Strategic Advisor & Action Researcher - Culture, Territorial Development & SDGs

National Network

Via bellonci 11
44123 Ferrara FE

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
General Information

Social Architect and Action Researcher designing and contributing to spaces and organizations where people are able to share and combine talents for collective and innovative problem solving regarding future urban resilience through mechanisms of cultural regeneration and circular economy. I design processes/interventions and support proposals that allow disruptors and underserved communities to speak up to regenerate their milieux through Culture and SDGs.

Social Architect and Action Researcher, since 2013, I made part of multi-sectorial approaches where urban placemaking and transversal fields of culture interact to shape inclusive development strategies in the EU-Med context. In this frame, I collaborate with organizations for cultural exchange, active citizenship and research platform for urban advocacy and policy-making as well as Universities (e.g. MitOst, NAHNOO, UNIFI, USEK (Untill 2019), Urbego (Untill 2018)) to explore the impact levels and roles of culture, urban planning and education in shaping sustainable regeneration scenarios for territories and fostering intercultural dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

Social Architect and Action Researcher designing and contributing to spaces and organizations where people are able to share and combine talents for collective and innovative problem solving regarding future urban resilience through mechanisms of cultural regeneration and circular economy. I design processes/interventions and support proposals (including support for EU funding proposals) that allow disruptors and underserved communities to speak up to regenerate their milieux through Culture and SDGs.

Main Projects / Activities

Design and Implementation of participatory urban planning, action research and cultural regeneration process in the context of a research and advocacy platform for policymaking on topics related to culture regeneration, community and youth participation and intercultural dialogue:

- Support for Mitost - active citizenship & cultural Exchange Organization - pluriannual Programs on intercultural dialogue, cultural exchange in underserved areas of MENA region ( Thaqafa Dayer Maydoor) and "Tandem 360".

- Developing a participatory Rural tourism strategy in Qrayeh, South Lebanon. U N D P I Peace building project I Mechanisms for social stability in South Lebanon (NAHNOO, Leb)

- Participatory Action Research on Lebanese Craftsmanship & insights for policymaking to preserve intangible heritage, Armenian district of Bourj Hammoud, Beirut, Lebanon (NAHNOO, Leb)

- “Protecting our future: a Youth-Led approach to the preservation and promotion of Lebanese Cultural Heritage”. In the frame of a partnership between Search for common ground, Nahnoo, Arc en Ciel and Biladi. Nahnoo’s project implementation in Sarafand and Tripoli (Otober 2017-present) I British Council Cultural Protection Fund (NAHNOO, Leb)

- Cultural activation of public space: the case of Tyre public garden (NAHNOO, Leb)

- “Youth Engagement In Beirut: from Dreams to Action”: assessment on youth engagement in the urban governance of Beirut. Co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional program Med Culture. (April 2017 - Jan 2018) (Urbego, Belgium & NAHNOO, Leb)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During my work experience, I organized and contributed to international projects, workshops, lectures, publications across Europe and its neighboring countries (eg. Beirut, Tyre, Alexandria, Vienna, Venice, Teheran, Tirana, Paris, Berlin, Lisboa, etc.). These actions took part in a diverse range of cooperation and development projects supported by EU-MED Culture, European Cultural Foundation, British Council, UK Aid, UNDP, etc. In 2017, I made part of the WeMena’s 30 finalists, the world Bank Program supporting MENA Women entrepreneurs for a resilient future. Since 2016, I am setting different collaborations in the Mediterranean region contexts (eg. between Eu, Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey) in the frame of TANDEM for Culture (European Culture Foundation Program). After 6 professional years in Europe and last 3 years in Lebanon working on community-based urban development projects and urban advocacy in parallel to my academic work, I relocated to Italy since summer 2019. I am investing this relocation as an opportunity to use my European and Mediterranean background as well as my rich network with Public stakeholders, Civil Society NGOs, Advocates, and the Academic world to support cooperation and development projects between Italy and Lebanon/MED region. For one year, and after training in EU project writing, I am active in supporting the design of cultural programs for intercultural dialogue including project proposal writing for EU funding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

My research-action oriented practice acts for sustainable development by using culture and heritage as a drive for critical planning and inclusive placemaking. Believing in strategic collaborations, ecosystemic thinking, and always engaged in research and advocacy work targeting inclusive society, Anna Lindh is a network that reflects my being. As a Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures, ALF is an environment that reflects the values I hold in my practice and my state of being in every-day life, being a Euro-Med humanist and holding meta-cultures values. ALF plays a role of a facilitator bringing people together, promoting dialogue between cultures, nurturing shared universal values, supporting the participation of citizens in building open and inclusive societies, and fostering the human dimension of the EuroMed Partnership. It is a community of practices that provides me a strong sense of belonging and a fertile space to meet similar intrapreneurs and actors. Joining the network is, definitely, for me an opportunity to join forces and energies to upscale, spread voices and actions for our sustainable inclusive future based on Cultural and local communities' empowerment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Social Architect and Action researcher

Strategic Advisor & Action Researcher - Culture, Territorial Development & SDGs

National Network

Via bellonci 11
44123 Ferrara FE

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
General Information

Social Architect and Action Researcher designing and contributing to spaces and organizations where people are able to share and combine talents for collective and innovative problem solving regarding future urban resilience through mechanisms of cultural regeneration and circular economy. I design processes/interventions and support proposals that allow disruptors and underserved communities to speak up to regenerate their milieux through Culture and SDGs.

Social Architect and Action Researcher, since 2013, I made part of multi-sectorial approaches where urban placemaking and transversal fields of culture interact to shape inclusive development strategies in the EU-Med context. In this frame, I collaborate with organizations for cultural exchange, active citizenship and research platform for urban advocacy and policy-making as well as Universities (e.g. MitOst, NAHNOO, UNIFI, USEK (Untill 2019), Urbego (Untill 2018)) to explore the impact levels and roles of culture, urban planning and education in shaping sustainable regeneration scenarios for territories and fostering intercultural dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

Social Architect and Action Researcher designing and contributing to spaces and organizations where people are able to share and combine talents for collective and innovative problem solving regarding future urban resilience through mechanisms of cultural regeneration and circular economy. I design processes/interventions and support proposals (including support for EU funding proposals) that allow disruptors and underserved communities to speak up to regenerate their milieux through Culture and SDGs.

Main Projects / Activities

Design and Implementation of participatory urban planning, action research and cultural regeneration process in the context of a research and advocacy platform for policymaking on topics related to culture regeneration, community and youth participation and intercultural dialogue:

- Support for Mitost - active citizenship & cultural Exchange Organization - pluriannual Programs on intercultural dialogue, cultural exchange in underserved areas of MENA region ( Thaqafa Dayer Maydoor) and "Tandem 360".

- Developing a participatory Rural tourism strategy in Qrayeh, South Lebanon. U N D P I Peace building project I Mechanisms for social stability in South Lebanon (NAHNOO, Leb)

- Participatory Action Research on Lebanese Craftsmanship & insights for policymaking to preserve intangible heritage, Armenian district of Bourj Hammoud, Beirut, Lebanon (NAHNOO, Leb)

- “Protecting our future: a Youth-Led approach to the preservation and promotion of Lebanese Cultural Heritage”. In the frame of a partnership between Search for common ground, Nahnoo, Arc en Ciel and Biladi. Nahnoo’s project implementation in Sarafand and Tripoli (Otober 2017-present) I British Council Cultural Protection Fund (NAHNOO, Leb)

- Cultural activation of public space: the case of Tyre public garden (NAHNOO, Leb)

- “Youth Engagement In Beirut: from Dreams to Action”: assessment on youth engagement in the urban governance of Beirut. Co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional program Med Culture. (April 2017 - Jan 2018) (Urbego, Belgium & NAHNOO, Leb)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During my work experience, I organized and contributed to international projects, workshops, lectures, publications across Europe and its neighboring countries (eg. Beirut, Tyre, Alexandria, Vienna, Venice, Teheran, Tirana, Paris, Berlin, Lisboa, etc.). These actions took part in a diverse range of cooperation and development projects supported by EU-MED Culture, European Cultural Foundation, British Council, UK Aid, UNDP, etc. In 2017, I made part of the WeMena’s 30 finalists, the world Bank Program supporting MENA Women entrepreneurs for a resilient future. Since 2016, I am setting different collaborations in the Mediterranean region contexts (eg. between Eu, Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey) in the frame of TANDEM for Culture (European Culture Foundation Program). After 6 professional years in Europe and last 3 years in Lebanon working on community-based urban development projects and urban advocacy in parallel to my academic work, I relocated to Italy since summer 2019. I am investing this relocation as an opportunity to use my European and Mediterranean background as well as my rich network with Public stakeholders, Civil Society NGOs, Advocates, and the Academic world to support cooperation and development projects between Italy and Lebanon/MED region. For one year, and after training in EU project writing, I am active in supporting the design of cultural programs for intercultural dialogue including project proposal writing for EU funding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

My research-action oriented practice acts for sustainable development by using culture and heritage as a drive for critical planning and inclusive placemaking. Believing in strategic collaborations, ecosystemic thinking, and always engaged in research and advocacy work targeting inclusive society, Anna Lindh is a network that reflects my being. As a Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures, ALF is an environment that reflects the values I hold in my practice and my state of being in every-day life, being a Euro-Med humanist and holding meta-cultures values. ALF plays a role of a facilitator bringing people together, promoting dialogue between cultures, nurturing shared universal values, supporting the participation of citizens in building open and inclusive societies, and fostering the human dimension of the EuroMed Partnership. It is a community of practices that provides me a strong sense of belonging and a fertile space to meet similar intrapreneurs and actors. Joining the network is, definitely, for me an opportunity to join forces and energies to upscale, spread voices and actions for our sustainable inclusive future based on Cultural and local communities' empowerment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Social Architect and Action researcher

Career and Development Institute

National Network
Czech Republic

25263 Roztoky

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Career and Development Institute is a nonprofit organization focusing on career and personal development projects, starting with elementary school students at the end of their studies (8th and 9th grades) but focused mainly on the high school students over the whole Czech Republic.

Mission and Objectives

Our ambition is for early age students to make their own career choices – consciously and based on their interests and talents and to encourage them to aim high and reach long in their career growth, through positive reinforcement, critical thinking, and professional support. In this way, we also help to ensure that more young adults contribute to the economic, civic, and social vitality of the Czech Republic.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is Karié An online learning platform designed primarily for students. The platform contains descriptions of different professions, motivational videos, podcasts, articles from experts, and students. All of it is completed by information about current career and self-development opportunities (development projects, scholarship programs, excursions and internships, study abroad, etc.) shred at the social media. We are dedicated to providing them opportunities to participate in quality educational events and meet professionals in the field from whom they can learn. The aim of the platform is to inspire and motivate young people – especially students – to be proactive, pursue their interests and talents in their own careers, to show them the opportunities they have, and to inspire them. As one of the focuses of our organization is to develop effective cross-sectorial co-operation, we are also trying to make young people think critically about the content that they are receiving, find their way in their confusing small worlds and empower them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We offer a partnership and cooperation with other NGOs and companies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be a part of the network, share the knowledge, participate in the movement and empower others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kateřina Solmaz
Head of the organisation
Katerina Solmaz
Contact (2) Full Name
Kateřina Solmaz
Job Title (2)
Leading Manager

Institut kariéry a rozvoje, z. s.

National Network
Czech Republic

Zaorálkova 591
25263 Roztoky

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Career and Development Institute is a nonprofit organization focusing on career and personal development projects, starting with elementary school students at the end of their studies (8th and 9th grades) but focused mainly on the high school students over the whole Czech Republic. Currently, we have a team of 5 volunteers plus a crew established from students.
We are a new organization applying for grants and establishing partnerships.

Mission and Objectives

Our ambition is for early age students to make their own career choices – consciously and based on their interests and talents and to encourage them to aim high and reach long in their career growth, through positive reinforcement, critical thinking, and professional support. In this way, we also help to ensure that more young adults contribute to the economic, civic, and social vitality of the Czech Republic.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main project is Karié An online learning platform designed primarily for students. The platform contains descriptions of different professions, motivational videos, podcasts, articles from experts, and students. All of it is completed by information about current career and self-development opportunities (development projects, scholarship programs, excursions and internships, study abroad, etc.) shred at the social media. We are dedicated to providing them opportunities to participate in quality educational events and meet professionals in the field from whom they can learn.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are cooperating in NGO´s and companies in our country. We offer them partnerships, publishing their content and events on our websites and social media. Our goal is to cooperate not compete as we think there are enough and high-quality programs for the students, we want to help to spread the knowledge about them.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that the communities and networks are helping us and everyone participating to learn from each other, it is opening our eyes, showing us different approach and ways.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kateřina Solmaz
Job Title
Leading Manager
Head of the organisation
Kateřina Solmaz

Training Without Borders

National Network

11 Mohammed Tawfik Wahba St.
Cairo Governorate

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

TWB is an Egyptian non-governmental organization based in Cairo, founded and run by active young people with the aim of developing the skills and techniques of young people in all fields to be able to face the changing environment in our community and in elsewhere communities. Our members have participated in different youth exchanges, seminars and training courses concerning equality, media impact, innovation, fight against racism, human rights and migration. Members of TWB meet regularly to put their ideas into practice and develop new projects and activities. All the activities are organized by volunteers and voluntarily. The main age group of members is from 1 5  to 40 + people working with young people without age limit. Many members of our NGO come from rural and remote areas and from this point we give our priority to the people with fewer opportunities either geographical or educational obstacles. We sincerely believe that youngsters are the future makers whose enthusiasm should be encouraged and well-guided to lead mobilize and evolve the community and we all work for this purpose.

Mission and Objectives

- Promoting Non-Formal Education and implementing interactive workshops as well as networking activities for youngsters with fewer opportunities to become open-minded citizens in their local communities.
- Developing youth skills through trainings, courses, workshops to be able to compete in the labor market to minimize the problem of unemployment by small enterprises.
- Creating international network of young people to share ideas, thoughts, cultures, languages, friendships.
- Promoting human rights and emotional intelligence among youngsters.
- Spreading the culture of implementation of NFE on in every scale of life.
- Promoting culture of peace, non-violent dialogues and freedom of expression
- Emerging the role of sport to unify the people against cultures’ stereotypes

Main Projects / Activities

- Leadership workshops for making own initiatives and enterprises
- Human development training courses and workshops for social entrepreneurship
- Partnerships with national institutions for further incubation of small projects
- Developing culture of dialogue and Euro-Med partnerships under Erasmus +

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Work to promote the mandate of the network and help also in introduce it to more people and working NGO.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It's a massive network that could introduce my organization to others who are working on similar fields in addition to the network could play a huge role in information sharing and increasing the visibility of members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Hamdy
Job Title
Head of Euro-Med unit
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Mansour
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Hany
Job Title (2)
Deputy of Euro-Med unit


National Network

18008 GRANADA Granada

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

AIFED is a regional organization working in the field of education, culture, inclusion and employment in Granada, Spain. It is an initiative of some experimented educators to create a non-profitable association with a humanist character, which increases entrepreneurship training, based in experiences of our campaign worker to make a good corporate resume.

We work mainly in the promotion and management of training, innovation and employment on different fields of education, culture and active ageing. We have a large experience working with professional and personal itineraries through formation for adults and young people in order to strengthen their skills.

Our budget in 2019 is 70.534 €, mainly from ERASMUS PLUS program (in several kinds of projects). Normal about 17 volunteers are involved in our activities, three paid workers, and internships coming from Universities from France and Italy

AIFED participates with other local, regional, national and international agencies in organizing activities and training for innovation and access to employment, to improve in the present employ or to make their own employ.
AIFED develops European and national programs, cultural activities and employment support. We promote the development and promotion of Improve Programs and support e- learning in the vocational education and training.
AIFED, also, has largely work in the field of update on training, and we count with specialist in this area, including the intercultural phenomenon too.
AIFED has participated as lead partner for dissemination, designing strategies for dissemination, creating templates, publishing articles, being active on social media.
this year Aifed are working with more than 45 partners from Tunisia, UE, Turkey, Ucrania, Armenia y Georgia.
AIFED participates with other local, regional, national and international agencies in organizing activities and training for innovation and access to job market to improve the employment perspectives of the target groups or to help them become entrepreneurs.
AIFED develops European and national programs, cultural activities and offers employment support. The organisation works to develop Improvement Platforms and supports e-learning activities in vocational educational training.
AIFED has participated as lead partner in the activities related to dissemination, designing strategies of integrated communication, creating templates, publishing articles etc., making use of modern tools for spreading the projects results as far as possible.

Mission and Objectives

With over 12 years of experience, AIFED makes use of strong expertise in working with various target groups in different fields of training and educational programs. Among the previous groups AIFED has been working for, we can mention: Youth programs, long term unemployed young people, adults in risk of social exclusion, adults in need of improving key skills, disadvantaged youth, physically disabled people, immigrants, refugees, women at risk, delinquents, people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, children and youth from unstructured families.
In this moment we are committed to improve entrepreneurships skills with the EntreComp Framework in young people, not only to create enterprises, but to generate the skills needed to be independent, to participate actively in building a better society, to motivate young people to react against the problem. In this aftershock coronavirus, this work seemed a must for us.
Moreover, AIFED counts on its experience in developing local and regional activities in the field of training, culture, employment in its wide experience of implementing outreach actions, needs assessments, developing studies and manuals, research reports and studies.

Main Projects / Activities

AIFED has specialized in developing new teaching and training methodologies using ICT and developing online digital platforms that offer training and teaching for the acquisition of new competences for the above-mentioned target groups.
AIFED has delivered more than 50 training courses for teachers in Andalusia, and Murcia through an agreement with the National Centre of Vocational Education of Cartagena
More than 100 events at local level in Andalusia region were organised by AIFED promoting knowledge about the European Union, its policies and institutions.
In the field of Capacity Building projects under Erasmus+ and previous programmes such as LLP, AIFED has been a member of the consortium in over 30 projects (currently 13 in implementation phase).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that we can benefit from a partnership like this, learning and reflecting, and, at the same time, contributing our Know-how in the contribution of parallel objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The similarity of objectives makes us sure that it will be a source of knowledge for us.
AIFEd participates actively in other networks such as the Euromediterranean Women Foundation, ETF from Turin, Epale, Cedefop, etc.
We always learn and think new ideas and vision from our work in these contexts

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)


National Network

18008 GRANADA Granada

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

AIFED work in international projects since 2009. Normal we are about 15 volunteers involved, three o four paid workers, and we receive about four intenship by agreement with some universities from France and Italy.
Our annual budget 2019= 65182.67€. FROM ERASMUS PLUS - EACEA. EUROPEAN COMMISION

ERASMUS PLUS KA2 and ERASMUS PLUS ka 104 teachers formation.
In 2019 we have worked with 72 partners from all Europe, and Tunisisa, Georgia, Ucrania and Armenia

Mission and Objectives

AIFED is non-governmental organisation working at regional, national and European level in the field of education, culture, inclusion and employment. It is based in Granada, Spain. The organisation was set up at the initiative of experimented educators and teachers with the aim to create a non-profit association with a humanist character, which increases entrepreneurship training and promotes equal opportunities for all society members.
The NGO works on management and innovation of training together with employment programs for different sectors of activities. It focuses and develops its activities in education - training, culture and active aging. The organisation has a wide experience in developing personal and professional path ways trough training delivered to adults and young people with the goal of strengthening their competences in various areas.
AIFED is a very active association in citizenships initiatives, work really close to the Public Authorities in our region organizing events and conferences to promote an active participation in society for young people. Las year, we are organized conferences and events in the framework of the project NEW WALLS BROKEN, with more than sixty young people in Granada to discuss about the walls are separating UE. On the other hand, we have prepared (but Coronavirus situation has cancelled), an exposition about the ELBLAG (Poland) reconstruction, “ELBLAG, THE RETROVERTED CITY” in the Faculty of Arquitecture of Granada, as a model for our present, about the capacity of European citizens to rebuild ourself.
The NGO team is formed by expert teachers, trainers and project managers. The team is experienced in creating learning programs for teachers, staff of educational institutions, adults and youth. The organisation has a string networks and links with different stakeholders and works with public administration, private institutions and schools in Granada region. The NGO develops programs for teachers that work with adults and youngsters in risk of social exclusion or disadvantaged groups of the population. In this framework, the NGO has collaborated and created tools, methodologies and games as instrument of development for disadvantaged groups of people.
In the field of new technologies and ICT, AIFED has developed interactive web platforms in the framework of several projects. These platforms aim at improving the key skills of young people by making use of non-formal education, including videos, animations and innovative teaching materials that were embedded in these platforms.
We have participated in some project about care, working close to sanitary organizations in Granada. Not only sanitary issues, now we are developing a project about Mutual care between women victims of domestic violence.
AIFED participates with other local, regional, national and international agencies in organizing activities and training for innovation and access to job market to improve the employment perspectives of the target groups or to help them become entrepreneurs.
AIFED develops European and national programs, cultural activities and offers employment support. The organisation works to develop Improvement Platforms and supports e-learning activities in vocational educational training.
AIFED has participated as lead partner in the activities related to dissemination, designing strategies of integrated communication, creating templates, publishing articles etc., making use of modern tools for spreading the projects results as

Main Projects / Activities

With over 12 years of experience, AIFED makes use of strong expertise in working with various target groups in different fields of training and educational programs. Among the previous groups AIFED has been working for, we can mention: Youth programs, long term unemployed young people, adults in risk of social exclusion, adults in need of improving key skills, disadvantaged youth, physically disabled people, immigrants, refugees, women at risk, delinquents, people with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, children and youth from unstructured families.
In this moment we are committed to improve entrepreneurships skills with the EntreComp Framework in young people, not only to create enterprises, but to generate the skills needed to be independent, to participate actively in building a better society, to motivate young people to react against the problem. In this aftershock coronavirus, this work seemed a must for us.
Moreover, AIFED counts on its experience in developing local and regional activities in the field of training, culture, employment in its wide experience of implementing outreach actions, needs assessments, developing studies and manuals, research reports and studies.
AIFED members are experienced in all project phases, from design, implementation and reporting. AIFED also has experienced members in the dissemination field, being able to develop and implement integrated communication strategies in order to spread projects results and outputs to as various target groups as possible.
During the course of the year, AIFED has developed training, teaching and support materials for teachers and project managers, for schools and higher professional education institutions such as college and universities.
AIFED has specialized in developing new teaching and training methodologies using ICT and developing online digital platforms that offer training and teaching for the acquisition of new competences for the above-mentioned target groups.
AIFED has delivered more than 50 training courses for teachers in Andalusia, and Murcia through an agreement with the National Centre of Vocational Education of Cartagena
More than 100 events at local level in Andalusia region were organised by AIFED promoting knowledge about the European Union, its policies and institutions.
In the field of Capacity Building projects under Erasmus+ and previous programmes such as LLP, AIFED has been a member of the consortium in over 30 projects (currently 13 in implementation phase).
The key elements that make AIFED a strong partner are: its capacity to innovate, use design thinking and solution-oriented approach that it applies as part of its regular processes; networking capacity and strong links with the most important institutions in Granada, being able to involve a wide variety of stakeholders (private and public institutions) in the activities it is implementing; the team of experts that work for the NGO - teachers, trainers, project managers, entrepreneurs and experts in various fields.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Aifed brings to this network an experience of eleven years working around the world on issues that coincide with the objectives of the Foundation we are addressing.
AIFED is an organization that actively participates in other networks such as the EUROMEDITERRANEAN WOMEN FOUNDATION, ETF of Turin, Cedefop, Epale, Salto, among others.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our request is in relation to our similarity of objectives and to the security that our belonging to this network will greatly improve our knowledge and competence, and as far as we can as a small association we will contribute our know-how to the partnership
Thanks in advance.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
MARIA JOSE martinez gonzalez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Project management


National Network
Slovak Republic

Cizmarska 782/3
07801 Secovce

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

EDU 4 U is a non-governmental organization- association that was established to support and satisfy the educational, social and cultural needs of different target groups.The aim of the organization is to provide and promote the activities on local, national and international level in the field of education, social and cultural activities as well as to promote friendly relationship with foreign countries. The organization works in the town of Sečovce, in the eastern part of Slovakia, near Košice which was the European Capital of Culture in 2013. Our organization was established to enable different target groups to develop their personalities and become active in the society they live in. The key persons are active in the field of education. They work at schools and apart from that focus on carreer guidance for students. They also have experiences in international projects as being the members of the project team. As all key staff are active in working with the youth they especially focus on the activities to promote effective and useful spending free time.

Mission and Objectives

The activities of our organization are divided into the following groups: 1. Education and after school activities - to promote activities and education on different levels as well as lifelong education in different fields, - to promote education of disabled and disadvantaged groups, - to promote e-learning as an important educational tool, - to promote education and create opportunities for marginal groups, - to organize cultural, social and sport activities leading to the global education, development, cooperation and help, - to promote cultural, sport and art activities, - to create conditions and backgrounds for tourism and services and to promote our region. 2. Health protection and well-being: -to promote healthy lifestyle and prevent illnesses through education, -to promote safe and friendly educational environment and fight bullying. 3. Development of social responsibility: -to promote democratic principles and values, - to promote communication and dialogue in community, - to promote communication and cooperation on national as well as international level in different fields of life.

Main Projects / Activities

EDU 4 U promotes international cooperation and intercultural dialogue, guidance and counselling in personal and professional life as well as it makes the bridge between the education and labour market by adopting innovative methods of education and providing second chance education and requalification. EDU 4 U cooperates and promotes collaboration with and among schools, leisure centres, sport clubs, labour offices and municipal authorities. It encourages different social classes (seniors, unemployed people, marginal groups) to spend their free time effectively and meaningfully. It provides the opportunity for all no matter the age, gender, social, religional and political background. EDU 4 U pays special attention to the people that are disadvantaged from geographical, social, cultural or medical point of view. EDU 4 U also provides cooperation between schools and future potential employers with the aim to reduce unemployment. EDU 4 U provides activities for the youth with the aim to prevent negative social phenomena like early school leaving, crime, violence and addictions. It encourages the youth to spend their free time actively, effectively and usefuly to develop their personality in many aspects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to develop the main activities that we normally do and improve the quality of youth work especially. We believe that by implementing the future projects we can promote international cooperation as well.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to establish the cooperation with the other organizations in the future projects and in this way promote peace, understanding and tolerance between people of different origins, social, cultural and educational background.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucia Mikulova
Job Title
legal representative
Head of the organisation
Lucia Mikulova

Association Solidarite Echange et Developpement ( ASED )

National Network

ASED Residence jeunesse 21 corniche sousse 4000
4000 sousse

+216 98 98 39 48
Telephone (other)
+216 52033375
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ASED has been working with various NGOs in different parts of the world, but it has been
especially working with interesting networks such as la Francophonie , Anna Lindh
Foundation, Erasmus +program, it has taken part in many trainings organised by SaltoEuromed that took place in different parts of Europe.
Through our various activities , we try to provide opportunities for Tunisian young people
so as to take part in national as well as international mobility youth work activities
including training courses, seminars, youth exchanges, voluntary work. We also actively
seek to involve more young Tunisians in community life locally, nationally and
internationally. We strongly believe that such activities would help Tunisian young people
build their personality, enhance their sense of solidarity, sharing, tolerance , acceptance of
differences, openness,etc . Our main target is young Tunisians aged between 15 and 30
years. Our main activities are creating clubs in cooperation with various partner
organizations dealing with various topics (social, environmental , cultural, etc ) , organising
circles of debate and discussions for young people to discuss current issues having to do
with youth interests but also to introduce them to questions like fight against racism ,
xenophobia and segregation, understanding citizenship and active participation in civil
society, culture of peace , democracy, mutual respect of human rights and tolerance. We
also organize training sessions and skills development trainings related to the
aforementioned themes.

Mission and Objectives

Our participants are also working as trainers mostly in the area of enhancing
entrepreneurial skills and initiatives. Our target group is mainly youngsters at the age of
16 to 30 years.Our leaders have participated in several trainings about volunteering, but
still want to enlarge their know-how by sharing with other youth workers from the
partner-countries and create new follow-up projects so as to promote and develop EVS
projects in terms of hosting and as sending …
For evs and during 2018/2019 we hosted more than 24 EU volunteers and also sent more than 13
Tunisian volunteers to EU countries .

Main Projects / Activities

we are actif in erasmus+ program and we area ccredate for hosting evs and qualite label for ESC during 2019 we host 24 volunteers in tunisia and sent 13 tunisian volunteers also we host 2 erasmus youth exchange in tunisia ( german and austrian National agency ) here aa list of our last activities .....
N Project number Partner Project Place
01 2017-2-TR01-KA105-047296 BTBO Bursa /
EVS Tunisia
02 2016-3-TR01-KA105-036679 IYAACA
Ankara /
EVS Tunisia
03 2018-1-TR01-KA125-057439 IYAACA
Ankara /
EVS Tunisia
04 2017-2-FR02-KA135-013274 PistesSolidaires /
EVS Tunisia
05 2017-2-TR01-KA105-047296 BTBO Bursa /
EVS Tunisia
06 2017-2-FR02-KA135-013274 PistesSolidaires /
EVS Tunisia
07 2018-2-TR01-KA125-060374 Sahipsiz
Koruma ve
Derneği / Sinop
EVS Tunisia
08 2017-2-TR01-KA135-046957 GEGED
EVS Turkey
09 2017-2-BG01-KA135-036592 Inspiration /
EVS Bulgaria
10 2017-1-TR01-KA135-046957 GEGED
APV Turkey
11 Together for a better future Jugendzentru
m Perg -Austria
TC Kraskadar Russia
12 Le volontariat au service de la
coopération EuroMéditerranéenne
Une Terre
Culturelle /
TC Tanger / Morocoo
13 Oh Brother, Who are you Propósito
TC Portalegre / Portugal
14 The bark allegory Propósito
YE Portugal
15 NGO Management &
Koruma ve
Derneği /
TC Sinop/Turkey
16 2018-3-AT02-KA105-002320 Jugendzentru
m Perg -Austria
YE Nefta/ Tunisia
17 Project number:
Project title: Life Goes On
EVS Sinop / Turkey
18 Oh Brother, Who are you
ART 9 Turin
/ Italy
Seminar Turin / Italy
19 Discovering diversity -discovering fairy tales
Cc 2019-2-DE04-KA105-018177
Ikja /
Youth Exchange Hannover /
20 Re-GREEN your future”
Project Code:
2019-2-DE04-K A 105-018159
Ikja /
Youth Exchange Nefta / Tunisia
21 Project number:
Project title:
Experience the Change
National Agency:
Agenzia Nazionale per i
ei, supporting
Address: Via
11/C, 40127
(BO), Italy

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

sure we will share our experience of management of youth projects
also our members most of them work in the field of youth and culture ...
sure we will an add value to the network and we will try to develop the association life in Tunisia and every where .....

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we do like to join ALF network to know more partner in the Mediterranean area and collaborate with them for the benefit of the Tunisian young people and youth in the world
and collaborate with the rest of the network for the best of the youth world ...

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Director of youth centre
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Oumaima Bokchari
Job Title (2)
student master journalist in sousse university ( last year )

مؤسسة أرماء المقدسية

National Network

شارع خلة مشعل 23- بيت حنينا - القدس
Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

The Armaa Jerusalem Community Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to sustainable development for population of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Armaa The Armaa Jerusalem Community Foundation is a non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to sustainable development for population of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Armaa has developed a solid reputation and track record of excellent performance since 2014. It is the only community organization working to promote reading, writing and critical thinking as a way to develop the community both economically and socially in East Jerusalem and the West Bank (and particularly in the area C). It works day after day to improve the quality of Education in the local community as a regular partner for a web of six hundred schools (600) schools and four (4) Palestinian Universities in the fragmented area community organization working to promote reading, writing and critical thinking as a way to develop the community both economically and socially in East Jerusalem and the West Bank (and particularly in the area C). It works day after day to improve the quality of Education in the local community as a regular partner for a web of six hundred schools (600) schools and four (4) Palestinian Universities in the fragmented area.

Mission and Objectives

Enhance reading and develop reading skills. - Develop the skills of creative writing. - Strengthening the multi-level thinking skills. - Developing the skills of workers who work with children and guide their efforts towards the enhancement of reading and research. - Enhance communication trends and diversity, and accepting differences among children. - Advocate for children's issues by spreading their stories in order to be known locally and internationally. - Strengthen the presence of Jerusalem on the cultural creativity level of Palestinian children. - Consolidate the spirit of voluntary work to serve and promote children issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The following relevant projects were implemented by Armaa Organization in 2016-2019: - (2019) Purchase of a van and its customization with portable shelves and some supplies (plastic chairs and tables) to turn into the “Armaa Mobile Library”. This equipment was funded thanks to a Turkish donor, Vaktikiraat organization, but it still lacks new books and more activities need to be implemented. - (2019) Workshops aiming to enhance reading skills and reading-orientated activities for children and their mothers funded by Siniora, a Palestinian private donor. - (2018) Armaa successfully implemented the first edition of the “Shatha” project, in partnership with the NGO Al-Razi. This project was funded by the Polish Aid, and was aiming first and foremost to empower young females to become professionally active as social leaders and find work opportunities within a network of schools and tourist agencies and organizations. This first stage of the “Shatha” project enabled 20 young ladies to offer professional tour guides for children, responding to a strong demand from East Jerusalem and West Bank schools. - (2015-2019) The project “Stand like an olive tree” was successfully implemented for five seasons. It aimed to enhance the attachment of Jerusalemite children to their land & cultural heritage through an educational olive picking activities performed for more than 150 classes of East Jerusalem schools. - (2017-2019) The project ”Be An Ambassador for Jerusalem” enabled teenagers from East Jerusalem secondary schools to be guided through the city with a local tour guide and to become “ambassadors” for a day through specific activities. It was funded by donations from the Palestinian private sector. - (2016- 2019) “Summer camp: by behaving well, I improve myself and my community, season 2”, “Winter camps: Castana, season 4, 5 and 6”. These projects were aiming to offer educational activities for Palestinian children from schools situated in East Jerusalem and West Bank, during the school break. The activities were supervised by a team of 45 female youth leaders trained by Armaa. They were funded by donations from the Palestinian private sector. - (2017) “Story with a Cup of Tea” funded by the Irish Representative Office. This project aimed to bring Palestinian families together to watch a story related to social issues, followed by a debate, in a safe environment. It took place every two weeks from January until May 2017.

Contact (1) Full Name
وفاء عصفور
Job Title
نائب رئيس مجلس إدارة
Head of the organisation
وفاء عصفور
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد شطلي
Job Title (2)
منسق عام