
National Network

12 bellerue
06001 akboul

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
Budgetary resources available in a year
Sources of funding
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities

Mission and Objectives

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
Budgetary resources available in a year
Sources of funding
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities

Main Projects / Activities

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
Budgetary resources available in a year
Sources of funding
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities

Contact (1) Full Name
fatah b
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Association of Upper Egypt for Education and development

National Network

65 Qobeissy, St., Daher
Cairo Governorate

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

- AUEED is a non-governmental organization (NGO) working in Upper Egypt for 80 years to empower local communities, targeting the poorest through education and development programmes with a special focus on children, women and youth
- AUEED structure is consists of the board and the management in the Cairo central level and four field offices in Minia, Assiut, Sohag and Luxor with a total number of 1500 staff.
- AUEED resources based on internal and external donors and AUEED assets
- Our donors (USAID, Save the children, EU) and others
- AUEED is managing 35 formal schools and 17 parallel schools that provide a high quality of education in 5 governorates in addition to implementing high schools and literacy classes (e.g. the Literate Village project targeting 500 community schools and achieving Social, cultural and economic development for local communities).
- MoE ministry of education, Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS), General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education

Mission and Objectives

AUEED Mission:
To empower local communities through quality education and development programs with a
special focus on children, women and youth. We work towards a more socially responsible society
in Upper Egypt through building partnerships, promotion of team spirit, volunteerism and justice.
In all its developmental efforts, AUEED seeks to maintain the national Egyptian identity through:
• Offering education opportunities to everyone without discrimination while promoting the
individuals' freedom, creativity and human dignity
• Promoting the basic human right to health, especially for woman and children to be able to
pursue a better life.
• Addressing all forms of poverty: cultural, financial and that related to capacity and skills.
• Creating job opportunities that enable developing the community, especially low-income.
• Reviving the cultural and artistic heritage of Upper Egypt.
AUEED Vision
A sustainable community that endorses human values, dignity and rights, where the people,
especially the poor in Upper Egypt, are empowered to utilise all their potentials in ways that help
them develop themselves so that they can play an effective role in developing their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Formal education programme
non-formal education programme
cultural development programme
health and environment programme
microcredit programme

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AUEED has a long history in promoting cultural activities, saving heritages in Upper Egypt like Tahtib (stick dancing)
and providing small funds to cultural Initiatives lead by youth.
AUEED can exchange experience with the other members on how to promote equality using cultural activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we already were a member in ALF network, we believe in networking and partnerships and AUEED used to be a big player in Egypt in terms of policymaking and advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Nevien Wagdy
Job Title
Cultural development programme manager
Head of the organisation
Wahid Naguib

Arciragazzi Portici "Utopia Attanasio"

National Network

Via Libertà III trav dx n.3 - Palazzo Portolano
80055 Portici NA

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Volunteer Organization, The staff is composed by 3 stable members, the president, Vice President and responsible at secretary.
Budgetary resources available in a year: Our budget is completely based on the approval of our projects so it depends from the request of funding done year by year. The 2018 annual turnover in EURO: € 54.216,64. The 2019 is not yet available.
Sources of funding: Erasmus+, European Social Funds, Never Alon-EPIM.
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): Youth Exchange, KA2,Training, ESC, Study Visit...
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Shannara Cooperativa Sociale, UDI - Unione Donne in Italia, Forum dei Giovani di Portici, Mamme Vulcaniche, Radio Siani, Casba Coop. Sociale, Associazione Senegalesi Napoli, One Billion Rising, No Hate Speech Network, Let's do it Mediterranean!, Gruppi scoutistici CNGEI (laico) ed AGESCI (cattolico), Arcigay Napoli, Famiglie Arcobaleno, Associazione Trans Napoli (ATN),Centro interculturale Nanà, Cooperativa Dedalus,Arcipelago della Solidarietà (Progetto SPRAR Rifugiati) and many more!

Mission and Objectives

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a key document in all our local and international activities for disseminating knowledge of children's rights among minors, young people and adults. The core objective pursued by Arciragazzi is the social inclusion by shaping access to resources and opportunities for all young people (14/30 aged) including youth with few opportunities, minors in care system, youth with migrant background, LGBT young people.
From 2011,due to the constant and deep cooperation with Shannara Social Cooperative dealing with minors at risk, unaccompanied foreign minors and trafficked girls, we started working in deep on topics related to migration and intercultural dialogue by keeping always an eye to the route of youth immigration with a geopolitical approach - first with partners from Balkans and Oriental neighbouring Countries and then with Euro-Mediterranean countries and Africa - for promoting HRE by empowering and enhancing youth social inclusion path. The know-how acquired in the design activities and projects within the Euro-Mediterranean framework allowed us to go through different topics and to encourage young people to be the protagonist and motivate them to be agents of social change. Arciragazzi has developed good practice in the promotion of a cohesive society, allowing to broaden knowledge, providing opportunities for minors and young people (autochtones and migrants) to gain experience outside the local context; to allow adults professional updating dealing with youth; building strategic partnerships for the implementation and study of good practices of interventions in the migration area, in particular unaccompanied foreign minors and young migrants, and the services necessary to achieve a good reception to the local context of the newly. Then, this spectrum of actions has allowed us to build a specific identity at National level (Arciragazzi counts about 50 youth centres located in different Italian region/cities)and from different private and public bodies.
"Our Gold" Youth Exchange has been selected as "best practice" for the BpE (Becoming a part of Europe) by the Italian ANG for international activities with impact on young migrants, asylum seekers and refugees inside the local community, using the principles and approaches of non-formal learning and representing youth work experiences and practices as a tool for social inclusion.
Arciragazzi Portici is the territorial antenna for No Hate Speech Network, it's a member at ENAR (European anti-racism network) and it's a representative at Municipality of Portici for the Equal Opportunities Territorial Commission.

Main Projects / Activities

2019.28 March/still ongoing: “Le Rotte del Gusto” (The Route of Taste)
The project focuses on the achievement of Unaccompanied Foreign minors’ autonomy through the integrated temporary guardianship. relational and social inclusion processes will give these young people the tools to play a more and more active role in the host community, enabling them to enter the labor market and live an autonomous life. Arciragazzi follows the inclusion path and the activities related to the communication for facilitating their integration
Web Site: https://minoristranieri-neveralone.it/en/progetto/the-routes-of-taste/
2020, 16/24 February: PRIDE (Serbia)
Project funded by the European Commission Erasmus + Directorate of General Education and Culture
This project is designed as a training for trainers, and therefore focused on further dissemination and impact youth workers can/will have on their target group, by equipping them with the set of skills needed to transfer gained knowledge and skills further onto other beneficiaries. The project will consist of 2 mobilities, training for trainers and evaluation meeting, which will include 4 different phases – preparation and research, residential training for trainers, development and implementation of the follow up activities and finally residential evaluation meeting. Countries: Serbia, Romania, North Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Portugal,France.
2020, 11 January: “Immigration and reception: Orientation & Gender Identity”(Portici, Napoli)
Presentation of the book “Immigration and reception: sexual orientation & Gender Identity” by Carmela Ferrara to discuss about the LGBT Immigration flow. The aim was to make visible the LGBT immigrants and LGBT inmates to show the lack of integration policy at National, European and worldwide level. The event was organized by Cooperativa Shannara and Arciragazzi Portici and, supported by representative at Thinktank GenPol: Gender & Policy Insights (University of Cambridge), Alfi Napoli Le Maree, Avvocatura per i Diritti LGBTI - Rete Lenford, European Network Against Racism - ENAR, Municipality of Portici, Assessorato Politiche Giovanili e Pari Opportunità, Consulta Comunale P.O, Un posto occupato.
2019, 20-30 November : XI Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani Napoli The XI Edition presents, for the first time, the Youth section open to works created by authors under 25 years or addressed to an audience of children and/or young people up to 25 years of age. Arciragazzi, in June, started to promote the Festival through its National and International network and a youth group of 8 people with different background, took place as jury along with other young people of different NGOs to evaluate the short movies participating to the call.
2019, 25 November: International Day for the eradication of violence against women The day was characterized by two meetings. The first meeting was that of with a group of young people from different countries who discussed about the analysis of the words hurting them when comes to discrimination, gender equality and gender-based violence.
The second one was structured within a simulation activity scheduled for the XI HUMAN RIGHTS FESTIVAL IN NAPLES - YOUTH session. The vision of three videos gave us the opportunity to "read" the hidden messages and of which we are the bearers (sometimes involuntarily) on discrimination, gender inequality and gender violence.
2019, 15 Novembre-15 June 2020: ESC – European Solidarity Corps: CROSSING VIEW IV
«Crossing views» is based on the values of mutual learning and on the idea that we are more creative and innovative in intercultural environments. In this sens, this project will give intercultural learning opportunities to volunteers so they can improve their work as youth workers but it will also focus on the learning benefits that the hosting organisation can get of this cooperation.
Countries: Spain, Italy.
2019, 23/29 September: Engagement of Women in Politics and Entrepreneurship (Beirut, Lebanon)
Organized by Italian National Agency of Erasmus + Youth in cooperation with SALTO-YOUTH EuroMed, French National Agency of Erasmus +, UK National Agency and GIZ Lebanon (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH) and local NGOs and Institutions
The meaningful participation of women in national, local, and community leadership roles has become an important focus on global development policy. Still, some may ask why it matters if women become political leaders, elected policymakers, or civil society activists. Why does the world need more women involved in all aspects of the political process? Women's political participation results in tangible gains for democracy, including greater responsiveness to citizen needs, increased cooperation across party and ethnic lines, and a more sustainable future.
Countries: Youth in Action Programme countries, Southern Mediterranean countries
Presentation of the book “Un’altra vita” (Another life) by Filomena Lamberti, victim of domestic violence.
This public event is part of a series of meetings that Shannara Cooperative and Arciragazzi has planned at territorial level to promote information, sensitization
and training in the field of gender and in particular focusing on the phenomenon of violence against women and addressed to young people.
2018, September to 2020 February: KA2 - UpGrad_ME
Project funded by the European Commission Erasmus + Directorate of General Education and Culture
UpGrad_Me is a project whose aim was to develop contents capable to enhance migrant youth employability by building their capacity. The motto “self-branding through a Video CV using your mobile phone" was the acknowledgement by the partners involved of the fact that migrant youths at risk of social exclusion and poverty do not possess a computer, but have all a smart phone, whose potentials are ignored for low awareness in digital literacy. So, included in the learning outcome of the training is the capacity to harness the power of their mobile phone, an element which was also one of the objectives of the project.
Countries: Malta, Italy, Spain

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association is ran by autochtones and young people with different background, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation and identity.
We can put at disposal our know how especially for the intercultural competences and partecipative youth process.
Then the contribution can be "translated" in new local projects so to get large our ray of action and to be more effective at local level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It's a great opportunity for my association and for my community to have new resources not only in term of founds but also in terms of new partners join ALF Network for implement and sharing best practice, to exchange competences, skills and experiences.
Then some NGOs, already ALF members, suggested us to be in this network because of great opportunity to go in deep on long terms activities more than other founds.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Schettini
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Paola Schettini

Asociatia Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale

National Network

Bd Alexandru I Cuza, nr 11, Bl CAM3, sc B, et. 1, ap 5
230015 Slatina

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
General Information

Asociatia CPIDS is a youth, apolitical and nongovernmental organization that militates in favor of Romanian society development. CPDIS had been legally constituted Iin 2012 as an NGO. The activities are based on volunteering - we have 7 youth workers, 5 trainers and more than 33 volunteers– from the rural and urban areas – in the Oltenia Region of Romania and has partnerships with over 35 local actors – public sector – local authorities and private actors. The main activities are related to youth empowerment and active youth participation, using different tools and methods – non-formal education context: workshops, mentorship programmes, youth exchanges, round table, but also capacity-buildings support for the local authorities aiming at setting youth strategies – in the rural areas. We are active in the last year- we have. coordinate more than 35 projects. We support youth from our NGO and local community implementing projects on different youth education programs.

Mission and Objectives

- Mission
• to promote the developing activity of creative capacity using non-formal education methods
• to develop educational and mentorship programmes for youth leaders and trainers,
• to encourage the youth from our local community to develop their key competence
• to promote equal opportunities between boys and girls and also to different ethnic people
• to develop. the civic society by doing different projects for them
The association carries out the following activities:
• organization of Youth Exchanges, EVS and training courses
• workshops, seminars, conferences, round table discussions, conferences;
• initiation and participation of projects and programmes in partnership with local and central public administration and other nongovernmental organizations;
• support local authorities in their actions using our volunteers to helo people in need

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are related to youth participation and youth empowerment. Thus, in the last 6 years, we have made more than 35 projects involving almost 200 youth form Romania and 1100 from EU. Our activities are based on developing key competence and to prepare youth from Romania to be better prepare for labour market. Also our topics are:
- cultural
- discrimination and inclusion
- first aid
- civic society
- photography and video editing

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will promote ALF by:
- workshops
- round tables
- informing volunteers and youth form our NGO that AFL financed our projects
- involving youth in educational projects
- making visibility to ALF in our activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join to ALF Network because this program gives us a chance to help youth from our NGO and local communities to develop their key competence an also to learn new things about other cultures. We would like to brake stereotypes and to help youth to develop themself.

Contact (1) Full Name
Florescu George Cristian
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Asociatia Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale
Contact (2) Full Name
Bebelea Adriana
Job Title (2)

O Corvo e a Raposa

National Network

Largo Tenente Borba da Silva, n.º 4
Raposeira, concelho de Vila do Bispo
8650-300 Vila do Bispo

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

O Corvo e a Raposa is a Portuguese non-profit cultural association, founded in 2017 and headquartered in Raposeira, Vila do Bispo, a rural village in the west-end of the Iberian Peninsula. The direction’s founders is made up of 3 female cultural entrepreneurs originally from different regions of Portugal, combining different professional profiles, which allows for a unique artistic symbiosis, that work on a voluntary basis. Originally from Porto, Lisbon and Catalonia, they found their residence in the Algarve in 2017, looking for the artistic enhancement of the Western Algarve, as well as national & international circulation, with a particu-lar focus on the promotion of contemporary visual arts & intangible cultural heritage in music.

O Corvo e a Raposa works regularly with several municipalities located in non-metropolitan areas, such as Vila do Bispo, Lagoa do Algarve, Portimão, Idanha-a-Nova and Ponte de Lima, and with projects supported by regional and national institutions such as Fundação GDA, Directorate Regional for Culture Algarve/North Portugal, and Directorate General for the Arts (DGARTES).

The budgetary resources vary on the annual applications to the national and regional arts support funds, as well as the municipalities involvment on specific projects.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Annual Projects

1.1. DIAS DAS VIRGENS NEGRAS (early music and visual arts).
DIVAM / Algarve Regional Culture Directorate
This artistic tribute to the Black Madonna's in the World, particularly with the Virgin of Guadalupe (Algarve).
2018: Virgin of Montserrat (Catalonia / Spain) / El Libre Vermell de Monserrat
2019: Virgin of Guadalupe & Afonso de Albuquerque (1453/1515)

1.2. Peregrinação {Pilgrimage] II (visual arts and music)
Cultural Action / Regional Culture Directorate for the Algarve and Vila do Bispo Municipality


2.1.1 Na Rota do Peregrino (In the Route of the Pilgrim)
Ponte de Lima Municipality / Cedofeita Parish (Porto) and North Culture Regional Direction

Municipalities of Ponte de Lima, Casa da Música, Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Funding Grant of the Directorate General for the Arts

intercultural dialogue in the iberian peninsula Municipality of Lagoa, Leiria,

Municipality of Ponte de Lima

co-organiser of VENTANIA Festival de Artes Performativas do Algarve, with Teatro Experimental de Lagos
promoter of historical percussion festival “Encontros Med Monsanto 2019”, based on Mediterranean framedrums, within the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Daniela Tomaz
Job Title
Cultural Manager and Musician
Head of the organisation
O Corvo e a Raposa Associacao Cultural

Sofiane Fakhfakh

National Network

Imm Cléopâtre bureau A4.10
Centre urbain nord
1082 Tunis

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Management, consulting

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Etudes, implémentation de projets, etc

Contact (1) Full Name
Sofiane Fakhfakh
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Glocal Factory Società Cooperativa Sociale

National Network

via Pirandello 29

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

"Glocal Factory" is a social co-operative legally established in Italy.
Currently it has 9 members, of which 5 employed.
Budgetary resources available in 2019: € 551,789.
Sources of funding: mainly EU funding for projects approved under Call for Proposals.
Glocal Factory elaborates and implements projects of action/research in the social and educational fields. For this, it collaborates with a large network of European universities, NGOs, CSOs, schools'networks and school authorities.

Mission and Objectives

“Glocal Factory” – social Co-operative was born on January 8th, 2018, as a natural evolution of the Association having the same name, founded in 2015 by a group of experts and volunteers – with different age and studies’ background - engaged in European projects in the social and educational fields. Some of its members can boast an experience of many decades in laying out and implementing EU funded projects.
Both the Association and the Co-operative focus their attention on:
- Innovation of contents and methods in formal, non- formal and informal learning for children, adolescents and adults;
- School, work and social inclusion of disadvantaged and vulnerable persons and groups;
- Fight against racism and xenophobia;
- Opposition to the violence against women and children;
- Well-being of young people, quality of youth work;
- Experimentation of new forms of Communitarian and Generative Welfare;
- Promotion of “social economy” and sustainable development.
On these topics the “system Glocal Factory” (Association and Co-operative):
• Realizes international training for teachers, trainers, adult educators and youth workers. At the moment our catalogue include training weeks on: Post – Millennials discomfort; innovative didactic methodologies (notably “Flipped Classroom”); adult education for emarginated people; coaching and “emotional intelligence” in teaching; education to self-entrepreneurship.
• Promotes European projects, working with a wide network of Italian and European public institutions, universities, associations and NGOs. In 2018 Glocal Factory is partner of 4 action / research projects funded by the EU programme “Erasmus Plus”:
o MiGreat! – creation of new tools for refugees and migrants ECVET (Continous Vocational Education and Training) and APL(Acknowledgement of Previous Learning) – www.mi-great.eu
o TrainIot – innovation of school curricula in Informatics and “Internet of Things” – https://train-iot.erasmus-plus
o CultNet – improvement of professional skills of youth workers, notably capacity to use culture and arts to facilitate inclusion of more disadvantaged youngsters – www.cult-net.eu
o Grandmas’ stories – methods and tools for inter-cultural education, using stories told by migrant grandmothers – http://grandmas-story.eu
• Organizes events and seminars, in co-operation with prestigious research centers, like the conference – webinar held on January 18th, 2018 in Verona, Latina, Athens and Thessaloniky on the theme “Contamin-A(c)tion in Europe”, to reflect in a critical and multi-disciplinary way on the European identity, its roots and its possible development.

Furthermore, some members of the Co-Operative are personally engaged in the implementation of other projects funded by Erasmus Plus and concerning the topic of fight against Early School Leaving, and by the AMIF programme to promote resettlement and inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently (2020) Glocal Factory is project leader of:

Green Seeds (Erasmus Plus project, KA 2, field Education), for the valorization of small decentralized schools;

Prom-Par (Erasmus Plus project, KA 2, field Adult Education), to promote migrants civic education and inclusion.

From January and May 2020 it has elaborated and submitted new 14 projects, regarding many social topics like:
- media, critical thinking and fight against fake news;
- substances use disorders;
- civic education for children;
- alliance of elders and migrants to promote inclusion, social cohesion end volunteering;
- mentoring for migrants' inclusion;
- community-based experiences for refugees welcoming;
- migrant women empowerment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The members of GF are engaged in these months in a self- training on the social scenarios of the post-Covid crisis. We therefore believe that we can offer to the Italian network of the Foundation a series of stimuli on phenomena that could be faced with the use of European programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe that the social and economic problems of the Mediterranean countries, in the next decade, can be solved only thanks to a close cooperation between states, local authorities and NGOs of the different countries. We would like to make our small contribution to the commitment to the protection of human rights, the reduction of military spending, the development of social and green entrepreneurship, the employability of young people, the management of migration flows useful for all countries in the area, and for intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Schena
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Attilio Orecchio
Contact (2) Full Name
Cristina Demartis
Job Title (2)

Sarina initiative

National Network

567 el-horeya road , gleem , abu-qir street , Alexandria , Egypt

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Sarina is an initiative led by two Egyptian woman from a medical background and also a number of volunteers -
the funding was from mitOst organization for the first implementation round but now we are looking for grants and funding opportunities-
the initiative based in Alexandria and implement workshops for kids and teenagers in many governments in Egypt -

Mission and Objectives

Improve the health awareness in the society using non-formal education methods to create an impact in people lives
We use the interactive and interesting learning tools such as dialogue , role plays and graphic or visual facilitation

Main Projects / Activities

peace building and diversity between the Syrian and the Egyptian participants
interactive workshops about many health topics such as first aids for teenagers and mothers from different arabian nationalities
online awareness campaign about COVID-19 preventive and hygienic measures
virtual workshops for kids and teenagers about staying home and new normal health situation during pandemic and infection control

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the membership of the initiative, we will be able to work under a sponser or an umbrella, and thus it will open the opportunity for us to form partnerships to enhance our presence and to contribute to building a strong network of relationships with Anna Lindh.
Also, the initiative is close to society and youth, so we can implement activities to serve society, promote a culture that accepts the other, respect different cultures and nationalities, and achieve sustainable development goals that work on health, education and peace.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an initiative, we need to form a network of relationships and institutions that sponsor our activities. With this partnership, we will be able to implement events and activities and form partnerships aimed at effectively serving civil society in a predominant way, accepting the other and respecting diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mervat sherin adel ahmed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mervat Sherin
Contact (2) Full Name
Eman abd-alhamid moussa
Job Title (2)

Associação Yehudi Menuhin Portugal

National Network

R. António Maria Cardoso, n.º 68
1249-101 Lisboa

+351 213 428 250
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Association Yehudi Menuhin Portugal (AYMP) is a non-profit cultural Association, was founded on January 27, 2000 and is affiliated to the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
The AYMP works with socially disadvantaged population groups and in which the presence of a population from minority cultures is significantly noted.
AYMP has been developing, since its foundation, various activities and projects, namely, the MUS-E Portugal. AYMP has also been developing several training activities for adults: teachers, other education professionals, artists and students' families and others.
The Association was founded under the impulse of Helena Vaz de Silva, at the time president of the Centro Nacional de Cultura, and since its constitution, AYMP has its headquarter at the CNC. The other main partners involved in the AYMP's projects/activities, in addition to the Portuguese education ministry, have been the Schools (Agrupamentos de Escolas) and the Municipalities of the different cities where MUS-E Portugal has been developed: Évora, Leiria, Lisbon, Matosinhos, Porto, Odemira, Oeiras and Vila Nova de Gaia.
In addition to the quotas of individual, collective and benefactors’ associates of AYMP, the Association was financed by the Ministry of Education and has been financed by the municipalities in which the MUS-E project/ program is present. Also has received the sponsorship of several institutions.

Mission and Objectives

The Association Yehudi Menuhin Portugal (AYMP) aims to pursue objectives of artistic character, formatives and of social integration, promoting the arts as a means of preventing violence, development of tolerance and sense of citizenship, according to the ideals of Yehudi Menuhin and the principles of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
AYMP promotes, among other activities, the MUS-E Portugal.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project / program of AYMP is MUS-E. The MUS-E initiative was created by Yehudi Menuhin in 1993, together with Werner Schmitt, IYMF Vice-President, and Marianne Poncelet, IYMF Executive Vice-President. It is based on a concept of music education developed by the Hungarian composer, ethnomusicologist and teacher Zoltan Kodály (1882 - 1967). Kodály believed that music should be part and parcel of daily education and accessible to all. Yehudi Menuhin broadened Kodály’s concept to incorporate all creative arts spanning all cultures. Since 1993, MUS-E Associations in various countries have built up a wealth of experience in implementing the use of creative arts in traditional primary school curriculums, working particularly with children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
In its present form, the program MUS-E is targeted at primary schools, mainly in Europe, which are facing the challenge of educating a growing multicultural group of children, many of whom come from migrant or disadvantaged families and are at risk of social exclusion or other societal problems. In the presence of classroom teachers, professional artists actively engaged in MUS-E introduce and share various forms of art (singing, dance, music, movement, drama, visual and multimedia arts,...).
Thanks to this collective work, the MUS-E programme encourages dialogue and togetherness, while awakening children’s sense of creativity, empathy and resilience.
Three fields of activity are interconnected in the MUS-E programme:
- Artistic
Art is all too often given minimum attention in the school curriculum, but it is a powerful tool to awaken and stimulate children’s curiosity for learning.
The MUS-E programme is a meaningful, effective and unique addition to existing music and art classes offered by schools.
- Pedagogical
MUS-E’s artistic approach to school education helps children to enjoy school as a place to learn and socialize. lt also helps teachers to discover an additional teaching strategy focussed on every child’s needs, abilities, leveI of development and cultural background. MUS-E activities are based on the premise that children have their own way of processing knowledge and culture, 50 that if schools are able to leverage this, they become key social agents. The partnership between teachers and visiting artists enables the teacher’s function of helping children in their quest for knowledge, overcoming the idea that the teacher is the only gatekeeper of knowledge. Moreover, teachers can use the MUS-E experience and practice to support teaching other subjects on the school curriculum.
- Social
The schools benefitting from the MUS-E programme are mainly located in lower income districts with few cultural stimuli and /or high concentration of diverse backgrounds. By triggering children’s creativity, their capacity for resilience to adverse social circumstances is strengthened. MUSE optimizes the creative resources of the children and families, and the wealth of their cultural diversity.

Over the years, MUS-E Portugal has been recognized as a Cultural Interest Project by the Ministry of Culture / Portuguese Secretary of State for Culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As the AYMP has the objective, non-profit, to pursue exclusively artistic, educational, cultural, training and social integration purposes, with a view to promoting the arts as a means of preventing violence, developing tolerance and the sense of citizenship, AYMP could contribute to the Network, according to AYMP statutes, namely:

a) The carrying out of artistic, educational, cultural, training and social integration activities, with a view to promoting music and other arts as a means of preventing violence and as a means of developing tolerance and a sense of citizenship, according to the teachings of Yehudi Menuhin and the programs of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
b) The development of artistic education in the educational system and in Portuguese society, namely through the implementation and development of the MUS-E project of the International Foundation Yehudi Menuhin, in order to provide children and young people with the knowledge and mutual respect of different cultures;
c) Cultural promotion, in collaboration with public and private entities and bodies that pursue the same aim;
d) The development of music and other arts in the broader sectors of the population, through public events;
e) The promotion of activities aimed at promoting the educational, social and cultural integration of disadvantaged children and young people;
f) The creation of educational, artistic and cultural cooperation networks that help to achieve the association's objectives, at regional, national and international level;
g) The organization of seminars and conferences to study and expand the activities and initiatives of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation, always on the basis of a human climate of trust and goodwill and intercultural solidarity;
h) The adoption and promotion of initiatives in favor of tolerance, dialogue and solidarity between different peoples and social groups, for the improvement of the interior environment - spiritual, moral and conceptual - and exterior, in order to elicit a global response to dehumanization of current societies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute to the Network of Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation promoting the Dialogue between Cultures.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Leonor C. C. Cambournac
Job Title
Coordenadora Nacional do MUS-E Portugal
Head of the organisation
Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins (President of the board)

Venture Cafe Warsaw Foundation

National Network

al. Jerozolimskie
02-001 Warsaw

+48 502 372 053
Telephone (other)
+48 882737865
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+48 502 372 053
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 882737865
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Venture Café Warsaw is a nonprofit organization that seeks to grow Warsaw’s innovation community by working to make it more diverse, inclusive, accessible, and better connected locally, nationally, and globally. Venture Café Warsaw is a member of a growing global network of organizations – each with the shared mission and a local flare. Venture Café Warsaw works closely with its partner, CIC Warsaw, to build a vibrant innovation community. Strategic partners: Microsoft, Samsung, Grupa Azoty, Polish Development Fund.
The team consists of 7 people and cooperates with around 30 partners, depending on a project, from local selfgovernmental, corporate and start-up sector.

yearly budget: 300 000 PLN/ 71500 Euro
sources of founding: CIC Warsaw, partners, donations.

Mission and Objectives

Venture Café Warsaw’s mission is connecting innovators to make things happen by working to make our community more diverse, inclusive & accessible. We are creating the major innovation community hotspot, the first touchpoint for all the innovators from Warsaw, Mazovia Region and other parts of Poland to gather, mingle, exchange ideas and share the innovation spark. What’s more, our goal is to enrich Warsaw’s community and make it better connected: locally, nationally, and globally.

Main Projects / Activities

core programmes:
- Thursday Gatherings - events on a regular basis to connect innovators
- Trend House - innovators club
- District Hall - open to the public center for innovation in Warsaw
- Innovation Visitors Bureau; inclusion of foreign innovation into Warsaw’s ecosystem.
- Corporate Innovation Playbook - a collection of good practices and ideas for implementation of innovation in a corporate environment. A handbook with ready-made paths for identifying needs and implementation innovations that meet these needs in the shortest way possible.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an operator of District Hall - space for social innovation we could host interesting events on social innovation organized together with other members of the ALF Network. We would also like to build local and international partnerships and get involved in Network's projects. We could share our experience and knowledge based on many years of international activity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF, because diversity inclusion is one of our core goals and our mission is to promote innovation and build more inclusive business societies. We value a lot work of the Anna Lindh Foundation and would like to be part of it. Building international partnerships and implementing intercultural, cross sectorial projects is in the scope of our interest. We think that we could add a lot of value to the network and be an important partner in Poland for many other organisations. We would like to participate in the Foundation's events and share knowledge and experience with other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Founding Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Aureliusz Górski
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Lindner
Job Title (2)
project coordinator