
National Network

Refaa village, Farshout district

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية تنمية المجتمع بقرية رفاعة الشرقية مركز فرشوط هي جمعية أهلية غير هادفة للربح مشهرة بموجب القانون ( 32 ) لسنة 1964 وتم تعديل إشهارها طبقاً للقانون ( 84 ) لسنة 2002 ونطاق عملها علي مستوي محافظة قنا وهي تعتبر من الجمعيات الأكثر نشاطاً علي مستوي مراكز ( فرشوط – أبو تشت – نجع حمادي – دشنا ) حيث أنها نفذت العديد من المشروعات التنموية التي تهتم برفع المستوي الاقتصادي وبناء القدرات والتمكين الصحي وتمكين الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وحماية الفتيات من أضرار ختان الإناث وتمكين الأطفال من حقوقهم وكان بالتعاون مع الممولين مثل ( الصندوق الاجتماعي للتنمية – مركز خدمات المنظمات غير الحكومية – مؤسسة ساويرس للتنمية الاجتماعية – هيئة تير دي زوم السويسرية – مؤسسة الأسرة المصرية – جمعية فدا – هيئة محو الأمية- مؤسسة قضايا المرأة ) .
- الجمعية تمتلك العديد من الخبرات المهنية التي تمكنها من تنفيذ المشروع علي أكمل وجه حيث لديها موظفين لديهم خبرات تراكمية من
العمل بالمشروعات المختلفة لذلك الجمعية قادرة علي تنفيذ الأنشطة بتقنية عالية .

Mission and Objectives

We community development Association at Refaa Farshout district Qena Governorate eligibility of non-profit charitable No. 516 for the year 1998 we seek to develop economically and community health and education, culturally and environmentally and socially by providing programs lifting economic level; And health; And educational; The cultural; And environmental; The Social; And human rights education ; The application of modern information technology; We are working on building the institutional capacity of civil societies; We commit ourselves to further degree of conformity with the highest levels of commitment, transparency and ethical conduct towards us and all of us deal; We are working with the community as a whole, without discrimination of sex, race, color, religion.

Main Projects / Activities

1- مشروع " رفع المستوى الاقتصادي للأسر الفقيرة برفاعة " ولا يزال قائما منذ سنة 2002 وحتى الآن ويستهدف أفقر الفقراء وبالأخص المرأة المعيلة
2- مشروع " مناهضة الممارسات الضارة ضد الفتيات " ممول من منظمة بلان انترناشيونال - مصر
3- مشروع { مجتمع منتج } ممول من المؤسسة المصرية لتنمية المجتمع – وزارة الشئون الاجتماعية
4- مشروع مدارس المجتمع بالاشتراك مع منظمة الأمم المتحدة للأطفال ( اليونيسيف ) ووزارة التربية والتعليم { جاري }
5- مشروع التنمية الريفية والزراعية الممول من الصندوق الاجتماعي للتنمية قيمة التمويل مليون جنية
6- مشروع مناهضة العنف ضد المرأة بالتعاون مع مركز قضايا المرأة المصرية

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Taher
Job Title
Chairman of the Board
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Taher
Contact (2) Full Name
Hussein Mahmoud Rawi
Job Title (2)

Association Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik

National Network

Don Frane Bulića 4

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

The Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik (IUC) is an independent international centre for advanced studies, structured as an association of 170 universities and scientific institutions from all parts of the world. Legal entity for the IUC is IUC Association. The IUC yearly organises 60-70 courses, conferences, workshops and study projects in a wide range of academic fields. International governing bodies are responsible for the overview of the programmes and functioning of the Centre. All members of governing bodies, organisers of programmes and lecturers are volunteers, while the institution has three employees in the Secretariat and part time accountant. The IUC is supported by University of Zagreb (infrastructure and staff), some member universities (with moderate membership fees), participants of academic programmes (fees), Croatian Ministry of Education and Science (scholarship for Croatian participants and part of operation - until 2019.) Budget in 2019 was 160.000 Euro.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the IUC Dubrovnik is to bring together scholars and students from different countries, cultures and academic disciplines to advanced research and higher education programmes. The IUC maintains high standards of scientific quality and provides an open space for critical thinking and innovation. Building upon its location and its history the IUC Dubrovnik serves as a bridge between regions within Europe and between the European region and the world by connecting scientific communities and connecting communities through science. The IUC emphasises and supports inter-disciplinary and cross-national collaboration on global challenges encouraging, in addition to east-west collaboration also new north-south initiatives. The IUC Dubrovnik also stimulates the development of research activities, in particular related to the courses and conferences within the programme and contributes to connecting leading international partner universities to regional academic institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The IUC Dubrovnik continues its practice of organising courses and conferences within the broad spectrum of scientific disciplines provided by scientific staff from multiple countries. The first programme events were launched in 1974, and courses and conferences have from then on represented a wide range of different academic disciplines, from fields of humanities and social sciences, to natural sciences and medicine. Courses and conferences are proposed by scholars from member institutions and are organised by course and conference directors coming from at least two different countries. IUC programmes are intended to reflect the most recent developments in scientific and academic concerns and in most cases are inter and trans-disciplinary. They also promote intercultural exchange and dialogue. Each programme is approved by the IUC’s Executive Committee and many are recognised through ECTS points at home universities of organisers and lecturers. Although in a typical year IUC organises app 65. Academic programmes the institution is open for new entries. More on 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Inter-University Centre is contributing to the strengthening of the civil society and development of public policies through numerous academic programmes, courses and workshops. Participants are coming from all over the world so good practice examples are easily presented and shared. In such a way participants from Croatia (usually 1/3 of all attendees) learn about examples from other countries and can implement this knowledge in their professional careers. All IUC programmes are open to interested public since courses are generally open for participants from outside the academic community. In such a way cross-sector cooperation and collaboration between civil society organisations and academic community is encouraged. Many IUC programmes are tackling matters of human rights, divided societies, cultural identities and clashes, religions, social justice, inclusion in the area of social work, and many others. We would like to enable further networking for civil society organisations in Croatia that have similar area of operation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF’s purpose is similar to IUC’s mission: overcoming differences that exist in the current societies by establishing dialogue, exchanging knowledge and creating more tolerant communities. IUC has is doing so by organising courses and conferences in a wide range of academic fields, mostly humanities and social sciences. In these programmes participants from different backgrounds, cultures, of different religious beliefs share their ideas in the atmosphere of understanding and tolerance. When they return to home institutions participants can implement their knowledge in their community and to some extent this has an effect on policy-makings. Since our participants are to the larger extent students IUC programmes have a big impact on the young generation. However, we wish to strengthen our network and connect with other institutions with similar mission. We would also like to take part in some future joint projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Bruer Ljubišić
Job Title
Executive Secretary
Head of the organisation
Prof. Krunoslav Pisk, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Tomislav Kvesić
Job Title (2)
Administrative Assistant

Diplomatic Academy - University of Nicosia

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
General Information
The Diplomatic Academy is an independent not-for profit institute, closely affiliated with the University of Nicosia. Our full structure (including staff & director) is available here  Sources of funding include the University of Nicosia, as well as research projects by independent and institutionalised initiatives (e.g. projects run by the European Commission). Modalities of action include seminars, workshops, public events available on our wesbite
Mission and Objectives

The Diplomatic Academy is an independent non-profit institute, closely affiliated with the University of Nicosia, established in 2011 to provide training and promote education, information and analysis on diplomatic and international relations developments. We conduct research, promote and organise various events in partnership with civil society organisations, and we operate as an academic research entity within the University.
The main objective of the Diplomatic Academy is to link individuals and organisations interested in advancing their knowledge and understanding in the field of diplomacy, politics, security and international relations. Towards this goal, the Academy organises and hosts events with professionals, representatives from trade, commerce, military, the diplomatic community, governmental and non-governmental organisations. For instance, we have organised public events on gender, security, and the workplace, geopolitics in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as information sessions on cybersecurity.
Furthermore, through its collaboration with high-level academics and journalists, the Academy hosts and promotes expert analyses on the developments in the volatile region of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

Academic and Training Workshops: We participate in the training of non-governmental organisations and scholars on conflict resolutions through interactive seminars, workshops, and summer schools. We also contribute to the training of governmental officials in the civil service and the military
Public Events: We often work with local networks and institutions to host public events at the University of Nicosia. Our most recent event took place in February 2020 in partnership with Global Shapers Nicosia. We focused on the topic of "Women at the Workplace: Cyprus and Beyond"
Podcasts: We run podcast episodes on issues related to international affairs, policy, culture, technology, and the Eastern Mediterranean
Database: We are working on a public database, open source and freely accessible with informational content on the implications of pandemics and crises on policy and the economy, as well as on other topics such as conflict, security, development, gender, and technology

Contact (1) Full Name
Petros Petrikkos
Job Title
Project and Research Associate
Head of the organisation
Dr Constantinos Adamides
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Constantinos Adamides
Job Title (2)
Assistant Professor at Department of Politics and Governance, Director of the Diplomatic Academy - University of Nicosia

Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur de Travail Social

National Network

6, rue Chanoine Rance BOURREY
06000 Nice

04 92 07 82 84
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

L'IESTS est un centre de formation dans les métiers du  travail social et de l'insertion professionnelle, engagé au niveau local et international. Acteur de l'action sociale sur le territoire des Alpes Maritimes mais égalemnt en Afrique du Nord et Afique de l'Ouest, il accompagne égalment ses partenaires dans des actions de recherche et d'accompagnement de structuration institutionnel. Plus d'infos =  

Mission and Objectives

l’Institut a cinq missions principales, qu’il assure avec le concours de ses 62 salariés permanents dont 30 formateurs à temps plein,  auxquels s’ajoute l’équivalent de 7 autres temps plein de formateurs occasionnels :  1. préparer aux Diplômes d'Etat du travail social les étudiants et stagiaires ainsi que les professionnels en poste 2. participer à la formation continue et supérieure des différents acteurs de l'intervention sociale ; 3.participer à l'animation départementale dans le domaine de l'action sociale ; 4.soutenir la réflexion et les pratiques des institutions en charge de l'action sociale par la mise en œuvre de programmes d’étude et de recherche 5. alimenter et animer le débat sur les questions professionnelles par l’organisation de conférences, colloques, etc. Ll'IESTS est également engagé dans les questions d'interculturalité ( formation à l'attention des étudinats et des professionnels sur ce thème) et dans celle de Violences faites aux femmes. L'institut propose un Diplôme Universitaire, en partenariat avec l'Université de Nice; du ce ce thème. Il est également signataire de la Charte de la Diversité

Main Projects / Activities

.A côté des actions de formation et de son implication dans diverses actions sociales locales (participation au plan de lutte régional contre la pauvreté,  organisation de la réserve sociale sur le 06 oendant le confinement, etc) l'IESTS est impliqué actuellement dans des projets de solidarité internationale, l'un à Dakar, en partenariat avec la DCI de Monaco et le Ministère de la Santé de Sénégal, l'autre au Maroc avec l'IECD (Paris) la GIZ (coopération allemande) implanté à Rabat, au bénéfice de l'OFPPT (Maroc), organisme de formation professionnelle national, pour lequel l'IESTS construit des référentiels et des contenus de formation pour la création  de nouvelles filières de formation (= Auxliaires de Vie Sociale,  spécialisée dans l'accompagnement de perosnnes dépendantes. Au Maroc, l'IESTS également menés des projets de formation en partenariat avec l'Expertise Franc (au bénéfice de l'ANAPEC su les thématiques de migration et d'interculturalité) et avec Handica^p International (au bénéfice de structures d'accueil de personnes en situation de handicap, pour ces actions de renforcement de compétences auprès du personnel éducatif).  Par ailleurs, l'IESTS est très investi dans les actions de mobilité entrante et sortante des étudiants et de ses formateurs. Il s'est crée a pour cela un réseau de partenaires européens et internationaux important, tant au niveau académique que sur le terrain des acteurs professionnels ou institutionnels (Ministères)   

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'IESTS peut contribuer à promouvoir leSactivités du réseau ALF au sein de son propre réseau de partenaieres locaux et internationaux , par la réalisation d'actions au sein de ses locaux ou par la diffusion d'information sur les réseaux sociaux  /

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'IESTS souhaite faire partie du réseau ALF afin d'une part d'enrichir son propre réseau et ses compétences en matière d'interculturaliét et de diversité , et aussi pour faire partager les siennes. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisabeth SULTAN
Job Title
Responsable du Service Relations Internationales
Head of the organisation
Monsieur Philippe FOFANA


National Network

Almirall Cadarso, 28 baix, 46005 València

+34 670 68 66 64
Telephone (other)
+34 676 88 18 04
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
La Asociación ciudadana Mostra Viva del Mediterrani (MVM) nace en 2013, gracias al apoyo de la Universitat de Valencia, Fundación ACM, SGAE, Instituto Francés y Octubre CCC, como respuesta al cierre de la Mostra de Valencia por la alcaldesa de Valencia. Decide recuperar los tres eventos orientados al Mediterráneo y promovidos por el Ayuntamiento de Valencia en los años 80 -Cine, Música y Literatura- y amplía la oferta a Circo, Narración Oral, Artes Visuales, Debates y Acción Educativa, desde una mirada adecuada a la realidad cultural actual. En 2015 se inicia la colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Valencia y la Generalitat, que se materializa en la cesión de espacios, y desde 2016 en aportació económica. En 2018 el Ayuntamiento reactiva la Mostra de Valencia-Cinema del Mediterrani, que celebra su 33 edición, con estructura y presupuesto independiente de Mostra Viva del Mediterrani. MVM se reafirma como un Encuentro de Encuentros. Amplía su programación con el Aplec de Dansa y refuerza su carácter internacional con la presencia de músicos, artistas, autores y pensadores de más países mediterráneos. MVM 2019 se celebra bajo el lema “El mes més mediterrani” y en torno a tres ejes: juventud, exilio y migraciones. Su desarrollo confirma que es un Encuentro consolidado. La Trobada de Música, a pesar del traslado al Teatro El Musical, mantiene el exigente nivel de la programación y el atractivo del público. Las Arts de Carrer amplían la oferta de disciplinas circenses y consiguen atraer a miles de espectadores de todas las edades al Jardín del Palau. El Encontre d'Escriptors, junto a la Narració Oral, crea un espacio para el relato, la poesía y el diálogo en el Centre del Carme. El Aplec de Dansa, cada vez más internacional, ha exhibido una alta profesionalidad en los espectáculos programados en la sala y en la calle. La Mostra Educativa continua orientando la participación de los más pequeños en el proceso creativo. Las Arts Visuals, la Videocreació y los Debats conforman un rico espacio de intercambio de miradas y experiencias, con presencia de 18 países mediterráneos. La Gastronomía reaparece con concurridos talleres de cocina marroquí y turca. Mostra Viva del Mediterrani aspira a hacer de Valencia un lugar de encuentro y punto de referencia de la cultura de los pueblos del Mediterráneo. La estructura de la asociación se encuentra formada por una presidenta, un presidente de honor, una junta directiva y un equipo de trabajo, coordinado por una coordinadora técnica y diferentes coordinadores de área.
Mission and Objectives

La asociación MVM se configura con el objetivo de ofrecer una oferta singular, asumida por la ciudadanía, reconocida por los creadores, que sitúe a Valencia en el mapa del encuentro,
Responde a los fines de la asociación Mostra Viva del Mediterrani de promover el intercambio cultural de los pueblos del Mediterráneo, y de fomentar las relaciones entre los pueblos mediterráneos desde el dialogo cultural, el reconocimiento mutuo de un pasado y un presente común más allá de las diferencias, y la construcción de un mediterráneo de paz y concordia. Destinatarios
Dirigido de forma directa a ciudadanos y ciudadanas de la ciudad de Valencia y de la Comunidad Valenciana de todas las edades, que podrán disfrutar y participar activamente de las actividades propuestas. Por extensión, a todas aquellas personas, venidas de su lugar de origen que deseen participar en el desarrollo del encuentro.
Desde otro lugar a las asociaciones ciudadanas similares a Mostra Viva del Mediterrani en otras ciudades mediterráneas con las que se van estableciendo redes de intercambio y colaboración. Ejes del programa.
Patrimonio e identidad cultural
Intercambio cultural mediterráneo.
Red de asociaciones culturales mediterráneas
Participación activa de la ciudadanía
Cultura popular
Futuro sostenible: turismo azul y energías verdes
Involucrar a diferentes asociaciones mediterráneas para la creación futura de una red de intercambio que facilite la movilidad de artistas y creadores en el mediterráneo
Promover Valencia como ciudad abierta al mediterráneo
Fomentar la participación de la diversidad de espectadores en las actividades programadas
Potenciar el conocimiento de las diversas maneras de hacer de otros países del arco mediterráneo
Favorecer el conocimiento muto y el intercambio de los países mediterráneos
Integrar las diversas manifestaciones y propuestas bajo el paraguas común de cultura mediterránea
Proyectar una futura red de colaboración e intercambioel diálogo, el intercambio y la solidaridad de los países mediterráneos, contribuyendo a construir puentes de paz desde la cultura.
 La Mediterraneidad es un bien común, con unas raíces y una historia compartida, que recoge el legado de la antigua Grecia y Roma, la aportación de las tres religiones del libro, el renacimiento, la ilustración, los derechos humanos y el laicismo humanista. Y esto tiene su reflejo tanto en la música como en las demás manifestaciones artísticas.
La repercusión de esta política abarca ámbitos diversos: simbólico, la Comunidad Valenciana vuelve a asumir el liderazgo en la construcción de la concordia y la paz en el Mediterráneo; económico, por lo que supone de aliciente a los creadores valencianos en su divulgación internacional y por el intercambio generado con el resto de países del mediterráneo; académico por la vertiente pedagógica que abarcan las distintas áreas; y turístico porque pone en valor un patrimonio cultural en origen común, y ofrece una alternativa de disfrute crítico y de calidad para nuestros visitantes.

Main Projects / Activities

 Los Encuentros  de Música, Danza, Literatura, Artes de la calle, Muestra educativa y Artes Visuales del Mediterráneo conforman un conjunto coherente. La asociación MVM sigue redoblando esfuerzos con el objetivo de ofrecer una oferta singular, asumida por la ciudadanía, reconocida por los creadores, que sitúe a Valencia en el mapa del encuentro, el diálogo, el intercambio y la solidaridad de los países mediterráneos, contribuyendo a construir puentes de paz desde la cultura.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Favoreciendo el intercambio y la colaboración entre entidades similares. Creando nuevas redes de difusión y de intercambio cultural. Aportando la posibilidad de que los artistas invitados por nuestro encuentro tengan la oportunidad de realizar actuaciones en otras ciudades de nuestro país, apoyados por otros organismos culturales colaboradores.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Para aportar nuestro proyecto y encontrar nuevas posibilidades de sinergias y apoyos en organismos similares o complementarios.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network


+357 97676011
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Xarkis = from the beginning. Founded in 2013 in Cyprus, Xarkis is a cultural NGO. 

We seek to actively promote socio-ecological civic engagement, through artistic expression and practises of knowledge sharing and co-creation.


Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to foster collaborative knowledge exchange, nurture dialogue between people interested in socio-ecological change, and engage with local cultures, through participatory artistic practices.  


Short term

The creation of a learning framework that encourages the study and experimentation in terms of methodological axes, alongside applied forms for socially engaged, participatory and innovative practices in the field of arts and design.

Long term

1. Developing our organization through new activities, creative practices, practice-based research and hands-on actions. For this purpose, in each of our programmes we involve various experts, academics, artists and designers.

2. Strengthening "communal identities" by developing our understanding, appreciation, and interaction with local cultures, histories, and the environment.

3. Cultivating a participatory culture, collaborative actions and widening the circle of stakeholders around culture.

4. Mediating dialogue between visual artists, designers, musicians, academics, researchers, activists and other socially engaged persons from diverse backgrounds. 

5. Exploring and reviving aspects of cultural heritage whilst searching for new ways of expression and development regarding customs, traditions, crafts and other types of practises that are widespread in local societies and beyond. In this respect we are interested in exploring which aspects, elements, values and ways of life could be redefined and adapted to today, to avoid a museum-like preservation of cultural heritage.

5. From 2023 we are celebrating 10 years of life as Xarkis. Our ultimate objective is the sustainable development of our activities, in ways that they officially have long-term support from different funding schemes, (e.g. our nomadic arts festival called Xarkis Festival and the Xarkis Multi-residency Program, which have a proven impact and fill a gap in the cultural sector). We also aim to strengthen existing support pillars for artists, curators and other cultural actors working in this field, as well as further support communities involved in our programs, by providing more appropriate financial remuneration, but also to develop our practice with new, innovative initiatives.

6. We aspire to enhance this dimension of our programs through a multicultural and intersectional perspective and by bringing our experience in socially engaged cultural practices in the European Union and beyond

Main Projects / Activities

We have organized 9 international Xarkis Festivals in Arsos, Lofou, Koilani, Polystipos Lympia and Agros (2013-2022), 1 celebration at the National State Fair (2013), 6 nomadic Xarkis Multi-Residency Programs in the villages of Lofou, Koilani, Lympia and Agros (2016-2022), 8 workshops and participatory projects including the Nicosia Pop-up Festival, City Plaza, (2014) 3 workshops at Tenta Festival, Kalavasos, (2015), 3 educational (non-formal learning) programmes including: Voicing & Craft Stories at NiMAC, Nicosia, (2017), 2 Masa potluck and Participatory Design workshops at the Museum of Cultural Heritage and at the Adult Center of Deryneia (2019), 5 kaFEMio coffee shops focused on feminist conversations in Polystipos (2019, 2020) with an online and a site-specific event at the Deryneia Adult Center and in Agros (2022), 1 digital Festival titled Everything Flows (2020), 1 award winnning digital platform called Voicing Stories focusing on oral stories and the related educational program at the Municipal Arts Center (NiMAC) Nicosia, (2017) with an EU Youth Social Entrepreneurship Award from the Youthopia Program, 1 Interdisciplinary Artists’ Residency Program (2020) and 1 transnational Arts Program titled CONTESTED DESIRES (2019-2022) funded by Creative Europe, in which we explore the impact of colonial heritage and are responsible for the communication of the consortium.



We design, curate, organise and manage practice-based research projects, nomadic initiatives, non-formal education programmes, interdisciplinary arts festivals, multi-residency programmes, exhibitions, workshops, gatherings, interventions, talks, lectures, and communication design initiatives including communication strategies, campaigns, films, publications and participatory web platforms


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a transdisciplinary team, Xarkis specialises in community engagement, creative direction, project management, research, education and practice in the fields of communication design, social design (incl. service design, co-design and design activism) design for social innovation, architecture, visual arts (incl. fine art) performance art, experiential dance and cultural heritage, with a strong interest in humans and the environment. We offer design and co-design services as well as curate, produce and facilitate cultural, participatory and socio-ecological initiatives.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to maintain our membership in the ALF network to engage in good practices and collaborate with partners and communities via cross cultural exchanges, as well as capacity building in the field of cultural work.

In address to this purpose, we are interested in deepening our knowledge and impact on the following objectives, as framed by ALF:

> Empowering voices in intercultural learning

> Facilitating access to and sharing of intercultural resources and experiences, transfering of know-how and competencies across the Euro-Mediterranean region

> Empowering ALF network members to work on intercultural dialogue through collaborations and exchange of good practices at the regional or sub-regional level among member organisations and nonmember organisations.


Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Skarpari
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Christina Skarpari

Peace Academy Foundation

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Porodice Ribar 8
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information

We are best known for intenstive-format summer academies aimed for both students and activists. In addition, we have published several books on social justice, strategic peacebuilding, and a culture of memory. For several years we organised practitioner exchanges with the Ukraine, where participants from a particular focus would travel to Bosnia to learn from Bosnian experiences after the war. Presently we have an active volunteer board and a volonteer director who are committed to re-activating the organisation.

Mission and Objectives

PAF's Vision The PAF envisions a culture of peace as a relevant characteristic of relations within the region, in each country and between them. PAF emphasizes that peace is not only the “absence of war” and shares an idea of a culture of peace as defined by the United Nations General Assembly in 1998 “as consisting of values, attitudes and behaviours that reject violence and endeavour to prevent conflicts by addressing their root causes with a view to solving problems through dialogue and negotiation among individuals, groups and nations.” PAF's Mission Our mission is to help construct and affirm a culture of peace in all social spheres by exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and experiences; development of existing and creation of new theoretical models for peace work; education for everyone who is active or wishes to be active in the field of peace work; and fostering connections between actors relevant for peacebuilding and promotion of peace work. PAF's Values Our work is based on following values: Appreciating diversity – PAF empowers and supports cooperation between different social groups engaged in peacebuilding; Commitment to dialogue – PAF supports and encourages the exchange of ideas, and constructive critique of existing theories and practices of peacebuilding; Readiness to learn and change ourselves – We see the work of the PAF as a process in which we all participate and make decisions on an equal basis; Linking academia with activism – PAF is a space for exchange of different perspectives and approaches, not a competitive space; Nonviolence and a culture of peace – These are the ultimate principles of our work and fostering them is our ultimate goal; Political aspects – we see peace work as a mode of political and civic activism and a necessary condition for creating positive social change.

Main Projects / Activities

Presently we have two active projects. In 2020 we are planning a summer course with modest funding from ECRP. In addition, we have initiated a research project called "Study of Peacebuilding Practice in Divided Societies" (more information at

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are particularly strong on linking academic and activist approaches. This summer we are planning a course on resistance to nationalism and populism that could be of interest to participants from member organisations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our important values is to be active and contribute to civil society more broadly, concretely through active participation in networks. We were previously a member although a rather inactive one.

Contact (1) Full Name
Randall Puljek-Shank
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Randall Puljek-Shank

Massinissa Benlakehal

National Network

11 rue el boukari
La Marsa Safsaf

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Freelance journalist, I cover as being based from Tunis, issues relating to migration, geopolitics, society and politics, also Maghreb news, and conflict zone
Mission and Objectives

Investigative journalism as a freelancer for outlets in various places in the world edited in English

Main Projects / Activities

Cover news and feature stories

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a journalist I would love to contribute via my existing network and help as I can

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I'm willing to establish and reinforce my existing network

Contact (1) Full Name
Massinissa Benlakehal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Massinissa Benlakehal

EMMA for Peace (Euro-Mediterranean Music Academy)

National Network

Via Flaminia 54-56
00196 Rome RM

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

EMMA for Peace, or the Euro Mediterranean Music Academy, is a non-profit global organization for the promotion of peace and cooperation for development through music diplomacy and education in Europe, the Mediterranean region, Middle East and beyond.

Mission and Objectives

EMMA for Peace, or the Euro Mediterranean Music Academy, is a non-profit global organization for the promotion of peace and cooperation for development through music diplomacy and education in Europe, the Mediterranean region, Middle East and beyond. Thanks to the collaboration with national institutions and international organizations, such as the UN agencies (in particular UNESCO, UNICEF, UNHCR)  and the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, EMMA for Peace encourages peace building initiatives by the participation of world renowned artists in concerts, masterclasses, workshops and other educational programmes of excellence for young people.

Main Projects / Activities

EMMA for Peace encourages dialogue and the sharing of musical excellence between international musicians of the highest level and students and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the Europe, the Middle East and beyond.  It uses music as a tool for peace in places torn apart by war, bringing the best talent from the world’s concert halls and academies to refugee camps and other deprived areas where music education is otherwise inaccessible. EMMA for Peace also raises awareness in individual partner countries with the support of national institutions, as well as organising concerts at major venues and festivals throughout the region. Founded by Italian cultural manager Paolo Petrocelli, EMMA for Peace is a ‘roving’ musical academy focusing on the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, with international branches that extend beyond. Bringing together different peoples, cultures and traditions, EMMA for Peace lets music be the instrument of understanding, awareness and collaboration towards a peaceful future for all. EMMA for Peace was officially launched in 2013 at the 13th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Warsaw, under the patronage of UNESCO and the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We collaborate with international organizations, national institutions, universities, conservatories, music academies from the all over the Euro-Med Region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to connect, share, inspire more and more. We want to develop strategic partnerships and join forces with ALF Network members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paolo Petrocelli
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Paolo Petrocelli

Morocco's Friends Foundation / MFF

National Network

Imm 12, Rue Friouato, Agdal

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Youth and education
General Information
In order for the development of a country to be successful, there must be adequate participation and involvement from its youths, who demonstrate the potential to integrate in the policy-making process at local, regional, and national community levels. It is with this consideration that the Morocco’s friends foundation was founded in 2015 by a team of young volunteers, with the objective of creating a space for dialogue that is open to all young Moroccans in order to work toward promoting their participation in the decision-making process regarding issues that affect their lives. Morocco’s friends foundation also serves as a network for youth associations and organizations, with the objective of promoting the exchange of experiences and working together to allow for new horizons of creation and participation among youths.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives: 
Our objectives:
Through its activities, the Morocco’s friends foundation aims to:
• Participate in the promotion and perfection of youth participation in the process of development,
• Support the spirit of initiative among youths,
• Cultivate the values of citizenship, democracy, and human rights among youths,
• Participate in the realization of development objectives.
Our identity:
The identity of the Morocco’s friends foundation derives from Moroccan culture and identity in an open cultural framework.
Our principles:
• Democracy
• Mutual respect
• Responsibility and engagement
Our bodies:        
• The National Congress
• The National Federal Council
• Local subsidiaries
• The Executive National Office

Main Projects / Activities

- Young mediterranean voices
- Young journalisme leaders
- Moroccan youth voices
- Creativity camps
- The Munathara Initiative
- Open peace festival 
- Women's initiatives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Organizing training programs;
• Participate in activities of interest to society at the national and international levels;
• Organizing cultural discussions;
• Organizing conferences, seminars and study days;
• Publishing articles and research related to childhood, youth and women;
• Partnership with various collaborators and institutions;
• Establishing local and national development projects for the benefit of society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network of the Anna Lindh in order to benefit from their experiences internationally with the projects they are working on, as we aspire to work through the network to develop joint projects .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ridouan Chekkal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ridouan Chekkal
Contact (2) Full Name
Abella Ibourk
Job Title (2)
Executive Director