The Educational Service Center of Raseiniai District

National Network

V.Grybo g. 33, Raseiniai
60117 Raseiniai

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The owner of organization - the Municipality of Raseiniai district.The organization is headed by a Director appointed in an open competition. Budgetary resources available in a year: aprox. 300 000 euro. Sources of funding: - special targeted grants from the state budget; - Municipal budget funds; - income from services rendered; - funds, organizations, other legal and natural persons donated or otherwise legally funds transferred, funds for specific purpose according to orders; - other legally acquired funds. Modalities of action: - provide information, expert and counseling assistance to parents (guardians, guardians) and schools and their teaching staff; - to provide psychological, social pedagogical, special pedagogical and educational information support for children from birth to compulsory education who do not attend pre-school groups, as well as people with special educational needs up to the age of 21, if educational assistance cannot be provided by school professionals due to lack of specialization; - to form a positive attitude of school communities and society towards special needs persons with educational needs, psychological, personality and educational problems and their education along with peers; - develop and implement prevention and other programs; - organize in-service training events; - mobilize young people to solve common problems and promote youth initiatives mutual understanding, international cooperation; - to promote young people 's self - expression, volunteering; - to help young people to reveal themselves in cultural and social space, to help them discover themselves in a modernizing society.
Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives:
- increase special educational needs, psychological, personality and communication developmental effectiveness of people with problems, psychological resilience, communication skills providing necessary information and advice to children, parents (guardians, carers),
- meet the competences and lifelong learning needs of a person's career,
- to increase the employment of persons aged 14-29 (hereinafter referred to as "young people") in activities, designed to enable young people to engage in personal, professional and social activities; and
develop and develop competencies (personal, social, professional, educational) under guidance the principles of open youth work.

Main Projects / Activities

10320,00 EUR EU-funded investment in state planning project "Creating a Safe Environment at School II" no. 09.2.2-ESFA-V-729-03-0001 Implementation of the activities "Provision of psychological help";
24144,00 EUR Erasmus + K1 project 'Capacity building of non-formal education in the consortium based on Italian experience')

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would share ALF Nerwork ideas in our region with particular emphasis on building more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to mobilize young people in Raseiniai district to solve common problems and promote youth initiatives mutual understanding, international cooperation. We think that ALF Network could help
to promote young people 's self - expression, to reveal themselves in cultural and social space, to help them discover themselves in a modernizing society, improve tolerance, leadership skills; make partnership with foreign organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Reda Kunickienė
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Manager Reda Kunickienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Silva Morkevičienė
Job Title (2)
Deputy manager

Association of Social Emotional Education

National Network

V.Grybo g. 7, Vilnius LT-10313 Lithuania
10203 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Management organs: Association are general meeting of members, president, the council of Association. Sources of founding: contributions from founders, members, donations and assets from sponsors; material and financial assistance from Lithuania, foreign countries and international organizations; funds and assets from other organizations for target projects and programs; incomes from Association events and other services; other lawfully received income and assets. Association organizes seminars, conferences, publishes methodological literature in social emotional education, performs sociological, psychological researches. The members of Association are individuals and organisations (schools, kindergardens, public organizations, etc.)

Mission and Objectives

The main mission of association is disseminate best practice in social emotional education in the country, implement programs and tools for education, conduct research, recommendations and suggestions and organize cooperation between all members of Association. The main objectives of Association: - to bring together organizations, educational institutions and socially responsible companies implementing social emotional education programs, together to share work, organize information events and exchange experiences; - To carry out research, to make proposals and recommendations for the overall strategy of Lithuanian social emotional education, its development and implementation in the Lithuanian education system; - Create a collaborative platform for educators, educators and those responsible for social emotional education in the organization to share good practice, gain knowledge and inspire each other; - To spread the culture of social emotional education in the country, to find partners in foreign countries, in business and other sectors as well as to cooperate with non-governmental organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities/projects: - national conferences in social emotional education; - the training program of lecturer in social emotional education; - national friendly olympiad "Elephant" for children in social emotional education; - publication of a manual for the development of emotional intelligence and social emotional competences.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Association members are very active in empowering youth; we are working for inclusive and empathetic societies - and first of all at schools - to fight the lack of trust and intolerance what is still very common in our educational system.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to spread ideas of ALF Network in Lithuanian educational system, encourage young people to develop leadership skills, create opportunities for them to create intercultural dialogue, build partnership with other foreign organizations to share experience in creating more tolerant society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Audrone Allan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
President Reda Kunickienė
Contact (2) Full Name
Loreta Kaltauskiene
Job Title (2)
Board member

Atlas of Today’s World

National Network
Czech Republic

náměstí Jana Palacha 1/2, Josefov
11000 Prague

+420 734 567 142
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are building a new digital encyclopedia that will enable everyone to see the whole of the long-term socio-political reality in today’s world. Inspired by Wikipedia, we wish to bring an open-access educational tool tailored to the needs of non-professional audiences globally but with high-perspective descriptions created merely by selected specialists from international universities and other research institutions.

Mission and Objectives

We aim at the system of gaining knowledge about the political and social reality of the world we live in. We observe that thanks to new media technologies, one can search for almost any existing correct/true information at any time. Having only an internet connection, we can, in a second, find out about the latest news all over the world, listen to personal stories of all or gain scientific knowledge about various special issues through Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias. And when a specific topic becomes popular in media outlets, one can quickly become an expert on any issue. The global internet has become a space of an indefinite amount of specific information accessible to all. 

At the same time, we paradoxically observe how distorted our images of the whole nature of the world we live in are. And it doesn't usually concern merely reality on the global level but also in our own countries. 

When exploring possible causes of this issue, specifically on the level of the global system of digital information and media, we also observe how putting all existing information together into correct and precise mosaics of the whole reality is difficult. Particularly for non-expert people without extensive knowledge of the broad context of individual issues or situations in individual world areas. All the more so for people who didn't have a chance to gain higher education in social or human sciences, media literacy or simply cannot afford to spend hours in libraries due to their work or existential troubles.

Thus we wish to help everyone who wants to understand the whole picture correctly, allowing them to see the mosaic of socio-political reality created by experts.

Main Projects / Activities

Inspired by Wikipedia and its success, we dream of a new open-access and highly user-friendly digital encyclopedia tailored to the needs of non-expert audiences, which becomes a similar collaborative platform for a global community of authors - social and human scientists from all over the world. An encyclopedia which will be specifically designed to systematically and from a higher perspective reflect on the whole of the long-term reality in individual countries, same as globally. Through the concept of big-picture panoramic entries and an interactive map of the world inspired by Google Maps, we will gradually compile the needed mosaic. No details and no ad hoc topics. Neither will we look at popular topics. We aim to launch a platform in which specialists in individual subjects and areas will gradually implement carefully prepared plans of needed topics to capture objectively and comprehensively the whole of reality in individual world regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We offer a unique academic platform that provides the general public with a reliable big-picture source of information, bringing together academics from the global North and South. The encyclopedia can accompany existing media outlets or educational projects and campaigns at European schools and non-governmental organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We adhere to the ALN endeavour of intercultural and civil society dialogue. By joining the network, we would like to establish further cooperation with international research institutes, media and NGOs to participate in international projects and thus contribute to a more informed public debate in the European Union, the Mediterranean region and elsewhere.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jakub Múčka
Job Title
Founder & CEO
Head of the organisation
náměstí Jana Palacha 1/2, Josefov, 110 00 Praha 1
Contact (2) Full Name
Tara Matthews
Job Title (2)
Chief Editor


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
General Information
Somos 20 trabajadores. El presupuesto del 2019 fue: 650.325,00. El 90% de recursos propios, 3% de cofinanciación de formación. El 5% subvenciones privadas y el 2% publicas Socios principales Caritas, Adsis, ACCEM, Casal Pou de la Figuera, muchas entidades Los proyectos principales son: 1) Inserción socio laboral (formación e inserción) para personas en situación de exclusión social, sobre todos los inmigrantes sin documentación y menores que migran solos. 2) Desarrollo comunitario y sensibilización: actividades que aportan a la cohesión social (talleres, espacios de encuentro intergeneracionales e interculturales, espacio de reflexión y conocimiento mutuo, etc.) Materiales de gran impacto para la sensibilización y material para la realización de actividades con institutos y diferentes colectivos 3) Actividades de economía social y solidaria, sostenibilidad del proyecto y herramienta de inserción sociolaboral. Todos los trabajadores son ex alumnos y alumnas
Mission and Objectives

La Fundació Ciutadania Multicultural (FCM) – Mescladis nace en el 2005 con el objetivo de aportar en la acomodación de inmigrantes y ciudadanos nativos a través de iniciativas educativas  que promueven la cohesión social e iniciativas de economía solidaria que facilitan la inserción socio laboral.
Es un proyecto social y sin fin de lucro con más de 15 años que trabaja por una ciudad inclusiva, diversa y solidaria. Desde Mescladís facilitamos la entrada al mundo laboral de vecinas y vecinos en exclusión y llevamos a la práctica acciones educativas, económicas y culturales que ponen en valor la diversidad, el derecho a migrar, el feminismo y la justicia social.
Mescladís es un proyecto con probado impacto social, capacidad de gestión y referente de emprendeduría social en Barcelona. Nuestro modelo favorece una economía sostenible, inclusiva y socialmente responsable.

Main Projects / Activities

Programa “Cuinant Oportunitat”, formación de Camareros y Ayudantes de cocineros que fomenta la inserción socio-laboral a través de una formación teórico práctica. La formación se realiza en nuestro restaurante – escuela y en las instalaciones dedicadas exclusivamente para la formación. Se ofrece un espacio óptimo para adquirir las competencias necesarias en todos los ámbitos, tanto técnicos, como competencias transversales y el desarrollo de la formación en un espacio profesional. Finalizado el período de formación en nuestra escuela, los estudiantes realizan las prácticas en empresas del sector que suelen colaborar con el programa. Esto refuerza su aprendizaje a la vez que brinda la oportunidad de obtener un contrato de trabajo o conseguir la regularización en las situaciones que así lo requieran. Se trabaja la formación desde un punto de vista integral, no sólo se hace hincapié en la formación técnica, sino también en el desarrollo de sus competencias transversales, y en su relación y aporte a la comunidad. Se trabaja con una red de entidades del barrio y con una red de empresas del sector de la hostelería.
Este programa ha recibido a lo largo de los años el apoyo de Càritas, la Caixa, el Departament de Treball, Secretaria de Immigració i Fundació Caixa Catalunya.
Programa “Diàlegs migrants” i “la cuina solidaria”. “Diàlegs Migrants”, es un programa de arte comunitario basado en la fotografía a través del cual se promueve el dialogo intercultural, el objetivo es generar reflexión y debate sobre la política migratoria actual y los derechos humanos. Aborda la inmigración actual desde una perspectiva histórica, generando un espacio de encuentro entre la inmigración de los años cincuenta y sesenta y la actual, también genera a través de sus proyectos, espacios de reflexión entre personas autóctonas e inmigrantes. Innovadora forma de expresión y difusión, a través de la cual se logra llegar a mayor cantidad de público aumentando sus efectos. El programa “La cuina Solidària” está formado por un conjunto de talleres que se adaptan a las diferentes edades y colectivos, tiene como objetivo promover el encuentro y el enriquecimiento mutuo. Pretende reforzar el conocimiento y la confianza entre los diferentes colectivos de inmigrantes y la población autóctona ayudando a crear un clima integrador desde el respeto. Talleres infantiles “Cuinar és un Joc”; “Cuinar en familia”, Taller para adolescentes “Mirades Gastronòmiques”, Taller intergeneracional “Cuina de Yayas”, Taller para adultos “Gustos del Món” y Taller para Personas mayores “Cuinarte”. Estas actividades se realizan con el soporte de los alumnos y alumnas del programa Cuinat Oportunitat, quienes actúan como promotor de los talleres contribuyendo a su desarrollo personal y empoderamiento. Los talleres para niños y adultos en los mercados de Pagés de Barcelona se realizan en colaboración con la Xarxa Solidaria de Consum.
Este programa ha recibido el soporte de la Diputació de Barcelona y el ayuntamiento de Barcelona.
Talleres para Niños
Talleres para adultos . Gustos del Mon
Parrticipación y dinamización en el mercado de Pagés de Germanetes.
Desarrollo comunitarios participación en Federación para la gestion comunitaria del CAsal Pou de la Figuera, participacion en proyecto Donale la volta ala plaça, Participacion en Taula de la Salut, Participación en grupo Eixample Acull
Formaciones acerca de las migraciones y la diversidad realizadas a jóvenes, y adultos en Mescladis o fuera, Formación, presentaciones y jornadas de reflexión. Utilización de materiales generados con el programa Dialogos Migrantes, Novela Gráfica Un regalo para Khusbu
Área de Sostenibilidad. Entendiendo sostenibilidad desde un punto de vista holístico, sostenibilidad social, económica y ambiental. Luchamos por la sostenibilidad económica del proyecto a través de la explotación del Espai Mescladis (terraza – restaurante ubicada en Carders 35) y del restaurante Escuela Mescladis (ubicado en Borrell 122) generando a partir de ella la mayoría del presupuesto del proyecto, facilitando el desarrollo de las otras áreas. Además esta actividad económica nos permite completar el círculo de inserción laboral, puesto que casi la totalidad del equipo del Espai Mescladis está compuesto por ex alumnas del programa Cuinant Oportunitat y nos da la posibilidad de realizar procesos de regularización en los casos necesarios. Trabajamos, en la medida de lo posible, con productores de proximidad, productos artesanos, ecológicos y de comercio justo.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creando sinergias con otras entidades y  fomentando, con nuestros trabajos,  el diálogo intercultural

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Porque Meslcadís tiene como misión contribuir en la acomodación de inmigrantes y ciudadanos nativos mediante iniciativas económicas, educativas y culturales que promueven la cohesión social, el derecho a migrar y la justicia social.
Mescladís lleva 15 años impulsando iniciativas sociales que promueven una ciudad inclusiva y solidaria. Hemos desarrollado materiales muy potentes trabajando con historias de vidas, fotógrafos, cineastas e ilustradores y creemos fundamental trabajar en red para maximizar el impacto social y educativo. 
Al unirnos a la red esperamos poder interacturar con las otras entidades que comparten valores y objetivos similares para buscar sinergias y potenciar el trabajo realizado. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

System and Generation International Association AISBL

National Network

Square de Meeus 38/40
1000 Brussels

+32 474 62 00 84
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

 System and Generation International Association AISBL –S&G Int’l Brussels is a non-profit organization established in January 2020 . The association, in a fashion devoid of interest, has set upon itself the purpose of supporting the objectives set by the European Union’s strategy for youth 2019-2017, and considered during the structured dialogue with the European youth 2017

Mission and Objectives

The objectives for youth target all of the European youth, and aims to achieve the following: a. ESTABLISH A LINK BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE EUROPEAN YOUTH: Instigate the sense of implication in the European youth in the European project, and build a sturdy bridge between the parties, to reinforce trust and increase involvement among the youth. b. EQUALITY BETWEEN ALL GENDERS: Insure the equality between all genders and gender-specific approaches in all aspects of the youth’s life. c. INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES: Allow and insure the inclusion of all of the youth into society. d. INFORMATION AND CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUES: Guarantee that all of the youth have a better access to reliable information, reinforce their skills, evaluate the information in a critical way and engage in constructive and participatory dialogues. e. MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING SANTÉ MENTALE: Improve the mental health and put to an end the stigma around questions regarding mental health, promoting as a result the social inclusion of all of the youth.  f. HELP THE YOUTH IN RURAL AREAS PROGRESS: Create the necessary conditions allowing the youth in the countryside to develop their potential. g. HIGH QUALITY EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL: Secure a job market accessible to all, containing opportunities leading to quality jobs for all of the youth. h. HIGH QUALITY EDUCATIO: Incorporate and improve different forms of education, fitting the youth to tackle the challenges of a life unremittingly changing in the 21st century. h. SPACES AND ESPACE PARTICIPATION FOR ALL: Fortify the autonomy and the democratic participation of the youth, and provide dedicated spaces for the youth in all fields of society. j. A GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE EUROPE: Reach a society where all of the youth are active and engaged in environmental issues, educated and capable of making a difference in their daily lives. k. ORGANISATIONS FOR YOUTH AND EUROPEAN PROGRAMS: Secure an equal access for all young people to organizations for European youth and European programs for youth, building a society based on the European values and European identity. The association serves as a frame to improve the creativity and inventiveness of people. The association will act towards linking these creative ideas, especially those voiced by the youth, with the governance systems in the European Union. Particular attention will be paid to the needs for sustainability and of socio-economy. The association will work for a world more receptive to intellectual dialogue through international collaborations. The objectives of the association also include the mobility and awareness of the European youth.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a newly established association and not yet have implemented any activities in Belgium. But we have started being active by submitting projects within the frame of Erasmus+ Programme, local funding etc. Our activities will be mainly concentrated in the topics of: Migration, Intercultural Citizenship Education, Active Citizenship, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are committed to: - get involved in the activities of Anna Lindh Foundation in national as well as international level. - get into action to keep vivid the national Network in Belgium, - promote ALF values within the country border but also cross border, - participate in the events organized in national level and disseminate the outcomes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we share common values with AnnaLidh Foundation therefore we will try to get involved in all actions that are being taken within the frame of AnnLindh Foundation. We would like to play an active role in the big family of Anna Lindh and hopefully keep bringing positive impact in the process of making the society a better place to live in.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Gurkan Akcaer
Job Title
President & LEAR
Head of the organisation
Gurkan Akcaer
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Saglam
Job Title (2)


National Network

102, Rue Ibn Battouta, près de l'ancienne mosquée, Quartier Caid.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
General Information
          L’association TAGMATE à un grand parcours dans le domaine de la sauvegarde de l’environnement et le développement durable  Elle a participé à plusieurs rencontres du pré Cop organisé par nos partenaires au niveau régional et national. Deux membres de l’association ont participé à la COP 22 durant toute la période à Marrakech en Novembre 2016. Ainsi que la rencontre de concertation de la société civile sur les objectifs du développement durable post 2015 et le forum sur les objectifs du développement durable organisé par le ministère des affaires étrangère à Rabat. L’association est membre du collectif marocain de volontariat, Elle participe à la mobilité des jeunes volontaires courts et moyen terme, soit au niveau national ou international. Elle a  organisé plusieurs manifestations dans le domaine de l’environnement ; l’animation socioculturelle ; la réalisation des fresques éducatifs en partenariat avec le ministère de la culture. L’organisation d’une semaine du Théâtre de la rue avec la participation de cinq pays méditerranéens. L’organisation d’un chantier internationale de Famille en collaboration avec l’association Moliba-Makasi de Toulouse. L’animation des formations  au profit de la société civile locale.  L’organisation  des chantiers thème ; les chantiers internationaux ; les chantiers de week-ends ; et  les visites croisées.          L’association TAGMATE à un grand parcours dans le domaine de la sauvegarde de l’environnement et le développement durable  Elle a participé à plusieurs rencontres du pré Cop organisé par nos partenaires au niveau régional et national. Deux membres de l’association ont participé à la COP 22 durant toute la période à Marrakech en Novembre 2016. Ainsi que la rencontre de concertation de la société civile sur les objectifs du développement durable post 2015 et le forum sur les objectifs du développement durable organisé par le ministère des affaires étrangère à Rabat. L’association est membre du collectif marocain de volontariat, Elle participe à la mobilité des jeunes volontaires courts et moyen terme, soit au niveau national ou international. Elle a  organisé plusieurs manifestations dans le domaine de l’environnement ; l’animation socioculturelle ; la réalisation des fresques éducatifs en partenariat avec le ministère de la culture. L’organisation d’une semaine du Théâtre de la rue avec la participation de cinq pays méditerranéens. L’organisation d’un chantier internationale de Famille en collaboration avec l’association Moliba-Makasi de Toulouse. L’animation des formations  au profit de la société civile locale.  L’organisation  des chantiers thème ; les chantiers internationaux ; les chantiers de week-ends ; et  les visites croisées.
Mission and Objectives

Notre Vision :
Travailler à la possession du bénévolat et le  volontariat contractuel comme culture de masse capable de capitaliser les énergies humaines, et accompagner les jeunes à adopter les objectifs du développement durable, à travers un nouveau modèle de développement, ouvert sur les habitants de proximité, à travers une démocratie participative dans l'approbation, le suivi et l'évaluation des politiques publiques
Sensibiliser et soutenir les capacités de la société civile en tant qu'acteur actif afin de contribuer aux côtés de tous les acteurs locaux dans le cadre de la participation citoyenne, et activer les mécanismes de dialogue et de concertation comme force de proposition.                                                                     
 Encourager l'échange d'expériences et le savoir-faire à travers des visites croisées entre la société civile et les institutions de citoyenneté dans le domaine de la démocratie participative et de l'approche genre afin de favoriser une culture de dialogue, de communication, et diffuser les principes et les nobles valeurs de la société et contribuer à la gestion des affaires locales.
S’ouvrir sur les expériences internationales dans le domaine de bénévolat et le volontariat contractuel, en impliquant des collégiens et des universitaires, afin de ressusciter l'accumulation du patrimoine volontaire local tel que TWIZI.
Mobiliser les nouvelles technologies de la communication et des médias en préparant un plan interactif et communicatif pour les portails et l'e-marketing.

Main Projects / Activities

Nos domaines d’intervention :
Formations à la  gestion des outils de la SC. Soutien à la démocratie participative entre les pouvoirs publics  et société civile. Sensibilisation à la sauvegarde de l’environnement et à l'approche genre.                                                    
Soutenir l'ingénierie sociale à travers le bénévolat et le volontariat contractuel, et accompagner les jeunes pour l'efficacité et l'efficience

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A propos de TAGMATE.
Qui somme nous !
L’association TAGMATE est une association à but non lucratif, qui ouvre bénévolement pour l’amélioration de la vie des communautés les plus diminues. La promotion de la mobilité des jeunes volontaires, la sauvegarde de l’environnement et l’approche genre.
TAGMATE Signifie en langue Amazigh : La Fraternité.
Notre expertise :
20 Ans de collaboration avec la société civile et les institutions nationales et internationales.
-Plus de 20 ans d’expertise sur le volontariat, l’échange des jeunes au niveau national et international.
Une maitrise des outils du volontariat et un plan d’action de plaidoyer pour l’institutionnalisation du statut de volontariat au Maroc et une vision prospective à l’échelle international.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nos valeurs :
La Démocratie, La transparence, la responsabilité, la concertation, l’autonomie, la bonne gouvernance, la coordination et la communication.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Président de l'association.
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Idrissia Azaddou
Job Title (2)

Association Matisse

National Network

9, rue Accra appt n°10, V.N Meknès
50000 Meknès

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Matisse est une association d’artistes visuels et de professeurs d’arts, fondée sur des liens d’amitié tissus entre ses membres, qui vise principalement a créer des espaces interactive entre les jeunes à travers les ateliers et les chantiers et s’inscrit dans le cadre d’échange culturel et de formation de la jeunesse afin de contribuer à la promotion et le développement de l’art à la ville de Meknès et au Maroc.
Mission and Objectives

Emcourager les jeunes talents, les affiner et les introduire dans les différents espaces et activités, et mettre en évidence les qualifications créatives des jeunes selon l'esprit de citoyenneté et les éléments d'efficacité, d'initiative et de productivité.
Contribuer à l'initiative nationale pour le développement humain au niveau local, régional et national, à travers la supervision et la formation, la formation continue et la qualification dans le domaine des arts plastiques.
Rendre la ville de Meknès un pôle éminent de la culture et des arts plastiques, et à lui donner une image rayonnante.
Améliorer le goût esthétique et consolider la dimension culturelle artistique.
Gérer et animer des ateliers, des ateliers et des activités d'arts plastiques
Développer l'action volontaire et solidaire et diffuser ses valeurs.
Créer des espaces d'interaction selon les éléments de tolérance, d'unité, de travail dur et responsable et de communication constructive.
Réhabilitation et éducation de l'individu sur l'interaction moderne et la communication visuelle, car l'image est l'une des principales sources de nouvelles, de communication, de transmission d'informations et d'influence sur l'opinion et le comportement.
Découvrez plusieurs mondes
Coordination, coopération et partenariat avec toutes les associations, institutions, instituts et organismes qui partagent l'association "Matisse" avec les mêmes objectifs au niveau national et international.
Effectuer des échanges culturels, artistiques et éducatifs à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays avec des institutions, instituts, organismes, sociétés et entreprises nationales et internationales d'intérêt commun.
Participation à des forums et festivals nationaux et internationaux.
Fournir des consultations techniques pour contribuer à l'esthétique de la ville.

Main Projects / Activities

Centre de formation , d'expression et de création artistiques (cours, ateliers, workshops, etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Saadani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Saadani
Contact (2) Full Name
Adnane Jabir
Job Title (2)


National Network

35010 TAZA

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
STRUCTURE NOMBRE D ADERENTS : 50 nombre d employée : 0 nombre de bénévole : 50 nombre membre de bureau : 07 budget annuelle 10000dhs ressources : adhesion plus recettes du gite subvention de la communre rural de babboudir,conseil provincial de taza , conseil régional Fes -Meknès parc national de tazekka et chambre régionale d agriculture réalisation de projets avec les organisations gouvernemental et non gouvernemental et les Etablissements publique s et semi public principaux partenaires; agence nationale de lutte contre l alphabétisme .ministère Education nationale - eaux et forets .ministère d environnement - ministère d intérieur- ministere de la jeunesse
Mission and Objectives

Le développent économique, social, culturel et sportif de notre Commune
La réalisation de projets de développement en coopération avec les institutions gouvernementales ou non gouvernementales
Le développement économique et culturel de la femme
La protection du milieu naturel à travers la vulgarisation de la culture environnementale

Main Projects / Activities

I)- En partenariat avec la FAO  (Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Aménagement de 700 mètres linéaires de séguia.
- Aménagement de la source Ain Bechar pour l eau potable
- Construction d'un bassin d'accumulation des eaux.
- Elagage et coupe sélective de chênes verts sur 100 hectares
- Traitement du cheptel (2000 têtes)
- Equipement des agriculteurs en atomiseur et produits phytosanitaires.
-Distribution du petit matériel pour les cultivateurs .
-Projet de cuniculture pour les femmes «  lapins »
-Machine a coudre pour les femmes  et aussi une animatrice
- Distribution de semences maraîchères (radis, carottes....) au profit des agriculteurs
- Epierrage sur 2 hectares
- Voyages d'études pour les adhérents à Asni Marrakech et à Agadir, au  Parc national de Souss Massa et, pour les adhérentes, à Chaouen et El jadida.
II en partenariat avec la chambre d agriculture Taza -Houceima –Taounate
 Elevage  race timahdite
Equipement du gite d’ etape
III)  En partenariat avec l'agence de développement social

      - Alimentation du douar Ain bechar en eau potable  et cycle de formation pour les adhérents .
- Projet d’élevage des caprins  laitiers
IV)En partenariat avec ministère de développement  social  

- Equipement d'un foyer féminin.
V)En partenariat avec Secrétariat d état chargé de famille solidarité
Elevage des caprins laitiers
VI)En partenariat avec ministère d’Aménagement du Territoire de l’Eau et de l’Environnement
Alimentation du douar AinBechar en eau potable de la source dite Ain Inassessan  et construction des abreuvoirs.
VII)En partenariat avec le corps de la paix américain
             - Equipement du local de l'Association par le matériel de   tapisserie
-Equipement d'un gite d'étape pour touristes.
- Construction d’un foyer féminin.
-Electrification de 7 foyers
- Distribution d’arbres  fruitiers pour les paysans.
VIII) En partenariat avec GTZ et direction régional des eaux et forêts 
- Projets de plantation des arbres fruitiers et forestiers dans les  zones sensibles   du PN Tazekka
IX) En partenariat  avec Ministre de l'Education Nationale
   Projet   d’alphabétisations  pour une durée de 9 ans 
2005-2006/ 2006-2007 / 2007-2008/2008-2009/2009-2010/2010-2011/2011-2012/2012-2013/2013/2014
X)En partenariat avec  INDH
    - Projet de l’élevage  des ovins   race Timahdit.
    - Projet d’ un cycle de  formation au profit des acteurs associatifs
XI) En partenariat avec  Ateliers Sans Frontières Maroc et l’Agence de Développement Social Microsoft et l’Entraide Nationale,
  -  Equipement d une salle avec 5 packs informatiques et imprimante     
XII) En partenariat avec Programme Concerté Maroc  et CEFIR  «  France »et Electriciens sans frontières « France »  cooleurs du monde «France3  et les associations marocaine : Tazouta «  sefrou » –yannour «  Khenfra »- ait bourzouine «  Hajeb »
   Projet « Des Cré’acteurs au service du développement local rural »
XIII) En partenariat avec GTZ ; DREF Nord-Est , DPA  et commune rurale de Babboudir :
Projet de la protection de la nature et lutte contre la désertification PRONA-LCD
XIV)En partenariat avec d'autres associations
- Journées de formation pour les adhérents sur la gestion d'eau, le pâturage, la conservation du sol, montage projet, technique d’animation participative et de communication et planification stratégique des associations.
- Réalisation d'un programme d'alphabétisation au profit de 30 femmes
XV) En partenariat avec solidarité laïque « France »
 Création des conseils de jeune

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

l association mettra  ses adherents  son local et son experience  et son materiel  au service d l organisation 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

son objectif  sa gouvernance et  ses actions  plaitsent   beaucoup aux membres de l association ain bechar 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Beresheet LaShalom Foundation

National Network

Kibbuz Sasa Upper Galilee
Galilee 13870

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
In 2001 the Beresheet LaShalom Foundation was officially instituted to teach tolerance and mutual respect through the Universal Language of the Arts, as an educational instrument to dialogue - embracing, theatre, music, workshops and personal encounters - teaching & facilitating compassionate listening, critical thinking, and personal goal setting to children and young adults of all denominations aimed at opening creative opportunities for their future.  Most of the people work as volounteers. There is a secretary employed. Budgetary resources available in a year about 60.000  Euro Source of founding: private donors, workshops of Education to dialogue through the Performance Arts and performances of Arcobaleno Multicultural Theater. We have a lot of educational projects, of innovative methods to spread Humanistic Thinking. We work with the Ministry of Education, of Culture and dr. Calo Livne is lecturer in Tel Hai College.   
Mission and Objectives

The development of a leadership that will advance peace by means of the arts and education for humane values, involvement in society, support for participatory negotiations and conciliation.
The intensification of joint activities by residents of Galilee from different cultures, religions and customs; the development of educational initiatives that will help people from different backgrounds get to know each other.
The enhancement of every individual's identity through a more intensive study of the roots and history of each people, in order to make cultural differences a source of enrichment for personality of each individual.

Main Projects / Activities

Since their official "public" debut in 2002, the youngsters of the our community theatre group have toured both nationally & abroad, performing in theatres before audiences of over 2000 spectators and out-door audiences of over 100.000 participants, and have delivered and impacted their message to an estimated 30.500.000 addressees in 20 years.
The Beresheet LaShalom Foundation Masks Off Project has distinctive productions to it's name. 
The unique theatre pieces, "Beresheet - In the Beginning", "Anne in the Sky", "The Adventures of Pinocchio. All the performances are in Dance Theater and  in Arabic and Hebrew", two exquisite soundtracks, three books, a radio program and a soccer team - and now a youth leadership hub of volunteers - are just some of fruits of this wonderful experiment!
The project's peace radio program, Shalom Lecha Salaam on-air since 2006 is reaching young listeners country-wide thanks to Radio Galil Elyon that broadcasts simultaneously from Galilee, Jerusalem and Ramallah. All their programs are presented in Arabic, Hebrew and English, covering weekly topics accompanied by significant music and songs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am expert trainer in Education to dialogue  and  Empowerment of Humanistic Thinking through workshops of Performing Arts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I know the activities since many many times but never I had an invitation from ALF.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Angelica Edna Calo Livne
Job Title
Chairwoman and Educational Director
Head of the organisation
Dr. Angelica Edna Calo Livne
Contact (2) Full Name
Rachel Wiesel
Job Title (2)
President of the Foundation

inxecutive Management &

National Network

Carretera Bailén -Motril, via de servicio Parc. 102, Centro de Negocios Reina María, 3rd floor. 7th office
18210 Peligros

+34 958 113 852
Mobile Phone
+34 660 755 355
Mobile Phone (other)
6+34 627 640 836
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
We are a little cooperative society from Granada, Andalucía. Our main work consists of developing European Projects for students and teachers (Erasmus Plus).On the other hand, we work in establishing relationship between different companies and countries. At this moment we are three women and one more who collaborates with us. As we are beginning, we have non-exact budgetary resources but we have three approved project from the European Union and we work with Solidarnosc (a polish trade union) as developers of their website. As a partner agency for the Erasmus Plus Project, we have vocational schools in Granada and in different cities from Poland, we have very good relations with different local government agencies.    
Mission and Objectives

As a company, our mission and objective are to facilitate and bring relations between different cultures and ways of thinking among young people, so that we are able to reach coexistence regardless of the idiosyncrasies of each one. Bringing our differences as something enriching.
Prepare the youngest for a more open world, doing their professional practices in a different country, thus strengthening their self-confidence as both personal and professional skills.

Main Projects / Activities

We are trying to prepare a Ka2 project based on solar energy, to make easier to use renewable energies and allow anyone to prepare their own solar energy system. This project will be carried out between three different countries; Poland, Jordan, Spain.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Make possible young people (and not so young) get together with these projects, I would like to start in relation to different universities to make students travel and learn who we and they are. All this through culture, activities, work experiences, good practice initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because there I can find a lot of places to bring our main purpose, and maybe we can be a useful tool to make a great  and better world to live

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercedes Romero Pareja
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Romero