National Network
Slovak Republic

Cizmarska 782/3
07801 Secovce

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

EDU 4 U is a non-governmental organization- association that was established to support and satisfy the educational, social and cultural needs of different target groups.The aim of the organization is to provide and promote the activities on local, national and international level in the field of education, social and cultural activities as well as to promote friendly relationship with foreign countries. The organization works in the eastern part of Slovakia.
Our organization was established to enable different target groups to develop their personalities and become active in the society they live in.
The key persons of our organization are active in the field of education. They also have experiences in international projects as being the members of the project team. As all key staff are active in working with the youth they especially focus on the activities to promote effective and useful spending free time. The key staff is active in the field of formal education as well as in non-formal education as they provide activities for spending free time of the youth. They are the people who have experiences with organizing cultural, social and sport activities.

Mission and Objectives

The activities of our organization are divided into the following groups:
1. Education and after school activities
- to promote aktivities and education on different levels as well as lifelong education in different fields,
- to promote education of disabled and disadvantaged groups,
- to promote e-learning as an important educational tool,
- to promote education and create opportunities for marginal groups,
- to organize cultural, social and sport activities leading to the global education, development, cooperation and help,
- to promote cultural, sport and art activities,
- to create conditions and backgrounds for tourism and services and to promote our region.
2. Health protection and well-being:
-to promote healthy lifestyle and prevent illnesses through education,
-to promote safe and friendly educational environment and fight bullying.
3. Development of social responsibility:
-to promote democratic principles and values,
- to promote communication and dialogue in community,
- to promote communication and cooperation on national as well as international level in different fields of life.

Main Projects / Activities

EDU 4 U promotes international cooperation and intercultural dialogue, guidance and counselling in personal and professional life as well as it makes the bridge between the education and labour market by adopting innovative methods of education and providing second chance education and requalification.
EDU 4 U cooperates and promotes collaboration with and among schools, leisure centres, sport clubs, labour offices and municipal authorities. It encourages different social classes (seniors, unemployed people, marginal groups) to spend their free time effectively and meaningfully. It provides the opportunity for all no matter the age, gender, social, religional and political background.
EDU 4 U pays special attention to the people that are disadvantaged from geographical, social, cultural or medical point of view.
EDU 4 U also provides cooperation between schools and future potential employers with the aim to reduce unemployment.
EDU 4 U provides activities for the youth with the aim to prevent negative social phenomena like early school leaving, crime, violence and addictions. It encourages the youth to spend their free time actively, effectively and usefuly to develop their personality in many aspects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our association contributes to the understanding of European citizenship and encourages principles of building united Europe. It actively contributes to the development of the regions, but also to the development of tourism, while maintaining the principles of sustainable development. In 2018 we established MasterPeace club Slovakia as the part of MasterPeace organization which enables us to cooperate beyond Europe.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to start cooperation with the partners outside Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucia Mikulova
Job Title
legal representative
Head of the organisation
Lucia Mikulova


National Network

Calle Guardia Civil 21, esc 2, pta 9
46020 Valencia Valencia

+34 629452614
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

IFESCOOP is a non-profit cooperative which cooperates with the regional and local Public Administration (Regional Government and City Municipalities), Social Partners (Trade Unions and Employers Associations), as well as many other institutions and organisations in different fields, mainly related to adult education and vocational training.
IFESCOOP provides education for different target groups, where priority is given to specific disadvantaged groups such as migrants, women, youth, disadvantaged people, children, etc.
Number of staff employed: 6
Budget 2019: 108.084,67 €
Sources of funding: mainly European projects
Actions: pilot projects, exchanges, trainings and seminars, mobilities

Mission and Objectives

As a training provider, IFESCOOP offers tailor-made training programmes for developing and upgrading skills and professional qualifications of workers and unemployed people, thus improving their employment opportunities and supporting their personal and professional development.
Important part of the company´s activities is the performance of market analyses for matching needs and requirements to current training offers, skills and competences needed for successful realisation on the labour market. With a lot of experience working in the entrepreneurship field.
IFESCOOP participates very actively in public policies, like training plans (VET), initiatives to prevent the early school leaving, through the validation or recognition of skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning, promoting media literacy and online safety, improving the social cohesion and equal opportunities, etc.
IFESCOOP encourages social commitment and integration, awakening young peoples’ critical abilities and their awareness of social problems, trying to engage them in the process of learning and promoting youth leadership and quality work.
IFESCOOP also promotes initiatives to increase the diversity of young participants through the actions carried out by the Spanish Youth Council, which include offering spaces for reflection, joint work, training, dialogue with public authorities and State institutions, and carrying out the systematisation of the experience of the organised youth movement, opening new channels and channels of action.
The company benefits from the experience of its founders and collaborators: Experts in vocational training and adult education with more than 30 years of experience in the area; Trainers and training programmes designers; IT specialists; Web designers; Experts in project management and implementation at regional, national and European level.

Main Projects / Activities

At regional and local level, IFESCOOP cooperates with different organisations and institutions and has established working networks and collaborations that can be used for the dissemination and exploitation of projects results and products.
At European level, IFESCOOP cooperates with the European Network «EURORESO», which includes 63 organisations from 30 different European countries. This has a clear strategic value for dissemination. The projects, their results and products can be easily disseminated within the network members and also they can cooperate in further dissemination through their own channels at national and local level. More information:
IFESCOOP has participated in 12 European projects dealing with young people, arts and mental health, children, migrants, refugees, language skills, integration, intercultural skills, disabled people, elderly.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Using our knowledge and experience for empowering young people, promoting a more inclusive society, improving the integration of disadvantaged groups like young people, NEETs, women, migrants, refugees.
Encouraging the democratic participation of citizens at every level.
Promoting interculturality, diversity, integration, equality, human rights.
Through all our educational resources.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that networking is very important.
ALF is an international organisation whose objectives fit very well with the main purpose of IFESCOOP and our projects could have an added value within the network.
We would be very happy to join it and start working together with other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Partners We Are in Lebanon (PartnersLebanon)

National Network

Mar Elias Street - Tallet el Khayat Building - 2nd floor
Beirut 1105

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

PartnersLebanon, a member of the Partners Global network, was established in 2017 as registered nongovernmental organization. We infuse arts programming with conflict mediation tools to bridge cultural divides, re-inject the historical memory of heritage, and cultivate a sense of unity and belonging in Lebanese communities. By using arts as a tool for grassroots conflict management, PartnersLebanon promotes sustainable peace, especially among youth, so they may pass this sense of cohesion on to future generations.

Mission and Objectives


PartnersLebanon has a vision for a Lebanon where its diverse communities coexist in harmony and dignity with a shared sense of identity and belonging above all ideologies and beliefs; collaborating towards achieving and sustaining peace, prosperity and inclusion.


PartnersLebanon uses creativity to bridge divides; empower women and youth; and, promote sustainable development. Through our programming, we bring together different actors and diverse perspectives to connect on a deeper level through the transformative power of the arts for social change.

Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With Arts and Culture as our priority reinforcement approach, we recognize that our focus on individual relationships through music and personal well-being (such as mindfulness practices) is only part of a process of lasting social change. PartnersLebanon is committed to linking our programs with broader societal change initiatives that are focused on improving good governance and responsiveness to the needs of marginalized populations. We will connect with advocacy networks, such as the ALF Network in Lebanon, to ensure access to the stories and needs of our community constituents. We will also use the creative content and channels we develop in collaboration with like-minded peers to promote advocacy messages for long-term positive change in Lebanon.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PartnersLebanon's aims and objectives are in full agreement and alignment with those of the ALF Network members.

We constantly seek to collaborate with impactful change-makers, exchange knowledge and expertise promoting successful forms of narratives for peace; empowering and guiding youth towards creating positive change in our societies; mitigating social conflicts, bridging social divides created by the past decades of civil war in our country; and strengthening resiliency and determination against all levels of discrimination and social injustice.

We eagerly look forward to mutual productive engagements in the near future.

Contact (1) Full Name
May Farid Nasr
Job Title
Founding/Executive Director
Head of the organisation
May Nasr
Contact (2) Full Name
Carole Hawa Charro
Job Title (2)
Administrative Officer

Center for Gender Equality and History (KIIF)

National Network

Riga Feraiou 26
Apartment 301
1087 Nicosia

00357 99293800
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Center for Gender Equality & History (KIIF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 2017 with the aim to promote research-based knowledge and action for gender equality. Main sources of funding during the three years of our existence have been grants earned by the Erasmus+ Programme, and by national agents such as the Research and Innovation Foundation. Our activities vary from research and education to one-off events, forming policy recommendations through structured dialogue, empowering communities, and building synergies/networks. We are also interested in integrating arts, culture, and creativity, into our work, as well as exploring story-telling as a tool/methodology for connection, empowerment and reflection. KIIF is governed by an annual General Meeting of its members which elects a Board of Directors consisting of nine volunteer members. At this stage, the permanent personnel (paid staff) consists of two persons, a scientific Director of the Center and a Project Coordinator - Researcher.

Mission and Objectives

KIIF aims to promote research-based knowledge and action for gender equality, including women and LGBTQI+ rights, following the principles of inclusiveness, mutual respect, and dialogue. KIIF’s approach puts emphasis on the empowerment of women, men and all genders to play a positive role as individual and social actors towards a global society of inclusion, equality, peace, and democracy. The special emphasis on history, as a separate pylon of KIIF's activity, derives from the depressing invisibility of gender and women’s history in Cyprus, and from understanding that stories, memories and narratives are part of one’s individual and collective present. KIIF’s aspiration is to help gendered and women's stories and voices to be heard and used as tools towards empowerment and reflection. The aim is to advance our understanding of the present of gender relations and contribute to the shaping of the future by better understanding the roots of patriarchy, homophobia, gender hierarchies etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The main forms of activities organized by the Center for Gender Equality and History (KIIF) include scientific research on gender issues, educational projects, one-off events, workshops, structured dialogue, forming policy recommendations, empowering communities, and building synergies and networks between communities. We are also interested in integrating arts, culture, and creativity, into our work as well as exploring methodologies of story-telling as a tool for connection, empowerment and reflection. Some of our large-scale projects include the making of an online, open archive on the modern and contemporary history of Cypriot women (; the development of an online educational toolkit on gender education targeting teenage boys (; and a structured dialogue youth project for gender equality in the family ( 

Contact (1) Full Name
Thekla Kyritsi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Thekla Kyritsi (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Magdalene Antreou

AITR - Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile

National Network

Via Cufra 29
20159 Milan MI

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

AITR is a non-governmental and non-profit association; AITR was funded in 1998 and has almost 100 members
operating in the tourist sectors, such as cultural cooperatives, tour operators, NGOs, small local associations and
publishing companies.

Mission and Objectives

AITR is inspired by ethical and democratic principles and so promotes and coordinates
activities that support a tourism that is responsible, sustainable and ethical. It aims to raise
awareness among citizens, promote lifestyles and a consumerism that is fair to all involved.

Main Projects / Activities

- international development cooperation projects
- training and dissemination
- awareness raising activities
- promotion of the touristic offer in Italy and in international networks
- exchange of good practices among AITR's members

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maurizio Davolio
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maurizio Davolio

Oriel ETS

National Network

Via San Silvestro 3
37062 Verona VR

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Oriel was founded in 2017 and its main office is in the province of Verona, Italy. Despite
the fact the association is quite young, the founders and the key staff have several years of
experience in the youth work field.
The mission of the association is to promote the active participation of young people in
their local communities and to give them the chance and the tools to exploit fully their
potential and to provide them a support in discovering their path and to develop their skills,
by using non-formal education and intercultural learning methods. To pursue these goals
Oriel organizes cultural events, seminars, workshops and study sessions to promote
mostly creativity, entrepreneurship, youth employment, volunteering, youth democratic
participation but also about several different topics according to need and situations.
During the events of Oriel, youth are encouraged to share experiences and ideas and the
youth workers act in order to foster social integration, active youth participation and to
transmit the necessary and requested information for the youth to develop their ideas and
to fulfill their learning needs.
Nowadays our association counts more than 100 members.
Since his birth, Oriel association has tried to build network with other local like-minded
-CPS ONG, an organization founded in 1974 with the mission to improve the world,
particularly in the south of it, in african and south american vulnerable countries.
-Progettomondo.mlal, an ONG created in 1966 in order to support sustainable
development and global education.
-The Eurodesks in the region of Veneto, a group of organizations with the mission to communicate and raise awareness about European opportunities.
- Europiamo? – an informal Italian network of organisations involved with the Programme
Erasmus +, that has as a goal to create young ambassadors for a more participative,
sustainable and involved idea of Europe.
- The youth departments of the municipalities of Padova, Schio, Valdagno, Brescia

Mission and Objectives

For the building of an ideal peaceful world we try to build connections with several
organizations around the world that are active in the field of supporting people in different
ways (like teaching them a work, some foreign languages, give them different tools,
improving rural areas while keeping their identity, supporting sustainable long term
development strategies etc.).
We are also committed to provide volunteering opportunities to our members among our
network of partner organizations. We strongly believe that those experience can be a very
efficient way to acquire those skills which are often requested when it comes the time to
enter in the labor market or even better, being prepared for jobs that are not existing yet.
And, of course, for having a better awareness about what it´s going on in our world and
moreover for taking an active role as conscious active citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Oriel provides several training courses to the local community about human rights, gender
issues, entrepreneurship, health care and sustainable development, focusing especially on
the social aspect and on the long-term sustainability one should point at while developing
his/her ideas.
We use hiking and improvisation theatre as a tool for developing the leadership, self-esteem,
inclusion among our Youth. Meditation is also for us an important practice for raising our
awareness. We are accredited as EVS/ESC sending organization even though our main
volunteering activities are not financed through the Erasmus+ program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are part of a national network called Europiamo.
We work together with other organizations that deal with young people all around Italy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We recognize ourselves in the purpose of the ALF Network and we want to add our "touch" and values to it.
And merge in one, together with all the other organizations of the Network.

The Intercultural Dialogue in between several "different" countries is the key that we need in order to build a better world and understand through different folks.

With our people that can truly open their eyes and hearts to the so called "strangers". Because we're all equal.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sillian Ferrari
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Sillian Ferrari
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuel Berto
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Europiamo ETS

National Network

Via Proba Pretonia 43
00136 Roma RM

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Europiamo is the Italian meeting point between young ambassadors of European mobility and active stakeholders operating in the youth sector. We directly involve both young people under 30 and NGOs active in the mobility field. We count on 8 local member organisations (among them Scambieuropei and Nous) who are also active at European level through Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, and more than 20 "Giovani Ambasciatori Europei".

We were established in January 2020 but we can count on a two-years development phase and on the expertise of NGOs active in the youth field for more than 10 years.
We just submitted a Youth Dialogue project (developed in 13 Italian regions) and we wish to combine pilot activities, social media campaigns, training and exchanges, digital tools and processes of structured dialogue.

We are in close contact with European youth networks and key actors in Italy, including Europe Direct and Eurodesk.

Mission and Objectives

Europiamo, as a national youth-led network, strives for a more direct and inspiring involvement of young people in decision making processes at local, regional, national and European level.
Our vision is "Together for a more inclusive, sustainable and participatory Europe" while our mission is to bring the new generations closer to European opportunities and support the development of a personal connection to European citizenship. To do so we promote the participation of young people in civil society, we share good practices among the actors involved and we advocate to determine policy progresses and to protect our members' interests.

The organisation pursues the following core objectives:
a) To promote European citizenship, supporting personal and professional growth of young people through European mobility opportunities.
b) To represent the needs and proposals of our associates towards the interested institutions.
c) To connect the realities that work in the world of European mobility, with the aim of sharing good practices and favoring moments of productive networking.

Main Projects / Activities

The network Europiamo was lunched in early January 2020 but it can count on a two years-process that led to its foundation. We managed to dialogue with and involve young people from all around the country, to support the introduction of the EuroPeers network in Italy, to create a space for mutual dialogue and active collaboration among beneficiaries organisations (implementing EU funded projects) and to finally launch the forum of the network, participated by "Giovani Ambasciatori Europei", who are inspiring and energetic examples for their peers.

We have already set two work areas for the next months that are related and strongly beneficial for this application:

- Project development area:
We have started to support informal groups of young people interested to develop solidarity projects (ESC31) at local and regional level, proposing expert coaches and giving useful feedbacks on the project management side. We have also planned a civil society project and a Europe for Citizens proposal, related to civic engagement and democratic participation.

- Partnerships area
We are already in contact and working with EuSN, ESN Italy, AEGEE Europe, GFE Italia, the European Youth Card Association, Europe Direct contact points around the country and the Eurodesk network, among other important actors. We are also in contact with the Italian Youth Council.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We combine the strong motivation and the energy of Young European Ambassadors with the experience and competences of NGOs active in the youth field. Among these, Associazione Eufemia and Nous often develop initiatives that target hate speech, the inclusion of minorities and intercultural dialogue between multiple European and partner countries.
We already have a fair network of contacts in the civil society as well as in local and regional administrations and we are committed to respect the fundamental human rights, equality between genders, social inclusion, the promotion of a mental and physical wellness among several key pillars. We wish to extend the awareness on the European Youth Goals and to offer young people from Italy and many other countries learning opportunities that defend and promote these crucial values.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we firmly believe and strive for inclusive, sustainable and participative societies.
We aim at empowering young people at local, national and international level and we look forward to dialogue with policy makers so to create more youth friendly, ambitious and forward-looking policies in our country. We value the potential of young leaders as proactive actors that can determine a positive change in our communities, we are interested in launching researches and conduct studies that better understand the current dynamics that influence our daily work.
Most of all, we wish to learn and grow in the ALF network by building long-lasting partnerships and disseminating the already developed good practices by its members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Matteo Sisto
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Matteo Sisto
Contact (2) Full Name
Gianluca Rossino
Job Title (2)
Executive director

Human Rights Voice Lithuania

National Network

Pasvalio g. 13
41132 Biržai Lithuania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Žmogaus teisių balsas (Human Rights Voice Lithuania) is a think tank dedicated to educating the public about human rights in Lithuania and the world, conducting research and making recommendations for improving the human rights situation. Organization is governed by director. It is supported by 9 volunteers and collaborates with partners from NGO sector, academics and governmental institutions. Sources of funding contain grants funded by European Commission, fees for researches and seminars. The organisation activities include research projects, cusultations, seminars and advocacy for human rights. Main partners are NGOs from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and Bulgaria.

Mission and Objectives

To employ legal knowledge and experience to strengthen human rights situation. Share human rights education tools and measures with other organisations and intitutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Anne Frank Youth Network implementation and coordination in Lithuania. (human rights education). Human Rights Guide - coordination in Lithuania. (human rights news portal) coordination.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Human Rights Voice Lithuania will contribute to the Network through human rights education and reserach, human rights communication skills and experiance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giedrė Šėmytė
Head of the organisation
Giedrė Šėmytė
Contact (2) Full Name
Agne Vitkute
Job Title (2)

la Klé

National Network

35 avenue du Pont Juvénal
34000 Montpellier

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

●●● Le travail de recherche et de développement en amont a donc été effectué par le Kosmopôle, sur les compétences duquel est adossée l'association la Klé.
Le Kosmopôle est un organisme de formation linguistique, enregistré auprès des autorités compétentes en France (la DIRECCTE), reconnu par Pôle emploi comme un de ses prestataires de formation sur l'interface Kairos, et dont la démarche a été reconnue conforme aux exigences du décret sur la qualité de la formation professionnelle. Les 6 indicateurs :

• l’identification précise des objectifs de la formation et son adaptation au public formé
• l’adaptation des dispositifs d’accueil, de suivi pédagogique et d’évaluation aux publics de stagiaires
• l’adéquation des moyens pédagogiques, techniques et d’encadrement à l’offre de formation
• la qualification professionnelle et la formation continue des personnels chargés des formations
• les conditions d’information du public sur l’offre de formation, ses délais d’accès et les résultats obtenus
• la prise en compte des appréciations rendues par les stagiaires

ont également été validés par les examinateurs indépendants de la plateforme Datadock.

Le Kosmopôle est alors le garant reconnu de la rigueur pédagogique du projet Komunikado.

Mission and Objectives

(english) ●●●…

(french) ●●●…

L’enjeu : (le critère de sélection) « aspirer à contribuer au renforcement de la coopération, l’intégration, la paix et le développement durable dans la région euro-méditerranéenne et démontrer un impact significatif pour les habitants de la région »

Le jeu ●●● Le Komunikado : améliore la compréhension interculturelle, à travers son socle de connaissances sur les langues euro-méditerranéennes, et accroît l’appétence pour les échanges régionaux, à travers les interactions qu’il suscite. Les créateurs du Komunikado sont convaincus que cette ouverture est un pas vers l'acceptation de l'altérité culturelle, et donc un vecteur de rapprochement et de pacification des relations entre les peuples.

L’enjeu : (le critère de sélection) « respecter les principes et règles du droit international et de la coopération au développement, en tenant compte du principe de la géométrie variable »

Le jeu ●●● Le Komunikado : est un jeu, puis un outil pédagogique. Il est en tous points un exemple intégrateur et fédérateur des efforts collaboratifs des communautés humaines. Le Kosmopôle, initiateur et coordinateur du projet, accepte bien sûr les règles du jeu, et avance ses pions dans le respect et la coopération.
L’enjeu : (le critère de sélection) « être un sujet régional, sous régional, de nature transnationale ou nationale mis en œuvre dans un pays, dans le cadre d’une initiative régionale »

Le jeu ●●● Le Komunikado : l’éducation est un thème prioritaire pour l’UpM, le Komunikado est proposé dans un cadre rassemblant, idéalement, tous ses membres. L’ambition est que chaque établissement scolaire de chaque pays membre dispose d’un accès aux connaissances comprises dans le jeu d’une part, aux outils et aux méthodes pédagogiques d’autre part. Les partenariats sont alors multiples et polymorphes.

L’enjeu : (le critère de sélection) « faire preuve de valeur ajoutée et de complémentarité avec les efforts et initiatives existants, en restant cohérents avec les stratégies locales, nationales et/ou régionales et avoir un potentiel de réplication et d’élargissement de la dimension régionale »

Le jeu ●●● Le Komunikado : est tout simplement un produit inédit à l’échelle mondiale, dont la valeur ajoutée ne se limite pas à la seule innovation pédagogique, et réside par ailleurs dans ses démarches collaboratives, mutualistes et accompagnatrices, qui permettent une appropriation locale par chaque partenaire, en lien avec ses compétences et ses besoins.

L’enjeu : (le critère de sélection) « inclure un engagement communautaire efficace, des consultations avec les parties prenantes et les processus participatifs adéquats »

Le jeu ●●● Le Komunikado : traduit ces principes en supports spécifiques, avec une typologie adaptée des partenariats, accessibles par l’intermédiaire d’outils spécialement élaborés : les protocoles de diffusion, la plateforme en ligne, l’appli, le livret pédagogique. L’échange, l’interaction et la participation sont au cœur de la diffusion du projet comme elles sont au cœur des règles du jeu lui-même.

L’enjeu : (le critère de sélection) « assurer des partenariats et des synergies avec les organisations et institutions pertinentes, en travaillant sur des programmes, projets ou initiatives liés et associés »

Le jeu ●●● Le Komunikado : associe, dans une typologie prédéfinie, des modèles de synergies avec chaque public destinataire. Les partenaires, les institutions, les pédagogues, les enfants : l’identification des interlocuteurs pertinents au sein de ces groupes est déjà en cours, elle a été intégrée à la phase de développement du Komunikado, elle a déjà généré quantités de possibilités de lien et de développement.

Un projet opérationnel, abordable, transversal, ambitieux aux confluents des domaines éducatif, culturel, social et humain.

Main Projects / Activities

(english) ●●●…

(french) ●●●…

Ce que propose le Komunikado :

●●● Une ouverture aux langues de la Méditerranée, autour d’un plateau à l’identité graphique spécifique
●●● 130 langues du monde d’ores et déjà présentes dans la version de démonstration
●●● Un accès intuitif, sans métalangage grammatical ni prérequis linguistique
●●● Une approche visuelle de l’écrit, une approche sonore de l’oral
●●● Une dématérialisation grâce à une appli gratuite
●●● A terme : des versions FLE, EFL et Arabe…
●●● et une version Langues minoritaires du pourtour méditerranéen

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Le Komunikado sert de plateforme pour traiter différentes thématiques :

●●● Promouvoir et respecter la diversité linguistique de l’ensemble des peuples méditerranéens
●●● Protéger le patrimoine culturel immatériel des peuples minoritaires
●●● Renforcer un sentiment d’appartenance à un espace
●●● Elargir l’accès à la connaissance
●●● Diffuser l’innovation et favoriser les échanges de bonnes pratiques pédagogiques…

Ces thématiques se traduisent de manière opérationnelle par des axes de travail :

●●● La vitalisation des échanges entre jeunes hors programmes de mobilité
●●● Le renforcement des liens entre établissements scolaires de la région Méditerranée
●●● La multiplication des supports pédagogiques pour les publics handicapés et en difficulté
●●● L’intégration des langues et de l’interculturalité dans la formation professionnelle
●●● Le développement des compétences langagières et communicationnelles chez les petits…

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

●●● Les pourtours méditerranéens sont traditionnellement, et peut-être plus que jamais, un espace de flux, de dynamiques et de mouvements. Ces flux, humains et commerciaux, sont démultipliés par le contexte de mondialisation, et les ruptures que celui-ci engendre demandent une adaptation constante. De même que l’éducation au développement durable est une priorité des partenaires institutionnels de l’UpM, il est nécessaire de travailler à l’amélioration de l’intercompréhension entre les peuples, au niveau de l’individu comme du groupe social le plus proche : famille, classe, école.

●●● La Méditerranée est un espace complexe, ethniquement et culturellement divers. Le Komunikado propose une réponse opérationnelle à ces thématiques de la diversité avec une contribution aussi ludique que rigoureuse : un outil pédagogique, un jeu éducatif, dont l’objectif est de réduire les réticences éventuellement (ou inévitablement) liées aux différences ethniques, culturelles, linguistiques entre les acteurs de la région Méditerranée. En tablant sur le principe naturel de l’éveil et de la curiosité des enfants, les créateurs du jeu pensent que le Komunikado peut contribuer, à une humble échelle certes, très concrète néanmoins, à améliorer les relations entre les peuples des rives méditerranéennes.

●●● La Méditerranée est un espace politiquement hétérogène, un espace où le respect de l’altérité doit prévaloir, un espace où la mise en commun des objectifs doit aboutir de manière opérationnelle à l’amélioration du cadre de vie. Le Komunikado répond à plusieurs exigences, indissociables d’un espace cohérent : les langues y sont abordées de manière intuitive, pour réduire la nécessité de prérequis et élargir ainsi l’accès à la connaissance, d’une part ; les langues y sont abordées de manière transnationale, sans exclusion ni limitation d’autre part.

●●● La Méditerranée est un espace vivant d’apprentissages et de rencontres, où chacun peut et doit s’enrichir du contact de l’autre. Le Komunikado est un jeu qui rassemble, au-delà des disparités Nord-Sud, et apprend aussi bien aux petits français des connaissances sur l’arabe (facteur d’acceptation de la langue arabe) qu’aux petits algériens des connaissances sur le berbère (facteur de reconnaissance de la langue berbère). Il peut aussi s’adapter à des thématiques spécifiques, telles que proposées par l’UpM dans le cadre d’un éventuel partenariat.

●●● La Méditerranée est un espace confronté à des enjeux globaux et aux défis inhérents à ces enjeux. Le Komunikado est aussi un vecteur d’identification autour de la Méditerranée, un espace dont il convient de valoriser en commun les richesses humaines, culturelles, environnementales, matérielles ou immatérielles. Cette appétence pour la coopération transnationale est l’un des fondements du Komunikado.

●●● Le Komunikado s’inscrit donc à la fois dans une logique de fluidité du dialogue régional, ainsi que dans le cadre très concret du développement humain et social, par l’intermédiaire de l’éveil aux langues, aux cultures, et finalement, à la coopération internationale et transfrontalière.

La première finalité du Komunikado est la cohésion de l’approche des langues, à l’échelle internationale.
Le jeu fait la promotion d’une pédagogie ludique, transversale et transculturelle, destinée à inspirer des schémas d’enseignement. Ces schémas, déduits des capacités d’exploitation éducative du jeu, valorisent une conscience de la richesse des langues, entre diversités et rapprochements. Un guide pédagogique est prévu à destination du public des professionnels, souhaitant utiliser le Komunikado comme support, pour en optimiser la valeur éducative.

Au-delà des connaissances et compétences linguistiques et communicationnelles véhiculées par le Komunikado, les concepteurs du jeu entendent participer à la transmission d’un éveil au respect, d’une appréhension éclairée de l’altérité linguistique et culturelle. Il s’agit ici d’immerger les jeunes des pays membres de la région euro-méditerranéenne dans un environnement multiculturel pour, à terme, améliorer les capacités intrinsèques de chaque population à coopérer avec ses voisines, sur les plans humains, sociaux, commerciaux…

●●● Les régions de mise en œuvre du projet :
• développement et coordination : France
• co-développement, traduction, production : partenaires situées dans les pays membres
• diffusion : Etats membres

Les créateurs du Komunikado ont voulu un concept transnational, pour répondre à des problématiques d’intégration et de coopération régionales, dans l’objet du jeu, comme dans ses méthodes.

●●● Les acteurs locaux ont donc un rôle fondamental de réappropriation, d’adaptation et de distribution du projet.
Des échanges ont déjà été eu lieu avec des structures de plusieurs pays membres : en France bien sûr, mais aussi en Espagne, en Italie, en Bulgarie, en Grèce, en Algérie, au Liban. Ces approches se sont traduites par la conclusion de plusieurs accords de coopération. Elles ont surtout permis de valider la démarche dans son ensemble : le Komunikado, ses publics et ses modes de diffusion.

●●● La production du Komunikado doit être prévue auprès d’une structure méditerranéenne, pour faire bénéficier le tissu économique local des retombées positives.
Ex. : les matières premières, qui doivent valoriser les ressources locales et les filières courtes : elles sont une contribution à la vitalité d’une production responsable à partir de matériaux recyclés.
Ex.2 : le développement de l’appli, et d’autres appels à des compétences externalisées, sont concentrés dans la région.

●●● Enfin, la traduction en certaines des langues parlées au sein des Etats membres ne peut se faire que par l’intermédiaire d’une expertise locale.
D’un point de vue pédagogique, les partenaires du projet auront par ailleurs un rôle
• d’adaptation,
• d’initiative,
• de proposition,
• de soutien,
• de co-conception.
Leur intervention, intégrée à un projet polymorphe et évolutif, est prévue à travers différents canaux participatifs : la plateforme appli + base de données, le livret d’accompagnement…

●●● Le projet peut ainsi, en parallèle, être dupliqué par les partenaires locaux, et ses possibilités démultipliées par les extensions, initiées par ces partenaires locaux, qui suivent des thématiques subrégionales.

●●● Le Komunikado est donc un projet multinational et intégrateur dans ses objectifs éducatifs, comme dans ses méthodes. Il est euro-méditerranéen jusque dans son graphisme, spécialement élaboré pour renforcer l’identification et soutenir les axes régionaux de développement interculturels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thibault Brackers de Hugo
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Thibault Brackers de Hugo
Contact (2) Full Name
Marion Ghibaudo
Job Title (2)
Project designer

Douban Professional Dance

National Network

Jerusalem ,Beit Hanina , Taha Husein st
Collage Des Freres
Palestinian Territories

+972 504534800
Telephone (other)
+ 972 504450851
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 504534800
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 972 504450851
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Douban Structure : The word ‘Douban’ originates from an exquisite Persian dancing performance style, which used to be performed in front of Persian rulers on special occasions by the most professional dancers of the court. The Company was founded in the end of 2012, by a young talented dancer who believe in the power of movements more than words in developing society and bring people together, in addition he addressed thirst for arts in the Palestinian society that needed to be quench. Douban Professional Dance was founded as non- profit organization that both stuff and dancers were volunteering. Douban started with 16 young talent girls and 3 compassionate choreographers and teachers. Today Douban is comprised of more than 50 committed Palestinian young dancers from all areas of East Jerusalem and the west bank who have trained together for several years. Douban dancers are still volunteering however Douban are providing them with high quality dance education, teachers and opportunities. In addition, The Company adminastration and artistic Stuff grow as well, in the result of the dramatic development of the company , the company artistic staff now is composed of 12 experienced teachers in various fields ,and 4 volunteering employees in administration . Besides our network extended vastly to move from local to international. Douban Resource: The Group implement via few resources , since douban group is non profit organization ,and depends on itself to generate money enable it to function in a challenge diverse society ,and provide different artistic services to the community. However it was not easy to sustain ,but fortunately Douban evolve a viral positive reputation among society and still executing a high-end quality in providing art services , creating and performing artistic productions , protecting and guid the development of Palestinian folklore by implementing several researches, inhabiting the art culture in the community .Thanks to our long-term partner "Collage Des Freres" who provide us with the space and administrative services . As we said before the group generates funds independently ,determining on four sources , the first and the major one is the Artistic director/ Main Choreographer who believed in the Company role from the beginning and volunteer his time ,skills , and technique to the Company .The second major one is from the revenues generated by different Dance courses we are offering to kids ,youth, and adults in Palestine who contribute resealable fees .Besides ,we count on the revenues from the tickets selling and performances. The third source is the community itself ,which support and motivate us financially ,physically, and emotionally by funding some events expenses , spread the word out to reach and influence new participants/audiences ,and offering help to develop the company. Douban specialization & Work: Douban is a specialized group that performs a variety of both local and international styles of dance. With artistic and cultural development as a core belief, the group combines the expressive style of modern dance, with classical and folkloric dance. As an integral part of the social, cultural and artistic mosaic of Jerusalem, the group seeks to tackle social issues by conveying positive messages through the production of integrated theatrical dance performances. Our dance Company has a firm belief that through our commitment and creativity we can develop society to tackle local, regional and international issues. In 2014, the group produced and performed a show titled “Desert Dream”, which was a modern dance style that infused Palestinian traditional “dabkeh” dance with modern and Flamenco dance. The show aimed to trigger constructive thinking based on unity and group achievements. It allowed the audience to reject deformed social habits and to break the silence. It put forward women talents with youthful enthusiasm. The performance involved more than 40 young dancers (14-22 years old). The show was performed among 3 years in Jerusalem, Birzeit, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Nazareth as well as during the cultural week festival 2014 in Kuwait. Building on this experience and with the help of trainers from several parts of the world, Douban Troup was able to produce their second production under the name of SALAL, which addresses the most sensitive issues within the Middle East. This performance was a journey in itself; it was capable to bring 145 artists within art field, from around the world to corporate and put their unique signature into the project, which result in unique creative performance, and music Cd. Besides our preforming company, Douban Professional Dance is providing dance and Folk Program in schools, intuitions and clubs. Douban is now cover 12 organizations with dance & folk lessons, and artistic support, which influence more than 1200 students, and these students are our seeds for change. Not only that but also Douban volunteers its capabilities to different non profit/public organization in Palestine providing their end-beneficiary with performances, researches and dance classes.

Mission and Objectives

Douban Professional Dance produces and presents high quality of unique visual arts that tackle social issues faced by the community. It aims to enhance the infrastructure of the Palestinian society through arts, found creative space that incubates artist and talents within a challenged diverse community. Aims A. Enhancing the professional dancing through specialized training courses and programs. B. Find a creative space and turn it into home (space for creating, teaching, and preforming) C. Building the capacity of dance performance in schools and arts centers. D. Enhancing the role of youth at the awareness level through arts and cultural performance E. Promoting the professional dance in Palestine and in the region. F. Building expertise among the local trainers by sharing thoughts, join events with dancers and companies worldwide G. Being the address for all artist in the field, that bring them together under a creative umbrella H. Composing masterpieces using dance fusions to tackle political, economical, and social issue faced in our region. I. Represent Palestine all over the world (new way –artistic) being a hub of Palestinian Arts over the world (to change the world point of view of Palestinian) Objective 1 (Aim A) Create the first dance school that provides high quality dance service in Palestine and the region. Objective 2 (Aim E) Providing professional dance classes for Palestinians citizens no matter the age and experience. Objective 3(Aim A) Developing a strong unique dance curriculum, and let it be part of the education in Palestine Objective 4(Aim F & A) Forming a strong relationship between our school and schools in Europe, providing the school and the students with more opportunities and learning methods. Objective 5 (Aim D & C) Working with more schools and other bodies in Palestine to provide dance education and outreach work for a diverse range of young people. Objective 6(Aim D & E) Develop more art programs, which adapt to the different youth interest that will enable us to reach wider range of young people with different interest. Objective 7(Aim H, D, & E) Researching and investigating existing and potential audience, improving our dialogue with them, make it easier for them to engage, and let them part in taking decisions related to our services and performances Objective 8(Aim I, H, G, F & E) Producing high-level productions, by creating pathways for inspiring ideas to move, and to work with partners to ensure maximum exposure for productions Objective 9(Aim E) Increasing performances by 30%, which will enable us to reach more audience base, more locations, more recognition (reputation) and more sources.

Main Projects / Activities

Salal Production SALAL is a full-length show that reflects the cultural and social diversity of Jerusalem throughout history. Starting from creation, Douban’s approach to interpreting common historical tales is unique; in keeping with the theme of coexistence and equality, for instance, Lilith was not made from Adam, rather they were made together to form a life-long partnership. The culmination of which is to show how the city of Jerusalem has benefited from its diversity and how this diversity has shaped our current identity as Jerusalemites. Through each gate into the old city, a group of dancers representing different cultures (Armenian, African, Moroccan, Egyptian ,Gypsies) will perform dances that reflect various styles of traditional and contemporary dance, and through storytelling and movement will show how evil can be overcome when people focus on common human values and work together as a community. Douban Troup was Capable to produce their second production which addresses the most sensitive issues within the Middle East with the help of more than 100 artists from around the world who shared common believe in humanity and translated it in their own unique artistic approach. Studio Project The Studio project will provide an artistic angle which offer more space and services to our Jerusalemite community without any constraints ,offering a creative fun space, to join and spend quality time . As well as offer youth talented Palestinians high quality dance education which enable them to pass all dance exams and grow as an artist without the need to travel outside to gain this knowledge. Besides, gathering the community under the same ceiling, and unify them by their passion of moving, discovering, and belonging. Along with, protect youth form the challenge diverse community they are living in, and rise their awareness towards several issues occurring within the community, such as empowering young females through dance ,and support them with the various recourses, plus contain young males within a positive environment ,which will result in motivating them to be better version of themselves, and guard them from the risk they are facing in their community (drug using, behavioral and family problems- Jerusalem have a high present of divorce).Moreover found an art gang within our community. Lessa Fi Amal Project Hope will never die…. It is a voluntary project whose original idea started from inside Douban group with the aim of contributing towards the revival of the human spirit in our Palestinian villages which have been evicted since 1948… this project shall help to revive the Palestinian memory with a modern spirit, fully determined to bring life back to these wonderful villages which are considered an indispensible part of our Palestinian, Arab and international identity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Tams
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Hanna Tams
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilda Zabaneh
Job Title (2)
Public Relation Manager