YEU Cyprus (Youth for Exchange and Understanding)

National Network

27, Ezekia Papaioannou
1075 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

YEU Cyprus stands for Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus and it is a non- political, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Nicosia, Cyprus. It was established in 1995 with the aim to advocate for young people raising their voice in society. To do so YEU Cyprus promotes the fostering of close cooperation and better understanding among young people of the world through the exchange of information, experiences and ideas. YEU Cyprus strives to encourage young people to become active members of our society on a local, national and European level. It is one of the biggest youth organizations in Cyprus numbering more than 500 members and considered to be one of the most active organizations of the island realizing several activities both on international and local level, mainly based on non-formal education. YEU Cyprus is a full member of the Cyprus Youth Council and the Youth Council of the Municipality of Nicosia and is represented in both Boards. It is also a member of the YEU International platform which is under the European Youth Forum umbrella and the Anna Lindh Foundation.

YEU Cyprus has currently three employees, nine board members on a voluntary basis and more than 500 active members. All employees and volunteers are young people with experience in youth work, the NGO sector with diverse academic backgrounds and motivated in creating quality opportunities for young people in Cyprus and in Europe. Furthermore, they are all experienced in mobilities and projects through NFE and experiential learning, some even being trainers and facilitators. The plurality of backgrounds gives the organization not only a great range of expertise that can be used for our projects, but also good representation of young people from a variety of sectors. Furthermore, they have extensive experience in project management and project writing, since the organization has remained operational through the development of European Projects and small local funding opportunities. Our partners include a variety of stakeholders on a local level and on a European level from Youth Ngo's to Universities.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of YEU Cyprus is to provide young people with the opportunity to become social actors on a local and global level through a participatory and inclusive course of action. It focuses on establishing synergies to further raise awareness on important societal issues, advocate for youth rights through a bottom-up approach and offer educational opportunities through non-formal education and experiential learning.

It’s vision is to empower and engage young people to create the change they want to see in our societies and the world. In the past five years YEU Cyprus has focused on projects that deal with active citizenship, remembrance, volunteerism, intercultural education, cultural heritage, human rights education, mental health education, sustainability and peace building through the use of non formal methods and then implementation of a variety of local and International projects.

Main Projects / Activities

YEU Cyprus advocates on the rights of young people with regards to having a voice in the Cypriot society and beyond; specifically on matters of human rights, sustainable development, intercultural education and youth participation. This is achieved by coordinating and collaborating in various international and local activities and events through mobilities and other local and European projects. On an international level, YEU Cyprus organizes and delivers training courses, youth exchanges, youth dialogue projects, and ESC projects on different topics, focusing always on youth development, awareness raising and capacity building. On a local level, the organization implements workshops, seminars, activities and offers internships to further promote youth empowerment and support young people in their progress. To do so we provide opportunities for all young people that reside in Cyprus to participate and engage in matters related to social, economical, cultural development of themselves and their communities. Through non-formal education and experiential learning we implement creative activities to engage young people in finding a more healthy lifestyle, employment and respond to the issues that youth is facing in our societies and in Europe at large. The organization has great experience in NFE, since it is one of the first youth organizations implementing non-formal methods in Cyprus, advocates for NFE on a national level and supports lifelong learning through its actions. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

YEU Cyprus has been an active youth organization for a great amount of time, establishing itself on a local level and European level providing young people support and opportunities to develop themselves as part of our society. We can contribute to the network our already established network of partners and our expertise in youth work. Our outreach in regards to the activities of the network is quite high through our social media accounts and website, which would be another valuable contribution. Furthermore, through our advocacy work we can contribute to the development of policies and share all the good practices that we have accumulated throughout the years as a youth NGO.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the network will give us the opportunity to network with a variety of organizations, coming from the Euro-Med region to exchange ideas and good practices among ourselves. We aspire to work collaboratively in addressing issues and challenges that our region faces, through funding opportunities the network provides.

Contact (1) Full Name
Annagrace Messa
Head of the organisation
Chrystalla Panayi

Cyprus Family Planning Association

National Network

27 Ezekia Papaioannou St.
P.O.B. 25706
1311 Nicosia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Cyprus Family Planning Association (CFPA) has nearly five decades of experience on working and advocating sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly of youth, but also working with women, vulnerable populations, and minorities. We have expertise in human rights, education including non-formal methods, workshops, advocacy, particularly sexual rights education, training and advocacy, women and minority rights. We have developed curricula, manuals and training tools on comprehensive sexuality education, training programs on gender and relationships, have carried out research projects in relation to sexuality, experiences, and sexuality education needs, and we continue for decades to actively engage in advocacy and policy formation on gender, youth and sexuality.

Mission and Objectives

CFPA's vision is a world where sexuality is expressed and enjoyed in freedom, equality, respect and love. Respect and protection of sexual reproductive rights as basic human rights is a prerequisite for ensuring sexual health and wellbeing of all people. Our mission is to promote the development of a society where all people can enjoy the basic human right to make free and informed choices in their sexual, emotional and reproductive lives. The Association works to defend, protect and advocate for the sexual and reproductive rights of all women, men and young people, and exercises a leading role in sexual and reproductive health through the work of it’s committed, competent and skilled volunteers and staff.

Main Projects / Activities

Comprehensive Sexuality Education is one of our main priorities. Our position is that evidence-based, Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), free of prejudice, dogma or ideologies, is necessary to equip young people with the tools - knowledge and skills- needed to make informed and free choices regarding their sexual life. Thus, we plan, implement and evaluate information and education programs for youth by youth and experts in the field, educate parents, teacher and other professionals, and publish accurate information and educational materials on issues of sexuality. We also carry out research programs to record and document the needs in Cyprus and conduct programs to promote and defend Sexual Reproductive Rights. We have published two Sexuality Education Manuals for Teachers for Primary and Secondary Education which have been adopted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. CFPA also runs a Help Line which provides support and information to all. CFPA is a youth-oriented organisation and its programs and services are tailored to address the needs of young people with a focus on increasing young people’s awareness on SRHR issues and empowering them to make informed decisions related to their physical, mental and social well being. Adding to this, increasing active youth participation at all levels of decision-making, one of the priorities set under the Association’s Strategic Planning. The “Youth for Youth” Group which was established in 1996 by a group of active young people, is one of the governing bodies of CFPA with members 16-30 years of age. The “Youth for Youth” group's actions are guided by an 'Internal Regulations' document and five youth representatives are elected in a Coordinating Committee. The “Youth for Youth” Group members are actively involved in the decision-making processes of the organisation. Overall, young people in this group are trained to be peer educators on CSE and support the counseling services of the Association. We have experience in European and local projects in the fields of education, including peer learning and non-formal learning, advocacy, research working with youth, women and minorities, especially concerning on topics gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights. We can offer expertise and partnership in various European and other funded projects, including but not limited to REC, Europe for Citizens, Justice, Erasmus+ projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are one of the most experienced NGOs in Cyprus, with nearly 50 years of active contribution, can share expertise on topics including gender, sexuality, sexual health and rights, working with youth, minorities and marginalized groups, through activities that include education, formal and non formal, curricula and toolkit development, research, youth work, bottom-up policy development, and advocacy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Establish and strengthen partnerhips, expand our scope of work, networks and collaboration further both locally and regionally but especially to the South of the Mediterranean, exchange practices and share common visions. Opportunities to develop, design, and implement projects contributing toward shared mission and vision of our organisation and our partners.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Epaminonda
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Dora Georgiou

Roles for Social Change Association-ADWAR

National Network

Ain Sara st
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

About the Association: Roles for Social Change Association – ADWAR is nongovernmental Palestinian organisation, which registered with the ministry of Interior since 13/12/2010, under the number: HB-4156-C, affiliated with Ministry of Women Affairs. ADWAR Association established by a group of students from different universities in Hebron district. In which they effectively believe that reaching social justice goes through gender and development approach under occupation, that will reduce the gaps in social, economic and political participation between men, boys, women and girls in Palestine

Mission and Objectives

Vision: A civil and democratic Palestinian society ensures welfare and equity for women, girls, men and boys. Mission: Palestinian community association works towards changing the gender awareness in the Palestinian society, through social, economic and political empowerment for women and girls Objectives: First: To improve Capacity building of Palestinian women and girls along with empowering them socially, to reduce violence against women so they will be capable of active, civic participation and living in a society characterized by social justice. Second: Contributing in empowering the Palestinian women and girls economically, to reduce unemployment as well as providing job opportunities and eliminating all the types of discrimination and gabs based on gender. Third: Contributing in raising the political awareness of the Palestinian women and girls, in addition to encourage them to participate in civil democratic life and to involve in advocacy and lobby decision makers, to ensure fair laws for women. Fourth: To improve the Palestinian society Awareness and capacity building for governmental and nongovernmental organisations about gender’s policies and procedures as well as the importance of gender’s contribution towards Palestinian society welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

spread it in my country

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

exchange experience network with other organization complete our mutual goals

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Sahar Yousef Alkawasmeh
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Dr.Sahar Alkawasmeh
Contact (2) Full Name
LANA Hisham ABu Ajamia
Job Title (2)
office Manager

الاردن_الزرقاء_الزرقاء الجديدة_دوار البتراوي_شارعجوهر الصقلي_عمارة رقم 14

National Network

الزرقاء الزرقاء الجديدة شارع جوهر الصقلي عمارة رقم 14

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

مؤسسة مجتمع مدني غير ربحية، تعنى بتعزيز المساءلة والمشاركة في عملية صنع القرار مرتكزة على مبادئ الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان، كما تعمل المؤسسة على تعزيز التماسك المجتمعي والنوع الاجتماعي من خلال تنفيذ عدد من المشاريع والأنشطة الممولة من منظمات دولية ومحلية.
تعمل المؤسسة بالشراكة مع مختلف القطاعات في الأردن والمنطقة العربية لتحسين فرص مختلف الفئات المجتمعية بالمشاركة الفاعلة في تطوير مجتمعاتهم وتعزيز مساهمتهم في صناعة السياسات والقرارت ذات الصلة.

Mission and Objectives

1-بناء قدرات اصحاب المصلحة للمشاركة في الانتخابات كوسيلة لترسيخ الديمقراطية.
2-التمكين في القضايا الامن الانساني لضمان استدامة التماسك المجتمعي.
3-تعزيز المبادئ القيم المحفزة للمشاركة المجتمعية على مختلف المستويات
4-دعم تمكين النساء والرجال للوصول للعدل بين النوع الاجتماعي

Main Projects / Activities

عمل المركز على تنفيذ خمس مشاريع 1 مشروع شركاء في التغيير "وضع قضايا المراءة على سلم اولويات مجلس المحافظة" 2- مشروع العائلات في العصر الرقمي 3-مشروع تمكين مؤسسات المجتمع المدني المحلية لتعزيز الترابط المجتمعي 4- تمكين السيدات من أجل الحوار5-مشروع تمكين مؤسسات المجتمع المدني لتحسين الاداء البرلماني

كما عمل على عدة مبادرات شبابية

Contact (1) Full Name
محمود رياض احمد الصبيحات
Job Title
مدير مركز نحن نشارك
Head of the organisation
الاستاذ محمود رياض الصبيحات
Contact (2) Full Name
دعاء الدراوشه
Job Title (2)
مسؤول البرامج

Awrad-Clown Me In

National Network

La Pinede Bldg, First floor, Bloc A,
Beirut Hall Street, Sin el Fil

+961 1 499199
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Awrad-Clown Me In consists of 8 part-time staff members and 25 volunteers, with a yearly budget range between $200,000 to $300,000. The main sources of funding come from grants and donations and partner organisations, such as UNICEF, Drosos Foundation, Sesam Foundation, IOM and others. We also partner with local organisations and groups in different regions across Lebanon to implement our projects, since many of them involve large groups and audiences. These partners and funders help us to implement our main projects, which are focused on street theatre and the arts as tools for social change. We also offer many workshops, and more recently opened a school (The International Institute for Very Very Serious Studies) to create a more in-depth and sustainable teaching environment.

Mission and Objectives

Awrad-Clown Me In’s main objective is to provide relief to disadvantaged communities and remote areas in Lebanon and abroad. We use humour, clowning, street theatre and social therapy to shed light on important social, environmental and humanitarian issues. We aim to create direct and lasting social impact through our projects, whether they are immersive street theatre performances or intensive workshops, by addressing difficult themes like migration, human rights, and social responsibility. We also create viral video and social media campaigns on topics like consumption, waste, anti-discrimination and racism (among others) to reach a wider audience. Within Lebanon, we aim to make arts and culture accessible to a wider public by taking our projects outside the capital to rural and/or disadvantaged communities and building bridges between communities through them. Clown Me In has also worked around the world, in Mexican, Lebanese, Palestinian, Indian, Brazilian, Moroccan, Jordanian, Syrian, Greek and British communities.

Main Projects / Activities

IIVVSS (The International Institute for Very Very Serious Studies) – A 7-month training program to develop the skills of experienced artists and send them out to engage with local communities through their field projects.

- CATCH (Creative Arts for CHange) - or CAPE (Creative Arts for Peace and Equality) as it was called last year, for the training of artists/facilitators to give workshops in clowning, puppetry, social therapy and improvisation.

- Clown Tours: yearly tours in which the clowns go to different locations around the country to put on free shows, mostly in rural/disadvantaged communities.

- CRC (Celebrating the Rights of Children) – a touring project around Lebanon, involving a performance and a series of activities at games in the form of different stations centered around the themes of the rights of the child.

- Workshops - short-term workshops in clowning and street theatre

- The Caravan - a project that puts voices of people at the heart of a street theatre performance, through the use of recorded storytelling audio. A touring, participatory street performance dealing with human and children’s rights, built collaboratively by professional theatre makers and non-professionals refugee artists which incorporates recorded interviews conducted with Lebanese people, Palestinian and Syrian refugee populations living in Lebanon.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Awrad-Clown Me In has 12 years of experience in the field, having worked on a multitude of projects, mainly focused on performance and skills-based training.

We are very invested in working with young and vibrant people from different communities. We have given in-depth training in clowning, performance, and storytelling to over 300 people, some of whom are now doing their own projects with our support, or performing to support themselves. Many of these participants have worked to break down barriers within their own communities.

In the course of our performance projects, we have recorded more than 250 personal stories from around Lebanon and beyond and produced ten different performances, including street theater, clown, and storytelling shows that deal with issues such as the importance of education, the dangers of discrimination, and the rights of the child. These shows have been performed more than 500 times in Lebanon, Jordan, and the Balkans, Greece, Germany and other places. Because of this, we have grown our capacity for mobilising large groups of people and uniting them through storytelling and performance, while giving the arts a social and humanitarian role within our work.

As we have worked consistently with transparency, authenticity, and honesty, we have found great appreciation for our ability to affect communities in a positive manner and have formed numerous partnerships and networks within Lebanon and beyond, and believe we can add our skills to the ALF network in this capacity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of ALF’s commitment to inclusive community-building across the EUROMED region through the use of narrative, exchange and empathy, we believe that these principles are perfectly in line with Awrad-Clown Me In’s mission. Being part of such a network is important to us, not only to expand our outreach capabilities, but also to give us a chance to broaden the scope of what our work can bring to the table in terms of cultural exchange and dialogue. We would like to benefit from ALF’s wide network of people and organisations that are working in similar or complementary fields to ours for potential collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabine Choucair
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sabine Choucair

Codici Cooperativa Sociale Onlus

National Network

viale Sondrio 3
20124 Milano MI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Codici has 21 structured employees and 1 internal consultant, all associated members of Codici. The management is in charge of the Board of Direction (2 male members, 3 female members) and of the Assembly of associated members. Since 2018, with the average turnover of 700.000 euros, Codici is implementing around 70 projects each year. Main source of incomes are: public local funds, funds from local and regional philantropic foundations, public tenders for consultant, structural funds from Ministry of Home Affairs (FEI, FAMI), European Programme's funds (REC, JUSTICE, AMIF), direct commitments from third sector organisations. Main modalities of actions: concrete projects at local, regional, national and international level. Main partners: public authorities, social cooperatives providing services for social inclusion/social cohesion/welfare, foundations, youth associations and cultural associations, educational institutions (formal and non formal).

Mission and Objectives

Codici is an independent non-for-profit social research organisation, founded in 2005 in Milan (Italy). It assists public institutions, third sector organizations or private companies, helping them cope with social change. Codici’s researchers and social workers employ the tools of applied social research to analyse emerging social and cultural phenomena, offer consultancies, training courses and technical assistance on specific social topics and policies, support project development and evaluation for innovative social services.
Codici is focused on social intervention, mainly built up by and with all the people involved in the actions. The wide previous experience in management consulting and in methodological supervision implemented by the all the people working in Codici, lead the company to understand how often social organizations and social institutions think, plan, and achieve their actions starting from themselves and their needs, instead of thinking of their users. Codici wants to subvert this way to act, and wants to work in the social field by taking care of people, valorising them as subjects who bring competences, who are able to define their needs, who need a stronger motivation to realise their dreams. The fundamental mission of Codici could be synthetized by a good mix between combining high quality standards for all subjects working with and for the Social Co-operative, to the extreme attention paid to social processes activated by its daily work. Its purpose is to test and implement innovative action projects in the areas of social welfare.

Main Projects / Activities

Migrants, minorities and second generation young people represent one of our main targets of intervention.
Within the Third Countries Integration European Fund, we’ve been working in several national projects involving immigrants, aimed at their social integration, linguistic inclusion, and professional integration throughout various activities such as: action-research, field research, thematic surveys, participative methods of involvement, consultancy groups, focus groups, peer research, field interviews and video documentation.
The specific activity carried out in favour of migrants in Italy consists of four types of interventions:
1. Community mediation and development activities for improving social cohesion processes, integration and civic participation and for the promotion of individual identity and empowerment. This type of intervention was carried out in collaboration with Local Territorial Entities, subjects of the third sector active in the offer of social and socio-educational services.
2. Consultancy and accompanying activities for system actions aimed at migrants, aimed at developing new services, modelling services, improving access for migrants to existing services in the social welfare, socio-health, educational and bureaucratic-administrative fields. This type of intervention was carried out in collaboration with Local Authorities, Healthcare Organizations, third sector subjects active in the provision of social and socio-educational services.
3. Activities of public art and storytelling as a tool for socio-cultural integration: Codici is experienced in the analysis of social processes and develops engagement and intervention strategies with the target of young Italians and foreigners using the tools and communication channels of the arts visual (video reportage with participatory approach), of the media (website, webdocumentary, app for smart phones) and of social networks (Facebook, blog), with the aim of gathering and telling in a participatory and as widely as possible way the stories of life and reference social contexts. Several projects of Codici involved strategies and tools of public art and visual arts, social media and collective storytelling aimed at the integration of third-country nationals and social cohesion, through the European funds for the integration of third-country nationals (FEI 2007-2013, FAMI 2014-2020).
4. Monitoring and evaluation of projects through the use of own methodologies for evaluative research and participatory methodologies. Various interventions have been made in projects aimed at foreign users, both within the framework of the European Fund for the integration of Third Country Nationals, and on the commission of foundations such as Cariplo and Compagnia di San Paolo, concerning the themes of integration policies, community welfare, social inclusion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By joining ALF Codici may contribute to:
1. enriching the network's expertise in social research applied to targeted topic such as intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and social inclusion: Codici is experienced in working side to side with ground based organisations providing facilities and service directly to target groups, and it help them to better understand social change, analyse effective practices, design new methods of intervention, renew their organisational structure according to social change, reinforce their capacity of sharing and exchange know how improving their ability to intercultural dialogue.
2. provide knowledge and inputs on the adoption of participative methods in social work targeting in particular young migrants, non accompanied minors and second generations, according to its several projects and researches carried out.
3. offer expertise for the development of cultural activities as a mean to promote social integration, community development, social and community storytelling and social cohesion. Through the production of cultural products (short films, photography, books, exhibitions in public spaces or diffused museums) we work on past and present stories in order to understand social processes and change. Participative methods and crowd based design of cultural products are our main approach to the storytelling process. Several activities on community memories and collective stories as means of social cohesion have been implemented in specific social and urban context, with a focus on intercultural and intergenerational exchange.
4. make available of the ALF Codici's point of view on intercultural dialogue, on migration processes, on social inclusion policies according to study and researches carried out by Codici in Italy, as well as its network with several stakeholders in the public and private sector of North of Italy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Mainly for 3 reasons:
1. we strongly share and believe in dialogue as a fundamental mean for getting people closer. our identity is strongly connected and generated by meeting and living close to people with different social and cultural background. that's why Codici always encourage dialogue in its daily research projects and interventions on field and train professionals in social field in observing, criticizing, reframing their capacity of getting into dialogue with others. we are part of a wider Mediterranean community, we share social development issues and intercultural processes linked to industrial development, migrations, climate change, globalisation. we wish to be part of the network to have the opportunity to play a more active role in the development of a respectful, rightful and creative Mediterranean identity.
2. we wish to disseminate the approach of social research as a tool for coping with social change and contribute to better shape and design social responses of institutions and third sector organisations, especially considering recent pandemic's impact at global level. we intend to take part in the process of post-pandemic change and re-design of societal challenges that will especially affect relationships, exchange and dialogue between close countries.
3. we would like to increase our knowledge and competences by attending exchanging opportunities between professionals in the field of intercultural dialogue and improve our network of connections with Mediterranean countries. In the field of migration study that Codici carried out, we focused on local situation and on the development of local policies, but what we need to improve is the possibility to involve directly countries from where migrants come from, working on crossborder cooperation among countries around the Mediterranean sea.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
project developer
Head of the organisation
Massimo Conte
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
project developer


National Network

Zaki Aboul Seoud Street, Off Shaheen Street, Building 8
Giza Governorate

+20 110 007 7734
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Eka3 is a music group and business incubator based in Cairo. Eka3 aims to develop the Arabic music landscape by supporting music business startups, and by creating new companies that fill important gaps in the Arabic music industry. Central resource staff includes 5 persons while three others are working on ventures. Typically eka3's main source of income is activities run by ventures, however it relies on fundraising for specific projects from album productions to tours to projects.
As an incubator, the ventures aim to support independent music scene in the Arab region through artist booking, music production, PR and media services, artist management and music publishing. The partners involved include promoters, music venues in the region and outside, the artists, media and media productions.

Mission and Objectives

Eka3 as an incubation organisation is working to support the independent music landscape in the Arab world.
Eka3 Objectives are:
Develop the ecosystem for music industry
Youth empowerment
Increased Productions

Main Projects / Activities

eka3, through its initiatives, has operated in Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, UAE, Tunisia and Morocco with artist in different stages of development.
Almoharek supported their roster of artists to tour the Arab Region and Europe, Mostakell created and sold records online and in physical stores, Simsara has been managing artists and launching PR campaigns to promote their work, Ma3azef is resetting the standards of critique for Arabic music and finally Awyav is publishing the music, creating a new source of income and managing copyrights. Artists working with these initiatives have more time dedicated to the creative process of their work rather than handling the administration of their artistic project, and getting tangled in the political interests of
commercial production.
This combination of activities and services offered has made eka3 influential in independent Arabic music, it network has grown rapidly so has its clients (both artists and
organizations). They have made use of the diversified audiences in the region and Arab diaspora. Also, the initiatives above, benefited from their incubation within eka3 and have become profitable for the entrepreneurs managing it. The success and sustainability of these initiatives subsequently leads to growth in creative economy regionally. Meanwhile, promotional and content creation activities have led to artistic exchange and international collaborations.
The collective efforts of eka3 will continually develop the processes applied in the development of independent music empowering it to become more competitive and commercially

Contact (1) Full Name
May Mostafa
Job Title
Fundraising Manager
Head of the organisation
Tamer AbuGhazaleh

Anka Youth Association

National Network

NO:13 2092/14 STREET
06370 Yenimahalle/Ankara

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ANKA Youth Association was established in 2017 as a youth group with four members and turned into an NGO in 2020 counting now more than 50 members (in 2020). The vision of the group forms around the motto, "We bring the World together." Anka works in the youth field to promote inclusion of young people especially who have fewer opportunities to take an active role in society, communities, and organizations, develop their skills, improve their performance and exchange knowledge in order to face the needs of society and thus effectively contribute to the development of a European field of skills and qualifications. Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. During the year, we work on national and international projects. Main sources are Erasmus+ and ESC. During three years, we joined many international projects which are;
Erasmus + YE Sport for Youth Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + YE 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036458 Workshop for Dreams Association Brainstorm Group
Erasmus+ YE 2017-3-HU01-KA105-046815 Natural Peace Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-FR02-KA105-014248 ARTooLINK Association Fandene Espoir
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-PL01-KA105-050045 Contact Making Seminar - LOCALizer – Erasmus+ projects for local community activation
Erasmus + TC Our World Foundation Understand Autism
Erasmus + YE Youth Exchange for Youth Workers Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia – FYCA
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015549 New Approaches to Youth Employability Alliance pour l'Education et le Droit des Femmes
Erasmus + YE 2019-1-PL01-KA105-061826 Academy of ECO-NOMY MOJE KRZYSZKOWICE
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015603 Promote Inclusion by Art Association Solidarité Handicap France Cameroun
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015786 The Youngsters' Trail D'ANTILLES ET D'AILLEURS
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016138 Win Youth Challenge Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016118 Racism Tools Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus+ TC #TurnYouthONline Coconutwork
Erasmus+ TC 2020-1-KA105-966CF2A1 DigiMigrACT TC Réseau Solidaire & Participatif

We have more than 50 members around Europe and the Mediterranean countries from 32 different countries which we work together for many years. Also, with the two of them, we are planning to apply for the call of Anna Lindth in May 2020. Who are Geyc from Romania (Group of Young people for Change) and from Tunisia: AVER ( Association Voix de l'Enfant Rural).

In the organization, we have 7 people on the board, and in addition to them, we have a project team consist of 5 people.

Mission and Objectives

Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. ANKA’s founder members are university students and new graduates who have expertise in Erasmus+ Projects, and they had experience with all the objectives mentioned above. Therefore, Anka also promotes young youth workers to take an active role in non-formal learning. After they had enough experience and faith, they decided to establish this youth group to reach more and more young people to encourage them and experience all their aims. Anka's team is growing day by day with new volunteers involving the team. Some of the interest areas of Anka are Erasmus+ youth exchanges, training courses, national solidarity corps projects, strategical partnerships in the field of youth, and implementation of those. In short, we promote all young people on a large scale of projects. Anka emphasizes on ensuring fair learning opportunities, encouraging human rights, cultivating the spirit of creativity and improving people's skills, supporting intercultural interaction, promoting the solidarity between young people, information sharing and EU understanding through the active participation of young people and adults in mobility initiatives, entrepreneurship, personal development, developing young people’s awareness in the field of youth work, increasing the interaction between different cultures, raising young people's awareness of obstacles and diverse living styles. Anka is closely linked to numerous public and private organizations at the national and international levels, including non-governmental organizations, universities, enterprises, communities, etc.
ANKA Youth Association is also a member of the PRISMA European Network, a pan-european informal network of organisations active in the youth field and interested to raise the quality of their work through technology. Since 2016, PRISMA European Network adopted EQYP standard of quality in youth work. (

Main Projects / Activities

ANKA Youth Association is mainly working in the field of youth, and inclusion of young people to society to make them active individuals. Anka has a young people profile. To make them involved, we use different methods such as art, sports, drama, languages, non-formal education methods, etc. On a national level, Anka also promotes dialog between local and regional authorities, universities, foundations and other non-governmental organizations dealing with the enhancement of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, digital learning, training, and skills, personal development. With the help of local authorities, Anka conducts activities such as;
• Drama workshops
• Language Courses
• Theatre Workshops
• Sport Sessions: Such as Yoga with the Middle East Technical University Yoga Club
• English Speaking Club
• Environmental Awareness Activities
• Leadership workshops
• Team building activities
• Technological Tools Education workshops with the help of Ankara University Technopolis, etc.

Also, Anka has carried out a series of activities (workshops, seminars, and studies) in the areas of social entrepreneurship, examining skills and competences, human rights and active citizenship, etc. Additionally, volunteer training is regularly organized to promote the value of volunteering, and its team of volunteers counts more than 50 members. Moreover, with the help of different SMEs, Anka is helping young people to create job/internship opportunities. Also, planning leadership workshops. Anka is trying to create new workshop areas/abilities for young people where they will feel more active and leader. As giving leader roles for our workshops, we are creating a base for them to lead a group and to involve them in working life. With their new abilities and involvement in local projects, many of our volunteers found a way to express themselves better, and they found their job path thanks to these local activities.
One of the main objectives of Anka is to promote integration between cultures and counteract violence between cultures in Turkey and other countries. With culture, we mean the individuals.
Besides, one of the main priorities of Anka at the local level is environmental awareness. Since in the area, we work in our local community is in the danger of climate change. We have two lakes and forests in the area. The biggest lake in Ankara, which name is Mogan, is located here. Unfortunately, Mogan lake is in danger of climate change, also pollution, and drought. As young people, who work for society and action, we took the role to maintain the sustainability of our living places. Therefore, we started a project for the long term, which promotes environmental awareness actions inside. It begins from the information sessions in our training center to explain the climate change, the consequences, and actions we should take.
Moreover, we are conducting different environmental activities such as cleaning the forest and the park around the lake with the participation of local volunteers. After these activities, we also started to work on environmental awareness topic deeply. In international level, we had three international youth exchange projects about nature, and environment which are Sports for Youth, Natural Peace, Academy of Economy, which all promoted environmental activities with the help of sports, a music and theatre festival in a local village, healthy life styles, recycling, etc. In national level, As Anka, we have prepared a European Solidarity Corps project in solidarity part in national level, and it includes monthly workshops, planting activities, covered climate change, eco-business ideas, organic farming, cleaning activities, and voluntary activities in local level with our team members.
Additionally, Art is the way to make our volunteers involved; we usually use art since it is the way to include young people more into society. Art is the way of impression, contact, sport, health, and thought. Art makes people imagine more and live comradely. Due to this reason, Anka is trying to involve more young people in their workshops at the national level. Anka is creating drama and music workshops in their office often.
Moreover, volunteers are chosen to lead many workshops. Many of our volunteers know how to play different musical instruments. Also, we are working with the Middle East Technical University’s Modern Arts Department and having their help for our national workshops. Mostly we are involving college students in our workshops. Moreover, we are working and promoting the METU Musical Team which they create musical shows. With the help of our national project and the collaboration with METU, we are trying to create new areas for young people where they will feel more active and leader.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the national level, we have many weekly and yearly activities that promote the inclusion of young people. As some of the activities explained in above question, we want from our volunteers to take active roles in the event and manage those events to promote a way for leading and entrepreneurship. Since, ALF Network also promotes youth and education; as well as culture, arts, and peace, we know that we will be contributing the AFL Network's priorities at the regional level. Moreover, we will broaden our national activities with the contribution of ALF. In the international level, we aim to work with the Mediterranean countries to promote culture, diversity, and peace. We would like to create partnerships and projects, also new campaigns to promote those idealities. Therefore, this will help the activeness of Turkey in the field and in the network. Moreover, with our national volunteers, some of them belong to the Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, we would like to create an international bridge volunteer team which will create monthly activities such as cultural nights, exhibitions, movie nights related with other cultures, etc. This will also promote the values of the network. In addition for those information, we are very active in digital sector and working in cooperation with Ankara University Technopolis. We would organise digitalisation courses with the help of technopolis for all network members and therefore increase the quality of NGO work in Turkey. Moreover, since we work with university very closely, we have the chance to reach many young people in our training center in technopolis area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a youth NGO, and as an internationally active NGO, we work mostly with the topics of cultural dialog, inclusion and peace. Even in the regional level, we have lots of volunteers who belong to foreign cultures or countries. Since ALF strives to create a dialogue and bridge for diversity and coexistence; promotes coexistence and diversity, we would like to join as a new diversity to the network to promote these priorities. Moreover, since we are planning to apply for the call of CALL FOR PROPOSALS ON INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE INITIATIVES of Anna Lindth, we decided that also joining the network will be a positive asset for us for the future activities. Thanks to GEYC and AVER, who are our partner organizations also promoted us to apply for the AFL Network. After joining the network, we plan to involve the calls and activities also as coordinator and an official member. Moreover, we would like to broaden our network to more Mediterranean countries because we mainly work with European countries and the cooperation between the Mediterranean region is limited in our main working area. However, as quite close countries, and while sharing common needs and goals, to enrich our network and plans for young people will be easier and more professional with Anna Lindth Foundation Network. . As a youth NGO, and as active youth workers, we know that one of the best ways to create a network for diversity, and intercultural dialog is belonging the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Job Title
Project Manager / Head
Head of the organisation
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhammed Barış
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Anka Youth Association

National Network

NO:13 2092/14 STREET
06370 Yenimahalle/Ankara

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ANKA Youth Association was established in 2017 as a youth group with four members and turned into an NGO in 2020 counting now more than 50 members (in 2020). The vision of the group forms around the motto, "We bring the World together." Anka works in the youth field to promote inclusion of young people especially who have fewer opportunities to take an active role in society, communities, and organizations, develop their skills, improve their performance and exchange knowledge in order to face the needs of society and thus effectively contribute to the development of a European field of skills and qualifications. Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. During the year, we work on national and international projects. Main sources are Erasmus+ and ESC. During three years, we joined many international projects which are;
Erasmus + YE Sport for Youth Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + YE 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036458 Workshop for Dreams Association Brainstorm Group
Erasmus+ YE 2017-3-HU01-KA105-046815 Natural Peace Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-FR02-KA105-014248 ARTooLINK Association Fandene Espoir
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-PL01-KA105-050045 Contact Making Seminar - LOCALizer – Erasmus+ projects for local community activation
Erasmus + TC Our World Foundation Understand Autism
Erasmus + YE Youth Exchange for Youth Workers Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia – FYCA
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015549 New Approaches to Youth Employability Alliance pour l'Education et le Droit des Femmes
Erasmus + YE 2019-1-PL01-KA105-061826 Academy of ECO-NOMY MOJE KRZYSZKOWICE
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015603 Promote Inclusion by Art Association Solidarité Handicap France Cameroun
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015786 The Youngsters' Trail D'ANTILLES ET D'AILLEURS
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016138 Win Youth Challenge Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016118 Racism Tools Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus+ TC #TurnYouthONline Coconutwork
Erasmus+ TC 2020-1-KA105-966CF2A1 DigiMigrACT TC Réseau Solidaire & Participatif

We have more than 50 members around Europe and the Mediterranean countries from 32 different countries which we work together for many years. Also, with the two of them, we are planning to apply for the call of Anna Lindth in May 2020. Who are Geyc from Romania (Group of Young people for Change) and from Tunisia: AVER ( Association Voix de l'Enfant Rural).

In the organization, we have 7 people on the board, and in addition to them, we have a project team consist of 5 people.

Mission and Objectives

Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. ANKA’s founder members are university students and new graduates who have expertise in Erasmus+ Projects, and they had experience with all the objectives mentioned above. Therefore, Anka also promotes young youth workers to take an active role in non-formal learning. After they had enough experience and faith, they decided to establish this youth group to reach more and more young people to encourage them and experience all their aims. Anka's team is growing day by day with new volunteers involving the team. Some of the interest areas of Anka are Erasmus+ youth exchanges, training courses, national solidarity corps projects, strategical partnerships in the field of youth, and implementation of those. In short, we promote all young people on a large scale of projects. Anka emphasizes on ensuring fair learning opportunities, encouraging human rights, cultivating the spirit of creativity and improving people's skills, supporting intercultural interaction, promoting the solidarity between young people, information sharing and EU understanding through the active participation of young people and adults in mobility initiatives, entrepreneurship, personal development, developing young people’s awareness in the field of youth work, increasing the interaction between different cultures, raising young people's awareness of obstacles and diverse living styles. Anka is closely linked to numerous public and private organizations at the national and international levels, including non-governmental organizations, universities, enterprises, communities, etc.
ANKA Youth Association is also a member of the PRISMA European Network, a pan-european informal network of organisations active in the youth field and interested to raise the quality of their work through technology. Since 2016, PRISMA European Network adopted EQYP standard of quality in youth work. (

Main Projects / Activities

ANKA Youth Association is mainly working in the field of youth, and inclusion of young people to society to make them active individuals. Anka has a young people profile. To make them involved, we use different methods such as art, sports, drama, languages, non-formal education methods, etc. On a national level, Anka also promotes dialog between local and regional authorities, universities, foundations and other non-governmental organizations dealing with the enhancement of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, digital learning, training, and skills, personal development. With the help of local authorities, Anka conducts activities such as;
• Drama workshops
• Language Courses
• Theatre Workshops
• Sport Sessions: Such as Yoga with the Middle East Technical University Yoga Club
• English Speaking Club
• Environmental Awareness Activities
• Leadership workshops
• Team building activities
• Technological Tools Education workshops with the help of Ankara University Technopolis, etc.

Also, Anka has carried out a series of activities (workshops, seminars, and studies) in the areas of social entrepreneurship, examining skills and competences, human rights and active citizenship, etc. Additionally, volunteer training is regularly organized to promote the value of volunteering, and its team of volunteers counts more than 50 members. Moreover, with the help of different SMEs, Anka is helping young people to create job/internship opportunities. Also, planning leadership workshops. Anka is trying to create new workshop areas/abilities for young people where they will feel more active and leader. As giving leader roles for our workshops, we are creating a base for them to lead a group and to involve them in working life. With their new abilities and involvement in local projects, many of our volunteers found a way to express themselves better, and they found their job path thanks to these local activities.
One of the main objectives of Anka is to promote integration between cultures and counteract violence between cultures in Turkey and other countries. With culture, we mean the individuals.
Besides, one of the main priorities of Anka at the local level is environmental awareness. Since in the area, we work in our local community is in the danger of climate change. We have two lakes and forests in the area. The biggest lake in Ankara, which name is Mogan, is located here. Unfortunately, Mogan lake is in danger of climate change, also pollution, and drought. As young people, who work for society and action, we took the role to maintain the sustainability of our living places. Therefore, we started a project for the long term, which promotes environmental awareness actions inside. It begins from the information sessions in our training center to explain the climate change, the consequences, and actions we should take.
Moreover, we are conducting different environmental activities such as cleaning the forest and the park around the lake with the participation of local volunteers. After these activities, we also started to work on environmental awareness topic deeply. In international level, we had three international youth exchange projects about nature, and environment which are Sports for Youth, Natural Peace, Academy of Economy, which all promoted environmental activities with the help of sports, a music and theatre festival in a local village, healthy life styles, recycling, etc. In national level, As Anka, we have prepared a European Solidarity Corps project in solidarity part in national level, and it includes monthly workshops, planting activities, covered climate change, eco-business ideas, organic farming, cleaning activities, and voluntary activities in local level with our team members.
Additionally, Art is the way to make our volunteers involved; we usually use art since it is the way to include young people more into society. Art is the way of impression, contact, sport, health, and thought. Art makes people imagine more and live comradely. Due to this reason, Anka is trying to involve more young people in their workshops at the national level. Anka is creating drama and music workshops in their office often.
Moreover, volunteers are chosen to lead many workshops. Many of our volunteers know how to play different musical instruments. Also, we are working with the Middle East Technical University’s Modern Arts Department and having their help for our national workshops. Mostly we are involving college students in our workshops. Moreover, we are working and promoting the METU Musical Team which they create musical shows. With the help of our national project and the collaboration with METU, we are trying to create new areas for young people where they will feel more active and leader.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the national level, we have many weekly and yearly activities that promote the inclusion of young people. As some of the activities explained in above question, we want from our volunteers to take active roles in the event and manage those events to promote a way for leading and entrepreneurship. Since, ALF Network also promotes youth and education; as well as culture, arts, and peace, we know that we will be contributing the AFL Network's priorities at the regional level. Moreover, we will broaden our national activities with the contribution of ALF. In the international level, we aim to work with the Mediterranean countries to promote culture, diversity, and peace. We would like to create partnerships and projects, also new campaigns to promote those idealities. Therefore, this will help the activeness of Turkey in the field and in the network. Moreover, with our national volunteers, some of them belong to the Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, we would like to create an international bridge volunteer team which will create monthly activities such as cultural nights, exhibitions, movie nights related with other cultures, etc. This will also promote the values of the network. In addition for those information, we are very active in digital sector and working in cooperation with Ankara University Technopolis. We would organise digitalisation courses with the help of technopolis for all network members and therefore increase the quality of NGO work in Turkey. Moreover, since we work with university very closely, we have the chance to reach many young people in our training center in technopolis area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a youth NGO, and as an internationally active NGO, we work mostly with the topics of cultural dialog, inclusion and peace. Even in the regional level, we have lots of volunteers who belong to foreign cultures or countries. Since ALF strives to create a dialogue and bridge for diversity and coexistence; promotes coexistence and diversity, we would like to join as a new diversity to the network to promote these priorities. Moreover, since we are planning to apply for the call of CALL FOR PROPOSALS ON INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE INITIATIVES of Anna Lindth, we decided that also joining the network will be a positive asset for us for the future activities. Thanks to GEYC and AVER, who are our partner organizations also promoted us to apply for the AFL Network. After joining the network, we plan to involve the calls and activities also as coordinator and an official member. Moreover, we would like to broaden our network to more Mediterranean countries because we mainly work with European countries and the cooperation between the Mediterranean region is limited in our main working area. However, as quite close countries, and while sharing common needs and goals, to enrich our network and plans for young people will be easier and more professional with Anna Lindth Foundation Network. . As a youth NGO, and as active youth workers, we know that one of the best ways to create a network for diversity, and intercultural dialog is belonging the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Job Title
Project Manager / Head
Head of the organisation
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhammed Barış
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Wunderwelten - Verein zur Förderung von Inspiration, Kreativität und Potentialentfaltung

National Network

Kranzmayerstraße 61c
9020 Klagenfurt

+43 650 6348883
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are a private assisiation developing education and courses for youngsters and people who are willing to develop themselves towards a great person they are. We apply for EU-funds and have seminars in the field of personal development. Our main partners are a local radio station (Radio Agora) and other organisations based around the world. As the president Sabrina Schifrer is active in the field since 10 years we already have a wide network of organisations that have similar values around the world.

Mission and Objectives

-to create an environment where everybody can experience their strenghts and find out it's potential

- development of education programms for youngsters in the field of personal development.
- create spaces for finding out new missions and create partner networks

Main Projects / Activities

- courses for youngsters in the field of self development
- network meetings

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can easily be a bridge towards other organisations in the south of Austria. We can realise events in nature and wonderful environment for groups from cities. We have 10 years experience in international cooperation and can develop training programms and new form of work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I was already part of it in my function as president in the Verein zur Förderung von Kulturaustausch und Nachhaltigkeit in Europa - now I created a new organisatin and as the cooperation was always fruitful I am happy to join the network with the recently created organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sabrina Schifrer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sabrina Schifrer
Contact (2) Full Name
Karl Bader
Job Title (2)