جمعية الصداقة للتنمية المستدامة

National Network

دار الشباب سبت جزولة
46150 Safi

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
 جمعية الصداقة للتنمية المستدامة هي  جمعية محلية تهدف إلى ترسيخ قيم المواطنة والحوار والعمل على تقوية القدرات ومساعدة الشباب والمرأة من أجل الاندماج الفعلي في المجتمع  وهي تشتغل مع الشباب وبشراكة مع الفاعلين المحليين من أجل إدماجهن في الحياة العامة  بمواردها الداتية  وتلك المندرجة في إطار شراكات لتمويل المشاريع عن طريق تنطيم منتديات ودورات تكوينية ومشاريع قصيرة ومتوسكة المدى   
Mission and Objectives

 تعويز التعاون وخلق مناخ ترفيهي وتتقيفي وتكويني للشباب 
المساهمة في بلورة أهداف المبادرة الوطنية للتنمية البشرية 
تتميم روح المواطنة لذى الشباب 
خلق تقافة التضامن وتقوية القدرات والكفاءات 
انعاش روح المقاولة والانشطة المدرة للدخل لذى الشباب 
المشاركة في التنمية التقافية والاجتماعية المستدامة  

Main Projects / Activities

تنظيم ندوات حول قضايا الشباب والمرأة والتنمية المستدامة 
تنظيم أوراش ودورات تكوينية وفعاليات تقافية وفنية 
الحوار الثقافي وحوار السياسات بغية رفع الوعي المجتمعي 
أنشطة تضامنية من أجل ترسيخ قيم المواطنة 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

طبيعة عمل تقتضي التشبيك والتعاون مع مختلف الهيئات والمنظمات بغية ترسيخ القيم   المشتركة في المجتمع لذلك فإن انضمامنا للشبكة سيمكننا من توسيع شراكتنا والعمل معا على مشاريع رائدة وطنيا ودوليا 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نضرا لإيماننا بقيم المؤسسة 

Contact (1) Full Name
anouar benadraoui
Job Title
Head of the organisation
أنوار بنعضراوي
Contact (2) Full Name
rajaa Achkar
Job Title (2)
vice président


National Network

80 حي السعادة الثاني/8160توني
8160 تونس

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
بداية هي جمعية توعوية تثقيفية تأسست سنة2016 أسسها مجموعة  من الشباب تظم 9اعضاء ومجموعة من المتطوعين نشطت في عدة مجالات منها الحد من ظاهرة العنف المسلط على النساء والتسرب المدرسي والتشييك بين الشباب والتوعية السياسية والحد من خطاب التطرف العنيف.عملت مع منظمة ايركس وميبي وورد لورننغ والأمم المتحدة.
Mission and Objectives

التوعية والدورات التدريبية والتشبيك

Main Projects / Activities

التسرب المدرسي والعنف الميلك على النساء والتشييك والتوعية السياسية ونبذ خطاب التطرف

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

العمل مع عدة منظمات للتشبيك

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Ibtissem Adaili
Job Title
رئيسة الجمعية
Head of the organisation
جمعية توعوية تثقيفية هدفها ترسيخ قيم المواطنة
Contact (2) Full Name
Montassar ben houcine
Job Title (2)

Interior Design

National Network

mount lebanon

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information

just myself 

Mission and Objectives

Monitoring the all national and local elections   Voter awareness and education programs especially with regard to women’s representation and the rights of people with special needs,  Youth participation projects, Civil campaign for a new electoral law,  

Main Projects / Activities

Monitoring local elections since 2009 with LADE

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadine Said
Job Title
Interior Architect & Design
Head of the organisation
Nadine Said

Qamat - for Documenting the Palestinian Struggle

National Network

Ramallah, Al irsal street, Bazzar building,3rd floor
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
  Every person believes in the justice of the Palestinian cause
Mission and Objectives

Enhancement of the state of collective awareness towards the Palestinian strugglers in the Palestinian cause and their lifetime.
Archiving and documenting the Palestinian struggle to preserve the Palestinian struggle experiences.
Communicating with official parties and non-government organizations to build and develop youth capabilities in the field of documentation and media. 
Devoting a state of affiliation with Palestinian struggle experiences in all Arab, regional and international forums and summits.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anas Osta
Job Title
Chairman of Board of Directors
Head of the organisation
Mr. Anas Osta

VsI Penki pojuciai (Five senses)

National Network

Šermukšnių st.
01106 Vilnius

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Penki pojūčiai is a non-governmental organization that works as a social entrepreneur solving psychosocial issues of vulnerable groups. We offer products and services that provide a better quality of life through sessions, therapy, and technological products.  There is one director, Gabriele Tervidyte, a founding partner Ayman Arandi and a consultant - these three people are responsible for strategy, decision making, and planning, executing. There is one office admin and 6 therapists who work at the therapy and rehabilitation center for children and families.  The main partner is Iris Solutions a Palestinian tech company with whom we create our product (Sensory Box and other interactive sensory technology), with this partnership we also coordinate and cooperate in the field of social and educational projects involving governmental institutions.  Budget-wise we intend to invest based on the reach, quality, and possible outcomes, planning happens for at least 6 months in advance.  We are organically growing through offers services and products - mainly therapeutic services for socially vulnerable children. Initial investment is done by two founders. We don't have any external investors or funding at the current stage, and we are cash-positive out of our activities and services.
Mission and Objectives

Improve the quality of life for vulnerable groups through therapy and technology. We work for equality and integration of children and families with psycho-social difficulties. We aim to improve the standards of therapeutic services in Lithuania and the world. And we aim to be a role-model as a successful social-venture.

Main Projects / Activities

Sensory Technology: We develop & offer a variety of sensory products in the Lithuanian market. Our flagship Sensory Box is currently in +30 institutions, providing safe educational and rehabilitation-friendly environment.
Penki Pojuciai Namai (Centre): A social centre with the aim to help children and families with psycho-social difficulties to reach their potential, and integrate into society.
Training and Capacity building: We offer a variety of training in/outside the centre in culture, therapy, sensory tech. We aim to increase the standards of services, products, and policies.
Awareness: We conduct campaigns of awareness on psycho-social challenges in the community

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share experience and knowledge on Penki Pojuciai social-venture experience.
Provide a space for some meetings at Penki Pojuciai Namai / Centre.
Share local, and international network of partners.
Train and share indiviual knowledge from our team and expertise: entreprenuership, social policy, technology, management, operations, and production

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To learn from successful examples of social organisations around the world.
Expand our network and reach
Get access to opportunities
Share knowledge and experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriele Tervidyte
Job Title
Director and founder
Head of the organisation
Gabriele Tervidyte
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayman Arandi
Job Title (2)
Partnership Manager

Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Entegrasyon Derneği (TIAFI) Team International Assistance for Integration

National Network

Güney Mahallesi, 1140 sokak no. 71
35180 Konak/

90 537 279 89 92
Telephone (other)
90 544 830 8417
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
TIAFI is staffed by Anne O'Rorke, the founder and director and by Heather Üner, the assistant director. In our information and protection services, we have two full time staff members who work to serve the needs of the refugees and vulnerable members of the local community. We have staff who work in our Turkish language club, homework support club and in our play for a day safe space area for young children. Our kitchen workshop is also staffed by individuals who work to prepare and serve food for our food-insecure clientele. Additonally, we have two consultant phycial therapists who work with children and their families who have been injured in the war. We are supported by our Financial Officer and many dedicated volunteers. Our annual operating budget is around 130,000 Euros per year. Our primary sources of funding are grants and money awarded for projects and initiatives, as well as, private donations. These funds are obtained by writing project propsals for open and closed calls and contracting with the donating party.  Our main activities include projects, seminars, and information and protection services.  We partner with UNHCR, GIZ, the German Embassy, Yasar University, Izmir Bar Association, Die Drei Muskeitiers, Sivil Toplum Destek Vakfi, and Avicenna.
Mission and Objectives

TIAFI, which stands for Team International Assistance for Integration, is an organisation working to directly benefit the most vulnerable members of the community, most typically women and children Syrian refugees who have fled from war. Often the people they support have disabilities and resulting injuries from war. 
Their vital work touches the lives of those carrying trauma and the lasting effects of war, helping them ease their burdens and integrate successfully into society. TIAFI focuses on promoting social cohesion through special programming benefiting all members of the community. 

Main Projects / Activities

TIAFI works to improve relationships between the Turkish and Syrians through their inclusive food program at their community center. Syrian women cook over 120 hot meals a day for local Turkish families who are struggling financially. TIAFI is also home to a playgroup where Turkish and Syrian children come to play and learn together in a safe environment. 
TIAFI offers Turkish language practice to Syrian women and to Turkish women learning to overcome illiteracy. Women can also take part in career placement programs where they learn to produce high quality purses, backpacks, and t-shirts. Additionally, women make earrings and embroidered cloth, which they then sell to local merchants. 
One of their most vital programs is the Information Point, which is staffed by Syrian refugees. Through this, they receive hundreds of calls and walk-ins every day, from both Syrians and the Turkish, for various reasons. Typically, queries answered are usually those asking for help with booking doctors’ appointments, securing national identity cards, enrolling children in school and finding employment. TIAFI partners with the Izmir Bar Association and together, they offer free legal support to Turks and Syrians alike. Currently, TIAFI is expanding these services to an innovative online, multimedia digital platform to help our clientele who struggle with illiteracy and the extra challenges to their safety this vulnerability causes.
TIAFI also has a team of consultant physical therapists who care for children that have suffered physical injury from war or disease. They fit children with new prosthetic legs so that they can move, walk and play. They involve parents and carers in this process, to allow them to continue this therapeutic work at home, giving children the best chance at recovery and rehabilitation. 
TIAFI is also introducting a new nutrion program where Syrians and Turks together learn to prepare food that will heal their bodies and protect their families, participate in support groups and informational seminars. Through cooking and learning together, sharing and supporting, Syrian women and Turkish nationals are breaking downs walls of false ideas and prejudices to truly become neighbors.
TIAFI holds monthly seminars, often in conjuction with the local municipality, for its clientele. 
All of TIAFI's activities are free of charge. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TIAFI is an on the ground, at your fingertips source of aid for thousands upon thousands of struggling refugees and vulnerable members for the host community. As such, we are the first receivers of vital information which can help inform policy making, migration management and steps towards mitigating the challenges of the changing face of nationality in Turkey. 
We gather data every month and report to our local network, sharing with the municipality, regional stakeholders and the United Nation. This information can be a part of a larger conversation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation works to promote cross cultural understanding in order to make resilient societies that thrive and this is our goal, too. We have much to learn from the members of the ALF network and would be excited by the opportunity to help share information especially in the context of a westward moving migration scheme. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Heather Nicolaus
Job Title
Assistant Director
Head of the organisation
Anne O'Rorke
Contact (2) Full Name
Anne O'Rorke
Job Title (2)

Association Zine El Abidine

National Network

8rue elakkad zine elabidin Safi
46000 Safi

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Youth and education
General Information
This organisation includes eleven members the boss and employers it was started in 2018 
Mission and Objectives

Encourage teenagers and give a hand to Homeless and Hopeless propose 

Main Projects / Activities

Travlling and building the places of play and entertainment

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Social media

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am so intersting about what is humanity

Contact (1) Full Name
Kabira elallouli
Job Title
École Errihab
Head of the organisation
Ahmed Azzam
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Azzam
Job Title (2)
160 ouad zize zine Al abifinr

Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship

National Network

Al Karkafa Street
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Ibtikar was created by a group of Palestinian educators, entrepreneurs, activists, and changemakers. Together, we bring in extensive professional experience in intercultural learning, youth empowerment, social entrepreneurship, non-formal education, democracy & civic engagement, social impact measurement, organizational development, and social innovation, among many more. Working for many years in these fields, we found ourselves often debating what was missing: a program that doesn’t exclude, that doesn’t limit diversity to different societal categories, a program that fully and outspoken offers learning opportunities that empower and generate change.  Who we are: - Ibtikar is a Palestinian NGO that offers innovative youth programs, corporate training, and consulting services to foster social innovation and entrepreneurship in the community.  - Ibtikar promotes education for social innovation. Ibtikar wants to allow Palestinians to use their creativity to respond to social issues and contribute effectively to building a fairer, more caring, and equal society. Also, Ibtikar believes that education for Social Innovation makes well-being amongst young people and helps build a strong nation that is more inclusive, empathetic, and connected. - Ibtikar works to empower and support young people to realize their potential as social innovators, giving them the needed skills to tackle the social issues that they face in their communities.  - Ibtilar believes that Young people must lead the way in making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. Each of the Ibtikar's projects is a powerful tool to accelerate progress on the Goals. Ibtikar will do its best to ensure decision-makers and influencers hear their voices. 
Mission and Objectives

Ibtikar strategy (2020-2025), which is aligned with U.N. transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Leave No One Behind, articulated the organization vision as “ We work to empower the next generation to address society’s needs,” and its mission as “We offer innovative youth program, corporate training and consulting services to foster social innovation, entrepreneurship and civic engagement in the community.
Besides, Ibtikar connects, inspires, trains, and mentor young change agents and innovators to become global problem solvers guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”.  Furthermore, the strategy envisioned Ibtikar taking new programmatic roles as a catalyst, enabler, and facilitating change aspiring to maximize impact and create social values. 

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Young Social Innovators
With Young Social Innovators, Ibtikar provides Palestinian young people
with the opportunity to use their creativity to respond to social issues
and contribute to building a fairer, more caring, and equal society. To
achieve this , we empower and support young people to realize their
potential as social innovators, giving them the skill s and confidence to
tackle the social issues to face them, their communities, and wider
society. The 12-month initiative i s a cus tomized capacity building
program for school s tudent s in Bethlehem di s trict. Student s work in
teams , explore social i s sues that concern them, and develop and
implement creative responses and solutions to social needs . Learning i s
youth-led and value-based, infused with an under s tanding of human
right s , civic engagement, ethics , and contribution to achieving the
SDGs .Ibtikar works with 200 school s ’ s tudent s (14-16 year s old) yearly.
Student s divided into 20 groups . Each group receives 50 training hour s .
Sixty teacher s are as well targeted through the same program. These
teacher s receive specific guidance to support the young innovator s in
developing new practices that respond to our community needs. This ,
in turn, contributes to improving the quality standards of the
the educational system in Pales tine.
The Sustainable Development Goal s (SDGs ) are a universal call to action
to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy
inclusion, peace, and prosperity.
With SDGiNOVATION, Ibtikar provides Palestinian young people with
the opportunity to use their creativity to respond to social issues and
contribute to the realization of the SDGs . SDGiNNOVATION focuses on
achieving greater awareness and knowledge among students , teachers ,
parents , and decision-maker s on the SDGS (education and development
based goal s ). The given project was developed to learn and teach for a
sus sustainable future in Pales tine through empowering school s and
teacher s across Pales tine to act on the United Nations Sustainable
Development through the use of social innovation tools . The project is
about; (1) teaching and learning through a global jus tice lens , allow
school  students , teachers, parent s and decision-maker s to explore
knowledge, skills , attitude, and values necessary to become global
citizens, (2) Empowering young people to use social innovation to
respond on social issues and act on the SDGs and (3) Facilitates school s
to work for a more just and sustainable world. The given project is
based on the following main pillar s (1) Student training, (2) Teacher s '
training (3) Parent workshops, and (4) School action project s with the
involvement of decision-makers.
3. Designing your life
A high percentage of the Palestinian people believe that they have
made a wrong decision in terms of their academic choices. Some of
them are not satisfied with their jobs. A lot of college graduates do not
work in a field that bears s any resemblance to the subject they majored
in. Ibtikar believes that human beings can reach their designation even
if their current location isn't the one they hoped. Ibtikar thinks that
human beings need to know the direction.
There are four critical areas of our life. We always need to assess before
we embark on our transformative journey: (1) Health: The main pillar s of
thi s areas are phys ical, emotional, and mental s tatus . (2) Work: It i s
about the work the human beings are doing, whether it is paid or a
volunteer. (3) Play: It is about entertainment and the things we do for
the fun of them and (4) Relationships: The relationships that human
beings develop and invest in. With Designing your Life, Ibtikar provides
people with an opportunity to find a balance between these four areas.
In other words, Ibtikar is trying to help people to find the most suitable
situation for their current interest s in such a way that meets their future
expectations. In this program, we suggest innovative ways that help
people to design their life through different interactive and creative
exercises. The main philosophy of the program is summarized in; (1).
Human beings choose better when they have lots of good ideas to
select from. (2). Human beings never want their fir s t solution to any
problem. Designing your life is a 2-month program that targets s 20
participant s maximum. The program is based on the Design Thinking
Process. It is realized through different components:- Dysfunctional
beliefs: they are unfounded constraint s that we put on ourselves,
limiting our options. These belief s make people feel inadequate. Ibtikar
provides people with different exercises to reframe their dysfunctional
belief s .- Personal development: Ibtikar empower s and supports
participant s to realize their potential, giving them the skill s and
confidence to tackle the main challenges facing them in their
communities and society. This part of the program builds wellbeing
amongst participant s to recognize the full potential that leads them to
the future that they want.- Life-long Strategy: In this part, Ibtikar helps
the participant s to design a lifelong strategy in which they can find a
balance between the four life areas mentioned above. Ibtikar will test
this strategy through the next step, which is prototyping.- Prototyping
your new life: Prototyping is an excellent way of testing new ideas,
features, or experiences. The benefit of prototyping is that the
participant s can learn a lot about the experience over a short time with
minimal investments. Ibtikar provides participant s the opportunity to
have prototyping talks with people who are doing the same thing that
the participant s are planning to do in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will cooperate with the Palestinian network to:
Develop social innovators and entrepreneurs. 
enable quality youth-led social innovation in the community.
Provide programs and platforms that actively engage young people in making real and positive change.
Empower educators with facilitative practices, programs, professional development, and recognition.
Share our model and innovative entrepreneurial learning methods with educators (teachers and social workers) who, in turn, facilitate teams of young people.
Work and support with local and international organizations that facilitate youth-led social innovation and entrepreneurial education.
Share our learning and model of social innovation learning at the local and international levels. 
Also, we will support the organizational development and capacity building plans which are developed by the Palestinian network for the benefits of its members. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share ALF network the same mission:
"We exist to build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation"
We face the same challenge: 
We need new narratives that empower exchange to move away from the confrontation that societies are facing nowadays. We need dialogue because the dialogue is tolerant and freedom, it enlarges our perspectives, makes our participation to public life real and it gives hope and courage to citizens.
Last not least, Ibtikar wants to give Palestinians and other people of our world an opportunity to use their creativity to respond to social issues and contribute effectively to building a fairer, more caring and equal society. This objective goes directly with ALF's overall goal: to create a better world through partnerships and action across cultures. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Issa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
Contact (2) Full Name
Sulaima Ramadan
Job Title (2)
General Manager

Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development

National Network

13Sphinx Square, the #9 floor, above the Egyptian National Bank

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The board of trustees: Mediterranean Youth Foundation for Development board of trustees, under Civil Associations and Institutions Act No No. 149 of 2019, consists of: 1-Youssef Aroog (Co-Founder and CEO): 2-Omar El-masry (Secretary General) 3-Eman Abdel-Hadi (Treasurer) 4- Mona Imad Abu Hassan (Founding member)  6-Khaled Ali (founding member) 7- Yasmine Aladdin (Founding member) The Foundation’s offices: - 1-Cultural Exchange and International Cooperation Office 2-Media and Public Relations Office. 3-Human Resources Office Sources of funding: Erasmus+  Main partners Med Baltic Organization Erasmus International Partnership Platform- EGP – Lithuania Nãkotnes Tilts Organization- Latvia Dione Youth Organization- Cyprus
Mission and Objectives

MYF Mission:
We work to enhance the cultural and youth cooperation between countries that overlook the Mediterranean Sea and the neighboring ones through cultural exchange programs with the aim of empowerment, communication and peace building.
MYF Objectives:
-Promoting the cultural cooperation between the Mediterranean and neighborhood countries
-Building the capacity of youth to keep pace with development and face global challenges (technological, environmental and climatic)
-Contribution to the achievement and promotion of the Fifth, sixteenth and seventeenth SDGs
-Enhancement of youth participation to achieve Peace and Security.
-Encouraging the youth with fewer opportunities to participate in social life
-Empowering young women in marginalized societies and helping them to move beyond borders.

Main Projects / Activities

MYF Scope of work:
Base: Youth (18-29)
Capacity Building Field: Project’s name: Mediterranean Youth Academy.
Cultural Exchange Field: Project’s name: Mediterranean Youth on Track.
International Volunteering Field: Project’s name: Mediterranean Youth Volunteers.
Safe Spaces and Social Capital Building Field: Project’s name: Mediterranean Youth Café.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would cooperate with other organizations working in the same field and we are eagerly interested to exchange the good practices in the field of youth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

.ALF is the biggest network for civil organizations in the Euro-Med region and being part of this network will give us the opportunity to meet new partners and lunch projects on the regional level 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Youssef Aroog
Job Title
Co-Founder and CEO
Head of the organisation
Youssef Aroog
Contact (2) Full Name
Omar El-Masry
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Les Activistes de la Méditerranée

National Network

Monastir Centre Résidence Abbes
5000 Monastir (Monastir, Tunisia)

216 50 094 500
Telephone (other)
216 54 114 112
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Main Projects / Activities

- Atelier Citoyen  / Juris-Med ( atelier juridique )  / Culture-Med ( atelier culturel) / Succes Stories en méditerranée /  le brunch des voisins / Succes stories inspiring the next generation of the Mediterranean .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Activistes-Med compte réaliser ses objectifs par le biais des formations , recherches et études , débats , rencontres thématiques , clubs , labos citoyens  et publications .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Activistes-Med vise à consolider un réseau d'échange et de coopération dans le domaine social , culturel , juridique et scientifique en méditerranée .

Contact (1) Full Name
Takali Inès
Job Title
Conseillère juridique ( Présidente de l'association )
Head of the organisation
Takali Inès
Contact (2) Full Name
Salma Zarrouk ( Trésorière de l'association )
Job Title (2)
Etudiante en Médicine