ESPACE SOLIDARITÉ Et développement

National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Espace solidarité et développement association créée en l’an 1999 par des jeunes volontaire qui ont bénéficié d’une formation au ceins d’associations de bénévolat et une riche expérience dans les chantiers internationaux et le travail social. L’association se définie comme un lieu de rencontre, d’orientation et d’accompagnement  des jeunes et différents acteurs pour travailler avec et à travers eux à promouvoir les valeurs de la citoyenneté, la rationalité, la modernité, de la tolérance et de la solidarité au sein de la communauté. Elle agit par les différents moyens et mécanismes pour contribuer au développement local, et améliorer la situation des groupes vulnérables: les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes. ....
Mission and Objectives

Mission de l’association :
L’association se définie comme un lieu de rencontre, d’orientation et d’accompagnement  des jeunes et différents acteurs pour travailler avec et à travers eux à promouvoir les valeurs de la citoyenneté, la rationalité, la modernité, de la tolérance et de la solidarité au sein de la communauté. Elle agit par les différents moyens et mécanismes pour contribuer au développement local, et améliorer la situation des groupes vulnérables: les femmes, les enfants et les jeunes. ....
Les principaux buts :
Encadrement et accompagnement  des jeunes en vue de les intégrer  dans la vie économique et sociale.
promouvoir les valeurs de la citoyenneté, des droits de l’Homme, la rationalité, la modernité, de la tolérance.
Modernisation du mouvement volontaire marocain à fin d’avoir un service volontaire spécialisé.
La solidarité avec les couches sociales défavorisées et l’intégration dans le développement économique social et culturel ; à travers la participation dans les grands chantiers nationaux en collaboration avec les différents acteurs publics et la société civile.
Développement de liens d’échanges et de et collaborations avec les associations et organismes au niveau international qui ont les mêmes buts.
Revalorisation de l’environnement et la sensibilisation pour le développer.
Préservation du patrimoine culturel……

Main Projects / Activities

-Animation dans les maisons de jeunes (centres sociaux culturels).
-Programme de formation et d’éducation non formelle pour les jeunes.
-Chantiers de bénévolat dans les week-ends et durant les vacances.
-Séminaires de formations et d’études partcipation des jeunes dans la vie publique
-organisation de mission de volontariat au niveau national et international
-Compagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisations autours des thèmes d’actualités.
-Echange d’expériences et d’informations et de volontaires…..
-projet d'accompagnement et parrainage pour l'emploi.... 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- promouvoir les valeurs en commun.
- bénificier des experiences d'autres membre du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- promouvoir les valeurs en commun.
- bénificier des experiences d'autres membre du réseau.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
secrétaire général

Jeunes marocains pour la culture

National Network

Faculte des sciences Ain CHOUK

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Le club est Fondé à la Faculté des Sciences, Ain chok, Université Hassan II, Casablanca.  Il se compose de 50 étudiants, le bureau est dirigé par 5 membres, 3 étudiantes. Il organise des séminaires et des sessions de formation sur divers sujets, le changement climatique, les droits de l'homme, et obtient le soutien de l'université uniquement

Mission and Objectives

Former les étudiants à la préservation de l'environnement et à la défense des droits humains

Main Projects / Activities

Séminaires.  Cours de formation.TEDX

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin d'apporter des expériences supplémentaires et d'échanger

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jeunes cultivé, jeunes créatifs
Contact (2) Full Name
Nouhaila elhariti
Job Title (2)


National Network

Osmanağa Mah. Bayramyeri Sok. Osmanbey İş Merkezi 18/10 Kadıköy/İstanbul
34734 Kadıköy/

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
FeminAmfi üniversite öğrencisi kadınların bir araya gelip toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğine, eğitimde cinsiyetçiliğe, ttacize, tecavüze ve tüm şiddet biçimlerine karşı bulunduğu her yerde mücadele yürüten feminist kadın topluluğudur. Türkiye'nin bir çok kentinde olmakla birlikte akttif ve sürekli çalışma yüürüten 45 üyesi bulunmaktadır. Üyeler arasında toplanan bağışlardan oluşan asgari düzeyde gelir kaynağı bulunmaktadır. Bunun dışında düzenli bir finansman kaynağı bulunmamaktadır. Seminerler, söyleşiler, bilinç yükseltmek toplanttıları, okumalar, film gösterimleri, sokak eylemleri, sokak tiyatrosu etkinlikleri, üniversitelerde farkındalık eylemleri, kadın korosu vb.  
Mission and Objectives

Kadınların toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsiliğine karşı mücadelelerinin güçlendirilmesi ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsiliği engellerinin aşılmasının sağlanmasını hedefler.
Ana hedef, patriarkal sistemin son bulması ve kadınların özgürleşmesidir.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminerler, söyleşiler, bilinç yükseltmek toplanttıları, okumalar, film gösterimleri, sokak eylemleri, sokak tiyatrosu etkinlikleri, üniversitelerde farkındalık eylemleri, kadın korosu vb.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sıla Öztürk
Head of the organisation
Sıla Öztürk


National Network

centre ville

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure de l'organisation:start-up partenaires:ecole, institut et entreprises Ressources budgétaires disponibles dans un an Sources de financement:recherche des partenaires Modalités d'action :projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses etc. Principaux partenaires impliqués dans les projets :individuelle activités de l'organisation:formation et consulting
Mission and Objectives

aide les personnes assistées pour devenir autonomes
les personnes âgées, les malades chroniques.

Main Projects / Activities

des plates formes
cartes magnetiques
supports informatiques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

reseaux informatiques
masse media
reseaux sociaux

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

c'est un choix reflechit.
mon idee de venir en aide aux autres.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
formateur / consultant
Head of the organisation

The Edward Said National Conservatory of Music

National Network

11, Al Zahra Street, Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Vision The dissemination of a lively and creative musical culture in every home, that would contribute towards the consolidation of Palestinian identity and the education of future generations.  Mission Teaching and promoting music to all Palestinians wherever they are within the framework of strengthening the cultural and national identity.  Goals Providing Palestinian society with creative and committed musicians capable of teaching music and promoting it. Encouraging and enhancing music appreciation and interest within the public and official spheres. Upgrading the ESNCM’s performance towards fulfilling its vision, mission, objectives and sustainability.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Samer Makhlouf
Job Title
Director of Resources Mobilization and PR
Head of the organisation
Samer Makhlouf

Les Amenageurs Libres

National Network

Biskra, Algeria
07001 Biskra

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We do not have a headquarters, but we work independently among members of the group   Resources from people volunteers Funding sources from citizens, and sometimes owners of companies, institutions, organizations, and associations Working methods The meeting site is always a record of it previously through our Facebook group, and when agreeing on ideas and projects, it will be implemented after the approval of the project authorities. Partners Currently we have no partners Our goal is to develop concepts, improve the culture of society, change negative beliefs and protect the environment
Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to develop concepts, improve the culture of society, change negative beliefs and protect the environment

Main Projects / Activities

environment protection
Cleaning campaigns
Awareness and awareness campaigns

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through training in human development, methods of communication and dialogue between different segments of society
Contributing to organizing and implementing awareness and awareness campaigns
Communicating with owners of companies and entrepreneurs in finding innovative ideas and projects to solve the problem of unemployment and pollution and ...
Reviving festivals and traditions, revitalizing local tourism and introducing cities and villages
Organizing educational, scientific and sports competitions, events and festivals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To enable and improve my skills, develop concepts and gain experience, from specialists, communicate with new friends, learn about cultures and various fields that contribute to the development of society and the environment

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Fatima Zohra Hadagha
Head of the organisation
Fatima Zohra Hadhaga

Community Action Center

National Network

37 Aqbat AlKhaldia – Old City of Jerusalem
East Jerusalem
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Enhancing the individuals, groups and community  organization skills and abilities  - Advocating and empowering individuals, different population  sector and related organizations to access their social to  access their social and economic rights.  - Developing and deepening the relationships between the  academic and civil organizations and the local community and  activating their role in providing the needed services.  - Organizing the different community resource to serve the civil  society.  - Developing and activating the voluntary work in serving and  meeting the needs of the civil society organizations.  - Encouraging the studies and researched to serve and  develop the civil society and improve the community education  procedures. 

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Rawan Dajani
Job Title
Deputy Director of Community Action Center
Head of the organisation
Rawan Dajani

Cultural centre "Nikola Djurkovic" Kotor

National Network

Obala bb, Stari grad
85330 Kotor

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
There are four separate organizational units within the Cultural Center: Theater, City Gallery, Boka Cinema, City library and reading room. The activities of the Cultural center are of public interest and include: • organizing and promoting cultural and artistic creativity and cultural life in the Municipality, • arranging cultural and artistic performances, theater performances, literary evenings, art exhibitions, traditional, ethno-cultural and other cultural events of significance to the Municipality, • organizing screenings, • performing library activities, • promotion of amateur cultural and artistic creativity and creativity of persons with disabilities and • in general by enhancing creativity through presentation, promotion of works of art and other spiritual creations.  The cultural center is primarily focused on locals and organizing and enhancing cultural life in the city. With the development of tourism in the municipality of Kotor, the Cultural Center opens to the international scene. Numerous international collaborations and guest appearances support this. In partnership with the following institutions and organizations, the Cultural Center organizes numerous events: • Kotor Art, • Kotor Children's Theater Festival, • Don Branko's Music Days, • Sea Rock Festival, • Poetry Festival (Novi Sad, Serbia), • Novi Sad Cultural Center, • GOETHE Institute Belgrade, • Dubrovnik libraries, • FIAT, • Kotor Tourism Organization… Our most recognizable manifestations are Boka Night, Traditional Kotor Winter Carnival, Festival of Light, December rocks, Kotor Children's Theater Festival and many more. The strategic goal of our company is the development and promotion of culture in the municipality of Kotor, the organization and enhancement of international cooperation as well as numerous events throughout the year.     Over the past years, the Cultural Center has entered into several cooperation agreements, through which the following programs have been implemented: (Due to the limited number of characters, its shown the program that was organized in 2019.) ART 365 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ASSOCIATION AND YOUTH ASSOCIATION WITH THE HANDICAP OF MONTENEGRO - 05. and 06.03.2019. The first film festival "Capture Montenegro" was organized with the help of the international film festival "Capture this day with me / Capture the film". INSTITUTE OF MARINE BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MONTENEGRO - Information and educational activities were implemented: workshops, exhibitions that represent the biodiversity of our waters, conferences, etc. One of the activities was the organization of the International Conference "Adriatic Biodiversity Protection - AdriBioPro2019" from 06.04. until 11.04.2019. ARHIPELAG PUBLISHING HOUSE - The "Archipelago" Publishing Month was organized when several promotions of works published by this publishing house took place in one month. SUMMER ART SCHOOL IN KOTOR - The school's working name is “ArtQuake” - in reaction to the devastating power of the 1979 earthquake that struck Kotor, which further resulted in its listing on the UNESCO World Heritage List. So, forty years of these events have been marked by a kind of creative impetus that comes from the creative power of art. The Art School was held from 07.07. untill 14.07.2019. KOTOR THEATER FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN - One of the earliest cooperation agreements our institution has entered into is the one with the Kotor Festival of Children's Theater. We support them by all means, above all with our people and infrastructure, not only during the festival program, but also otherwise. In co-production with them we have produced a couple of plays that have their lives on the boards ("Chinese" in co-production with ASSITEJ; "Ivo Vizin", "Novelty of Love", "Shakespeare"), and we also have a prolific collaboration in publishing, with the support of funds received from Ministry of Culture competitions ("Ivo Vizin", "Half portion at half price"). This year's Children's Festival took place under the name "Road to the Moon" from July 1 to July 12, 2019. In cooperation with the cultural institution CENTER OF FESTIVAL AND CREATIVE PROJECTS "ON TOP" Volgograd, Russia and Mr. Victor Kieny, coordinator of the International project "ADRIATICA NOVA" with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia we organized the International Music Festival and Competition on September 21, 2019. For the second year in a row in collaboration with “Museums” Kotor we are organizing - FESKK - Festival of Humanities, Culture and Arts. Festival promotes the total annual production of Montenegro and brings together history, law, sociology, philosophy, psychology, economics, essay, linguistics and other scientific disciplines. Festival also brings together both academic and young people. 25.06.2019 THE BARCELONA GIPSY BALKAN ORCHESTRA performed on the Summer Stage. Their repertoire is inspired by the motives of jazz, ethno music of the peoples of Eastern Europe, South America, Spain, the Middle East. 23.11.2018 - Famous Italian PIANIST AND COMPOSER MAURIZIO MASTRINI, accompanied by the chamber orchestra 'Nuova', premiered in Kotor, in the Church of the Holy Spirit. The program featured Mastrini's compositions: “Essential”, “La stagione dell'amore carezze”, “Children's Love”, “Primavera... La rinascita”, “Malinconia”, “Fly”, “W la vita”, “Tango Clandestino” and “La rossiniana”. 26.09.2019 THE CONCERT OF OMAR TORREZ, the renowned and award-winning Mexican guitar player, was best known to the general public for being the guitarist on Tom Waits' "Glitter and Doom" tour. November 20 or 21, 2019 THE MATINEE OF THE "ATTACCA" quartet will be playing on the year, playing pieces by Borodin and Beethoven. The concert will be a kind of homage to the town on the occasion of Kotor Municipality Day. 03.12.2019 In cooperation with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Montenegro, we are planning a CONCERT OF THE PIANO DUO "PIANOTAINMENT" from Germany. In addition to engaging with professional artists, we also gave space to amateurs through various programs organized by the Cultural Center. So in December we will have a series of concerts that have become part of the Kotor tradition. This is a New Year concert of Kotor City Music, majorettes and local dance clubs (Little Mermaid, Alyssa, Festivals, etc.), Folk Ensemble "Nikola Djurkovic", our choir and their guests and so on. Promotion of the REFESTICON REGIONAL FESTIVAL OF FICTION, organized to commemorate International Literacy Day on September 8, with special reference to the collection of short stories "Dragons are Coming", authored by elementary and high school students from Montenegro. Celebrating CHILDREN'S SUNDAY in the first week of October. Accompanied by the organization of a series of film screenings, workshops in the morning, lectures on healthy eating for children and also a sports day in cooperation with the Ministry of Sport of Montenegro.
Mission and Objectives

 The cultural center is primarily focused on locals and organizing and enhancing cultural life in the city. With the development of tourism in the municipality of Kotor, the Cultural Center opens to the international scene. Numerous international collaborations and guest appearances support this.
In partnership with the following institutions and organizations, the Cultural Center organizes numerous events:
• Kotor Art,
• Kotor Children's Theater Festival,
• Don Branko's Music Days,
• Sea Rock Festival,
• Poetry Festival (Novi Sad, Serbia),
• Novi Sad Cultural Center,
• GOETHE Institute Belgrade,
• Dubrovnik libraries,
• Kotor Tourism Organization…
Our most recognizable manifestations are Boka Night, Traditional Kotor Winter Carnival, Festival of Light, December rocks, Kotor Children's Theater Festival and many more.
The strategic goal of our company is the development and promotion of culture in the municipality of Kotor, the organization and enhancement of international cooperation as well as numerous events throughout the year.

Main Projects / Activities

I need to highlight the mai manifestations organized by the Cultural Center.
THE TRADITIONAL WINTER CARNIVAL OF KOTOR was held between February 23 and March 3. The traditional Kotor Carnival, with a tradition of over half a millennium, is a unique folk event held in the municipality of Kotor, which included Children's masquerade, multi-city cribs, an exhibition dedicated to the carnival and masks, the Grand Masquerade and a rich music program.
BOKA NIGHT - popularly known as the "Festivals over Festivals", originates from the Venice Night and has been reported for its existence since the 19th century. Since 2013, manifestation has been awarded the Intangible Cultural Property status; it symbolizes the end of the summer part of the tourist season and forms the crown of cultural events that Kotor is rich in this part of the year. The concept has changed a bit since the emphasis is on local creativity. This year the manifestation took place on 24.08.2019.
FESTIVAL OF LIGHT "PALACES WILL SHINE", held for the third time this year. The date reserved for the festival was from 26.06. untill 22.06.2019. and was of an international character.
In partnership with the following institutions and organizations, the Cultural Center organizes numerous events:
• Kotor Art,
• Kotor Children's Theater Festival,
• Don Branko's Music Days,
• Sea Rock Festival,
• Poetry Festival (Novi Sad, Serbia),
• Novi Sad Cultural Center,
• GOETHE Institute Belgrade,
• Dubrovnik libraries,
• Kotor Tourism Organization…

Contact (1) Full Name
Milica Popovic
Job Title
Agency and marketing adviser
Head of the organisation
Tatjana Miljenovic

Rasha Shaaban

National Network

Södra Vägen 54

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Shaaban
Head of the organisation
Rasha Shaaban

Raseiniai Saltinis Progymnasium

National Network

Ateities St 23
60154 Raseiniai

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Raseiniai Saltinis Progymnasium was established on 1th September 1989. In 1994 the school was given the name Saltinis. In 2012 the school was reorganised by changing it's type - from secondary school to basic school and then to progymnasium. Progymnasium is a budgetary institution which purpose is to organize and carry out educational programs and the issuing of student learning achievements enacting the documents. Language of instruction: Lithuanian. Ongoing formal education programs: pre-school education, primary education, basic education program. Progymnasium's main goal is not only to provide formal education but also to develop an independent, responsible person wanting and being able to lifelong learning, improve the skills, to help him gain a personal, civic and social competences necessary for successful further education, anchoring in the world of work, work and creative participation in the civic, cultural and social life of the country. The school is administrated by a headmaster who reports directly to the Mayor of Raseiniai District Municipality and is accountable to the Raseiniai District Municipality Council. The following municipal institutions operate in the gymnasium: the progymnasium's council, the teacher council, the methodological council, the pupil council and the committee of the class parents. There are 83 employees. The school's annual budget in 2019  1 156 961,37 €. Financial sources: teaching funds 826 445 €, state budget funds for implementation of projects - 6 045.03 €, municipal funds - 247 129.42 €, municipal funds for implementation of projects -  4 928.81 €, municipal funds for implementation of programs -  2 450 €, European Regional Development Fund resources for implementation of projects - 68 510.40 €, special program funds - 1 452.71 €.   School's administartion made a presentation in a international-practical conference "Similarities and Differences between Lithuanian and Georgia Educational Systems and Opportunities for Cooperation" in Georgia in 2019.  

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Highly qualified educators who implement pre-primary, elementary, and first-cycle basic education programs for city and district children and enable everyone to grow and function in a humane and safe environment. Objective: An innovative progymnasium that continues and builds traditions, educates every student to his or her abilities and learns to live in the modern world.

Main Projects / Activities

249 pupils of class 6-8 and pupils from France, Poland, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Spain participated in the European Union Erasmus + program for education, training, youth and sport and in 13 eTwinning projects. Three third grade students participated in the eTwinning project, "The Beginner's Online Lab - 2". These projects, through the use of information and communication technologies, have established collaborative relationships with schools in European countries, improved pupils' English communication skills, broadened horizons and subject knowledge, and developed creativity. 18 projects involving 358 students and 18 teachers were prepared and implemented the projects. Progymnasium became one of the winners of the contest "Best Lithuanian eTwinning School 2019" with the eTwinning project " Young Biography Writers " and English teacher Albina Abromaviciene was granted a one-week training in Cannes.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through student and teacher exchanges and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate in the intercultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vaiva Zubrickiene
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vaiva Zubrickiene
Contact (2) Full Name
Akvile Daujotaite
Job Title (2)
English teacher