National Network

Poste centrale
80000 AGADIR

+212 660314421
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

ACEA has a Board composed of 3 members (President, Secretary General and Treasurer) elected by the General Assembly.
ACEA is linked to its main Moroccan and foreign partners by conventions signed by the president.
Since 2012, ACEA resources have fluctuated around 2 millions DH, 20%, which is distributed as follows:
- 50% of Moroccan sources, 50% of foreign sources;
- 65% of public money (Moroccan Cinema Center, Agadir City and Souss Massa Region’s councils, Embassies and foreign cultural institutes in Morocco, Foreign Cinema Centers), 20% from foundations and foreign cultural operators, 15% from Moroccan sponsors..
ACEA has no permanent employees. The preparation and implementation of its activities are carried out by freelancers. The hard core of the team is made up of 6 people who is expanding according to our calendar of activities.

Mission and Objectives

The missions of ACEA, excluding any profit, political or religious, are to:
- Initiate and implement any cultural events, festivals, meetings and shows, and more generally all activities related to cinema and audiovisual;
- Curate and organize any public screening;
- Conceive, organize, contribute to training programs, workshops with pedagogical and professional purposes, linked in particular to filmmaking (writing/production) and education in the visual image.

Goals :
- Promote documentary cinema as a vehicle for culture, education and citizenship.
- Offer quality cultural activities throughout the territory of the city of Agadir and the Souss Massa region.
- Identify the Moroccan and African documentary filmmakers of tomorrow, strengthen their capacities, support them in the development and implementation of their projects, contribute to their integration into the international documentary community.
- Contribute to the creation of real documentary film industries in the south of the Mediterranean, by developing South-South cooperation between the various zones of the African continent, the Maghreb and the Mashreq, also work to make North-South cooperation more equitable in film sector.

Main Projects / Activities

THE AGADIR INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL is the first Moroccan cinematographic event exclusively dedicated to creative documentaries.
The FIDADOC holds an international feature film competition, an African & Arab short film competition, thematic programs and special screenings (between 30 and 40 films each year, with around 15,000 non-paying spectators).
THE DOCUMENTARY BEEHICE is a training and artistic support program that takes place in two main stages: educational and professional activities during the Festival intended for sixty students and fifteen apprentice filmmakers, Pan-African writing residency (between 6 and 10 authors depending on the edition).
Organized in partnership with our colleagues from the 3 Continents Film Festival (Nantes), PRODUIRE AU SUD AGADIR is a training workshop designed to familiarize African and / or Arab author / producer pairs of a documentary feature film (5 or 6 pairs per edition) with the techniques and tools of international co-production.
TRIQ CINIMA is the FIDADOC mobile screenings program organized in the suburbs of Agadir which we have gradually extended to the whole Souss-Massa region and then completed with week-long tours organized before the festival (10-12 screenings bringing together each between 100 and 300 spectators).
SISTERS IN FILM - MENA (2019): a personal development and empowerment tool intended for 8 emerging female filmmakers from 7 countries in the MENA region, based on networking and sharing of experience between generations and territories.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Share with other members of the network our experience and expertise in film programming, professional training, image education, south-south cooperation as well as our international cultural and professional networks in these fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Benefit from the experience, expertise and networks of the other members of the ALN.
Contribute to strengthening the dynamics of south-south and south-north cooperation around the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
FALAH Hicham
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hicham FALAH, president
Contact (2) Full Name
Toufik AAJMI
Job Title (2)
Secrétaire général