Debate Society of Thessaloniki (Ρητορικός Όμιλος Θεσσαλονίκης)

National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Debate Society of Thessaloniki is a non-profit volunteer organization that was founded in 2003 and is one of the oldest debate societies in the Mediterranean region. The Debate Society is the umbrella organization of the Debate Society of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and of the Debate Society of the University of Macedonia. The Society aims at the promotion of university structure debate to students of all ages and regardless of the field of their studies. The Society is run by an Organizing Committee whose members are equal to each other with no hierarchy among them with the only exception being the existence of the role of a representative of the Society who represents the body in organizations as well as takes immediate decisions once it is needed. Our main partner is the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and especially the Office for the Coordination of Volunteer Activities of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the enforcement of democracy and of a system of values through the exercise and empowerment of critical thinking, endorsement of dialogue, the development of the ability to express yourself fluently and correctly, the socialization of students and the growth of fair play within a safe environment for each one of them. We are educated and then educate others in the rules and principles of debate and the technique of speaking in public with no fear.

Main Projects / Activities

With the start of the winter semester and for the whole academic year we hold 3-hour meetings each Friday in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki which are split in educating the theoretical part of the debate and then practicing it. Every year in April we also organize the Panhellenic Debate Tournament with debaters from all the debate clubs of Greece. Throughout the year we additionally organize debate education seminars and public speaking events. We represent the university in every major debate tournament on a national and international level. Our Society has also taken part in the first tv show in Greece based on debate with its content being the organization of live debate tournament among participants of all the debate clubs in Greece.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution could be multilevel and we have already proven that by being the co-hosts of an exhibition debate according to the model of Young Mediterranean Voices debate last October as part of the meeting of national networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Moreover, we have succeeded in the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Debate Leader Training which shows are dedication on that. We can expand the knowledge of debate and of public speaking by co organizing major events with students from North Mediterranean region with the support of Anna Lindh Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A Debate Society in order to run correctly shall seek for major organizations and networks that share same aims with it. This collaboration will not only help us grow as a community, expand our fame as we will co-hosting events with a widely known and accepted organization but most importantly, we will secure the existence of contributors to our very first aims since our creation which are democracy and critical thinking via debate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Pekridou
Head of the organisation
Anna Pekridou

Association Arts Spontanés

National Network

4 bis rue de Cambrai
75000 Paris

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Arts Spontanés is an independent French association based in Paris specialized in live performances around the world. Since 2015 we produce and coordinate unique creative experiences in performing arts. A range of cultural and educational projects have been designed around Arts Spontanés artistic program to encourage exchanges and encounters between the artist and the public. Our policy to develop artistic and social actions offers a range of projects to schools, hospitals, prisons, and retirement homes. Research is also the main matter of our actions. Our organization’s office is functioning with four volunteers. Budgetary resources available in a year are around 15K. The sources of funding based on: donations, grants, ticketing. Modalities of action: concerts, seminars, festivals, exhibitions, exchanges, residency program…   Some main partners: Cultural Services Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, Permanent Delegation of Cyprus to UNESCO, French Institute in Cyprus, French Consular Authority of Rhodes, A.G. Leventis Foundation, the House of Auguste Comte …

Mission and Objectives

Arts Spontanés is committed to: -Develop artistic creation with unique creative experiences in performing arts -Produce and promote all artistic disciplines   -Preserving, rediscovering and promoting Greek and Cypriote musical heritage -Support of the artistic and cultural exchange and mobility of European artists -Develop socio-cultural and educational projects -Support research activities in the context of cultural education, events and the relation between artists and their public -…

Main Projects / Activities

Important productions (France, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt): Festival « European Polyphony », Rhodes (2019 & 2020) – Concert Savvas Karatzias « Theophanes the Greek », Alexandria (2019) - Concert Yiorgos Kaloudis « Innovating Tradition », Nicosia (2018) - Concert « Alkinoos Ioannidis & Band », Paris (2016 & 2017) - Exhibition Artemis Antoniou « PAR LA MAIN ET LES MOTS », UNESCO, Paris (2017) - Concert Yiorgos Kaloudis « J.S Bach: cello suites on the classical cretan lyra », Paris (2016) – Two days of cultural activities with « Choir Mikrokosmos », Paphos (2016) - Concert « Alkinoos Ioannidis & Yiorgos Kaloudis », UNESCO, Paris (2015)…

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our richness is the diversity of ideas, exchanges and collaborations we have made in the past five years through several cultural events that we have organized in central Europe and the Mediterranean region (Cyprus, Greece, Egypte). Several types of projects (cultural, artistic, educational) can be developed in these regions in collaboration with the ALF partners. Arts Spontanés can be also the host or the orchestrator of these actions. For instance, in our annual Festival “European Polyphony” that we organize on the island of Rhodes (Greece) we could associate ALF partners and expand the festival’s actions by inviting creative minds from all Mediterranean countries to renew cultural dialogue in mater of culture, arts, and aesthetics. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to take part in the ALF active collaborative Network. We entirely support ALF actions and believes and we very much appreciate the idea of building better worlds by defending culture and human values. For us will be an opportunity to exchange and enrich our ideas and learn the know-how of the ALF partners.     

Contact (1) Full Name
Chrysanthos ANTONIOU
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation

Türkiye Tiyatro Vakfı / Theater Foundation of Turkey

National Network

Firuzağa Mah. Hayriye cad. Apelyan Apt.
No:5 D:8 Beyoğlu - Galatasaray

+90 212 251 56 69
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Theater Foundation of Turkey is a non-profit and non-govermental organization,oficially established in December 2019 by a founder commitee of fourteen people who were academicians, actors, cultural study specialists and theater professionals.  The foundation was established very recently therefore the our financial sources limited at that moment, mainly depend upon establishment estate.  TTV (Theater Foundation of Turkey) has three working headings, initially. We aim to fund these study areas as concrete projects in the first place. These headings are: Oral history studies Bibliography database Archiving While executing these projects, we are willing to use methods such as international conferences, international working groups, workshops and seminars etc.  
Mission and Objectives

The utmost objective of the Theater Foundation of Turkey (TTV) is to establish the Theater Museum of Turkey (TTM) in Istanbul, which will constitute the first and a unique repository of information on theatre in Turkey. The objectives of the Theatre Foundation of Turkey can be grouped under four headings:
To establish a “memory” of theatre in Turkey, to draw the interest of the population in it, to initiate the concept of indispensability and to enable Istanbul, the crossroad of cultures, to own a significant theatre archive and museum.
To enable the Theatre Museum of Turkey to function as a cultural center, similar to all contemporary museums, and, thereby, to expand the art of theatre which struggles to survive on its own, to establish a permanent substructure of theatre culture, to gather and protect the documents and all items (costumes, sketches and models, accessories, etc.) that disperse and disappear as their owners pass away and to organize performances and conferences on the topic.
To pioneer in the treatment of children as adults/individuals both in museum visits (in explanations, organization of exhibitions, etc.) and activities.
To establish a center that will constitute a reference source for researchers, scholars, institutions and artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Oral history workshops for volunteers who are studying in the fields of cultural heritage and theatre.
Oral history studies with the individuals who keep the unwritten memories of theatre in Turkey.
Organizing working groups including the researchers and experts on Armenian, Greek and Jewish theatre in order to reveal all the cultural aspects of the Turkish theatre.
Infrastructure study for the museum (setting up inventory and archive program)
Generating a bibliographic database that contains all published materials on Turkish theater.
Establishing contact with the heirs who might have the archival materials from their decdent relatives of significance for the theatre of Turkey.

Contact (1) Full Name
Esen Çamurdan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Esen Çamurdan
Contact (2) Full Name
Ece Birçek Teselli
Job Title (2)
General Coordinator

المنتدى الوطني للتدريب المهني لأعمال الحراسة

National Network

دار الشباب جمال الدين خليفة

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
"المنتدى الوطني للتدريب المهني لأعمال الحراسة"  جمعية مدنية مستقلة عن الهيآت الحزبية والنقابية. يهتم المنتدى بتأهيل قطاع أعمال الحراسة وتدريب العنصر البشري بمجموع تراب المملكة المغربية الشريفة طبقا للقانون رقم 27-06 المتعلق بأعمال الحراسة و نقل الأموال وطبقا لمقتضيات المراسيم التنظيمية ولمقرّرات الوزارة الوصيّة على القطاع. ويهدف المنتدى كذلك إلى تقديم المساعدة والإرشاد في مجال السّلامة العامة ويضم أعضاء ملتزمين بالمعايير الوطنية طبقا للقانون المسطر في هدا المجال.
Mission and Objectives

- إحداث مراكز للتكوين في السّلامة والحراسة عبر مجموع تراب المملكة المغربية الشريفة بتنسيق مع السلطات الوصيّة على قطاع الحراسة وبشراكة مع كل الفاعلين في قطاع التأهيل المهني للشباب وخصوصا المبادرة الوطنية للتنمية البشرية  و وزارة التربية الوطنية والتكوين المهني والتعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.
-     تنظيم دورات تدريبية وندوات تدخل في مجال اشتغال الجمعية من اجل خدمة المجتمع عن طريق التوعية ونشر ثقافة السلامة.
-    التنسيق مع السلطات العمومية من اجل التوعية والإرشاد في مجال اختصاص الجمعية.
-    إصدار مناهج و برامج التدريب و نشرات إخبارية وتوعوية في مجالات السّلامة العامة وحراسة المنشآت
- تقديم المساعدة للقوات العمومية لتأمين السلامة العمومية في حالات الطوارئ والكوارث الطبيعية
- المساهمة في التوعية القانونية لأرباب ومستخدمي قطاع الحراسة وسلامة المنشآت الخاصة.
- إبرام عقود شراكة مع المؤسسات العمومية والشبه العمومية الوطنية وجمعيات المجتمع المدني المختصة وطنيا ودوليا وذلك من اجل تطوير وتحسين جودة الخدمات المقدمة في مجال السّلامة والحراسة .
- تقديم المشورة لأرباب العمل حول أفضل السبل الوقائية للإيفاء بمتطلبات السلامة والصحة المهنية وحماية البيئة
- المشاركة في المحافل الوطنية والدولية المتعلقة بمجالات الحراسة والسلامة.

Main Projects / Activities

- تدريب المدرّبين في قطاعات الحراسة والسّلامة والأمن الخاص

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

............... وعيا منّا أن التكوين المهني يشكل” قطاعا أساسيا بالنسبة لمستقبل بلادنا، بالنظر إلى أنه يؤثر بشكل مباشر على نمونا الاقتصادي. فلا يمكن الرفع من تنافسية اقتصادنا إلا بتكوين يد عاملة مؤهلة، قادرة على الاستجابة لمتطلبات مختلف القطاعات المنتجة في بلادنا، ومواجهة عولمة سوق الشغل “.
............... وعيا منّا أن التكوين المهني، يعتبر ” عاملا أساسيا لإغناء رأسمالنا البشري”، وأنّ عليه أن يشكل رافعة أولية وغالبة من أجل إدماج الشباب في الحياة النشيطة و تقليص الفوارق المجالية والرفع من تنافسية المقاولة
............... وعيا منّا بدور المجتمع المدني في الدفع بقافلة التنمية المحلية والجهوية والوطنية و أن التكوين والتدريب المستمر المتخصّص يساهم في تحقيق طفرة للنهوض بالقطاعات الحيوية الجديدة ومنها قطاع الحراسة.
...............  وعيا منا بضرورة المساهمة في النموذج التنموي الذي أطلقه صاحب الجلالة نصره الله  لأنه  موّجه للمواطن المغربي بكافة مستوياته ومسؤولياته و. لأن المواطن هو الفاعل والمستفيد من هذا النموذج الذي يتطلب تظافر مجهودات الجميع و التي ستحكم نجاح هذا النموذج التنموي.
...............وعيا منا بالخصاص المسجّل على مستوى التكوين والتدريب لفائدة الأعوان المهنيين في قطاع الحراسة وحرصا منا على المساهمة في الرفع من قدرات العنصر البشري في هذا المجال، يأتي اجتماعنا هذا عملا على روح الخطاب الملكي السّامي واستجابة لنداء جلالته وحرصا منّا على العمل الوثيق مع السلطات الوصية على القطاع من أجل الدفع بعجلة تأهيل الشباب

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-تقاسم التجارب في مجالات التدريب والتكوين
-الاستفادة من خبرات المجتمع المدني بالحوض المتوسطي
-تعزيز الشبيك من أجل تأهيل الشباب

Contact (1) Full Name
jamal khardi
Job Title
Secrétaire Général
Head of the organisation
jamal khardi

المنتدى الوطني للتدريب المهني لأعمال الحراسة

National Network

دار الشباب جمال الدين خليفة

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

"المنتدى الوطني للتدريب المهني لأعمال الحراسة"  جمعية مدنية مستقلة عن الهيآت الحزبية والنقابية. يهتم المنتدى بتأهيل قطاع أعمال الحراسة وتدريب العنصر البشري بمجموع تراب المملكة المغربية الشريفة طبقا للقانون رقم 27-06 المتعلق بأعمال الحراسة و نقل الأموال وطبقا لمقتضيات المراسيم التنظيمية ولمقرّرات الوزارة الوصيّة على القطاع. ويهدف المنتدى كذلك إلى تقديم المساعدة والإرشاد في مجال السّلامة العامة ويضم أعضاء ملتزمين بالمعايير الوطنية طبقا للقانون المسطر في هدا المجال.

Mission and Objectives

- إحداث مراكز للتكوين في السّلامة والحراسة عبر مجموع تراب المملكة المغربية الشريفة بتنسيق مع السلطات الوصيّة على قطاع الحراسة وبشراكة مع كل الفاعلين في قطاع التأهيل المهني للشباب وخصوصا المبادرة الوطنية للتنمية البشرية  و وزارة التربية الوطنية والتكوين المهني والتعليم العالي والبحث العلمي. -     تنظيم دورات تدريبية وندوات تدخل في مجال اشتغال الجمعية من اجل خدمة المجتمع عن طريق التوعية ونشر ثقافة السلامة. -    التنسيق مع السلطات العمومية من اجل التوعية والإرشاد في مجال اختصاص الجمعية. -    إصدار مناهج و برامج التدريب و نشرات إخبارية وتوعوية في مجالات السّلامة العامة وحراسة المنشآت - تقديم المساعدة للقوات العمومية لتأمين السلامة العمومية في حالات الطوارئ والكوارث الطبيعية - المساهمة في التوعية القانونية لأرباب ومستخدمي قطاع الحراسة وسلامة المنشآت الخاصة. - إبرام عقود شراكة مع المؤسسات العمومية والشبه العمومية الوطنية وجمعيات المجتمع المدني المختصة وطنيا ودوليا وذلك من اجل تطوير وتحسين جودة الخدمات المقدمة في مجال السّلامة والحراسة . - تقديم المشورة لأرباب العمل حول أفضل السبل الوقائية للإيفاء بمتطلبات السلامة والصحة المهنية وحماية البيئة - المشاركة في المحافل الوطنية والدولية المتعلقة بمجالات الحراسة والسلامة.

Main Projects / Activities

- تدريب المدرّبين في قطاعات الحراسة والسّلامة والأمن الخاص

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

............... وعيا منّا أن التكوين المهني يشكل” قطاعا أساسيا بالنسبة لمستقبل بلادنا، بالنظر إلى أنه يؤثر بشكل مباشر على نمونا الاقتصادي. فلا يمكن الرفع من تنافسية اقتصادنا إلا بتكوين يد عاملة مؤهلة، قادرة على الاستجابة لمتطلبات مختلف القطاعات المنتجة في بلادنا، ومواجهة عولمة سوق الشغل “. ............... وعيا منّا أن التكوين المهني، يعتبر ” عاملا أساسيا لإغناء رأسمالنا البشري”، وأنّ عليه أن يشكل رافعة أولية وغالبة من أجل إدماج الشباب في الحياة النشيطة و تقليص الفوارق المجالية والرفع من تنافسية المقاولة ............... وعيا منّا بدور المجتمع المدني في الدفع بقافلة التنمية المحلية والجهوية والوطنية و أن التكوين والتدريب المستمر المتخصّص يساهم في تحقيق طفرة للنهوض بالقطاعات الحيوية الجديدة ومنها قطاع الحراسة. ...............  وعيا منا بضرورة المساهمة في النموذج التنموي الذي أطلقه صاحب الجلالة نصره الله  لأنه  موّجه للمواطن المغربي بكافة مستوياته ومسؤولياته و. لأن المواطن هو الفاعل والمستفيد من هذا النموذج الذي يتطلب تظافر مجهودات الجميع و التي ستحكم نجاح هذا النموذج التنموي. ...............وعيا منا بالخصاص المسجّل على مستوى التكوين والتدريب لفائدة الأعوان المهنيين في قطاع الحراسة وحرصا منا على المساهمة في الرفع من قدرات العنصر البشري في هذا المجال، يأتي اجتماعنا هذا عملا على روح الخطاب الملكي السّامي واستجابة لنداء جلالته وحرصا منّا على العمل الوثيق مع السلطات الوصية على القطاع من أجل الدفع بعجلة تأهيل الشباب

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-تقاسم التجارب في مجالات التدريب والتكوين -الاستفادة من خبرات المجتمع المدني بالحوض المتوسطي -تعزيز الشبيك من أجل تأهيل الشباب

Contact (1) Full Name
jamal khardi
Job Title
Secrétaire Général
Head of the organisation
jamal khardi

حمعية الاوراش التطوعية

National Network

دار الشباب مدينة الفنيدق
حي الاميرة شارع القاهرة رقم 1 مدينة الفنيدق

41 12 70 66 6 212 00
Telephone (other)
41 12 70 66 6 212 00
41 12 70 66 6 212 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
41 12 70 66 6 212 00
Mobile Phone (other)
41 12 70 66 6 212 00
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

جمعية الاوراش التطوعية : تاسست سنة 2015 هي جمعية دولية وطنية ليس لها انتماء : نقابي أو سياسي أوديني المقر المركزي للجمعية : دار الشباب مدينة الفنيدق المغرب عدد اعضائها : سبعة شركاؤها : الاتحاد العام لجمعيات الاوراش المغربية . ميزانيتها السنوية : 40000.00 درهم شركاؤها الممونين : المجلس الجماعي و المجلس الاقليمي و الجهوي و بعض الوزارات المغربية .

Mission and Objectives

- إنعاش وتطوير العمل التطوعي والثقافي وطنيا ودوليا  . التنشيط في مجال السلامة الطرقية ، التحسيس و التوعية .ندوات ، لقاءات ، مسرحيات ، حملات ميدانية  - حماية البيئة والحفاظ عليها .  -القيام باوراش وطنية و دولية -القيام بمخيمات للاطفال و اليافعين و الشباب   - بث روح الصداقة والسلام والتعاون والتبادل الثقافي بين مختلف الشعوب دون تمييز في العقيدة والجـــنس واللــــــون واللغة.  - تكوين الشباب وإدماجه اجتماعيا وثقافيا واقتصاديا ورياضيا .   - العمل على محاربــة الأمـــية و التربية غير النظامية وفتح اقسام خاصة بالتعليم الاولي و الاطفال في وضعية صعبة.  - العمل مع النساء المغاربة و المهاجرين وفتح مراكز الاستماع . -القيام بندوات فنية و ثقافية و مسرحية .  - الاهتمام بحقوق الانسان . - القيام بقوافل و حملات طبية . -الاهتمام باللغة و الثقافة الامازيغية  -القيام بمهرجانات فنية و ثقافية  و مسرحية . - تنشيط أبناء الجالية المغربية بالخارج. – إنجاز مشاريع ذات أهداف تنموية تهم البيئة والطفــولة فــي المجالين القروي والحضري.- ترميم المآثر وإحياء التراث المعماري والمحافظة عــليه – العـــمل مــــع المحتاجين ( معاقين- فقراء- مشردون – سجناء – مرضى  ).

Main Projects / Activities

مشاريع الجمعية : اوراش صيفية للعمل التطوعي في اوراش بيئية و فنية  السلامة الطرقية  البيئة ، الشباب و الطفولة و النساء . مخيمات للشباب و الاطفال  التكوين في الحقوق و التكوينات 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

نشر جميع مشاريع الجمعية و تقاسمها مع اعضاء الجمعيات الشريكة مع منظمة اناليند المغرب  الحضور في جميع ملتقيات شبكة اناليند المغربية  تنظيم لقاءات مع شبكة اناليند المغربية 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من اجل الاستفاذة من تكاوين الشبكة  الاستفاذة جمعيتنا من مشاريع شبكة اناليند  التعرف على جمعيات شبكة اناليند الدولية 

Contact (1) Full Name
ابراهيم حنين
Job Title
Head of the organisation
ابرهيم حنين
Contact (2) Full Name
فاطمة سليمان
Job Title (2)

Associazione culturale Eufemia APS

National Network

Via Monginevro 159
Via Vigone 7b

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Eufemia is an association for social promotion established in 2010. 10 years later it has a staff of 50 people, among which 5 employees, 15 workers/collaborators and 30 volunteers on a weekly basis. The projects are related to non formal education and experiential learning, focusing on 5 areas: food and sustainability youth work serious games digital tools theater The work is organised according to the needs from the local groups and communities (mainly youth and disadvantaged families), distributed on different projects: we run an average of 40 projects per year, big and small. Some example of projects: youth exchanges; theatre workshops in schools and public performances; food collection and redistribution; educational escape room; European voluntary service; school for women for digital literacy. The average budget available in the last 3 years is 250.000€, increasing every year. The main source of fundings are: Italian National Agency for Youth (mainly Erasmus+ programme) Bank foundations Local and regional public amministration Fundraising and donations There are several partners involved, among them: the Municipality of Turin, its social services, schools (7 on regular basis), local NGOs (dozens), informal groups, shelters for homeless people (4).
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to contribute to the lifelong growth of each individual and their community.
to create meaningful educational experiences for youth;
to contribute to the European identity;
to build realtionship among the local communities;
to develop good practices in terms of sustainability and resilience;
to promote a culture of media, social media and arts.

Main Projects / Activities

According to the 5 areas:
food and sustainability: Food PRIDE (collect, redistribute, cook together food waste):
youth work: youth exchanges and volunteering service in Europe and surroundings (Erasmus+ and ESC programmers)
serious games: educational escape rooms on sensitive eco-cultural topics:
digital tools: #offline a project for kids, teachers and parents about media education:
theater: a theater for peace, school workshops about arts and peace education:

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong expertise in project planning and networking, that might be useful for different partners and the network itself, especially in the Piedmont region and at the national level in the field of Youth.
We would like to share some good practices born and raised in 10 years of work with the local communities.
We can support young people and youth organizations in organizing and delivering meaningful learning experiences in formal and non formal environments.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A good network makes a bigger and more long-term sustainable impact. We believe ALF is one of those.
In the last 3 years are increasingly working with Euro-Mediterranean countries (Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, France, Slovenija, Croatia to nema the main ones) and we need to gain a more in depth knowledge and stronger connection with the civil society of those countries. We joined a network of NGOs active at the Euro-Mediterranean level, but so far it didn't bring much of added value to our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pasquale Lanni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pasquale Lanni

INEX SDA - Association for Voluntary Activities

National Network
Czech Republic

Varšavská 30
12000 Prague

+420 608 920 912
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

INEX - Association for Voluntary Activities is and NGO founded in 1991 whose primary activities are centered around the area of international voluntary work and global education. We partner with local government bodies and local organization for the organization of voluntary work camps with international participants, and we also send Czech volunteers abroad for short and long term volunteering. 


Mission and Objectives

Our vision 

We want to live in society where people respect each other and where people are responsible in regards to the surrounding world. We believe that volunteering and cooperation on a local and global level is the way towards mutual understanding and non-violence. 

Our mission 

We create opportunities for active participation in the society and to gain knowledge and experiences. We help to develop personal, civic and professional life.


Main Projects / Activities

One of our core activities is to provide more than 2000 international workcamp volunteering opportunities to Czech volunteers, where they can participate for one, two or three weeks in 70 countries worldwide. We also organize workcamps in the Czech Republic. More than 300 international volunteers are hosted every year in workcamps all around the Czech Republic. We do our best to have inclusive workcamps for people with fewer opportunities. Other activities of our organization include other volunteer opportunities like Erasmus Solidarity Corps and inclusive volunteering opportunities for locals. We also provide training and work for the development of workshops around the topics of youth, volunteering and leadership and global education.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with the network and learning more from it.


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to explore the possibility of establishing new partnerships, projects and funding resources.


Contact (1) Full Name
Lenka Kadeřábková
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Lenka Kadeřábková

مركز الشباب للأبحاث والتنمية / ِYouth Center for Research and Development

National Network

Prince Hiِham Street

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Youth Center for Research and Development is a Moroccan non-governmental association founded in 2015 with many aspirations, setting its goals in depth. It will strive to contribute to deepening the role of civil society in civil and social life, to improve many communication channels between citizens, civil actors and decision-makers, to develop proposals and ideas on issues of public and social affairs, and to participate in public debate. Especially for youth and women. And other noble goals.
Mission and Objectives

Communication Achieve communication with local and international bodies to exchange experiences and promote a culture of dialogue and volunteering.
# Contributing to national societies and organizations in achieving their goals and working to develop their capabilities.
# Carrying out studies and research and providing advice in the socio-economic and cultural fields. Intellectual. Environmental and social.
# Training and building the capacities of youth and of the national and international gender agents on democratic mechanisms, citizenship participation and teamwork.
# Paying attention to women's and youth issues and conducting cultural and social workshops in order to help them and help them achieve their effectiveness within society.
# Promote youth participation in public life and strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit.
# The values ​​of promoting the values ​​of citizenship, democracy and human rights principles for Moroccan youth

Main Projects / Activities

The Youth Center for Research and Development is associated with a partnership with many international organizations in implementing many of its projects. Among its most prominent projects are:
- Training courses in partnership with the Institute of Civil Space in America The Institute of Civil Space is an institute of e-learning that provides exchange of knowledge and distance learning for free. In the Middle East and North Africa.
Campaign to support children with hearing disabilities with their right to an education, funded by a partnership with the New Human Rights Tactics Program in the Middle East and North Africa and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy,
10-day for Mediterranean à programme funded by the Mediterranean Dialogue for Rights and Equality is a regional technical support program funded by the European Union, whose overall goal is to support the role of civil society organizations active at the regional level in promoting sustainable development. The Center works in implementing the project in Morocco as a partner for the Mediterranean Dialogue .
- The Youth and Sustainable Development Project, funded by the Regional Council, Guelmim Wad Noun, aims to enhance the capabilities of young people to understand the goals of sustainable development and accelerate mechanisms to implement them at the regional level.
Young Mediterranean voices is Program That overall goal of the Voices of the Mediterranean Youth Program is: “Empowering youth to foster a culture of dialogue, contributing to public policy and shaping media discourse, and creating a common understanding with their peers across the Mediterranean about how to address common issues of concern to their communities. This project is funded by Prior to the British Council, the Youth Research and Development Center works with the British Council on establishing discussion clubs and managing successive training for discussion skills and meetings with participants at the target country level. These organizations, known as “hubs of Debate, "is responsible for supporting the provision of discussion training and will establish debate clubs.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our presence in the Moroccan network of the Anna lindh Foundation will enable us to implement projects that meet the needs of young people and the goal is the participation of young people in development and decision makers
More than that, we can share experiences with other members of the network. We believe that exchanges can help each organization to implement these local projects in the best way. We can also pass on best practices to our association members and other local partners. Our contribution will be by working to formulate and implement projects in a participatory manner with network members. In addition to coordination and cooperation with various local actors, everyone should be involved in implementing joint projects

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A great opportunity to join the largest alliance of organizations in the Mediterranean region and in Morocco. It is interesting for our center, driven by the desire to cooperate with institutions outside and inside Morocco in order to achieve our goals better.
We hope to expand our network to take advantage of their experiences and good practices to enrich and improve its working methods. It also hopes to be useful in strengthening the Moroccan network and consolidating the role of civil society in the country

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation


National Network

Alger centre
Bordj kifan

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Carrefour CADENKOSO est une association des jeunes talents africains en Algerie. C'est un carrefour  d'union, de fraternité, de projets et des reves autour de valeurs comme l'innovation, le changement et le progrés. CADENKOSO est une plateforme d'une jeunesse pour une Afrique pacifique, prospere et integre. Cette plateforme a le desir d'une prosperité et d'un bien etre partagé, d'une unité et d'une integration dans un continent de citoyens libres et d'horizons élargis oú les femmes et les jeunes, tous sexes confondus, realisent tout leur potentiel, liberer de la peur, de la maladie et a l'abri du besoin.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de Carrefour CADENKOSO est de contribuer a faire emerger un nouveau modele de societé au service des africains, en harmonie avec la culture africaine. L vision de CADENKOSO est d'activer les talents emergents pour contribuer a resoudre nos problemnes de societé.
La demarche est d'aider les jeunes africains a changer leur vie pour changer celle des autres.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Doctorant en biologie des maladies infectieuses et biotechnologie microbienne
Head of the organisation
Vitrine des talents africains en Algerie, unité dans la diversité