Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon

National Network

Sanayeh, Justinien Street, 1

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) is a non-profit private organization working for the public benefit. The CCIA-BML was established in 1887 and is the largest of the four Lebanese Chambers that are regulated by Ministerial Decree No 36/67 enacted in 1967. The CCIA-BML’s membership roster currently includes around 15,000 Lebanese businesses. The Chamber provides a broad array of services to enterprises namely: Authentication of invoices and commercial documents, business training, arbitration and mediation services, economic information, , organization of business events and delegations and development projects within EU and international programs.Chamber services are carried out by 70 full time employees. The Board of Directors is constituted of 24 prominent businessmen form different economic and business sectors. The Chamber main mission is to contribute to the development of a strong and competitive national economy The Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) is a non-profit private organization working for the public benefit. The CCIA-BML was established in 1887 and is the largest of the four Lebanese Chambers that are regulated by Ministerial Decree No 36/67 enacted in 1967. The CCIA-BML’s membership roster currently includes around 15,000 Lebanese businesses. The Chamber provides a broad array of services to enterprises namely: Authentication of invoices and commercial documents, business training, arbitration and mediation services, economic information, , organization of business events and delegations The Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIA-BML) is a non-profit private organization working for the public benefit. The CCIA-BML was established in 1887 and is the largest of the four Lebanese Chambers that are regulated by Ministerial Decree No 36/67 enacted in 1967. The CCIA-BML’s membership roster currently includes around 15,000 Lebanese businesses. The Chamber provides a broad array of services to enterprises namely: Authentication of invoices and commercial documents, business training, arbitration and mediation services, economic information, , organization of business events and delegations and development projects within EU and international programs.Chamber services are carried out by 70 full time employees. The Board of Directors is constituted of 24 prominent businessmen form different economic and business sectors. Budgetary resources: Yearly average for last three years is 6000.000 euros.The CCIA-BML is actively involved in joint activities and projects with many EU and International organizations and instruments such as ILO, UNESCO, UFM, USAID, UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank, ENI CBC MED, Erasmus, European Training Foundation, BusinessMed in topics covering, vocational education, higher education, employment, entrepreneurship, innovation and start-ups, gender equity, women empowerment, youth and others
Mission and Objectives

Faithful to its role as the prime backer of the interests of the private economy, the Chamber aims at enhancing the competitiveness of business sector in Lebanon within the objective to contribute to the development of a strong and competitive national economy.

Main Projects / Activities

Besides the traditional consular services and support services offered to the Lebanese enterprises sector, the Chamber of Beirut and Mount Lebanon ensures an active presence and close cooperation terms on regional and international scenes: EU, WCF ICC, World Bank, ASCAME, ILO, USAID, UNIDO, etc.The Chamber owns a relevant expertise in running successfully ENPI projects backed by solid financial resources and high caliber of professional human resources along with a wide network within key local and international stakeholders and institutions. The Chamber houses in its premises the needed structures and facilities to carry out successfully trainings, researches and studies, capitalization events, B2Bs meetings, internships, exhibitions, etc. The communication tools of the Chamber are extremely aggressive and comprise an electronic newsletter distributed locally and internationally to around 10.000 institutions, interactive website welcoming 1000 visitors monthly, and social media platforms engaging till date more than 107.000 likers. The Chamber can contribute to diverse activities proposed by ANN LINDH Foundation at the service of Lebanese community thanks to wide networking with local business, social and economic stakeholders. The Chamber is also very active in youth and women empowerment, modernization of educational programs, environmental initiatives, and main promoter of UN SDGs 2030.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Chamber of Beirut and Mount Lebanon is the largest business organization in Lebanon backed by a roaster of 15.000 member enterprises covering main economic and business sectors. The Chamber is the head of Lebanese Chambers, and the Lebanese economic instances. Thus, it owns a unique lobbying weight towards government and decision makers at the level of formulation of policies and regulations that impact Lebanese national economy and society.
The Chamber owns a relevant expertise in running successfully ENPI projects backed by solid financial resources and high caliber of professional human resources along with a wide network within key local and international stakeholders and institutions. The Chamber houses in its premises the needed structures and facilities to carry out successfully trainings, researches and studies, capitalization events, B2Bs meetings, internships, exhibitions, etc. The communication tools of the Chamber are extremely aggressive and comprise an electronic newsletter distributed locally and internationally to around 10.000 institutions, interactive website welcoming 1000 visitors monthly, and social media platforms engaging till date more than 107.000 likers. The Chamber can contribute to diverse activities proposed by ANN LINDH Foundation at the service of Lebanese community thanks to wide networking with local business, social and economic stakeholders. The Chamber is also very active in youth and women empowerment, modernization of educational programs, environmental initiatives, and main promoter of UN SDGs 2030.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF Network would boost our horizons of collaboration between Mediterranean partner countries and shall engender de facto a strategic impact on many significant levels:promotion of innovative ideas, human and cultural exchange, involvement of the civil society, wide business networking,  transfer of know- how , exchange of best practices and success stories and possibility of getting inspired by new models and structures in social and cultural relations, sustainability and innovation.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Rabih Sabra
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Choucair, Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Hana Nehme
Job Title (2)
Director of Human Resources and Training Center

Association Agerd Netsgdelt pour le développement et développement

National Network

Douar Agerd Netsgdelt commune Idagougmar province de Tiznit
Rue haghounia Num 37 Tabriquet Salé
11000 Salé

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Notre association opère au milieu rural de la région de Tiznit. Elle participe au développement de l'infrastructure de base de la région et cherche à améliorer les conditions de vie des citoyens. 

Mission and Objectives

Améliorer les conditions de vie de la population locale,  Participer au développement des infrastructures de base de la région,  Des activités socioculturelle en faveur de la population locale.   

Main Projects / Activities

Projets culturels tel que le festival AMAN OURGH,  Projet de Construction de la liaison routière entre le Douar Agerd Netsgdelt et Souk Idagougmar.  Aménagement de l'école primaire.  Préscolaire et lutte contre l'analphabétisme...

Contact (1) Full Name
CHIRMANI Lahoucine
Job Title
Head of the organisation
CHIRMANI Lahoucine


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Arij association was founded in 07/05/205 in the city of Chichaoua; it works on three main axes: youth, women and the environment and sustainable development; the duration of his office is two years; the last renewal was carried out on 01/10/2020
Mission and Objectives

Creating cultural, educational, educational, sport and social activities
Formulating and conducting development projects.
 Paying attention to childhood, women and youth in a vulnerable situation and in a disability situation
 Organizing training sessions.
 Economic empowerment of youth and women in a difficult situation and in a disability situation
Family mediation
Organizing camps and thematic trips
Providing remote services
Cultural exchange of youth and children inside and outside Morocco
Organizing cultural, artistic and cinematic festivals

Main Projects / Activities

Women's week
Youth week
Environment and Sustainable Development Week

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing training courses for citizens and youth in Chichaoua
Sharing successful experiences with partners

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Benefit from the institution's experience in international social work
Participation in formations organized by the institution
Development of the work of the association
Participation in the projects and activities of the association

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Abdellah ELBADI
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdellah ELBADI
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Mohssine ELHASSANI
Job Title (2)


National Network

10010 Rabat

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
AMANE est une association de droit marocain à l’initiative d’acteurs du développement et de militants des DDHH conscients de l’ampleur du phénomène des violences sexuelles à l’encontre des enfants. Basée au Maroc, AMANE assure aussi l’accompagnement d’acteurs de la protection des enfants en Afrique et Moyen Orient. Elle leur apporte l’appui pour la mise en œuvre de programmes visant la prévention et la protection des enfants à risque et/ou victimes. • Equipe de 10 personnes • Budget annuel 2500000DH procèdent de bailleurs de fonds et partenaires internationaux
Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour mission de lutter contre les violences, notamment les violences sexuelles, dont sont victimes les enfants, à travers d’actions et projets de : – Renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la protection de l’enfance pour améliorer la prévention et la prise en charge des enfants vulnérables et/ou survivants de la violence, notamment sexuelle. – Sensibilisation et la conscientisation du grand public sur le phénomène. – Plaidoyer pour améliorer les mécanismes de protection des enfants contre toute forme de violences.

Main Projects / Activities •Plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne •Projet “Challenge Together for Everybody’s Rights” : Améliorer l’accès à la justice et la protection des droits humains pour tous y compris les groupes les plus vulnérables, notamment les enfants potentiellement ou effectivement victimes de violences sexuelles, avec KIYO/ENABEL •Takafful « Améliorer l’accès à la santé et à la protection des enfants survivants des violences (y compris les mineurs étrangers non accompagnés) » avec MDM/ENABEL et AIDA/ACCD •PAX « PARTENAIRE POUR UNE ALLIANCE CONTRE L’EXPLOITATION » Lutte contre l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants au Maroc, notamment dans le cadre des voyages et du tourisme avec ECPAT/AFD •RESIJE « Renforcement du système marocain de protection intégrale de l’enfance dans sa réponse juridique et sociale face à la violence sexuelle » avec AIDA/AECID

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participation à l’animation du RMFAL Partage et échange de compétences et expertises d’AMANE

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour initier des nouvelles collaborations et partenariats

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

10010 RABAT

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

AMANE est une association de droit marocain à l’initiative d’acteurs du développement et de militants des DDHH conscients de l’ampleur du phénomène des violences sexuelles à l’encontre des enfants. Basée au Maroc, AMANE assure aussi l’accompagnement d’acteurs de la protection des enfants en Afrique et Moyen Orient. Elle leur apporte l’appui pour la mise en œuvre de programmes visant la prévention et la protection des enfants à risque et/ou victimes. • Equipe de 10 personnes • Budget annuel 2500000DH procèdent de bailleurs de fonds et partenaires internationaux

Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour mission de lutter contre les violences, notamment les violences sexuelles, dont sont victimes les enfants, à travers d’actions et projets de : – Renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la protection de l’enfance pour améliorer la prévention et la prise en charge des enfants vulnérables et/ou survivants de la violence, notamment sexuelle. – Sensibilisation et la conscientisation du grand public sur le phénomène. – Plaidoyer pour améliorer les mécanismes de protection des enfants contre toute forme de violences.

Main Projects / Activities •Plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne •Projet “Challenge Together for Everybody’s Rights” : Améliorer l’accès à la justice et la protection des droits humains pour tous y compris les groupes les plus vulnérables, notamment les enfants potentiellement ou effectivement victimes de violences sexuelles, avec KIYO/ENABEL •Takafful « Améliorer l’accès à la santé et à la protection des enfants survivants des violences (y compris les mineurs étrangers non accompagnés) » avec MDM/ENABEL et AIDA/ACCD •PAX « PARTENAIRE POUR UNE ALLIANCE CONTRE L’EXPLOITATION » Lutte contre l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants au Maroc, notamment dans le cadre des voyages et du tourisme avec ECPAT/AFD •RESIJE « Renforcement du système marocain de protection intégrale de l’enfance dans sa réponse juridique et sociale face à la violence sexuelle » avec AIDA/AECID

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participation à l’animation du RMFAL Partage et échange de compétences et expertises d’AMANE

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour initier des nouvelles collaborations et partenariats

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Urban Gorillas

National Network

78 Vasileos Pavlou, Kaimakli

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
General Information

UG is registreted as a non for profit company under the national Ministry of Commerce in Cyprus. IT is run by a board of Directors and has about 2 -3 staff employed. The NGO relies mainly on EUropean and national funding for its actions.   The Board of Directors and working team shares expertise in architecture, urban design & planning, landscape design, economics,  cultural project management, as well as a love for innovation and the drive for bringing about positive change. UG carries an extensive collaboration with artists, academics, NGOs, municipalities, youth groups,  and cultural institutions, amongst others. Most of our projects have a tangible result i.e an exhibition or event in public space, a research tat will end up in a book publication , a design workshop with concrete output resulting in an intervention in public space etc. 

Mission and Objectives

Urban Gorillas is a non-profit organisation run by a multi-disciplinary team ofurban enthusiasts who envision healthy, creative and socially inclusive cities. It was founded in 2013 and has been very active since in advoacating for sustainbable cities.  Urban Gorillas contributes to sustainable urban living by enabling projects and actions that bring new energy and instigate change in city spaces and communities. The team has a vivid interest to transform public spaces into lively, innovative and inclusive hubs, to cultivate civil society and to impact policies. This is achieved by artistic interventions in urban spaces, community engagement, youth education, activism and research into new technologies, and architectural-social designs that can improve urban living.  The organisation shares expertise in arts and architecture, urban design and planning, landscape design, environmental engineering, economics, communications, cultural project management, as well as a love for innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

URBAN GORILLAS (UG) is an NGO which undertakes creative urban interventions to foster sustainable living, using mixed-artistic practices, social action and community engagement. UG’s activities include the creation of digital and non-digital platforms to facilitate discussions, exchange of views with citizens concerning community-related problems.  UG investigate solutions for a sustainable urban future through research-oriented design and creation of new social processes. Using diverse approaches such as co-creating and co-curating with communities and their own methodology of ‘adopt-an-artist’(, UG enhance the dynamics of public interactions and invest in cultural heritage.  Our biggest project to date, the Green Urban Lab was the result of cross sectoral cooperation (universities, municipalities, private companies, international experts) along with participatory tools for citizen’s involvement. A series of public art interventions took place in important cultural heritage sites, involving actors form the wider public sector while raising interest of actors from the private sector. This was the first attempt to raise awareness on public spaces as a commondemocratic platform and was done by the activation of underutilized public spaces through cultural actions and community engagement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that UG has the unique expertise with its innovative tools of connecting the public using cultural and artistic practises.  In addition our main focus in public spaces and our belief that arts and culture should be offered and presented to the wider public to the unsuspected passerby free cost, offers a fresh perspective to the network in adopting aritistic and culture for the society. We wish to share our expertise with the network in Cyprus in an atttempt to examine ways that arts can strengthen the Cypriot society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of a larger European (and beyond) family as we belief that we can go further if we work together with partners. Throughout our work we believe and acourage collaborations, and apply transverals learning and exchane techniquew eith our partners. We think that the ALF Network offers the ideal ground where we can expand our work, share, exchange, learn and ACT with one another. 

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
veronika antoniou
Head of the organisation
Veronika Antoniou

جمعية رهان المستقبل للتربية على المواطنة والتنمية

National Network

دار الشباب المدينة العتيقة
46000 أسفي

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية اجتماعية تربوية ثقافية تنموية، تمارس أنشطة ذات نفع عام وتتكون من مجموعة من الفاعلين في المجال الجمعوي ميزانيتها السنوية تتكون من واجبات الإنخراط ومالية المشاريع الجارية، وتشتغل بشراكة مع الهيئات المنتخبة والجمعيات تنظم الجمعية لقاءات تواصلية، أنشطة التكوين وبرامج ثقافية
Mission and Objectives

التدريس والتأطير والمخيمات الصيفية
القيام ببحوث ودراسات وتنظيم محاضراتثقافية ونشر ثقافة الحوار
الدفاع عن الحقوق والمواطنة

Main Projects / Activities

محاضرات، ندوات وموائد مستديرة
مخيمات ورحلات في إطار التبادل الثقافي
أنشطة تحسيسية وتوعوية
المسرح والفنون والورشات الفنية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

العمل على تريخ قيم المواطنة والحوار بشراكة مع أعضاء الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل تقاسم رؤيتنا وعملنا مع الهيئات الوطنية والدولية

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima manzili
Job Title
Head of the organisation
فاطمة المنزلي
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammed Belaflifli
Job Title (2)

Youth Development Department- Arab Studies Society

National Network

Palestine-Jerusalem-Bait Hanina- Bab el Hawa st.
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Empowering and developing the capacity and skills of the youth and their families. Development and capacity building of grassroots youth organizations. Investment in the development of the institutional structure of the Department.  

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Manar Khdair
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Manar Khdair

centre ibn batouta d'études et de recherches en développement local

National Network

18 شارع عمر ابن العاص الطابق الثالث،شقة رقم 11

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Research
General Information

Centre IBN BATOUTA d’études et de recherches en développement local est une organisation civique indépendante à but non lucratif fondée en 2016 par un groupe des acteurs sociaux et des chercheurs académiques  pour contribuer à la consolidation des fondements d’une vie décente pour notre ville et notre pays à travers trois secteurs stratégiques de travail, suivre et évaluer les politiques publiques et locales pour contribuer  à leur développement avec une prise de conscience réelle des indicateurs de terrain et des défis inhérents localement et nationalement et pour institutionnaliser cette participation, centre IBN BATOUTA s’emploie à renforcer les mécanismes de participation citoyenne avec des structures et des espaces assurant la circulation de l’information entre l’acteur publique  et l’acteur civil, cette vision d’action incarnée dans les deux premiers axes suppose l’appui de l’acteur civile à travers le renforcement des capacités afin de prendre conscience des rôles qui lui sont assignés constitutionnellement et à travers les trois loi territoriales. Centre IBN BATOUTA est une plate-forme de plaidoyer à fin de contribuer à une vie décente.

Mission and Objectives

La mission : Centre Ibn Batouta d’études et de recherches développement local une organisation non gouvernementale à but non lucratif qui promeut la citoyenneté démocratique, le développement participatif et durable par le biais de la sensibilisation, de la recherche et des études et du renforcement des capacités de la société civile. Objectifs stratégiques :  Des politiques publiques efficaces assurant un développement durable et une vie décente. Participation citoyen qui intègre les citoyens dans la série de la prise de décision  Société civile active dans le modèle de développement

Main Projects / Activities

Projets ou activités en cour Projet : budget participatif de la ville de Tanger (counterpart international – USAID) Projet : Projet « les leaders de changement »      (Union Européenne) Programme : école associatif a Tanger      (centre ibn batouta – commun de Tanger) projet budjet participatif espace de citoyenneté avec le minstère d'état chargé de droit de l'homme et des relation avec le parlement 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Relation avec les autorités locales : bonne relation avec les collectivités territoriales : Conseil régional de Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima : La dernière activité a été la contribution du Centre Ibn Batouta à la réalisation du plan pour l’économie de l’eau et de l’énergie. Conseil communal Tanger : Pendant un an, centre Ibn Batouta a travaillé au sein du comité communal pour préparer le programme d’action commun de Tanger. Les arrondissements : Des partenariats ont été signés et les quatre arrondissements ont participé à l’exécution du projet de budget participatif de ville de Tanger. Le Centre entretient de bonnes relations avec les services extérieures de l’état ayant participé à diverses activités du Centre.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل تشبيك العمل الجمعوي على المستوى الوطني و وتقوية قدرات جمعيتنا،التشبيك من أجل الترافع على القضايا المبدئية للمجتمع المدني

Contact (1) Full Name
adnane moize
Head of the organisation
président de l'association: Adnane MAIZ

جمعية الأيادي البيضاء لنساء المستقبل

National Network

الصوالح جماعة التوابث
46000 أسفي

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية نسوية تعمل على إدماج المرأة وتمكينها، مواردها المالية مرتبطة بشراكات التمويل ومنح المجالس المنتخبة وتعمل سنويا على تنظيم أنشطة تحسيسية وثقافية ودورات تكوينية وأنشطة مندمجة
Mission and Objectives

تثمين أواصر التعاون والتضامن
إنجاز مشاريع متعلقة بالتنمية والتكوينوتبادل الخبرات
الحوار وثقافة السلام

Main Projects / Activities

برامج الإدماج الإجتماعي
برامج ثقافية وفكرية وفنية
برامج التربية والتكوين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تشجيع قيم الحوار والتعايش والتبادل الثقافي

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

العمل التشاركي والمشاركة في دينامية التبادل الثقافي

Contact (1) Full Name
سميرة وزرف
Job Title
Head of the organisation
سميرة وزرف
Contact (2) Full Name
كريمة الحموتي
Job Title (2)
نائبة الرئيسة