained by cotizations from the executive team, as well as donations from various organizations and revenue from the organized events. Our partners can be divided between the four stages of our artistic projects: Training (Evora Musical School, Coart creative Coworking Space) creation (Nostalgia Band), production (Studio FX/Coart ) and diffusion (Tunivisions), but we also collaborate with international brands that support our activities (Institut Francais en Tunisie, Goethe Institut and Ministry of Cultural Affaires).

Mission and Objectives

Artistes Sans Frontières – Tunisie is a team of talented youths whose mission is to democratize local people's access to world culture with a low budget. Our main target is young people who are open to creative intercultural events, and our objectives include bringing such forms of artistic expression closer to the people of Sfax, and hopefully extend the concept all through Tunisia in the years that follow.

Main Projects / Activities

Our association works with international artists and has been organizing cultural exchanges since 2012. At this time, we have made musical residency activities with our partners in Germany (Mano Muzik Festival) and France (AixQui, Poitiers) and we would like to enlarge our network and diversify our projects. The residency program aims to be a creative exchange between Tunisia and a foreign country.
Our most recent project aims to take our mission one step further by creating the Coart Creative Container (co-working space) that will make Sfax an international capital of culture. We were inspired by improvised spaces in developing countries, and now we want to make the ultimate space for artistic expression, using shipping containers - this way we can optimize the production costs of events, while also centralizing and sharing the skills and expertise of the main cultural actors (organizers, freelancers, and artists). You can find links to some of our projects below:
Production in Tunisia:
Production in France:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With the musical residencies and exchanges we organize, we try to get closer to our goal of democratizing the access to world culture for both the people of Sfax and their foreign counterparts. Moreover, we wish to change Tunisia’s unequal distribution of artistic events by creating the Cultural Container, a co-working space inspired by improvised spaces in developing countries, that should become the ultimate space for artistic expression. Using shipping containers, we can achieve the same effect as the great cultural spaces of the world with a low budget and make the people of Sfax feel like real citizens of the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe our activities are ideally in line with the mission of Anna Lindh, and we feel confident that a collaborative relationship would allow us to centralize the resources, talent and skill of both our association and the foundation and can greatly benefit the national Network, as well as our target audience. Together we can improve social understanding between the corners of the Mediterranian and discover the diversity, but also the shared traits of our complex cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Malek Maazoun
Job Title
President of the Association , Artist , IT Engineer , Social Entrepreneur
Head of the organisation
Malek Maazoun

forum marocain des femmes

National Network

Appartement 5 immeuble 34, rue Fakir Kanouni, Safi, Maroc
46000 Safi

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

FMF is a local association created in 2006, which has 24 active members.
Budgetary resources available in a year : participation des adhérents
current and previous sources of funding:
** The Marrakech - Safi regional council
** The provincial council of Safi
** The French Embassy in Morocco
** Union action fund africa
we worked with our partners in a project on the subject of
Raise awareness and train young people on women's rights in the form of practical workshops
especially young people between 11 and 17 years old

Mission and Objectives

FMF's mission is :
**Training and awareness raising on human rights and women's rights
**Listening to and orienting women and young victims of violence

Main Projects / Activities

** 2008 and 2010: Training on women's economic and social rights -OXfam intermon-
** 2016: Debate on alternative sanctions
** 2017:
--cheap Leader training
--training on the CEDAW convention
--family code debate
** 2018: A symbolic trial of violence against women
** 2019-2020: Awareness and training of young people on women's rights

Contact (1) Full Name
Bouchra Tounzi
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
fouzia elghoul

Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP)

National Network

Khalil Talhouni 13B
Tareq District
Amman 11134

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

LHAP is comprised of the following managing bodies: - Founding Members - Executives - Network of Experts - Commissions - Youth for Sustainable Development Group YSD - Media for Sustainable Development MSD - Advisors The main source of funding comes from donor organizations through agreements. The financial status is stable but availability of funds fluctuates based on the political situation and crisis occuring in the region and at the global level. LHAP implemented plently of concrete projects, organized youth exchange programs, seminars and is building new graduate on spot through agreements with

Mission and Objectives

Mission: To influence, encourage and assist local communities throughout Jordan to ensure a proper social and economical progress, and ecological integrity in a democratic arena and respect of human rights. Objectives: LHAP works to improve the socio-economic status of the local communities in the rural areas; help NGO’s and business cooperatives to understand the local issues, identify areas of priority work, and develop the solutions they need; empower the local community in the field of managing their natural resources and improving the environmental set up; organizing local, regional, and international tours to exchange and share of experiences; organize events and facilitate workshops, seminars, public hearings, consultations, and campaigns; formulate project proposals and seek funds; and strengthen local NGO’s and help them build their operational skills, enhancing their capacity to successfully undertaken activities, projects, and campaigns.

Main Projects / Activities

- Conducted in the year 2011 by the UNDP and the Ministry of Environment a national assessment study on e-e-waste for Jordan, something that was accomplished in 2011 and published. This study has lead to the support of a project to initiate a pilot project to collect e-waste. - Carried out a campaign on Electronic and Electrical Waste of LHAP of Jordan for the time 2008-2010 (part of a regional project involved Lebanon and Tunisia) funded by MEPI. The project targeted 200 schools and the electrical and electronic dealers during which the following were accomplished: An assessment study; Circulation of 12000 pre-test and post- test questionnaire to measure awareness for the campaign that was carried out; Organizing training activities addressing teachers and ee dealers; Carrying out a national campaign using emails and SMSs; The production of training materials used in the training of teachers and dealers; The production of pamphlets and posters used in the awareness raising; and Conducting a national competition over the newspapers during which green technology was offered in a national celebration with the support of Jordan Chamber of Commerce. - Contributing in the organization of a regional conference with the participation of 7 Arab countries during which a regional network of civil society organizations was formed titled ee-waste Arab Network. - Carried out community outreach activities to increase its awareness about Minamata: Land and Human to Advocate Progress (LHAP) following Jordan signature and endorsement for Minamata Convention carried out over 6 months ( Dec 2017-May 31, 2018) with support from the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) an awareness raising campaign addressed different community components. This has happened exactly after the convening of mercury CoP1. The campaign at a later stage joined forces with the Ministry of Environment and Jordan UNDP to boost the campaign. The info passed to students, teachers, CSOs, university students and staff with a total number of 1475 reached persons in 8 governorates out of 12 in total explained the different articles of mercury convention, the sources of mercury, how it reaches human body and the environment and the health, economic and social impact of the agreement. The data revealed from the Mercury Initiative Assessment (MIA) Report prepared by the Ministry include the largest contributions to mercury inputs to society in Jordan. - LHAP with the support of IPEN participated in the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of 21-27 of October2018 launches annually by WHO and UNEP to phase out the use of Lead in paint. LHAP organized an event under the patronage of HE Dr. Ibrahim Bani Hani, MP and member of the Health and Environment committee in addition to being a member of COMPSUD circle. The event had two major components: the first is to address members of municipalities and local councils in the Irbid-Bani Kenanah sub-governorate with the participation of about 80 persons during which lead sources, health, environment, economic and social issues and impacts are discussed. The second component was to paint the pedestrian of Jadara, one of the Decapolis in North West of Jordan. This event is a continuation of a campaign of LHAP launched 7 years ago with the purpose of educating the public and lobby on the government to come up a national legislation to monitor the market of paints that contain lead. The following are photos of the event. - Greening Public Buidling: Community Model for Scarce Resources Adaptation and Replication 2015-2017. The two projects that was supported by UNDP and the International Coca Cola and USAID and FHI360 , implemented by LHAP and its local partners addressing key public sites was able over 20 months, the project life, to conclude many results at two levels energy and water that constitute critical challenging issues to Jordan. At the level of energy the project was able to install 53 kilo watt peak per hour electricity in the four sites (2 mosques, 2 churchs, 1 municipality buildings and two convention centers). The calculated and estimated electricity saving range from 100% to 50% based on the capacity of PVCs. Additional factors are contributing to reducing electricity bill in specific to the mosque in which 201.55 meter square of double windows replaced the single ones with an estimation to reduce energy loss by 40% according to literature. Furthermore, the 2346 LED bulbs that are fixed in sites add to the electricity saving with an estimation of energy loss according to literature equal 40%. At the water level, the project installed 276 water saving devices, estimated to harvest 276 cubic meter of water this winter supplied by pumps to elevate water for use and complete water collection system. The project impacts are measured at different levels: At the environmental level the project is reducing the emissions of CO2 by 78 tons/ year, the NOx by 52 kg/ year, SOx by 49 kg/year and 6 kg of particulates per year. In addition water is made available to overcome cuts and shortages mainly during summer season when the rain water is collected into cisterns and tankers to use in summer in addition into introducing water saving devices the economize in consumption and thus make water available for longer time. A the economic level: economic strains are reduced by the electricity and water bills, something clearly spilled by the people in the church and the mosque who face hard time to collect money to cover the incurring costs of electricity bill and water buying when they are in shortage. For instance, the mosque bill was tremendously reduced from 700 JD (1000 USD) in Ramadan to become 2 JD (3 USD) after connecting the PVCs on grid and installing both the double glaze and LED bulbs. Water in the tanks is staying longer as stated by the Imam after fixing the water saving devices. The one week water consumption time is nowadays enough for three weeks after the site saving technology renovation introduction. It is worth mentioning that mosques and churches committee are responsible for taking care of bills associated with their sites and therefore, the project came as a gift from God and relief for them. Moreover, the sites in which there are schools are getting more popular due to the actions considered by this project that ensure better environment for their kids such as the church that make the fathers and mothers choice where to send their kids is much easier. At the Social level: The community in which the four sites are located have highly appreciated the initiative and therefore many were driven by the impacts spoken about by the owners of the 8 sites to think seriously about installing in specific photo voltaic cells to reduce to zero the electricity bill that constitute stressful economic factor and due to the fact of gradual and continuous increase by the government. Tens of requests were received from individual people in churches, mosques; restaurants and firms after have been exposed to the sites environmental renovations and due to their participation in the hand over ceremonies on how to adopt such systems in their premises due to the strains caused by high electricity bills in specific. This means that the project goal of replicating and impacting the community at large is progressively getting achieved. The community is highly valuing the support given to their public premises and therefore more local support is gained by the committees in charge of these sites. At the Political level: Jordan is enjoying the progress occurring mainly in the area of energy saving and therefore is promoting at the community at large to use of PVCs. The collective reduction of emissions of CO2 is helping Jordan to comply with the international conventions namely: The Climate Change through the reduction of CO2 emissions and Minamata through the phase out of mercury through introducing LED bulbs (mercury free). The government has established an energy fund to support mosques and other public buildings to install PVCs to contribute into reducing the country fuel high bill. At the Health level, the project is by reducing air pollutants emissions and thus becoming green is reducing the respiratory diseases and at the same time provide adequate water which is detrimental to having good hygiene.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through implementing joint projects and carrying out activities in partneship

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is vital and therefore, joining ALF is a venue into the global, regional and national seen. One also can learn from others experience and establish partnerships

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Alalawneh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ziyad Alalawneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Islam Hawamdeh
Job Title (2)
Assistant Manager

Asociación Progestión

National Network

Calle Manuel Fernández Caballero, 4, Local.
28039 Madrid Madrid

+34 914719719
Telephone (other)
+34 625506342
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Our goals are to promote, develop and manage resources aimed at people or specific groups at risk of social exclusion. We work with prevention, integration, reintegration and self-management projects through direct psycho-social intervention with individuals and groups. Our field of action is developed in the following áreas: education, immigration, employment, social inclusión and drug addiction.
We are experts in delivering trainings related to facilitation diversity, inclusion, empowerment, gender and anti-discrimination.
Progestion manages a budget of 600000 with 45 staff paid staff members and a community of volunteers and learners of 20 people.
During the last year, more than 800 people were attended reaching satisfactory results on the field of labour insertion, psychological recovery and building social network.
More than 7,000 people attended one of our awareness rising activities related to cultural diversity, gender, environment, volunteering and community projects. We provided shelter for 45 individuals.
Our funds are from the National Fund for Asylum, from the Social Services and Migration Ministry, Cooperation and Foreign Affairs Ministry and European funds such as Erasmus Plus.
Our partners nationally are Social services Bureau of different municipalities of Madrid, local associations. We are part of the board of the European Anti-Poverty Network, we have a vaste european network who act as our partners: Kista (Sweden), VIA Bayern (Germany), Eurocicle (France), EuroMed (Belgium), New Horizon (Italy), Consorzio Arcolaio, (Italy), and many others

Mission and Objectives

The Progestión Association is working towards a society of collaboration and participation, where all human beings enjoy respect and equality.

We believe in the effective inclusion of the most disadvantaged groups. To the most vulnerable and at risk of exclusion, we offer different services to help them resolve serious situations, such as: migrants’ legal situation, socio-occupational insertion for vulnerable persons, psychological care for migrant women, social and legal support for homeless persons, and supervision and management of apartments for homeless persons.

Main Projects / Activities

WARMI: Warmi means Woman, in Quechua language.

The project is aimed at non-EU migrant women, with a residence permit and/or in the process of obtaining a community membership. Awareness actions are carried out in educational centres, equality spaces, libraries, cultural centres, etc. for groups.

What do we offer?
Individual psychological support
Leadership group: breakfasts and snacks among women
Awareness actions
We offer you a space to take care of yourself, to be heard and to listen, to have fun and to promote a change in the attitude of the Spanish population towards migration.

Can Do Refugees (ErasmusPlus):The aim of the project "Can Do Refugees 2.0." is to professionalize and to empower people working with refugees on a professional and voluntary basis. Therefore the project combines the experience of practitioners in NGO (VIA Bayern (Germany), Progestión (Spain), Euro Circle (France)) and the knowledge of universities (University of Thessaly (Greece), American University of Cairo (Egypt)). This consortium also reflects the route of refugees coming to Europe, often coming from Arabic speaking countries, using Egypt as a transit country and then coming through the Balkan route (Greece) or the Mediterranean route (Spain) to the destination countries France and Germany. The project will be present itself on a website and it's actual milestones on face book.
MoveEurope: Moveurope! is a KA2 project co-funded by Erasmus Plus that aims to promote and facilitate young refugees’ access to European and national mobility programs through a strengthened youth work framework. To do so, the partner organizations shall assume strong multiplier roles and shall inform youth workers on the existence and train them in the functioning of these tools to enable them to guide young refugees in their mobilities. To that scope, appropriate material for youth workers to inform themselves and in a second step for them to inform young refugees on the existing opportunities shall be developed and spread EU-wide.

At the same time the project wants to raise awareness for refugees’ inner-European mobility desire and the need for easily accessible channels on a political level, too, to trigger structural change and facilitated access of refugees to these channels.
Direct beneficiaries are youth workers, which include educators, social workers, mediators, refugee community leaders, youth facilitators who work with the target group of young refugees or who are active in the mobility area and want to open their activities to young refugees.
Increcendo Project: Through this project we offer people with addiction problems the social and relational support necessary to promote their full social integration.
What do we want to achieve?
With this goal in mind, we intend to achieve the job training of people with addiction disorder to improve their positioning in the job market. And we do this by attending to a series of phases

1. Dissemination in the resources of the Assistance Network of the Institute of Addictions and/or other resources of the municipal network.
2. Reception of referral reports.
3. Selection of the people who will participate in the project.
4. Training workshops in transversal competences.
5. Follow-up.
6. Evaluation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Due to our experience, we would like to share our knowledge and best practices amongst the Network in order to build new bridges and ways of collaboration with other organizations that shares our philosophy and goals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking forward to strengthen our network on a national and international basis. We would like to wider our network to the MENA region, specially because a huge percentage of our users are originally from this area.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriela Beni Cracco
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Gabriela Beni Cracco
Contact (2) Full Name
Iman Moutaouakil
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

Rasimpasa Mh, Beydagi sk, 3A
34716 kadikoy/İstanbul

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Arthereistanbul, is registered an private one person company in Turkey, work as an non for profit artist run space, art residency and art community, with current 3 members working on the daily running jobs and more artists join during projects, founded by a Syrian artist in Istanbul in 2014, with a yearly budget of around 24000 Euro.

We were supported by The French Institute, Kindle Project, Roberto cimetta fund, Fanak Fund, Goethe institute, IKSV, IBC organization.
We have provided space to work and to store art works and exhibit for more than 100 artists yearly from Syria, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, and international artists. Two to three events happens every month such as music concert / workshop / exhibition / residency.

Part of ResArtis Network and Partenr in BeMobileCreateTogether residencies exchange project run by the IKSV.

Activities happening in arthereistanbul are varied from: workshops, debates, art residencies, exhibitions, festivals, concerts and art installations.

Mission and Objectives

arthereistanbul has been founded with the aim of support and for the inclusion of artists from conflict zones resident in Turkey especially Syrian artists forced to exile after 2011.

Creating a support backbone art community and space for artists from conflict zone and especially Syrians and provide a space for gatherings and exchange for the aim of encouraging dialogue and contribute in the fight against exclusion, discrimination and prejudice.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities happening in arthere are varied from: workshops, debates, art residencies, exhibitions, festivals, concerts and art installations.

We have partnership support from Roberto Cimetta Fund ( Fil Manfa Program) and Fanak Fund ( Ana Houna Program) more than 12 artists from Syria every year with direct grants / support.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

arthereistanbul can be a very reliable partner in Turkey with its network of connections and art community which can define and give concrete survey and analysis about the area and shape of support artists would need. With our present network of more than 600 artists and art professionals, more than 3500 followers on FB, about 1500 followers on Instagram and tweeter.

arthereistanbul with its location and work space of 300 sqm distributed in four floors, and its available facilities such as sound equipment, projector and cinema ready space for screening, 3d pritners for Media art production, Darkroom, art studios, and can have in house activities, seminars, exhibitions and work as meeting point for many.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to join ALF Network to expand out network of connections and exchange vision and ideas with others, at the same time to be able to apply for the grants and opportunities this Network provide to support our activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Berakdar
Job Title
Founder / Director
Head of the organisation
omar berakdar

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via ROma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural background and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

Verso Laboratorio Interculturale

National Network

Via Roma 56
53100 Siena SI

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

VersoLab is a cultural association mainly working with migrants and marginal people in Italy by providing legal and psychological support (it runs an helpdesk for foreign citizens) and anthropological consultancy, and developing artistic and cultural projects to create new intercultural and interpersonal awareness and connections.
It has an administrative body composed of three elected members and, at present, about 25 associated members.
It has only one permanent staff, but in the average it establishes every year from 4 to 10 working collaborations with artists, consultants and other professionals.
It receives funding from donations, collaborations with other organizations, Private Foundations and National and International bodies.
Our main partners are: La Corte dei Miracoli (Siena); Oxfam Italia; Società della Salute Sud-Est Toscana; Cesvot Toscana; ASEV Empoli.

Mission and Objectives

VersoLab has been founded in 2016 by a group of social scientists, artists, and other professionals working in the filed of migrations.
It aims to provide support to people of foreign origins and to mix scientific and artistic perspectives in order to create an intercultural environment in which dialogue and mutual understanding can flourish.

Main Projects / Activities

VersoLab runs an help desk for migrants in Siena, providing free legal support to beneficiaries, and participates in national and international projects among which the most important are the following:
- An artistic project called "Digital Suitcases", in which artists (a photographer, a videomaker and a composer) collaborate with asylum seekers and refugees producing multimedia narratives, through participatory workshops, drawing on the materials found on migrants' sim cards and social networks.
- A European Project (See, Tell, Listen) on storytelling with asylum seekers and refugees.
- The establishment of choir in Siena with primary school students coming from different cultural backgrounds and working together on the different repertoires of their countries of origin.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Dissemination of information about the activities of the network;
- Involvement of migrant communities in the activities of the network;
- Providing anthropological and psychological expertise on issues related to migration;

Contact (1) Full Name
Tommaso Sbriccoli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Tommaso Sbriccoli

forum Marocain des Femmes

National Network

Rue Fakih Kanouni ; imb 34 appartement 5- Safi
46000 SAFI

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

bureau administratif
le conseil des adhérentsE
Education aux droits Humain des femmes
Formation des adhérentsE
les partenaires; programme Piscca 2018-2019 et Urgent Action Found Africa 2019-2020

Mission and Objectives

association pour les femmes victimes des violences
Education aux droits Humain des femmes
l Écoute des femmes et adolescents victimes des violences
formation des femmes sur les conventions internationales et les droits marocains

Main Projects / Activities

Education aux droits Humain des femmes au sein des établissement scolaires
formation sur les techniques de la prise de parole en publique
Compétition entre les élèves sur la prise de parole en public sur les droitd des femmes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Animation des ateliers sur les droits Humain et le plaidoyer et d autres sujets qui concernent les droits

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour avoir des nouvelles de vos activités et avoir la possibilité de bénéficier de vos expériences.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
tounzi bouchra
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
fouziya Elghoule
Job Title (2)