The Network of Youth Engagement - Katerini

National Network

Kountouriotou 12B
60133 Katerini

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Youth association consisted of 90 young volunteers age 18-30 Located in Katerini, Pieria, Greece Being operated by five board members and specific organizing committees Sources of funding: member fees, donations and public grants The projects are structured based on the following five thematic pillars: Active citizenship Sustainable development Culture & Sports Education Phenomena of social pathogenesis  Based on those pillars we have designed and implemented the following projects:  City’s council simulation for the youth Public Consultation for the Greek National Youth Strategy 2017-2027 Youth City Council in Thessaloniki Participatory budgeting for the youth in Thessaloniki Public youth consultation for the city branding of Katerini Environmental actions including cleaning beaches and forests European Youth Mobility Projects  Partners:  Municipality of Katerini  Europe Goes Local  The informal network of youth local initiatives in Greece
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of our association is to create a safe environment for the youth of our community to interact and participate in the social and political reality of our city. In the direction of achieving this purpose, we design our projects based on the following guidelines: 
Objective n.1 : The research and development of proposals from Katerini’s young citizens regarding their needs and their ideas towards a more youth-friendly and sustainable city. Through this mechanism, we aim to create and publicize a youth agenda. 
Objective n.2: The active participation of the youth in the political scene of the city through projects and tools, which familiarize them with the concept of democracy and the decision-making process. This process is enhancing the opportunity of the youth to express their opinion and have an active role in reforming the society. 
Objective n.3: The promotion of a multicultural approach am the amplification of intercultural dialogue through European mobility projects, and international conferences and the exchange of good practises in an international level. 
Objective n.4: The creation of a safe environment which endeavours the design and implementation of ideas which are conceived by our members. At the same time through the process, we aim at developing the skills, competencies and theoretical background of our members in an approachable way.
Objective n.5: The promotion of the idea of a youth-friend, innovative, open-minded society

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Consultation on City Branding
The Youth Consultation on City Branding is an action to identify strategic development proposals for the city branding and it took place in Katerini on March 23, 2019.

The young people expressed their ideas and suggestions during the discussion in which there was the presence of members of a Scientific Committee who submitted their own thoughts on the following topics:
1. Marketing and Branding as a Tool for the Development of the Cities of Pieria (architecture, urban design, communication design, logo design)
2. Participatory Design in shaping the brand/image of a City
3. Wine - Gastronomic routes
4. Religious tourism in Pieria
5. Monuments, Branding and Cultural Heritage Sites as  Means of Promoting Local Identity
6. City Branding through Festivals: Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Cultural Entities as elements of the brand of the cities
7. The role of media in shaping an image for a destination
8. Digital Cultural Design - Smart Cities
9. The prospects of highlighting Katerini's refugee status
10. Social innovation, solidarity policies and volunteering as a means of promoting a city
11. Sport as a mean of promoting an area
Youth Public Consultation in the framework of the National Youth Strategy 17-27
Starting in March 2018, in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Youth, we conducted a Youth Public Consultation in the framework of the National Youth Strategy 17-27 in Katerini. The participants expressed their views and commented on the priorities of the plan for that time frame of the National Youth Strategy, which was then voted on and ratified by the Greek Parliament.
The Municipal Youth Council of Thessaloniki
The Municipal Youth Council of Thessaloniki gives the chance to 15-30-year-old residents of the Municipality of Thessaloniki to take initiatives and become active through a standardized process designed by the Network of Youth Engagement - Katerini in collaboration with the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality. Participants are able to propose and discuss issues affecting the entire youth population of Thessaloniki. Following the discussion, the topics are submitted to the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality and presented to the Municipal Council in a consultative manner so as to effectively organize youth-relative events and activities.
SYN-THESIS | Municipal Council Simulation 
SYN-THESIS | Municipal Council Simulation of Katerini is a conference aiming at bringing youth in touch with the institutional procedures of the Municipal Council. It has been taking place for three consecutive years in Katerini, aiming at young people, high school students and public or resident students of Katerini up to 23 years old. By familiarizing them with the ways that the municipality operates, participants get to know the decision-making process, while acquiring administrative roles giving them the opportunity to discuss and decide on a virtual level on various issues related to local governance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cooperation with members of the Anna Lindh foundation in a direction of exchanging good practises and implementation of projects. 
Design and implementation relevant to the values of the foundation projects in local & national level based on the needs of each specific target group.
The familiarization of the youth of provincial urban areas with the vision of the foundation.
The provision of our creative capital and human resources in the implementation of various projects of the foundation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association aims at long-lasting partnerships with reliable members of social and civic society which work towards a more sustainable and fair tomorrow. The vision of the foundation, as well as the quality of the implemented projects, demonstrate an actual impact. Besides that, it is really important the exchange of good practices in multidimensional level. Last but not least, we aim at presenting a new perspective to the youth of our community and our participation in the foundation is enhancing and broadening the horizon of Katerini’s young citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Papageorgiou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Georgios Papageorgiou
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Melissourgou
Job Title (2)
Vice President of International Relationships

Sistema Cyprus

National Network

40 Apollonos
1010 Nicosia

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
General Information

The organisation is managed by the core team which consists of the three founding members, an additional member who is in charge of securing Grants and designing Educational Programmes for the organisation and the Artistic Director. We employ 5 staff and 12 part time music teachers. Despite the fact that it is a newly established organisation, Sistema Cyprus has set up strong and viable partnerships with important supporters, thus ensuring its presence in the years to come. Among these supporters are the Nicosia Municipality, UNHCR Cyprus, Mohari Hospitality, the Yiannis Christodoulou Foundation, The University of Nicosia, Sistema Europe Association, the European Association of Music in Schools, the Global Leaders Program, The Community Arts Network and Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute and more.

Mission and Objectives

Sistema Cyprus is a social-music orchestra programme established in 2018. Sistema Cyprus offers music education to the children and young people of Cyprus, including migrants, refugees and children and young people with fewer opportunities, and ensures that these groups are respected, recognised, and included in the society.
Sistema Cyprus is inspired by the El Sistema social action music programme that was first founded in Venezuela in 1975. Through the formation of orchestras and choirs, El Sistema acts as a superb model, reaching children and young people to many of the world’s challenging neighbourhoods. El Sistema and other El Sistema inspired programs, like ours, offer free classical music education that gives children and youth with fewer opportunities all over the world the opportunity for personal development. Sistema Cyprus is focused on the personal development of its participants focusing primarily on empowerment and helping them in reaching their full potential.

Main Projects / Activities

Sistema Cyprus String and Percussion orchestras with 120 children living in Nicosia.

Sistema Cyprus Winds and Percussion Orchestra with 40 children liiving in Larnaca.

Community music workshops in shelters of unaccompanied refugee minors in Nicosia and Larnaca.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could help in order to establish music as a tool for social inclusion, integration, intercultural and civil society dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To build strong collaborations with other organisations and to work together towards common goals including the promotion of intercultural and civil society dialogue.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Nikoletta Polydorou
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Nikoletta Polydorou
Contact (2) Full Name
Myria Kkali
Job Title (2)
Communication and Marketing officer

Én Kint Egyesület A Békéért és Fejlődésért

National Network

PAULAY EDE street 39.
1st floor 7A.

Telephone (other)
+36 30 880 0578
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The aim of MeOut Association is to find shared values in our globalised world, and the development of understanding/mutual understanding through training, exchanges, and conferences. Our organisation is built on two pillars: education and innovation. With education, we focus on Erasmus+ projects on the field of youth, and we are actively working on KA1 and KA2 projects. With innovation, we organise the Euroasian Startup Awards, the biggest startup competition in the Eurasian region, we organise Hackathons, we organise twice a month Solidarity Breakfast for local NGO leaders and CEOs. Our daily work is mostly based on these occasions. We have over 60+ partners from all over the world.

Mission and Objectives

MeOut Association aims to find shared values in our globalised world, and the development of understanding/mutual understanding through training, exchanges, and conferences. We want to provide opportunities for young people to develop and become the best version of themselves and by this become an active member of our society. 

Main Projects / Activities

MeOut Group has been working since 2014 on building Bridges between East and West, between the youngsters and global opportunities. MeOut is an organisation founded by experienced youth workers. Our organisation is delighted to have trainers and members who have several decades of experience with youth. The learning process never stops: there is always something that should be learned, and so, to be shared. The more trained people are, the better it is for society. Today's youth grow up in a globally more connected and digital word, which requires new approaches. Our international training programs give youth in-depth knowledge and experience that they can adapt to the changing global environment. We organise training, youth exchanges, meetings, conferences, competitions, cleanings, camps and move hundreds of youngsters in Europe each year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation is very active, locally and internationally. We reach thousands of young people with our local projects, dissemination and follow- up activities. We want to provide more opportunities for knowledge gaining and developing then ever before, and by sharing it, we can contribute to the network in our community. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are dedicated to working with, and for society, our goals and missions are the same. We want to provide more possibilities to young people around us and by this build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation. We want to join because We work for the same reason, together we believe we can make more significant changes and make a difference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorottya Túros
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Attila Sándor

Jazz ao Centro Clube

National Network

Largo do Poço, nº3, 1º Andar
3000-335 Coimbra

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
JACC - Jazz ao Centro Clube is a portuguese Non for Profit Cultural Association. It was officially constituted on April 30 th 2003, in the city of Coimbra. Altough many of it's projects are of a national scope, it has a very strong local basis in Coimbra, where it runs a vibrant music venue called Salão Brazil. In the last fifteen years, Jazz ao Centro Clube evolved from a mission centered in the promotion of musical culture - with a special emphasis on jazz and exploratory music – to a larger field of activity involving the questioning of the role of artistic practices in community development. JACC's foundational projects still form the basis of i's identity, closely connected to music: (online magazine), JACC Records and Festival Jazz ao Centro – Encontros Internacionais de Jazz de Coimbra.
Mission and Objectives

As a Non for Profit Cultural Association, JACC has a Board of Directors (11 in total) which conducts the affairs of the Association during 3 year terms.
In 2020, JACC will have 3 full time emplyees and 2 other with close work ties (although not with a work contract like the first three). It also will receive two internships (in partnership with the National Institute for Emplyment).
From an overall budget of nearly 400.000,00€,  70.000,00€ are state support (from the General Directorate for the Arts) and 60.000,00€ from the Municipality of Coimbra.
In 2020 will produce 4 festivals, mantain three editorial projects (JACC Records, Cena Jovem and, manage a independent cultural centre that hosts more than 100 events per year and support the creative activity of more than 60 artists.
Our Educational Service will promote about 50 activities, including the Coimbra's Historic Centre Digital Archive and the programmes connected with the UNESCO Club, dedicated to community involvement, democracy and civic participation and the promotion of Humam Rights.

Main Projects / Activities

These our some of our main projects:
(1) Sons da Cidade (multidisciplinary Festival organized with the University of Coimbra and the Municipality of Coimbra);
(2) Jazz ao Centro Festival (18th edition in October 2020);
(3) (online magazine dedicated to Jazz and Improvised Music);
4) Salão Brazil (concert venue located in Coimbra);
5) Coimbra's Historic Centre Digital Archive ;
6) XJazz (Arts in the Schist Villages);
7) Dar a Ouvir (Festival dedicated to sound arts and ecology);
8) UNESCO Club Coimbra: Art, Heritage and Community;
9) Educational Service: audience development, artistic creation and support.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the last few years we have been making an effort to joint platforms and networks (more or less formal) with the main objective to share experiences and good practices.
That willingness to move forward collectivelly and to learn from partners in similar conditions has brought good results and has helped to sustain processes of transformation to our structure.
We are now capable of contributing with a rich experience in the artistic domain and to collaborate in meaninfull projects that build bridges between teh arts and larger themes connected with civic participation and human rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We identified that ALF network brings together actors questioning the same things as us and we really feel the necessity of being in contact with other organizations that can help us connect the dots of our multiple interests in the arts as an instrument of social transformation.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
José Miguel Soares Pereira
Job Title
President of Board
Head of the organisation
José Miguel Soares Pereira
Contact (2) Full Name
Adriana Maria Vieira Ávila
Job Title (2)
Vice-President of Board

Center for International Encounters

National Network

Ein Rogel 22

+972 (0) 52 3760 195
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
General Information
The CIE is a small non-profit organisation, 2 professional staff members and volunteers Yealy Budget is about 20K € Funding through fees and doations Partner: various Civil Society Organisations in Jerusalem
Mission and Objectives

The Center for Encounters and Communication (CIE) is a safe space, located in Abu Tor, a mixed Jewish-Arab neighbourhood in Jerusalem. This location reflects our vision of a peaceful living together and diversity. Beyond borders and conflict lines this brings together people at regional, national and international levels. Despite all the challenges our projects are successful, particularly in the areas of intercultural mediation & promoting dialogue and diversity through art and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Building a C.-Working Community
Facilitation of numerous projects and initiatives for an open society
Community bases projects s.a. cultural events in the neighbourhood, communal gardening a.o.
Seminars, workshops and tours
Social art program dedicated to the local art and community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Beyond borders and conflict lines this brings together people at regional, national and international levels. Despite all the challenges our projects are successful, particularly in the areas of intercultural mediation & promoting dialogue and diversity through art and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moran Cheb Spitzer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Moran Chen Spitzer
Contact (2) Full Name
Cheb M. Kammerer
Job Title (2)

Studio 25, Institute of cultural activities

National Network

Pleteršnikova 12
1000 Ljubljana

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Institute for Cultural Activities, Studio 25 was established due to the need for the production of independent dance, music and theatre projects. We operate with our own dance and music Studio XXV which offers regular dance and music courses for children, youth and adults. We also organize various dance and music workshops with renowned domestic and foreign educators. We are creating our own projects that are focused on dance and music production. We also run Studio XXV Events with a strong focus on event management, development, presence and connection. We organize our own society resposible projects, non profit festivals and giva a hand in international science conferences. Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: Andreja Potočnik - founder, director, event director Masa Kagao Knez - co-founder, art director, dancer, actor, dance mentor, choreographer Ursa Rupnik - dancer, actor, dance mentor, choreographer Kaja Lin Avgustin - dancer, actor, dance mentor, choreographer Kristina Sicherl - dance mentor, dancer Lea Menard - puppetier, dance mentor for children Issiaka Sanou - corepetitor, musician Mamorou Sanou - corepetitor, musician Partners: KUD Baobab, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Drustvo za svobodni ples, Urbana scena, Drustvo Vitkar, PD Rož (A), Flota, Emanat, Plesna izba Maribor, Mednarodni zavod Ritem Afrike, Zavod Tugende etc. Budgetary resources available in a year: between 50.000 - 150.000 euros Sources of funding: regular dance and music classes, Ministry of culture of RS Slovenia (MZK), Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL), Public founds RS Slovenia (JSKD), EU social funds and postproduction of our own dance and music projects,  organizing events Modalities of action: * Dance and music production and coproduction (Free Standing 2020, Concert for MAM 2018, Lakeless 2017, Momentum - Avenue of catured moments 2016, Dia Diasso Diasspora 2015, etc) * producers or partners in projects fonded by EU social founds or Slovenian support: Through Culture To Work 2018/20, Dance and music workshops for children and adults 2015-2019, Alleyne dance workshops 2017-18, Fuzija / Fusion - ethno dance and music evening 2015- 2020, Dance group Studio XXV / Rhythm of dance (establishemnt or our own ethno dance group led by Maša Kagao Knez * international scinece conferences: Molecular life of Stem cells 2016, EMBo meeting 2019 * festivals: Kraljica Veselica 2020 (planned for national music festival, june 2020), Festival Fuzija (june 2020) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Zavod Global, Ritem Afrike, Zavod Tugende, Društvo Odnos, KUD Boabab, Plan Fest d.o.o.  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission an objective are aimed toward integration of marginal group, Africans and their transcendants who live in Slovenia and with our projects helping them through culture get better possibilities in employment in a filed they feel and do best. We also produce oru own projects, especially dance and music performaces which include conteporary dance and africah cultural heritage. We also want to differ from other dance and music Studios by being supportive to all kind of culture production, mainly independent one, where we help among others young people with talents to practice and give them opportunities for proforming in our own projects. The last but not least objectiove is to organize festivals and non profit conferences whith aim to help either artists or scientists to get contacts and being seen by promotors of their field of future employment or engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects /activities for 2020 are: * postroduction of dance performance Free Standing (premiere 9.1.2020) * organizing festival Fuzija, festival of ethnic African culture mixed with modern techniques fro children, youth and adults, open air (beginning of June 2020) * organizing music festival Kraljica Veselica in Planica (25-27.6.2020) * further project upgrade Through Culture To Work with Zavod Global and Društvo Odnos (2020/2021) * moving owr dance and music Studio to more spacious place to develope our activities and adding new classes (September 2020)  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can be reliable partners in project with similar aims and activites. We are already contributing to owr contry's identity by emerging different ethnic groups in a a quite introverting country. By being part of this network we can expand our partnership in Medditerannean and also upgrade our knowledge.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF Network because we feel strong connection to partnerships which Network provide. For such a small country as Slovenia it is hard to penetrate to foreugh countries with oru production projects and we see opputunity here for exchaning perfomances and add a value to our production as such. Among that we see oppurtunity also in exchanging good practices and knowledge through projects we are involved with.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreja Potočnik
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Andreja Potocnik
Contact (2) Full Name
Masa Kagao Knez
Job Title (2)
art director

General Union of Cultural Centers - GUCC

National Network

1st floor, Al-Bitar Building, Near Gaza seaport, Gaza city
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Increasing cultural, political and civic awareness among the Palestinian Community. Developing Palestinian Cultural Centers and enhancing its performance. Stimulating the Palestinian institutions to participate in generation creation process beside the official sector. Keeping and maintaining the fundamentals of Palestinian national culture. Building cooperative relationships and experience exchange between local and international organizations. Networking with other organizations to form public opinion about common issues. Representing the Palestinian Cultural Centers on local, regional and international levels. Seeking support and resources for the Palestinian Cultural Centers that affiliated to GUCC.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri Darwish
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yousri Darwish

Iyilik Denizi

National Network


+90 532 221 67 83
Mobile Phone
+90 532 221 67 83
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Iyilik Denizi is an International Humanitarian Aid Organisation reaching out to all regardless of their religion, spoken language, ethnicity, race or region. We aim to help those around the world in hardship, hungry or left wounded, homeless or disabled due to natural disasters, or war. We work hard to provide lasting routes out of poverty and empower vulnerable people to transform their lives and their communities. Founded in 2018, we managed to reach out to different countries and regions with humanitarian aid taking with our emotions on humility. As Iyilik Denizi, we aim to work together to develop selflessness and a sense of solidarity through a range of social and cultural events. With no political ambition, Iyilik Denizi aims solely to help those in need all over the world. We deliver life-saving and life-changing interventions to the world's poorest and most vulnerable people. From rapid emergency response to innovative development programming, we go to the hardest to reach places to make sure that no-one is left behind.
Mission and Objectives

Our values underpin everything we do, from working with vulnerable communities to partnering with organisations, individuals, and other stakeholders. They are the framework through which we deliver our strategy, the signposts that guide us on our path, and the pillars on which we lean in the most challenging of times.
We believe in the essential dignity and respect of all human beings, and in serving, supporting and advocating on behalf of poor, marginalised people and those affected by conflict and crises. 
We believe in standing with the vulnerable communities we serve, taking the necessary risks, appropriately assessed, in order to respond effectively to people’s needs.
Our actions and relationships with our stakeholders are characterized by honesty and openness in all our dealings.
We value others. We listen to them and we believe in the power of partnership to effect change in people’s lives.
Move people to believe in better
Make a difference, differently
Create change that matters

Main Projects / Activities

1- Emergency response:
Conflict, instability, poor governance and climate change have created an unprecedented level of humanitarian need.
Often spanning multiple geographies, crises are becoming increasingly complex and protected, with affected communities needing additional support for longer periods of time.
Saving lives and alleviating human suffering:
Iyilik Denizi's Emergency Response function focuses on saving lives and alleviating human suffering. This response often involves prioritizing needs such as food, water, shelter, cash, and other non-food items. It also sees Iyilik Denizi reduce morbidity and mortality through the delivery of targeted health responses, including emergency sanitation, hygiene promotion, disease surveillance, immunization campaigns, outbreak response, curative nutrition programs, and primary healthcare services.
Such initiatives may then transition to more sustained and long-term programming, where the focus shifts to the rehabilitation of health, water, sanitation, food, and other market systems.
2- Sustaining people’s Livelihoods
Many of the local populations in Iyilik Denizi's programs make their living from the informal economy, with high numbers of young people unable to access employment, education, and training. This leads to increased levels of
poverty and inequality and leaves communities vulnerable and exposed to shocks. Promoting market skills and financial inclusion
In the informal sector, livelihoods are typically secured through
self-employment, micro or small businesses, rather than through salaried jobs. Recognizing this, and focusing particularly on women and young people, Iyilik Denizi is working to support the development of sustainable and resilient livelihoods.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There is no better approach to solving challenges than the famous saying "two heads are better than one." Whether creating internal partnerships between colleagues or departments, to larger partnerships between our national and international networks, harnessing the strengths and abilities of others from different corners of our ecosystem is one of the most strategic ways for organizations to scale their innovation and solve complex challenges.
At Iyilik Denizi, we aim to work closely with our local, national and international partners to achieve our common goals and strengthen our capacities to benefit our communities around the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Join a global network 
Work closely with our partners 
Exchange experiences and best practices 
Participate in national and international events and conferences 

Contact (1) Full Name
Kadir Turan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kadir Turan
Contact (2) Full Name
Walid Ihadjadjen
Job Title (2)
Project Executive

Al-Harah Theater

National Network

Beit Jala, Bethlehem
Palestinian Territories

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

A free Palestinian society that uses culture and arts to consolidate the concept of citizenship, freedom of expression and mutual respect.



Al-Harah Theater is a non-profit organization founded in 2005, based in Beit Jala- Palestine. It aims at raising awareness, creating positive change in the society, enhancing the cultural level and artistic taste of people and delivering the Palestinian voice through the production and distribution of theater work at a high artistic level to all members of the Palestinian Arabs and international societies in general, children and youth in particular. In addition to training and capacity building of young theater cadres and developing partnerships with local, Arabs and internationals organizations and networks.


Goals and Objectives


•          To raise the cultural and artistic awareness to bring about positive change in the Palestinian society.

•          To enhance the role of the Palestinian theater in highlighting social and political issues, locally in the Arabs world and internationally.

•          To develop the Palestinian theater.

•          To deepen partnerships locally in the Arabs world and internationally.

•          To ensure the continuity of the work of the organization.


Our work is the following areas:


  • Producing and coproducing Theater for children, young people and Adults.
  • Touring locally, regionally and internationally.
    • Reaching refugee camps, villages, cities and especially marginalized areas like area C.
  • Training:
    • Training Children and young people.
    • Train the trainers programs in drama and theater training.
    • Organizing workshops for technical performing arts field.
  • Artistic exchanges for children and young people.

PARC: Performing Arts Training Center:  

  • The first two-years program training center for technical needs of performing arts
  • Capacity building for performing arts


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Marina Barham
Head of the organisation
Marina Barham

Išminties erdvė, VšI

National Network

Rugių g.18-27
11203 Vilnius

+370 648 98034
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+370 648 98034
Mobile Phone (other)
+370 820 85162
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Non - formal education in children's centre

Mission and Objectives

The children's centre develops, manages and pioneers a variety of community initiatives and services aimed at enabling children, young people, and  families to realise their full potential.      

Main Projects / Activities

Children's centre ,, Išmintingieji,, and children's centre ,, Ateities vaikai,,

Contact (1) Full Name
Jolanta Spudienė
Job Title
projects manager
Head of the organisation
Tadas Spudas
Contact (2) Full Name
Regina Česnulevičienė
Job Title (2)
social worker