
National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
سازمان جهانی حقوق بشر i-sport سازمان همبستگی با ورزشکاران مهاجر و پناهنده. دارای نمایندگان و اعضای فعال در کشورهای دیگر است
Mission and Objectivesسازماندهی ورزشکاران پناهندگان و تیم های ورزشی. ایجاد شادی و خوشبختی در پناهجویان.

Main Projects / Activities

کمک به ورزشکاران و تیم های ورزشی که پناهنده و مهاجر هستند

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Behnam imani
Job Title
Founder of the organization
Head of the organisation
Behnam imani
Contact (2) Full Name
Arezoo magsudloo
Job Title (2)
Vice President of the Organization


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
World Organization for Human Rights i-sport Organization for Solidarity with Immigrant and Refugee Athletes. Has representatives and active members in other countries
Mission and Objectives

Organizing refugee athletes and sports teams. Creating happiness and happiness in asylum seekers.

Main Projects / Activities

Assistance to athletes and sports teams that are refugees and immigrants

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Behnam imani
Job Title
Founder of the organization
Head of the organisation
Behnam imani
Contact (2) Full Name
Arezoo magsudloo
Job Title (2)
Vice President of the Organization

Association AGIR

National Network

78230 LE PECQ

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information

AGIR pour le développement & l`épanouissement de la jeunesse (AGIR) is an innovative youth non-profit organization that equips young people with knowledge and skills which enable them to directly get involved in improving their communities. AGIR employs a ‘leveraged impact’ model, as we believe that youth have a huge untapped potential and can be very effective in initiating positive change in their communities.

Mission and Objectives

AGIR works to promote entrepreneurship and employability of youth, engage youth to be active citizens and raising on them awareness on environmental issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Setup youth activities to foster closer cooperation and better understanding among young people, particularly by encouraging the exchange of information, ideas and opinions. Specifically, AGIR aims to: Promote cooperation and mutual aid in the developed and the developing regions for cultural, educational and social purposes; Support and strength the capacities of youth on entrepreneurship models and train them to develop their own opportunities. Familiarize youth with active citizenship spirit and endorse the exercise of democracy within the environment and the society where they live; Work towards resolving conflicts and promoting peaceful societies through recognition and respect for others; Work collaboratively on issues related to protection of the environment and sustainability;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Upon the skills we have built among our team, we aspire to bring an added value to the French network by sharing our modest experience through the projects we have implemented so far particularly these related to youth

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking forward to contribute modestly toward intercultural dialogue among the Mediterranean Sea 

Contact (1) Full Name
SEBAI Massinissa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Massinissa SEBAI

Benevolent Society for care of Rural Family

National Network

قطاع غزة
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Structure : excutive manager - program manager , coordinators for departments - volanteers  :number of employee 8  Partners : الاغاثة الاسلامية قطر الخيرية الصليب الأحمر ياردم الي مركز التنمية وتطوير المجتمعات  ايديكو we have fund for different activities from our partners and the total fund for year 2019 is 50000$  

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission: The society seeks collaborative work with the local rural communities through building immediate and long term sustainable interventions.   We aim to: Emerge as a leading local humanitarian development agency Develop immediate and long term sustainable interventions Empower the vulnerable groups and individuals in the local communities through inclusive development to build local capacity Champion peace and justice through effective advocacy Our Goals: Medical and psychosocial care Provide medical and psychosocial care to mothers, children and older people. Provide care and advocacy for individuals with special needs who live in deserted areas. Enhance the psycho-social support of school students with learning difficulties.  

Main Projects / Activities

تنشيط اطفال (مخيم شتوي) تنفيذ لقاءات توعية صحية كل ثلاثاء تنفيذ دعم نفسي كل خميس ورشة عمل حول الاجراءات المتبعة في المحاكم 6 ورش عمل دعم نفسي وارشاد قانوني ضمن مشروع الحقوق والصمود 6 ورش عمل دعم نفسي وارشاد قانوني ضمن مشروع الحقوق والصمود توزيع سلة غذائية لعدد 410 اسرة قسائم شرائية لعدد 179 شخص تنظيم افطار جماعي لعدد 400 شخص في صالة الهلتون تنظيم افطار جماعي لموظفي ومتطوعي الجمعية كوفي ستار تشغيل 7 خريجين ضمن مشروع دعم الخدمات الصحية والتأهيل الوظيفي    تم تنفيذ 12 ورشة عمل  مشروع العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي مخيم صيفي توزيع لحوم اضاحي لعدد 100 شخص توزيع لحوم اضاحي لعدد 50 شخص توزيع لحوم اضاحي لعدد 350 شخص تنفيذ تدريب المواجهة باحترام لمتطوعي وطاقم الجمعية تنفيذ ورشة عمل حول الحقوق الاجتماعية لنساء ذوي الاعاقة (مبادرة كلنا سوا) تنفيذ 5 جلسات حول قانون الاحوال الشخصية تنفيذ ورشة عمل حول سرطان الثدي تنفيذ جلسة استشارات وتوعية قانونية تنفيذ ورشة عمل حول العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي تنفيذ ورشة عمل بعنوان مستقبل عادل وامن للنساء في قطاع غزة تنفيذ 5 جلسات حول قانون الاحوال الشخصية المشاركة في حملة 16 يوم لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة تنظيم يوم عمل تطوعي لتنظيف شارع ومحيط الجمعية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نستطيع المساهمة من خلال تنفيذ أنشطة مشتركة و تعريف المجتمع المحلي و مؤسساته بأنشطة الشبكة المختلفة 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

هذه الشبكة ذات سمعة حسنة و جميع المؤسسات الخيرية تتمنى أن تنضم لهذه الشبكة حن سوف نكون فخورين بالانتماء لها 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Iyad Abu Ghali
Job Title
Executive manager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Yousef Abu Atwan
Contact (2) Full Name
Hasan Shahin
Job Title (2)
Programme Manager

Women center shufat camp

National Network

Shufat camp
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
المركز النسوي مخيم شعفاط مؤسسة اهلية غير ربحية تعنى بخدمة المجتمعم المحيط حيث نقدم خدمات لكافة شرائح المجتمع نساء اطفال شباب مثل التمكين الاقتصادي والتعليم المساند والتاهيل النفسي الاجتماعي .
Mission and Objectives

تقديم الخدمات التاهيلية والتمكين للنساء والاطفال 
نشر الوعي في المجتمع 

Main Projects / Activities

التمكين الاقتصادي
الطعام الصحي 
التاهيل النفسي الاجتماعي
الوقاية من المخدرات

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Sundos hamdan
Job Title
Projects Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Jihad abu Zneid

Dbroej Centrum West Vzw

National Network

1060 Brussel

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
We work with youngsters in between 5 and 25 years on talent development. Intercultural dialogue, well being of our public and individual and collective pathways based on informal learning are our strenghth. We are community based.  Income 2,5 million Euro. 75 employees funding through erasmus +, Baudouin foundation and Brussels government.  
Mission and Objectives

Talent for young people in a multicultural area. Green education for people in precarious situation based on the values they have.

Main Projects / Activities

Employment, intercultural activities, content related spare time, social projets.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a network over the world with young people involved dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Network development, projects, exchange activity and profound reflection

Contact (1) Full Name
Rudy Raes
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rudy Raes


National Network


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

General information: DIMA VOLONTARIAT is a non profit NGO, founded in 2016. A national association, with several sections all around Morocco and a large international relation of cooperation. We work with International Cultural Youth Exchange orginsations to create opportunities and exchange experiences between youth from different parts of the country and the rest of the world Structure of the organization: TOUFIK JRIDA as President BENDAOUD KHALIL as Vice president RABIE DAISSA as General secretary AISSOULI ZAKARIA as Vice GS ZERROU HICHAM as Treasurer Budgetary resources Mainly form state support and engagements  

Mission and Objectives

Sensitize young people to voluntary work

Main Projects / Activities

Language workcamp Environment workcamp

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Promote a sense of voluntarism among young people

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

open up to other associations and share experiences

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
General secretary
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Head of the organisation

Hrvatska udruga strucnjaka zastite prirode i okolisa (eng. Croatian Association of Experts in Nature and Environmental Protection)

National Network

Berislaviceva 6
10000 Zagreb

+385 1 5813 915
+385 1 5813 844
Mobile Phone
+385 99 35 14 744
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
HUSZPO is a non-governmental and non-profit organization, founded in 2004 by respected legal entities and individuals, all practitioners in the fields of environmental and nature protection. Nowadays, the Organization membership consists of 32 companies and several individual expert members. The objective of HUSZPO is to advance professional knowledge and services in environmental and nature protection, promote and harmonize professional interests, promote professional ethics and strengthen cooperation with relevant national and international organizations and associations. Average annual turnover in the last 4 years is around 40.000 EUR. Sources of funding include membership fees and donations. The organization fulfills its mission through dissemination of knowledge (seminars, workshops, conferences) and implementation of projects. The main partners involved in the organization’s activities are Ministry of Environment and Energy, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Croatian Engineering Association and NGOs active in the field of environmental and nature protection.
Mission and Objectives

Through work in HUSZPO experts of extensive and multi-annual experience in the provision of services of nature and environmental protection, protect the values of knowledge and work on the market, defend the professional reputation and honor of members and the association itself, encourage the creation of conditions for professional implementation of activities, advocate for equal competition in the market respecting the principle of freedom to provide services, the principles of equal treatment, the principle of non-discrimination, the principles of mutual recognition and the principles of transparency, share the views on issues of particular public interest, cooperate with other stakeholders in the nature and environment protection area and organize and maintain expert meetings on current topics in the field.

Main Projects / Activities

HUSZPO has been maintaining the capacity building activities on the environment, nature protection and energy efficiency topics. At the same time, HUSZPO implemented the round table cycle as part of the application of the Law on Sustainable Waste management (2014.-2016.), with round tables held across the Republic of Croatia, which discussed the current topics.
HUSZPO is also the organizer of the Regional Conferences on Environmental Impact Assessment, intended for professionals and scientists in the field of environmental and nature protection, representatives of administrative bodies, regional and local governments, representatives of International financial institutions and the media and investors. So far, the conferences have achieved great success, given the number of registered works and participants from a large number of countries in the region and beyond.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

HUSZPO can promote the principles of environmental and nature protection and sustainable development, participate in thematic working groups and share the knowledge, make synergies with organizations with similar objectives and provide input into country’s network program.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network provides the opportunity to create synergy with other interested organizations, and tackle the issues of HUSZPO’s main interest (environment, sustainable development), find the common topics and objectives on which we can work together taking into account broader scope of issues and beyond the country and region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nenad Mikulic
Job Title
President of the Steering Committee
Head of the organisation
Nenad Mikulic, PhD, President of the Steering Committee
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeljka Medven Korman
Job Title (2)

The Heschel Center for Sustainability

National Network

4 Ravnitzky st
tel aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Heschel Center for Sustainability develops and implements the vision of sustainability: a just and cohesive society, a robust and democratic economy, and a healthy and productive environment to all of its residents. The center bridges theoretical knowledge and practical methods, and creatively spreads the message of sustainability, assisting change makers from every sector of society to promote significant change in Israel. At Heschel we: run transformative educational programs, turn ideas into practice, and support sustainability change makers. Members of staff is 15. Our annual budget amounts to ca. 3.3 Milion ILS Our sources of funding vary between project-specific government support from the Ministry for Regional Cooperation and the Ministry for Environmental Protection, but mostly from private donors and foundations. Our modalty of action is through our year-long fellowship program that trained 20 cohorts; other short courses, projects with fellow organization in Israel and in the region and advocating government ministries to take on a bolder policy toward climate mitigation and adaptation. We also train, and advise local authorities and work in partnership with the Union of Local Authorities. Main partners are the Cyprus Institute, The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Life & Environment, Green Course, Itach-Maaki, Civic Leadership, the Green Schools Network and many more
Mission and Objectives

We seek to create alliances and financial support, both inside Israel and abroad, to put this vision of sustainability which we believe is the key to Israel's future, squarely on the agenda of Israeli society and the Jewish people. 
Sustainability represents the call for the "triple bottom line" of profits, people, and planet, which has been adopted in the realm of corporate social responsibility (CSR) worldwide. For too long, the environment has been a narrowly-defined niche issue, and the focus of much work has been reactive and confrontational in nature. We represent a broad, proactive agenda, integrating economic, political and social change, and training and partnering with key players in all those realms. 

Main Projects / Activities

Through creating a home for leaders and developing and disseminating ideas and skills, the Heschel Center:
Creates frameworks through which potential change agents can become sustainability leaders, and support the implementation of their initiatives.
Connects theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and spreads the vision of broad sustainability in creative ways.
Heschel's flagship initiative, The Sustainability Leaders Fellows Program, now concluded its 19th cohort of 14 new Fellows, continues to be the leading training program for social-environmental leaders in Israel. With 340 alumni, the Fellowship represents leadership in diversity. The program targets potential change makers in positions of influence – business, politics (including several MKs), media, free professions, social change; Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews, center and periphery—providing them an in-depth learning process along with the tools to develop joint projects that have a real and lasting impact. The successful alumni network implements our vision of promoting sustainability through a widening interlinked community, whose work we catalyze and nurture
The Center for Local Sustainability works directly with municipalities, regional councils, and their leadership and professional staffs in national and local training programs tailor made for their realities and needs, and has created 20 Local Sustainability Centers in the social and geographic periphery of Israel.
The Center for Sustainability Studies provides intensive transformative learning courses for leaders, professionals and change agents from all over Israel, currently including: Strategic Planning for Sustainability, Community-Based Sustainable Education, Regional Fellows programs, and tailor-made programs for different organizations and institutions such as the Israeli Scouts, Israel Nature and Parks Authority, and the Society of Nature Protection in Israel. 
The Center is focusing its efforts on developing a new online platform to engage a more massive amount of people and bring them to the world of sustainability. 
The Israel 2050 Project (The Heschel Climate Project) 
Probably our most ambitious wide-scale collaboration yet is the multi-sectoral participatory process for the Israel 2050 plan, which Heschel has spearheaded as part of the climate initiative. Inspired by the Paris Climate Accords, Heschel headed the 2016 Maof Seminar, which led to our recruiting relevant officials in the Israeli government and convincing them to champion the Israeli Climate Plan 2050, which includes a complete transition to renewable energies. After engaging with various stakeholders to join the process, we organized the largest climate convention in Israel's history, with a separate event that included 11 roundtables, and that has laid the foundation for the 2050 plan.
The Heschel Center has succeeded in recruiting leading strategic partners in government, civil society and industry: five central government ministries (Energy, Transportation, Industry, Treasury, Environment), the OECD, the IDI (Israel Democracy Institute), and the Manufacturers Association of Israel. Through our work with key people in the government, we have convinced the government to be the lead partner, and to adopt the program as a government initiative, with all that entails. As part of our plan for a broad-based process, we have enlisted a wide range of supporters from civil society, academia and the commercial-industrial sector. Additionally, we have prepared a professional knowledge base and relevant materials that will serve the working groups in the multi-sectoral participatory process of fulfilling the Israel 2050 plan. We have also developed a methodology for locating and successfully utilizing experts from abroad who can share their experience and best practices from processes similar to those we are trying to promote.
Today, the Heschel Center is focusing on bringing the voices of the underserved - people with disabilities, youth at risk, the elderly, etc - to the 2050 planning process and ensuring that the plans are bettering their conditions.
In addition, the Heschel Center has launched its Renewable Energy Project, aiming to develop a plan for Israel to transform to a 100% renewable energy economy. The plan includes an important component of proving the economic case for a weak municipality to earn income by providing renewable energy for its residents.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Convene partners in round tables about the various aspects of climate change and just transition, impart skills and methofdolgies to lead meaningful conversations, deliver courses and lectures on various topic related with sustainability and climate.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Out of the realization that we cannot deliver change working in silos we wouldlike to expand and reach out to fellow organizations that share our vision of a more sustainable region and world. We have embarked on a regional cooperation project, setting up a a regional hub for climate change in the eastern mediteranean. In that capacity we wish to reach out and forge new partnerships in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aviva Shemesh
Job Title
Co-lead of Climate Programs
Head of the organisation
Victor Weiss
Contact (2) Full Name
David Dunetz
Job Title (2)
co-lead of climate programs; head of education


National Network

7 Rue Osqofia
(Ex Haj Med Errifai)

+212 662 775 526
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

L’association BADIRA CCD, œuvre pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine et de l’héritage pluriculturel du Maroc à travers la numérisation audiovisuelle. La musique, l’artisanat, la gastronomie et l’histoire des villages ne sont que quelques exemples d’expériences captées grâce à une équipe spécialisée en image, beaucoup de volontaires et plusieurs expéditions dans les régions du Royaume du Maroc. À ce jour, plus de 300 sujets ont été documentés. Elle rassemble des jeunes documentaristes spécialisés en audiovisuel, soucieux de l’avenir du patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel du Maroc. Toutes les vidéos sont en accès libre et gratuit sur la plate forme À mi-chemin entre musée digital et Web TV documentaire, Marocopedia est la première plateforme dédiée à la numérisation du patrimoine marocain dans toute sa diversité. Cette volonté de numériser chaque spécificité culturelle répond à deux priorités : présenter au monde le prestigieux héritage civilisationnel du Maroc et transmettre une mémoire collective aux générations futures. Nous rassemblons les récits marocains, des moins connus aux plus populaires, en respectant les précieux témoignages de notre patrimoine oral. Aller à la rencontre des femmes et des hommes, gardiens de la mémoire collective, pour collecter, filmer, documenter et partager cet héritage millénaire en accès libre et gratuit. On propose à la jeune génération un contenu de qualité pour l’aider à comprendre les pratiques culturelles d’hier et d’aujourd’hui pour s’ancrer dans cette humanité plurielle et multiculturelle. Avec plus de 40 collaborateurs et bénévoles, un budget annuel de 80 000 €, Badira œuvre ensemble pour le développement de la connaissance sur le patrimoine culturel marocain. Plus de 21 personnes travaillent chaque jour pour la transmission de cette mémoire collective. Nous vous invitons aujourd’hui à nous soutenir et contribuer à la protection et la valorisation de la culture marocaine et de son patrimoine humain... Les enfants de demain chercheront les sources des identités et c’est à travers Internet qu’ils démarreront leur quête. Principaux partenaires : Ministère de la Culture, UNESCO, Net Med Youth, British Council, Ambassade des Pays Bas, Roberto Cimetta Fund...

Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour mission : - La préservation et la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel et naturel du Maroc à travers la collecte de documents iconographiques, audiovisuels et sonores; - Développement de la résilence des jeunes à travers la formation en audiovisuel et projection des courts documentaires - La contribution au développement socio-économique régional à travers le rayonnement de son patrimoine culturel. ACTIONS - Organisation d'expéditions pour la documentation sur le terrain; - Organisation d’ateliers de formation en réalisation audiovisuelle et sensibilisation au patrimoine culturel local - Organisation de rencontres, conférences, tables rondes et projections culturelles; - Mise en place de partenariats nationaux et internationaux dans les domaines artistiques et culturels.

Main Projects / Activities

OCTOBRE 2017 : FORMATION DES JEUNES À TATA (Création d’un documentaire de 40 min - Projection du film devant 500 invités à Tata - Création d’une vidéo: témoignages des jeunes) MAI 2018 : BRIEF HISTORY OF MOROCCO #IMAGINE2026 (Réalisation d’une vidéo de 3 minutes retraçant 300 000 ans d’histoire du Maroc. Création issue de l’appel à projet pour soutenir la candidature du Maroc pour 2026) - FÉVRIER 2019 : LANCEMENT OFFICIEL DE MAROCOPEDIA (version 2) Conférence de presse, diffusion web... - MARS 2019 : DOCUMENTATION DE LA REGION DE AL HOCEIMA ET LES VILLAGES ALENTOURS (20 JOURS) - AVRIL 2019 : DOCUMENTATION DE LA REGION DE NADOR ET LES VILLAGES ALENTOURS (28 JOURS) - MAI 2019 : DOCUMENTATION DE LA VILLE DE RABAT - SEPTEMBRE 2019 : RÉALISATION DES VIDÉOS DE LA RÉGION DU NORD (Mise en ligne d’une playlist dédiée aux régions du nord sur - OCTOBRE 2019 : TOURNÉE DE PROJECTIONS & SENSIBILISATION AU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL EN FAVEUR DES JEUNES DES RÉGIONS DU NORD 15 à 20 projections dans les écoles publiques - MARS 2020 : MISE EN VALEUR DU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL DU NORD EN FAVEUR DE CES RESORTISSANTS RÉSIDANTS AU PAYS-BAS (Évenement en partenariat avec l’ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Lors de nos premiers voyages de documentation de terrain dans les régions, nous avons rencontré des jeunes et des associations disposant de matériels audiovisuels. Sensible à notre démarche et aux techniques de documentation, ils nous ont accompagnés à la découverte de leur région. Au fil des jours, nous avons partagé des moments d’initiation mutuelle, spontanément, la première formation est née en septembre 2013. Dans un monde très connecté où l’identité culturelle s’effrite avec la normalisation et la globalisation, l’association Badira participe à renforcer le développement personnel des jeunes à travers les associations. Un travail qu'elle mène scrupuleusement à travers la préservation et la promotion du patrimoine culturel, vécu comme un moyen de consolider la démocratie et encourager les dialogues inter- culturels.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Notre devise : « C’est en s’enracinant qu’on devient international », car les plus grands créateurs, réalisateurs ou artistes qui continuent de s’illustrer dans le monde à l’international, puisent leur force et inspiration de leurs racines et de leurs identités. Ainsi, le patrimoine culturel est une source incontestable d’inspiration et de créativité, le fondement même de la création artistique et de l’éducation. Nous souhaitons contribuer au développement socio-économique régional à travers le rayonnement de son patrimoine culturel. Nous souhaitons,également, adhérer à des mouvements d'échange culturel pour l'instauration d'un dialogue favorisant l'ouerture vers des horizons nouveaux dans la compréhension mutuelle et le respect interculturel et socioculturelle entre les peuples en vue d'un Maroc pluriel, diversifié, et ouvert sur l'environnement national, régional et international.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)