National Network

3210 forest hill

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
General Information

The idea of starting M’ARTSY originally stemmed from a simple observation: that the academic and artistic fields remain highly divided and polarized in Morocco. While (academic) research on the arts is almost non-existent in the country, Moroccan artists also lack a coherent discourse around their practice which should be rooted in a specific conceptual and theoretical framework. In addition, there is no single university program in the Fine Arts in Morocco- only practical schools of “Beaux-Arts”- and no academic initiative that accompanies young Moroccan artists in their creative processes. Maha Tazi is the founder and current president of M’ARTSY. She is a University instructor, a researcher and a PhD candidate at Concordia University in Montreal where her research focuses on alternative (i.e. counter-hegemonic) artistic expressions by young Moroccan women. The other M’ARTSY board members are also particularly active in the field and well-equipped with both the academic and the artistic background to execute this program, including Naima Zitane (Vice-President of M’ARTSY), a theatre professor and one of the leading figures of (feminist) Moroccan theatre, as well as Khadija Tnana (Counselor), a prominent feminine figure in the field of visual arts in Morocco and former university professor in Political Science and, finally, Noussayba Lahlou (Treasurer) a doctoral candidate in French literature at the University of Ain Chock in Casablanca, a writer and a feminine icon of Moroccan slam.

Mission and Objectives

The objective of M’ARTSY is to help bridge the gap between academic and artistic practice in Morocco, by forging various collaborations between academics, artists and cultural actors in the country to encourage scholarly publications in the field of arts as well as to build, strengthen and showcase young Moroccan artists’ talents by focusing on both their conceptual and practical assets. To do so, M’ARTSY will focus on street art (the preferred means of expression and creation of young people today), though not exclusively, and on the role of women and the youth in academic and artistic processes.The ultimate goal is to trigger social change and development through the role of arts and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Artistic and Academic Workshops: M’Artsy will organize several capacity-building workshops for young and emerging artists in various artistic disciplines such as rap, slam poetry, comics, graffiti and theatre. These workshops will also include an academic writing aspect (i.e. trainings animated by academics on theoretical and conceptual thinking and academic writing/methodology) to encourage artists to develop a discourse around their work which will not only grounded in a committed (artistic) practice but also in a specific conceptual and theoretical frameworks. The goal of these workshops is to strengthen the emerging artists’ practical skills in their respective artistic disciplines, and to initiate them to write and develop a coherent discourse around their artistic practice. Restitution events: The success of these workshops will be measured by a series of restitution events (i.e. expositions) where the selected artists will showcase their works or do a performance for those who specialize in rap and slam poetry. The restitution events will also feature the artists’ writing on their work where they explain their artistic approach and methodology and share, with the audience, a solid discourse on their practice. Book Publication: The success of the workshops will also be assessed by the publication of an edited volume on Moroccan youth’s creative expressions where each chapter will feature a contribution from an academic who animated and closely followed one of the workshops. The volume will then be edited by the founding women members of the association who also will draft the book introduction and conclusion. Conferences: M’ARTSY will also organize conferences, on a regular basis, by leading international scholars in the field of emerging arts (street art and contemporary art) in the Arab region and beyond. Most of these conference animators will be invited from abroad as current research on street art  in Morocco remains very limited.  Communication Strategy: Finally, the association will develop a thorough communication outreach strategy which includes the creation of website that outlines the organization’s mission and objectives, presents its founding members and upcoming activities, as well as the program achievements including the artists’ works, photos and videos from the restitution events and a direct access to the edited volume after its publication. A section will be dedicated to M’ARTSY’s partners to outline their contribution and co-achievements with the association. In addition, M’ARTSY will also develop a far-reaching campaign on social media, including on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to keep its partners and the wider community up to date with the organization’s day-to-day activities, events and developments (including announcements, summer schools, conferences, side-activities etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
maha TAZI
Job Title
PhD Candidate
Head of the organisation
Maha Tazi- Doctoral Researcher in Arts


National Network

via Spagna, 3

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
BLITZ, Compagnie de recherche, formation et création théâtrale, fondée en novembre 2014, a choisi Palerme comme son lieu. L'Association Culturelle est dirigée par un organe directeur qui se réunit en mode Conseil, une assemblée des associés et des collaborateurs externes. L'Association BLITZ est une petite realité, douée d’une grande capacité d’innovation,  dont le financement principal provient des Fondations et de l'autofinancement des activités de spectacle. Au sein de BLITZ nait Diverse Visioni (Différentes Visions), un projet d'inclusion et de création, à travers le théâtre, dédié aux jeunes, migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile. Pour DV, l'accès à la vie culturelle est un droit inaliénable de l’ homme et une vision partagée (d'une performance, d'un film, d'un spectacle) permet la comparaison entre différentes cultures et différents modes de représentation, toujours dans une hypothèse de rencontre. De ce principe naissent toutes les actions du projet: ateliers de théâtre, formation, spectacles, actions de sensibilisation
Mission and Objectives

Objectif du projet est de construire des processus culturels participatifs en gré de soulever des questions critiques sur le thème « culture » et de générer un capital social de réseaux de relations informelles visant à créer des liens positifs entre la société et l'individu / la société et les nouvelles communautés et qui contrastent toutes les formes de discrimination. Le théâtre est l'outil pour la construction de langage, pour l'inclusion et pour l'engagement interculturel

Main Projects / Activities

Invitation au théâtre: L'INVITATION AU THÉÂTRE est le point de départ pratique et méthodologique de DIVERSE VISIONI. Né en 2017 au début de la ainsi-dite  «urgence- migrants », le projet,dédié aux jeunes migrants, réfugiés, demandeurs d'asile, devient une offre active de parcours de dialogue interculturel. La vision d'un spectacle est une opportunité de rencontrer l'autre de nous et un outil pour identifier et faire émerger des questions et des thèmes fondamentaux pour les conditions de vie des participants. Grâce à une série d'accords créés avec les espaces culturels de Palerme et en diffusant l'initiative dans des endroits cruciaux (centres d'accueil, écoles d'italien pour étrangers, lieux de rencontre), on rend possible pour les jeunes migrants de prendre partie à la vie culturelle de la ville. Chaque vision comprend une rencontre propédeutique et une rencontre de restitution. L'objectif de la nouvelle phase du projet est d'étendre l'invitation aux autres arts, au fin de créer un contexte commun dans lequel le processus de formation et d'autoformation soit de plus en plus démocratique.
PROCESSUS DE CRÉATION: activer des processus de création qui déterminent un nouvel espace culturel pour une pensée différente vers ce que on considère «mineur», faite de croissance, de potentiel, de talent et d'opportunité (cfr. M'APPELLE MOHAMED ALI/CHIAMAMI MOHAMED ALI)

FORMATION: des parcours de formation informelle (à travers des représentations théâtrales, représentations dans les écoles, des ateliers techniques et artistiques) destinées aux réfugiés, demandeurs d'asile, femmes, jeunes avec background migratoire et non, avec une attention particulière pour les catégories plus fragiles.

Espace de élaboration théorique: un espace d'élaboration théorique et d'analyse méthodologique au sein du projet qui permet, soit au niveau artistique qu'opérationnel, d'approfondir et de définir les formes d'intervention et leur impact 

ÉVÉNEMENTS CULTURELS / INITIATIVES DE SENSIBILISATION: tables rondes, diffusion de matériel d’information, réunions de présentation et diffusion d'initiatives, performances théâtrales

Les nombres de Diverse Visioni  (du 2018- jusqu'à aujourd'hui)
• 100 spectateurs de 20 pays différents (Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Guinée, Gambie, Sierra Leone, Tunisie, Chili, Érythrée, Vietnam, Chine, Nigéria, France, Espagne, Sénégal, Géorgie,  Italie, Pérou, Maurice, Ukraine, Bangladesh)
• 1 000 bénéficiaires indirects
• 23 spectacles vus
• 22 réalités territoriales directement ou indirectement impliquées dans le projet
• 20 articles, publications, informations TV / radio dédiées
• 8 ateliers technico-artistiques
• 6 espaces impliqués dans la ville de Palerme
• 2 participations à des festivals en tant que jury extraordinaire
• 2 tables rondes
• 1 spectacle créé

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La contribution de Blitz et Diverse Visioni au réseau est celle d'une pratique artistique inclusive, en particulier de théâtre, comme instrument de rencontre et de dialogue interculturel, qui peut être partagée, multipliée et enrichie par la rencontre et le travail en network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

C’est une opportunité de participer et de développer des relations culturelles dans un cadre international, surtout pour une réalité particulière comme celle de Palerme, une ville de métissagges culturelles au sud de l'Europe et au centre de la Méditerranée

Contact (1) Full Name
margherita ortolani
Job Title
dramaturge -actrice
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Vito Bartucca
Job Title (2)

Jovesolides Egypt

National Network

The Musician Ali Ismael Vila 11, next to the Russian cultural center

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
JOVESOLIDES EGYPT is a branch of JOVESOLIDES NETWORK with its headquarters located in Valencia, Spain. Our team of 5 to 7 people, the organization is made up of professionals with experience in the implementation of national and international programs of voluntarism; specialized in volunteer coordination; with abilities to work with youth groups; experience as trainers and training of trainers specialized in volunteer coordination; with abilities to work with youth groups; experience as trainers and training of trainers; experience in the implementation, monitoring and justification of European projects; administration. For 2.5 years, one of the priorities of the organization is to promote youth social entrepreneurship and Innovation via implementing Erasmus+ KA1 & Virtua Excnhage that benefited around 140 participants, mainly in Egypt and other participants from South Mediterranean Countries. Main partners: Jovesolides Spain, IMPROVVISART SOCIETA COOPERATIVA-Italy, Centrul pentru Strategii de Dezvoltare a Tineretului-Romania, Soliya, Sharing Perspective Foundation
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to create a new generation of the Egyptian Youth leaders (18- 30) years Old in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship with different backgrounds and career fields. Through making workshops at national and international levels such as Erasmus KA1 and KA2 in 5 Years.
Our vision is promoting the creation of new opportunities for developing society through strengthening the knowledge of its individuals by using youth Leadership, Youths Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

We participated in 4 Erasmus+ KA1 projects (2 in Spain, 1 in Italy, 1in Romania).
We have our interactive community known as EVS Egypt which was established in 2014 with more than 12,000 members around the Arabic world.
We were the first and only Entity that has celebrated the #ErasmusDays Festival in the MENA region in 2019.
We are one of the first NGOs to participate in coordinating the Virtual Erasmus Exchange with Soliya in 2018. Continuing for 5 semesters now with impact for more than 120 participants from around the Arab World.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

According to the ALF priority areas of action, we see that we already work on different topics like: 
 Skills development for dialogue and debate
  Leadership capacity and opportunities
 Policy platforms for youth inclusion
Make a Network of youth ambassadors for dialogue
Engagement with local stakeholders
Mediterranean Forum for Dialogue
Cross-network actions
Support to civil society networks

Actually, we are planning to organize a larger Erasmus Day Festival this year and aiming to have different partners in order to deliver a greater impact altogether by providing good speakers, workshops as well as different activities. And we believe that ALF Network members would be a great supporter in that regard as well as beneficial in their activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To join in promoting the cultural enrichment of the younger Euro-Mediterranean citizens, based on the recognition and respect for diversity, through the exchange, dialogue, and active participation in the development of audiovisual projects, which together make up a plural awareness campaign, of cultural content and attractive to youth, in order to promote the construction of a democratic society based on equality, tolerance, and solidarity among the Euro-Mediterranean peoples.
Our goals:
Youth: population that with support, capacity building and skills and social media are potential agents of social change.
Interculturality: o through the cooperation of partner entities in Analindh Foundation Networks
Active citizenship: Through The participation in ALF Network, our young people will strengthen and diversify the tools with which they can actively participate in society.
Networking: the actions framed in the project promote the creation of a collective and cooperative citizen power.
Use of Technologies: an attractive and powerful tool that, in addition to reducing social gaps in young people, can facilitate the participation of many more people in awareness campaigns, increasing its reach.
Learning and service: the project combines a learning process of specific content and values ​​of social commitment such as cultural coexistence, with a service to the community, such as raising awareness through inter-cultural and digital media about interculturality, all included in the same project

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Okasha
Job Title
Head of External Relations
Head of the organisation
Amr Abd El-Gayed

WeStart Organization

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

WeStart Organization est une organisation de type général crée en 2018 qui travaille sur deux axes: Entrepreneuriat & Jeunesse et politique publiques, composé d'un bureau exécutif de 3 personnes et ayant 20 membres travaille essentiellement à la création d’une organisation durable et sensible au genre qui mobilisera pleinement les jeunes pour qu'ils participent activement au développement personnel et social, et en se basant sur les subventions des bailleurs de fonds.

Mission and Objectives

Notre Mission : Offrir aux jeunes des opportunités de développement qui leur permettront de créer des changements positifs dans leurs communautés. Nos Objectifs : •    Promouvoir l'intégration politique et économique des jeunes dans la vie publique. •    Soutenir les jeunes de la communauté locale (développement personnel et social, intégration effective dans la communauté économique et sociale) •    Promouvoir le volontariat •    Promouvoir I ‘apprentissage non formel dans le domaine de la jeunesse et de l’entrepreneuriat •    Promouvoir la citoyenneté active aux niveaux local et international et encourager la coopération interculturelle

Main Projects / Activities

-    Initiative InstaSajel: En partenariat avec IFES dans le cadre du projet Youth Change Makers, et dans le but de contribuer l'augmentation de la participation politique des jeunes en Tunisie à travers les élections de 2019. « InstaSajel » est une initiative de sensibilisation pour les étudiants des deux facultés (FSEG Mahdia & FM Sousse) dans une première phase puis les jeunes tunisiens utilisateurs de Facebook dans une deuxième phase pour les encourager à l’inscription dans les listes des électeurs tunisiens pour les élections législative et présidentielle de 2019. -    Initiative Belfan Nsajel: En partenariat avec IFES dans le cadre du projet Youth Change Makers, et dans le but de contribuer l'augmentation de la participation politique des jeunes en Tunisie à travers les élections de 2019. « Belfan Nsajel» est une initiative de sensibilisation pour les jeunes à Kairouan à travers l'organisation d'un événement culturel à complexe culturel Kairouan précédé par un cycle de formation pour les bénévoles de WeStart sur la matière des élections, la communication et l'organisation des événements.  -    Projet TAPP (Tunisian Accountability and Political Participation): En partenariat avec l’association Action Positive et MEPI, un projet dans le but de consolider la transition démocratique en Tunisie en contribuant au succès des élections législatives et présidentielles de 2019 ainsi que contribuer à établir les principes de la gouvernance et de la transparence dans le travail parlementaire pour la période post-électorale, un projet mis en œuvre à Kairouan, Sfax, Nabeul et Zaghouen. -    Projet WeStand 4 Entrepreneurship : En partenariat avec Britich Council et Shanti dans le cadre du programe OBROZ, et dans le but de promouvoir la culture entrepreneuriale chez les jeunes à Kairouan. « WeStand» vise à former 20 étudiants de l'ISIG Kairouan porteurs des idées des projets en IT dans le but de crée un réseau des ambassadeurs de la culture entrepreneuriale dans la région du Kairouan. -    Projet Corona DigiTest : Dans le but de diminuer la pression sur le numéro d'urgence 190 de la ministère de la santé publique, WeStart à crée un Chat Bot à l’aide d'une équipe des médecins pour offrir une assistance d'un test digitale qui peut aider les gens pour vérifier leur infection par le virus Corona, le test composé d'un ensemble de questions basées sur Les instructions fournies par le ministère tunisien de la santé et un groupe de médecins.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nous pensons que rejoindre le réseau ALF nous donnerait l'opportunité de contribuer davantage au développement de la jeunesse en Tunisie. ALF ouvrirait les portes afin que nous puissions favoriser les opportunités des jeunes dans l'éducation non formelle et professionnelle, les programmes d'échange, le dialogue interculturel et nous nous engageons à créer des «ambassadeurs de changement» et des jeunes leaders au sein de la communauté.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous cherchons à mettre en place un réseau avec la Fondation Anna Lindh, car nous considérons ses programmes comme hautement complémentaires et compatibles avec nos objectifs. Vous avez comme objectif principal de relever les jeunes nouvellement déchaînés dans les pays en voie de démocratisation et avec leur engagement politique. Par conséquent, puisque les objectifs sont les mêmes, nous souhaitons participer aux programmes à venir et de participer à votre réseau.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jawhar ATIG
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Saif Eddine GALLAOUI

Maura Di Mauro

National Network

Via Ciceri Visconti 10/2

+39 3403238701
Mobile Phone
+39 3403238701
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I am a freelance Intercultural Trainer, Coach & Consultant, specialised in Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability & Social Innovation. I work with different kind of organization in Italy and abroad. I collaborate with universities and high education institutions, so as with other institutions in teaching and research activities. I am adjunct lecturer of Intercultural Management at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, of Piacenza campus and of Intercultural Approach at IATH (International Academy of Tourism and Hospitality). I am the former president of SIETAR Italia (Society for Intercultural Training, Education and Research).
Mission and Objectives

I am an entrepreneur, curious and very sensitive woman.
I love working in multicultural and international environments. With my skills and passion I help people, organizations and local territories to deal with and to manage intercultural relationships, to develop and use their wellbeing and potential. 

Main Projects / Activities

As contractor I am collaborating in this moment on a 3 years European project titled WeLearn project with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, on a project about universities' internationalizazion strategies and practices and the development of "neighbourliness" skills (which integrate intercultural and global citizens skills) through the development of training toolkits.
I am also involved as trainer and reseacher on a 3 years project titled DIMICOME with ISMU, aimed at migrants working integration; in this project I mapped some Italian companies who committed themselves with migrants integration, and through the involvement of different stakeholders I am creating tools such as social workers' guidelines, migrants' competences model and training activity for companies, in order to facilitate the working integration process.
I am the co-ordinator of the Feeling Italian project, developed by SIETAR Italia, a project that aim to explore the concept of Italian identity and more braodly about the concept of cultural identity, and to develop a sense of global citizenship. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Designing and giving Training on my specific topics (in Italian, English and Spanish)
Co-design more complex projects that involve different organizations and/or countries
Sharing my network for specific project development 
As project manager or project/activity coordinator
With Reseach and publications 
With creative ideas and innovative methodologies

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I got to know Anna Lindh Foundation many years ago, when I was living in The Nederlands and I went several times to the ALF library in Den Haag. Recently a colleague based in Belgium, who work in collaboration with ALF for many years asked me to collaborate with him on a project founded by ALF and suggested me to become individual member of the Foundation. I am a caring person about social and community issues. And I can contribute with my sensitivity, skills and passion for what I do. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Maura Di Mauro
Job Title
Intercultural Trainer, Coach & Consultant; Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability & Innovation Specialist
Head of the organisation
Maura Di Mauro

Asociatia "Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Instrumentelor Structurale"

National Network

BD. A I Cuza, NE 11, bl CAM3, sc B, ap 5, Slatina, Olt

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Our NGO is a young youth organization established in 2018, but which has already successfully implemented 2 youth projects. In these projects we have involved youth from the local community, but with special focused on youth with fewer opportunities and those who have not participated so far in the Erasmus + projects. Within CPDIS we focus on non-formal education and combining non-formal education methods with games. Our goal is to involve Romanians and foreign youth in developing key competences and mentoring them after the project, which represents the sustainability of the organizational activity. We are trying to attract as many youth from the community as well as from the region to benefit from the implemented projects. We involve youth in the writing stage of projects, which helps us to streamline activities and identify the needs of youth by doing youth projects for youth.
Mission and Objectives

Asociatia CPDIS is a non-profit organization founded in the fall of 2012 with the aim of promoting understanding and cooperation between people. Pursuing this aim, we encourage and promote all those initiatives that, in terms of solidarity and on the cultural-educational field, allow the interchange of ideas among different cultures, favour the easing of economic imbalances and promote the creation of a true culture of universality and peace. Among these actions, there is a reflection on consumerism, interculture and peace with non-formal education methodologies. Our goals are to involve young people into youth people on local, national and international levels, to support youth in creating and implementing their own small-scale community-based projects. CPDIS members had participated in many youth projects in local, national and international level, together with partners our coordinators had implemented youth exchanges and youth trainings. Our staff got their competences and experience through the non-formal education and learning methods.
Our objective are:
ablishment and facilitation of socially beneficial activities, having a direct and indirect impact on developing the youth potential.
- Helping the youth in their efforts to formulate a complete, long-term and sustainable vision for the development of young people in Romania.
- Development of unpopular tourist destinations in Romania and popularization of Romania historical and cultural heritage among the young people.

Main Projects / Activities

In the last years we have managed and implemented youth exchanges and youth workers mobilities such as:
In 2019: #Best ,#H(E+)lp - First aid for youth workers (http://cpdis.ro/project/help-first-aid-for-youth-workers/),
In 2018: ActivE+ Youth (http://cpdis.ro/project/active-youth/), UpDatE+ your CV (http://cpdis.ro/project/update-your-cv/)
In 2017: NE(E+)T-working (http://cpdis.ro/project/384/), Fri(E+)nd (http://cpdis.ro/project/friends/), Empowering youth workers: youth focus (http://cpdis.ro/project/empowering-youth-workers-youth-focus/)
In 2016: Youth Support for Youth Development, 5 asi cu Joker (http://cpdis.ro/project/5-asi-cu-joker-youth-exchange/)
Our NGO have more than 10 youth workers and 25 volunteers that are involved and help us when we have projects ot local actions. We have a profesional team and our main competence is in nonformal education. The most used methods are:
World café
Flash Mob
Forum Theater
Other skills of the project team members:
Managerial and organisational skills
Group managing skills
Materials, tools, products and software
Cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities
Social and communication skills and competences
Artistic skills and competences
Business skills

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Useing our experience and our youth NGO that we have we can contribuite to the network in Romania

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have the opportunity to make projects for youth form our local community

Contact (1) Full Name
Florescu George Cristian
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Florescu George Cristian
Contact (2) Full Name
Stefan Besu
Job Title (2)
Coordinator of the projects

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

National Network

1, Juan de Quesada Street
35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas

+34 616665000
Mobile Phone
+34 616665000
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The ULPGC, established in 1989, has more than 25,000 students and 1,500 lecturers. It has modern facilities and equipments.  In 2007, the ULPGC won the Quality Award for Public Service and Special Mention for Best Management Practices, both from the Government of the Canary Islands. In 2010, the ULPGC was evaluated by an International Comittee and earned the qualification of Campus of International Excellence, from the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain.   It also develops an intense work in the field of development cooperation. It is worth noting the achievement of several UNESCO Chairs at the ULPGC.

Mission and Objectives

The geographical location of the Canary Islands enables the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to share scientific projects, interact with and carry out collaborations with universities and research centres all over the world. The ULPGC has university institutes, research centres and research groups covering all fields of knowledge, made up of nearly 1000 researchers and around 1000 PhD students. It also has a Scientific and Technological Park. The ULPGC's leading research fields include computer, telecommunications and electronic technology; medical science and technology; economics; marine science; development cooperation; renewable energies; environmental conservation and tourism. The office of the Vice-President for Research, Development and Innovation (VIDI, in Spanish) is the body responsible for lending institutional support to research and for defining policies relating to R&D+i.

Main Projects / Activities

The ULPGC carries out a wide range of development cooperation activities. The main activities are to contribute to the improvement  of and participation in of Development Cooperation projects in developing countries organised from the Canary Islands; to promote the relations between the various entities involved in Development Cooperation within the region. Actions carried out within the field of development cooperation are aimed at: - Contributing to the economic, social and cultural development in the Canary Islands, and its neighbouring countries (in both geographical and cultural terms) - Ensuring an effective commitment from the Canary Community and towns where the Development Cooperation activities are carried out, - Promoting the active participation in Development Cooperation of all the university community members and Canary Society in general, - Promoting research activities and participation In Development Cooperation Projects, Ensuring transparency in technical and economic management.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Isolina Díaz Ramos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dean Dr. Lluis Serra Majem

Upstream Stories

National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Upstream Stories is an NGO and non for profit organisation focused on promoting participatory media for intercultural dialogue and social inclusion. We are established by an experienced group of trainers and youth workers working internationally.  The main methodological basis for all our projects consists of two particiaptory media methods: digital storytelling and participatory photography.  We use both of the methods to work directly with our main target groups, which are people at risk of social exclusion and discrimination due to varius factors, such as migration background, disabilities, or limited access to education. We also promote participatory media methods by training multipliers (youth workers, educators, teachers).  Upstream Stories has 4 permanent board members and more than 10 facilitators who work as freelancers. All of our staff members and collaborators are based either in the EU or Eastern Partnership countries.  The everage yearly budget of Upstream Stories is 30.000 EUR, most of our activities are funded by the Erasmus+ program by the European commission.  As for partners, we work mainly with other culture or education oriented NGOs from across Europe and local authorities and public instititutions in the countries our activities take place. 
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Upstream Stories is to use participatory media to offer voice to underprivileged groups and individuals and by doing so to promote understanding and intercultural dialogue.
1.Empowering people at risk of exclusion through giving them opportunities to express themselves using means and methods of participatory media;
2. Providing events and workshops aiming at enhancing participants’ creativity, self-reflection, critical thinking and making their personal stories heard, as well as upgrading their IT and communication skills;
3. Promoting social inclusion and dialogue, especially across social and cultural differences;
4. Creating educational content and providing training for trainers aiming at promoting participatory media as a way for empowerment.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects and activities:
- Local and international workshops based on participatory media (mainly digital storytelling and participatory photography) addressed to people at risk of exclusion (migrants, refugees, homeless, people living in deprived areas, people with disabilities and others);
- Facilitators’ workshops aiming at equipping civil society activists with the aforementioned methods;
- Development of educational curricula and publications promoting participatory media;
- Board meeting once a month;
All the activities implemented by Upstream Stories are based on money from the donors and do not require entry fee from participants in order to provide inclusion for people with limited financial resources.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe our expertise in the participatory media and working with vulnerable social groups could be a valuable countribution to the Network in Denmark.  We have regular calls for Danish participants to join both local and international workshops on digital storytelling and participatory photography - taking part in these activities could be beneficial for the Network members. By cooperating with us, they could gain access to all the educational materials and resources on particiaptory media methods we have developed. In the future we could also organize a trainign or seminar on the methods we use that would be exclusively addressed to the local Network members. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network to gain valuable professional connections for future projects, both in Denmark and abroad. We see the variety of the Netowrk members as a great chance for us to gain new resources, exchange experiences, and therefore increase our professional capacities as an NGO. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Signe Sander
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Signe Sander
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Kowalska
Job Title (2)

Morocco's Friends Foundation / MFF

National Network

Imm 12, Rue Friouato, Agdal

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Youth and education
General Information
In order for the development of a country to be successful, there must be adequate participation and involvement from its youths, who demonstrate the potential to integrate in the policy-making process at local, regional, and national community levels. It is with this consideration that the Morocco’s friends foundation was founded in 2015 by a team of young volunteers, with the objective of creating a space for dialogue that is open to all young Moroccans in order to work toward promoting their participation in the decision-making process regarding issues that affect their lives. Morocco’s friends foundation also serves as a network for youth associations and organizations, with the objective of promoting the exchange of experiences and working together to allow for new horizons of creation and participation among youths.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives: 
Our objectives:
Through its activities, the Morocco’s friends foundation aims to:
• Participate in the promotion and perfection of youth participation in the process of development,
• Support the spirit of initiative among youths,
• Cultivate the values of citizenship, democracy, and human rights among youths,
• Participate in the realization of development objectives.
Our identity:
The identity of the Morocco’s friends foundation derives from Moroccan culture and identity in an open cultural framework.
Our principles:
• Democracy
• Mutual respect
• Responsibility and engagement
Our bodies:        

• The National Congress
• The National Federal Council
• Local subsidiaries
• The Executive National Office

Main Projects / Activities

- Young mediterranean voices
- Young journalisme leaders
- Moroccan youth voices
- Creativity camps
- The Munathara Initiative
- Open peace festival 
- Women's initiatives

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Organizing training programs;
• Participate in activities of interest to society at the national and international levels;
• Organizing cultural discussions;
• Organizing conferences, seminars and study days;
• Publishing articles and research related to childhood, youth and women;
• Partnership with various collaborators and institutions;
• Establishing local and national development projects for the benefit of society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network of the Anna Lindh in order to benefit from their experiences internationally with the projects they are working on, as we aspire to work through the network to develop joint projects .

Contact (1) Full Name
Ridouan Chekkal
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ridouan Chekkal
Contact (2) Full Name
Abella Ibourk
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Paaudzu dialogs

National Network

Apes street 1D - 62
Riga, LV-1039

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

NGO Generations Dialogue consists from 3 Members of the Board, and two Projects Leaders. Resources are donations from private persons and Erasmus+ funding.

Mission and Objectives

We are local NGO aiming to support dialogue between different generations. 

Main Projects / Activities

«DISCOVER YOUTH PARTICIPATION» Erasmus in Turkey. Debates "Russian minority schools: perspectives and the future in Latvia".  Generation Dialogue in UN75 Global Conversation in Tallinn. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to realize some projects about Arabic - European relationships in Latvia

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to realize some projects with SSCW

Contact (1) Full Name
Mitrofans Slobodjans
Head of the organisation
Mitrofans Slobodjans