Arab Women Organization

National Network

15 mohamed hafez

(002) 02- 37484823
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
AWO is an intergovernmental regional specialized Organization under the auspices of the Arab League, with 16 Arab member Strates. Its structureconsist of the following main devices: 1. Supreme Council It includes Arab First Ladies or their representatives. Its presidency rotates biennially according to the alphabetical order in force at the League of Arab States. 2. Executive Board  It consists of representatives from member states specializing in women issues. Its presidency rotates annually according to the alphabetical order in force at the League of Arab States. 3. Public Administration Technical Secretariat of the Organization consists of Director - General is assisted by two deputies in addition to a number of technicians and administrators.
Mission and Objectives

AWO has several objectives :
Achieving solidarity of Arab women as a cornerstone for Arab solidarity.
Coordinating common Arab stands regarding Arab and international affairs and when dealing with Arab women issues in regional and international organizations.
Raising awareness regarding economic, social, cultural and legal issues pertaining to Arab women.
Fostering cooperation and exchange of experience between member Arab states to enhance the status of women.
According women issues priority in developmental policies and plans.
Empowering women and building their capacities as human beings and citizens to play an effective role in societal institutions, in the labor market, and in decision making circles.
Enhancing essential health and education services for women.

Main Projects / Activities

Women's Political Empowerment
Women's Economic Empowerment
Arab Women in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda
Peace and Security Program
Combating violence against women
Education for Tomorrow: Towards Equal Opportunities fro Girls and Boys
Encouraging Women Studies and Artistic Innovation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AWO is a regional Organization, under the Auspices of he Arab Leaguye, headquartered in Cairo, Egypt.
Its aim is to empower women and ensure their participation in all aspects of the development process in all of the Arab region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to expand cooperation between the Arab Region and the Euro-Med region in implementing our projects to help empower women all over the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mona Kassem
Job Title
Deputy Head of Programs and Planning Department
Head of the organisation
Fadia Kiwan

WeStart Organization

National Network

197 Rue Bayt El-Hekma, El-Mansoura
3100 Kairouan

(+216) 52514384
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

WeStart Organisation est une organisation crée en 2018 qui travaille sur deux axes: Entrepreneuriat & Jeunesse et politique publiques Nous travaillons à la création d’une organisation durable et sensible au genre qui mobilisera pleinement les jeunes pour qu'ils participent activement au développement personnel et social, renforçant le mouvement de Ia société civile par le biais d’une participation active aux problèmes sociaux, à la transformation de Ia situation socio- culturelle du pays et à l'amélioration de Ia société dans le but d'améliorer Ia situation des jeunes à long terme vis-à-vis les conditions économiques, WeStart travaille au sein de son département entreprenariat pour renforcer les capacités des jeunes et Ia diffusion de Ia culture entrepreneuriale.

Mission and Objectives

Notre Mission : Offrir aux jeunes des opportunités de développement qui leur permettront de créer des changements positifs dans leurs communautés. Nos Objectifs : Soutenir les jeunes de la communauté locale (développement personnel et social, intégration effective dans la communauté économique et sociale) Promouvoir le volontariat Promouvoir I ‘apprentissage non formel dans le domaine de la jeunesse et de l’entrepreneuriat Promouvoir la citoyenneté active aux niveaux local et international et encourager la coopération interculturelle

Main Projects / Activities

Initiative InstaSajel: En partenariat avec IFES dans le cadre du projet Youth Change Makers, et dans le but de contribuer l'augmentation de la participation politique des jeunes en Tunisie à travers les élections de 2019. « InstaSajel » est une initiative de sensibilisation pour les étudiants des deux facultés (FSEG Mahdia & FM Sousse) dans une première phase puis les jeunes tunisiens utilisateurs de Facebook dans une deuxième phase pour les encourager à l’inscription dans les listes des électeurs tunisiens pour les élections législative et présidentielle de 2019. Initiative Belfan Nsajel: En partenariat avec IFES dans le cadre du projet Youth Change Makers, et dans le but de contribuer l'augmentation de la participation politique des jeunes en Tunisie à travers les élections de 2019. « Belfan Nsajel» est une initiative de sensibilisation pour les jeunes à Kairouan à travers l'organisation d'un événement culturel à complexe culturel Kairouan précédé par un cycle de formation pour les bénévoles de WeStart sur la matière des élections, la communication et l'organisation des événements.   Projet TAPP (Tunisian Accountability and Political Participation): En partenariat avec l’association Action Positive et MEPI, un projet dans le but de consolider la transition démocratique en Tunisie en contribuant au succès des élections législatives et présidentielles de 2019 ainsi que contribuer à établir les principes de la gouvernance et de la transparence dans le travail parlementaire pour la période post-électorale, un projet mis en œuvre à Kairouan, Sfax, Nabeul et Zaghouen. Projet WeStand 4 Entrepreneurship : En partenariat avec Britich Council et Shanti dans le cadre du programe OBROZ, et dans le but de promouvoir la culture entrepreneuriale chez les jeunes à Kairouan. « WeStand» vise à former 20 étudiants de l'ISIG Kairouan porteurs des idées des projets en IT dans le but de crée un réseau des ambassadeurs de la culture entrepreneuriale dans la région du Kairouan.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Dans le but d'etre eligible a participer aux appels a proposition de ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Jawhar ATIG
Job Title
Co-founder & Tresurer
Head of the organisation
Saif Eddine GALLAOUI

Delta France Associations

National Network

2 rue Gustave Ricard

07 82 93 74 76
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Delta France Associations a pour objectif de valoriser et de soutenir l'engagement des jeunes sous toutes ses formes à travers différentes thématiques, notamment à travers le développement durable. Les thématiques du développement durable, sur lesquels Delta France Associations a décidé de s'axer, s'articulent autour de trois pilliers que sont (I) la santé et l'accessibilité, (II) l'environnement, (III) la solidarité (égalité femme/homme, inclusion des jeunes en situation difficile...). Delta France Associaitons souhaite ainsi veiller à la protection de la jeunesse et préserver les générations à venir. 

Mission and Objectives

-Valoriser l'engagement des jeunes 18-35 ans. -Développer et dynamiser la vie associative locale : Créer des synergies inter-associatives et mutualiser des actions entre associations. -Favoriser les actions qui ont un impact positif sur le territoire (social, sociétal, et éco-responsable). -Encourager la participation citoyenne. -Former les bénévoles afin de constituer un réseau fiable et pérenne 

Main Projects / Activities

-Un engagement tout au long de l'année, à travers des campagnes de prévention, de réduction des risques en milieu étudiant et des opérations environnementales. La communauté de bénévolat "Delta Family" reccueille plus de 500 signataires depuis septembre 2019.  -Un festival propre et vertueux en terme d'écologie, d'accessibilité, de l'égalité femme/homme, de santé et d'inclusion, avec plus de 50 000 festivaliers présents.  -Le Village Durable, permettant à plus de 40 associations de capter et d'informer le public jeune grâce à des acteurs engagés qui sensibilisent autour de ces thématiques. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva De Marce
Job Title
Chargée des Relations Publiques
Head of the organisation
Olivier Ledot
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiphaine Pollier
Job Title (2)
Responsable des Relations Publiques

Desert Bloom for Training & Sustainable Development

National Network

Tela Alai
Ghazi Arabiyat Street
AMMAN 11186

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Desert Bloom a Jordanian nonprofit dedicated to unleashing people’s potential to contribute to world’s peace and sustainability. We reinforce global competencies and universal morality to prepare people for an inclusive and sustainable world. Desert Bloom leadership comprise 4 executive staff (GM, Finance Manager, Iraq Rep. and Youth’s Projects Coordinator) and 7 Advisory Board members who provide governance, guidance and financial support (up to JOD 5000 per year). Main Activities: Capacity development and economic empowerment, focusing on: Transversal (Soft) Skills (Interpersonal & Intra-personal skills, Leadership & Management, Global citizenship, Media and Information literacy). Technical (Hard) Skills (English Language, Strategic Management & Business Modelling, Project Management, Financial Management, Filmmaking). Preventing Violent Extremism & Youth Radicalization. Vocational Training (internships & apprenticeships) 2. Intercultural dialogue & culture of peace 3. Voluntary work & humanitarian assistance. Our main partners AL-Qadisiyah College (Educational institution) Service Civil International (SCI)- Volunteering for Peace URI MENA, Jordan   URI Global Network GRENZENLOS Interkultureller Austausch- Austria Adefis Juventud Internacional- Spain. Vision 2020 Leadership Initiative, Manchester, UK COOPERATIVA SOCIALE SHANNARA ONLUS- Italy Seeds of Peace, USA

Mission and Objectives

Desert Bloom mission is: Empowering people and keep them on the cutting edge to thrive and harness their potential, while promoting an increasingly collaborative world where people, particularly youth, have the opportunity and skills to contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world. Our objective is to foster sustainable development through People Empowerment, Intercultural Understanding, Volunteerism and  Global Citizenship Education. We develop community and youth capacity to enable people to take greater control of their own lives and to actively engage in confronting economic, political, social and environmental challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus Plus projects (Youth Exchanges, Training Courses and European Solidarity Corps) Developing Entrepreneurship Competencies Program Preventing violent extremism through education program International and Local Voluntary Work Camps

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing our experience and exchange resources with ALF’s network members. Participating with ALF activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Build up new partnership with like-minded organizations. Explore cooperation opportunities with ALF’s network members to develop new projects. Enhance our visibility Benefit from ALF grants

Contact (1) Full Name
Mamoun Khreisat
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Mamoun Khreisat
Contact (2) Full Name
Samer Kasih
Job Title (2)
Coordinator of Youth Projects

The Society of Women Graduates

National Network

Alnasser Area, Alababidi ST.
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Society of Women Graduates (SWG) is one of the leading non-governmental organizations in the field of women graduates empowerment across the Gaza Strip.  SWG thrives to improve qualities of lives of women graduates who face double marginalization and enable them to actively play a positive role in the development of Palestinian community.    The board of director of SWG consists of 9 elected members all of them women graduates; and it has a high qualified staff with experiences consists of: (4 core staff, 10 employees, 20 Volunteers). SWG often depends on funding projects and also has other sources of funding but these sources are not enough for covering the operating expensive as members fees, hall rent and educational center's revenue. SWG has a wide spread network and partnerships with international donors such: GIZ, UNDP, UNRWA, UNICEF, Qatar Charity, Welfare association, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Euro-med centre, Pal Think and other actors.

Mission and Objectives

Mission The Society of Women Graduates in the Gaza Strip is a rights-based, independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization that aims to empower women graduates through capacity development, skill rehabilitation, job placement and awareness raising and advocacy by creating local, regional and international partnerships. SWG does its effort to achieve its objectives which are: Gathering the educated women power in Gaza Strip.   Creating job opportunities for the un-employed women graduates. Encouraging women graduates on thinking and scientific research. Empowering women graduates in cultural, social, legal and development fields. Encouraging women graduates to spend their leisure time in constructive Entertainment activities. Relief the families of needy women graduates.

Main Projects / Activities

In the attached profile you have a wider understanding of SWG main projects/activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SWG can contribute with its knowledge and experiences as it has a general assembly represents the steering body of SWG priorities of interventions, the # of memberships at the general assembly are + 6,000 members all of them women graduates from different ages, most of them between 22-35 years. The general assembly of the Society of Women Graduates have an effective role in identify concerns, needs and priorities; women graduates are consulted in designing interventions and proposed projects in order to maintain satisfaction of them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SWG want to join the ALF Network to learn and exchange knowledge and experiences Building new partnerships The opportunity for SWG to be featured within our national search database, so potential partners can find us. Collaborate with members in the national network to influence change at the national level.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Wedad Jameel Sourani
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Lili Zahi Saba
Contact (2) Full Name
Haifaa Marzouq Shuhaibar
Job Title (2)
Programs and Projects Manager

EPS-Electry Power Idustry of Serbia

National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Omladiskih brigada 14/28, 11070, New Belgrade-Serbia
11070 New Belgrade
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information

Since June 25th, 2018. I am retired with 43,5 years work path in EPS-YugoslaviaI worked as a brigadier groups of workers as independent in its entirety jobs with greater responsibilities, and the number of skilled workers electricity in  the general affairs  of  the installation  of Energy and low - voltage DC - measurement and control electronics, mechanics, pheomatik  , automation , hydraulics and instrumentation  in parallel,,,

Mission and Objectives

Since June 25th, 2018. I am retired with 43,5 years work path in EPS-YugoslaviaI worked as a brigadier groups of workers as independent in its entirety jobs with greater responsibilities, and the number of skilled workers electricity in  the general affairs  of  the installation  of Energy and low - voltage DC - measurement and control electronics, mechanics, pheomatik  , automation , hydraulics and instrumentation  in parallel,,,

Main Projects / Activities

Since June 25th, 2018. I am retired with 43,5 years work path in EPS-Yugoslavia I worked as a brigadier groups of workers as independent in its entirety jobs with greater responsibilities, and the number of skilled workers electricity in  the general affairs  of  the installation  of Energy and low - voltage DC - measurement and control electronics, mechanics, pheomatik  , automation , hydraulics and instrumentation  in parallel,,,

Contact (1) Full Name
Agim Zeka
Head of the organisation
Worker borderless


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Omladinskih brigada 14/28
11070 New Belgrade
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Bachelor of Laws; Work experience in a hotel; Work experience in research; Working for gender equality,  Interesting in feminism
Mission and Objectives

Bachelor of Laws; Work experience in a hotel;
Work experience in research; Working for gender equality,  Interesting in feminism

Main Projects / Activities

Bachelor of Laws; Work experience in a hotel;
Work experience in research; Working for gender equality,  Interesting in feminism

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ehljijana Zeka
Head of the organisation


National Network
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Omladinskih brigada 14/28 , New Belgrade-Serbia
11070 New Belgrade
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information
Megatrend University Faculty of Law and Security, Belgrade-Serbia · Bachelor of Law
Mission and Objectives

Megatrend University Faculty of Law and Security, Belgrade-Serbia
· Bachelor of Law

Main Projects / Activities

Megatrend University Faculty of Law and Security, Belgrade-Serbia
· Bachelor of Law

Contact (1) Full Name
Derjana Zeka
Head of the organisation

Alliance for Global Development AGD

National Network

40, bd Pierre Dupong

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
 Alliance for Global Development AGD are being manage by a group of energetic, well-structured and dedicated mid aged Members whom always seek various and developmental projects on a global scale in several different youth fields and target markets. AGD blends all arts and sciences to support the development of all its programs enhancing awareness through allocating the essential and necessary resources required for every designed program by and for the entrepreneurship sector. The team and Management at AGD sync together every minor detail mandatory to achieve a desired objective within a program set by any development entity seeking to add social behaviour value to a life by the prime concept of drilling to bridge. The idea is always creating a new generation with the concept of Global Citizen which will promote for the world peace, no hate speech, no  discrimination and no racism. We are part of networks of a huge organizations such as Mine vaganti in Italy, Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association and comparative research network in Germany and foreign students in Luxembourg. After all we are trying to coop with the idea of sustainability especially the SDGs of the united nations as well as the integration of refugees and youth participation as these are the main themes for us.
Mission and Objectives

AGD main objectives are focusing on the follwing aspects :
AGD is concentrating on the idea of the sustainable development goals which been released by the united nations to promote for what the world needs in order to survive and current issues for the world to focus on, plus the idea of sustainability in general to have a cycle of education and information with easy access to youth for the best benefits for all human beings.
Non Governmental Organizations NGO’s
AGD offers a wide attention to NGO’s whether locally or internationally based, assisting this wide list to network and appear firmly, process their documentation and proposals professionally, while supporting their channels of fund through allocation and resources effectively.
At AGD we are highly concerned about the human well-being in mind, thus education always comes as our number one priority when we get to engage to shape one’s own academic future, we focus on non formal education in topics related to the day to day needs, also the Adult Education and Vocational Education Traininsg are both a big focus of our main objectives and mission.

Main Projects / Activities

For the time being AGD is responsible of implementing two big European Projects :
1-Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth (Entrepreneurship To Empower ENTEM)
"Entrepreneurship to Empower" (ENTEM) addresses the identification of existing best practices and the development of support schemes for the transmission of attitudes, skills and competences of Social Entrepreneurship to disadvantaged young people (NEETs) in partner countries and at the European level.
The project objectives will be achieved by exchange of ideas, practices and knowledge between the partners and joint work in the elaboration of 3 educational modules as following:
1. Personal Empowerment –an educational module which will seek to accompany youngsters on a self-development path and will cover the following subjects - What is a personal empowerment, developing a personal vision, setting personal goals, planning personal development, job employability, entrepreneurial employability
2. Community surrounding – an educational module which will seek to make youngsters aware about their wider surroundings, foster connections and increase awareness on how they can relate to their communities through social initiatives.
3. Social enterprise– an educational module which seeks to develop youngster’s knowledge and skills in the development social innovation activities within their communities.
2-Training of Trainers under Erasmus Youth Mobilities:
AIM of this project is to support capacity building of partner organizations through professional development of youth workers, youth leaders and trainers in the field of dialogue facilitation with multicultural groups.
In addition AGD is preparing two major strategic partnerships in the field of Adult education and VET, which aims to dialogue among European Organizations regarding Citizenship issues, the second one is to empower migrant females in 6 European countries to create their own start up business related to sustainable food industries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AGD with its European Network can contribute a lot in the education sector, exchange best practise among the ALF member organizations will be a great asset and we are confident to be able to contribute to the ALF general mission and objectives

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because it will enable our organization to be part of international community and thus have the chance to exchange experiences with other members and get to work on bridging the gap between Europe and the Euromed area which ALF Network is quite active, in addition we would like to expand our Network for further development cooperation projects that it will enable us to sustain our educational mission.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Hend Hussein
Job Title
President of Board
Head of the organisation
Hend Hussein
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Yasmin Tammana
Job Title (2)
Marketing and communication Manager

International Women in Photo

National Network

7 rue du Printemps,
75017 PARIS

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Legal statius; Non profit Association ( France)  Budget , 50.000 eur.  Sources of Funduing; grants, sponsorships.  Action; Exhibitions around the world promoting women photgraphers and gender equality, award for women photgraphers, educational projects, Talks and conferneces on women's voices.  Main partners; Canon, Amman Image Festival, Clyde and Co, la SAIF, TV5 Monde, Alliance Française and Institut Français Network  

Mission and Objectives

International Women in Photo, is a non profit association in France acting on a global scale. Our main missions are: • The promotion of women photographers of all origins and nationalities. • Work for Parity and Equality through photography in the worl

Main Projects / Activities

• Increase the visibility and diversity of women photographers in the field of photography • Propose actions around education and training in photography for women and students • Use photography as an empowerment tool for girls and women • Lobby to introduce gender criteria in public photography projects • Use photography as a tool to promote tolerant and non-sexist values

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

International WOmen in Photo wants to contribute with the power of images and photography to bring in a plurality of views and voices and to advance gender equality in our societies.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We already have activities in different countres in the Mediterranean space ( France, Spain, Lebanon, Jordan) ut we would like to expand our dialogue and our actions to further countroes through cooperation enabled by the Anna Lindh Foundation. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Co director
Head of the organisation
Arantza Aramburu / Laure Parise ( co directors)
Contact (2) Full Name
Laure Parise
Job Title (2)
Co director